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feet The world of CHRONO TRIGGER .. Gast of Characters 90 nna Maile OT thc Frog Rebo Ayla Singh Map sereen Seen Switch Characters . Battle Screen... Atash Techn hreme a 2 eet ations Siaheioulie = Thc aes pic Combisaticre single Tesi! Doublesteehh\. riple Teehb yilage Lacatien user Travel The dt rae THEWORLD OF CHRG NO TRIGGER Living inthe seemingly peaceful kingdom of Cuttin SOON. the lid CONG was chosen by guaran spirits to save the world from ultimate devastation. Though “Doomsday. will not happen until the year “51999, the ancient seers of destruction were iianted long ago by the evil LAVOS. Your mission in the world of CHRONO TRIGGER is to travel back and forth through tme to y In the future, 2300 A.D. the world has almost been destroyed by the evil Lavos. Those who survive are hungry, hurt, and hopeless. Find out how to help'them, because the future of the world depends of fot, 1 ’ i change the course of history, and stop Lavos: from succeeding ii his.dark plan. On your fourney, you will bate morstrs aed mest many helpfal people in both the past and the future. Some will become your faithful and power companions while others wil give ‘you clues by telling you stories. Pay attention to what they say, and good luck in your adventure, In 1000 A.D. beneath the sutface of peaceful sur- PRESENT soundings, monsters trom 1 the past are scheming tod stroy the world while re dents, unaware of the ay proaching peril,celebrate in the kingdom of Guardia. PAST Back in 600 A.D,, humans are At war against monsters controlled by the evil Prince of Darkness. He has already defeated many Guardiaknights so in order tohelp them, you must travel even further ack =t0,65 Million B,C. when Lavos first arrived on earth ASIOF CHARACTERS In each Of-the eras Crono travels to, he will be joined by interesting new friends. Each of them fas different special abilities. Guardia Castle. She grows aomitient with royal life and eventually leaves to Crono. Sheis a cosiboy. and Water Magic during } MARLE ticixait, theadventure, Crono is atypical teenager whom fate chooses tor save the world. He isa skilled swords- man, andas he Jurys on. he ‘learns Lightning, fazic spells. Laces ig Cronus best LUCCA friend. She lo science and uses her know!- ‘edge to build fantastic machines and very clever ‘weapons, Eventually she learns Fire Magic, a very useful skill, Yoltfind Robo ima collapsed dame in 2300 A.D., tryinsitp remember his master's directions. He is very ie ca Hed with FROG Frog, once a Guardia Knight, was beaten very badly ‘and turned into a frog He is an accomplish swordsman eho also uses Water Magic wel AYLA Ayla is primitive but strong. She is trying to save hek group from the reptites. She can break huge stones with a punch or a kick, With her strength, she doesn't need to\/ | use mastic, Ey AAG, ‘ ONTROLS Here is the.configuration of the Controller for Chrono Trigger. Later you will see how you can change it to suit your own style, ‘SUPER NES CONTROMER \@ a f ; Use the Control Pad to move your TONTROD), characters around It is also used to A PAD Fi netete pst esi [us In the Landscape Screen (page 17), use the Select Button to open the World Map. <3 a ‘The Start Button pauses START ‘he game during play. This also used to continue when ‘you have finished input= ting your mame. 4 ¢ Yoiswill use the A Button / most often. 