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A political and social philosophy promoting
They believe that society is not merely a loose traditional social institutions in the context of
collection of individuals but a living organism culture and civilization.
comprising closely connected, interdependent
members. Conservatives thus favor institutions and
practices that have evolved gradually and are
manifestations of continuity and stability.

It was not until the late 18th century, in reaction
to the upheavals of the French Revolution (1789), Most conservatives favored obedience to political
that conservatism began to develop. It started as authority, believed that organized religion was crucial
a distinct political attitude and movement.
to social order, hated revolutionary upheavals, and
were unwilling to accept either liberal demands or
The British parliamentarian and political writer
civic liberties and representative governments or the
Edmund Burke, is generally acknowledged to be
nationalistic aspirations generated by the French
the originator of modern, articulated
revolutionary era. The community took precedence
conservatism. He reflected on the Revolution in
over individual rights; society must be organized and
France (1790) as a forceful expression of
ordered, and tradition was the guideline for order.

conservatives’ rejection of the French Revolution

and a major inspiration for counterrevolutionary
theorists in the 19th century. The general
revulsion against the violent course of the
revolution provided conservatives with an
opportunity to restore pre-Revolutionary
traditions, and several brands of conservative
philosophy soon developed.

Metternich was a representative of the ideology
known as conservatism, as a modern political
philosophy that has especially radical republican
and democratic ideas.

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