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VINH BA - CAM HOAN BalL_Tae THGC HANH TIENG ANH 6 S—cangeoverbotiemeniee ‘SL Béi dudng hoc sinh khé, gidi (Tai ban tina) CO DAP AN VINH BA - CAM HOAN BAI TAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 6 CO DAP AN Cuing cé va bé tr¢g kién thite © Béi dung hoc sinh khd, gidi (Tai ban lan thit ba) NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC SU PHAM Lei ndi déw Nhim mye dich hd tro them ede phan bai tap cia sch giéo khoa mdi, nhém bién soan ching t6i da e6 gang dua vao mot s6 bai tap nham mye dich, gitip cho hoc sinh lam quen véi edu true mdi cing nhu luyén tap, cting 6 phan tir vung. Sach bai tap nay duge bién sogn theo ede chit diém sau Phéin A. Dé luyén tp ti vung chting t6i da dua vao ede phéin bai tap 1. Missing letters (Chit khuyét). 2. Anagram (Déo Ion thi ty chit trong tio. 8, Missing words (Tu khuyét). 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box / or with appropriate prepositions (Dién vao ché trong véi tit cho trong khung hoe gidi tir thieh hop). 5. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (Chon tir ding dé hoan thank eau), 6. Write in full words (Viet biing char s0'dém, s6 thir ty hoae gid), Phéin B. Cac bai luy 2, cling engi php duge dua vao ede dang : Chiu trach nhigm xudt ban: Gidm déc BINH NGQC BAO ‘Téng bién tap BINH VAN VANG Chiu trach nhiém néi dung va ban quyén: Nha sach HONG AN n tp cfu trie mdi vA ren luyé Bién tap néi dung: 1. Arrange in order (Sap xép theo thit tu). PHAM THI VUI 2. Match up the sentences (Ghép ede cau héi va tra lai lai vdi nhau). Trinh bay bia: 3. Turn into negative and interrogative (Déi sang phi dinh va PHAM VIET QUANG 4, Write questions for the underlined words (Dat edu héi cho nhimg tir gach dudi. 5. Write questions for these answers (Viét cau héi cho nhdng edu tra Ii nay). 6. Write questions with the cues given (Viét cau hi véi nhimg eum tir cho sin). 7, Put the adverbs in their right positions (Dat trang tit vao vi tri dung). 8, Write commands (Viét ahang edu yeu edu. 9. Supply the correct tense form of the verbs (cung edip thi ding ctia dong tit trong ngoae’. 10. Choose the correct words to complete the passage (Chon tit ding dé hoan thanh doan van). Phiin C. G cudi méi hoe Ki chting toi e6 dua ra mot sé dé thi goi ¥ git rare ede em lam quen véi cde dang dé thi méi day. Ching t6i hi vong cudn sich bai tap nay s® gitip ich duge nhiéu cho ede em hge sinh va gio vien trong qué trinh day va hoe theo chung trinh méi MG 86: 02.02.784/1181 - PT2012 BAL TAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 6 In 1.800 cud, Kh6 16 x 24em tai Cong ti TNHH MTV in Tin LOe ~ Thanh phd H Chi Minh ‘ing ki Kb hogch vat bin <6. 78 — 2012/0KBI7B4 - AB/EHSP ngty 1391/2012 (8X8 56: 1334/08-DHSP ngay 26072012. Nhom bien soan in xong va np lus chidu quy | nm 2018. Unit 1: GREETINGS A. GRAMMAR ‘The Verb Be Affirmative Full forms Short form Tam Tm ‘You are You're He is He's She is She's Itis Irs We are We're You are You're They are ‘They're B. EXERCISES I. Missing letters 1, God maning! 2, God aftirnom! 8, Goo. evnicg! 4, Hullo! 5. Hit 6. Whit's your nam? 7. My mums Ba. 8. Hiw ae yu? Fun, thacks. 10.200d bie! M- Anagrams 1. Good ormngin ! 2. Good faretnono! 8, Good veeingn ! 4, Loleh ! 5. My amon's Ba. 6, I am leeevn. 7. This is my rachete. 8.1'm wetlve, 9. How lod are you? 10. Good eby ! IIL Missing words 1. morning. 2. How you? 8, Fine, 4, 0 name's Ba 5. eleven. 