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RFP# 18-0621E2-041 



Proposals to be opened Jennifer LoTempio

At 11:00 A.M. LOCAL TIME Assistant Director of Purchase
On: Friday, December 22, 2017 816 City Hall
65 Niagara Square
Buffalo, New York 14202

Name of Bidder: ____________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________



Contact Person: ____________________________________________________

Phone Number: ____________________________________________________

Fax Number: ____________________________________________________

E-mail: ____________________________________________________

WEBSITE 12/3/2017
BUFFALO NEWS 12/3/2017
Rocket 12/7/17
Criterion 12/9/17
NYS Contract Reporter 12/1/17
Dear valued partner,

If you choose not to bid, please complete the questionnaire below and return it via email
or fax to the buyer listed on the cover of the bid/rfp. The fax is 716-851-3605. The
purpose of gathering this information is to permit the District an opportunity to analyze
no-bid rationale and is greatly appreciated.

 If you decline to provide the information requested below, your company may be
considered unresponsive and not interested in receiving future invitations to bid and
shall be removed from consideration for future opportunities.

Thank you.
Michael Yeates
Director of Purchase

* * * * * No Bid Questionnaire: * * * * *

A no bid is submitted in reply to the Buffalo Board of Education Invitation for Bid/RFP for Staffing Services
for Comprehensive School Nursing:

Date Due: December 22, 2017, for the following reasons:

______ Item/service not supplied by our company.

______ Bid specifications (give reason(s), e.g., too restrictive, not clear, etc.): __________________________


______ Profit margin on municipal bids too low.

______ Past experience with Buffalo (give specifics, e.g., payment delay, bid process, administrative problems,

______ Insufficient time allowed to prepare and respond to bid request.

______ Bid requirement too large _____ or too small _____ for our company.
______ Priority of other business opportunities limit time/other resources available to deliver or perform
according to bid specifications.
______ Other reason(s), please specify: _____________________________________________________


Please remove our company from your Bidder List files ________________.

Please keep our company on the Bidder List for this requirement _________.

Please add/ensure our company is included on Bidder List for the following products/services:

______________________________ _________________________________

______________________________ _________________________________

Company Name and Address: ______________________________________



Phone: (_____) _______________________

________________________________ ________________________________
(Signature) (Typed/Printed Name & Title)

If you are “NOT-BIDDING” this opportunity, please return

this document (pages 2 & 3) only. There is no need to
include the proposal body.


Supplier Default – Failure of the supplier to comply with any of these provisions may be considered reason for
rejection of proposal.

1. The issuance of this Request for Proposals (RFP) constitutes only an invitation to submit a response
to the Buffalo Public Schools (District). It is not to be construed as an official and customary
invitation to bid, but as a means by which the District can facilitate the acquisition of information
related to the purchase or implementation of services.

2. Any and all information presented herein, including drawings, specifications, instructions, policies,
engineering guides, questionnaires, methodologies, etc., which is a part of this RFP package, or
disclosed during the selection process, is the property of the District, and shall not be duplicated or
disclosed except to those employees of the recipient who have a need to know in order to prepare the

3. The District neither makes nor assumes any contractual obligations by issuing this RFP, receiving
and evaluating supplier response, or making preliminary supplier selection. Providing a response as
provided herein shall neither obligate nor entitle a Responder to enter into a contract with the

4. This RFP does not commit the District either to award a contract or to pay for any costs incurred in
the preparation of a submission. Responders shall bear all costs associated with submission
preparation, submission and attendance at presentation interviews, or any other activity associated
with this RFP or otherwise.

5. The District reserves the right to determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, whether any aspect
of the submission satisfactorily meets the criteria established in this RFP, the right to seek
clarification from any Responder (s), and the right to cancel and/or amend, in part or entirely, the
RFP, at any time prior to a written contract.

6. Responses should be directed to Jennifer LoTempio, Assistant Director of Purchase, at Room 816
City Hall, 65 Niagara Square, Buffalo, New York 14202 no later than the time and date stated on the
cover sheet, for the opening of the RFP with title, date of opening and RFP number on envelope.
Late submissions will be returned unopened.

7. The District is not obligated to respond to any submission submitted nor is it legally bound in any
manner whatsoever by the submission of a response.

8. Upon submission, all responses become the property of the District. The District reserves the right
to use the information and any ideas presented in any submission in response to this RFP, whether or
not the submission is accepted.

9. Questions concerning this proposal should be directed to Eric J. Rosser, PhD via e-mail at by noon on 12/11/2017. Use the subject “BPS School Nursing
2018”. All answers will be posted on the department webpage by end of business day on



The Buffalo Public Schools (BPS) New Education Bargain with Parents and Students (NEB) is the district’s
framework to increase student achievement throughout all schools. Services for Our Neediest Children and
Families, one of the NEB focus areas, ensures that all schools are provided with services to address the social,
emotional, health and wellness needs of all students. Comprehensive School Nursing (CSN) is an essential
component of the NEB designed to support student academic success.

To support the efforts of the Buffalo Public Schools, the District seeks one or more health care providers to
provide quality health services in schools that:
 Focus on prevention and early intervention
 Utilizes evidence based models that are effective in meeting student need
 Provides services that are outcome driven and connected to student success
 Is based on a collaborative model that emphasizes a coordinated approach to the delivery of services to
address the needs of the whole child.


Under local, state, and federal law, the Buffalo Board of Education is responsible for seeking proposals for CSN
for the students in public and non-public schools in the City of Buffalo, NY.
CSN are to include the provision of school based nursing services inclusive of the identification and management
of registered clinical nurses, the delivery of clinical services to students, health related support services to
students, and working with district staff in executing against local, state and federal laws associated with the
provision of health services to students.


The BPS seeks to enter into a contract or contracts for a minimum three year period, commencing July 1, 2018
through June 30, 2021 with an option for renewal on an annual basis for two (2) additional years upon mutual
consent of the contractor and the Board of Education.


Please write proposal answering/addressing sections 1 through 6. Proposals can be up to 25 pages in length
with font not smaller than 10-point.


