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Objective:- To study gametogensis in human being.

Submitted by:

Harish Kumar Yadav

BSc (Bio.) 2nd Semester
Mobile – 9602187006


Dr. Ashok Verma

Assistant Professor, Zoology
Mobile - 9460684502

Submission date: 01/04/2018

School of Basic and Applied Sciences

Raffles University
Japanese Zone, National Highway-8, Neemrana, Alwar (Raj) - 307105,
Fig2.1-Male Reproductive System


Fig3.1-Schematic representation of spermatogensis

Fig3.2-Structure of sperm

Fig4.1-Female reproductive system

Fig5.1-Schematic representation of oogensis

Fig5.2-Structure of ovum

The primary sex organs-the testis in the male and the ovarie in the female produce gamete i.e.,
sperm and ovum, respectively, by the process called gametogensis. Gametogensis is divided into
two parts-

1. SPERMATOGENSIS- In testis, the immature male germ cells (spermatogonia) produced

mature male gamete (sperm are 0.055mm in length at an average) at puberty.


At the onset of puberty, generally occurs later, between the ages of 12 and 16, puberty begins the
hypothalamus begins secreting high pulses of GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone). In
response, pituitary gland release FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing
hormone). FSH enters the testis, stimulating the sertoli cell to begin facilating secretion of
androgen-binding protein(ABP) into the lumen of seminiferous tubule and interstial fluid around
the spermatogenic cells. ABP bind to testerone, keeping its concentration high. LH also enters
the testis, stimulating the interstitial cell or leyding cell, to make and release testosterone into the
testis and blood. Testosterone hormone responsible for the secondary sexual characteristic that
develops in the male during adolescence stimulates spermatogensis. Sertoli cell produce the
hormone inhibin which is released into the blood when sperm count is too high. This inhibits the
release of GnRH and FSH which will cause spermatogensis to slow down.


1. Haploid male gamete is produced and number of chromosome is reduced so that after
fertilization, chromosome number double to maintain species-specific chromosome number.

2. Non-motile spermatid change into motile sperm which fulfill the act of fertilization.
Spermatogensis is divided into two phases-

a. Formation of spermatids- Initiates from primordial germ cell present at the periphery of
seminiferous tubule. Further process subdivided into three phases-

1. Multiplication phase- Continuous mitosis division take place in the cell of germinal
epithelium result in the formation of spermatogonia (2N) which advance towards lumen of
seminiferous tubule to form primary spermatocyte (2N).

2. Growth phase- Primary spermatocyte increase in size by accumulating nourishing material.

3. Maturation phase- Spermatids (N) are formed by division of primary spermatocyte. Two
divisions occur in this phase- First meiotic division divide each primary spermatocyte into two
haploid secondary spermatocyte (N). Second mitotic division produces four haploid spermatids.

b. Spermeiogensis- Spermatid transformed into sperm (N). After spermiogensis sperm head
become embedded in the sertoli cells and finally relased from seminiferous tubule by process
called spermiation and sperm released from the seminiferous tubules, are transported by the
accessory ducts. Secretion of epididymsis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles and prostrate are
essential for maturation and motility of sperm. The seminal plasma along with sperms constitute
the semen. A typical ejaculation release 2-5ml of semen containing an average of 300 million

2. OOGENSIS- In ovary the immature female germ cell (oogonia) produced mature female
gamete (ova approximately 0.1 mm in diameter) at puberty.


The hypothalamus hormone GnRH cause the release of the hormone FSH and LH from anterior
pituitary. FSH stimulates the development of ova, which develop in follicles. Follicle produce
hormone inhibin which is released into the blood when ovum count is too high. This inhibit FSH
production. LH also stimulates the development of ova, as well as induction of ovulation and
stimulation of estradiol and progesterone production by the ovaries.


1. One oogonium produces one ovum and three polar bodies.

2. Polar bodies have small amount of cytoplasm help to retain sufficient amount of cytoplasm in
ovum which is essential for the development of early embryo.

Oogensis divided into three phases-

1. Multiplication phase- Cell of germinal epithelium form primordial germ cell (2N) which
divide mitotically these cell called oogonia (2N) which undergoes repeated mitotic division to
form primary oocyte (2N) and nutritive cell.

2. Growth phase- Primary oocyte cease to divide and enter the growth phase which is long and
elaborate, and nutritive substance are synthesized and accumulated for growing embryo.

3. Maturation phase- Two division are occurs. First meiotic division is complete in this phase
and results into the unequal division large haploid secondary oocyte (N) and tiny first polar body.
Second maturation division or meiosis 2nd is normal mitotic division followed by an unequal
division large haploid ovum (N) and second polar body. Graafian follicle (tertiary follicle further
changes into the mature follicle) now ruptures to release the secondary secondary oocyte (ovum)
from the ovary by the process called ovulation. The ovum released by the ovary is transported to
ampullary region where fertilization takes place. Unequal cytoplasmic division has great
embryological significance. As one cell have cytoplasm then other polar bodie. Large cytoplasm
and reserve food material i.e., yolk provide enough nutrition and energy for developing embryo.


1. Gerard J.Tortora And Bryan Derrickson(2015). Anatomy And Physiology.


2. Mohan P.Arora(1987). Animal Physiology. Himalayan Publishing House, India.

3. K Sembulingam And Prema Sembulingam(2016). Essential Of Medical

Physiology. Jaypee Brother Medical Publisher, Daryaganj.




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