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#3K 意群完整版# PDF

由@猛击此处与 Glee 对话整理,由@Lexicaholic 校对排版发布

本系列起源于陈琦老师(AKA 琦叔)的 GRE 考前冲刺班和《再要你

命 3000》。因为冲刺班课堂时间有限,所以我们对冲刺班的每个意群

都在 3000 里面找到了对应,并且对其进行了补充,作为大家课后的

复习材料。希望各位 G 友提出建议并给予支持!

另请猛戳微博话题#3K 意群完整版#!


Section 1 ............................................................................................................... 3
1. 多产 VS 贫瘠 3 12. 简朴 VS 奢华 9
2. 补充 VS 用尽 3 13. 相关 VS 不相关 10
3. 忽视 VS 关注 4 14. 成功 VS 平庸 10
4. 忽视的 VS 仔细的 or 谨慎的 4 15. 减轻 VS 加重 11
5. 不吸引人的 VS 吸引人的 5 16. 平息 VS 煽动 11
6. 厌倦 VS 着迷 5 17. 喜欢 VS 厌恶 12
7. 热心的 VS 冷漠的 6 18. 模仿/恶搞 12
8. 狂热 VS 麻木 7 19. 观点 13
9. 开心 VS 不开心 7 20. 难懂 VS 易懂 13
10. 喜 VS 悲 8 21. 模糊 VS 清晰 13
11. 话多 VS 话少 9 22. 没兴趣 VS 感兴趣 14
Section 2 ..............................................................................................................14
1. 征服 VS 投降 14 6. 蓄意的 VS 意外的 or 自发的 17
2. 真 VS 假 15 7. 有争议的 VS 无争议的 17
3. 伪装 VS 揭露 15 8. 浮夸的 VS 简朴的 or 低调的 18
4. 密谋/合作 16 9. 傲慢的 VS 谦虚的 18
5. 信 VS 不信 16
Section 3 ..............................................................................................................19
1. 超越 19 4. 新颖的 VS 陈腐的 21
2. 开始 VS 结束 19 5. 陈词滥调 VS 独创性 21
3. 混乱 VS 有序 20
Section 4 ..............................................................................................................22
1. 淡定 VS 不淡定 22 7. 守旧的 VS 前卫的 25
2. 反对者 VS 支持者 22 8. 残忍的 VS 仁慈的 25
3. 短暂 VS 持久 23 9. 阻止 VS 促进 26
4. 谨慎 VS 不谨慎 23 10. 客观的 VS 偏见的 26
5. 复杂的 VS 容易的 24 11. 冷漠的 VS 热心的 27
6. 困惑 VS 阐明 24
Section 5 ..............................................................................................................28
1. 可感知的 VS 不可感知的 28 9. 苛求的 34
2. 有效的 VS 无效的 28 10. 猜测 35
3. 预言/预兆 29 11. 节俭 VS 吝啬 VS 浪费 VS 大方 35
4. 大量 VS 少量 29 12. 沉思 36
5. 增加 VS 减少 30 13. 珍爱的 VS 讨厌的 36
6. 重要的 VS 不重要的 31 14. 同意 VS 不同意 36
7. 尊敬 VS 轻视 or 亵渎 31 15. 支持 VS 削弱 37
8. 承认 VS 否认 34
Section 6 ...................................................................................................... 37
1. 灾难 VS 幸运 37 5. 费力的 VS 不费力的 39
2. 失败 VS 成功 38 6. 避免 40
3. 善变的 VS 坚定的 38 7. 获得 40
4. 抨击 VS 颂词 39 8. 骗子 & 万灵药 40