The BPS is seeking proposals for the delivery of CSN aimed at providing direct school nursing services to
students during the school day. Additionally, the BPS is seeking proposals that outline a comprehensive
prevention and intervention approach (strategy) that ultimately:

o Improves student health and wellness

o Promotes health and wellness among students, staff and parents
o Educates students, parents, and staff on health and wellness living and strategies for health and
wellness success
o Assesses and plans for the management for chronic health conditions

Vendor should provide a succinct summary response that outlines the organization’s proposal
articulating the vendor’s understanding of best practices associated with comprehensive school nursing


BPS is looking for NYS Heath Department qualified heath care providers to provide and coordinate CSN to all
school-age children enrolled in schools identified by BPS. Nursing services will be approved and evidence
based practices authorized by local, state, and federal government health and educational laws, policy, and
approved procedures.

BPS’ goal is to work with health care providers who are able to meet the entire continuum of health and
wellness services. However, the BPS reserves the right to award contracts to successful health care providers
for all or some of the services proposed.

Service Delivery Model

BPS is seeking vendors that have the capacity to provide comprehensive nursing services to public and/or non-
public schools throughout the City of Buffalo. The service delivery model will allow for multiple vendors to
provide comprehensive nursing services. Vendors can submit proposals that provide services for any 1 of the
following service delivery configurations:
 BPS schools - Vendors may submit proposals to serve two or more BPS schools. If proposal is for
particular schools, vendor must identify those schools on their cost proposal.
 BPS Field Trips – Vendors can submit proposals to provide comprehensive nursing services to BPS
students engaging in school field trips. Must cover field trips at all BPS schools.
 Charter Schools - Vendors may submit proposals to serve all identified charter schools. Must provide
service to all charter schools.
 Private and Parochial Schools – Vendors may submit proposals to serve all identified private and
parochial schools. Must provide service to all private and parochial schools.
Service Components
A. School Nurse Provided Comprehensive Health Services – (cost proposals 2-5)
The comprehensive school nursing plan should include the following school-aged child direct
a. delivery of health services to all school-age youth
b. assessment, formulation of nursing diagnosis, established nursing goals and individualized
care plans, and evaluation of student progress
c. assessment and implement individualized plans for students with special needs and follow
student IEPs
d. conducting required New York State (NYS) grade level physicals, CSE Physicals, athletic
qualifications, and physicals for working papers
e. processing prescriptions for CSE services
f. providing NYS required grade level vision, hearing, and body mass index screening (and per
staff request)
g. a triage approach to sick and injured students
h. monitor student immunization records; administering immunization surveys; and ensuring
compliance with NYSDOH requirements
i. administer medications to non-self-directed students according to State Education guidelines
j. documenting and observing students ability to achieve self-direction and provide treatment as
prescribed by primary care provider
k. assessing students health suitability for attending school field trips
l. connecting and integrating students and families with county, city, and community based
organization, care provider or services address their health and wellness needs
m. managing and collaborating with school staff in addressing medical emergencies
n. monitoring communicable diseases and conditions
o. identifying pregnant students and providing prenatal support
p. monitoring and reviewing student health records at registration

B. Prevention and Education Services – (cost proposal 2 only)

The comprehensive school nursing plan should include the following prevention and educational
a. Connecting families to preventative, awareness and overall health supports (e.g., mobile clinics,
vaccination information, healthy eating habits, physical activity and fitness, etc.)
b. Providing individualized health education and health counseling to individual students, staff and
school community
c. Assuring families have access to health insurance
d. Focusing on prevention and early intervention education

C. Management & Supervision – (cost proposals 2-4)

The comprehensive school nursing plan should include the following nursing supervision and
management supports for all clinical staff:
a. Interviewing, hiring, supervising, professionally train, and overseeing all staff
b. Assisting in the scheduling of staff and assuring all identified sites have coverage
c. Assure that all staff possess valid and current licenses/certifications

D. Data Collection, Maintenance and Reporting – (cost proposals 2-4)

The comprehensive school nursing plan should include the following data collection maintenance
and reporting elements:
a. Data collection of services rendered
i. (Number of visits, first aid & sick visit, provision of medication and procedures,
identify student with health risks, number of referrals to primary care providers, BMI,
number of physical completed, etc.
b. Data reporting of services rendered:
i. (Upon award of contract the BPS will work with the vendor to identify the specific
data that will be required to collect along with the frequency in which the data will
need to be submitted )
c. Maintaining a health record for every student through the utilization of district electronic
student information system and traditional paper filing system

E. Collaboration – (cost proposals 2 only)
The comprehensive school nursing plan should include the following elements related to
a. Collaborating with school staff to address the medical, health and wellness needs of all
students (school nurse)
b. Collaborating with parents and students to address the medical, health and wellness needs of
all students (school nurse)
c. Collaborating with external partners to address the medical, health and wellness needs of all
students (school nurse)
d. Serving as a thought partner on the development of health and wellness related programs and
policy (school nurse and/or other heath official)
e. Collaborate in development of 504 accommodation and student Individual Education Plans
(school nurse)
f. Participating as active members of School Wellness Teams (school nurse)

F. Evaluate and Improve the Program – (cost proposals 2-4)

The comprehensive school nursing plan should include an organizational evaluation of the
effectiveness of services, programming and supports for the purposes of service delivery and program

Vendor should provide a comprehensive scope of work, detailing how each service component will be
addressed. Articulate goals, how the organization will meet those goals, and detail for what services to be


The vendor must have the ability to work to meet the health and wellness needs of all students. This will
include providing school nursing services during the school year, day, and on school/district sponsored field
trips. The vendor must be able to demonstrate that it is an approved and certificated to provide comprehensive
school nursing services. Vendor must also demonstrate an understanding of laws, policy, and regulations
associated with school nursing services in New York.

Vendors may bid on staffing the following positions:

 Medical Director
 Nursing Supervisor
 Nurse Practitioners
 Registered Nurses
 Licensed Practical Nurses
 Medical Assistants

Vendor should describe the organization’s capacity to provide comprehensive health and nursing services
to school-age youth, (e.g. staffing). Vendors should also describe how comprehensive health and nursing
services is integrated into their organization’s current work and how, if needed, the organization will
scale up to meet the needs of the BPS comprehensive school nursing services. Lastly, the vendor, should
describe their organization’s ability to manage nursing and health care provider professionals.


