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Welcome to the Ship Resistance Predictor!

What does this Excel Sheet do?

This Excel sheet helps you calculate the Total Calm Water Resistance for a Ship at a given forward speed
It also calculates from the resistance the Effective Power (P E ) required for propulsion
The total calm water resistance is given by:
RC = RF(1 + k1) + RAPP + RW + RB + RTR + RA
RF = Frictional Resistance as per ITTC 1957 friction ]formula
k1 = Form Factor describing viscous resistance of the Hull Form in relation to RF
RAPP = Resistance of Appendages
RW = Wave Resistance (Wave Making and Wave Breaking Resistance)
RB = Additional Pressure Resistance of Bulbous Bow near Water surface
RTR = Additional Pressure Resistance of Immersed Transom Stern
RA = Model-Ship Correlation Resistance

How to use this Excel Sheet

The user is asked for some inputs for the Vessel. The Input cells are highlighted in blue.
The user has to provide all the inputs highlighted in blue in the Worksheets "Inputs - Vessel" and "Inputs - Appendages".
For some inputs, Tables and charts are required to be referred. These Tables and charts are provided alongwith for the user to enter these inputs.
In the 'Speeds' excel sheet, the speeds at which resistance is to be estimated have to be input.
Once all inputs and speeds are provided, the components of the calm water resistance are calculated in different worksheets to give the final Calm Water Resistance
for each speed. Then the resistance curve is plotted from the resistance values at different speeds
1. This application is limited to a displacement vessel, with Hull forms resembling the average ship. It cannot be used for unusual hull forms, high speed crafts and barges

1. An Approximate Power Prediction Method, J.Holtrop and G.G.J.Mennen, 1982
2. A Statistical Power Prediction Method by J. Holtrop and G.G.J. Mennen, International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 25, October 1978.

Change Log (Rev 02)

1. User can now input design speed at which the report will be generated. The curve will be generated for all speed values input by user in the "Speeds" worksheet
2. Bulbous bow resistance - formula corrected for the case when there is no bulbous bow
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General Particulars Stern Shapes

Stern Shape Code
Particular Value Default Value Units Normal Section Shape 1
Acceleration due to Gravity g 9.81 9.81 m/s2 V-shaped Sections 2
Density of air ρair 1.23 1.23 kg/m3 U-Shaped Sections with Hogner Stern 3
Density of Water ρwater 1025 1025 kg/m3
Viscosity of Water ν 0.0000012 0.0000012 m2/s Table 1: Stern Shape Types
Vessel Particulars
Particular Value Units
Vessel Name Barge 1
Principal Dimensions
Length Between Perpendiculars (LBP) LBP 200 m
Length on Waterline (LWL) L 205 204 m (Default value 1.02*LBP)
Breadth B 32 m
Depth D 15 m
Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy fwd of
Midship (+ve fwd and -ve aft of Midship) lcb -1.5375 2.00 m (Default value 0.01*LBP)

Floating Status
Mean Draft at Midship T 10 m
Trim (trim by aft +ve, by fwd -ve) Trim 0 m

Block Coefficient Cb 0.5716
Midship Section Coefficient CM 0.98
Waterplane Coefficient CW 0.75

Bow and Stern Information

Stern Type (See Table 1 and enter code) 3
Transverse area of immersed part of Transom
Stern(only if the stern is transom stern,else
input 0) AT 16.000 m2
Ratio of Bulb Transverse Section Area to
Midship Area ABT/Amid 0.043 0.100 (Default value 0.1)
Vertical distance from baseline to center of
bow bulb cross sectional area hB 4.00 4.00 m (Default value 0.4T)
Angle of Half Entrance (angle of Waterline at
bow)* iE 12.170 12.17 degrees (Default Value: See Formula)
*The default value of iE (Angle of Half entrance) is given by:
iE = 1 + 89 exp{-(L/B) (1 - Cwp)0.30484(1 - Cp - 0.0225 lcb)0.6367 (LR/B)0.34574(100DV/L3)0.16302}, Cp =
Prismatic Coefficient, LR = Length of Run, Dv = Volumetric Displacement

Wetted Surface Area

Wetted Surface Area* S 7354.32 7354.32 m2 (Default Value: See Formula)
*The default value of Wetted Surface is given by
S = L (2T + B) √CM (0.453 + 0.4425 CB - 0.2862 CM - 0.003467 B/T + 0.3696 CWP) + 2.38 ABT/CB

