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Dissolved oxygen is the biogeochemical level that is tested in this study.

Oxygen is a
byproductof photosynthesis in plants. Oxygen is vital for all living things. Respiration by
aquatic animals,decomposition, and other chemical reactions consume oxygen. An
example would be waste water contains organic materials which are decomposed,
using oxygen in the process. Other sources include runoff, and septic systems. Oxygen
is measured in its dissolved form as dissolved oxygen (DO). Aquatic animals are very
sensitive to DO levels. DO is measured by in milligrams per liter. Milligrams per liter are
the amount of oxygen in a liter of water. DO is determined by the Winkler method. The
Winkler method is performed by filling a sample tube completely, no air bubbles at all.
Then a series of drops are added to the water, which then change the color in
accordance to the DO level. The climate in Virginia is variable. In the area studied, the
average high for November is 59° Fand the average low is 37° F (15° C and 2.78°
C respectively). The average rainfall for the area is 3.61inches (9.17cm). There are five
distinct climate regions in Virginia; the Tidewater region, the Piedmont region, Northern
Virginia, Western Mountains, and Southwestern Mountains .Previous results indicate
cold water will contain more DO than warmer waters. DO ratesfluctuate with water
temperature and diurnally. If DO levels drop below unhealthy levels, the body ofwater
will begin the process of eutrophication, or the excessive growth of algae. The algae
then dies andDO levels drop, killing all living things in the water.

Research Question

Is there a correlation between dissolved oxygen levels and the water temperature?


If the temperature of the water increases, then the dissolved oxygen levels will

Data Section

Independent Variable (IV): Temperature The IV was difficult to isolate

because the temperature will rise by itself, with the air temperature

Dependent Variable: Dissolved oxygen levelsThe DV will change in accordance

to the change in temperature. There will be a negativecorrelation between the
temperature and the DO levels.s

Controlled Variables: Locations measured, amount of water collected, depth

water is collected at, and,how water is collectedI will do my best to control
everything I can, including how deep the DO bottle is submerged,completely fill the
dissolved oxygen bottles for later testing, and the location at which the
atmosphericconditions are measured. I will submerge the DO bottle and shake it
for 5 seconds to remove all airbubbles.Extraneous Variables: Atmospheric
conditions, organisms in water, how fast the temperature rises, and,people in the
water (in boats).These variables I cannot control. The actual weather, including
temperature, humidity, windspeed, and barometric pressure. There are organisms
in the water tested, which cannot be controlled.There are other students at the
field, so I cannot control the location I am testing, for everyone canaccess the
pond. Also, there are private properties on the edge of the field, which all produce
pollutionaffecting the whole area.Abiotic factors: Pollution and atmospheric
conditionsThe abiotic factors in the environment include atmospheric conditions
and pollution. There isprivate property located on the edge of the field. Those
houses are all sources of pollution, be it heatpollution, light pollution, and physical
sources such as trash. Pollution is important, because pollutionaffects organisms
and photosynthetic plants, who cannot survive, then that changes the
biochemicaloxygen demand.

Katherine LeaverDecember 10, 2012Biotic factors: Organisms in the water,

chemical processes, and, decomposing or decomposed matter inthe waterThere are
several biotic factors at the testing site. One big example are organisms in the
water.There will be humans, fish, and other organisms all producing heat in the
water, which will raise thetemperature. Also, aquatic organisms will use the DO to
preform cellular respiration and deplete the DOlevels, which are replaced by the
photosynthetic plants (Called the BOD or biochemical oxygen demand).The
chemical processes all take DO to complete the reactions. And decomposing or
decomposed matterproduce oxygen as a byproduct.I will have 10 recorded points
of where I took the water samples, and 10 recorded points onwhere I recorded the
atmospheric conditions on land. The land conditions will be on the chart with the
letter “a” after

the trial number. The water samples will be on the chart with the letter “b” after the trial
number. I will use the DO testing kit to perform the tests after gathering the
samples. I will be using athermometer (connected to a LabQuest), a barometer, and
an anemometer.Materials

10 labeled dissolved oxygen bottles

LabQuest with relative humidity and temperature probes.

Dissolved oxygen testing kit

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