The selected partner must have an effective protocol to collect, maintain, and monitor the impact of the
following services:

 Delivery of clinical health services to students through registered nurses

 Maintenance of school nursing records
 Student immunization compliance
 Student and parent understanding of wellness, as it relates to individual and family heath

Vendor should describe its organization’s protocol to collect, maintain data that will used to monitor the
services identified in this RFP on a monthly basis. The vendor should also describe how this protocol will
be used to adjust comprehensive nursing services throughout the year. Lastly, the vendor should also
describe staff’s capacity to maintain data of various types on electronic based data systems.



The vendor must have documented experience working with students in school districts. Specifically, if
applicable, the vendor should document experience working with refugee populations, students with chronic
and severe medical issues, medically fragile students, and students residing in impoverished communities.
Additionally, the vendor should provide data that indicates successful measures of student success including;
rates of growth in student health and wellness.

If applicable, vendor should describe to what extent your organization has worked with children and
youth residing in urban areas. Vendor should also describe successes as well as challenges you have had
working with students and families in schools and community articulating how the organization
overcame challenges. It is important for the vendor to include names of schools and/or districts you have
worked with and names of contact people to call as references for organization’s work. Lastly, if
applicable vendor should report on past outcomes of their program and how quality is defined and


Vendors may bid on any or all of the 6 sections of the cost proposal (Exhibit B).

The vendor must demonstrate that the cost associated for services is comparable to local, state, and national
costs associated with requested services. The vendor should consider the Service Component sections
outlined in the Scope of Services.


*The vendor, its employees/subcontractors providing services under this Agreement, who will have direct
student contract, whether along or with employees of the District, shall obtain fingerprinting clearance, as
required by the New York State Department of Education (SED), and submit a list of all
employees/subcontractors who will be providing services to the District under this Agreement, and proof to the
District of such fingerprinting clearance, prior to the commencement of services.

Vendor should provide:
 Company organizational profile.
 Resumes of managers, directors or any other supervisory staff.
 Detailed Staffing Plan.
 Demonstration of adherence to principles and practices of confidentiality including Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Health Insurance Portability and compliance.
 Accessibility to clinically experienced nurse pool.
 Capacity to serve the requirements of the proposal.
 Documentation of prior experiences relative to the size and scope of this proposal.
 Documentation of expertise in the field of school health.

1. Format Procedures for Delivery of Proposal

Submit one stamped original, one (1) paper copy and one electronic copy of the proposal in pdf format on a
USB drive. Proposal must be received on or before 12/22/2017 @ 11:00 A.M.

2. Procedure for Delivery of Proposals

SUBMIT RFP TO: Jennifer LoTempio, Assistant Director of Purchasing, 65 Niagara Square - 816 City Hall,
Buffalo NY 14202

Proposals received after the due date and time will NOT be considered. Incomplete proposals will not be
considered and will not be returned for revisions. No faxed copies will be accepted. The proposal must
be signed by an authorized official to bind the offer or to the proposal provisions.

RFP Advertised and distributed 12/3/2017
All Questions Submitted by noon EDT 12/11/2017
All Questions and Responses posted to website by close of business 12/14/2017
Proposals due in Room 816 City Hall by 11:00 AM local time 12/22/2017
Proposal review process 1/2-1/19/2018
Board Recommendation due in Finance Office with all endorsements 1/31/2018
Award of Contract Anticipated (Board Approval) 2/14/2018
Preparation and processing of professional services contract 2/15-6/30/2018
Commencement of Services 7/1/2018


The Buffalo, NY Board of Education reserves the right to:

• Reject any or all proposals received;

• Withdraw the RFP/RFB/RFQ/RFI at any time, at the agency’s sole discretion;
• Make an award under the RFP/RFB/RFQ/RFI in whole or in part;
• Disqualify any bidder whose conduct and/or proposal fails to conform to the requirements of the
• Seek clarifications and revisions of proposals;
• Use proposal information obtained through site visits, management interviews and the District’s
investigation of a bidder’s qualifications, experience, ability or financial standing, and any material
or information submitted by the bidder in response to the agency’s request for clarifying information
in the course of evaluation and/or selection under the RFP/RFB/RFQ/RFI;
• Prior to the bid opening, amend the RFP/RFB/RFQ/RFI specifications to correct errors or oversights,
or to supply additional information, as it becomes available;
• Prior to the bid opening, direct bidders to submit proposal modifications addressing subsequent
RFP/RFB/RFQ/RFI amendments;
• Change any of the scheduled dates;
• Eliminate any mandatory, non-material specifications that cannot be complied with by all of the
prospective bidders;
• Waive any requirements that are not material;
• Negotiate with bidders within the scope of the RFP/RFB/RFQ/RFI in the best interests of the
• Conduct contract negotiations with the next responsible bidder, should the agency be unsuccessful in
negotiating with the selected bidder;
• Utilize any and all ideas submitted in the proposals received;
• Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, every offer is firm and not revocable for a period of 60
days from the bid opening; and,
• Require clarification at any time during the procurement process and/or require correction of
arithmetic or other apparent errors for the purpose of assuring a full and complete understanding of
an offerer’s proposal and/or to determine an offerer’s compliance with the requirements of the
• Request best and final offers.


The DISTRICT reserves the right to request best and final offers. In the event DISTRICT exercises this right,
all bidders that meet the minimum technical score will be asked to provide a best and final offer. The
DISTRICT staff managing this RFP will recalculate the financial score.

The contract issued pursuant to this proposal will be awarded to the vendor whose aggregate technical and cost
score is the highest among all the proposals rated. If DISTRICT exercises the right to request best and final offers,
the contract must be issued to the vendor with the highest aggregate technical and financial score that results from
the best and final offer.
In the event that more than one proposal obtains the highest aggregate score, the contract will be awarded to the
vendor in that group of highest aggregate scores whose budget component reflects the lowest overall cost.