Operational Inputs
Forward Vessel Speed V 5.5 m/s

Appendages Rudder Type

Particular Value Default Value Units Rudder Type Code
Rudder Type (Enter code from Table 2) 2 Rudder Behind Skeg 1
Rudder Wetted Area AR 50 100.00 m2 (Default Value = 0.05*LBP*T) Rudder Behind Stern 2
Shafts Wetted Area ASH 0.00 m Twin screw balance rudders 3
Shaft Brackets Wetted Area ASHB 0.00 m2
Skeg Wetted Area ASK 0.00 m2 Table 2: Rudder Types
Strut Bossings Wetted Area ASTB 0.00 m
Hull Bossings Wetted Area AHB 0.00 m2
Stabilizer Fins Wetted Area ASTF 0.00 m2
Dome Wetted Area ADOME 0.00 m2
Bilge Keels Wetted Area ABK 0.00 m2
Bow Thruster Tunnel Openings
Particular Value Default Value Units
Bow Thruster Tunnel Opening Diameter ( Enter value
zero if no bow thruster is present) dBT 0 0.00 m
Is the Bow Thruster located in the cylindrical part of
Bulbous Bow? (Write 'Y' for Yes and 'N' for No,'NA' if
no Bow Thruster is present) NA NA
Please click the 'Input Speeds' button below to input the various vessel speeds at which you want to calculate resistance
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Calculation of Frictional Resistance

Frictional Resistance RF = 1/2 ρwaterSV2 X CF
ρwater = Density of Water, S = Wetted Surface Area, V = Vessel Fwd Speed (including current speed), CF =
Resistance Coefficient as per ITTC 1957 (CF = 0.075 / [log10 R)-2]2 where R = Reynolds Number (R = VL/ν), ν =
Viscosity of Water, L = Waterline Length

Particulars Notation Value Units

Density of Water ρwater 1025 kg/m3
Viscosity of Water ν 0.0000012 m2/s
Length on Waterline L 205 m
Wetted Surface Area S 7354.32 m2
Vessel Fwd Speed (including Current) V 5.5 m/s
Reynolds Number R 939583333.3
Friction Coefficient (ITTC 1957) CF = 0.075 / [log10 R)-2]2 0.001543

Frictional Resistance RF 17.93 MT

Calculation of Form Factor

Form Factor (1 + k1)
1+k1 = c13{0.93 + c12(B/LR)0.92497(0.95-Cp)-0.521448(1-Cp+0.0225lcb)0.6906; where LR/L = 1 - Cp +
0.06 Cp x lcb /(4Cp -1); (LR = Length of Run), Cp = Prismatic Coefficient
c12 = (T/L)0.2228446 for T/L > 0.05, 48.20(T/L - 0.02)2.078 + 0.479948 for 0.02 < T/L < 0.05, and 0.479948 for T/L <
0.02; C 13 = 1 + 0.003 Cstern,
where Cstern = 0 for Normal Stern, -10 for V-shaped Sterns and +10 for U-shaped sections with Hogner Stern

Particulars Notation Value Units

Length of Waterline L 205 m
Breadth B 32 m
Prismatic Coefficient Cp = Cb/CM 0.5833
Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy lcb -1.5375 m
lcb as %age of L -0.7500
Length of Run LR 81.38 m
T/L 0.0488
Stern Type U-shaped with Hogner Stern
Cstern 10
c12 0.5102
c13 1.03

