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Vanguardia Program

Video lecture # 17
Name: Christian Coronel Tenesaca

Explain the difference between reliability and validity (and why the validity of a
measurement cannot exceed its reliability)
Reliability, express precise is the measurement. The difference is that precision is affected
by accidental error and this produce fluctuations in the data collected. Validity of
measurement cannot exceed its reliability because there would not be precision on it.
Explain in some more technical terms what is reliability, using the concepts of systematic
and of error variation; why is the reliability bounded by 0 and 1.0?
Loss of precision could happen due to accidental errors (error variation) or wrongly used
instruments (systematic errors). When these errors are very small, the results obtained are
accurate, instead of the validation, where you can be taking completely incorrect data
producing the results are completely unrealistic.
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We can appreciate it on the formula R = (c) . Where if the real fluctuations are equal to
the total fluctuations, the reliability is equal to 1. Instead, if there are not real fluctuations,
so the total fluctuations are just based on errors, the reliability is equal to 0.

Why does reliability actually matter, for research, for decision making?
The data could not completely real caused by considerable errors of imprecision. Reliability
is very important for decision making because it guarantees that the results are not based
in errors.

Explain the concept of attenuation of the correlation between variables or


It is necessary to obtain more realistic results of correlation. Then when they reach final
results, they will be far from the real results.

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