1tjs the “action” button Useit to choose BUTTON Gite openchests eater loos and lalk to people. ; "Use the Botton to SX _ openthe Mena | BUTTON Streen race!) ‘The Y Button opens the Character Y Switch Screen (page 27) when you're in the Map Screen or Field Screens. ‘When you are in the Time Machine, the Y Button opens the Time Gauge. In the Field Screen, holding the Button while walking allows you to"Dash” fo nbatle hal thee es E/R\ Seta eetncces BUTTON Buttons tosclectthe era you want to \ travel to, Also, press LR'Start ae Select to reset the game. ETAING STARTED Make suite-the power is turned off on your Control Deck. Insert the Game Pak into the slot on top of the Deck, and then turn the power on. ( DEMO SCREEN The Demo Screen shows you scenes from the game. To skip it, simply push the ‘A Button. : NEW GAME To begin afew game. choose "New Game" on the ‘ops ‘Menu Screen by sing the Control Pad and pash Start, q CONTINUE THEGAME Instead of selecting "New Game," you can select a saved game and start from, wherever you last saved, ATTLE MODE ACTIVE & WAIT There are two differ ent modes used inp battle: Active aud Wait. You can/also choose cither one in the Config. Screen (page 23). ACTIVE Ths is amore thrilling fate mace: it you fnust decide quickly what tes, Active is for the seasoned pro. When you choose this mode, monsters will not wait for you to decide on your plan of attack. WAIT Waitisfor inners. You ‘will have more ime to decide olan attack methods © Follow the-iastruc- tions below to input a name at-the beginning ofa game, or 10 hange that name Jater on, ‘To input or change a fame, first choose a etter with the cursor and push the A Button. Repeat until you have spelled your name, then push Stagf. If you input a wrong letter, push B to erase the letter and cofitinue, Whatever name you choose wil bealepayed ‘roughest the game. You can save up to three different games. Likewise, there are‘three places from which ou can begin aSavell game. When you resume playing a saved game/vou may begin from any one of those three Saves. MAP SCREEN While on the Map Screen, you can open the Save Screen at any time to save your game. SAVE POINTS ‘There are save out the game. Screen in the Main Menu (page 18) by standing on the save 77 point and pushing X. ; THE END OF TIME When you reach "The End of Time," be sure to save your game at the save point, —© The Field Screen is where most of the action takes place. You will sec this sercen when you are-inside houses, caves, et. aaah ee ee INSIDE HOUSES You will have many conversations with people inside houses. Push A to talle with ‘them. You will also fliscover Various items! Door Push to open ‘doors in front oF TREASURE BOX Push A tOopen a Treasure By ad retrieve tne lms nie. you FOOD ‘STAIRS FustA to ex You can go up o1 food youfind. Th down stars. Use witeenita ana MP, ‘hecoatras pad for argc yon. DUNGEONS Dungeons are full of monsters and traps. When you run into or touch monsters, you will automatically engage jn battle (page 2). ot ‘The Map Screen dist plays the world you are in. When you appebach & building or a geo- graphical area, if will Show you the name, To enter a building or area) push the Fy BUILDINGS ‘Only certain colo: utr oe sccesebie Baa FOREST = Bf rroncter Also took {ormaden esis From the Landscape Screen, push Select and you will access ‘theWorld Map. A dot on the map indicates your location, A Button. ( LANDSCAPE In Landscape iew, you move around between buildings, cavesand other loca- tions, When you are near the area you want toenter, push A. MOUNTAINS pr 100 He CO cute caves FE fei EEE corccrousmonstcrs e UB’SCREEN: 1 Push the X Button to access the Main Menu screen. A menu with six icons will appear. Use the Control Pad to move the cursor, and the A Button to make @ selection. A cUAKActER stATus conn amen “© cuanacren onorn © nae oniAsave CH: ST, oarparty is doing ‘ou can also equip your characters from here. HITPOINTS Hit Points determine