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HRS installation guide

1 Dependencies

* MySQL-3.22.32 (

* PHP- 4.* (

* Apache-1.3. * (

2 PHP install:

2.1 Unpack your php-4.0.x.tar.gz package:

# tar zxvf php-4.0.x.tar.gz

3 Install Hotel Reservation System

3.1 Database install

* Create a database, name it hrs or whatever you like .

# mysqladmin -u root -p create hrs

* Add a hrs user in MySQL. To add a user you can use the MySQL

mysql>grant all on hrs.* to hrs@localhost identified by "password";

* Dump all the sql data from ./hrs.sql into your database. Remember
that this command will remove the existing tables.

# mysql -u root -p hrs < ./hrs.sql

3.2 Install the php files

# unpack

* Edit auth.php set the username, password, database and root path.

mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password" )

or die("connect: ".mysql_error());
mysql_selectdb( "hotel" )
or die("selectdb: ".mysql_error());

$hrs_root = "/home/www/hrs";
include( "$hrs_root/language.php" );

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