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We have seen solved example 17.1 in which the design of a two-way slab was illustrated. The four edges of
that slab were simply supported. So their corners were free to lift up. If in that problem, there are walls above the
supporting walls, or if the edges are built into beams, then it will become a restrained slab. In that case, the
design procedure will be different. The corners will not be able to lift up, and we will have to provide corner bars.
The design procedure in this case is illustrated in the following solved example:
Solved example 17.2
The reinforcement details according to the above design is shown in the figs.17.40,41,42 and 43 below:
Plan view

Section AA

Section BB
Now we will discuss some features about the above figs.
X direction:
Clear span = 3700mm
Effective span lx = 3826mm
The width of the middle strip in X direction = 0.75 x 3826 =
2869.5 This can be rounded off to the higher value of 2870mm.
So the clear span in X direction can be divided as 415 +2870
+415 =3700mm
The point of bent-up is given at 0.15 x3826 =573.9 =574mm
The depth of bend = 150 -20 -4 -20 -4 =102mm. This is shown
below in fig.17.43(a)
So the horizontal extension at the top portion from the face of
the support = 574 -102 =472
The actual extension required at top portion = 0.1 lx = 0.1 x3826
This is less than 472mm. Hence OK
Bent up bar to resist hogging moment at support

Y direction:
Clear span = 4800mm
Effective span ly = 4918mm
The width of the middle strip in X direction = 0.75 x 4918 =
3688.5 This can be rounded off to the higher value of 3690mm.
So the clear span in Y direction can be marked off as 555
+3690 +555 =4800mm
The point of bent-up is given at 0.15 x4918 =737.7 =738mm
The depth of bend = 150 -20 -4 -8 -20 -4 =94mm. This is shown
in fig.17.43(b)
So the horizontal extension at the top portion from the face of
the support = 738 -94 =644
The actual extension required at top portion = 0.1 ly = 0.1 x4918

This is less than 644mm. Hence OK
In the next section, we will see the solved example of a two way slab system. Before we see that problem, we
have to discuss about fixing the preliminary slab thickness and other parameters like effective spans and
effective depths of such a system. We have seen the procedure for a simply supported slab here. There, we
multiplied 20 by a factor 1.5. We saw how the factor 1.5 is obtained. Here also, for continuous systems, 1.5 is the
same. But 20 has to be replaced by 26. Because 26 is the value of l/d(basic) for continuous systems. This is
given in cl.23.2.1 of the code. Details here. So we get:
d provided ≥ lx/(26 x 1.5).
The effective span of continuous systems should be calculated by using the provisions given in cl.22.2(b) of the
code. Details here.
Like for simply supported slabs, here also we have to use a trial and error method to determine the various
parameters. This will be illustrated while doing the solved example in the next section.

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'L' Type:
The requirements for this type is given in cl.D-1.8 of the code. We know that corner reinforcements should be
provided near both top and bottom surfaces of the slab. Both of them are the same. That is., if we design the
reinforcements to be provided near the top surface, the exact same can be provided near the bottom surface
also. So we need to discuss about any one, say the one at the top only.
The top one consists of a mesh. A mesh, formed by two layers of bars. The first layer consists of bars parallel to
lx. The second layer consists of bars parallel to l y. This second layer is stacked just below the first layer and the
two layers are tied together. Thus the mesh is formed. The length of all the bars in both the layers is the same,
and should not be less than 1/5 times the smaller side of the slab panel. The smaller side is lx. So length of each
bar = 1/5(lx) = 0.2l x.
Now we need to know the number of bars that have to be provided in each direction of the mesh. According to
the code, the total number of bars in the X direction in a single mesh should give an area which is not less than
0.75 times Ast,x. Where A st,x is the area required to resist the maximum bending moment at the midspan. The
subscript 'x' is given in Ast,x because we readily know that the maximum bending moment in the midspan will be
that in the X (direction of shorter span according to fig.17.1) direction. So Ast,x is the area of steel required to
resist the bending moment M u,x+ = α x+ wu lx2 . This same number of bars should be given in the Y direction
So now we know the details required to make the mesh near the top surface. Another mesh is to be made, which
is exactly identical to this. And this second mesh should be placed near the bottom surface, in line with with the
top mesh. These two meshes together will satisfy the requirements of torsion reinforcement at the 'L' Type
corner. This is shown in the fig. below:
Torsion reinforcement at ‘L’ type corner