how much damage you can ake-Be sure to erp your HP leve's high, MAGIC POINTS Casting a spell requires acertain ume of Magic Points The Showsnow many younaye. y ATTACK POWER DEFENSE POWER CHARACTERS FACE 2 Zz POWER The higher your power, the stronger youare SPEED. Itigner numbers make you faster inbaitle, EVADE ‘This number shows how wel youcaf evade attacks. TYPE OF MAGIC This tells you which of the four types of magic your character Is able to learn. CHARACTER NAME CURRENT LEVEL CURRENT EQUIPMENT TiesheNGH jou tyre what thet tpelcers show you rihat te STEM NAME staal yl cu enty noble. Youresn 50 eq TheselRemsrennecessary. MAGIC DEFENSE ‘itn anign umber you can better esist spells cast upon Vou, HIT ‘Shows your ability te strke a target. MAGIC Ts indicates the steength of your mae STAMINA Thehigher the numb the faster your HP wal grgwe a abel up. EAP Tis sts yeurEemedence pints. next | ¥ This shows how many experience ponts youneeg te reach the next feve ns EQUIPATEMS ‘Throughout the game you can find or buy additional weapons and armor. When you equip these Items, pay attention to your status. Some- times your levels can affect an item's effective ness. sere eligi rat ose FQUIPMENT ICONS Each item hi Below are destriptions of t! AMURAI SWORD Used by Crono ony an icon that gogswith it. ve items. PARTS These are for Rovo eal oni) HELMET is. cROSSBOW nly Marte can use this Guy wono, Feta Frog ARMOR These caf be shared. ACCESSORY. ‘These can algae shared UB SCREEN: 2 ‘Thisscreen shows youll the items your Bien scree fad ite holding. YSE/MOVE Select tovsr ormove oxoanue er TEM DESCRIPTION Hs tells you whist the selected tem does, ITEMNAME Ts s tne name or the tem, ORGANIZE USING ITEMS Items you can ‘This command use during battle organizes your, andin the field will be items for you automati- highlighted in yellow. Other cally. (You don’t have to move them,manually.) items will be in white. Move the cursor to the item cand push A, Select Organize Push A om 4 ech is ecial | GRRE. Cae eRe you gain more Tech Skills. You can also use Gertain Tech Skills with other characters CHARACTER Thisis the character you have selected COMBINATIONS: - cee = SINGLE TECH CRONO SINGLE TECH MARLE ead Eg arena ry but Paar ee teat AURA de Pecan You assy ee) fers parialy ea ea fash an AI a Aura pat PAA stuck NN te ae ‘ena y Pe eS eccup Ciara wereacye oi narts er oe i PROVOKE SLASH Saturn Bina guck connaesaa Haste suo. you UGHTING 8) ity Nate speeds Straight tne enemies vith members ‘enn a tls Gauges LIGHTNE See shoots Youstt Sige nae er Wce2 ner ure redStanteney. She can soot ih Youcanbring Peciees 3 Characters ROHET sD backtoltell CURE aon spincur. ae Ree Yorese vice tel gti URE 2 ag muchntarage CONFUSE bine of tn Completely Syauwonie Jornimeonae oe SPR reorene Suerte. Pienyshead t SSeS pesclehvole i fies LIFE 2 LUNIA Revses f “ 5 Voneru apuel wget and * Ba restore a , affecting at ao SINGLE TECH’, LUCCA = SINGLE TECH ” 4 aa ik Crono, and often Lucea is “als not Sera ise uae Tass Magic most ne, ere aS TORRONE secs ae area: jine of flames at bp bys ‘A to recover m ‘amenemy OF when she ts paired some of a oe ea eee HyPxo SLURP CUT WAVI te catches and Renee aot eogeee protect 1agsanenemy LEAP SLASH car, hgeesese ) Snvtncn 86S Fehrs oon Coca waren ou He can shoot a 08. rage 2 a. water 2 me SRE wow ap amjanmaaci ee ee ee wane fecover some of MEGA nome SPS - CURE 2 [i's strong Completely Inpst canes Fecovers. one of ‘rrejor damage - hispartysi toany monsters AN around | Xk FLARE af Ste canbeat heel (Aaa ws, Snemiesby ting ee Bigger og that beam’ ‘ops onthe enemy. SINGLE TECH AYLA rc SINGLE TECH ROBO re Ca a eT ete Cia Tonia ed fobostoots.a characters ear — — Ce eg aneagn gouo nin er HEALBEAM Sen.” CHARM LASER SPIN. ea gebaeea! ents owe mo CAL Steaks aniter, ae She uses her TAIL SPIN uziPUNCH | feethandnas B isoteon ‘She spins, Roboriisan | tobiteand siash Robo can dast 7d vertul fist ROCK fits any enemies geenee pret Gow tant Er : AREA BoM) Bry th DINO TAL pretinte any Envow nim, enemies nsi i ‘ofthis bot lenge cnosaur who causes darrage toll eres. SHOCK TRIPLEKICK, Fobo ratlates Sejanog a iesmo bea, chsanenomy ita fireetnes. bith: DOUBLE TECH CRONO + MARLE RA i ie boro 2 “cronoana Marte Crono andare Sainandrecover cendoeven more damage te partys HP creme. ICE SWORD They attackan eeemy with a swore ‘pousle TECH rong + LUGCA StYoro 2 ‘Cfono anaurea | con atiacka’ up of enemies with FIRE SWORD They attack only one: enemy with treiefre Sore! Sword DOUBLE TECH CRONO + FROG xsTI Crone and Frog. cashinan formation SO, Frogerestes a watertat ane Siero drops fromit ono an them DOUBLE TECH CRONO + ROBO Ronit! ‘SUPER VOLT G21 unos on Crono gives. lightning power tonobo, wna roots aien Cone f bores ‘Cron ani spins, Slashing at the enemy: 40 ae DOUBLE ‘TECH. CRONO 4 + AYLA DRILL KICK: FALCON HIT tao tines ‘Avia throws, Crone and he ‘tans nts Slashes the erevaraichs enemy Rin treed DOUBLE TECH + LUCCA ANTIPODE 3. plmonsters. DOUBLE TECH MARLE + FROG ROUBLE oe sed Frog recovermartys DOUBLE TECH MARLE + ROBO CURE teres Healing Magic inst raeores ICE WATER, Mvicand Frogs aifectoall GLACIER They shower AURA BEAM Marie and Robo ‘erat an aura that recovers some of the partys. ICE TACKLE D> DOUBLE TECH DOUBLE TECH MARIE # AYLA LUCCA + FROG Wy CUBETOSS | RED PIN FROG FLARE Nine ard Ayia fugelcieata cgumgs and ugetvog ot ‘hottie Eroupe! eo wa [atieasinnh Tecoverantten eek power ICE TOSS LINE BOMB: Sean ae ag) ‘| pousie TecH DOUBLE TECH “acca + ROBO LUCCA + AYLA f 4 FIRE PUNCH DOUBLE BLAZE KICK meni Spun Brian nicn Re ihe Bane Indbo catcega yey soe rere a cae ae iets a po oe ais a FIRE “explosive pow f f TAGE shectathe haces aenies) Sagara a a aoe " 44 DOUBLE. TECH, DOUBLE TECH FROG + ROBO ROBO + AYLA BLADE TOSS: a CURE WAVE SOOGIE uae sein rex DOUBLE TECH FROG + AYLA , ) SLURP KISS DROP KICK Gnees. rede fone poe pungx a TRIPLE TECH CRONO’ +-MARLE + LUCCA We DELTA FORCE, Ugh Fe, Ma mk tocreate an energy ‘damage toll enemies, TRIPLE/TECH CRONO + MARLE + FROG ARC IMPULSE Marie sesice Magic while Crono and Fog jump pa slast oncnemiy TRIPLE TECH CRONO + MARLE + ROBO LIFE LINE | Allows each member to Fecaver one time, when be fr she has been Wured, {langle tna delivers maximum fare TECH CRONO + MARLE + AYLA FINAL KICK o] fo ves an enemy aspral Fay Kick with Lightring ana Water TRIPLE/TECH CRONO + LUCCA +,FROG Vine! TRIPLE TECH CRONO + LUCCA + ROBO a TRIPLE TECH ° CRONQ’+:LUCCA + AYLA GATLING KICK Ayla gives an enemy a spiral faex with ghtning ana Bre Nagic. TRIPLE TECH CRONO + FROG + ROBO TRIPLE RAID” Crono, Frogiand Rabo attack, aneenyamstanetys & RIPLE TECH va + FROG. + AYLA SD ATTACK ‘Ayla joins Crono and Frog's Xcsinkeatiack and ey deliver heavy damagettoan ery TRIPLE TECH CRONO + ROBO + AYLA TWISTER ote. Ro00 « ayiaspr to Creatca gant tornad, ‘damagngallenemes in sight £ HOW TO RAISE TECH LEVELS As you battle monsters, You gain Tech points Your Tech Levels raise as you collect more points Switch characters fre~ ‘quently s0 each one. achieves high Tech levels “MP AND DOUBLE TRIPLE TECH Each member needs to have the required MP to use Double and Triple Tech attacks, ere) MARKETS§ Here js where you purchase Ifemé like weapons, armor, tonicand other things you, ‘will need on your journey. Each village-has two very important places you should visit - the Inn and the Market. Govt she inn in each village