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Learning in

the Spaces

Lauren Hermann 
University of Missouri
Spring 2018
LTC 8767
Harmony is between
the folds/liminal
space...the threshold;
where the chaos and
panic clear, and the
organic moments
where you are
connected to the
universe, allow you to
be the best version of


01 Introduction 
02 Thinking with Theory
03 Teaching and Learning
04 Creative Endeavors
05 Summary

Because I am of the belief that there are no consequences in this life, it
was not by happenstance that this course...or maybe this project, came
at the end of my very first year as a doctoral student at Mizzou. Having
the opportunity to reflect on the past year and the learning and growing
that has taken place has been a welcome challenge, and honestly, not
one I might have undertaken had I not had the chance. 

I have the utmost gratitude for the teachers, mentors, and students that
have entered my journey in various ways, imparting wisdom, support,
love, and comic relief ...and maybe more grey hair(undergrads).  I also
need to mention my precious family, who has made sacrifices with my
class schedule, endless amounts of grading, reading, and projecting, 
and my absence at some of their important events.  I hope that this
temporary inconvenience models for them the importance of following
dreams, pursuing challenging things, the power of education, and the
idea that we are learners our entire lives.

I came across a quote which appears to be anonymous, but it summed

up my year, this course, and where I am in my journey. "Maybe the
journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe its about un-
becoming everything that isn't really you so you can be who you were
meant to be in the first place."  I think this is what learning and living in
the spaces really means.

Lauren Hermann
Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Art Education
to the 
If I have learned anything over the course of the last two semesters, it has
been that in order for this all to make sense...I need to shift my gaze.

The work isn't work if what you This led to my investigative

are working on fulfills you, question. How does reflection
challenges you, and pushes you to push arts educators into the
consider your knowing spaces where intersections
differently.  Learning how to shift connect knowing/learning, and
your gaze and consider your onto- being? 
epistomological self is definitely
not for the faint of heart. It is The answer to this is obviously
challenging, and causes an different for every person. In my
individual to spend serious time in case, the combination of the
reflective thinking.  I cannot in reflective writing, reading theory,
good conscience just speak of and participating in creative
reflective thinking. As an artist, expression of these ideas caused
the doing and the making are just the shift in my gaze and pushed
as much a part of reflective me into the spaces between,
practice, and in the same ways as where I was able to separate my
thinking and writing,  can identities and see the bigger
produce powerful ways with picture so to speak. This clarity,
which we learn to see. the space where I figured it out,
belongs to no one or no
As I poured over all of the blog just is.
entries, the artworks, and the
reflections from the course of this "Reflection
semester, there seemed to be a
common thread popping up in
emancipates us from
each one. There was a focus on the ideas or beliefs
the uncomfortable nature of that hold us hostage in
learning; the tipping point where
something is either problematic
realizing our full
or becomes clear.  I was drawing potential."
connections  to other ideas
learned previously,  and in some There is no linear way to discuss
ways, those  connections led to this. As the theories would
more questions to be answered suggest, the rhizomatic nature of
and problems to be solved.  I learning and the intersections are
settled on the idea that what I not linear. They are web like with
was doing...what I knew... was that no beginning and no end. The
the intersections of my knowing, next pages go into detail
learning, and being were being regarding my findings and are in
developed, pushed, and shaped in no particular order, for there is no
the spaces in between. order in this way of knowing.

Patricia Detmerling

The past two semesters, I have In the space between those ways of
been introduced to theories that knowing, one experiences
have challenged my very being discomfort, confusion and

and at times caused me to ultimately clarity as they move
completely upend what I always through the threshold into the new
thought to be true. What I have state of knowing. The discomfort