Form Factor 1 + k1 1.1564 MT


Calculation of Appendage Resistance

2 2 2
Appendage Resistance RAPP = 1/2 ρwater(ΣSAPP) V x (1 + k2)eq x CF + ρwaterV πdBT CBTO
ρwater = Density of Water, ΣSAPP = Total Wetted Surface Area of all Appendages , V = Vessel Fwd Speed (including
current speed), CF = Resistance Coefficient as per ITTC 1957 (CF = 0.075 / [log10 R)-2]2 where R = Reynolds Number
(R = VL/ν), ν = Viscosity of Water, L = Waterline Length, (1 + k2) = Appendage Resistance Factor = Σ{(1 + k2)
SAPP}/(ΣSAPP), where (1 + k2) value for different appendages are taken from Table 3, dBT = Diameter of Bow
Thruster Tunnel, CBTO = Coefficient ranging from 0.003 to 0.012 (0.003 being taken for Bow Thruster Tunnel
located in cylindrical part of bulbous bow)
Particulars Notation Value Units Appendage Area, S APP 1 + k2 (1 + k2) S APP
Density of Water ρwater 1025 kg/m Rudder 50 1.5 75
Viscosity of Water ν 0.0000012 m2/s Shafts 0 4.0 0
Length on Waterline L 205 m Shaft Brackets 0 3.0 0
Total Surface Area of Appendages ΣSAPP 50.00 m2 Skeg 0 2.0 0
Vessel Fwd Speed V 5.5 m/s Strut Bossings 0 3.0 0
Reynolds Number R 939583333.3 Hull Bossings 0 2.0 0
Friction Coefficient (ITTC 1957) CF = 0.075 / [log10 R)-2]2 0.001543 Stabilizer Fins 0 2.8 0
(1 + k2)eq 1.5 Dome 0 2.7 0
Bow Thruster Tunnel Opening Diameter dBT 0.00 m Bilge Keels 0 1.4 0
Bow Thruster Opening Coefficient CBTO 0.000 ΣSAPP 50 Σ(1 + k2)SAPP 75

Frictional Resistance RF 0.18 MT


Calculation of Wave Resistance

d -2
Wave Resistance RW = c1c2c5DV ρwater g exp{m1Fn + m2 cos(λFn )}
ρwater = Density of Water, g = Acceleration due to gravity, DV = Volumetric Displacement,
Fn = Froude Number = V/√gL where L = Waterline Length, V = Vessel speed + Current Speed ,
3.78613 1.07961 -1.37565
c1 = 2223105 c7 (T/B) (90-iE) ,
c7 = 0.0229577 (B/L)0.33333 when B/L < 0.11, B/L when 0.11 < B/L < 0.25, 0.5 - 0.0625 L/B
when B/L > 0.25, iE = angle of Half entrance (angle of waterline at the bow in degrees)
c2 = exp(-1.89√c3), c3 = 0.56 ABT / {BT(0.31√ABT + TF - hB), TF = Fwd Draft, hB = position of
centre of transverse area ABT above keel line
Particulars Notation Value Units
Density of Water ρwater 1025 kg/m3
Acceleration due to Gravity g 9.81 m/s2
Length on Waterline L 205 m
Breadth B 32 m
L/B Ratio L/B 6.4063
Draft(mean) T 10 m
Volumetric Displacement DV 36585.34 m3
Vessel Fwd Speed (including Current) V 5.5 m/s
L3/Dv Ratio L3/Dv 235
Froude Number Fn 0.1226
Angle of Half Entrance iE 12.17 degrees
Bulb Transverse Section Area ABT 13.4848 m2
Transom Transverse Wetted Area AT 16 m2
Prismatic Coefficient Cp 0.5833
Fwd Draft TF 10.00 m
Position of centre of ABT above keel line hB 4.00 m
c7 0.1561
c1 1.4044
c3 0.0121
c2 0.8120
λ 0.6513
c16 1.3809
m1 -2.1251
c15 -1.69385
m2 -0.0007
c5 0.9592

Wave Resistance RW 0.03 MT

SHIP RESISTANCE CALCULATION - Additional Resistance due to Bulbous Bow

Calculation of Additional Pressure Resistance of Bulbous Bow near Water Surface

RB = 0.11 exp(-3PB-2) Fni3ABT1.5 ρwater g/(1 + Fni2)
ρwater = Density of Water, ABT = Bulb Transverse Section Area, g = Acceleration due to gravity, Fni =
Froude number based on immersion, PB is a measure of emergence of the bow PB = 0.56
√ABT/(TF - 1.5 hB), Fni = V/sqrt{g(TF - hB - 0.25 √ABT) + 0.15 V }, TF = Forward Draft, hB = position of
centre of transverse Bulb area above keel
Particulars Notation Value Units
Density of Water ρwater 1025 kg/m3
Bulb Transverse Section Area ABT 13.4848 m2
Acceleration due to Gravity g 9.81 m/s2
Fwd Draft TF 10.00 m
Vessel Fwd Speed V 5.5 m/s
Position of centre of ABT above keel line hB 4.00 m
Froude Number based on immersion Fni 0.7458
Measure of emergence of Bow PB 0.5141

