Task 3

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Course title: Practicum 3a

Couse Code: EPC 3403

Task 3: Analyzing Classroom Discourse

Prepared by: Fatema Saeed Alsehhi

ID: H00271530

Prepared to: Ms. Humda Al Awadi

Date of Submission: Wednesday March 14, 2018

Task 3. Analyzing Classroom Discourse.
 Observe in a classroom, keeping a record that lets you answer the following
questions. Record/write down a list of what is said for 10 minutes during the
CORE part of the class:

 What proportion of time does the teacher talk?

o Time the class for 10 min, how many of those minutes is the
teacher talking?

The lesson was about "3D shape". I observed and wrote notes 10 minutes of the core
part .During 6 minute the teacher showed them 2 example of 3D shape (cone and
cube) and explained them about vertices, edges and surface.

 What types of questions does the teacher ask?

o List all the exact words you hear the teacher uses when asking
questions about the math topic (not review or procedural

What is this 3D shape?

How many surfaces have?
How many edges have?
This shape is it flat or not?
Who counts how many surfaces we have in cube?
Can you count the edges for me?

 What evidence do you see that children have learned some mathematics?
o What are children saying or doing that shows they understand a
new topic?

The children were answering questions which teacher asked about vertices, edges and
surfaces of 3D shape. And when the teacher put them in groups to do their activity I
noticed that they able to do their task and they were using new concepts which they
learned in the lesson (vertices, edges and surface) while they doing their activity.

 How many of the children have an opportunity to talk?

o Are children talking only when the teacher calls on them?
o Do children talk to partners or in table groups?
o Do children raise their hands to ask questions? What are they
During the lesson, the students were participation to talk when the teacher asked them
and when they did their activity in table groups.in 10 minutes about 7 students talked
to answer question's teacher .Also, sometimes the other students were counting the
vertices, edges and surfaces altogether upon a request from the teacher. When the
teacher finished the explanation and gave them instructions to do their activity ,one
student put his hand up and told to the teacher i can see a cone in ice cream .in
addition, the students were talking with each other in table groups while do their
activity which was, about one 3D shape and they have to get how many vertices
,edges and surfaces for the shape.

 In your opinion, is the classroom discourse about important and new

o Why or why not?

The lesson today about 3D shape.in my opinion the children notice different shapes in
real life but they don't know that these shapes have names.3D shapes help children to
develop problem-solving skills. When the children recognize the characteristics of
shapes, they can match it with their toys and examples in real life. Also, the teaching
shapes for children in early age it helps them to prepare for geometry standards of
math later.so 3D shapes help to move on to more advanced math skills.

Students were doing their activity. They had to write the name of shape and
characteristics related with (vertices, edges and surfaces)

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