Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance, 654 SCRA 96, G.R. No. 193007 July 19, 2011

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G.R. No. 193007. July 19, 2011.*


petitioners, vs. THE SECRETARY OF FINANCE and THE

Taxation; Value Added Tax (VAT); Tollways; Declaratory

Relief; Prohibition; A petition for declaratory relief may be treated
as one for prohibition if the case has far-reaching implications and
raises questions that need to be resolved for the public good; A
petition for prohibition is a proper remedy to prohibit or nullify
acts of executive officials that amount to usurpation of legislative




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Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

ity.—On August 24, 2010 the Court issued a resolution, treating

the petition as one for prohibition rather than one for declaratory
relief, the characterization that petitioners Diaz and Timbol gave
their action. The government has sought reconsideration of the
Court’s resolution, however, arguing that petitioners’ allegations
clearly made out a case for declaratory relief, an action over which
the Court has no original jurisdiction. The government adds,
moreover, that the petition does not meet the requirements of
Rule 65 for actions for prohibition since the BIR did not exercise
judicial, quasi-judicial, or ministerial functions when it sought to
impose VAT on toll fees. Besides, petitioners Diaz and Timbol has
a plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
law against the BIR action in the form of an appeal to the
Secretary of Finance. But there are precedents for treating a
petition for declaratory relief as one for prohibition if the case has

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far-reaching implications and raises questions that need to be

resolved for the public good. The Court has also held that a
petition for prohibition is a proper remedy to prohibit or nullify
acts of executive officials that amount to usurpation of legislative
Same; Same; Same; Pleadings, Practice and Procedure; The
imposition of value added tax (VAT) on toll fees has far-reaching
implications; The Supreme Court has ample power to waive
technical requirements when the legal questions to be resolved are
of great importance to the public.—The imposition of VAT on toll
fees has far-reaching implications. Its imposition would impact,
not only on the more than half a million motorists who use the
tollways everyday, but more so on the government’s effort to raise
revenue for funding various projects and for reducing budgetary
deficits. To dismiss the petition and resolve the issues later, after
the challenged VAT has been imposed, could cause more mischief
both to the tax-paying public and the government. A belated
declaration of nullity of the BIR action would make any attempt
to refund to the motorists what they paid an administrative
nightmare with no solution. Consequently, it is not only the right,
but the duty of the Court to take cognizance of and resolve the
issues that the petition raises. Although the petition does not
strictly comply with the requirements of Rule 65, the Court has
ample power to waive such technical requirements when the legal
questions to be resolved are of great importance to the public. The
same may be said of the requirement of locus standi which is a
mere procedural requisite.



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

Same; Same; Same; Words and Phrases; The law imposes

value added tax (VAT) on “all kinds of services” rendered in the
Philippines for a fee, including those specified in the list—every
activity that can be imagined as a form of “service” rendered for a
fee should be deemed included unless some provision of law
especially excludes it.—It is plain from the above that the law
imposes VAT on “all kinds of services” rendered in the Philippines
for a fee, including those specified in the list. The enumeration of
affected services is not exclusive. By qualifying “services” with the
words “all kinds,” Congress has given the term “services” an all-
encompassing meaning. The listing of specific services are
intended to illustrate how pervasive and broad is the VAT’s reach
rather than establish concrete limits to its application. Thus,
every activity that can be imagined as a form of “service” rendered
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for a fee should be deemed included unless some provision of law

especially excludes it.
Same; Same; Same; When a tollway operator takes a toll fee
from a motorist, the fee is in effect for the latter’s use of the tollway
facilities over which the operator enjoys private proprietary rights
that its contract and the law recognize.—Now, do tollway
operators render services for a fee? Presidential Decree (P.D.)
1112 or the Toll Operation Decree establishes the legal basis for
the services that tollway operators render. Essentially, tollway
operators construct, maintain, and operate expressways, also
called tollways, at the operators’ expense. Tollways serve as
alternatives to regular public highways that meander through
populated areas and branch out to local roads. Traffic in the
regular public highways is for this reason slow-moving. In
consideration for constructing tollways at their expense, the
operators are allowed to collect government-approved fees from
motorists using the tollways until such operators could fully
recover their expenses and earn reasonable returns from their
investments. When a tollway operator takes a toll fee from a
motorist, the fee is in effect for the latter’s use of the tollway
facilities over which the operator enjoys private proprietary rights
that its contract and the law recognize. In this sense, the tollway
operator is no different from the following service providers under
Section 108 who allow others to use their properties or facilities
for a fee: 1. Lessors of property, whether personal or real; 2.
Warehousing service operators; 3. Lessors or distributors of
cinematographic films; 4. Proprietors, operators or keepers of
hotels, motels, resthouses, pension houses, inns, resorts; 5.
Lending investors (for use of money); 6.


