Ensayo M.U Ingles

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Nombre: Salguero Josué Curso: 3er BGU Sección: “M”

Some lessons that showed us the movie “Monsters University”

The movie “Monsters University” is a clear example of the phrase “each one with their talent”. The
movie it’s an interesting history about two friends, Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan, they are
two monsters who will live a great adventure while still in college. This movie shows us that our
differences are what make us unique, a lesson we should all learn. Also shows us that our goals and
dreams are achieved only with effort and self will, because if we do not strive for the things we do,
it is sure that we will not get the result we want. Another thing that this movie show us is that
friendship can come from the least expected person.

First of all, no one is like another, all of us are so different, but that is what makes us unique. For
that, all have talents that we sometimes overlook and we don’t perfect it. If you are good for running
or good for swimming or anything, you should realize this, this is part of the process of knowing
oneself, and discover our strengths and weaknesses to give the best of us to the world. An example
of this it is the hidden talent of Mike to direct their supposedly mediocre team and take them to be
the best. This is an example that we should to learn and practice.

In the second place, effort is the only sure way to greatness. All have skills, but we make them
talents, with hours and hours of hard training and giving the best of us in all of the things we do. To
be the best, we must not think of surrender, we should not think of rest, we should not think about
the hour to finish, we only should go to sleep when we give all of us, and yet still keep training. We
should be like Mike, who wanted to be someone great and gave herself completely to achieve.
Simply, there is not victory without sacrifice.

The next side, and is a very important lesson, is that friendship don’t knows place or time or face.
Simply appears when least expected, and can last forever. At first, Mike and Sullivan are not liked,
but with the time and the different, but over time and the different emotions experienced they
finished being inseparable friends.

The movie has many lessons to teach us, which makes it an interesting and funny way to learn about
life and how to live it.

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