Upon selection, the successful bidder will receive a proposed contract from the DISTRICT. All terms set forth
in the selected bidder's technical proposal will be final. The selected bidder may be given an opportunity to
reduce its cost proposal in accordance with the DISTRICT'S right to negotiate a final best price. The contents
of this RFP, any subsequent correspondence during the proposal evaluation period, and such other stipulations
as agreed upon may be made a part of the final contract prepared by the DISTRICT. Successful bidders may be
subject to audit and should ensure that adequate controls are in place to document the allowable activities and
expenditure of DISTRICT funds.

By submission of this bid, each Bidder and each person signing on behalf of any Bidder certifies1, under penalty of perjury,
that to the best of his knowledge and belief:
1. The prices in this proposal have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation,
communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition as to any matter relating to such
prices with any other Bidder or with any competitor; and

2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this proposal have not been
knowingly disclosed by the Bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the Bidder prior to opening
directly or indirectly, to any Bidder or to any competitor; and
3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Bidder to induce any other person, partnership, or
corporation to submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.
This proposal is made without any connection with any person making any proposal for the material herein listed and it is
in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and also, that no Office or Member of the Buffalo Board of Education,
City of Buffalo, is directly interested therein, or in the supplies to which it relates, or any portion of the profits thereof.
If the Bidder is a corporation, the execution of the non-collusive certification on the form of proposal shall be deemed to
have been authorized by the Board of Directors of the Bidder and such authorization shall be deemed to include the signing
and submission of the proposal and the inclusion therein of the certificate as to non-collusion as the act and deed of the

No proposal shall be considered for an award nor shall any award be made to a Bidder where the proposal does not include
the statements as to non-collusion as set forth in the form of proposal herein; provided however, that if in any case the
Bidder cannot make the foregoing certification, the Bidder shall so state and shall furnish with the proposal a signed
statement which sets forth in detail the reason. No award shall be made unless the Buffalo Board of Education determines
that such disclosure was not made for the purpose of restricting competition. It should be noted that the fact that a Bidder
has published price lists, rates or tariffs covering items being procured or has informed prospective customers of the
proposed or pending publication of new or revised price lists for such items, or has sold the same items to other customers
at the same price as being proposal, does not constitute, without more, a disclosure to any other Bidder or to any competitor
within the meaning of the non-collusive certification included in the form of proposal.

Respectfully submitted,

BY _______________________________________________________


TITLE _______________________________________________________

FIRM NAME __________________________________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________________________

DATE _____________________PHONE ______________________________

1In the case of any joint proposal (which for these purposes shall include any proposal where the Bidder has consulted
with a subcontractor in making the proposal), each party or subcontractor thereto shall sign this non-collusion certification
as to its own organization or corporation.

The Individual signing this document certifies that he/she is authorized to contract on behalf of the

The individual signing this document certifies that the vendor/contractor is not involved in any agreement to
pay money or other compensation for the execution of this agreement other than to an employee of the vendor.
Exceptions require full disclosure.

The individual signing this document certifies that the prices quoted have been arrived at independently,
without consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition.

The individual signing this document certifies that the prices quoted in this proposal have not been knowingly
disclosed by the vendor prior to an award to any other vendor or potential vendor/contractor.

The individual signing this document certifies that the vendor/contractor is properly certified /credentialed to
perform the scope of work as outlined.

The individual signing this document certifies that the vendor/contractor is not currently involved in any legal
dispute that could terminate or adversely affect performance up to and including all final reports and
recommendations both written and verbal.

The individual signing this document certifies that he/she has read and clearly understands all of the information
contained in the Request for Proposal.



The Contractor shall not assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title
or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person, company or corporation, without the
previous consent in writing of the BPS. Any such purported action without such consent shall be null and void.
The assignment of this contract to any person, firm or corporation by whom a proposal was submitted to the
BPS for the same contract is absolutely prohibited.


1. WORKERS' COMPENSATION CERTIFICATE to cover Contractor as named insured

for his liability under the law. Certificate shall contain a provision providing that it shall not
be cancelled or changed by the Contractor or Insurance Company without ten (10) days prior
written notice to the Buffalo Board of Education.


Contractor as named insured and including there under as hereafter required. (Certified copy
of POLICY must be submitted.)
A. Contractual Liability Endorsement covering the BUFFALO PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND
B. Cancellation Notice - Each insurance policy and certificate of insurance shall contain a
provision providing that it shall not be cancelled or changed by the contractor or
insurance company without ten (10) days prior written notice to the BPS.

Bodily Injury $500,000 per person $1,000,000 per accident

Property Damage $300,000

(Above limits are the minimums required, they may be changed by the BPS if the contract calls for higher


Prior to the signing of the contract, the Contractor shall furnish the BPS, for approval, a certified copy of each
kind of insurance policy herein required of the Contractor, together with certificate of insurance, evidencing that
the required insurance is in effect irrespective as to whether the Contractor or the BPS is the named insured.

The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Buffalo Public Schools, its officers and employees form
all claims, suit actions, damages, losses, and costs of every name and description to which the Buffalo Public
Schools may be subjected or put by reason of injury to the person or property of another, or the property of the
Buffalo Public Schools, resulting from the negligence or carelessness, active or passive, of the Contractor, or
the joint negligence, active or passive, of the Contractor and the Buffalo Public Schools, his or their employees,
agents or subcontractors, in the performance of any work under this contract, or in the delivery of materials and
supplies. The whole, or so much of the money is to become due under this contract as shall be considered
necessary by the Buffalo Public Schools, may be retained by it until all suits or claims for damages shall have
been settled or otherwise disposed of, and evidence to that effect furnished to the satisfaction of the Buffalo
Public Schools.

Bids submitted on these specifications shall not be made subject to any Federal, State, or County Taxes.


The successful bidder shall submit a list of proposed subcontractors to the BPS for its approval and obtain
written consent thereto prior to the execution of the Form of Agreement. The subcontracting of any part of the
work or services under this contract to any person, firm or corporation by whom a proposal was submitted to the
BPS for the same contract shall be absolutely prohibited.