Even if you don’t need rest, there will be Ne Hopi ta lk and teas to nc. Of course, if you sleep at the inn, your HP and MP will be completely refilled To see whether you made a good or bad purchase, look at the color of your attack numbers. Blue ‘numbers mean you have added your abilities; white numbers show you have remained the Sime; and gray ones mean you've resend oer level aa ITEM DESCRIPTION {psarscrnes wnat me HEEM PRICE List Thisisa Ist of the wares forsale na vilage, ane What Wey willeost MONEY Js 's how ffucn gow ‘you arefalding, STRENGTH This displays the items attack or deteasepowe, own/equir These show the quantity of rems you Nave equlpped ana HHems you are carrying CHARACTER LIST Thisiists the characters inyout party. ana deserines weapon and Stmor levels when you Diy 1S, the ‘characters that can ‘eulp cher wil rip ancdon, HE END OF TIME This world exists beyond the realm of time. tis: the mast ‘important. place tv this Same, You must figure out why exists and how to use it. There are two types of time-travel - Time Gates and the Time Machine. (Time travel is not always an option.) TIME GATES ‘activité a Time Gate, ‘simply go nbarit and push A, ‘Only thengaill you know where it will take you, ( \TIME GATES Bach era is connected to this world by a Time Gate. In order to get to the Time Machine, you will need to use these gates, OLD MAN: ‘An old man lives in this place. You do not know who he is, but he will give you useful knowledge if you ask, SPEKKIO Spekkio can teach you magic. If you decide to ithim and win, he will reward you with, useful items. With this you can go to ny era you want, The. “Time Machine can also he used asan air ac ii Toopentne AR income. Tag press F when Sowlartn re Qi Techie. EAPONS AND aiAn fricr... Hammer Aem] Increases attack points by 25 ARMOR LIST vedic] TS | era pan : eee Be ofa fou, | oro ‘8006 | Increases aitack points by 15 WEAPONS weapon, when t's equipped, affects [ox Sword Tnereaees tack pints by 10 your Atiack power. ‘Kaiser Arm Increaces attack points by 120 ode Bow Tacs attack polis iy20 AcenBlde thcenes attack points by 70 rodeSard_ | 40006 | Increase atack pita 0 AieGun Brae tee PEERS ‘hema ind Hees KOE ‘Alley Blade | 2i0006 [Tnceaer attack pointy 10, “cane Incense attack poli 75 ‘AvtoGun [12006 [Inreases attack pentsby 15 Mogae wT Hand | 180006 [acenesaitack oats HS tgaton Aral 150006 | Incense polis 90 Bolt Sword Increases attack points by 25 Mirage Hand Increases attack points by 30 Brome ow iRenniaaabis ie Therese attack poinisby 1 Bronze Bdge Tacs attack pointe by6 vearieage | zane | Bee esting Wg eats ‘Comct Aron] 78006 [creases attack pointy 60 Plana Gun | a2006 | Steet elu aes DariGan | 8506 [Increases attack pointsby7 edKatana [15006 [Ree age Ry Demontdse | 17006 [Merit arene f Nepal oan Rokin Bow | 28506 | Increases attack points by 25 Doom Finger Tacrense tack punts 50 Ray Gun Tnceases altack pins by 40 Dreamtow Incrases tack pointy 60 Kane de Gaaehgeprree DRS Increases attack points by60 SgeBow Increases atk points hy 40 Tae] | Ton [ccc sick pais 90 sted ean ay R leave Tacos attack pins by A8andalityby? Avo ue parece lt Baer es ee AL Star Sword Tncreaies aitack pins by 125 56 oT an Steelsabre | x00G a Increases attack pointe by 15 Stone Atm Tnereases attack pointsby 40 area pons BY Swallow eee Tia Ana Tncreases atack points by 20 Velie Blade Increases attack points hy 135 Wood Sword Increase attack pointe by ARMOR Following is a list of armor and helmets, Each armor or helmet & HELMETS will affect your Defense power ‘Acon Helmet differently when it's equipped. Description Increases defense pointsby 33 Aeon Suit Increases defense polutsby 75 Beer 0G [acres