come to know, is that theories are in this space is often difficult for
the lenses with which we look at learners who must relinquish their
our world. Theory helps us explain previously held ideas which causes
phenomena based on our a conceptual and ontological shift.
situatedness. I have even This idea aligns with the thinking
Thinking reflected through the discovered that a single idea can that we are what we know. Shotter
lenses of the threshold, liminal have several interpretations based discusses this to an extent as he
space and the rhizome. on the theory one is applying. John writes, "the aim of our inquiries
Shotter's work addresses this idea will not be to solve problems, but to
and he writes, "...we will use our overcome difficulties of
theories descriptively as aids to orientation" (Shotter, 2014. p.321).
noticing what might otherwise
pass us by" (Shotter, 2014, p. 321). Liminal Space is often discussed as
fTo this end, I am attempting to a part of the threshold, as a way to
use the theories of the threshold, characterize the actions of the
liminal space, and the rhizome to space. I find myself thinking about
more fully explore my noticing and the threshold in terms of what it is
thinking; a way to find patterns and and what it does. Liminal space, in
similarities and connect what may my opinion, addresses the doings
appear to be disparate thoughts. of the threshold. Liminal space is
fluid and unsettling. I can best
Land, Rattray and Vivian describe describe this by thinking that is
the theory of the threshold as a constantly coming in and out of
"conceptual gateway...that is focus. There have been times for
transformative, integrative and all of us when we think we
irreversible" (Land, Rattray, & understand something, only to
Vivian, 2014, p.200). My .move onto the next problem or the
understanding of this theory is the next paragraph and be frustrated
idea of being pushed right to the that what we thought we
edge of the clearing. The space understood, we suddenly do not.
between what you knew and what This is the feeling of the liminal
you know or will know. Parker space. Other authors describe the
Palmer describes this as an ability liminal space as a state of
to hold tension in life-giving ways. enlightenment.
The corresponding theory I will In one of  my blog posts, I write, "I
investigate is the theory of the was forced to re-frame and re-
rhizome. Philosophers Gilles position my thinking to consider
Deleuze  and Félix Guattari have alternate possibilities...reflecting
written extensively on this theory. on what's important often times
They write, "The rhizome is require us to investigate our own
reducible neither to the one nor personal truths and beliefs". This
the multiple…it is comprised not of statement speaks to making that
units but of dimensions, or rather cognitive and ontological shift;
directions in motion" (University of evidence of discomfort in the
Chicago, n.d.).  The rhizome is an threshold, but the multiplicity in
unbounded network with no "possibilities" speaks to the
beginning, no end, and no center. rhizome. 
it is web like, multiplicitous,
offering infinite ways of knowing We watched a TED talk by Shekhar
and connecting.  The rhizome Kapur who discussed the idea of a
explains the idea that the things story in terms of contradictions. 
we value knowing are the things He says that we are not looking for
that we can not easily point to. resolutions to stories, rather, we
They cause us to rely on multiple are looking for harmony. In my
connections and experiences to be reflection of that video, I write,
able to explain.  "Harmony is in between the
folds...the space where the chaos
As I was trying to adequately and panic clear and the organic
understand the connection moments where you are
"To live inquiry in between the rhizome and the connected to the universe allow
threshold/liminal space, I came you to be the best version of
the liminal space upon the work of Foucault.  yourself". Harmony, in this context
Focault argues in his theory of and out of this reflection, is
is to be present other spaces "that we are no nothing more than the emergence
longer living in a world of time from the threshold into the new
in a heightened that moves forward, but in state of knowing. Reflection, as I
networks of places opening onto write, "emancipates us from the
state of being, as one other" (Sudrajat, 2012).  I came ideas or beliefs that hold us
to the conclusion that my thinking hostage in realizing our full
if immersed in of the intersections of learning is a potential as people and teachers".
rhizomatic approach with the Reflection as an exercise assists us
luminiferous spaces in between those in moving through the liminal
intersections operating as space into the threshold which
ether"  thresholds and liminal space.  directs us into our rhizomatic
Reflection itself, one could argue,
is an exercise through which both
theories operate. Zeichner and
To live inquiry in the liminal Liston, in Reflective Teaching,
space is to be present in a articulate, "...the process of
heightened state of being, as if reflection spirals through stages of
immersed in luminiferous ether"  appreciation, action and re-
(Sameshima & Irwin, 2008, p. 4).    appreciation...during and/or after
In this way, when I situate myself their actions, they reinterpret and
as a learner and thinker in the reframe their situation on the
liminal space, I can consider all of basis of their experience trying to
the possibilities and connections change it...they look at experiences
which create dynamic pathways from a new perspective" (Zeichner
to learning and understanding. & Liston, 2014, p. 17-18).