Disputes must be received in writing by the Buffalo City School Bid Protest Committee, 801 City Hall, Buffalo,
NY 14202 within five calendar days of receipt of Intent to Award. The District’s decision on protest is final.

The New York State Freedom of Information Law as set forth in Public Officers Law, Article 6, Sections 84-90,
mandates public access to government records. However, bids submitted in response to this bid may contain
technical, financial background or other data, public disclosure of which could cause substantial injury to the
Bidder’s competitive position or constitute a trade secret. Bidders who have a good faith belief that the
information submitted in their bids is protected from disclosure under the New York Freedom of Information
Law must clearly identify the pages of the bids containing such information by typing in bold face on the top of
each page, “The bidder believes that this information is protected from disclosure under the state freedom
of information law”. The BPS assumes no liability for disclosure of information so identified, provided that
the BPS has made a good faith legal determination that the information is not protected under applicable law or
where disclosure is required to comply with an order or judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction.

1. Please review each of the following items as their inclusion is necessary for all proposals submitted to
the Buffalo Public Schools

2. If your firm is MWBE Certified by any Municipal or Government agency, please include a copy of
the certification establishing agency approval, date of certification and expiration of certification

A copy or statement of the company’s equal employment opportunity policy

A commitment by the company to make a good faith effort to utilize minority

groups and females in the conduct of its business (sample page following)

A breakdown of employees by job category, race, and gender

Non Collusive Bidding Certification

Certificate of Authority

Cost Proposal with all inclusive rate

Demonstrated ability to meet all of the requirements of this RFP


Buffalo Public Schools

Bureau of Purchase
65 Niagara Square, Suite 816
Buffalo, New York 14202

To whom it may concern:

This is to certify that _____________________ is an equal opportunity employer. This corporation shows no
discrimination regarding race, creed, gender, religion, or ethnic origin in the conduct of its business.

__________________ has in the past, and will continue in the future to make every effort to utilize minority
businesses in the normal operation of our business.


Name, Title
Company Name


Company: Date: / / Project or Bid Number:


J O B African Native
total total American Asian American Hispanic
male female
C A T E G O R I E S (m) (f)
total number of employees m f m f m f m f
Officials & Managers
Sales Associates
Office & Clerical
Skilled Crafts
Semi-Skilled Crafts
Unskilled Laborers
Service Workers

Formal White
on site Collar
training Producti
Positions Essential to the Provision of School Nursing Services
Job Descriptions

Medical Director
Typical hours Monday through Friday but may be required to attend school health events, Board of Education
meetings and / or community meetings related to school health that are scheduled in the evening or weekend
and also be available on call approximately. No more than 15 hours a week for 52 weeks.
Duties of Medical Director would include but are not limited to:
• Providing medical direction & guidance
• Consulting with Director of Behavior and Health Services, Nursing Supervisors, and Nurse Practitioners
• Assisting in policy development when needed
• Participating as a member of the District Health Council

Nurse Practitioners (NP)

Monday through Friday 8 AM to 4 PM. 10 month / 180 school days. Summer coverage with one (1) NP is
required. NP’s will travel from school to school and may be required to attend events, related to health issues,
on weekends or evenings.
Duties of NP may include but are not limited to:
• Providing physicals: Committee on Special Education (CSE), Sports, and Working Papers
• Providing referrals to Primary Care Providers
• Communicating with school nurse to provide follow-up on referrals
• Signing CSE orders
• Participating as a member of a sub-committee of the School Health Council

Nursing Supervision/Supervisors
Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4 PM. Supervisors may be required to attend events, related to health
issues, on weekends or evenings.
The duties of the supervisors may include but are not limited to:
• Consulting with Director of Behavior and Health Services(BHS) and Nurse Practitioners
• Providing professional development
• Recruiting, hiring, training school health personnel
• Supervision of nurse practitioners, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and medical assistance
• Assuring all schools have nursing coverage
• Assuring school related functions are staff with school nurses when requested
• Schedule nursing services in collaboration with BPS Director of BHS
• Oversight of health screening (vision, hearing, body mass index)
• Oversight of immunization monitoring
• Day to day triaging of school health issues with BPS BHS
• Data reporting to BHS Director
• Participating as a member of the District Health Council and other pertinent committees

RN and LPN
School nurses will follow the BPS calendar; Monday through Friday; 10 month / 180 school days. Flexible start
times are based on school schedules. Start times may begin between 7:30 AM to 9 AM.

RN’s are expected to be available for an eight hour work day in larger schools. Schools with smaller
populations may require a nurse for only a 6 hour day. RN's may be required to attend school events that are
health related in the evening or weekend. RN’s shall be required to cover student field trips.

RN’s will be scheduled for “Summer School”. Number of RN’s will be determined by student enrollment and
student health care needs.

Two additional (2) RN’s for Special Education Extended School Year Summer Handicap 6 weeks during the
summer (31 days including one day of orientation). Monday through Friday. Hours currently scheduled are
from 8:50 AM - 3: 45 PM. These hours are subject to change.

Duties of all RN would include but not limited to:

Nursing assessments and interventions that require professional nursing knowledge, judgment and skills:
• Provide nursing assessments
• Formulate nursing diagnosis
• Establish nursing care goals and care plan
• Implement the plan of care
• Evaluate student progress
• Collect data
• Delegate appropriate nursing tasks to a LPN
• Refer students to Primary Care Providers
• Collaborate with both internal and external providers in provisions of care
• Administer medication to non-self-directed students according to State Education guidelines
• Document and observe students ability to achieve self-direction
• Provide Care & assessment of children with special health needs
• Maintain student health records
• Monitor student immunization and prepare and submission of annual audit
• Provide first-aid to student & staff
• Handle medical emergencies in the school
• Monitor communicable diseases and conditions
• Document data and student health information in BPS electronic data system (currently Infinite Campus)
• Provide health education & health counseling to individual students, staff and school community
• Assess student health insurance access
• Participate as a member of the School Health Committee, District Health Committee when requested
• Provide nasogastric tube and gastrostomy feedings
• Administer oxygen
• Provided nebulizer treatments
• Tracheostomy care 7 suctioning
• Respiratory dare (postural drainage and cupping etc.)
• Urinary catheterization
• Ostomy care
• Wound care
• Blood glucose monitoring
• Participate in training and professional learning opportunities
This list is not all-inclusive
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) Monday through Friday. Flexible start times are based on school schedule.
Start times may begin between 7:30 AM to 9 AM. LPN’s will be assigned to schools that have a School Based
Health Center (SBHC) and/or non-public schools. LPN’s will provide mandated screenings under the
supervision of the school nurse, may be required to attend school events that are health related in the evening or
weekend, shall be required to cover student field trips.

