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Sophia Whitesel

Ms. Burke

January 26, 2017

Honors English 11

Compare and Contrast Essay

Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Junior both eloquently spoke about how to handle

discrimination and injustice towards blacks. Both men accepted the idea of non-violence as their

primary option to achieve civil rights, however their secondary course of action differed.

Although both had persuasive ideas I believe Malcolm X presented a more logical approach. I

support the claims of Malcolm X because his first approach was peaceful protest but he was

willing to do anything in order to achieve his goal and he would not shy away from fighting

back. Both of these men, however, greatly contributed to the gain of civil rights an equality.

Malcolm X is known for his violent actions to gain civil rights. Violence was not how he

originally intended to solve the issue, but he knew that violence can only be countered by

violence itself. Martin Luther King Junior stated, “I am convinced that for practical as well as

moral reasons, nonviolence offers the only road to freedom for my people.” He believes that

violence will never be the answer no matter how harsh and cruelly the blacks were being treated.

Morally Martin Luther King was right, however you can not fight a gun with kindness. Malcom

uses the phrase either “the ballot or the bullet,” meaning that his preferred type of protest will be

amicable, however would not shy away from using a gun. Malcolm is determined to create the

change he wants to see no matter how he achieves it. His mind is fixed on gaining the same

rights as white men, and being considered a citizen if the United States.

Martin Luther King claims that self defense can be acceptable, “But the mere protection

of one’s home and person against assault by lawless night riders does not provide any positive

approach to the fears and conditions which produce violence.” He contradicts this statement

however by saying, “I must continue my faith that is too great a burden to bear and that violence,

even in self-defense, creates more problems than it solves.” I agree with Malcom X who strongly

believes in self-defense no matter what the circumstance. Even though self-defense can cause

more issues it would be senseless to allow them to beat an innocent bystander and show the

power they hold over the blacks. Malcom X did not want to give the whites that satisfaction, so

he believed in fighting back.

In conclusion, Malcom X’s ideas and actions towards civil rights was a more suitable

option than Martin Luther King’s. Although Martin Luther King was recognized for his great

attempts at peaceful protest, he lacked the fight that Malcom X possessed. What made Malcom

X more persuasive is because his first approach was peaceful protest but he was willing to do

anything in order to achieve his goal and he would not shy away from fighting back. His head-

strong and determined character allowed him to fight harder and further gauge a hand on civil

rights. Thanks to the brilliance of both of these men, along with others, America is a more

diverse and peaceful nation enveloped with equality.

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