The Importance of The Internet and Online Systems For The Future Development of Qualifi-Cation Requirements

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Lippe- The importance of the
Lecturer at the Free
University of Berlin.
Internet and online
Freelance work in
empirical social re-
search, quality management
systems for the future
and vocational education
and training development of qualifi-
cation requirements;
Hypotheses and the results
of experience

The following article is Empirical basis staff with degrees from higher technical
linked to the practical work colleges (Fachhochschule) and/or various
and partial evaluation of the
and relevance of the university degrees. About one-half of
implementation of two pi- experience acquired those who successfully completed the
lot projects on continuing basic course were women; but in the ad-
vocational training. The The following article is linked to the prac- vanced course women only accounted for
empirical basis taken for tical work and partial evaluation of the one-third of the trainees. The total course
the article is the experience implementation of two pilot projects on offered a curriculum of 240 hours of pure
acquired and the reflections continuing vocational training. The em- Internet training consisting of six blocks
which followed the comple- pirical basis taken for the following arti- of 40 teaching units each. Because of the
tion of two model projects cle is the experience acquired and the short duration of the financial support
by the Land of Berlin within reflections which followed the comple- period, adequate empirical testing could
the framework of the tion of two model projects by the Land of only be undertaken on two central quali-
ADAPT Community initia- Berlin with a duration of 24 months each fication units. The empirical implementa-
tive. (1996-1998) within the framework of the tion of the measure and all related ques-
ADAPT Community initiative. The pilot tions and considerations are of vital im-
projects taken for the empirical basis portance for further studies and regular
were: measures in the field of additional infor-
mation technology training.
❏ Pilot project ‘Facts for Europe’; in-serv-
ice qualification for a small group of work- The following contribution is not the
ers and enterprises in the pre-printing product of a commissioned research
sector, Land Berlin, Objective 4 Region project, nor does it claim to be an inde-
pendent venture. Rather, it is an attempt
❏ Pilot project ‘ASTRANET’; in-service to take the experience gathered in active
Internet qualification for workers from backing research, i.e. the evaluation of
small and medium-sized enterprises in the the practical work of the on-going project,
eastern part of Berlin. 217 small and me- and to clothe it in the form of hypotheses
dium-sized enterprises with 378 employ- and the resulting reflections in order to
ees from different sectors participated in obtain additional elements for the scien-
the project. The majority of the partici- tific investigation of the problem on a
pating firms were service enterprises in broader scale. As project coordinator of
the broadest sense of the term. With re- the Internet project the author acquired
gard to the initial vocational qualifications many insights into the interests and moti-
of the employees receiving training, they vation of the trainees through her con-
were mostly well qualified professional tacts with the participating enterprises and