Section 1

1. 多产 VS 贫瘠

多产的:fecund (fecundity), fertile (fertilize), lush, prolific,

productive, luxuriant, fruitful, cornucopian, rich (enrich), fat,

verdant, arable, copious

贫瘠的:barren, infertile, sterile, unproductive, impoverished,

depleted (deplete), dead, effete, unfruitful, fruitless, impotent,

leafless, desolate, waste, deprivation, meager

2. 补充 VS 用尽

补充:enrich, fertilize, manure, renew, replace, replete, replenish,

refill, reload

用尽:deplete, drain, exhaust, impoverish, enervate, consume,

devour, empty, expend, draw down, play out, use up

3. 忽视 VS 关注

忽视:shrug (off), disregard, ignore, neglect, slight, snub, overlook,

forget, condone, downplay, omit, minimize, overpass, slur (over),

gloss (over) wink, blink, bypass, override, connive, understate,

de-emphasize, play down, pass over, remit

关注:attend, heed, mind, advert, hearken, harken

4. 忽视的 VS 仔细的 or 谨慎的

忽视的:inattentive, heedless, mindless, inadvertent, careless,

derelict, disregardful, feckless, incautious, irreflective, lax, lazy,

neglectful, neglecting, negligent, remiss, slack, thoughtless,

uncaring, unguarded, unmindful, unwary

仔细的:(extremely) careful, circumspect, circumstantial,

conscientious, elaborate, exact, fastidious, full, particularized,

meticulous, nonnegligent, painstaking, particular, minute,

meticulous, scrupulous, thorough

谨慎的:advertent, attentive, cautious, heedful, mindful, vigilant,

wary, scrutinize, alert, observant, regardful, watchful, circumspect,

gingerly, guarded

5. 不吸引人的 VS 吸引人的

不吸引人的:uninteresting, pedestrian, dreary, jejune, monotonous,

tedious, wearisome, stale, stodgy, insipid, vapid, prosaic, bland,

jaded, humdrum, banal, driveling, drab, boring, arid, leaden,

ponderous, weary, drudging, dull, monochromatic, tiresome, flat,

commonplace, stuffy, jading, inane, sapless, tasteless

吸引人的:interesting, absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping,

intriguing, involving, riveting, arresting, snappy, fascinating,

mesmerizing, agog, enchanting, enthralling, immersing,

entertaining, stimulating, thought provoking

6. 厌倦 VS 着迷

厌倦:pall, jade, tire, bore, weary, ennui, irk, disappoint, disgust,

repel, repulse,

着迷:entrance, absorb, engage, engross, enthrall, grip, intrigue,

interest, arrest, fascinate, bedazzle, enchant, hypnotize, immerse,

mesmerize, spellbind, appeal, attract, occupy, rivet, thrill, ravish,

transport, rapture, enrapture, lure, bewitch, charm, allure,

magnetize, carry away, beguile, seduce, tempt, solicit, lead on,

decoy, entice, bait, captivate

7. 热心的 VS 冷漠的

热心的:enthusiastic, ebullient, boiling, effusive, exuberant,

effervescent, vivacious, gushing, torrid, burning, ardent, fervid,

feverish, flaming, glowing, keen, passionate, impassioned,

incandescent, intense, vehement, wholehearted, eager, warm,

hearty, demonstrative, emotional, perfervid, cordial, friendly, genial,

sympathetic, warm-blooded, warmhearted, fervent, zealous,

agog, avid, solicitous, voracious, impatient, thirsty, amorous,

anxious, desirous, greedy, hungry, wild, concerned, interested,

attentive, bouncy, frolic, buoyant, devoted, hospitable, amicable,


冷漠的:tepid, torpid, lukewarm, halfhearted, uneager,

unenthusiastic, cool, cold, dispassionate, emotionless, unemotional,

impassive, glacial, antiseptic, apathetic, brittle, chilly, cold-blooded,

frozen, indifferent, unfriendly, perfunctory, unsympathetic, wintry,

frosty, incurious, insouciant, nonchalant, unconcerned, disinterested,

frigid, passionless, unresponsive, stolid, catatonic, deadpan, numb,

phlegmatic, stoic, detached, aloof, pococurante, remote,


8. 狂热 VS 麻木

狂热:gush, brash, ardor, avidity, fervor, enthusiasm, passion, zeal,

zealotry, feeling, emotion, sensibility, avidity, fervency, passion,

passionateness, vehemence, mania, craze, obsession,

preoccupation, prepossession, devotion, fervidness,

麻木:torpor, apathy, indifference, impassiveness, unconcern,

disregard, disinterestedness, incuriosity, nonchalance, phlegm,

numbness affectlessness, emotionlessness, impassivity, insensibility,

coma, sluggish, stolidity, frigidity

9. 开心 VS 不开心

开心:glee, cheerful, jovial, jocund, sanguine, lighthearted, rejoiced,

convivial, bright, cheering, festive, gay, sunshiny, cordial, buoyant,

blithe, jocular, chipper, eupeptic, lightsome, upbeat, winsome,

effervescent, jubilant, blithesome, gleeful, mirthful, jocose, jolly,

sunny, exulting, glorying, rejoicing, triumphant, merry, comforting,

heartwarming, happy, elated, agreeable, gratifying, pleasant,

pleased, delighted, angerless, blissful, joyous, sprightly, glad,

congenial, dulcet

不开心:glum, gloomy, melancholy, dejected, morose, saturnine,

sullen, lachrymose, hangdog, dire, dour, cheerless, chill, depressing,

depressive, desolate, disconsolate, dismal, drear, funereal,

lugubrious, miserable, somber, sunless, wretched, bleak, dark, gray,

sulky, surly, moody, serious, mournful, deploring, doleful, dolorous,

lamentable, plaintive, rueful, woeful, solemn, sepulchral, tenebrous,

morbid, agonized, bemoaning, bewailing, deplorable, grievous,

sorrowful, heartbreaking, pathetic, infelicitous, hapless, ill-fated,

unfortunate, unhappy, distressful, plangent, crestfallen, maudlin,

mawkish, tearful, sentimental, aggrieved, displeased, blue,

low-spirited, bemoaning, disheartened

10. 喜 VS 悲

喜:ecstasy, bliss, euphoria, rapture, beatitude, joy, elation, felicity,

exhilaration, exuberance, exultation, jubilation, paradise,

intoxication, rhapsody, transport, cheer, delight, pleasure, mirth,

gaiety, hilarity, jocundity, joviality, lightheartedness, conviviality,

crow, glory, jubilate, triumph, rejoicing, gratification

悲:grief, dolor, doldrums, dolefulness, dejection, depression,

desolation, despondence, misery, hurt, gloom, unhappiness,

melancholy, gloominess, torture, wretchedness, affliction, agony,

anguish, pain, excruciation, rack, torment, travail, tribulation, woe,

chagrin, grimace, scowl, umbrage, oppression, bale, suffering,

weep, moan, lament, mourning, strait, sorrow, mournfulness

11. 话多 VS 话少

话多:circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, prolix, rambling, verbose,