A View showing the bottom mesh at this type of corner in a slab
is given in fig.17.38 below:
View of bottom mesh

We can see that one layer consists of bars parallel to one side
of the room, and the second layer consists of bars parallel to
the wall which is perpendicular to the first wall. These two
layers together form the ‘mesh’. There will be an exactly
identical mesh near the top surface of the slab. Thus there will
be a total of four layers. The top mesh is not shown in the view
above for clarity.
The two meshes can be formed by using ‘U’ bars. This was
shown earlier in fig.17.17 and 17.18. A view of this type is
shown in the fig.17.39 below:
Corner reinforcement using ‘U’ bars

'T' Type:
The requirements for this type is given in cl.D-1.9 of the code.
The method of making the meshes and placing them in the slab
are same as that of the 'L' type. But the required areas of the
bars is different. As for the 'L' type, we will discuss all the
First we will see the top mesh. This mesh is formed by two
layers of bars. The first layer consists of bars parallel to lx. The
second layer consists of bars parallel to ly. This second layer is
stacked just below the first layer. Thus the mesh is formed. The
mesh does not have a 'square' shape. So the length of bars
parallel to lx (top layer) is different from the length of the bars
parallel to ly (bottom layer). We have to calculate the lengths
carefully. From the fig.17.38 below, we can see that at a 'T' type
corner, one wall is common to two panels. The bars parallel to
lx, provided at this wall extends into both the panels. So these
reinforcements should satisfy the requirements of both the
Torsion reinforcement at ‘T’ type corner

According to the cl.D-1.8, the bars should extend to a distance
of 0.2lx. But in a 'T' type corner, there are two panels, and l x
may be different. So in the fig.17.38, we can see that the bars
extend for a distance of 0.20l x1 into the upper panel, and a
distance of 0.20lx2 into the lower panel. (Both the lengths are
measured from the face of the support). This gives the length of
the bars in the direction parallel to lx, and thus the length of the
mesh can be fixed up. Now we look at the width of the mesh.
Unlike the length, the width of the mesh is common to both the
panels. That is., once we fix up the width in the direction
parallel to ly, it will be applicable to both the panels. So we must
take the greater of 0.20lx1 and 0.20lx2 as the width. This is
shown in the fig.17.38 above.
Now we need to know the number of bars that have to be
provided in each direction of the mesh. According to the code,
the total number of bars in the X direction in a single mesh
should give an area which is not less than 0.375 times Ast,x (half of that in a 'L' type = 0.5 x 0.75 = 0.375
According to cl.D-1.9) . Where A st,x is the area required to resist the 'maximum' bending moment at the midspan.
The subscript 'x' is given in Ast,x because we readily know that the maximum bending moment in the midspan
will be that in the X direction. So Ast,x is the area of steel required to resist the bending moment M u,x+ = α x+
wu lx2 . But just as we fixed up the dimensions of the mesh, in fixing up the number and diameter of bars also,
we have to take the 'common' factor into consideration. That is., once we fix up the number of bars parallel to lx,
they will be common to two panels. So we must take the greater of Ast,x1 and A st,x2. But while fixing up the
number of bars parallel to l y, the 'common' factor does not arise: In the fig.17.38, the bars in the top panel is
calculated from 0.375Ast,x1 and the bars in the bottom panel is calculated from 0.375Ast,x2.
So now we know the details required to make the mesh near the top surface. Another mesh is to be made, which
is exactly identical to this. And this second mesh should be placed near the bottom surface, in line with with the
top mesh. These two meshes together will satisfy the requirements of torsion reinforcement at the 'T' Type
It may be noted that in the figs.17.38, the longer spans of both the upper room and lower room (in the plane of
paper) are horizontal, and the shorter sides are vertical. But some times it may so happen that the lower room
has it's longer span vertical, and the shorter span horizontal. Part plan of such a situation is shown in fig.17.39
Lower room having shorter side horizontal

The notation for the lower room has changed from l x2 to l y2. But
as far as the torsion reinforcements are concerned, the
notations used for specifying the dimensions of the meshes,
and the quantities of bars in the meshes will not change
because, they all depend on the properties of the panels in the
X direction only: Dimensions depend on lx values and quantities
depend on Ast,x values. However we must thoroughly analyse
each structure carefully and find the appropriate values.
In the next section we will see some solved examples that will
illustrate the details that we have discussed above.