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Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

Transportation contractors on their transport of goods or cargoes,

including persons who transport goods or cargoes for hire and
other domestic common carriers by land relative to their transport
of goods or cargoes; and 7. Common carriers by air and sea
relative to their transport of passengers, goods or cargoes from
one place in the Philippines to another place in the Philippines.
Same; Same; Same; Franchises; Words and Phrases; Tollway
operators are franchise grantees and they do not belong to
exceptions that Section 119 spares from the payment of value
added tax (VAT); The word “franchise” broadly covers government
grants of a special right to do an act or series of acts of public

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concern.—And not only do tollway operators come under the broad

term “all kinds of services,” they also come under the specific class
described in Section 108 as “all other franchise grantees” who are
subject to VAT, “except those under Section 119 of this Code.”
Tollway operators are franchise grantees and they do not belong
to exceptions (the low-income radio and/or television broadcasting
companies with gross annual incomes of less than P10 million and
gas and water utilities) that Section 119 spares from the payment
of VAT. The word “franchise” broadly covers government grants of
a special right to do an act or series of acts of public concern.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Nothing in Section 108 of the
National Internal Revenue Code indicates that the “franchise
grantees” it speaks of are those who hold legislative franchises; The
term “franchise” has been broadly construed as referring, not only
to authorizations that Congress directly issues in the form of a
special law, but also to those granted by administrative agencies to
which the power to grant franchises has been delegated by
Congress.—Petitioners of course contend that tollway operators
cannot be considered “franchise grantees” under Section 108 since
they do not hold legislative franchises. But nothing in Section 108
indicates that the “franchise grantees” it speaks of are those who
hold legislative franchises. Petitioners give no reason, and the
Court cannot surmise any, for making a distinction between
franchises granted by Congress and franchises granted by some
other government agency. The latter, properly constituted, may
grant franchises. Indeed, franchises conferred or granted by local
authorities, as agents of the state, constitute as much a legislative
franchise as though the grant had been made by Congress itself.
The term “franchise” has been broadly



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

construed as referring, not only to authorizations that Congress

directly issues in the form of a special law, but also to those
granted by administrative agencies to which the power to grant
franchises has been delegated by Congress.
Same; Same; Same; Statutory Construction; Statements made
by individual members of Congress in the consideration of a bill do
not necessarily reflect the sense of that body and are, consequently,
not controlling in the interpretation of law—the congressional will
is ultimately determined by the language of the law that the
lawmakers voted on.—Nor can petitioners cite as binding on the
Court statements made by certain lawmakers in the course of

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congressional deliberations of the would-be law. As the Court said

in South African Airways v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
612 SCRA 665 (2010), “statements made by individual members
of Congress in the consideration of a bill do not necessarily reflect
the sense of that body and are, consequently, not controlling in
the interpretation of law.” The congressional will is ultimately
determined by the language of the law that the lawmakers voted
on. Consequently, the meaning and intention of the law must first
be sought “in the words of the statute itself, read and considered
in their natural, ordinary, commonly accepted and most obvious
significations, according to good and approved usage and without
resorting to forced or subtle construction.”
Same; Same; Same; Tollway fees are not taxes.—As can be
seen, the discussion in the MIAA case on toll roads and toll fees
was made, not to establish a rule that tollway fees are user’s tax,
but to make the point that airport lands and buildings are
properties of public dominion and that the collection of terminal
fees for their use does not make them private properties. Tollway
fees are not taxes. Indeed, they are not assessed and collected by
the BIR and do not go to the general coffers of the government. It
would of course be another matter if Congress enacts a law
imposing a user’s tax, collectible from motorists, for the
construction and maintenance of certain roadways. The tax in
such a case goes directly to the government for the replenishment
of resources it spends for the roadways. This is not the case here.
What the government seeks to tax here are fees collected from
tollways that are constructed, maintained, and operated by
private tollway operators at their own expense under the build,
operate, and transfer scheme that the government has


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adopted for expressways. Except for a fraction given to the

government, the toll fees essentially end up as earnings of the
tollway operators.
Same; Same; Same; A tax is imposed under the taxing power
of the government principally for the purpose of raising revenues to
fund public expenditures while toll fees are collected by private
tollway operators as reimbursement for the costs and expenses
incurred in the construction, maintenance and operation of the
tollways, as well as to assure them a reasonable margin of income.
—In sum, fees paid by the public to tollway operators for use of
the tollways, are not taxes in any sense. A tax is imposed under

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the taxing power of the government principally for the purpose of

raising revenues to fund public expenditures. Toll fees, on the
other hand, are collected by private tollway operators as
reimbursement for the costs and expenses incurred in the
construction, maintenance and operation of the tollways, as well
as to assure them a reasonable margin of income. Although toll
fees are charged for the use of public facilities, therefore, they are
not government exactions that can be properly treated as a tax.
Taxes may be imposed only by the government under its
sovereign authority, toll fees may be demanded by either the
government or private individuals or entities, as an attribute of
Same; Same; Same; Value added tax (VAT) on tollway
operations cannot be deemed a tax on tax due to the nature of VAT
as an indirect tax; Once shifted, the value added tax (VAT) ceases
to be a tax and simply becomes part of the cost that the buyer must
pay in order to purchase the good, property or service.—
Parenthetically, VAT on tollway operations cannot be deemed a
tax on tax due to the nature of VAT as an indirect tax. In indirect
taxation, a distinction is made between the liability for the tax
and burden of the tax. The seller who is liable for the VAT may
shift or pass on the amount of VAT it paid on goods, properties or
services to the buyer. In such a case, what is transferred is not the
selle’s liability but merely the burden of the VAT. Thus, the seller
remains directly and legally liable for payment of the VAT, but
the buyer bears its burden since the amount of VAT paid by the
former is added to the selling price. Once shifted, the VAT ceases
to be a tax and simply becomes part of the cost that the buyer
must pay in order to purchase the good, property or service.
Consequently, VAT on tollway operations is not



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

really a tax on the tollway user, but on the tollway operator.