6. Mr Lam, our 7.,__'mtwelve, 8, What's name? 9, How are you ? old. 10. I'm twelve IV- Arrange in order 1. are / you / how /? 2. Thank / fine / you. 8. is This / Ba 4, Lan /’s / name / my 5. twelve /am /T 6. name /'s / what /? / your. 7. is /Mr Son / That 8. am / Phong /T 9, old / how / you / are /? 10. eleven /I/ years / am / old V- Match up 1. Hello! (a) Good morning ! Hoa. ‘My name's Ba. Tb) Bye Bye! What's your name ? Ce) How are you? 4. He's Mr. Son. Gen: 5. Iam eleven. (le) What's your name ? 6. How are you? [19 My name's Lan, 7. Hi! This is Lan. Clg) Hello ! I'm Ba. 8. Good morning ! Ba C1») Fine, thanks. 9. Goodbye. Gb He's my father. 10. Iam fine. Thank you. VI- Write in full words Od How old are you? 1: one 6: un 16 2: two 7 2 7 3 8 1B: 18 4 9 4 19 6 10 15 20 VII. Complete the conversat mn. Use the questions in the box ‘a) Hello, what's your name ? b) Are you students ? ¢) How old are you ? d) Where are you from ? e) Are they from England, too ? Tom : My name's Tom. ‘Tom : I'meleven. Tom : I'm from England. lan: Tom : No, they're from China. ‘Tom : Yes, we are. VII. Complete the conversation between Lan and Tom Lan is eleven years old. Tom is eleven, too. She's from Vietnam. He is from England. IX. Multiple choice / choose the correct words to complete the fol- lowing sentences rn eleven years old. b) are 2. They ___ students. a) am b) is ©) are 3, Hello, name's Hoa. al b) my ©) me 4. What ____ your name ? a) are b) am od is are you ? I'm fine, thank you. a) What. b) Who ©) How 6, Hello, Mary. ___ is Peter a) This ‘b) That ¢) There 7, ___ are you ? I'm eleven. a) How b) What. ©) How old 8 my name's Tam, a) Good b) Hello ©) Good night 9. She twelve years old. a) am b) are ©) is 10. Tam ___ grade six. a) on b) in ©) at 11. Good ___, Mrs Lan. How are you? a) bye b) morning) night She is seven ___ old. a) year b) years ©) yearly 18, Hello, Nga. This is Mai and this is Lan. are in grade 6. a) She b) You ©) They 14. Two plus two equals a) five b) six ©) four JN. Ten minus seven equals _ 7 a) three b) four ©) two 16. T and Mai are friends, are students. a) They b) We ©) You 17. Ba is a good boy. __ is in grade 6. @) She b) He ©) They 18. This is my dog. is lovely. a) She b) He eit 19. You and Lan ___ good friends a) am b) is ©) are 20. = Good bye. 2) Good afternoon) Good evening _¢) Good night. X. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word to make the passage meaningful Hi, my is Nga. 1 ama student. I am. grade 6. The name —— my school is HONG HA. I am eleven old. This __ Lan. is my friend. This is Quang. ___ is in my class. |. are good students, and I___, too, Unit 2; AT SCHOOL A. GRAMMAR 1. The Verb BE Interrogative Negative Pall forms Short forms AMT cose? Tam not Tm not Are you You are not You aren't Is she She is not She isn't Isho He is not He isn't Ts it acon? tis not Itisn't ATO WO conn? We are not We aren't Are YOU snes? You are not You aren't Are they wesnn? ‘They are not They aren't . Commands Come i Close your book. Sit down, Stand up. Open your book, B. EXERCISES I. Missing letters 1. Coe 2.St don. 3. St_nd _p. 4, Opn yur bok. 5. CLs. yur bok 6. Whe d_ yu Lv? 7. ILy_ 0. Bond Street. 8 Hw od ae yu? 9. Wht yor nm? 10. M_ n_me'_ Ba, U- Anagrams 1. andst up, 2. its down, 3, emoe in. 4. enpo the door. 5. Close the inwawo, 6, erewh do you live ? 7. Llive on a eetstr. 8. How do you ellsp it ? 9, My amen is Lan. TI. Missing words 1. This _.\_ my teacher. 3. Im student. 5. What | this? 7 Wea basket. 