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Here we will discuss the arrangement of top bars in the slab. We know that the top bars are given at the
supports. They are calculated from the negative moments Mu,x- and Mu,y-. The diameter and spacing calculated
from these values should be provided in the middle strips in the respective directions. As usual, we can curtail
some of these bars. The guidelines for the curtailment of these top bars are given in cl.D-1.5 of the code. The top
bars are essential up to a distance of 0.3l from the face of the support. But all the bars are not required upto this
distance. 50% can be curtailed at a distance of 0.15l. This is shown in the figs.17.33 and 17.34
Layout of Top bars in the middle strip in the X direction

Layout of Top bars in the middle strip in the Y direction

Technically, it is sufficient to show two bars belonging to a

particular set of bars, in a drawing. But if more bars are shown,
a definite pattern and symmetry in the arrangement of bars will
become more clear. So 5 top bars (at the continuous support)
are shown in the drawings above.
In the above figs., every bar in one set of alternate bars at the
continuous support in a particular direction has the same length
(0.15l1 + 0.15l1 + wall thickness + 0.15l2 = 0.3l1 + wall
thickness + 0.15l2 ). And every bar in the other set of alternate
bars have the same length (0.3l2 + wall thickness + 0.15l1.)
Alternate bars are given an extension of 0.15l on opposite sides
of the wall. We can see that, on either side of the wall, 100%
steel is available upto a distance of 0.15l from the face of the
wall. Beyond this distance, and within 0.3l from the face of the
wall, 50% is available.
At this time we can see a small topic which is related to our
present discussion:

Design negative moment at continuous support

In a continuous slab system supported on walls, we determine

the bending moments using the coefficients given in the code.
Each slab panel is analysed separately. In the fig.17.33 above, there are two adjacent spans lx1 and lx2 . We are
considering the panel with span lx1. We get the factored negative moment on the continuous support as M u,x1-
= α x1- wu lx12. From this we will get the steel required to resist this bending moment. But we cannot finalize it
As it is a continuous system, the steel at the support will be extending to either side of the wall, and will be
resisting the negative moment created at the wall, due to the loads on the span lx2 also. This negative moment is
given by M u,x2- = α x2- wu lx22 . This quantity may be different from M u,x1- due to one or more of the following
• the coefficients αx1- and αx2- may not be equal because of unequal spans or different boundary conditions.
• span lx1 may not be equal to lx2
• the load wu may not be equal on both the spans.
So, when the negative bending moments at the support are not equal, we must take the larger of the two for the
design. This is written in both the figs.17.33 and 17.44. In this way, the top steel at the support will be able to
resist the negative bending moments from either spans.
It may be noted that in the figs.17.33 and 17.34, the spans ly1 and ly2 are horizontal and lx1 and lx2 are vertical on
the plane of the paper. This indicates that the adjacent rooms also have their longer side horizontal and shorter
side vertical. But some times it may so happen that an adjacent room has it's longer side vertical, and the shorter
side horizontal. Part plan of such a situation is shown in fig.17.35 below:

Adjacent room having shorter side horizontal

In such cases, the notations for the edges of the panels will
change, and appropriate changes should be made in the
calculations. For example, the diameter and spacing of the top
bars at the wall which is common to the two rooms should be
calculated from the greater of M u,y1- and M u,x2- . This is
different from what is written in the fig.17.34 at the common
wall. So we must thoroughly analyse each structure carefully
and find the appropriate values.
At the discontinuous edge, we must provide top steel to resist any negative moment that may develop due to any
partial fixity. The area of steel required for this purpose, is half of the quantity that is provided for resisting the
midspan moment in the respective directions. These bars have to be given an extension of 0.1l into the slab
panel, from the face of the support.

