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TLDS WW MULOO eV MSV) EMU mes Tere dT She! 2nd edition TN eta Cac ) } OU SaL eMC NIC as V.V.Batygin |.N.Toptygin This second edition contains nearly 900 problems on classical electrodynamics provided with answers or detailed solutions, including more than 200 problems on the Beers ats nC rc Re neue nr ree aceon co enon ere eu totic ea Peet eigenen Poet etre tee Ce ee urea tea ns oscillations in finite bodies, special theory of felativity, relativistic mechanics, emission of Coreen ee uc ree Mn et is pretaced by a short introduction. This edition has been revised, supplemented, ere a amen nee rr ee ce eee ca ea ONO r en Cea eur) ee enone nce iN eens and interference, and x-ray clffraction, and a Reve euc nn emetic ee ata ee seule caneatan ny Cee eet ar ete m ns some are concerned with topies which are not Renee oe cure tatoo freee erate a an applications of conservation laws to the analysis Cieemmnc ere nceiricny and ferromagnetic resonance, een eet en oom enn eee Petcare ed Jovanovich, Publishers emetic meen) Irena eac cd fol ocr es uC Oo Ceo ca e en ce nae Pee caer este ue ai) SELES UEC ke aL erro Bie a eee TC enn he Nk a Mee UC CAGE er ra actu UL eae Cen CUT RU eer aU Nena rc Cn Ue Cone CR aa ee a Ss es ue ee headings: one-dimensional motion. tunnel effect, commutation relations, Heisenberg: Perec tint ae een sneer Cua ne apc) Ogee uae Cc Ra ace a uC ee Co FO CUE ole MS eC Cte Pc ea Ce meneame nun ke sec eRe eg teen eee ae UR ee Ca ee ee CERN: ce eran cs Mee oe acre cen een eee erg and iecturers in physics, electronics and electronic engineering, and ald for self-siudy by een each eno mae me ese Cea ac eect a ca ee nt ase Ce Reno au Re nc Ce ce rot Sete RRC acu mace ure circu ene mM Or cts Co Ratna Ue eee ese een mrt ae cin ae eT Ce eu rece ae Geen ec cme een Cees a aie aac renee er eta re) TULA el AC CUES h Coc aN ee eh a a eA) 1971, ISBN 0 85086 023 7, viii + 573 paces Oe cucu Gere McCain eC Mee ur oo physics, chemistry, and engineering. It covers a tull range of topics in thermodynamics, Bet cooiee eU scent rac Ua em hor ee eu Ca opted aU RC laren) ict eae Cee ae ee node Meco a on am eT eC ho ec UO oe Ue ne Sn incorperated in book form, for the first time. The chapters start with relatively easy SCR eMRCe Recerca i co eo ames ue ea ace ese Pacem aa comets ene ice eee ad Cees nue seo er ae eee ar ta) eC Rieter ae ee eC re en Reon Loa eee ee Tee eee Ua oe ie ae Problems in solid state physics, editor H J Goldsmid Peace st eC onT This volume is intended to complement stendard texts used by final year undergraduate and postgraduate students in colleges and universities where the studly of solid state physics fe ee eee Ce een etc ee and contain over 300 problems dealing with crystallography and crystal structures, growth Cer ee ae net emcee ae ihe merton a Inn ea ae ne aoc ae aac ur ce) ferromagnetism; antiferromeanetism and fetrimagnetism; magnetic resonance: electron Greene ite ser ca ccs ee cg oe coca ue Maca nia aa Nh aR ae ae p San Nem telco Me ome ea a Ed Te Mac ae CU Ne a) problems in electrodynamics VVBatygin I.N-Toptygin pion academic press london london - new york sanfrancisco ‘subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich publishers second edition problems in electrodynamics V.V.Batygin I.N.Toptygin Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd., 24/28 Oval Road, London NWI 7DX Pion Limited, 207 Brondesbury Park, London NW2 SIN US. Edition published by Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, N-Y. 10003 Translated from Russian V.V.Batygin, LN.Toptygin: Sbornik Zadach po Elektrodinamike Second edition, 503 pp., 1970, Nauka, Moscow First edition translated by S.Chomet and edited by P.J.Dean Second edition revised, supplemented, and edited by D.ter Haar Copyright © 1978 by Pion Limited and Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by photostat, microfilm, or any other means without written permission from the publishers. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 77-8828 ISBN 0-12-082160-5, Printed in Great Britain by Page Brothers, Norwich, Norfolk. Preface This is the second English edition of the problem book by Batygin and Toptygin. It contains nearly nine hundred problems, including more than two hundred on the special theory of relativity and about seventy on vector and tensor analysis, As compared with the first edition, several new problems have been included, as well as new sections on superconductivity, coherence and interference, and x-ray diffraction, and a new chapter on plasma physics This edition also contains a few problems taken from Oxford University examination papers; 1 would like to thank Oxford University Press for permission to use them, Let me finally mention that the second Russian edition was dedicated to the memory of Professor I M Shmushkevich. Oxford, October 1977 D ter Haar Preface to the first Russian edition This book contains about 750 problems on classical electrodynamics and its more important applications, including over 150 problems on the special theory of relativity, and about 70 problems on vector and tensor analysis In addition to problems illustrating fundamental concepts and laws of electrodynamics, which can be solved by purely mathematical methods, the collection includes a large number of more complicated problems (these are indicated by asterisks). Some of the solutions involve a considerable amount of effort, while others are purely theoretical in nature and follow from a lecture course on electrodynamics (propagation of waves in anisotropic and gyrotropic media, motion of charged particles in the electromagnetic field, representation of the electromagnetic field by a set of oscillators, and so on). Finally, there are problems which are concerned with topics which are not well covered by existing texts, for example, interaction of charged particles with matter (Chapter 13), applications of conservation laws to the analysis of collision processes and particle disintegration (Chapter 11), ferromagnetic resonance (Chapter 6), and so on. The second part of the book gives answers and solutions to a large number of these problems. Each section is prefaced by a short theoretical introduction in which the necessary formulae are given. These short introductions do not pretend to be complete; more extensive treatments will be found in the books listed in the bibliography. Preface The mathematical appendices review the basic properties of the 6-function and the cylindrical and spherical functions, which are necessary for the solution of the problems. The present collection is based on lectures given in the Departments of Electronics and Physics and Mechanics of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, A large number of the problems were set to third and fourth year students, In compiling this collection we have made frequent use of the well- known texts of L.D.Landau and E.M.Lifshits, LE.Tamm, Ya.1.Frenkel’, M.Abraham, and R.Becker, W.R.Smythe, J.A.Stratton, and others. A large number of monographs, review papers, and original papers were also consulted. V.Batygin, LToptygin Contents Preface 1 Vector and tensor calculus 4, Vector and tensor algebra. Transformations of vectors and tensors b. Vector analysis 2 Electrostatics in vacuo 3 Blectrostatics of conductors and dielectrics a. Basic concepts and methods of electrostatics . Coefficients of potential and capacitance €. Special methods of electrostatics 4° Steady currents Magnetostatics 6 Electrical and magnetic properties of matter a, Polarisation of matter in a constant field b. Polarisation of matter in a variable field c. erromagnetic resonance 4. Superconductivity 7 Quasi-stationary electromagnetic fields a Quasistationary phenomena in linear conductors b, Eddy currents and skin effect 8 Propagation of electromagnetic waves 8. Plane waves in a homogeneous medium. Reflection and refraction, Wavepackets b, Plane waves in anisotropic and gyrotropic media ¢. Scattering of electromagnetic waves by macroscopic bodies. Diffraction 4, Coherence and interference ce. Xray diffraction Electromagnetic oscillations in finite bodies 10 Special theory of relativity a. Lorentz transformations ’. Four-dimensional vectors and tensors ¢. Relativistic electrodynamics 11 Relativistic mechanics pnergy and momentum ». The motion of charged particles in an electromagnetic field Problems 43 50 56 68 68 Rn n 83 83 88 93 93 101 105 Mm 120 124 133 133 143 145 Ist 151 163 Solutions 218 223 237 237 255 257 270 27 296 296 301 309 315 318 318 330 343 343 358 367 384 390 395 419 419 432 435 443, 443, 463

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