windy, long-windy, wordy, garrulous, loquacious, glib, expansive,

voluble, chatty, conversational, gabby, talkative, eloquent, vocative,

long, redundant, windbag, babbler, conversationalist, gabbler,

gasbag, prattler

话少: taciturn, laconic, reserved, reticent, curt, pithy, succinct, terse,

compendious, uncommunicative, mute, dumb, inarticulate,

speechless, voiceless, wordless, closemouthed, constrained,

restrained, silent, compact, concise, crisp, withdrawn, diffident,

summary, telegraphic, brief, apothegmatic, compendiary, elliptical,

aphoristic, capsule, tight-lipped

12. 简朴 VS 奢华

简朴的:austere, plain, Spartan, stark, unadorned, spare, ascetic,

stoic, humble, no-frills, simple, self-denying, undecorated,

unembellished, temperate, abstinent, abstemious

奢华的:lavish, luxurious, plush, sumptuous, pompous, baroque,

palatial, deluxe, luxuriant, opulent, resplendent, splendid, superb,

silken, plushy

13. 相关 VS 不相关

不相关:extraneous, impertinent, inapplicable, irrelative, immaterial,

peripheral, tangent, pointless, accidental, adventitious, external,

inapposite, excursive, digressive

相关:applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, relative,

relevant, pointed, cogent, essential, important, crucial, significant,


14. 成功 VS 平庸

成功:successful, eminent, celebrated, distinguished, famed, notable,

prominent, renowned, illustrious, famous, legendary, noted,

notorious, well-known, reputable, prestigious, esteemed,

redoubtable, bright, luminous, noteworthy, outstanding, preeminent,

signal, astral, brilliant, exceptional, extraordinary, impressive,


平庸:mediocre, undistinguished, unsuccessful, obscure, noteless,

uncelebrated, unfamous, unknown, unrecognized, unsung, average,

inferior, common, commonplace, fair, ordinary, moderate

15. 减轻 VS 加重

减轻:assuage, moderate, allay, alleviate, mitigate, palliate, temper,

reduce, ease, pacify, mollify, soothe, salve, relieve, abate, recede,

lighten, defuse, gentle, propitiate, subside, remit, soften, wane,

die(away/down/out), let up, phase down, ratchet(down), taper off

加重:worsen, aggravate, exasperate, deteriorate, exacerbate,

intensify, complicate, increase the intensity of

16. 平息 VS 煽动

平息:soothe, defuse, mollify, conciliate, propitiate, appease, pacify,

placate, calm, settle, subdue, solace, lull, allay, balm, becalm,

compose, ,lullaby, quiet, settle, still, tranquilize, salve, contain, quell,

dumb, extinguish, hush, mute, lighten, propitiate, quash, quench,


煽动:agitate, gall, inflame, nettle, provoke, peeve, pique, irritate,

rile, roil, infuriate, antagonize, incense, excite, intoxicate, motivate,

stimulate, pump up, galvanize, discompose, disquiet, disturb,

perturb, upset, vex, ail, ire, irk, madden, bother, discomfort, distress,

unsettle, annoy, enrage, grate, exasperate, rouse, dismay,

distemper, distract, arouse, encourage, foment, incite, instigate,

spark, stir, rankle, tantrum, truculent, engender, anger, enflame,

outrage, abet, brew, raise, pick, goad

17. 喜欢 VS 厌恶

喜欢:predisposition, disposition, leaning, propensity, tendency,

inclination, proclivity, bent, liability, predilection, penchant,

orientation, affinity, affection, bias, partiality, aptitude, liking,

prepossession, appetite, relish, favor, fondness, preference, fancy,


厌恶:aversion, repugnance, antipathy, disfavor, disinclination,

dislike, distaste, loathing, repulsion, nausea, revulsion, horror,

disrelish, mislike, unwillingness, disgust, hatred, exceptionable,

objectionable, grudge,odium, repulsiveness

18. 模仿/恶搞

模仿:mimic, mock, emulate, simulate, impersonate, imitate, parrot,

parody, copy, mime, ape, copycat,

恶搞:burlesque, caricature, parody, farce, travesty, mockery, sham,

spoof, pastiche, imitation, mimicking, mock, send up

19. 观点

观点:perspective, angle, outlook, slant, viewpoint, standpoint,

argument, assertion, point, position, stand, thesis

20. 难懂 VS 易懂

难懂:arcane, enigmatic, elusive, inscrutable, unfathomable, occult,

esoteric, hermetic, impenetrable, recondite, abstruse, uncanny,

opaque, inaccessible, deep, profound, runic, mysterious, mystic,

cryptic, incomprehensible, ungraspable, unintelligible

易懂:transparent, translucent, pellucid, lucid, elucidate,

comprehend, understanding, intelligible, accessible, enlighten,

illuminate, luminous, cast light on, patent, readily, fathomable,

comprehendible, easy, simple, superficial, shallow, facile,

understandable, easily comprehended

21. 模糊 VS 清晰

模糊:murky, vague, nebulous, muddy, equivocal, cloudy,

ambiguous, hazy, indistinct, arcane, obscure, occult, fuliginous,

elliptical, inscrutable, opaque, dark, mystic

清晰:clear, limpid, plain, definite, distinct, unambiguous,

unequivocal, explicit, manifest, certain, nonambiguous, obvious,

bare, pellucid, accessible

22. 没兴趣 VS 感兴趣

没兴趣:disregard, apathy, disinterestedness, incuriosity,

nonchalance, torpor, unconcern, indifference, casualness,

complacence, insouciance, aloofness, unconcern, perfunctory,