employees. In many cases these insights vocational training policy, they therefore “Some of the most impor-
give rise to concern as, even in the case have to observed closely, especially with tant hypotheses are the fol-
of highly and well qualified professional a view to the development of new occu- lowing:
staff with higher technical college and/or pational profiles and new location re-
university degrees, there is often a com- quirements which have to be integrated – The Internet is more of a
plete lack of basic information technol- in all job profiles. Some of the most im- means than an end: The new
ogy knowledge needed for the use of IT portant hypotheses are presented in the working medium Internet,
instruments. following: despite its spectacular fea-
tures, is simply a support
The experience acquired from the practi- The Internet is more of a means than an instrument; (…)
cal work was complemented by a written end: The new working medium Internet,
questionnaire after completion of the despite its spectacular features, is simply – The autonomy paradox:
course, observations and talks with the a support instrument; it enables new forms Despite the increasing in-
participants, representatives of the par- of work; what is more important: it can fluence from outside we
ticipating SMEs and the newly emerging generate structures but not contents, even must be in a position, (…)
group of Internet specialists who worked though there are some attempts to de- to generate our own con-
as lecturers in the courses. The author is velop a philosophy on this! tents. (…)
neither a euphorically ardent advocate of
technical innovation nor an ‘anti-machine The autonomy paradox: Despite the in- – The workplace paradox:
Luddite’; she sees herself as an interested creasing influence from outside we must although labour productiv-
user with professional links to the social be in a position, even in the WWW, to ity is rising with the aid of
sciences and VET policy. The following generate our own contents. What is deci- the Inter net and online
remarks therefore serve the purpose of sive is the professional position based on work, few additional jobs
placing the new medium Internet in the criteria which serve the goal and the con- have been created up to
context of an effective VET policy against tents and are not only a matter of public- now. (…)
the background of different vocational ity-effective packaging.
training systems in the EU Member States. – The employment paradox:
The workplace paradox: although labour IT generates new jobs; (…)
The Europe-wide relevance of the intro- productivity is rising with the aid of the
duction of Internet and online work to Internet and online work, few additional – The competence paradox:
improve competitive conditions in threat- jobs have been created up to now. This IT enables access to much
ened industrial locations was the original situation should be changed by exploit- more infor mation and
point of departure for the planned publi- ing the opportunities of online work to knowledge. (…)
cation by CEDEFOP. The important task create new products and services.
of the future will be to give a more effec- – The polarisation para-
tive and quicker response to relevant de- The employment paradox: IT generates dox: Through IT more peo-
velopments and trends in the area of work new jobs; but there is a danger that a large ple than ever before have
requirements, possibly at European level, number of old jobs will be destroyed at access to information, but
in the context of the anticipated modul- the same time. Caution is required! at the same time the dis-
arisation of vocational training (initial and parities between users and
continuing training). One goal could be - The competence paradox: IT enables ac- non-users are growing.
while maintaining the principle of cess to much more information and (…)”
subsidiarity - to tackle desirable future knowledge. At the same time the demands
changes and trends in the development on the qualification of the users are grow-
of the initial and continuing training sys- ing.
tems of the Member States of the Union
in a more targeted manner. This article It is becoming increasingly difficult to
has the aim of contributing to the future master or understand the available knowl-
Europe-wide discussion of questions re- edge. This means that the ability to par-
lating to tele-work, the use of the Internet ticipate in team work is becoming much
and the pedagogical and sociological net- more important.
working of enterprises.
The polarisation paradox: Through IT
The following hypotheses will show that more people than ever before have ac-
some paradoxical developments are tak- cess to information, at the same time the
ing place as a result of technical progress; disparities between users and non-users
careful thought has to be given to their are growing. Large industrial units and
importance and future impact in the field large medium-sized enterprises find it
of vocational education and training and easier to introduce the Internet than small

“Lack of confidence, igno- and medium-sized enterprises with less chine and the telephone or the non-net-
rance and, above all, lack of than 15 workers because the former have worked single workstation system.
application skills are three greater financial and personnel reserves
crucial barriers to the cur- at their disposal than small or micro en- Process, product and service innovations
rent spread of the Internet, terprises. Existing disparities between can, through targeted promotion, lead to
particularly in small and large companies and SMEs, and also be- the progressive creation of new jobs. Apart
medium-sized enterprises. tween well-qualified and less well-quali- from risks, the use of online systems and
SMEs – in contrast to the fied skilled workers are growing and tend the Internet also offers numerous oppor-
wide-spread lack of atten- to become more pronounced rather than tunities to develop new products, new
tion to their economic po- decline, because the demands on EDP services which will secure existing jobs,
tential – account for almost skills and other concealed demands are and to create new employment. The use
eighty percent of all jobs rising. This also applies to growing po- of the Internet is not a step-by-step proce-
and thus play a highly im- larisation and the establishment of new dure but a radical innovation. From the
portant role in work and standards in VET, which should be avail- angle of internal company activities, the
employment in Europe.” able for disadvantaged youth too. reorganisation of commercial and admin-
istrative procedures through the network-
This list of paradoxical developments and ing of in-company functions and organi-
effects can be continued indefinitely. But sational structures through Intranet can
the fundamental paradox in connection help to satisfy commercial and technical
with VET issues, industrial location and use requirements, particularly if the network-
of the Internet is the fact that everyone is ing links single departments and areas
in agreement on the future importance of which were separate from one another
online media, but very few policy makers before. Corporate activities directed to the
– apart from the sector itself – are taking exterior will also change through this op-
any steps to support the massive imple- portunity of using the Internet. It is already
mentation of information and communi- being seen today that central functional
cation technology in SMEs, let alone en- areas such as marketing and sales, but also
courage improvement of qualitative use research and development or integration
and mastery by the majority of the users. of supra-company communication struc-
tures, are undergoing radical change
through the use of the Internet.
Technical innovations
However, from our angle, the introduc-
Intranet, online systems and the Internet tion and use of these technical innova-
as new work tools lead to organisational tions does not mean a substitution of tech-
change and the creation of new work re- nical knowledge and skills in the field of
quirements in a networked corporate vocational requirements. Changes in in-
landscape of EDP users strumental competences, i.e. the ability
to use technical innovations such as the
Lack of confidence, ignorance and, above Internet and intranet and to do online
all, lack of application skills are three cru- work, are the most visible changes in
cial barriers to the current spread of the corporate procedures. The new additional
Internet, particularly in small and medium- requirements tend to be concealed adap-
sized enterprises. SMEs – in contrast to tation skills in the area of work organisa-
the wide-spread lack of attention to their tion covering different forms of the nec-
economic potential – account for almost essary team work as part of overall cor-
eighty percent of all jobs and thus play a porate activities, and the necessary addi-
highly important role in work and em- tional technical, mental and social
ployment in Europe. competences for the integration of new
available information in a highly complex
How fundamental the future role of the package of competences. These are not
Internet will be is perhaps expressed best fully visible new requirements and they
in the following sentence: ‘It hardly mat- tend to be overlooked by potential users
ters anymore whether one’s neighbour in the initial phase of the introduction of
lives next door or at the other end of the online work with networked systems.
The veiled ‘must’ for a new organisation
Today sending e-mails has become a rou- of enterprise activities is the real obstacle
tine practice like the use of the fax ma- to innovation in the use of new work in-

