The Script: What Went Well I Think It Went Well I Worked Together. I Can Show My Opinions To Others

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The script

Anth: Welcome to the Jeremy bumfart. Here is are first

contestant is Princes turd who works in a horrible factory.
Also there is A mAn who AppArently beAt’s her.

Maria: (strolls in) mister strong is the worst boss ever! He

hits me he wips me he torches me for fun!

JAvell: (wAlks in proudly) thAt over there is A liAr! i don’t

even do anything to her. (he said definitely

Maria: last year I was working for 16 hours and I got my

arm trapped in the machine and Mr strong laughed in my
face and stopped the machine while taking my week wage
away from me just for stopping the machine.

Anth: i’m reAlly shocked he would do thAt to you. did you do

that Mr strong? ( he shouted)

(Javell punches Anthony)

BRANDON: (take this and leave!)

Anth: this is the end of the Jeremy bumfart show.

What went well I think it went well I worked together.

I can show my opinions to others.

.S:you described specific events children had to face.

T:explain why children was treated this way.

A:add another paragraph on what needs to change.

Children should be banded from working in factories and

mills forever.

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