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Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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1. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against
_____ and segregation.
5. ____ rights are the rights of citizens to
DOWN political and social freedom and
2. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Chris- 6. The power or right to act, speak, or
tian ______ who worked for equal rights. think as one wants without hindrance
3. Enforced separation of different or restraint.
racial groups. 8. The Montgomery Bus _____ was a
4. “I have a dream that my four little political and social protest campaign
children will one day live in a nation against the city’s racial segregation of
where they will not be judged by the the bus system.
_____ of their skin but by the content of 9. He led a peaceful ______ of a quarter
their character.” million people, on Washington, DC.
7. Inspired by Gandhi’s peaceful pro- 11. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is on the
test, Martin Luther King supported _____ third ________ of January.
protest. 12. He fought for _____ rights so that
10. He was a minister in Montgomery, everybody would be treated the same.

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