Corner bars for resisting Torsion

We have seen some basic details about corner bars in fig.17.17. Now we will discuss about the actual area to be
provided for these bars, and also the exact position in which they must be provided.
Corners are formed when two or more edges meet at a point. We are considering two-way slab systems which
consists of square or rectangular slab panels. So all the corners that we come across in this discussion will be
right angled corners. Also all these corners will fall into one of these categories:
• 'L' Type in which a corner is formed by two edges.
• 'T' Type in which a corner is formed by three edges.
• '+' (Plus) Type in which a corner is formed by four edges.
These different types of corners in actual building plans are shown in the fig.17.36 below:
Corners in slab panels
We will first see the '+' Type. This is an interior corner. The
Code mentions about this type in cl.D-1.10. From fig.17.36 we
can see that this type is formed by two edges, and the slab is
continuous over both these edges. This type of continuity of the
slab panel happens in an interior corner. And according to this
clause, torsion reinforcements need not be provided at such
So that leaves the 'L' Type and 'T' type only. If we know the
requirements for these two types, we can do a complete design
of torsion reinforcements for any two-way slab systems
consisting of square or rectangular panels. We will discuss
about them in the next section.

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In this section we will discuss about the arrangement of bars in the slab. Consider the fig.17.25 given below. It
shows the bending moment diagrams in a two-way slab. This two-way slab that we are considering, is simply
supported on all the four sides. The bending moment diagrams are shown in red color. The middle diagram is
taller than the rest. This is the diagram for the middle strip. On either side of this strip, the diagrams are smaller,
indicating that the strips on either side are carrying lesser bending moments. (If it was a one-way slab, all the
diagrams would have been of the same height)

Bending moment diagrams for various strips in a two way slab

When we design the reinforcements, we provide steel for

resisting M u,x. This Mu,x, calculated using the coefficients from
Table 26, is the maximum value at the middle of the middle
strip. This value is indicated by the peak value in the above
fig.17.25. But this value progressively becomes lesser as we
move from the center towards the shorter sides. This is shown
in the fig.17.26 given below:
Variation of peak value of M u,x
The progressive reduction in the value of M u,x is indicated by
the green coloured graph. So the requirement of steel decreases
as we move away from the center. At greater distances from the
center, Mu,x may fall to such a low value that the steel required
to resist this low value is less than even the minimum steel
required for a slab. Obviously such low quantity of steel cannot
be allowed to be provided. In the above fig.17.26, such regions
are shown in yellow color. They are situated at a greater
distance from the center. Also, at the middle regions where
greater steel is required, it is not convenient to vary the spacing
of bars from place to place, just to conform with the variation of
M u,x.
So we divide the slab into three segments. A larger middle portion AB and two smaller portions AD and BE on the
sides. The diameter and spacing required to resist the maximum bending moment M u,x is provided on the entire
blue region AB. The yellow regions are provided with the minimum steel that is generally required for a slab. The
measurements required for dividing the slab into these three strips is given by Cl. D-1 (fig.25) of the code. This is
shown in the fig.17.27 below:
Division of slab area into three strips in the X direction
We can see that the middle strip (coloured in blue) has a width
of 3/4 ly. The two strips on the sides (coloured in yellow) have a
width of 1/8 ly. (1/8 + 3/4 + 1/8 = 1). For the whole width of the
middle strip, the same diameter and spacing required for Mu,x
should be provided. In the yellow portions, same diameter
should be provided, but the spacing should be calculated using
another method:
• Calculate the minimum steel required for slab. We know that
this area should not be less than 0.0012Ag if Fe 415 steel is
used, and 0.0015Ag if Fe 250 steel is used. This area is
specified for unit width. So Ag = 1000 mm x D. Where D is the
total depth of the slab. Details can be seen here.
• Calculate the spacing required from this minimum area.
We made the above discussion based on fig.17.25 which show
the bending moment diagrams for simply supported two-way slabs. The bending moment diagrams for
continuous two-way slabs are also similar. They will have hogging moments at the supports. The variation of
sagging moment Mu,x+ at midspan and M u,x- at the supports is similar to that shown in fig.17.26. They will be
maximum at midspan regions, and minimum near the shorter supports. So the division of slab area into three
strips is applicable to continuous two-way slabs also.
The bars in the blue strip in fig.27 are to be provided parallel to l x. These bars extend from one long support to
the other. But all the bars need not extend to the supports. Some of them can be curtailed. The distance at which
bars can be curtailed are given in cl.D-1.4 of the code. According to this clause, the bars should extend upto a
distance of 0.15lx from a simply supported edge and 0.25l x from a continuous edge. This is shown in the
fig.12.28 below:
Layout of bottom bars in middle strip in X direction