Thoughts on
Teaching and

"A person caught

within the frame of
dualism will be
confined in his
thinking to only two

As I was going through all of my In this one statement, there is One way over the course of the
data, it became clear that a evidence of  the re-envisioning of semester where this was seen and
central topic of this course was previous knowledge in a new way; challenged happened through
teaching and learning, which The realization of understanding  the creation and logging of my
focused on practitioner reflection that I was in fact working through goal. My goal was to help
as a catalyst for building more practical theories, was a threshold students find and implement
effective, inquiry driven teachers. moment.  strategies to help them better
It is fair to say that educators interrogate their reasoning
cannot possibly be effectively We spent some time defining the through reflection and group
reflective, if they are unwilling to word teacher. What is it and what context. This goal in itself is
deeply examine and interrogate does it mean. If I am thinking rhizomatic through the use of
what their own belief systems within the rhizome, there is no reflection and the ideas of the
are.  There were very clear distinct meaning as the meaning network of classmates.   As I was
noticings of my thinking through changes depending on context going through my reflection log
theory in the blog posts regarding and situatedness. My realization regarding the goal, I noticed that I
teaching and learning. of this idea came through as I was surprised to have a view of
wrote, "a teacher is a relationship students as they were working.  
As Zeichner and Liston write, which creates a place where
"...teachers practical theories, their teacher and student can partner As I shifted my gaze to a new
assumptions about students, on a journey of learning. Foucault perspective, it was like purposely
learning, schools, and the would call this the "other space".  stepping into the liminal space to
communities that their schools observe the bigger picture and try
serve, are continually formulated In the series of articles we read by to understand what was
and reexamined when teachers Olivia Gude, she mentioned one happening.  I wrote, "I have come
engage in a process of action and of my favorite thinkers, Bourriaud, to realize that they (students) are
reflection" (Zeichner and Liston, and his theory of relational in the tensions of learning new
2014, p. 26).   In my reflection I aesthetics. Gude writes, ideas and grappling with
write, " This idea of a teacher's "...teachers create spaces within concepts they have never
practical theory is not new to  me, which students and others in the considered before". I had to check
honestly though, I'm not sure I school community can interact the idea that I had moved beyond
have heard it referred in such a and create new knowledge..." the threshold, but they weren't
way or realized that what I was (Gude, 2013, p. 14).  My definition there, creating yet a new tension,
thinking and doing was related to of teacher aligns with what Gude as I had to walk back through the
theory".  says. space with them to understand.

Educational Lineage
Visual Metaphor
Post Modern Portrait

Create a visual representation of your educational lineage

My journey back to focusing on my My lineage artwork centers around I write about this hive mentality in
creative practice has been a lesson on those that inspired me on my journey; my blog in that it represents, the 
liminal space and the threshold in the ones that opened my eyes to new "series of people in my collective".  I
and of itself.  The first study we read possibilities.  I write,  "we carry these may have  originally thought about
by Henriksen and  Mishra discussed experiences with us and they surface them in chronological fashion, but the
the practice of creativity. They write, at various times throughout our life", experiences I draw from their
"creativity is as much a decision about much like the idea of the rhizome. As inspiration are not.
an attitude toward life as it is a matter our experiences layer over each other,
of ability" (Henriksen & Mishra, 2013, the web like structure of the rhizome As I thought about the piece in total,
p. 6).  As I was thinking through this , I takes over pulling from it the the evidence of my theoretical shift
considered that the challenge in my experiences we need as we need kept growing. I write, "the spaces have
own practice is to get out of my own them.  become really important for me as a
head.  Shekhar Kapur also talks about  teacher, and also how I see the
getting out of your mind to stimulate Bees are both leaders and followers at connections. The rhizomatic path of
creativity. He puts himself in the same time and work in all of the connections made, leave me
moments of panic on purpose.  The harmonious ways. The nature of bees finding meaning in the intersections;
panic and discomfort that he speaks and the hive is  a rhizomatic system the spaces between the hive". The idea
of ...the same one that  pushes me out which speaks to the network of of the pulling in and out of the liminal
of my head is the liminal space. educators in my life.  spaces/threshold in my network
allows me to continue making new
Imagine and create a
metaphor which might
represent the idea that your
classroom is a living, breathing