detachment, numbness, pococurante, carefree, half-hearted

感兴趣:concern, interest, regard, curious, inquiring, investigative,

prying, inquisitive, preoccupation, absorption, engagement,

engrossment, immersion

Section 2

1. 征服 VS 投降

征服:vanquish, subdue, subject, subjugate, conquer, defeat,

squelch, dominate, overpower, pacify, quash, subordinate,

surmount, overmatch, prevail, triumph, win, dispatch, reign

投降:capitulate, surrender, lose, bend (to), succumb (to), subject to,

yield (to), submit (to), give in (to), succor, quit, bow, concede,

abnegate, relent, budge, knuckle under

2. 真 VS 假

真:authentic, bona-fide, genuine, unfeigned, factual, true, truthful,

certified, veritable, honest, veracious, real, unfaked, credible,


假:spurious, apocryphal, bogus, counterfeit, fake, forged, phony,

sham, feigned, hypocritical, imposter, unauthentic, ungenuine,

mock, pseudo, artificial, fraudulent, deceitful, deceptive, dishonest,

duplicitous, guileful, mendacious, fallacious, lying, untruthful,

inauthentic, queer, snide, beguiling, deceiving, deluding, delusive,

delusory, false, misleading, fiction, chimaera

3. 伪装 VS 揭露

伪装:sham, cloak, camouflage, costume, guise, dress up, mask,

disguise, masquerade, imposture, belie, conceal, curtain, enshroud,

obscure, occult, shroud, veil, screen, blanket, cover, suppress, blot

out, paper over

揭露:uncloak, uncover, undress, unmask, show up, debunk,

disclose, expose, reveal, unveil, bare, display, divulge, reveal, show

4. 密谋/合作

密谋:connive, conspire, contrive, intrigue, machinate, plot, put up,

collude, cogitate, scheme, design

合作:collaborate, cooperate, band, concert, concur, conjoin, join,

league, unite, conspire, synergic

5. 信 VS 不信

信:credence, belief, credit, faith, trust, reliance, implicit, sanguine,

clear, certainty, certitude, conviction (convinced), doubtlessness

(doubtless), positiveness(positive), assurance,

assuredness(assured), confidence (confident), surety, sureness


不信:doubt(doubtful), skepticism (skeptical), paranoid, dubious,

leery, dubiety, fear, distrust(distrustful), suspicion (suspicious),

uncertainty (uncertain), unfounded, unsure, misgiving,

apprehension, dread, incertitude, equivocal, questionable,

precarious, disbelief

6. 蓄意的 VS 意外的 or 自发的

蓄意的:calculated, deliberate, intended, planned, premeditated,

intentional, prepense, willful, conscious, knowing, purposeful,

voluntary, willed, witting, studied, advised, considered, measured,

reasoned, thoughtful, weighed

意外的:fortuitous, incidental, unintended, unplanned, unintentional,

unpremeditated, unwitting, unaware, backfire, casual, chance, fluky,

inadvertent, accidental, adventitious, haphazard, random,


自发的:automatic, impulsive, instinctive, involuntary, spontaneous,

mechanical, natural, mechanic, unstudied, unconsidered, unadvised,

uncalculated, impetuous, haste

7. 有争议的 VS 无争议的

有争议的:untenable, assailable, controversial, contentious,

disputatious, open to question, polemical, scrappy, arguable,

debatable, disputable, problematic, questionable, refutable

无争议的:unassailable, undeniable, irrefutable, indisputable,

unexceptionable, unimpeachable, sure, certain, inarguable, positive,

incontestable, inviolable, sacrosanct, incontrovertible, indubitable,

unquestionable, untouchable
8. 浮夸的 VS 简朴的 or 低调的

浮夸的:pompous, affected, bombastic, flowery, grandiloquent,

magniloquent, rhetorical, declamatory, turgid, grandiose, inflated,

pretentious, extravagant, flamboyant, sonorous, flatulent,

ostentatious, splashy, florid, flatulent, fustian, gaseous, gassy,

oratorical, orotund, purple, windy

朴素的:homely, simple, austere, unadorned, undecorated,

unembellished, ascetic, Spartan, stark, plain, humble, severe, sober,

restrained, unflashy, modest, prosaic

低调的:conservative, muted, repressed, low-key, understated,

unpretentious, secretive, quiet, unflamboyant , subdued

9. 傲慢的 VS 谦虚的

傲慢的:pompous, presumptuous, assuming, vainglorious, arrogant,

haughty, hauteur, supercilious, overbearing, imperious, pontifical,

lordly, superior, assumptive, overweening, peremptory, presuming,

pretentious, self-assertive, self-asserting, bumptious, conceited,

uppish, uppity, egotistic, high-and-mighty, toplofty, lofty,

authoritative, despotic, dictatorial, masterful, peremptory,

egocentric, fastuous, flamboyant, ostentatious, prideful, proud,

smug, consequential, assured, complacent, vain, cavalier,

self-satisfied, snobbish, aristocratic, elitist, persnickety

谦虚的:modest, humble, unarrogant, unpretentious, unassuming,

lowly, demure, down-to-earth, meek, moderate, unostentatious,

egoless, uncomplacent

Section 3

1. 超越

超越:overshadow, eclipse, outrank, outshine, outstrip, overbalance,

overweigh, obscure, adumbrate, beat, better, exceed, excel,

outclass, outmatch, overtop, transcend, surpass

2. 开始 VS 结束

开始:outset, onset, commencement, genesis, inception, birth, start,

nascence, threshold, beginning, dawn, kickoff, launch, alpha,