struments, especially in the case of the sions have already started to adapt to the “Recommendations from
small and medium-sized enterprises. That new technology. The pre-printing sector practical experience for
is why qualification for this medium and the entire multi-media branch have further development
within vocational initial and continuing been undergoing a tremendous re-struc-
training has to be more than just a partial turing process for many years and are a) process-related qualifi-
training of users by the system providers. therefore the trailblazers of this develop- cation means giving up of
The existing inter-activity, speed of ment. Because of this the enterprises in purely sector-oriented
communication and economic efficiency the newly developing multi-media branch, qualification methods
of the Internet, Intranet and online work also called the ‘media industry’, which (…)
lead to the conclusion that in future many have successfully adapted now have a
new areas of application and - at present leading edge in technological develop- b) electronic publishing is
still unthought of - opportunities for the ment. no longer the exclusive do-
creation of new services and products will main of printing and pub-
arise and can be exploited through the Electronic commerce with goods and serv- lishing firms. (…)
general spread of the medium. ices is gaining ground in Europe. In the
USA and Canada it has been generating c) strategic communication
Given the anticipated economic impor- high turnover figures for a long time. and information manage-
tance and the impact arising from the wide- ment skills require the ac-
spread use of the Internet as a new strate- Today the traditional demarcation lines quisition of a new cross-
gic corporate management instrument, an between the branches are being erased sectional qualification (…)
economic shock could be in store for all and it may be assumed that in the course
those who have not yet devoted much of further development, new concentra- d) strategic online manage-
thought to this instrument (mostly with the tion processes will take place in the ment means a far-reaching
argument: ‘Not worth the trouble!’) economy which will lead to an integra- reorganisation of indus-
tion of media, electronic, computer and trial locations and corpo-
In any case, within a few years, the en- financial services. These new ‘inter-disci- rate processes (…)
tire economic system, if not the whole plinary, cross-sectoral production/service
face of society, will be altered through providers’ find it much easier to develop e) it also seems to be use-
the use of this new work medium. The new electronically-supported services ful to give unemployed
spread of this medium will, in all prob- than the small and medium-sized enter- groups of people with an
ability, not take 50-80 years – compared prises which still use traditional means, initial training certificate
with electricity and the telephone - if its especially in the German crafts sector. training for the acquisition
colossal speed of diffusion in the last 5 of EDP cross-sectional
years is taken into account. Given this qualifications in the area of
extremely fast spread of the Internet it Recommendations from online commercial transac-
will probably only take 10 years at the tions (…)”
most before online work and use of the
practical experience for
Internet and electronic mail have become further development
standard features of the professional and
working world. Process-related qualification means giv-
ing up of purely sector-oriented qualifi-
The current substantiated number of com- cation methods in order to acquire the
puters in Germany is put at 1 132 174 by ability to handle the latest technology. It
De-Nic (Dec 30 1997). In Europe there calls for the ability to deal with the online
are certainly more than 6 million com- work requirements arising from the new
puters in use at the moment. In Germany corporate application concepts within the
there are at present only 114,602 domains context of global economic activities. In-
with full Internet capability but this fig- tegrated training provision in this case not
ure is swiftly rising. 11 million Internet only contains pure EDP training but also
connections are being forecast in Europe other components such as business man-
up to the year 2002. Projections indicate agement skills and the learning of project
that by then 47 million connections will management methods for order-oriented
exist world-wide (Internet Domain Sur- action with corporate goals. In doing this,
vey 25.01.99) the present basis of vocational knowledge
and skills and comprehensive professional
At present we are still in the early stage experience should be taken as the point
of the diffusion of the Internet in Europe. of departure for the core qualification of
Banks and insurance companies, real es- the skilled workers to be trained. New
tate management and the liberal profes- qualifications should enhance the exist-