Under Section 105 of the Code, VAT is imposed on any person
who, in the course of trade or business, sells or renders services
for a fee. In other words, the seller of services, who in this case is
the tollway operator, is the person liable for VAT. The latter
merely shifts the burden of VAT to the tollway user as part of the
toll fees.
Same; Same; Same; Parties; Non-Impairment Clause; A
person who will neither be prejudiced by nor be affected by the
alleged diminution in return of investments that may result from

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the value added tax (VAT) imposition has no personality to invoke

the non-impairment of contract clause on behalf of private
investors in the tollway projects.—Petitioner Timbol has no
personality to invoke the non-impairment of contract clause on
behalf of private investors in the tollway projects. She will neither
be prejudiced by nor be affected by the alleged diminution in
return of investments that may result from the VAT imposition.
She has no interest at all in the profits to be earned under the
TOAs. The interest in and right to recover investments solely
belongs to the private tollway investors.
Same; Same; Same; The Court cannot rule on matters that are
manifestly conjectural, and neither can it prohibit the State from
exercising its sovereign taxing power based on uncertain, prophetic
grounds.—Besides, her allegation that the private investors’ rate
of recovery will be adversely affected by imposing VAT on tollway
operations is purely speculative. Equally presumptuous is her
assertion that a stipulation in the TOAs known as the Material
Adverse Grantor Action will be activated if VAT is thus imposed.
The Court cannot rule on matters that are manifestly conjectural.
Neither can it prohibit the State from exercising its sovereign
taxing power based on uncertain, prophetic grounds.
Same; Same; Same; Administrative feasibility, one of the
canons of a sound tax system, simply means that the tax system
should be capable of being effectively administered and enforced
with the least inconvenience to the taxpayer; Even if the imposition
of value added tax (VAT) on tollway operations may seem
burdensome to implement, it is not necessarily invalid unless some
aspect of it is shown to violate any law or the Constitution.—
Administrative feasibility is one of the canons of a sound tax
system. It simply means that the tax system should be capable of
being effectively administered and enforced with the least
inconvenience to the taxpayer.


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Non-observance of the canon, however, will not render a tax

imposition invalid “except to the extent that specific
constitutional or statutory limitations are impaired.” Thus, even if
the imposition of VAT on tollway operations may seem
burdensome to implement, it is not necessarily invalid unless
some aspect of it is shown to violate any law or the Constitution.
Here, it remains to be seen how the taxing authority will actually
implement the VAT on tollway operations. Any declaration by the

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Court that the manner of its implementation is illegal or

unconstitutional would be premature. Although the transcript of
the August 12, 2010 Senate hearing provides some clue as to how
the BIR intends to go about it, the facts pertaining to the matter
are not sufficiently established for the Court to pass judgment on.
Besides, any concern about how the VAT on tollway operations
will be enforced must first be addressed to the BIR on whom the
task of implementing tax laws primarily and exclusively rests.
The Court cannot preempt the BIR’s discretion on the matter,
absent any clear violation of law or the Constitution.
Same; Same; Same; Parties; The right to claim the 2%
transitional input value added tax (VAT) belongs to the tollway
operators who have not questioned the Bureau of Internal Revenue
Revenue Memorandum Circular (BIR RMC) 63-2010’s validity.—
For the same reason, the Court cannot prematurely declare as
illegal, BIR RMC 63-2010 which directs toll companies to record
an accumulated input VAT of zero balance in their books as of
August 16, 2010, the date when the VAT imposition was supposed
to take effect. The issuance allegedly violates Section 111(A) of
the Code which grants first time VAT payers a transitional input
VAT of 2% on beginning inventory. In this connection, the BIR
explained that BIR RMC 63-2010 is actually the product of
negotiations with tollway operators who have been assessed VAT
as early as 2005, but failed to charge VAT-inclusive toll fees
which by now can no longer be collected. The tollway operators
agreed to waive the 2% transitional input VAT, in exchange for
cancellation of their past due VAT liabilities. Notably, the right to
claim the 2% transitional input VAT belongs to the tollway
operators who have not questioned the circular’s validity. They
are thus the ones who have a right to challenge the circular in a
direct and proper action brought for the purpose.
Same; Same; Same; Statutory Construction; If the legislative
intent was to exempt tollway operations from value added tax



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

as petitioners so strongly allege, then it would have been well for

the law to clearly say so.—In fine, the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue did not usurp legislative prerogative or expand the VAT
law’s coverage when she sought to impose VAT on tollway
operations. Section 108(A) of the Code clearly states that services
of all other franchise grantees are subject to VAT, except as may