The visual metaphor project was and rhizome" (Sameshima & I can see the rhizome. In my blog I
an interesting project to think Irwin, 2008, p. 7). Even as I write wrote, my role as the teacher
about. What does my classroom this, I am still trying to process could be embodied by the
look and feel like. At first sight, I this theoretical underpinning of characteristics of the light, the
wasn't sure how much theory I my work I didn't know existed bird or the nest depending on the
might be able to investigate this (threshold moment).  Corner's perspective. This thinking is
artwork through. As I dug into the work also addresses the layers, "or similar to  the A/R/Tographer in
literature, I became overwhelmed a living grid of layered planes which we are traveling between
by my discovery. made up of contextual points and through these roles
which one can ricochet up, down, simultaneously. I can't help but
In my blog post I write, across and between so that also see the students in my
"dreamcatchers are positioned to liminality becomes classroom as A/R/tographers,
allow the dreams to be caught as multidimensional across space traversing through their own
they drift by...this idea of and time" (Sameshima & Irwin, liminal spaces as they begin to
drifting...big dreams take time; 2008, p. 6).  This was surprising to create their mappings of learning
they drift, allowing you the time me as I had not considered the and experiencing. 
to prepare yourself to learn/grow." layering to be considered both
I continue writing about the rhizomatic and liminal, yet my The words on the top of the
layers of paint in the background network now grows with new dreamcatcher, "wise shall be the
as they "speak to the layers of . connections.  bearers of light", justify the idea of
learning and transforming." it being able to hold tension in life
wasn't until investigation of The abstract nest built inside of giving ways.  The illuminated
Sameshima and irwin that the the dream catcher was meant experiences in the threshold 
significance became clear. originally to be a foundation, one create new thinking and learning
"A/R/tographers are not role that I embody for students. (wise).  After looking at this art
straddling between two or three The nest itself, rhizomatic in piece through a new lens, I find it
roles, but are constructing the nature, creates multiple entry increasingly more meaningful
liminal space by articulating and points for students depending on and more appropriate to the
traveling the borderlands in how they need to be supported.  prompt of what the classroom
James Corners three If I think to the idea of the embodies.
contemporary thematic mapping
practices...drift, layering
Post Modern
Create a portrait that embodies your creative process, parallels between art making and teaching, what
keeps you coming back each day to teach and post modern ideas

This project was probably one of my In my blog reflection about this piece, I After I had affixed the flowers to the
favorites to do for a number of write, "discomfort comes from the face, my youngest son
reasons. I  enjoy using mixed media anxiety of the what ifs-the process of was perplexed. "I like it, it's just
but challenged myself to use paper in figuring things out is uncomfortable". unexpected".  Even in others, the
a new way, of which I was previously With the finished portrait, the process  process causes discomfort as they are
unfamiliar. Additionally, because of photos of the work in progress are trying to discern new ways of looking. 
the sheer time that it took to together, a visual representation of
complete, I was able to draw my someone moving through the layers The rhizome became apparent in the
children into the process of watching of liminal spaces, crossing thresholds summary on my blog. "In my portrait,
the idea take shape which proved to when the solutions become  visible gaze has become important-How am I
cement some of the ideas I have been and considering the many layers of looking out to the world? How is the
discussing.  process, allow one to see the world looking at me?  Being open to
rhizomatic nature of  creative work. conceptual and ontological shifts
Choosing to use materials in a new The intersections of knowing and allows us to operate in these spaces,
way forced me into the space of doing  lead to  thinking and connecting intersections and networks and to be
tension, the process of pushing and perceiving in new and dynamic considering both answers to that
creativity...the foggy liminal space.  ways.   question concurrently.  09
A Summary
What does this all mean and why should I care?