Technically, it is sufficient to show two bars belonging to a

particular set of bars, in a drawing. But if more bars are shown,
a definite pattern and symmetry in the arrangement of bars will
become more clear. So 5 bottom bars are shown in the
fig.12.28 above. We can see that all the bars which do not
reach the continuous support has the same length, and all the
bars which do not reach the simply supported edge has the
same length. This is true for both the X and Y directions.
We have seen all the bottom bars in the X direction. The
diameter and spacing for these bars are calculated from Mu,x+,
and are laid parallel to l x. Also, they are laid as the bottom most
Now we will see the bottom bars in the Y direction. Each of the
above four figs. from fig.17.25 to 17.28 have a corresponding fig. in the Y direction. They are shown below from
fig.17.29 to 17.32. They do not require much explanation, as they are similar to those in the X direction.
Bending moment diagrams in the Y direction for various strips in a two way slab

Variation of peak value of M u,y

Division of slab area into three strips in the Y direction

Layout of bottom bars in middle strip in Y direction

In the Y direction also we have two yellow strips. Just as in the

X direction, we must provide the diameter and spacing required
for the minimum steel in these yellow strips also. These bars
are laid parallel to ly.
This completes the details of the bottom bars in the Y direction.
The diameter and spacing for these bars are calculated from
M u,y+, and are laid parallel to l y. Also, they are laid just above
the bottom most layer mentioned in fig.12.28.
So we have seen all the bottom bars in the two directions X and
Y. They were shown separately in the above figs. just for clarity. In an actual problem, they must be shown in a
single fig.
In the next section we will discuss about the top bars.

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So we have seen the nine different possibilities. As we saw before based on fig.17.21, we need four coefficients
for any slab panel. So there can be nine sets of coefficients,
with each set having four unique coefficients. So in general,
there will be a total of 9 x 4 = 36 coefficients. If we are given a
two-way slab panel, depending on it's position in the building,
and also depending on it's edge supports, it can fall into any of
the nine categories. We must be able to determine the
appropriate 4 coefficients for the given slab, from among these
At the discontinuous (ie., simply supported) edges, the negative
moments will be zero. So, with out any calculations, we can say
that the coefficients for the negative moments at such supports
will be equal to zero. (This is because, in the equation Mu,x = α
wu lx2 = 0, w u and lx cannot be zero. So the only option is that
the coefficient α is equal to zero.) Thus some of the coefficients
among these 36 will be zero. We will see more details about it
We can derive expressions for calculating these coefficients.
The derivations are based on the ‘classical theory of plates’. In
this method, the slabs are considered as plates. In the
derivation, the various corrections that we saw before are
taken into account. There will be variables in these expressions
by which we can 'input' the type of support at each edge
(whether simply supported or fixed/continuous). By giving the appropriate value for the variables, we can obtain
any of the 36 coefficients.
Another method is to use the 'Approximate solutions' based on Rankine-Grashoff theory. Corrections to these
solutions were proposed by Marcus. This is known as the 'Marcus correction'.
Even as there are different methods such as those mentioned above, we must use the method (Cl. D-1) given by
the code. In the Table 26, the values of the coefficients are given directly. The coefficients in this Table are based
on 'Yield line analysis'. We do not have to learn the derivation of these coefficients at this stage. Their values are
sufficient for carrying out an analysis and design of the slabs.
Let us now see a sample from the Table 26. Suppose that we want to design a slab in which
• both the short edges are continuous
• one long edge is continuous and
• one long edge is discontinuous.
Mentioning all the above three boundary conditions together is equivalent to mentioning just the last one only:
• one long edge is discontinuous.
With the mention of this last condition, the other two are automatically implied.
This slab falls under the category of panel 3 in fig.17.22. This is case no.3 of Table 26. Let ly/lx of our slab be
equal to 1.2. So from the Table, we have
• Coefficient for the Negative moment (in the X direction) at the continuous edge (column 5 of Table 26) = αx- =
• Coefficient for the Positive moment (in the X direction) at the midspan (column 5) = αx+ = 0.039
• Coefficient for the Negative moment (in the Y direction) at the continuous edge (column 11) = αy- = 0.037
• Coefficient for the Positive moment (in the y direction) at the midspan (column 11) = αy+ = 0.028
We must note one point here: If the value of ly/lx falls between 1.2 and 1.3 (say 1.23 , 1.27 etc.,), then we must
use linear interpolation to find αx- and αx+ . But no interpolation is required for αy- and αy+ . This is because, for
case 3, whatever be the value of ly /lx, the code gives constant values of 0.037 and 0.028 for αy- and αy+. In fact,
each of the nine cases has it’s own constant values for αy- and αy+ (column 11), which do not change with the
value of ly/lx.
The application of the four coefficients are shown in the fig.17.23 below:

Bending moments in the slab
Let us consider one more sample. Suppose that we want to
design a slab in which
• both the short edges are continuous
• both the long edges are discontinuous
Mentioning the above two boundary conditions together is
equivalent to mentioning just the last one only:
• both the long edges are discontinuous
This slab falls under the category of panel 6 in fig.17.22. This is
case no.6 of Table 26. Let ly/lx of our slab be equal to 1.3. So
from the table, we have
• Coefficient for the Negative moment (in the X direction) at the
continuous edge (column 6):
Here we do not find any value. Why is this so? This can be explained based on the fig.17.24 below:
Bending moments in the slab

Perpendicular to the X direction, both the supports (the longer

supports) are discontinuous. In other words simply supported.
So the bending moment at those supports will be zero. This
means that the coefficient will be equal to zero. If any one of
these longer supports were continuous, the coefficient would
have been present.
• Coefficient for the Positive moment (in the X direction) at the
midspan (column 6) = αx+ = 0.057
• Coefficient for the Negative moment (in the Y direction) at the
continuous edge (column 11) = αy- = 0.045
• Coefficient for the Positive moment (in the y direction) at the midspan (column 11) = αy+ = 0.035
As mentioned earlier we must note one point here also: If the value of ly/lx falls between 1.2 and 1.3 (say 1.23 ,
1.27 etc.,), then we must use linear interpolation to find αx- and αx+ . But no interpolation is required for αy- and
αy+ . This is because, for case 6, whatever be the value of ly /lx, the code gives constant values of 0.045 and
0.035 for αy- and αy+. As mentioned above, each of the nine cases has it’s own constant values for αy- and αy+
(column 11), which do not change with the value of ly/lx.
If we look at any of the columns from (3) to (10), we can see that for cases 6 and 8, there are no coefficients for
negative moment at supports in the X direction. Similarly in column (11), we can see that for cases 5 and 7, there
are no coefficients for negative moment at supports. So for the four cases 6,8,5 and 7, there are only 3
coefficients. The fourth one is zero because these cases have a pair of opposite edges discontinuous.
In the last case 9, both the pairs of opposite edges are discontinuous. there will not be a negative moment at any
of the four supports. So there are only two coefficients. So in general, the total number of coefficients can be
calculated as:
4 cases x 4 coefficients = 16
4 cases x 3 coefficients = 12
1 case x 2 coefficients = 2
Total = 30
This is less than 36. It may be noted that all the cases 6,8,5 and 7, having opposite edges discontinuous, belong
to the floor plans 2 and 3 in fig.17.22
So we have seen the method for determining the bending moments. In the next section, we will discuss about
the arrangement of bars in the two way slabs.


