Bohdana Kotubei - Research Paper

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Is our education system fair?

Bohdana Kotubei

12th Grade ELA Section 2

Mr. Janosh

Nov. 28th, 2017

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This topic is about education in the schools of New York. Curious how education will

help us in our future. We need education at all in school and college. Also topic is about whether

American school education different greatly from European school education. Commented [1]: Good topic, but lets try to get rid of "I"
and Me in your essay.

Most children start their way to knowledge at the age of 5 years. First of all, this is

a kindergarten that prepares them for the first class. Preparing children for school is

compulsory. In kindergarten, they begin to develop themselves not only physically but

also mentally. They learn to speak correctly, then count, read, write. Therefore, the basis

for children is a kindergarten. But not less important educators who help children to

learn new knowledge. “The first thing that a teacher has to do is to develop the spirit of

curiosity in the student.” (D.Mendeleev). Then, when the child is ready to leave the

kindergarten, she has an appropriate level of knowledge. And so she is ready to go


It so happens that there is so no single national education system in America. In

each of the states, there are different educational programs for children. Each school in

New York has a different education program, since in different states have different

views on programs for school education. But in the United States, in whatever state you

have not lived in all schools, you will be 12 years old. But there are also cases when

children can go to a humanitarian school after the 9th grade. There they already choose

the direction in which they will go on. If we only talk about Brooklyn, then education in

schools starts from 6 years old to 18-19 years old. From 6 to 14 years old children are

studying elementary education. From 15-19 years old children go to high school.
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Children go not only in the state of school but also in private. Private schools are

different from state ones so that they can be specialized and pay for them. That is, they

can have inclination in various fields, both in natural sciences and in mathematics. Which

is not so easy to get. As one man said “Give it to your children! Be patient in waiting for

a miracle and be ready to meet with him in childhood!” (Sh.O.Amonashvili).

Education for people has always been and is important. Without education, people

are less valued in our world. But there are such people who left school at a young age. In

order to develop for something special. In some it may be a call to creativity, in others to

the technical sciences or natural sciences. And they leave school to find their like-minded

people. And for some people it's pretty good. But it's difficult to say that education is not

needed. It's better to be an educated person than a man from whom society has turned

away. Averted only because it's not like they are not that level. Although the accused

people can also be turned away.

In life it happens that a person has studied well in school then in college, and the

job is hard to find. Why spend your years and effort if you can not find a job later. Here

are people who did not study at school and college they have jobs even become

millionaire. They screw on expensive cars but from where it all can be at the person who

does not know how to do anything. This is probably luck. “There are children with a sharp

mind and curious, but wild and stubborn. Such are usually hated in schools and almost always

feel hopeless; meanwhile, they usually come out of great people, if only to educate them

properly.” (Ya.A. Comenius).

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On the one hand, the school gives us the opportunity to develop. Gives the education that

helps us to develop further. Then in college we will not be so hard to learn. Sometimes there is

an opinion useless and education we will live without. And in general, many celebrities do not

have higher education. Therefore, many people take an example from these people, and then they

themselves think that it is better not to spend years to study. Most children can drop out of school

at the age of 15-17 and do not go to study further. The people say "Learn and learn the stranger"

(Folk wisdom). But, as you do not say, and science is a great labor that not everyone can learn

correctly. Someone has no opportunity, but someone has the opportunity but has no desire. You

need to learn or at least try. Who knows your life can twist so that you could not imagine

yourself. But how can you learn when your youth passes by you. You just do not think about

studying. You want to have fun and have fun. Therefore, there are cases that children do not go

to school to spend a great time.

Especially children adolescents do not want to get any education. These teenagers tend

to stay in the shade so that nobody touches them. They are interested in the Internet and

computer games. But this can not be said about whiskers of teens. Of course there are children

who want to know more and they know. But most of the interest is shown on the children who

throw up their studies.

All people think that American education is the best for children. And many are right.

Everyone wants to get a good education and everyone thinks it's better to get it in the United

States. Since this education is a bit different from the countries of Europe. The United States

does not have a single national education system. But everyone is studying in English.

Nevertheless, the country does not have an official language. Some children are not quite
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familiar at first, because the new country is not familiar with the language. Over time, children

become accustomed and drawn into this society.

If you do not have the opportunity to study in America, this is not a problem. You can

study in Europe as well. In developed countries, you can also study well. For example, German

education is quite different from American. Estimation is quite different. One point in them is the

highest score. Here in America the highest rating is four. In Germany, schools are divided into

primary, two-level secondary education and higher education. General education is compulsory

and free of charge. In America, however, this is not the case where the education is divided into

primary, secondary and senior schools. Children do not have to study at school if they have the

opportunity to study at home with their parents.

Schools in European countries are not easy. There are many nuances why they are

heavy. Quite a difficult training program. With which not every child can handle. There is a lot

of load. Sometimes there are difficult materials to be studied. In some countries, the lessons have

45 minutes and for these moments the teacher must have time to interview the children and give

them a new topic lessons and then a task. Also, the children have a break between the period ,

and after the third or fourth period they have time to have lunch. Also, here is allowed to wear a

mobile phone to school. But you can not use them in classes. If only you do nothing then you

can. It is not allowed to eat at lessons, and you can not always go out during classes.

Here in America quite differently. Who are immigrants to them is easier. to study

Because there is a possibility that you will study what has already passed in your school.

In American public schools, the program is not difficult. Some children learn

everything quickly. Most of all, the difference is that there are no breaks between lessons.

Mobile phones are also allowed, but you know them when you enter the school, and you get
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them at the end of the day. At school, you can use a school computer or iPad. At the lesson you

can eat. Lessons last an hour. There is also one short day in a week. In schools there is a so-

called punishment, if you do not come to school in time, then the phone receives the last one.

Every morning, conduct morning meeting.

There is much talk about the differences between American education and European one.

But the conclusion is that wherever you study, whether in America or in Europe, the main thing

is that the knowledge you have gained will remain with you forever. Because we study the same.

Works Cited

Taggie16. “Is the current education system fair to all students?” Http://,


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Mendeleev, Dmytro. “Sentences of prominent writers.”

Http://,18 May 2013.


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