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March 13, 2015

Briefing for Paul Godfrey by Niagara Leaders on Post Media Direction in


General Direction

The prospective Post Media purchase of Sun Media is generally seen as positive by
participants in the consultation. The personal approach by Mr. Godfrey is seen as a
positive indication of potential improvement in media approach to Niagara politics.

Reporting/Columnist/Editorial Policy

Unbalanced Partisan Reporting, Columns and Editorial – there have been many
instances recently of anti-conservative writing, specifically targeting elected officials
who are fiscal conservatives. These attacks often consist of unfounded, derogatory and
defamatory inferences using terms like the “conservative Cabal”. It is recommended
that the media require fact-based, balanced writing that presents the spectrum of
opinion on a subject.

We want the newspaper be a partner in the community and focus on reporting the
stories that are taking place and not manufacturing news

The considerable amount of opinion-based reporting is influencing decisions being

made in government through intimidation. Actual reports and/or fear of reports are
influencing the way politicians are voting, not because the decisions are right, but to
avoid negative press and comments on articles. It is recommended that closer
attention be paid to prevent editorial opinion based content in news reporting and
simply report the facts.

Anonymous online comments at the bottom of stories are often slanderous and
disparaging with no accountability. Any engagement or conversation should be by
people who reveal their identities. This will help bolster the reputation of the
newspaper and elevate the level of conversation around articles.


Preserve accessible local management allowing local managers to be responsive to

questions and concerns with local autonomy.

Number of daily papers and why

The general consensus is not opposed to 1 newspaper if that is the direction of the
newspaper. A single daily paper could contribute to rebuilding a Niagara brand that has
become fragmented.

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March 13, 2015

Potential Improvements

 Eliminate anonymous comment postings and apply the same identification

standards as with letters to the editor.
 Implement measures to prevent unfounded, derogatory and defamatory
statements by journalists and editors. There is need for an open minded
strategy regarding unfair reporting.
 Tighten up on measures to prevent reporters from venturing into editorial
opinion based reporting.
 Ensure that reporting covers the entire Region.
 Promote ongoing dialogue with political and business leaders.


________________________________ ________________________________
David Barrick Doug Joyner

________________________________ ________________________________
Sandy Bellows Ted Luciani

________________________________ ________________________________
Mike Britton Bart Maves

________________________________ ________________________________
Alan Caslin Walter Sendzik

________________________________ ________________________________
Carmen D’Angelo Sal Sorrento

________________________________ ________________________________
Rick Dykstra Selina Volpatti

Jim Diodati

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