The past two semesters in both I continued on in a separate post, "It

artistic research and the art of teacher has become almost impossible for me
reflection have shifted my thinking to consider where my knowledge in
and produced significant growth in one area of my education begins and
ways I could have never imagined.  ends."  Entering the assemblage-the
The emphasis on the reflective  rhizome- is supposed to be like this.
practices of educators  in this course The letting go and getting out of your
has opened up the SPACE for me to be head is the same as resisting the
able to  investigate and celebrate new duality that something has to be
thinking and ways of seeing in a way either/or...why not both?  Even the
which would never have been format with which I am reflecting;
possible had I not taken this on.  As I the magazine is an assemblage,
was re-reading all of my blog posts, it rhizomatic in nature with many
became apparent in several ways that entry points.
even at the time I was writing
reflections to individual projects, I
was connected to the thread of ideas "Each persons liminal
that was the bigger picture.  space alters in every
I write, "The readings and artworks
moment of changing
have forced an introspective look  at light, stance and
myself and my beliefs about being in context." (Sameshima &
the world which has no other benefit
than to change me and how I see
Irwin, 2008. p. 11) 
myself and others-so the question I
now ask myself when I encounter a Our connections are created at the
reading, a difficult situation, intersections, strengthened and
what it this trying to teach me"?  I was become part of us. Pauline Sameshima
focused on the word forced in this puts this beautifully,"I know at once,
reflection. Not seeing it in a negative the imaginary edges are side by side
light, but an intention on my part and and yet there is infinite depth
your part too, I assume, to  deliver between myself...and the possible
myself to the liminal spaces.  Hazy, passages of pedagogy...the task for us
struggling, hand out trying to find my all is to develop find,
way  through the layers and articulate and render congruencies-
pathways...the connections and the edges where we touch"
intersections to the that (Sameshima & Irwin, 2008, p. 11). 
I now have the ability to answer the
question, what is this trying to teach   

Thinking with theory allows us to wonder, explore and encounter new
noticings in our work. Even re-examining the pieces in my artworks
from the semester allowed me to go through the cycle of re-flection
and deepen my understanding.


Gude, O. (2013, January). New school Henriksen, D., & Mishra, P. (2013).
art styles: The project of art education. We teach who we are: Creativity in
Art Education, 6-15. the lives and practices of
Accomplished teachers. Teachers
Land, R., Rattray, J., & Vivian, P. (2014). College Record, 117, 1-46.
Learning in the liminal space: A
semiotic approach to threshold
concepts. High Education, 67, 199-217. Sameshima, P., & Irwin, R. (2008).
doi:10.1007/s10734-013-9705-x Rendering dimensions of a liminal
currere. Transnational Curriculum
Inquiry, 5(2), 1-15. Retrieved from
Shotter, J. (2014). Agential realism,
social constructionism, and our
living relations to our surroundings:
Sensing similarities rather than
Sudrajat, I. (2012). Foucalt, the other
seeing patterns. Theory &
spaces, and human behavior.
Psychology, 24(3), 305-325. doi:10.1
Procedia Social and Behavior
Sciences, 36, 28-34.
Uhl, C., & Stuchul, D. L. (2011).
University of Chicago. (n.d.). Rhizome:
Teaching as if life matters: The
The chicago school of media theory.
promise of a new education culture.
Retrieved from
Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins
University Press.

Zeichner, K. M., & Liston, D. P. (2014).

Reflective teaching: An introduction
(2nd ed.). New York, NY: Taylor &

"Artful Inquiry
enables research to
latch onto the heart
and to transpire
-Sameshima & Irwin

Lauren A. Hermann
University of Missouri
Spring 2018
LTC 8767

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