incipience, sustain, baseline, start continuation, initiate, embark,

inaugurate, establish, institute, introduce, plant, open

结束:close, conclusion, end, ending, omega, termination, terminus,

shutdown, halt, expiration, discontinuance, closure, cutoff, check,

cessation, finish, cease

3. 混乱 VS 有序

混乱:(n.)tumult, turmoil, disorder, disarray, anarchy, hubbub,

messiness, misorder, topsy-turviness, confusion, shambles, mess,

muss, hash, disarray, disarrangement, disorganization,

dishevelment, disorderliness, chaos, muddle, jumble, welter,

pandemonium, bouleversement, riot, roil, disturbance, hurricane,

uproar, upheaval, clamor, furor, tousle, havoc, stir, storm, moil, coil,

paroxysm, bedlam, unrest, cataclysm, earthquake, tempest,

convulsion, commotion; (v.)disarrange, disorganize, discompose,

dishevel, dislocate, disrupt, disturb, discombobulate, disjointed,

maelstrom, scramble, confuse, rumple, addle, mix up, mess up,

muss up, tumble, upset; (adj.)willy-nilly, topsy-turvy, hurry-scurry,

chaotic, confused, disarranged, disarrayed, disheveled, disorderly,

jumbled, messed, rumpled, sloppy, unkempt, untidy, tousled,

tumbled, littered, messy, anarchic, stormy, cataclysmal, cyclonic

有序:(n.) orderliness, order, (v.) array, arrange, dispose, organize,

range, regulate, classify, codify, marshal, systematize, draw up,

straighten up, lay out; (adj.)methodical, regular, systematic,

systematized, orderly, organized, bandbox, kempt, neat, shipshape,

tidy, trim, well-ordered, strictly structured, strictly featured

4. 新颖的 VS 陈腐的

新颖的:ingenious, innovative, inventive, novel, arresting, original,

clever, imaginative, creative, fresh, new, offbeat, unaccustomed,

unfamiliar, unheard-of, unknown, unprecedented, unclichéd,


陈腐的:commonplace, banal, trite, hackneyed, timeworn,

threadbare, ,stereotyped, shopworn, moth-eaten, stale, uncreative,

unimaginative, conservative, hidebound, familiar, tired,

time-honored, warmed-over, stereotypical, bathetic, derivative,

hack, well–worn, obligatory, musty, warmed-over

5. 陈词滥调 VS 独创性

陈词滥调:platitude, bromide, cliché, commonplace, banality, homily,

truism, chestnut, shibboleth, groaner, triteness, staleness

独创性:creativeness, innovativeness, inventiveness, originality,

ingenuity, novelty

Section 4

1. 淡定 VS 不淡定

淡定的:collected, composed, possessed, recollected, undisturbed,

tranquil, unperturbed, unruffled, level, smooth, limpid, cool, serene,

sedate, self-collected, self-composed, self-possessed, imperturbable,

disimpassioned, nonchalant, unflappable, peaceful, placid, calm,

coolheaded, hushed, untroubled, halcyon

不淡定:agitated, discomposed, disturbed, flustered, perturbed,

upset, tumultuous, distraught, delirious, distracted, frenzied,

hysterical, touchy, choleric, unhinged, unstrung, nervous, shakable,

overwrought, excited, heated, hectic, hyperactive, overactive,

restless, turbulent, unquiet, unsettled

2. 反对者 VS 支持者

反对者:foe, adversary, antagonist, opponent, enemy, rival,


支持者:proponent, exponent, advocator, backer, booster, champion,

espouser, friend, promoter, intimate, ally, amigo, supporter,

confederate, expounder, protagonist, apostle, sympathizer, crusader,

fanatic, ideologue, zealot, true believer, partisan

3. 短暂 VS 持久

短暂:transient, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, temporary,

meteoric, momentary, transitory, brief, flash, fugitive, impermanent,

passing, fugacious, rapid, provisional

持久:enduring, eternal, everlasting, long-lasting, immortal,

permanent, perpetual, abiding, imperishable, ageless, continuing,

lasting, perennial, timeless, undying, ceaseless, deathless, endless,

prolonged, dateless, unending, long-lived

4. 谨慎 VS 不谨慎

谨慎:careful, cautious, circumspect, guarded, heedful, prudent,

wary, timorous, minute, discreet, chary, assiduous, alert, gingerly,

heedful, conscientious, exact, meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous,

nonnegligent, attentive, fussy, punctilious, mindful, advertent,

observant, regardful, vigilant, watchful

不谨慎:careless, reckless, audacious, bold, brash, brassy, brazen,

daredevil, rash, madcap, temerarious, headlong, cursory, slipshod,

slack, incautious, unmindful, unwary, remiss, disregardful, lax,

neglectful, neglecting, derelict, feckless, heedless, inadvertent,

irresponsible, lazy, slipshod, sloppy, irreflective, thoughtless,

uncaring, negligent, overbold, overconfident

5. 复杂的 VS 容易的

复杂的:tangled, thorny, knotty, convoluted, involved, byzantine,

labyrinthine, complex, sophisticated, twisted, baroque, complicated,

intricate, elaborate, snarly

容易的:easy, effortless, plain, simple, straightforward, simple,


6. 困惑 VS 阐明

困惑:perplex, confound, baffle, bewilder, bamboozle, befuddle,

befog, discombobulate, disorient, maze, mystify, puzzle, vex, elude,

muddle, upset, addle, fuddle, gravel, muddy, obscure, nonplus,

discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, mortify , abash, faze, fluster