Duties of LPN would include but not limited to:

• Assist NP in providing physicals
• Collaborate with SBHC staff as appropriate
• Monitor student immunizations
• Enter immunization data into student tracking system Document student health information in BPS
electronic data system (currently Infinite Campus)
• Administer medication to non-self-directed students according to State Education guidelines
• Implement the plan of care developed by RN
• Blood glucose monitoring
• Provide first-aid to student & staff
• Handle medical emergencies in the school
• Work to assure students have health insurance - Assess student health insurance needs
• Participate in training and professional learning opportunities
• Collaborate with both internal and external providers in provisions of care
This list is not all-inclusive

Please be advised that Non-Public schools are to be included in this proposal. Due to omission of specificity
relating to Non-Public schools to be covered under this proposal, please consider the following;

• The attached list is inclusive of all non-public schools covered.

• The Non-Public schools shall be provided the standard nursing services, as specified in the RFP according to
the individual school’s student health needs and school population.
• All Non-Public schools shall be provided coverage when students are in attendance. There shall be instances
when the Public School students will not be in attendance, as the schedules will vary between Public and Non-
Public. School year schedules shall be provided upon request.
• Be reassigned if non-public schools are closed.
• Cover their assigned non-public school if the public schools are closed for students.
• Substitute nursing staff should be built into the budget.

Medical Assistant (MA)

Monday through Friday, typically 8 AM to 4 PM. MA will follow Central Processing Center scheduled
operational hours. Necessary staffing is required in order to provide adequate services during peak time
periods of student enrollment. Primarily MA will support nursing staff as assigned in providing physicals.
The following activities are part of the registration process that occur and Central Processing Center.
Duties of MA would include but not be limited to:
• Review immunization records
• Obtains the student physical if available
• Monitoring lead testing requirement for PK student
• Obtains health history
• Obtains Dental Screening when available
• Provides forms and explains what needs to be completed and by whom
• Assesses student current health insurance coverage status
• Enters data and students health information into document student health information in BPS electronic
data system (currently Infinite Campus)
This list in not all-inclusive

Insert Agency Name – Buffalo Public Schools Nursing Program
2018 – 2021 Cost Proposal


1. Supplemental BPS Nursing

Medical Director (annual cost)

Nurse Practitioners (hourly rate)
Medical Assistants (hourly rate)


2. BPS Schools
Nursing Supervisor (hourly rate)
Registered Nurses (hourly rate)
Licensed Practical Nurses (hourly rate)


3. Charter Schools
Nursing Supervisor (annual cost)
Registered Nurses (hourly rate)
Licensed Practical Nurses (hourly rate)
4. Private and Parochial
Nursing Supervisor (annual cost)
Registered Nurses (hourly rate)
Licensed Practical Nurses (hourly rate)
5. Field Trip
Registered Nurses (hourly rate)
Licensed Practical Nurses (hourly rate)
6. Supplies
% Markup on cost

  5 points  3 points  2 points  0 points 
SECTION 1         
5 Points of Final Score         
Project Overview  Overview depicts the  Overview depicts the vendor’s  Overview depicts the vendor’s  Overview does not address 
  vendor’s strong  moderate understanding of  weak understanding of best  the vendor’s understanding 
understanding of best  best practices associated with  practices associated with a  of best practices associated 
practices associated with  a comprehensive school  comprehensive school nursing  with a comprehensive 
a comprehensive school  nursing services.  services.  school nursing services.  
nursing services.  
SECTION 2  25 points  16 points  8 points  0 points 
25 Points of the Final     
Scope of Work BPS Schools 
A. Comprehensive  Scope of Work address all  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
School Nursing  listed direct nursing  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed direct nursing  address any of the listed 
Services  services  direct nursing services  services  direct nursing services 
B. Prevention and  Scope of Work address all  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
Education  listed prevention and  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed prevention and  address any of the listed 
Services  education services   prevention and education  education services  prevention and education 
services  services 
C. Management &  Scope of Work all listed  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
Supervision   management and  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed management and  address any of the listed 
supervision requirements  management and supervision  supervision requirements  management and 
requirements  supervision requirements 
D. Data Collection  Scope of Work address all  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
Maintenance and  listed data collection,  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed data collection,  address any of the listed 
Reporting  maintenance and  data collection, maintenance  maintenance and reporting  data collection, 
reporting requirements  and reporting requirements   requirements   maintenance and reporting 
E. Collaboration   Scope of Work address all  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
listed collaboration  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed collaboration  address any of the listed 
requirements   collaboration requirements   requirements   collaboration requirements 