defense patsy 7 ring ARS RAH I eT aed Sees aT ions Mat | _5006 [creas deensepontsby 16 Bessa] 2006 [erases delet Dark Mai Tenner eariatns Fash Increzc dete pty 64 Glowtiinet panda ape Goldene Gesis ase iE CoMsuit | 19000 | areas dese oat 20 ide Cap eens The Tae eee Tonteinet_[ 5006 | ores dese antsy eas | aout | meri cee nto Karate Gh [3006 | erate dees panty Todetlinst | e006 [lees dee polstaby29 Tanip Robe [6000 [cease tee potty? Herma C ncaa te aa Tecoma Eee ce ats Mit abe imeaiS esa alain ooo ioe oe eps ab Ooo Tay Vee eres Taban Helmet renee Magi deen prt by Ta eeeean see Tans pceescoe toe rc poeta Tt Seca Tian Vest | Ta00G [ners deere pent? mae Ls Following is a list of aecesso- ACCESORIES. tts, Yo" il gain a special ability associated with each | thirdtiye | increase dodge abillity by 200% Soa eee Wall Ring Increase magic defense power by 10 points [Later [eign ono Got Sok eesti 5 Se ee When your HP or XAP is low during Blak ok | Allows us of special hidden magi Dark aaa EMS GaceMern re ae Charm Top _| Increases Ayla's charm technique different according to cach item. Das Rng [Knee agli by pias Ge Baring | lee in y 308 ela da ms Se ee eT Tost | esse A pt Magic Ring _| Increases Magic power by 6 points | Pull Tonic 700G_| Recovers 500 HP points foe Gielen anal aut ie apes Mow le id Tonic 1006 | Recovers 200 HP points Boies [Lame Power Tab, Increases Power by 1 point iver Std Raines MP cnsmstin a Beker ||| ae | Reel a bo 106 | Recovers 50HP points ‘ike Key ‘These special Items will help you SPECIAL 0vercome some difficulties you ITEMS might encounter at the beginning stage of the game. Remember which era you wil find these tems ‘Necessary to ride jet bike 220A Broken Mile Necessary to recover Masamune sword / 600 A.D. Broken Sword ‘Neceseary to recover Masamune sword/ 600 AD. Clone Dollyou et at Leene Square/ 1000 A.D. Dreanstone ‘Nets torecoer Masamune sword/65 Millon BL Fang Canexchangeforcther tems? 65 Million KC Feather Can exchang for other items? 65 Million BC. Cate Key [ Activates Time Gate & Time Tunnel/ 600 A.D, Gan exchange for other itemms/ 65 Million BC. Jerky Give this to somcone in 600 A.D./ 600 AD. Pendant Tha speqaT power fe pyen Taare chests aa oar sealed chests 100 40. Petal Can exchange or other items/ 65 Million BC Race Log Used to rezovd time of jet bike /2300 AD. Ruby Knife Necessary to destroy secret weapon in 12000 BG Seed ope fr those who liven the future? 2300 AD. ADVENTURE GUIDE. / Prepare tovenibark on a journey of the ages. You will meet many peoplevand see many wondrous things. Use this guide toelp you in the beginning: iT HE ADVENTURE BEGINS! THE KINGDOM OF GUARDIA At present the Kingdom of Guardia, monsters ‘and humans co- ‘exist with each other im peace and harmony. Today they celebrate their kingdom. (GOOD MORNING, \GRONO \ ‘The scene: o with | Crono’s mother trying to, wake him. Today is the day of the big fair and she sdogsu {want him to miss it) Youcan stayin¢yonos roomany Une ok tree When mather mentions (90.0 the far right to fede {ideas name power tah ity wish 0} (3 HOUSES ‘Walk around to ll of your neighbors’ houses and tally with them. They will haye, information you may need for, ‘your journey. There are people at the Mayor shouse wih inpor- tant things to ‘ellyou GQ TO GUARDIA FOREST ‘The forest is full of monsters. If you leave them alone they will not bother you, However, to build your levels you should battle them. Continue battling to bute Up your levels, Fu into these monstersand they're feaay to night Walk tothe house and PUA this allows yout ‘ter. This strange box wit not yet. Come open for you! back later Go to the far Fight to fd 2 power capsule, —— \ GUARDIA Right now