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Fans of

By: Emily Foss, Carmen Tejeda, Juliana Novorok, Amber Sorenson
Big idea: celebration
21st century
art ed
Lesson Objectives
1. Content area 2 Literacy : The students will (TSW) be able to retell key
details from the article.

2. Content area 1 Visual Art : The students will (TSW) be able to use various
colors, textures, and lines to interpret a celebration through art.

3. Content area 3 History:The students will (TSW) be able to view, identify, and
describe art from the various cultures. 

1. Holiday-a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done

2. Festival-a day or period of celebration, typically a religious commemoration 

3. Celebration- is an important event or occasion that occurs by engaging in an
enjoyable social activity

4. Tradition- the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation,
or the fact of being passed on in this way

5. Religion- the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power,
especially a personal God or Gods

Reading Discussion
1. Hathaway, N. E. (2015). THE COMMON CORE OF CHOICE-BASED ART. Arts &
Activities, 158(1), 16-17.
Why do you think choice based art is important?
What part of the reading do you find most interesting?
“Throughout history and across cultures, people have been
concerned with…Celebrations”

Key Concepts:
1. The action of marking one’s pleasure at an important event by engaging in enjoyable, social activities.

2. There are many different types of celebrations (religious, cultural, and academic).

3. Celebrations is the means of bringing a group of people together.

4. Celebrations could hold meaning.

Essential Questions:
1. What does celebration mean to you?

2. What are some things that you celebrate?

3. What kind of celebration do you celebrate the most?

4. Who do you typically celebrate with?

Inspiration Artist: Jen lewin
Jen lewin
" Jen Lewin is an internationally renowned light and interactive sculptor based
out of New York City.
" At once organic and electronic, Jen Lewin’s playful sculptures leave viewers
enchanted and surprised while encouraging delight through their engagement
with the work
" Her work has been featured at Burning Man, Singal Fest, and iLight Marina
Bay among other.
Burning Man, 2017
iLight Marina Bay, 2016
Jen Lewin
Video discussion
What did you like about this video?
on: fans of
Fans of Celebration
Materials Needed
" Markers " Watercolor cups
" Crayons " Paper towels
" Paint " Paper plates
" Watercolor " Hot glue gun
" Paint brushes " Popsicle sticks
" Watercolor brushes
Studio instructions pt. 1
" Consider celebration as a Big Idea

" Think about your favorite(s) celebration to celebrate

" Get half of a paper plate

" You can can use markers, crayons, paint, and watercolors to decorate your

plate that represents your favorite celebration(s)

Studio instructions pt. 2
" When you are done, bring your decorated plate to one of the teachers (Emily,
Carmen, Juliana, or Amber) to hot glue the popsicle sticks on the back of your
" If you finish early you can draw more celebrations that you like to celebrate on
a blank sheet of paper
Classroom walk around
" Once everyone is finished with their masterpiece, you will walk around all the
tables to look at each person’s wonderful art work!

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