F. Evaluate and  Scope of Work depicts a  Scope of Work depicts an  Scope of Work depicts a week  Scope of Work does not 
Improve the  strong evaluation and  adequate evaluation and  evaluation and improvement  address an evaluation and 
Program   improvement protocol  improvement protocol  protocol  improvement protocol 
Scope of Work BPS Field Trips 
A. Comprehensive  Scope of Work address all  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
School Nursing  listed direct nursing  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed direct nursing  address any of the listed 
Services  services  direct nursing services  services  direct nursing services 
C. Management &  Scope of Work all listed  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
Supervision  management and  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed management and  address any of the listed 
supervision requirements  management and supervision  supervision requirements  management and 
requirements  supervision requirements 
D. Data Collection  Scope of Work address all  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
Maintenance and  listed data collection,  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed data collection,  address any of the listed 
Reporting  maintenance and  data collection, maintenance  maintenance and reporting  data collection, 
reporting requirements  and reporting requirements   requirements   maintenance and reporting 
F. Evaluate and  Scope of Work depicts a  Scope of Work depicts an  Scope of Work depicts a week  Scope of Work does not 
Improve the  strong evaluation and  adequate evaluation and  evaluation and improvement  address an evaluation and 
Program   improvement protocol  improvement protocol  protocol  improvement protocol 
Scope of Work Charter Schools 
A. Comprehensive  Scope of Work address all  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
School Nursing  listed direct nursing  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed direct nursing  address any of the listed 
Services  services  direct nursing services  services  direct nursing services 
C. Management &  Scope of Work all listed  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
Supervision  management and  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed management and  address any of the listed 
supervision requirements  management and supervision  supervision requirements  management and 
requirements  supervision requirements 
D. Data Collection  Scope of Work address all  Scope of Work addresses  Scope of Work addresses a few  Scope of Work does not 
Maintenance and  listed data collection,  some (at least ¾) of the listed  of the listed data collection,  address any of the listed 
Reporting  maintenance and  data collection, maintenance  maintenance and reporting  data collection, 
reporting requirements  and reporting requirements   requirements   maintenance and reporting 
F. Evaluate and  Scope of Work depicts a  Scope of Work depicts an  Scope of Work depicts a week  Scope of Work does not 
Improve the  strong evaluation and  adequate evaluation and  evaluation and improvement  address an evaluation and 
Program   improvement protocol  improvement protocol  protocol  improvement protocol 

Scope of Work Private and Parochial Schools 
A. Comprehensive  Scope of Work address all  Scope of Work addresses some  Scope of Work addresses a few of  Scope of Work does not 
School Nursing  listed direct nursing services  (at least ¾) of the listed direct  the listed direct nursing services  address any of the listed direct 
Services  nursing services  nursing services 
C. Management &  Scope of Work all listed  Scope of Work addresses some  Scope of Work addresses a few of  Scope of Work does not 
Supervision  management and  (at least ¾) of the listed  the listed management and  address any of the listed 
supervision requirements  management and supervision  supervision requirements  management and supervision 
requirements  requirements 
D. Data Collection  Scope of Work address all  Scope of Work addresses some  Scope of Work addresses a few of  Scope of Work does not 
Maintenance and  listed data collection,  (at least ¾) of the listed data  the listed data collection,  address any of the listed data 
Reporting  maintenance and reporting  collection, maintenance and  maintenance and reporting  collection, maintenance and 
requirements  reporting requirements   requirements   reporting requirements  
F. Evaluate and  Scope of Work depicts a  Scope of Work depicts an  Scope of Work depicts a week  Scope of Work does not 
Improve the  strong evaluation and  adequate evaluation and  evaluation and improvement  address an evaluation and 
Program   improvement protocol  improvement protocol  protocol  improvement protocol 
  15 points 10 points 5 points 0 points
SECTION 3  Vendor’s capacity to provide  Vendor’s capacity to provide  Vendor’s capacity to provide  Vendor’s capacity to provide 
15 Points of Final Score  comprehensive nursing  comprehensive nursing services  comprehensive nursing services to  comprehensive nursing 
Organizational  services to school aged youth  to school aged youth is adequate.  school aged youth is weak.  services to school aged youth 
Capacity and  is strong.  was not addressed.  
Health Care  Vendor indicates that staff  Vendor indicates that staff  Vendor indicates that staff includes  Vendor  did not address staff 
Management  includes all highly qualified  includes all qualified clinical staff  individuals with limited clinical  requirements 
Competency  clinical staff with pediatric  with either pediatric or school  pediatric and/or school health 
and school health  health experience.    experience 
  15 points 10 points 5 points 0 points
SECTION 4   Vendor has extensive (5 or  Vendor has adequate (4 or more  Vendor has little experience (less  Vendor did not address or 
15 Points of Final Score  more years) experience with  years) experience with providing  than 3 years) experience with hiring  provide experience with hiring 
Data System  providing Comprehensive  Comprehensive school nursing  staff, providing Comprehensive  staff, providing Comprehensive 
Requirements  school nursing services.   services.  school nursing services.   school nursing services.  

Use of Data to  The vendor demonstrates  The vendor demonstrates how  The vendor demonstrates how data  The vendor does not 

inform work  how data will be strongly  data will be adequately used to  will be used to adjust  demonstrate how data will be 
used to adjust  adjust comprehensive nursing  comprehensive nursing services  used to adjust comprehensive 
comprehensive nursing  services throughout the year.  throughout the year but not with  nursing services throughout 
services throughout the year. clarity.  the year.

Staff Capacity to  The vendor describes staff’s  The vendor describes staff’s has  The vendor description of staff’s  The vendor does not describe 
Maintain Data in  has having a strong capacity  having an adequate capacity to  capacity to maintain data of various  staff’s capacity to maintain 
Electronic Systems  to maintain data of various  maintain data of various types on  types on electronic based data  data of various types on 
types on electronic based  electronic based data systems.   systems is not clear.   electronic based data systems.  
data systems.  
  10 points 7 points 3 points 0 points
10 Points of Final Score         
Experience with  Vendor has extensive (5 or  Vendor has adequate (4 or more  Vendor has little experience (less  Vendor did not address or 
Providing  more years) experience with  years) experience with providing  than 3 years) with hiring staff,  provide experience with hiring 
Comprehensive  providing Comprehensive  Comprehensive School Nursing  providing Comprehensive School  staff, providing Comprehensive 
School Nursing Services.   Services.  Nursing Services.   School Nursing Services.  
School Nursing 
Experience with  Vendor articulates a strong  Vendor articulates an adequate  Vendor does not articulate a clear  Vendor does not articulate an 
Quality Healthcare  expertise in the field of  expertise in the field of school  expertise in the field of school  expertise in the field of school 
Programming  school health/nursing  health/nursing services.    health/nursing services.    health/nursing services.   