you can't enter the castle, You'll need to come back later, \ square nd Gane 1 ‘This game is with Gato the Singing Robot ifyoufight him and win, you will receive 15, , silver pieces. (THE CASTLBROF { VISIT LEENE Hadas epee Spat the fsr Sita them a ot The guards wit not let you in ‘Todayythere is a big fair in Leene Square. Go there to check things out and talk to people. Dont forget about the invention Jacea wanted to show you, Step flak up and ene te ung Fight witha group to raise your ievess, RACING This isa game of chance. Bet on, the runner think will win and pick up some silver points. GUZZLING CONTEST How many cans of soda can you drink in the allotted time? {Enter the tent at your oun isk Go t@theEce tent to Ask the oldman bet first nett tell you \_/Mho mighivin pant GAME 3 HAMMER CHALLENGE Hit thebase and ring the ell to win. ‘when you are al the way back, pusna again Push Aas fastas you Drinkall® cans fo win niu cide 5 SHOW TENT Save your game before you go in ‘There are three. attractions: the second Wil reward you with a useful item. “TellM Bekkler wnigh ame you want to ply. pes f CRONO’ MEETS MARLE ws Rana You are so impressed with the fair, you don't notice the girl in front of you and bump into hert wo | MEET LUCCA ‘When you find Lucea, sheand her father are trying to demonstrate their telepartation device. No oné will try it. If you want totry, stand on the left platigrm, Remember to save first. gheita Crono is gone Dut wire? Marie also wants tO, itatry Uueca letsSouia on what's ‘olng on” ‘Aime Gate opens ana swatous her Up Youare alse pulled iteougn a (iy THE KINGDOM Now is the time GEM OF GUARDIA for the real ad- venture to begin. ‘You are sent to the past, and although you are still in Guardia, it is different. nen you ent the noun took For reople 10 talk with, WHERE Is. ws sepa AIS 17" \ ides vhaterayouarein Pee Natit TOM lca perform at y ic . creatures. yr where you are is to ask INGORMATION — Yround. Just benice and ‘The best way tofind out people will let you know. Be carerul wnat you Go shopping anc sey. Peoplemight stockupongeces- tink you srecraz). Cary supplies Talk to Tomaandhell Go to the bridge and ge youhepi ‘See unatstaapening so COARDIA Tarai esi tad Forest. The monsters in this area are ‘not friendly. Be readly for battle. Menstersimay be walting for you deren, CASTLE OF \ GUARDIA When yoll get to.the castle the guards won't let Youn, The {Queen tells thém fo,do so. \ ‘The Guee wit meet you at thestairs. Tig@vcen's glare wil ake Jou tober Marke (disguised asthe Queen) isnisses her ‘Keep your eyes cpen Staff songone JFortreasise boxes Becomes throughout the castle. { SEARCH FOR MARLE Out of nowhere comes ablue flash of light, and Marle disappear onceagain. Now shat? Lucca arrivgs in the nick of time. The'ight flashes and Marke: aisappears ‘stwnenyny | Mal atund an tal mugtt youradro to everyone (a Itiends,ucea but yeurnext mo {SEARCHING \ THE CATHEDRAL ‘Something weird is going on in the cathedral. Talk tb the sisters The sister near the organ isthe key, FROG {APPEARS : ea Po. & Frog Is very proper and gant Prog’ is the Queen's guard anithas come to the cathedral to save her. He will also save you ftom the monsters. Play tne organalia ‘Go thyoupnetne door ‘door vil open: and you will find the Queen OPEN THE HIDDEN DOOR You will soon come across a message on the wall. There is actually a door here, but you find tne message: must hit the Bewalnest (otis switch to open it After you beat the guards, Hit the shal switeh find the soikes wil ‘gain aisappeat has row been opened ‘he tidden door play the organ. Now yourust {entre ev a BERT THEM The Chancel actually. ( FIRST/BOSS) Seathimandget the queen hack. \ cas TLE AGAIN Go c to the castle and talk to everyone. When, you've learned overy' youre ready tog ob ee mor ame before = = x Hewiltransform to Use your Tech his true seta attack to rignt evi monster, the Chancellor Mare thinks maybe the group should go back to the future ‘These three people think Mare looks very muchiike the Queen. Algouse yout bo attacks are IT your it Points, Combo attack to. Veayeffective gel Loo low. use lignt im agansthim. 