“Through targeted promo- ing knowledge and skills. They should be The concept of media competence (Gut,
tion measures, process, ‘adapted’ with a view to new current re- P./Walch, P.: Thesis paper on tele-work)
product and service inno- quirements which should, in part, be seen in the broadest sense of the term should
vations can contribute to as transsectoral requirements calling for be viewed as the future pre-requisite to
the creation of new jobs. new cross-sectional qualifications. achieve the target of equal opportunities
They can become an inte- and it is thus much broader than the ex-
gral part of a strategic Independent of the additional computer- clusively functional ability to handle hard-
policy which systematically specific skills, target group-specific, ho- ware and software.
leads to a reorganisation of listic enterprise concepts should also be
industrial locations by taught. Furthermore, the different access Performing online transactions means the
strengthening the human conditions and various intended levels of ability to use the Internet as an instru-
resources of SMEs.” use of the information and communica- ment, to see its tools and applications in
tion technology instruments have an im- a new strategic overall frame which ena-
portant effect on the methodological and bles the provision of services and the
didactic design of the measure concerned, manufacture of goods. This is important
even if training contents and objectives because: user competence alone is not
are almost identical. equivalent to an integrated technical com-
petence which adds the innovations of
Electronic publishing is no longer the information and communication technol-
exclusive domain of printing and publish- ogy as working instruments to technical
ing firms. contents and thus produces a synthesis.
In other words, we are dealing with a gen-
Electronic publishing is increasingly be- eral need for integrated training provision
coming an integral part of daily routine which combines technical, methodologi-
communication and interaction processes cal and online skills and imparts them in
in small and medium-sized enterprises. It a practice-oriented, time-efficient modu-
has lost the nature of an exclusive serv- lar course.
ice as every PC user with a connection to
the WorldWideWeb virtually publishes Strategic online management means a far-
news and thus contributes to its electronic reaching reorganisation of industrial lo-
reproduction. cations and corporate processes which
take place both at the regional and com-
“Online management and Strategic communication and information pany level and at the inter-company and
Internet applications will management skills require the acquisition supra-regional level.
certainly play a key role in of a new cross-sectional qualification
these processes in the com- which can be called ‘online computer use The epochal innovation, the Internet, ac-
ing years. The creation of competence’. celerates these processes and leads to the
new jobs through the devel- building of online communities at regional
opment of new markets, In addition to the classification in core level and at European and international
new products and services and peripheral EDP occupations follow- level. The new division of labour affects
are the vital demands aris- ing Dostal, ‘online computer use compe- digital mass production as a world-wide
ing from global change, but tence’ is emerging as a cross-sectional process of information processing and
they are not self-propelling qualification for the functional areas of further processing.
processes.” purchase and procurement and also mar-
keting and sales in the company. These Within this new division of labour, as the
are central strategic areas of activity which project shows, different forms emerge of
are relevant for all small and medium- access to and use of the possibilities of
sized enterprises. networked activities, both between per-
sons and enterprises, and between com-
This new cross-sectional qualification for panies and countries.
skilled online work is an addition to the
existing package of professional qualifi- It also seems to be useful to give unem-
cations and requires not only EDP appli- ployed groups of people with an initial
cation skills in handling networked sys- training certificate training for the acquisi-
tems, but also a whole series of additional tion of EDP cross-sectional qualifications
competences such as business acumen, in the area of online commercial transac-
skills in providing independent services, tions so that they are in a position to han-
virtual competences and transcultural dle networked systems, particularly if the
skills. initial qualification is a technical certificate.