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In the case of simply supported two-way slabs, we used two center strips in perpendicular directions for the
derivation of the Rankine-Grashoff coefficients. In a similar way, we can use the two center strips shown in
fig.17.19 in the previous section, to determine the coefficients for restrained two-way slabs. In the fig.17.19, we
have a central red strip (the long strip) and a central blue strip (the short strip). Both these strips have their ends
tied down to the support. To determine the coefficients, first we find the general form of the maximum bending
moments in the two strips, considering them as independent beams. Then we analyse the various corrections to
be applied, and determine the general form for those corrections. Finally, we obtain the general form for the
coefficients for the bending moments. The coefficients so obtained will be applicable to any slab which has all
the four edges tied down to the support. That means, if those coefficients are to be applicable to a slab, each of
it's four sides should be either continuous, or built into a beam, or there should be a wall above the supporting
But what if we have a slab which has one edge, say one short edge, simply supported? If one short edge is
simply supported, then one end of the red strip will be simply supported. In that case, the process of analysis will
be different. So we have to do the whole process again to obtain the general form of the coefficients. Those
coefficients will be applicable to any slab which has one short edge simply supported, and all other edges fixed
or continuous.
Again, the coefficients mentioned just above will not be applicable to a slab with one long edge simply
supported, and all other edges fixed/continuous. In this case, one end of the blue strip will be simply supported,
and all other ends will be fixed. We have to do the whole process again and find the general form of the
coefficients. These coefficients will be applicable to any slab with one long edge simply supported and all other
edges fixed/continuous.
There are several combinations possible:
[One long edge and one short edge simply supported and the other two edges fixed/continuous], [Two long
edges and one short edge simply supported and the other edge fixed/continuous], etc., are some of the possible
combinations. Let us find out the number of all the possible combinations and their details.
We will use the term 'Discontinuous' (short form: DC) edge to denote a simply supported edge. A
fixed/continuous edge will be denoted as 'Continuous' (short form:C) edge. There will be two short edges in a
slab and they will be denoted as SE1 and SE2. The long edges will be denoted as LE1 and LE2. Now we can
form a table given below which shows all the possible combinations.
Table 17.1
Possible combinations of edges
We can see that there are 16 possible combinations. Let us see
the details of any one sample row in the above Table, and see
it's details. Take the combination No.3. It has both the short
edges discontinuous, and both the long edges continuous. We
have to cite an example of such a slab in a real building. For
this we look at the fig.17.22 given below:
Examples of different combinations
It shows four floor plans. Plan 1 is the plan of a building with
nine rooms. Plan 2 and plan 3 are those of buildings with 3
rooms. Plan 4 is that of a building with a single room. The
combination that we are considering now, has two short edges
discontinuous and two long edges continuous. Such a slab can
be seen in plan 3. The middle panel which is marked as 5,
belongs to this category. So 5 is entered in the 'Example'
column of the Table, in the row for combination No.3.
Let us see one more example. Take combination No.6. It has
two short edges and one long edge continuous, and the
remaining long edge discontinuous. Such a slab panel can be
seen in Plan 1. The panels marked as 3 belongs to this
category. So 3 is entered in the 'Example' column of the Table,

in the row for combination No.6.
We are considering square or rectangular slabs in our present
discussion about two-way slabs. So opposite sides will be
equal. That is., SE1 = SE2 and LE1 = LE2. So when we make
all the possible combinations, there will be some duplications.
For example, the combination with one short edge and one long
edge C and the other Short edge and Long edge DC can have
four possible combinations, all of them giving the same result of
panel 4. This is indicated by the four red blocks in the Table. As
the four combinations give the same result, we need to consider
only one, and the rest three can be discarded. Similarly there
are four more cases, indicated by the green, yellow, cyan and
magenta colors. Each have two combinations which give the same results. We need to take one only from each.
Thus the net number of combinations = 16 -3 -1 -1 -1 -1 = 16 -7 = 9. We will modify the Table by avoiding
duplications and thus showing only the nine cases. We will also change the order so that they are in the same
order as given in the code. This modified table is given below:
Table 17.2
Modified Table showing the nine combinations

It may be noted that the numbering of the panels in fig.17.22

above was done based on the order of the cases given in the
code. That is how we get sequential order in the ‘Example’
column in the above Table 17.2.
In the next section we will obtain the actual values of the
coefficients for each of the above nine combinations.