Additional Resistance of Bulbous Bow RB 0.00 MT

SHIP RESISTANCE CALCULATION - Additional Resistance due to Immersed Transom

Calculation of Additional Pressure Resistance of Immersed Transom

RTR = 1/2 ρwater V2 AT c6

ρwater = Density of Water, AT = Immersed part of transverse transom area, V = Fwd speed of
Vessel (including current), FnT = Froude number based on transom immersion, FnT =
V/sqrt{2 g AT/(B + B CWP)} , CWP = Waterplane area coefficient
c6 = 0.2(1 - 0.2 FnT) when FnT < 5, 0 when FnT >= 5

Particulars Notation Value Units

Density of Water ρwater 1025 kg/m3
Breadth B 32 m
Waterplane area Coefficient CWP 0.75
Transom Transverse Section Area AT 16 m2
Acceleration due to Gravity g 9.81 m/s2
Fwd Draft TF 10.00 m
Vessel Fwd Speed (including Current) V 5.5 m/s
Froude Number based on transom immersion FnT 2.3230
c6 0.1071

Additional Resistance of Bulbous Bow RB 2.71 MT

SHIP RESISTANCE CALCULATION - Model-Ship Correlation Resistance

Calculation of Model-Ship Correlation Resistance

RA = 1/2 ρwater V2 S CA
ρwater = Density of Water,g = Acceleration due to gravity, S = Wetted Surface Area, , V =
Vessel fwd speed (including current), CA = Correlation Allowance Coefficient
CA = 0.006(L+100)-0.16 - 0.00205 + 0.003√(L/7.5) CB4 c2(0.04 - c4), c4 =
TF/L when TF/L <= 0.04, 0.04 when TF/L > 0.04 c2 = exp(-
1.89√c3), c3 = 0.56 ABT1.5 / {BT(0.31√ABT + TF - hB) , TF = Forward Draft, hB = position of centre
of transverse Bulb area above keel, ABT = Bulb Transverse Section Area

Particulars Notation Value Units

Density of Water ρwater 1025 kg/m3
Waterline Length L 205 m
Breadth B 32 m
Draft(Mean) T 10 m
Block Coefficient CB 0.571646
Wetted Surface Area S 7354.32 m2
Bulb Transverse Section Area ABT 13.4848 m2
Acceleration due to Gravity g 9.81 m/s2
Fwd Draft TF 10.00 m
Vessel Fwd Speed (including Current) V 5.5 m/s
Position of centre of ABT above keel line hB 4.00 m
Ratio TF/L TF/L 0.0488
c3 0.0121
c2 0.8120
c4 0.0400
CA 0.000352

Model-Ship Correlation Resistance RA 4.10 MT

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The total calm water resistance is given by:

RC = RF(1 + k1) + RAPP + RW + RB + RTR + RA

RF = Frictional Resistance as per ITTC 1957 friction ]formula

k1 = Form Factor describing viscous resistance of the Hull Form in relation to RF
RAPP = Resistance of Appendages
RW = Wave Resistance (Wave Making and Wave Breaking Resistance)
RB = Additional Pressure Resistance of Bulbous Bow near Water surface
RTR = Additional Pressure Resistance of Immersed Transom Stern
RA = Model-Ship Correlation Resistance

Results Summary
Frictional Resistance RF 17.93 MT
Form factor k1 1.1564
Appendage Resistance RAPP 0.18 MT
Wave Resistance RW 0.03 MT
Additional Resistance of Bulbous bow RB 0.00 MT
Additional Resistance of Immersed Transom Stern RTR 2.71 MT
Model-ship Correlation Resistance RA 4.10 MT
Total Calm Water Resistance, RC 27.75 MT
Effective Power, PE = RC x V x g (in kW)
Effective Power, PE = RC x V x g (in kW) PE 1497.36 kW
Speed Resistance Effective Power (PE)
(m/s) (MT) (kW) Resistance vs Speed
3 9.06 266.6
4 15.45 606.3
5 23.3 1142.9
5.5 27.75 1497.3
6 32.56 1916.5 50
7 43.37 2978.2
8 56.21 4411.4

Resistance (MT)
Resistance vs Speed



Speed (m/s) --->
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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