In continuing training for information A pluralist European vocational training “Evidently interventions
technology, increased efforts should be system, to be created, should establish a and public subsidies in the
undertaken to ensure that companies will- standard oriented to best practice and the field of continuing training
ing to cooperate are included as early as most successful solutions in the existing and, in some cases, eco-
possible in the implementation of the initial and continuing training systems in nomic promotion are re-
training measure – after it has been ap- the countries of Europe. quired here. There is a real
proved – and that steps are taken, e.g. need for government-sup-
wage subsidies or other job integration The image of a Europe with an unequal ported, internationally rel-
measures, to ensure that trainees, imme- distribution of chances and opportunities evant initial and continuing
diately after completion, get a job where will be cemented if single regulations from training projects which is
they can directly apply this newly ac- other countries can be used as an alibi to of vital importance for cop-
quired knowledge. make a so-called ‘modern feature’ socially ing with structural change
acceptable - in Germany, the abolition in Europe.”
Summing up: of the regular dual training system would
mean a step backwards - especially if it is
Through targeted promotion measures, remembered that the central ideal which
process, product and service innovations is the real ‘modern feature’ is equal op-
can contribute to the creation of new jobs. portunities for all.
They can become an integral part of a
strategic policy which systematically leads Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, are these the
to a reorganisation of industrial locations future-oriented goals for occupational
by strengthening the human resources of profiles in the European context or the
SMEs. dusty remnants of an antiquated tradi-
tion? This question will, among other
Online management and Internet appli- things, have a decisive impact on the
cations will certainly play a key role in availability and the ability to master the
these processes over the coming years. new media, on the acquisition of media
The creation of new jobs through the de- competence! Here we evidently need
velopment of new markets, new products dynamic measures to cope with the fu-
and services are the vital demands aris- ture!
ing from global change, but they are not
self-propelling processes. In terms of vocational training this means “A pluralist European voca-
the best possible training opportunities tional training system, to be
Evidently interventions and public subsi- for those youngsters who have not man- created, should establish a
dies in the field of continuing training and, aged to get a regular training place or to standard oriented to best
in some cases, economic promotion are complete regular training. Remedial train- practice and the most suc-
required here. There is a real need for ing courses should be created for them cessful solutions in the ex-
government-supported, internationally so that, through special pedagogical as- isting initial and continuing
relevant initial and continuing training sistance and additional training compo- training systems in the
projects which is of vital importance for nents, they are able to learn and get the countries of Europe.”
coping with structural change in Europe. chance of acquiring the best possible rec-
ognised initial training certificate which
What is needed is public measures which is not below the normal standard prevail-
assist the enterprises to make effective use ing in the dual system.
of the new tools and, at the same time,
give unemployed workers the chance to In terms of continuing training this means
re-enter the social process of work that a standard should be established here
through the acquisition of additional too in the transfer of knowledge and skills
knowledge and skills. In the last resort, for the application of information tech-
this means the targeted creation of initial nology, so that this standard is not set
and continuing training provision for en- and developed by the software market
terprises and workers, including the tar- leaders alone. A standard of this nature
get groups with difficulties on the labour could be incorporated in the regular pro-
market (in particular, the unemployed and vision of initial and continuing vocational
the long-term unemployed), a compre- training. This would be a major step to-
hensive training provision which is ac- wards equal opportunities and the acqui-
tively oriented to the future and implies sition of media skills as an integral part
an integrated cross-sectoral qualification of the general competence of responsi-
including online EDP skills. ble citizens.

“Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, But who can create, finance and subsi- sume crucial tasks which have to be tack-
are these the future-ori- dise such model VET (initial and continu- led without too much loss of time.
ented goals for occupa- ing training) projects which can establish
tional profiles in the Euro- European standards in information and The creation of new jobs through the
pean context or the dusty communication technology? development of new sales and procure-
remnants of an antiquated ment markets and the further develop-
tradition? This question Outmoded attitudes, such as outdated ment of traditionally produced services
will, among other things, management concepts, lack of IT com- and products are the central issues of glo-
have a decisive impact on petence and financial constraints are the bal change but they are not self-propel-
the availability and the obstacles to the necessary, inevitable and ling processes. They should be put in the
ability to master the new unwanted change. Unwanted, because centre of policy issues and should not be
media, on the acquisition of up to now productivity rises have meant viewed by those responsible for economic
media competence! Here we more destruction than creation of em- questions, economic progress and train-
evidently need dynamic ployment. ing issues as exotic elements but as real
measures to cope with the and immediate concerns.
future!” These developments mean new demands
on institutions, enterprises and workers, In our view this is an action area for the
including the jobless and social welfare creation of public projects, in particular,
recipients who are being marginalised by transnational and Europe-relevant IT stud-
society. This means that initial and con- ies and initial and continuing training
tinuing training will in future have to as- schemes.


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