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Now we will discuss how to determine the bending moment in each of the directions X and Y in a restrained two
way slab. For this, let us consider the middle strip in each direction as shown below.
Middle strips in restrained two way slabs

Note that this fig. is different from the earlier fig.17.5 that we
saw for a simply supported two-way slab. Because, here the
ends of the strips are restrained or in other words tied down to
the supports.
As in the case of simply supported slab we saw before, we can
determine the maximum bending moments at the center portion
of each of these restrained strips also. Let us denote them as
M x and My. If we use the factored loads, we will get the factored
bending moments, and from those we can determine the steel
required in each direction. But the bending moments that we
obtain at the center portion of these restrained strips require
some corrections to be applied to them. So we will call them M x,1 and My,1 at this stage. The subscript '1'
indicates that they are the first values in each direction, before applying any corrections. We will change this
subscript as we proceed with the application of the various corrections.
Now we will discuss the first correction that has to be applied: The values M x,1 and My,1 are obtained by
considering the action of individual strips. But a slab consists of several such strips, and there will be interaction
between adjacent strips. Consider a square slab subjected to uniformly distributed load of w/m2. As it is square,
the load share in each direction will be the same and is equal to w/2. So the maximum bending moment at the
center of each strip will be
But if we analyse a square elastic plate subjected to uniformly distributed loads, by
using the 'theory of bending of elastic plates', we will find that the maximum
bending moment at it's center will be 0.048wl2. This is lesser than 0.0625wl2. This
is because, when we analyse a plate as a whole, the interaction between the
strips will also be taken into account, and so we will get a lesser value. So we have to apply a correction to Mx,1
and My,1. We will later see how this correction can be applied while designing a slab. In the mean time we will
call the corrected value as Mx,2 and My,2.
Let us now discuss the next correction that has to be applied: M x,1 and My,1 are the maximum bending moments
at the center portion of the strips. These strips are like individual beams. If we increase the loads on the strips, a
point will be reached where the steel at the center portion in the strips will begin to yield. If the load is increased
further, the strips will fail. But in an actual two way slab, when the steel in the center portion fail, the failure of the
slab as a whole will not occur. This is because the steel in the surrounding portion, will be able to take up the
load. If the load is increased further, this surrounding steel will also fail. This continues until the steel fails at a
considerable area in the center of the slab. So we can see that we need not provide steel for Mx1 and My1, as
the failure of the slab will not occur even if they are exceeded. Thus we have to apply a correction here also. Let
us denote the values obtained after applying both the above two corrections as Mx,3 and My,3.
The last correction that has to be applied is related to the torsion reinforcement that we saw in fig.17.17. In
restrained slabs we have to provide these bars at the corners to prevent cracks. In such slabs which have
adequate reinforcement for torsion, the bending moments at the center portion will be lesser than Mx1 and My1.
Because the slab is resisting the load not only by bending, but also by torsion. The corner reinforcements have
the effect of reducing the deflection and curvature at the center portion of the slab. This can be further explained
based on the view in fig.17.20 below:
Interaction between perpendicular strips
The red strip in the above fig. is the same one which we saw
earlier in fig.17.13 The blue strip is the middle strip in the
perpendicular set of strips which are parallel to the short side.
The red strip is under torsion. So torsional moments are
induced in the red strip. These torsional moments try to twist
the strip back to it's original shape. This is shown by the green
arrow. Thus the torsional moment will reduce the deflection of
the blue strip. This type of interaction between perpendicular
strips will occur on the entire area of the slab.
So we have to apply a correction for this also. When this above
correction is also applied, we can denote the values as M x,4 and My,4. But now, all the required corrections are
applied and we no longer need to use the subscripts 1,2 etc., and so we will denote the final values as Mx and
M y. , and the factored values will be denoted as M u,x and Mu,y.
We have seen the various corrections that have to be applied. But we have not seen the methods for applying
them. In design practice, these corrections are not applied separately. We use some 'Moment coefficients' αx
and αy. These are similar to the Rankine-Grashoff coefficients that we saw in the case of simply supported two-
way slabs. When we use these coefficients, the resulting bending moments will be the required final values M x
and My, with all the necessary corrections applied.
M x = αx w lx2 and
M y = αy w lx2
If we use factored load w u in the above equations, we will get the factored bending moments as shown below:
M u,x = αx wu lx2 and
M u,y = αy wu lx2
Note that both the bending moments are in terms of the shorter side l x
When there is fixity or continuity at any of the four supports of the slab, hogging (negative) moments will occur at
those supports. So we need separate coefficients for those negative moments also. Thus we will need four
coefficients: αx+, αx-, αy+ and αy-. The fig.17.21 shows the application of the four coefficients:
Four coefficients for bending moments
In the next section we will see some basic background details
before we obtain the actual four coefficients.

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