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be provided under Section 119 of the Code. Tollway operators are

not among the franchise grantees subject to franchise tax under
the latter provision. Neither are their services among the VAT-
exempt transactions under Section 109 of the Code. If the
legislative intent was to exempt tollway operations from VAT, as
petitioners so strongly allege, then it would have been well for the
law to clearly say so. Tax exemptions must be justified by clear
statutory grant and based on language in the law too plain to be
mistaken. But as the law is written, no such exemption obtains
for tollway operators. The Court is thus duty-bound to simply
apply the law as it is found.
Same; Same; Same; Separation of Powers; The grant of tax
exemption is a matter of legislative policy that is within the
exclusive prerogative of Congress.—The grant of tax exemption is
a matter of legislative policy that is within the exclusive
prerogative of Congress. The Court’s role is to merely uphold this
legislative policy, as reflected first and foremost in the language of
the tax statute. Thus, any unwarranted burden that may be
perceived to result from enforcing such policy must be properly
referred to Congress. The Court has no discretion on the matter
but simply applies the law.
Same; Same; Same; Same; The executive exercises exclusive
discretion in matters pertaining to the implementation and
execution of tax laws—it is more properly suited to deal with the
immediate and practical consequences of the value added tax
(VAT) imposition.—The VAT on franchise grantees has been in
the statute books since 1994 when R.A. 7716 or the Expanded
Value-Added Tax law was passed. It is only now, however, that
the executive has earnestly pursued the VAT imposition against
tollway operators. The executive exercises exclusive discretion in
matters pertaining to the implementation and execution of tax
laws. Consequently, the executive is more properly suited to deal
with the immediate and practical consequences of the VAT


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Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance


   The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
  Ma. Rica A. Gatchalian for petitioners.
  The Solicitor General for respondents.

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May toll fees collected by tollway operators be subjected

to value-added tax?

The Facts and the Case

Petitioners Renato V. Diaz and Aurora Ma. F. Timbol

(petitioners) filed this petition for declaratory relief1
assailing the validity of the impending imposition of value-
added tax (VAT) by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
on the collections of tollway operators.
Petitioners claim that, since the VAT would result in
increased toll fees, they have an interest as regular users of
tollways in stopping the BIR action. Additionally, Diaz
claims that he sponsored the approval of Republic Act 7716
(the 1994 Expanded VAT Law or EVAT Law) and Republic
Act 8424 (the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code or the
NIRC) at the House of Representatives. Timbol, on the
other hand, claims that she served as Assistant Secretary
of the Department of Trade and Industry and consultant of
the Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) in the past
Petitioners allege that the BIR attempted during the
administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to
impose VAT on toll fees. The imposition was deferred,
however, in view of the consistent opposition of Diaz and
other sectors to such move. But, upon President Benigno C.
Aquino III’s as-


1 Rollo, pp. 3-14.



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

sumption of office in 2010, the BIR revived the idea and

would impose the challenged tax on toll fees beginning
August 16, 2010 unless judicially enjoined.
Petitioners hold the view that Congress did not, when it
enacted the NIRC, intend to include toll fees within the
meaning of “sale of services” that are subject to VAT; that a
toll fee is a “user’s tax,” not a sale of services; that to
impose VAT on toll fees would amount to a tax on public
service; and that, since VAT was never factored into the
formula for computing toll fees, its imposition would violate
the non-impairment clause of the constitution.

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On August 13, 2010 the Court issued a temporary

restraining order (TRO), enjoining the implementation of
the VAT. The Court required the government, represented
by respondents Cesar V. Purisima, Secretary of the
Department of Finance, and Kim S. Jacinto-Henares,
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, to comment on the
petition within 10 days from notice.2 Later, the Court
issued another resolution treating the petition as one for
On August 23, 2010 the Office of the Solicitor General
filed the government’s comment.4 The government avers
that the NIRC imposes VAT on all kinds of services of
franchise grantees, including tollway operations, except
where the law provides otherwise; that the Court should
seek the meaning and intent of the law from the words
used in the statute; and that the imposition of VAT on
tollway operations has been the subject as early as 2003 of
several BIR rulings and circulars.5


2 Id., at pp. 63-64.

3 Id., at pp. 143-144.
4 Id., at pp. 73-135.
5 The OSG cites VAT Ruling 045-03 (October 13, 2003) issued by then
Deputy Commissioner Jose Mario Bunag in response to a query by the
Philippine National Construction Corporation (PNCC) on its VAT liability
as operator of the South and North Luzon expressways. PNCC was
informed “that with the promulgation of R.A. 7716 restructuring the VAT
system, services of all franchise


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Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