9, ___ old are you? IV- Arrange in order 1, is / my / this / school. 8. that / teacher / your / is /? 5. live / do / where / you /? 7. live /on/1/ Tran Phu Street. 9. are / you/ old / how /? ‘Y-Mateh up 1. What's your name ? 2. How old are you? 8. Where do you live ? 4, How do you spell it ? 5. Is that your teacher ? 6. Is this your class ? 7, Are you a student ? 8. How are you? 9. Is this your desk ? 10. Do you live in a city ? 10. Is this your oormassel ? 2. Is____ your desk ? 4. This is __ eraser. 8. Where you live ? 8. How ___ you spell it ? 10, I am twelve ___ old. 2, am/a/1/ teacher, 4, that / bag / is / your /? 6, name / how / do / your / you / spell /? 8. live / city / you /a/ in. 10. am /I/ years / old / twelve. Oa) Lan Ob) Yes, I do, Te) No, that’s my desk. Ca) Yes, that my teacher. Ce) Iive on Tran Phu Street. 0 1m twelve. Og) I'm fine: Thank you. [h) No, that's my class. Ob Yes, Tam. (Od My name's Ba, ye 6. Close book. ae “ 7. _____ do you live? 1. a teacher / in the hall a) What b) Who ©) Where 2. a book /on the floor 4. a piece of cake / in the a) am by is ©) are idge 5. a cat / behind the tree “ 9. Live Le Loi street. 2]- There are books in this bag. i) a) at b) in oon 1. four people /in the ear 10, Where _he live? 2. thirty boys and girls / in this class a) do by is ©) does 3. two taxis /in the street 11, Tes inkpot 4, three shoes / in the kitchen aa by the 6a 5. six schools /in the ety 12, ___ do you spell your name ? vit 2) What by How ©) Which Reading 18, Is this an? This is Lan. She is leven years old. She is a student. The name of her 8) ruler by book ©) eraser school is TRAN PHU. It is on TRAN HUNG DAO street. She lives on 14, ____ is that ? It's a pencil. TRAN HUNG DAO street, too. @ Which by How ©) What True or False 15. How old is your brother? __ is five 1. Lan is a student a) She by He ot 2. She is twelve yours old. 16. Mr and Mrs Lam ___ teachers, 8. The name of her school is TRAN PHU. ee ae ©) am oe ee 17. These are my classmates. ___ are twelve years old |. She lives on Le Lei street. ae ee eee Vil. Choose the correct word o complet the following sentences 48, Fifteen plus five equals |. is a teacher ‘ 7 — fa) nineteen —b) twenty) eighteen =) You ye oa 19. our sister ten ae ? = 2. Is that friend ? * * a) he ‘b) you ©) your. oe a ra ne 20, Where do they __? De hin ow living lives ©) live 4. your book to page 16, please. 1X. Supply the correct words to complete the passage 2) Close ) Read ©) Open When my teacher comes __, we ___ up to greet her. She lets us 5. sit Gown, Then we our books. We learn two, She tells us to our books and a) on b) in ©) down, ‘the exercises again. 10 a Unit AT HOME A. GRAMMAR, a) WH question (question words) 1. What What is... What does he / she do? What are ....? What do you do? 2, How How old is .. How many + plural noun + are there .... 3. Who Who is ....? Who are ....? b) Plural forms of nouns and demonstratives 4. Singular noun + S$ > — plural noun door > — doors book > books student > students 2. Singular noun ending in -ch, -ch, -8, -x, -0 + ES -» plural noun dish > dishes bench, bus benches buses box boxes 3. ‘This these potato > — potatoes ‘That + — those B. EXERCISES I- Missing letters 1. amear 2euh 3. Lm 4. bob L 5. stro 6 bob 7 tivson 8. tlpoe 9% st_ls lene 12 HL. Anagrams L 2. 3. what is isth ? It's a abtle atwh is that ? ~ It's an rmacairh, athw are eseth?— ~ They are tools. what are oseth ? ‘They are enchebs, ‘This is my issert. How is esh ? What is his aemn ? 