Science Lesson 4

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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Jacob Tvedt

Grade Level: 2nd Grade
School: Rustic Acres
Date: 4/12/18
Time: 2:30

Reflection from prior lesson:

In the lesson before, students observed short and long shadows with objects. They
explained what they did in their science journal and shared what thing they learned from
the experiment.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

1-ESS1-1 Use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can
be predicted.
K.W.8 - With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or
gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
1.W.8 - With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or
gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
2.W.8 - Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided
sources to answer a question.

Lesson Objectives:
After a three-period shadow experiment, students will explain in 1-3 sentences why
shadows move throughout the day.

Materials Needed:
Sun and Shadows Journal
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:
13 ELL Students
Last class of the day
Class is right after recess/snack time.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (5 minutes)
Has anyone ever noticed that a shadow can move throughout the day? We will discuss
for a little bit if students have noticed shadows moving. Today we are going be
observing our shadows moving throughout the day. Our learning target today is I can
explain why shadow move throughout the day.

2. Content Delivery (50 minutes total)

Morning (15 minutes) – Okay so let’s all go outside with our partners from yesterday (I
will write them down from the day before). Everyone space out. One partner should
stand still, and the other partner is going to draw your shadow with chalk. Now flip
around and do the same thing. The partner who stood still will mark the draw and the
partner who draw will stand still. Now let’s go back inside.

Before Lunch Time (10 minutes) –Let’s all go back out to our same place that we were
at. One partner stand still and the other draw their shadow and then flip around like this
morning. Do the exact same thing. Write down in your journal how your shadow has
changed and how the sun has changed.

Afternoon (25 minutes) –We are going to go outside one last time. Stand in the same
spot you did before with your partner and draw your shadows with your partner like we
have before. In your journal, draw what your shadows looked like in the morning,
lunchtime, and right now. We can go back inside. Now I want you to answer the
questions on page 10 of you Sun and Shadows Journal. I will walk around if you have
any questions.

3. Closure (5 - 10 minutes)
Now that we are done with our shadow experiment, we are going to take the post test
about Sun and Shadows. Try your best and hand it in to me when you are done.

B. Assessments Used
Summative Assessment – I will use the science assessment that I created for this unit.

C. Differentiated Instruction
If there is chalk available and a big enough sidewalk, we will use chalk for shadows.
I can read the questions from the test to a student if they need to be read to.

D. Resources
Hands-On Science – Evan Moor Corp.

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