The government also argues that petitioners have no

right to invoke the non-impairment of contracts clause
since they clearly have no personal interest in existing toll
operating agreements (TOAs) between the government and
tollway operators. At any rate, the non-impairment clause
cannot limit the State’s sovereign taxing power which is
generally read into contracts.
Finally, the government contends that the non-inclusion
of VAT in the parametric formula for computing toll rates
cannot exempt tollway operators from VAT. In any event, it
cannot be claimed that the rights of tollway operators to a
reasonable rate of return will be impaired by the VAT since
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this is imposed on top of the toll rate. Further, the

imposition of VAT on toll fees would have very minimal
effect on motorists using the tollways.
In their reply6 to the government’s comment, petitioners
point out that tollway operators cannot be regarded as
franchise grantees under the NIRC since they do not hold
legislative franchises. Further, the BIR intends to collect
the VAT by rounding off the toll rate and putting any
excess collection in an escrow account. But this would be
illegal since only the Congress can modify VAT rates and
authorize its disbursement. Finally, BIR Revenue
Memorandum Circular 63-2010 (BIR RMC 63-2010), which
directs toll companies to record an accumulated input VAT
of zero balance in their books as of August 16, 2010,
contravenes Section 111 of the NIRC which grants entities
that first become liable to VAT a transitional input tax
credit of 2% on beginning inventory. For this reason, the
VAT on toll fees cannot be implemented.


 grantees, x x x are already subject to VAT.” The ruling was apparently

clarified and reiterated in BIR Revenue Memorandum Circulars 52-2005
(September 28, 2005), 72-2009 (December 21, 2009) and 30-2010 (March
26, 2010).

6 Rollo, pp. 153-201.



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

The Issues Presented

The case presents two procedural issues:

1. Whether or not the Court may treat the petition for

declaratory relief as one for prohibition; and
2. Whether or not petitioners Diaz and Timbol have legal
standing to file the action.

The case also presents two substantive issues:

1. Whether or not the government is unlawfully expanding

VAT coverage by including tollway operators and tollway
operations in the terms “franchise grantees” and “sale of services”
under Section 108 of the Code; and
2. Whether or not the imposition of VAT on tollway operators
a) amounts to a tax on tax and not a tax on services; b) will impair
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the tollway operators’ right to a reasonable return of investment

under their TOAs; and c) is not administratively feasible and
cannot be implemented.

The Court’s Rulings

A. On the Procedural Issues:

On August 24, 2010 the Court issued a resolution,
treating the petition as one for prohibition rather than one
for declaratory relief, the characterization that petitioners
Diaz and Timbol gave their action. The government has
sought reconsideration of the Court’s resolution,7 however,
arguing that petitioners’ allegations clearly made out a
case for declaratory relief, an action over which the Court
has no original jurisdiction. The government adds,
moreover, that the petition does not meet the requirements
of Rule 65 for actions for prohibition since the BIR did not
exercise judicial, quasi-judicial, or ministerial functions
when it sought to impose VAT on toll

7 Id., at pp. 457-476.


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Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

fees. Besides, petitioners Diaz and Timbol has a plain,

speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law
against the BIR action in the form of an appeal to the
Secretary of Finance.
But there are precedents for treating a petition for
declaratory relief as one for prohibition if the case has far-
reaching implications and raises questions that need to be
resolved for the public good.8 The Court has also held that
a petition for prohibition is a proper remedy to prohibit or
nullify acts of executive officials that amount to usurpation
of legislative authority.9
Here, the imposition of VAT on toll fees has far-reaching
implications. Its imposition would impact, not only on the
more than half a million motorists who use the tollways
everyday, but more so on the government’s effort to raise
revenue for funding various projects and for reducing
budgetary deficits.
To dismiss the petition and resolve the issues later, after
the challenged VAT has been imposed, could cause more
mischief both to the tax-paying public and the government.
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A belated declaration of nullity of the BIR action would

make any attempt to refund to the motorists what they
paid an administrative nightmare with no solution.
Consequently, it is not only the right, but the duty of the
Court to take cognizance of and resolve the issues that the
petition raises.
Although the petition does not strictly comply with the
requirements of Rule 65, the Court has ample power to
waive such technical requirements when the legal
questions to be resolved are of great importance to the
public. The same may

8 Macasiano v. National Housing Authority, G.R. No. 107921, July 1,
1993, 224 SCRA 236, 243.
9  See Ernesto B. Francisco, Jr. and Jose Ma. O. Hizon v. Toll
Regulatory Board, G.R. No. 166910, October 19, 2010, 633 SCRA 470.



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

be said of the requirement of locus standi which is a mere

procedural requisite.10
B. On the Substantive Issues:
One. The relevant law in this case is Section 108 of the
NIRC, as amended. VAT is levied, assessed, and collected,
according to Section 108, on the gross receipts derived from
the sale or exchange of services as well as from the use or
lease of properties. The third paragraph of Section 108
defines “sale or exchange of services” as follows:

“The phrase ‘sale or exchange of services’ means the

performance of all kinds of services in the Philippines for
others for a fee, remuneration or consideration, including
those performed or rendered by construction and service
contractors; stock, real estate, commercial, customs and
immigration brokers; lessors of property, whether
personal or real; warehousing services; lessors or
distributors of cinematographic films; persons engaged in
milling, processing, manufacturing or repacking goods for
others; proprietors, operators or keepers of hotels, motels,
resthouses, pension houses, inns, resorts; proprietors or
operators of restaurants, refreshment parlors, cafes and
other eating places, including clubs and caterers; dealers
in securities; lending investors; transportation contractors
on their transport of goods or cargoes, including persons
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who transport goods or cargoes for hire and other

domestic common carriers by land relative to their
transport of goods or cargoes; common carriers by air and
sea relative to their transport of passengers, goods or
cargoes from one place in the Philippines to another place
in the Philippines; sales of electricity by generation
companies, transmission, and distribution companies;
services of franchise grantees of electric utilities,
telephone and telegraph, radio and television
broadcasting and all other franchise grantees except those
under Section 119 of this Code and non-life insurance
companies (except their crop