8. He's a eatrehe. 9. 10. ‘This is my afimly. She's my inedfr IIT Missing words 8. My father _ 10. |. How many doors are is my family. ‘There four __ in my family. a doctor How ____ people are there in your __ What his name ? John. What's is that ? It's Lan, name ? Linda. 2 There one, . There four windows. His father is engineer, IV- Arrange in order L 2. 3. are / in / we / our / room / living. are / there / people / in / four / my / family. father (a / my / is / doctor. mother / is / his / nurse / a brother / years / is / her / ten / old, he / what / do / does ? mother / father / their / and / teachers / are. are / in / they / house / the. mother / does / what / her / do /? many / how / are / your / there / in / students / class /? sa V- Match up 1. Who is this ? 2, What does he do ? 3. How many people are there in your family ? What does your father do ? How old is your brother ? What do your parents do ? Where are they ? How old is Mr. Kién ? How many chairs are there in the room ? eeseae 10. Where is your teacher ? VI- Write in full words 10 ten 36 15 fifteen, 40 20 45 25 50 30 55 VII- Complete the crossword Da) My mother's a nurse. Oa He's forty. the classroom. (Cle) They are in the yard, (10 My father is a teacher. (Cg) There are four people. (C» He's ten. Op He's a student (CW) She's my sister. 60 65. 70 aa 85 90 95 100 What are the differences ? (There are ten) In picture one, there are four people at number 89. In picture two, there are three people at number 89. Now it's your turn ! / there are In picture one, ther In picture two, there is / there are Choose the correct words to complete the following sentences are you ? I'm fine, thank you. 8) How oid (BY How ©) How many 2. There ____a big board in my classroom. a) am bois ©) are are in our classroom, a) She b) We c) He 4. ____ students are there in your class ? There are 40, ‘@))How much bh) How ) How many 5. are these ? They're my friends a) What b) Who ©) How ____ are there in your classroom ? ~ Tables, chairs, a board and a teacher's desk. a) How many b) What ©) How 7, ____ is your house ? It's on Dien Bien Phu street. a) What b) Which ) Where 8. What your parents do? a) are b)) does ©) do 9, She lives with __—_ family. a) his b) her ) my 10. How many are there in your family ? a) people by students) teachers 11. Lan is a good girl parents are happy. a)) her by his e) my 12, ‘That is Mr. Ba with ___ students. a) her by his ©) their 13. is your father ? He's a doctor. a) How b) Who ) What 14. Lan on Nguyen Hue street. a) lives by live ©) living 15, ____ are their pencils. a) Th b) That ©) These 16. Hoa ! How old is father ? a) my ) your ©) their 17. ___is your brother ? He's a student, a) What. ») How ©) Who 18, My father and mother are __. a) teacher b) teaches ) teachers 19. Lan’s father is a doctor. Tam’s father is a doctor, __ a) too b) to e) two 20. There are two in my living-room. a) cookers: b) boards ©) couches X- Supply the correct words to complete the passage ‘This is Tam, He's twelve ___ old. He's ___ student. There are four __ in his family : his father, his mother, his sister and he. His father is ____ engineer. ____ is forty years old. His mother a teacher, and she's forty, Ww I Anagrams Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL ? 1 A. GRAMMAR 3. 1. Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjectives 5. 1 my 7 You your 9. She her He his 1 i its 2. We our 3. You your a ‘They their 5. 