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Tax credits listening to customer, questioning, using ctp

eg incorrect backdating.

july app called re o/p of wtc yet no gaps in employment, reduction of hours or income
previous advisor had not b/d correctly when doing coc.
App changed jobs in April. old job ceased 120410 new job started 180410. Called in
may. If 8 days between jobs wtc can be continuous but you have to manually enter the
gap otherwise there would be one week o/p After updating properly App received a
correct amd award notice which wiped out the o/p


debt recovery If customer bankrupt or needs more than 3 months to repay refer to

identity fraud

If multiple changes in circs, or accent does not match name, ccc v high but low
income etc etc refer to compliance team

Also possible nino hijack eg a customer hangs up during security, when questioned
about previous job details---I referred this recently , june i think and received thank
you letter from compliance team that was organised fraud


Developing self and others

Keep areas of expertise up to date. Ask for and repond to feedback

HMRC call coaching with team leader listen to calls and assess them with manager.
In July she identified i was trying to be too helpful, encouraging customer to mak a
note of their pass words is a fail because security risk. i must say it is up to them how
to record their pass words. i always take note and learn from my call coaching
I keep up to date with changes , reading updates on intranet and e mails re changes eg
earlier this year had to read up on changes to debt recovery process which has
changed with repect to couples who have now separated, we now only require each
party to take responsibility for 50% of total debt, before each resp for full 100%,
whoever paid it first

Reading up on subject ds explain better concepts I had only recently practised.

also when examining revised set books, gained a cross-section knowledge of how
being taught as scripts from various parts of the country.on one occasion about 2001 I
became a marker of markers because my marking was consistent and matched criteria


using available evidence from various sources understanding where to go and who to

HMRC scenario in June. debt recovery CTP , award details, information from
applicant. Checked notice to pay for t/s applicant calling within 30 days. App did not
reply to renewal in time so cy award terminatd. explained to customer o/p occurred
due to non-completion renewal Refered to nots App called in May to give new job
details, thought this was renewal, advisor should have addressed this so issued dispute
from to App , adv all corresp and calls will be looked at customer satisfied

Security IDAS used ctp and ntc and experian information recently had to arrange an
EC appointment because App failed to confirm previous work and address history.
needed to find nearest ec according to post code and make referral for appointment to
prove identity so pass words can then be given and next time calls can use pass word
so can access personal details and answer query.

in personal life

diary of symptoms showed a pattern of pain /distress in final day of 72 hour cycl.
notified doctor who prescribed 48 hourly instead and Mum has much improved pain


time management
I am conscientious and read up ctp and updates in between calls if possible. i pay
attention to stats e mailed to me about my call length, wraqp time , idle time. Call
coaching records for this year have shown me to have maximum availablity for calls
above average for the centre this helps the business in financial sense as time utilised
more efficiently


HMRC-sharing and receiving info/tips to improve-with colleagues and in buzz

Bigger team office has specialist in arease eg debt recovery and compliance.
Stourbridge county court---jobs were 1)card index tele enquiries,
2)counter work dealing with plaintiffs, solicitors,defendants, receiving writs warrants
taking payments taking and banking cash
3)enforcement issuing and processing warrants A/E and dealing with queries re
bailiffs etc
4)judges/registrar's clerk issuing summonses, acting as reg clerk in court and
overseeing despatch of court orders after typing and checking

mum, sister and brother in law, care staff, district nurses, macmillan nurses. marie
curie nurses, doctor

1)Focusing on customer

DMB call Cutomer received o/p letter and very distressed has received notice to pay
because failed to complete renewal by 310710, did not think was necessary because
had already split from partner. Has started new job and wants new single
claim.Explained to customer that still needed to complete declaration for joint award
that occurred in previous tax year and so that award continues into this tax year up
until hhbd date so can be finalised using up to date circs and incomes. Took relevant
info to send referral to TCO of reason for o/p and circs to balance off previous claim,
updated customer details with new job and than referred customer to new claim team
by direct transfer so App did not need to complete new form. result no o/p and App
had new single claim took about 7 minutes

2)developing our people

HMRC2 years ago agreed to floor walk for a day to provide help and support to new
starters, had already successfully mentored an individual for a week on a previous
occasion so was happy to repeat the experience. I found I was constantly reassessing
my own knowledge while explaining to others so we were both learning something.
On one occasion I had to consult a team leader myself for the answer to a query. It
was over a security issue when an intermediary had previously passed authentication
yet there was no note on the system to give her authority. The person would not
accept the advisor's word on this . From this the the new starter learnt who to refer to
when in trouble and I also noted that it is not worth struggling for too long on your
own even when you know you are following correct procedure when a quick word
from your manager will resolve the matter. It is important to accept sometimes that
you need help.This call took about 9 minutes including the handover to the manager

3)Using evidence to make decisions

Home scenario. My mother has multiple myeloma and is in final stages being looked
after at the home she shares with my sister. I am currectly on unpaid leave to support
my sister as My mother is totally bed bound and cannot support herself, feed herself
or use the commode and is often v distressed. (My sister has managed to get her into a
hospice for a few days enabling me to come here today) We have been keeping a
diary of her symptoms and there is a pattern of distress/pain on the 3rd day of a 72
hour cycle in her pain relief. She has a neurogesic patch every 3 days and I noticed on
the final day of the patch she is in some pain/discomfort and that the first day of a new
patch she is more alert and mobile and cheerful. I mentioned this to the doctor 2
weeks ago and he said there should be no up and down as the patch designed to work
for 72 hours and the new one should just continue at same level . However the pattern
continued and last week the doctor agreed to change every 48 hours and this seems to
have prevented this drop on the 3rd day. This as result of taking evidence from
diarisation of symptoms Result was my mother is more stable

4)Planning and managing resources

HMRC Complaint received from customer May this year. Wanted to speak to
manager. I had to ask the nature of the complaint first. The customer had been waiting
several weeks for her new claim to process which exceeds the t/s of 3 weeks. On
looking at the claim I could see there was a verification failure showing that App part
of another NTC claim as part of a couple. I explained that the delay was because we
already had a claim for her and asked if she was still part of a couple. App explained
date she split from partner so I was able to finalise existing claim and input correct
start date for new claim and send for processing, thus save time on the phone,
negating the need for a t/l or for claim to remain on a work list and satisfied the
customer so no need for complaint. All took about 7 minutes

5)Working as a team

April this year customer called, had west indian accent but was called Hughes which
he pronounced hugges. He claimed that two new children had come to live with him
his nieces) and wanted to add them to his claim. Also he needed to change his bank
account. He passed the first stage of security but seemed reluctant when I said I
needed to authenticate him using info from experian as well as HMRC. After He
failed to confirm previous address/work history he hung up. I referred this to our
inhouse compliance team as suspected identity fraud and received feedback a couple
of weeks later that this was part of organised fraud called nino hijacking. As a result
the real owner of the nino will be written to and the use of their nino will be
monitored to protect them, so various parts of team involved: myself, local
compliance team and the head office, as well as future advisors who take calls for this
nino and see that it is flagged as vulnerable. The call was quite short because the
caller hung up during security but with the follow up took about 6 minutes.

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