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Monday 30 Oct 2017

PVCC ENG 112 Semester Long

Unit​: Argumentative/Persuasive Research

- Write a ten page sustained argumentative/persuasive essay
- Also the other unit objectives at this point

- Diagnostic/Formative​: Conferences
- Formative​: six page rough draft
- Summative​: final essay

- Opener: write your essay kiddos. Six page due tomorrow 2 HARDCOPIES! We will be
doing peer review. You can take your name of the copy that gets passed around but it
needs to be on the one you turn into me.
- Workshop/Conferences
- P, B, J, and B(?) to library (second)
- Check in with M, D, K, and T first (second)
- M and Z!!!!!!!!!! (third)
- Check in with E, J, B, Y (third)
- Closure: good luck!

- A is freaking out (2)
- M and Z still absent (3)
- J and NP worried about page length (3)
- K is struggling → unexpected (3)

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