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Inreading Foxborough Patch last evening, 1 felt compelled to respond to the article by Daniel Libon on the approval ofthe Finance Director's contract “despite behavior allegations.” Unfortunately, when a Selectman or any other Town official is compelled to respond publicly to internal personnel matters, xe or she joins te fray with one hand tied behind is or her back, ‘Those who would engage in an organized campaign of character assassination, evento the point of disregarding, concealing, and misrepresenting material facts in their quest for “justice”, do so ‘without any reasonable restraints on their behavior or accountability. The Town, on the other hhand, respects the restraints under which it operates, ‘The Town cannot and will not open up personne! files for public scrutiny, even when, as here, [am confident that in doing so would reveal that any and all allegations have been fully investigated and responded to as appropriate. ‘Our Town Charter vests in the Town Manager fll authority and responsibility for personnel matters. 1 am convinced that this authority has been exercised responsibly with respect tothe allegations aluded to inthe Foxborough Patch article. Its fundamentally unfair to Me Scolin, to our Tova Manager, and tothe Board to assume that allegations haven't been adressd simply because the outcome is not shared publily. Asa community leader, Istive to be diligent inthe stewardship ofthe community and know that oue Town Manager does as well ‘This means that all allegation against our employees retaken seriously, investigated thoroughly, and remesial ston i taken as may be warranted. Thats wit | would expect from the Tov i experienced any pereived mistreatment by aTown employes. Taso expect, though, that we wil in tum afford our employees the requisite due process and safeguard the confidentiality of ther peremnel file. If Mr, Scollins’aecusers were onthe receiving end oF allegations, know that they would expect and be afforded the same fom the Town. ‘With fll knowledge ofthe facts, the Board approved a new contrat for Mc. Seolin In 2014. Again, with full knowledge of the facts, the Board did so again this week. Mr. Scollins is ‘an exceptionally capable ad dedicated public servant. He is deserving ofhis new contract and ‘completely undeserving ofthe uninformed and unprineipled attacks he has endured, David Feldman Chairman Board of Selectmen

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