  30 points
SECTION 6  Lowest Cost   Points awarded to higher cost  Points awarded to higher cost  Points awarded to higher cost 
30 Points  of Final Score  proposals based on percentage  proposals based on percentage  proposals based on percentage 
Costs ‐ The cost of  variance from low bid.  variance from low bid.  variance from low bid. 
services is responsive, 
delineated into 
specified categories 
and fully detailed. 
The cost plan will 
allow the organization 
to fully achieve the 

School Nursing Services
Buffalo Public Schools 2017-2018
Public/Non Public & Charter

Elementary Schools Student Current Current School Type

Population Start/End Times Nursing
(Subject to Service
D’Youville Porter Campus 745 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
School #3
Buffalo Elementary School of 630 9:00 am – 3:55 pm LPN BPS School
Technology #6
E.C.C. #17 435 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
Dr. Antonia Pantoja #18 515 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
Native American Magnet #19 510 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School
Hillery Park Elementary #27 665 9:00 am – 3:55 pm LPN BPS School

Frank A. Sedita Elementary 846 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School

Harriet Ross Tubman #31 509 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
Bennett Park Montessori #32 870 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN/LPN BPS School
Bilingual Center #33 550 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School
Marva J. Daniel Futures 472 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School
Preparatory School #37
Lovejoy Discovery School #43 693 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
International School #45 1170 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School

School #48 @ 39 293 9:00 am – 3:55 pm LPN BPS School

Community School #53 448 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
Dr. George Blackman E.C.C. 491 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
Dr. Charles R. Drew Science 477 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School
Magnet #59
#59 at A Street Site 94

School Nursing Services
Buffalo Public Schools 2017-2018
Public/Non Public & Charter
Elementary Schools Student Current Current School Type
Population Start/End Times Nursing
(Subject to Service
Arthur O. Eve School of 354 9:00 am – 3:55 pm LPN BPS School
Distinction #61
Frederick Law Olmsted #64 612 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School
Roosevelt E.C.C. #65 400 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
North Park Middle #66 232 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
Discovery School #67 613 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School
Houghton Academy #69 535 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
Lorraine Elementary #72 807 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School

Hamlin Park Claude & Ouida 477 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
Clapp Academy #74
Herman Badillo Bilingual 794 8:00 am – 2:55 pm LPN BPS School
Academy #76
Pfc. William J. Grabiarz #79 626 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School
Highgate Heights #80 441 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
School #81 832 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
E.C.C. #82 381 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School
Erie County Health Care Center 198 7:50 am – 2:45 pm RN/LPN BPS School
for Children #84

Dr. Lydia T. Wright School of 728 9:00 am – 3:55 pm RN BPS School

Excellence #89
B.U.I.L.D. Academy #91 429 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School
Southside Elementary #93 1,135 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School
(PK-8) 9:00 am – 3:55 pm

West Hertel Elementary #94 833 8:00 am – 2:55 pm LPN BPS School
Waterfront Elementary #95 913 8:00 am – 2:55 pm RN BPS School
Harvey Austin School #97 636 9:00 am – 3:55 pm LPN BPS School

School Nursing Services
Buffalo Public Schools 2017-2018
Public/Non Public & Charter
Elementary Schools Student Current Current School Type
Population Start/End Times Nursing
(Subject to Service
Stanley Makowski E.C.C. #99 872 9:00 am – 3:55 pm LPN BPS School

Secondary Schools Student Current Current School Type

Population Start/End Times Nursing
(Subject to Service
Occupational Training Center 20 8:00 am – 2:55 pm 838-2226 BPS School
The Academy School #131@ 138 8:15 am – 2:35 pm LPN BPS School

Frederick Law Olmsted #156 106 8:00 am – 2:50 pm RN BPS School

Buffalo Academy for Visual & 747 7:50 am – 2:45 pm RN BPS School
Performing Arts
City Honors School at Fosdick 1,095 7:55 am – 2:45 pm RN BPS School
Masten Park #195
Math, Science & Tech. 661 8:00 am – 3:10 pm RN BPS School
Preparatory #197

Math, Science & Tech 200 8:00 am – 2:55 pm LPN BPS School
Preparatory School #197 @ 39
International Preparatory 725 7:50 am – 3:00 RN BPS School
School #198 @ 202 pm
Lafayette #204 789 8:00 am – 2:57 pm LPN BPS School
South Park #206 849 8:20 am – 3:31 pm 828-4905 BPS School

Riverside Academy #208 400 7:55 am – 3:10 pm RN BPS School

Leonardo daVinci #212 388 8:15 am – 2:50 pm RN BPS School
Burgard #301 497 7:55 am – 8:05pm RN BPS School

School Nursing Services
Buffalo Public Schools 2017-2018
Public/Non Public & Charter
Secondary Schools Student Current Current School Type
Population Start/End Times Nursing
(Subject to Service
Emerson School of Hospitality 321 8:15 am – 3:07 pm RN BPS School

Emerson Annex @ 28
# 355
Hutchinson Central Technical 1,156 7:55 am – 3:05 pm RN BPS School
McKinley #305 1,248 8:20 am – 3:25 pm RN BPS School
East #307 300 7:55 am – 2:50 pm RN BPS School
Middle College @ Bennett 560 8:00 am – 2:49 pm RN BPS School

Lewis J. Bennett High School

of Innovative Technology

Research Laboratory High

School for Bioinformatics &
Life Sciences @ Bennett #366

School Student Current Current Nursing School Type

Population Start/End Times Services
(Subject to
Notre Dame 500 8:00-2:30 RN Private
Bishop Timon 257 8:00-2:30 LPN Private
St Monica girls 35 8:00 – 2:30 LPN Private
St. Augustine boys 52 8:00 – 2:30 LPN Private
Catholic Academy 192 8:30-2:30 LPN Private
St. Joes University 137 8:30-2:30 Private
Universal School 100 7:45-3:15p LPN Private
St. Mark's 410 8:00-2:00 LPN Private
OurLadyBlackRock 112 8:00-2:30 LPN Private
Health Sciences 360 7:45-2:30 LPN Charter
Chart School of Inquiry 150 8:00-2:30 LPN Charter


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