阐明:clarify, elucidate, explicate, expound, illuminate, illustrate,

apprise, instruct, enlighten, construe, demonstrate, demystify,

interpret, untangle, unravel, edify, educate, inspire, nurture

7. 守旧的 VS 前卫的

保守的:conservative, hidebound, reactionary, die-hard, old –

fashioned, ultraconservative, archconservative, brassbound,

standpat, conventional, stodgy, traditionalistic, doctrinaire,


前卫的:liberal, radical, aggressive, nonconservative, open-minded,

progressive broad-minded, large-minded, nonconventional,

nonorthodox, nontraditional, avant-guard, pioneering

8. 残忍的 VS 仁慈的

无情的:relentless, inexorable, ironfisted, merciless, ruthless,

unrelenting, unsparing, inclement, callous, affectless,

uncharitable, remorseless, indurate, unloving, heartless,
inhumane, insensitive, obdurate, thick-skinned, pitiless,
bloodless, dull, compassionless, hard-hearted, insensate,
ironhearted, harsh, cruel, mortal, cold-blooded, grim
仁慈的:charitable, clement, merciful, lenient, relenting, fond,

humane, kindly, compassionate, tender, adoring, affectionate,

tenderhearted, kindhearted, sympathetic, warmhearted,

softhearted, devoted, loving

9. 阻止 VS 促进

阻止:preclude, deter, avert, forestall, obviate, dissuade, prevent,

interdict, bar, block, check, bridle, hinder, intercept, impede,

obstruct, curb, stonewall, blockade, filibuster, barricade, hamper,

handicap, thwart, retard, arrest, stall, contain, tame, bring up, draw

up, hold up, pull up, stave off, head off, wall off

促进:abet, assist, facilitate, further, precipitate, promote, expedite,

ease, forward, help, goad, urge, exhort, instigate, prod, prompt,

propel, hasten, spur, stimulate, advance, cultivate, foster, nurture,

propagate, incentive

10. 客观的 VS 偏见的

客观的:disinterested, equal, evenhanded, impartial, just,

nonpartisan, dispassionate, objective, square, unbiased,

unprejudiced, indifferent, equitable, fair, neutral, egalitarian,


偏见的:biased, inequitable, nonobjective, one-sided, partial,

partisan, prejudiced, unjust, jaundiced, tendentious, bigot,

discriminating, unfair, dogmatist, distorting, subjective

11. 冷漠的 VS 热心的

冷漠的:apathetic, incurious, insouciant, nonchalant, perfunctory,

unconcerned, disinterested, stoic, aloof, detached, forbearing,

indifferent, impassive, phlegmatic, stolid, tolerant, unemotional,

catatonic, deadpan, numb, uneager, unenthusiastic, uninterested,

casual, pococurante, complacent, antiseptic, brittle, chilly,

cold-blooded, frozen, unfriendly, unsympathetic, wintry, glacial,

frozen, affectless, deadpan, impassible, passionless, remote,

insensible, bloodless, callous, dull

热心的:demonstrative, emotional, fervent, fervid, impassioned,

passionate, vehement, acquisitive, voracious, avid, covetous,

grasping, greedy, hungry, rapacious, ravenous, thirsty, agape, warm,

agog, anticipant, anticipatory, attentive, concerned, heedful,

interested, mindful, cordial, warmhearted, friendly, genial, hearty,

sympathetic, warm-blooded, enamored, besotted, bewitched,

captivated, crazy, dotty, enraptured, fascinated, infatuated, mad,

nuts, obsessed, longing, nostalgic, reminiscent, yearning, wistful,

ardent, enthusiastic, solicitous, keen, impatient, anxious, desirous,

eager, wild

Section 5

1. 可感知的 VS 不可感知的

可感知的: perceptible, appreciable, apprehensible, detectable,

discernible, distinguishable, palpable, sensible, tactile, tangible,

touchable, ponderable

不可感知的:impalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable,

indistinguishable, insensible, undetectable, unable to perceive,

imponderable, intangible, invisible, indiscernible

2. 有效的 VS 无效的

有效的:effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, productive,

virtuous, worthy, compelling, telling, conclusive, convincing, forceful,

persuasive, satisfying, deadly, potent, profitable, fruitful, expedient,

operant, decisive, strong, operative

无效的:counterproductive, feckless, hamstrung, ineffective,

ineffectual, inefficacious, inefficient, inexpedient, barren, bootless,

unavailing, vain, futile, abortive, fruitless, meaningless, purposeless,

useless, worthless, inconclusive, indecisive, uncompelling,

unconvincing, unpersuasive, otiose, profitless, unprofitable, weak,

