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Shulanova 1

Charos Shulanova

English 12 Special Topic

Maria Eve Boletsis

7 October 2017

Amir’s Personal Narrative

My name is Amir. I'm from Kabul which is the capital of Afghanistan. My story begins

from this city where I found writing stories interesting for me and I strive to become a writer in

the future. My father is a wealthy and respected person, and my mother died during childbirth. It

seemed that my father disliked me, accusing me of her death. Trying to escape from these

thoughts, from day to day I spent my time with my friend named Hassan. His father was working

for my father. Rahim Khan who is my father treated well for Hassan and Hassan's father treated

well me. Because of it I felt that me and Hassan had exchange fathers.

Someday I remember how the festival of kites passed, where your kite it was necessary to

hold out in the sky until the end. I remember my first victory with Hassan, and how he ran to

look for our snake, which fell somewhere nearby.

It was late, Hassan was gone for a long time and I went to look for him. Hearing some sounds, I

thought that was Hassan and I was right, however he was not there alone. There was a crazy Asef
Shulanova 2

who abused Hassan and I was in huge shock so that I was not able to help him. I was ashamed of

this and I decided to stop being friends with him, even though he was trying to regain our former

friendship with him. He didn’t know exactly why I stopped our friendship but he guessed.

In 1975, the war began and I moved with my father to America. Many years have passed

and much has changed, I made many mistakes, but these mistakes made me understand and

change myself. I lost my father, lost my faithful friend and got many other acquaintances, some

of whom helped me to create my family. Soon I was given the opportunity to drown out my guilt

before my only friend and, as it turned out, my brother.

I went back to Afghanistan and found the son of Hassan, Sohrab. The same Asef that he

abused my friend and made me show my cowardice. However, I was not going to retreat. We

exchanged words that led us to a fight. Benefit interfered Sohrab and we were released together.

The most difficult thing was to get the confidence of Sohrab, but eventually I got it and we, even

though it was very difficult, but still managed to return to America together.

Now we all live together, I still can not forgive myself for my oversight, but I hope this act

allows us to start our new life.

Charos, this is beautiful. Beware of grammatical errors and be sure to indent for a new
paragraph. At some points this became somewhat of a summary, but overall, you paint a lovely


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