7 Fonictoret Now it's time to head back to 1000 AD. Go back up ‘the mountain and, find the Time Tunnel From "wen oe, there you will return home. ters thepare This hasbeen avery small stlfarcund. att of your journey. Good ; luck with the rest, ‘ fete | ate 4 ee ed isto ences [iter you win, ouwill ect the Queen. oz =E NDING ling on where you are when feat the final boss, you will different ending. Below are what they may be. eee | ENJOY THE * GAME! RUNNING AWAY FROM REPITITES? CONFUSED BY ae > I$ ‘DHE MASAMUNE MISSING? Ue oficial Crono Trigger bdler’s Guide fromyrtye pres a Be Gore Tegal ree oul find oll she winning setcts for this ameabnte trie, including 132 pages of maps, strategies, enemy charts ancl step-by-step directions. Dor't get lett back sp the dete Call 1-800-255-3700 to order your Crono Trigger Player’ [Guide for only’$14.85, Or ask abet how you can get t free well ou subscribe to Néxtend Poteer The Chrone Trigger PUA (end isanailable October 1 1985, “Canadian resident pay S16. LIMITED WARRANTY SQUARE SOFT, INC. LIMITED WARRANTY SQUARESOFT ie weriantsto oon ora hi SOUARESOFT stir ft erehunar oy ip rrma gan re Sree caret SARC D reel ea (Gene wither ty exsestod u replegwt ay of any Ari ah SQUARE Sore smn forays earogest yeep amet ‘haprogen, the SQUARE SOFT ine oftware pect a come ith ths nies yr SOOM SOT. fe oan oer para gle, ua {ecole meses Are etal rere ded SQUARESORT inc'sFaciorySemeetenies | Be ‘TORECEIVE THs REMEDY: j 1 DDNDTretam yurdfostvo SQUARE SOFT, sotwaroprodet eho ti doce prota SOLAR Fastin Serve Cont at Westpark ash ake HP rong WA 985? PET Tops wr Yu tesla ravi your orem iat “ppiesona! whet oppeerstcbewrormarththeprediee Teremedy rar Sbvebre Qatar ty sila Set esphanepetites Tiswetanty Sala Reapeiatleatshad bev redetectinte SOURRE SOPH fe: uoliware orodes has arzen tweugh abuse, uveaversal i, talon ereesanebewen sna. “THIS WARRANTY Is WN LIEU OF ALL OTHCR WARRANTS AND NO OTH SEROMA DOUATIONS ORAS OF Ae AFORE ha BND GA 1 MEVED WARRANTIES sp eee) Te HENNETY ot GAYPERDSRSCTECONBOVE NADEVENT OL: SUA 4 IRAE ANN OFT, ECT ay a als RESULTING fc POSSESSION. OME OR WWATONGFENGr Te SAS SOFTTAnCmoDIET ete seen ea ing salgaicatsorpatipgo! tedden meg re tovlestairsanl ar exnorsottsiyay deta evan feed dea vue leg as am yu ey aso ave ter ahs ae ar bet il 5 7 SQUARESOFT Proear rm nets Perea eee ane aor ceal at Coed Pionmay is Reeser eRe a. “MEDIEVAL KINGDOM: 600 A.D. SQUARESOFT’ ©1995 SQUARE Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. CHRONO TRIGGER” is a trademark and SQUARESOFT? is a registered trademark of SQUARE ‘o., Ltd. ©1995 Bird Studio/Shueisha LICENSED BY NINTENDO, SUPER NINTENDO: ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM AND THE OFFICIAL SEALS ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC ©1991 NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC Illustrated by Akira Toriyama LLRs a el Bic SQUARESOFT’ ©1995 SQUARE Co., nee pages 's Res CHRONO TRIGGER™ rademark ai nd SQUARESOFT™ istered trade mares ot SQUARE Ce, » Ltd 61995 Bir rd Studio/Shuel U/P-SNS-ACTE-USA(A) PRINTED IN USA =" Wp Ve ACN F ae] me yw. me pe Illustrated by Akira Toriyama U/P-SNS-ACTE-USA(A) PRINTED IN USA

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