10 Id.


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Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

insurances), including surety, fidelity, indemnity and

bonding companies; and similar services regardless of
whether or not the performance thereof calls for the
exercise or use of the physical or mental faculties.”
(Underscoring supplied)

It is plain from the above that the law imposes VAT on

“all kinds of services” rendered in the Philippines for a fee,
including those specified in the list. The enumeration of
affected services is not exclusive.11 By qualifying “services”
with the words “all kinds,” Congress has given the term
“services” an all-encompassing meaning. The listing of
specific services are intended to illustrate how pervasive
and broad is the VAT’s reach rather than establish concrete
limits to its application. Thus, every activity that can be
imagined as a form of “service” rendered for a fee should be
deemed included unless some provision of law especially
excludes it.
Now, do tollway operators render services for a fee?
Presidential Decree (P.D.) 1112 or the Toll Operation
Decree establishes the legal basis for the services that
tollway operators render. Essentially, tollway operators
construct, maintain, and operate expressways, also called
tollways, at the operators’ expense. Tollways serve as
alternatives to regular public highways that meander
through populated areas and branch out to local roads.
Traffic in the regular public highways is for this reason
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slow-moving. In consideration for constructing tollways at

their expense, the operators are allowed to collect
government-approved fees from motorists using the
tollways until such operators could fully recover their
expenses and earn reasonable returns from their
When a tollway operator takes a toll fee from a motorist,
the fee is in effect for the latter’s use of the tollway
facilities over which the operator enjoys private proprietary


11 Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. SM Primeholdings, Inc., G.R.

No. 183505, February 26, 2010, 613 SCRA 774, 788.
12 See North Negros Sugar Co. v. Hidalgo, 63 Phil. 664, 690 (1936).



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

that its contract and the law recognize. In this sense, the
tollway operator is no different from the following service
providers under Section 108 who allow others to use their
properties or facilities for a fee:

“1. Lessors of property, whether personal or real;

2. Warehousing service operators;
3. Lessors or distributors of cinematographic films;
4. Proprietors, operators or keepers of hotels, motels,
resthouses, pension houses, inns, resorts;
5. Lending investors (for use of money);
6. Transportation contractors on their transport of goods or
cargoes, including persons who transport goods or cargoes for hire
and other domestic common carriers by land relative to their
transport of goods or cargoes; and
7. Common carriers by air and sea relative to their transport
of passengers, goods or cargoes from one place in the Philippines
to another place in the Philippines.”

It does not help petitioners’ cause that Section 108

subjects to VAT “all kinds of services” rendered for a fee
“regardless of whether or not the performance thereof calls
for the exercise or use of the physical or mental faculties.”
This means that “services” to be subject to VAT need not
fall under the traditional concept of services, the personal

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or professional kinds that require the use of human

knowledge and skills.
And not only do tollway operators come under the broad
term “all kinds of services,” they also come under the
specific class described in Section 108 as “all other
franchise grantees” who are subject to VAT, “except those
under Section 119 of this Code.”
Tollway operators are franchise grantees and they do
not belong to exceptions (the low-income radio and/or
television broadcasting companies with gross annual
incomes of less than P10 million and gas and water
utilities) that Section

VOL. 654, JULY 19, 2011 113

Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

11913 spares from the payment of VAT. The word

“franchise” broadly covers government grants of a special
right to do an act or series of acts of public concern.14
Petitioners of course contend that tollway operators
cannot be considered “franchise grantees” under Section
108 since they do not hold legislative franchises. But
nothing in Section 108 indicates that the “franchise
grantees” it speaks of are those who hold legislative
franchises. Petitioners give no reason, and the Court
cannot surmise any, for making a distinction between
franchises granted by Congress and franchises granted by
some other government agency. The latter, properly
constituted, may grant franchises. Indeed, franchises
conferred or granted by local authorities, as agents of the
state, constitute as much a legislative franchise as though
the grant had been made by Congress itself.15 The term
“franchise” has been broadly construed as referring, not
only to authorizations that Congress directly issues in the
form of a special law, but also to those granted by
administrative agen-


13 SEC. 119. Tax on Franchises.—Any provision of general or special

law to the contrary notwithstanding, there shall be levied, assessed and
collected in respect to all franchises on radio and/or television
broadcasting companies whose annual gross receipts of the preceding year
do not exceed Ten million pesos (P10,000,000), subject to Section 236 of
this Code, a tax of three percent (3%) and on electric, gas and water
utilities, a tax of two percent (2%) on the gross receipts derived from the

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business covered by the law granting the franchise: Provided, however,

That radio and television broadcasting companies referred to in this
Section shall have an option to be registered as a value-added taxpayer
and pay the tax due thereon; Provided, further, That once the option is
exercised, said option shall be irrevocable.
14  Associated Communications & Wireless Services v. National
Telecommunications Commission, 445 Phil. 621, 641; 397 SCRA 574, 595
15 Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. Civil Aeronautics Board, 337 Phil. 254,
265; 270 SCRA 538, 550 (1997).



