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Christina Barton

EDU 203

Vicki Rieger

16 November 2017

Philosophy of Education

The purpose of this paper is to discuss my views on the philosophy of education and why I

choose to become an educator for autistic children. My philosophy on education has inspired my

dreams to become an educator of our youth in order to strengthen our future. I am specifically

interested in teaching children with autism after having he opportunity to observe a self contained

classroom. Introduction to Special Education has broadened my understanding of special needs

educators and students.

The educational philosophy that dictates my current belief is truth and realism. The students in

my classroom should be made aware of all realities and do not deserve to leave the class believing that

the world consists primarily of good versus evil. I am more aware now than I have ever been of the

desperate need of compassionate, empathetic educators in Special Education. This course has opened

my eyes and helped me understand the role that I will be responsible for.

The federal law has helped shape Special Education services by finally providing much needed

opportunities within the school districts. The laws that are now implemented are no longer excluding

children with disabilities and treating them inferior. We are now given proper protocols that help us in

determining how and when to begin the process of transitioning the student into programs that will

benefit them in the way that they are needed.

The disability I am interested in working with would be autism. There are many important

characteristics that are vital when working with autistic children. Since this disability affects every

child different it it important to know this and to not have the same expectations across the board for

every student. There has to be individual goals that are personalized to each child's level and a
successful teacher should be aware of this. The teacher that allowed me into her classroom made the

biggest impact on me and helped me decide which students I would prefer to work with. Mrs. Pete

showed me how to deal with certain behavioral issues I may come across as well as how to implement

positive reinforcements in the classroom. I was able to witness a compassionate, empathetic teacher in

action and I instantly knew that she was the kind of educator I would strive to be.

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