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The following words and phrases may describe: character,

personality, figure, appearance, look, air, build, outlook, aspect, size,

features, presence, disposition, temperament.

o a round bald patch
o a slight squint
o bald-headed
o blue-eyed
o broad-shouldered
o clear blue eyes
o curly-haired
o eyes set wide apart
o hooded grey eyes
o icy blue eyes
o in a bun on the nape of her neck
o long silky blond hair
o mysterious dark eyes
o pale short-sighted eyes
o parted in the middle
o short curly hair
o sparkling green eyes
o thinning, silver grey hair
o too close together in a square
o waist-lenth
o wavy, auburn hair


(with the verb ‘to be’)

 twenty-one
 a young sixty-five
 fifty years old
 old
 elderly
 middle-aged
 youngish
 in her thirties
 in her mid-sixties
 infant
 toddler
 new-born


Colour :

 dark
 fair
 blonde
 blond
 a red head
 brunette
 ginger
 platinum blonde

Length and style:

 short
 curly hair
 balding
 bald
 wavy
 frizzy
 crew-cut
 short back and sides
 length
 feather cut
 loose-flawing


 He had short, fair hair.

 His hair is short and curly .
 His is balding.

Eyes / Colour :

 blue
 brown
 green
 hazel

Eyes / Shape :

 large
 almond-shaped
 round
 bulging
 squiting

Eyes / Character:

 direct
 laughing
 warm
 cold
 close-set


 She has large brown eyes.

 His eyes are warm and laughing.


 arched
 pencilled
 thin
 heavy
 bushy


 smooth
 lined
 wrinkled round the eyes
 oval
 square
 heart-shaped
 spotty
 high cheek bones
 round
 thin
 has glasses

 a moustache
 a beard
 sideburns
 freckles
 long face


 He had a round, smooth face.

 His face was lined.

Skin (complexion):

 fair
 olive
 dark
 tanned
 freckled
 blotchy
 white
 oily
 dry
 normal
 ruddy
 smooth
 pock-marked
 sallow

Other Facial Features:

Mouth :

 wide
 mean
 generous
 thin-lipped
 thick lips
 bow lips
 small mouth
 big mouth


 bushy
 plucked


 turned up
 a long nose
 a French nose
 a Greek nose
 big nose
 flared nostrils
 cute
 straight


 He had bushy eyebrows and a turned-up nose.

 Her mouth was wide and generous.

Size and shape:

(with the verb ‘to be’)

 big
 small
 thin
 slim
 slender
 plump
 fat
 stout
 overweight
 dwarf
 tall
 short
 average height
 medium height
 broad-shouldered
 well-built
 excellent figure
 large waist
 tiny waist

 long legs
 a long-legged girl


 She was tall and thin.

 He is well-built.


 long-legged
 flat-chested
 flat-footed
 knock-kneed
 pigeon-toed
 short-waisted
 long-waisted


 deep
 loud
 piercing
 husky
 smooth
 high
 squeaky


 Her voice was loud and piercing.

 She had a deep voice.
Clothes / Appearance:

 an apron
 a suit
 well-dressed
 fashionable / shabby / shapeless clothes
 handsome
 plain
 good-looking
 pretty
 untidy
 ugly
 scruffy


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