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

cies to which the power to grant franchises has been

delegated by Congress.16
Tollway operators are, owing to the nature and object of
their business, “franchise grantees.” The construction,
operation, and maintenance of toll facilities on public
improvements are activities of public consequence that
necessarily require a special grant of authority from the
state. Indeed, Congress granted special franchise for the
operation of tollways to the Philippine National
Construction Company, the former tollway concessionaire
for the North and South Luzon Expressways. Apart from
Congress, tollway franchises may also be granted by the
TRB, pursuant to the exercise of its delegated powers
under P.D. 1112.17 The franchise in this case is evidenced
by a “Toll Operation Certificate.”18
Petitioners contend that the public nature of the services
rendered by tollway operators excludes such services from
the term “sale of services” under Section 108 of the Code.
But, again, nothing in Section 108 supports this contention.
The reverse is true. In specifically including by way of
example electric utilities, telephone, telegraph, and
broadcasting companies in its list of VAT-covered
businesses, Section 108 opens other companies rendering
public service for a fee to the imposition of VAT. Businesses
of a public nature such as public utilities and the collection
of tolls or charges for its use or service is a franchise.19
Nor can petitioners cite as binding on the Court
statements made by certain lawmakers in the course of
congressional deliberations of the would-be law. As the
Court said in South African Airways v. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue,20

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16 Metropolitan Cebu Water District v. Adala, G.R. No. 168914, July 4,

2007, 526 SCRA 465, 476.
17 Supra note 9.
18 Section 3(e), P.D. 1112.
19 36 Am Jur 2d S3.
20 G.R. No. 180356, February 16, 2010, 612 SCRA 665, 676.


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“statements made by individual members of Congress in

the consideration of a bill do not necessarily reflect the
sense of that body and are, consequently, not controlling in
the interpretation of law.” The congressional will is
ultimately determined by the language of the law that the
lawmakers voted on. Consequently, the meaning and
intention of the law must first be sought “in the words of
the statute itself, read and considered in their natural,
ordinary, commonly accepted and most obvious
significations, according to good and approved usage and
without resorting to forced or subtle construction.”
Two. Petitioners argue that a toll fee is a “user’s tax”
and to impose VAT on toll fees is tantamount to taxing a
tax.21 Actually, petitioners base this argument on the
following discussion in Manila International Airport
Authority (MIAA) v. Court of Appeals:22

“No one can dispute that properties of public dominion

mentioned in Article 420 of the Civil Code, like “roads,
canals, rivers, torrents, ports and bridges constructed by
the State,” are owned by the State. The term “ports”
includes seaports and airports. The MIAA Airport Lands
and Buildings constitute a “port” constructed by the State.
Under Article 420 of the Civil Code, the MIAA Airport
Lands and Buildings are properties of public dominion
and thus owned by the State or the Republic of the
x x x The operation by the government of a tollway does
not change the character of the road as one for public use.
Someone must pay for the maintenance of the road, either
the public indirectly through the taxes they pay the
government, or only those among the public who actually
use the road through the toll fees they pay upon using the
road. The tollway system is even a more efficient and

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equitable manner of taxing the public for the maintenance

of public roads.
The charging of fees to the public does not determine
the character of the property whether it is for public


21 Rollo, p. 517.
22 G.R. No. 155650, July 20, 2006, 495 SCRA 591.



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

ion or not. Article 420 of the Civil Code defines property of

public dominion as “one intended for public use.” Even if
the government collects toll fees, the road is still “intended
for public use” if anyone can use the road under the same
terms and conditions as the rest of the public. The
charging of fees, the limitation on the kind of vehicles that
can use the road, the speed restrictions and other
conditions for the use of the road do not affect the public
character of the road.
The terminal fees MIAA charges to passengers, as well
as the landing fees MIAA charges to airlines, constitute the
bulk of the income that maintains the operations of MIAA.
The collection of such fees does not change the character
of MIAA as an airport for public use. Such fees are often
termed user’s tax. This means taxing those among the
public who actually use a public facility instead of taxing
all the public including those who never use the particular
public facility. A user’s tax is more equitable—a principle
of taxation mandated in the 1987 Constitution.”23
(Underscoring supplied)

Petitioners assume that what the Court said above,

equating terminal fees to a “user’s tax” must also pertain to
tollway fees. But the main issue in the MIAA case was
whether or not Parañaque City could sell airport lands and
buildings under MIAA administration at public auction to
satisfy unpaid real estate taxes. Since local governments
have no power to tax the national government, the Court
held that the City could not proceed with the auction sale.
MIAA forms part of the national government although not
integrated in the department framework.”24 Thus, its
airport lands and buildings are properties of public
dominion beyond the commerce of man under Article
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420(1)25 of the Civil Code and could not be sold at public



23 Id., at pp. 622-623.

24 Id., at p. 618.
25 Art. 420. The following things are property of public dominion:
(1) Those intended for public use, such as roads, canals, rivers,
torrents, ports and bridges constructed by the State,


