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Lab Manual


i. Determination of the contraction and velocity coefficients.

ii. Calculation of the discharge coefficient.

V= 15 L Do= 0.012 m
Table 1:

SET Ho Hc V (L) T Dc
(m) (m) (s) (× 10−3 m)
1 0.355 0.327 10 63.5 5.92
2 0.354 0.313 10 47.28 5.875

Table 2:
Ideal Actual Orifice Contractile Ideal Actual Velocity Discharge Variation Cross-
velocity, velocity, cross- cross- flowrate, flowrate, coefficient, coefficient, coefficient, section
V0(m/s) Vc(m/s) section, section, Qo(×10-4 Qc (×10- Cv(-) Cd(-) CC(-) area
Ao(×10- Ac(×10-4 m3/s) 4
m3/s) coefficient,
m2) m2) Ca(-)

2.639 2.532 1.1310 2.752 2.984 1.57

0.959 0.526 0.548 2.433
2.635 2.478 1.131 2.711 2.980 2.115 0.940 0.710 0.755 2.397



 Actual Velocity, Vc = (2gHc)1/2 = (2 x 9.81 x 0.327)1/2 = 2.532 m/s
 Ideal Velocity, Vo = (2gHo)1/2 = (2 x 9.81 x 0.355)1/2 = 2.639 m/s
 Orifice Cross-Section, Ao = [(Do)2 / 4] = [ x (12 x 10-3)2] / 4 = 1.1310 x 10-4 m2
 Orifice Cross-Section, Ac = [(Dc)2 / 4] = [ x (5.92 x 10-3)2] / 4 = 2.752x 10-5m2
 Actual Flow Rate, Qc = V/(1000 x t) = 10 / (1000 x 63.5) = 1.57 x 10-4 m3/s
Lab Manual
 Ideal Flow Rate, Qo = Vo x Ao = 2.639 x (1.1310 x 10-4) = 2.984 x 10-4 m3/s
 Velocity Coefficient, Cv = Vc / Vo = 2.532 /2.639 = 0.959
 Discharge Coefficient, Cd = Qc / Qo = (1.57 x 10-4) / (2.984 x 10-4) = 0.526
 Variation Coefficient, Cc = Cd / Cv = 0.526/ 0.959= 0.548
 Cross-section area coefficient Ca = Ac / Ao =2.752x 10-5 /1.1310 x 10-4 = 0.243

from the table it is clear that the practical discharge is always less than this theoretical
amount due to the viscosity of the fluid, to surface tension and due to resistance of the air.
The disparity between the theoretical discharge velocity and the actual discharge velocity is
allowed for by introducing a factor Cv,Coefficient of Velocity , as the actual head value
decreased after each reading, the coefficient of velocity value decreased as well.

the discharge from a sharp edged orifice is examined closely, we observed that the
minimum diameter of the jet of water discharging from the orifice is smaller than the orifice
diameter. The plane at which this occurs is known as the Vena Contracta, where the pressure
decreases. the pressure drop across the orifice increases when the rate of flow increases.
when there is no flow there is no differential. The actual flow rate together with the
coefficient of discharge decreased. as time increased after each reading.

hence it is proved about the hypothesis, the pressure dropped after passing through
contracta. actual velocity also differs from theoretical value. as the fluid passes through the
vena contracta the velocity of fluid increases because the area of the vena contraca became
smaller than the orifice area.

i. R.K. Bansal 1983, A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, 1st Edition,
Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd, India.
ii. Rama Durgaiah, 2002, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, 1st Edition, New Age
International (P) Ltd, India.

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