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Once upon a time there was a beautiful young princess called Elena, she lived in a
huge and precious diamond castle, but her parents, the kings didn’t allow her to go
outside because they were afraid about an old woman called “enchantress”. The
girl started to feel sad and alone, and her only company was a little violet flower.
She told the violet, her most intimate things, secrets and sorrows .

-Oh, violet, I'm always bored among these four walls. I wish I could go outside like
the other girls,

The flower, which was a magical one, felt sad for the princess and said:

-Do not worry honey; I know what we can do. I will keep your voice while you’re
away, which means you can’t talk while you’re out.

The girl was happy as a clam (no entendí a lo q se referia) and left the palace
dodging all the people from the castle.

The queen later passed by her room and knocked on the door.

Knock Knock knock!

- My darling, are you there?

The violet responded imitating the voice of the princess.

- Yes, mom, I'm reading!

The mother left quietly, but two hours passed and the girl hadn´t been down to eat,
so she went back to her room.

-Are you still reading, Elena? Are you okay? - Yes, mom, I'm still reading, don´t
worry. But the queen was very surprised that her daughter was so focused in her
reading, so she decided to enter without asking for permission.

But when she entered, there wasn´t anybody there.

- But, ELENA ... WHERE ARE YOU? I don´t see you!

- I'm here, mom - said the Violet from its pot.

The queen heard the voice but didn´t see her daughter. Scared, she called the
king, who called the guards for help.
- Darling, you will see how our daughter's voice is heard in this room but she isn´t

-But my queen how´s this possible? - Elena... Are you here? Where are you
hiding? Come out so we can see you.

- I'm here, dad - answered the flower with the girl´s voice.

The queen was looking at the flower and realized that it was the Violet who was

- Oh it can´t be! – She was freezing, holding her hands to her mouth - This flower is
haunted! That violet speaks as if it were our daughter!

The king, astonished, plucked the flower from the earth and handed it to a soldier.

- Throw this flower into the fire right now! I want it to burn in the fireplace until only
ashes remain!

Just at that moment, the princess appeared and tried to explain to her parents the
situation, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn´t talk.

Meanwhile, the soldier moved towards the fire to burn the flower, but the girl came
running and took the flower from his hand and ate it thinking that she could recover
her voice but that didn´t happen.

Since that moment, the flower lived inside her forever, and the legend tells that
everyone who approached the princess noticed a delicate scent of jasmine
perfuming her mouth.

Muy bien florencia, un seven  eso si que tu tienes que ver si tienes todos los
tiempos y los simils. Ba bai bai bby

Florencia Vasquez
Segundo Medio

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