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As can be seen, the discussion in the MIAA case on toll

roads and toll fees was made, not to establish a rule that
tollway fees are user’s tax, but to make the point that
airport lands and buildings are properties of public
dominion and that the collection of terminal fees for their
use does not make them private properties. Tollway fees
are not taxes. Indeed, they are not assessed and collected
by the BIR and do not go to the general coffers of the
It would of course be another matter if Congress enacts
a law imposing a user’s tax, collectible from motorists, for
the construction and maintenance of certain roadways. The
tax in such a case goes directly to the government for the
replenishment of resources it spends for the roadways. This
is not the case here. What the government seeks to tax
here are fees collected from tollways that are constructed,
maintained, and operated by private tollway operators at
their own expense under the build, operate, and transfer
scheme that the government has adopted for
expressways.26 Except for a fraction given to the
government, the toll fees essentially end up as earnings of
the tollway operators.
In sum, fees paid by the public to tollway operators for
use of the tollways, are not taxes in any sense. A tax is
imposed under the taxing power of the government
principally for the purpose of raising revenues to fund
public expenditures.27 Toll fees, on the other hand, are
collected by private tollway operators as reimbursement for
the costs and expenses incurred in the construction,
maintenance and operation of the tollways, as well as to
assure them a reasonable margin of income. Although toll

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fees are charged for the use of public facilities, therefore,

they are not government exactions that can be


banks, shores, roadsteads, and others of similar character;

26 See first and third “Whereas Clause” of P.D. 1112.
27 See Law of Basic Taxation in the Philippines (Revised Ed.),
Benjamin B. Aban, p. 14.



Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

properly treated as a tax. Taxes may be imposed only by

the government under its sovereign authority, toll fees may
be demanded by either the government or private
individuals or entities, as an attribute of ownership.28
Parenthetically, VAT on tollway operations cannot be
deemed a tax on tax due to the nature of VAT as an
indirect tax. In indirect taxation, a distinction is made
between the liability for the tax and burden of the tax. The
seller who is liable for the VAT may shift or pass on the
amount of VAT it paid on goods, properties or services to
the buyer. In such a case, what is transferred is not the
seller’s liability but merely the burden of the VAT.29
Thus, the seller remains directly and legally liable for
payment of the VAT, but the buyer bears its burden since
the amount of VAT paid by the former is added to the
selling price. Once shifted, the VAT ceases to be a tax30 and
simply becomes part of the cost that the buyer must pay in
order to purchase the good, property or service.
Consequently, VAT on tollway operations is not really a
tax on the tollway user, but on the tollway operator. Under
Section 105 of the Code, 31 VAT is imposed on any person
who, in


28  See The Fundamentals of Taxation (2004 Ed.), Hector S. De Leon

and Hector M. De Leon, Jr., p. 16.
29 Contex Corporation v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, G.R. No.
151135, July 2, 2004, 433 SCRA 376, 384-385.
30 The National Internal Revenue Code Annotated, Eighth Ed. (Vol. II),
Hector S. De Leon and Hector M. De Leon, Jr., p. 3.

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31 SEC. 105. Persons Liable.—Any person who, in the course of trade

or business, sells, barters, exchanges, leases goods or properties, rendered
services, and any person who imports goods shall be subject to the value-
added tax (VAT) imposed in Sections 106 to 108 of this Code.
The phrase ‘in the course of trade or business’ means the regular
conduct or pursuit of a commercial or an economic activity, including
transactions incidental thereto, by any person regardless of


VOL. 654, JULY 19, 2011 119

Diaz vs. Secretary of Finance

the course of trade or business, sells or renders services for

a fee. In other words, the seller of services, who in this case
is the tollway operator, is the person liable for VAT. The
latter merely shifts the burden of VAT to the tollway user
as part of the toll fees.
For this reason, VAT on tollway operations cannot be a
tax on tax even if toll fees were deemed as a “user’s tax.”
VAT is assessed against the tollway operator’s gross
receipts and not necessarily on the toll fees. Although the
tollway operator may shift the VAT burden to the tollway
user, it will not make the latter directly liable for the VAT.
The shifted VAT burden simply becomes part of the toll
fees that one has to pay in order to use the tollways.32
Three. Petitioner Timbol has no personality to invoke
the non-impairment of contract clause on behalf of private
investors in the tollway projects. She will neither be
prejudiced by nor be affected by the alleged diminution in
return of investments that may result from the VAT
imposition. She has no interest at all in the profits to be
earned under the TOAs. The interest in and right to
recover investments solely belongs to the private tollway
Besides, her allegation that the private investors’ rate of
recovery will be adversely affected by imposing VAT on
tollway operations is purely speculative. Equally
presumptuous is her assertion that a stipulation in the
TOAs known as the Material Adverse Grantor Action will
be activated if VAT is thus imposed. The Court cannot rule
on matters that are manifestly conjectural. Neither can it
prohibit the State from exercising its sovereign taxing
power based on uncertain, prophetic grounds.


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whether or not the person engaged therein is a nonstock, nonprofit private

organization (irrespective of the disposition of its net income) and whether
or not it sells exclusively to members or their guests), or government

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