feeble, inoperative

3. 预言/预兆

预言/预兆:harbinger, foregoer, herald, precursor, forerunner, augur,

portend, forecast (forecaster), predict(predictive), presage,

prognosticate (prognostic), prophesy (prophetic, prophesier),

outrider, prefigure, foresee, adumbrate, forerun, forebode, promise,

foretell (foreteller), farsighted, apocalyptic, diviner, visionary,

4. 大量 VS 少量

大量:rife, abounding, abundant, awash, flush, fraught, replete,

swarming, teeming, thronging, cornucopia, myriad, copious, untold,

slew, scads, spate, plethora, an avalanche of, a deluge of, full, filled,

lousy, thick, bundle, dozen, multiplicity, plentitude, profusion,

shipload, volume, wealth, bunch, plateful, plenty, reams, stack,

affluence, boodle, fortune, colossus, peck, opulence, plenty, feast,

overabundance, overflow, surfeit, surplus, mint, bomb, pile, wad,

amplitude, adequacy, mass

少量:pittance, modicum, shred, paucity, dearth, deficient,

inadequate, insufficient, scanty, scarce, short, skimpy, sparse, bare,

void, destitute, bereft, rare, absent, incomplete, ace, bit, driblet,

glimmer, handful, hint, mite, mouthful, nip, ounce, trace, sprinkle,

smattering, speck, spot, lack, particle, molecule, iota, atom, little,

peanuts, pinch, undersupply, crumb, driblet, scintilla, spark, tad,

drought, famine, shortage, want, pinch, scantiness

5. 增加 VS 减少

增加:aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate,

expand, balloon, bulge, hike, accrete, accelerate, accumulate,

enlarge, mushroom, proliferate, snowball, roll up, mount, swell,

garner, build up, bulk (up), inflate, raise, compound, increase, pump

up, magnify, enhance, heighten, intensify, boom, stoke, grow, rise,

soar, wax, appreciate, flourish prosper, burgeon

减少:diminish, abate, abase, dwindle, debase, lessen, lower, reduce,

decline, erode, contract, decrease, recede, wane, dissipate, taper,

minify, drop, shrink, knock down, minimize, discount, deprecate,

moderate, ease, modulate, subside, temper, downsize, subtract,

ebb, wither, blight, shrivel, waste away, fall, subdue, drain away, die

down, phase down, fall away, let up, dent, downscale

6. 重要的 VS 不重要的

重要的:important, significant, consequential, momentous, weighty,

pivotal, cardinal, paramount, vital, considerable, crucial, eventful,

critical, decisive, key, fateful, full-bodied, substantial, big, material,

major, unfrivolous, signal, earthshaking, pregnant, eloquent,

profound, distinguished, illustrious, notable, noteworthy,

outstanding, preeminent, substantive, constitutional, elemental,

essential, fundamental, apocalyptic

不重要的:trivial, insubstantial, negligible, nominal, trifling, nugatory,

piddling, measly, paltry, inconsequential, slight, insignificant, petty,

unimportant, immaterial, extraneous, noncritical, fiddling, frivolous,

inconsiderable, minor, minute, measly, peanut, incidental, niggling,

piffling, little, marginal

7. 尊敬 VS 轻视 or 亵渎



esteem, love, adore, aggrandize, dignify, ennoble, glorify, magnify,

sanctify, revere, hallow, honor, respect, respect, revere, venerate,

deify, consecrate, sacralize, sanctify, adore, deify, glorify, esteem,

regard, respect, revere, venerate, worship, adulate, venerate, honor,

respect, revere,


deification, idolatry, deference, acquiescence, compliancy, docility,

obedience, submissiveness, homage, commendation, eulogy, hymn,

paean, panegyric, salutation, tribute, dithyramb, deference,

glorification, respect, reverence, veneration, adoration, glorification,

respect, reverence, esteem, honor, respect, hankering, infatuation,

admiration, esteem, estimation, regard, respect, reverence,

veneration, appreciation, estimation, favor,


deferential, reverent, infamous, distinguished, esteemed,

prestigious, reputable, irreproachable, honorable, respectable,

redoubtable, bright, distinguished, illustrious, luminous, notable,

noteworthy, outstanding, preeminent, prestigious, estimable,

prestigious, reputable, applaudable, commendable, creditable,

meritorious, praiseworthy, admirable, commendable, creditable,

laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy, honorable, lofty, noble, straight,

