SPS5133 Study Guide Topic 7

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Edith Cowan University

SPS5133 – Strength and Conditioning – Study Guide

Topic 7: Physiological Adaptations to Resistance Training

1. What happens to the following in response to an acute bout of resistance training
a. ATP
b. PCr
c. Creatine
d. Glucose
e. Lactate
f. Glycogen
2. How important is muscle glycogen for resistance training performance?
a. What are the implications for low or high carbohydrate diets?
b. Would carbohydrate supplementation have any effect?
c. What factor in training would relate to glycogenolysis rates and the amount of glycogen
d. How does low glycogen levels relate to protein synthesis?
i. What cell signalling pathways may be involved?
3. How are the AMPK and mTOR pathways stimulated?
4. How does chronic resistance training affect?
a. Creatine transport?
b. Glucose transport?
c. Lactate transport?
5. How does creatine supplementation affect creatine stores?
6. What is the classic time course model for adaptations related to resistance training?
a. How does the type of exercise or amount of muscle mass engaged affect this time course?
7. What is the basic paradigm for how resistance training affects neuromuscular adaptations?
a. What are the main items?
b. What are some measurable out comes?
8. What are the effects of strength training on the neuromuscular junction?
a. How do these compare with endurance training?
i. What are the implications here?
9. How are motor unit recruitment and rate coding affected by resistance training?
a. Are there implications for performance outcomes?
10. How does the type of resistance training employed affect EMG activity?
a. What are the training implications?
11. How does the fibre type profile change with resistance training?
a. What accounts for these changes?
b. How do these compare to bed rest?
c. Hoe does this relate to marathon running and tapering?
d. What are the performance implications?
e. Are there training implications that can modulate this?
12. What are the hypertrophic effects of resistance training?
a. What is the general time course?
b. How does the time course of hypertrophy relate to changes in force production?
c. Does muscle damage relate to hypertrophy? Is it needed?
i. What are the ramifications of this to RM and RM zone training?
d. What factors affect hypertrophic responses?
e. What cell signalling factors underpin the hypertrophic or atrophy based responses?
i. mTOR?
ii. AMPK?
iii. AKT?

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