upright, venerable, virtuous



disdain, contemn, disrespect, slight, sniff, snub, scorn, despise,

disregard, flout, look down (on or upon), banter, chaff, deride,

disparage, despise, disregard, flout, gag, gibe, jape, jeer, jest, jibe,

jive, jolly, josh, laugh at, mock, quip, ridicule, scoff, scout, shoot

down, sneer, taunt, wisecrack, abase, degrade, demean, humble,

humiliate, vituperate


contempt, contemptuousness, defiance, despisement, despite,

despitefulness, disdain, disobedience, intractability, misprision,

recalcitrance, scorn, derision, mockery, joke, mock, ridicule, scoffing,

flout, debasement, insolence, superciliousness


censurable, cheap, contemptible, cruddy, deplorable, despicable,

discreditable, grubby, illaudable, infamous, lame, lousy, mean,

paltry, reprehensible, scummy, scurvy, sneaking, wretched,

discreditable, disgraceful, dishonorable, ignominious, infamous,

notorious, opprobrious, shameful, unrespectable, base,

contemptible, despicable, detestable, dishonorable, execrable,

ignominious, mean, sordid, vile, wretched, contemptuous



desecrate, defile, profane, violate, blaspheme, deconsecrate,

desacralize, desanctify


sacrilege, blasphemy, defilement, desecration, irreverence, impiety,

profanation, violation



8. 承认 VS 否认

承认:aver, avow, acknowledge, assert, affirm, reassert, reaffirm,

allege, avouch, insist, declare, purport, warrant, maintain, profess,

contend, protest, claim, grant, concede, confirm, admit, agree,

allow, own, confess, adhere, stick, tender

否认:deny, disclaim, recant, gainsay, refuse to grant, disavow,

disaffirm, disconfirm, negate, repudiate, contradict, contravene,

naysay, refute, negative, reject, abnegate, renounce, renege, unsay,

forswear, take back, repeal, retract, withdraw, abjure, recall

9. 苛求的

苛求的:fastidious, demanding, exacting, finical, fussy, pernickety,

persnickety, picky, meticulous, painstaking, punctilious, scrupulous,

agonizing, thorough, deliberate, finicking, heedful, exact, choosy,

hypercritical, squeamish, nice, particular, finicky, delicate, careful,

conscientious, attentive

10. 猜测

猜测:speculate, assume, conjecture, presume, suppose, surmise,

daresay, suspect, imagine, guess, infer

11. 节俭 VS 吝啬 VS 浪费 VS 大方

节俭:sparing, economical, provident, thrift, husband, stinting,

frugal, farsighted, economizing, scrimp, budget, conserving, saving,


吝啬:stingy, miserly, tightfisted, closefisted, parsimonious,

penurious, miser, niggard, skinflint, skimp, hoarder, begrudge,

sparing, mean, pinch, scrimping, mingy, ungenerous, tight,

uncharitable, penny-pinching, churl

浪费:extravagant, prodigal, sumptuous, lavish, squandering,

dissolute, profligate, spendthrift, squander, dissipate, misspend,

wasteful, blow, fritter, unthrifty, profusion, waster, wastrel, dissipater,

spender, fritterer

大方:generous, liberal, munificent, openhanded, improvident,

unselfish, charitable, unsparing, unstinting, bountiful, freehanded,


12. 沉思

沉思:contemplate, meditate, ponder, ruminate, consider, cogitate,

deliberate, muse, think, reflect, perpend, weigh, mull, pore, revolve,

study, wrestle

13. 珍爱的 VS 讨厌的

珍爱的:cherished, precious, beloved, dear, favored, fond, loved, pet,

special, sweet, darling, adore, enjoy, like

讨厌的:abhorred, abominated, despised, detested, disdained,

disliked, execrated, hated, loathed, invidious, abhorrent, detestable,

obnoxious, odious, repugnant, repellent, loathsome, appalling,

disgusting, hideous, nauseating, offensive, repulsive, noxious, awful,

distasteful, dreadful, foul, fulsome, gross, horrid, nasty, noisome,

revolting, scandalous, anathema, aversion, antipathy

14. 同意 VS 不同意

同意:accede, endorse, acquiesce, assent, consent, cachet,

subscribe, concur, come round, agree, accept, approve, embrace,


不同意:demur, dissent, disagree, challenge, exception,

expostulation, fuss, kick, protest, remonstrance, stink, complaint,

objection, question, remonstration, resist, chasm, differ, nonconcur

15. 支持 VS 削弱

支持:bolster, brace, buttress, sustain, undergird, underpin, fortify,

uphold, prop up, shore up, bear, corroborate, reinforce, substantiate,

support, back, invigorate, beef up, aid, abet, strengthen, carry, stay,

advocate, champion, endorse, espouse, sanction, patronize,

enhance, crutch, column, underpropping,

削弱:undercut, undermine, contravene, challenge, prostrate,

weaken, sap, debilitate , devitalize, enervate , enfeeble, etiolate,

vitiate, blemish, cripple, deface, degrade, deteriorate, flaw, harm,

impair, mar, abate, attenuate

Section 6

1. 灾难 VS 幸运

灾难:catastrophe, apocalypse, calamity, cataclysm, debacle, doom,

scourge, misfortune, adversity, disaster, ill, mischance, mishap,

tragedy, affliction, bane, curse, nemesis, hardship, misadventure

幸运:luck, fortune, serendipity, benediction, boon, felicity, godsend,

manna, windfall, benefit, blessing, gift, benevolence, present

2. 失败 VS 成功

失败:catastrophe, calamity, cataclysm, debacle, fiasco, bummer,

fizzle, flop, washout, failure, disaster, collapse, defeat,

nonachievement, nonsuccess

成功:complete success, éclat, blockbuster, hit, smash, winner,

triumph, accomplishment, achievement, fame, renown, brilliance

3. 善变的 VS 坚定的

善变的:volatile, versatile, capricious, whimsical, mercurial, erratic,

labile, protean, metamorphous, fickle, inconstant, fluctuating, fluid,

mutable, temperamental, unsettled, unsteady, variable, changeful,

uncertain, skittish, freakish, flicker, unstable, adaptable, adjustable

善变:caprice, vagary, vagrancy, whimsy, upheaval, volatility,

whimsicality, freakishness, impulsiveness, whimsicalness, fancy,

freak, humor, crank

坚定的:steadfast, resolute, constant, pertinacious, stable,

immutable, invariable, steady, stationary, certain, settled, unvarying,

changeless, unchangeable, unwavering, established, fixed

4. 抨击 VS 颂词

抨击: diatribe, tirade, harangue, jeremiad, philippic, rant,

censorious, castigation, lambasting, reprimand, reproach,

vituperation, denunciation, condemnation, criticism, censure,

reproof, reprobation, excoriation, obloquy, rebuke, stricture

颂词:encomium, eulogy, panegyric, tribute, accolade, laudatory

piece of writing, rhapsody, ode, commendation

5. 费力的 VS 不费力的

费力的:demanding, arduous, burdensome, challenging, exacting,

grueling, laborious, onerous, persnickety, taxing, toilsome, killing,

difficult, formidable, hard, tough, murderous, heavy, sweaty,

strenuous, rigorous, rugged, severe, strenuous, spiny, troublesome,

stiff, testing

不费力的:easy, simple, unchallenging, undemanding, facile,

effortless, light, cheap, painless, royal, fluent, fluid, ready, smooth,

mindless, requiring little effort, manageable, straightforward,

uncomplicated, soft

6. 避免

避免:eschew, dodge, elude, evade, shirk, shun, weasel out of, parry,

circumvent, avoid, bypass, sidestep, skirt, get around, escape,

malinger, goldbrick, fence, hedge, avert, bilk, finesse, truant, duck,

beat, shortcut

7. 获得

获得:reap, acquire, attain, capture, harvest, garner, procure, secure,

draw, gain, get, make, obtain, realize, win, bring in, bag, chalk up,

clock up, hit, log, rack up, ring up, score, notch, knock down, pull

down, earn

8. 骗子 & 万灵药

骗子:quack, charlatan, mountebank, imposter, fake, fraud, hoaxer,

sham, phony, pretender, humbug, ringer, quacksalver,

万灵药:panacea, cure-all, elixir, nostrum, catholicon,


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