2. Wh- questions (question words: WHERE, HOW MANY, WHAT) 6. a) Where is / are ....? i b) How many + plural noun + are there .....? & = There is one / a + singular noun 0 plural noun What's the time ? - ‘There are + ©) What time is it My sheolo is in the ieyt, ‘Trhee are twenty easslrmoos. Which cassl are you in ? She gets derssde. Thave bearkfsat at home. 4. 6. Where is your clssaoomr ? 8. She bursesh her eetth. 10. I ashw my cefa. Tam in grade ixs. IIL Missing words |. His school small. Itisin country, ‘Thu’s school is the city. ‘There are four hundred in his school. Which ___are you in? 1___ in grade 6. How many does your school have ? - Two. is your classroom ? ~ On the first floor. Ba ____his teeth every day. He ___ to school every morning. . What ___ is it ? It’s ten o'clock. IV- Arrange in order wha 4. school /is / big / your /? 4) Which grade / Which class are you in ? 4. is / a1 school /it/ big. 8. floors / have / your / does / how / school / many /? 3. Present simple tense _ 4. grade / in / you / which / are /? Affirmative form “Ss 5V Gs -o) ) 5. your /is / where / classroom /? oo 1 brush 6. up/Ba/ at / gets / every / six / morning. — ee 7. gets / and /he / goes / he / dressed / school / to Stews She brushes 8. has /he / at / breakfast / thirty / soven - 9. time / you / what / get / up / do /? He gets up He brushes 10. are /late / we / school / for We got up We brush @match up You get up You brush 1. What time is it 7 a) Two. ‘They get up a 2, What time doos he got up ? [by It's twelve o'clock 3. Where is your school ? eo) It's small. 3B. EXERCISES 4. Is it in the city or in the country? [J d) I go to school. I. Missing letters 5. What do you do every morning? e) I'm in Grade 6 nas stdin 6. Which class are you in? 1b Ws on the second floor. 4. hind e 6. 6. eae 7. Which grade are you in ? Cm) It's on Dong Khoi street 7. be. 9% ws. 10. buh. 8. Where is her classroom ? ED hb) tes in the city. 18 19 Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjectives 9, Is your schoo! big or small ? GLb He gets up at six 10, How many floors does [OP Tm in class 6A. 1 a ‘your school have ? You VI- Ask and answer about the time She 1. What time is it ? fs TV's four fifteen te You ‘They ‘VIII- Write in full words 1" first ae 7™ 10% 2" second Bm 8 au ont \ om ot hot 4 1x. Text Its ten to eight Its elght o'clock, {tis ten past eight. ‘Sam Is in bed. Sam is in the bathroom. Sam is in his room. VII- Match them up and write the possessive adjectives {is haif past eight. Its quarter to nine. Its nine o'clock. eo Test ee — — ee ( Gert) At ten past eight, Sam is in the kitehen, - At half past eight, Sam is down- “a i stairs. 4, At a quarter to nine, Sam is in the car. his Kz) 21 CBenoose the correct words to complote the sentences 1. This is Nga, __ school is big: a) His b) Your ©) Her 2. That is __ house. 8) Long 1b) Long's ©) He 3. ___ is your school ? It's in the city. a) What b) Which ©) Where 4, Is Phong’s school the country ? a) on b) in © at 5. ___ the chair big? a) Is b) Are ©) Am 6, ___ class are you in ? I'm in class 6A. a) What, 'b) Which, ©) Where 7. She's grade 6, a) on b) in we) at 8, My classroom is on the __ floor. a) two b) one ‘) second 9. How many classrooms ___ your school have ? a) do b) are ©) does 10. She ____ her teeth every morning. a) brushing ——_b) brush ©) brushes: 11, He washes ___ face. a) her b)his ©) its 12, ___is the time ? a) What, b) When ©) Which 13. do you get up ? At 6:00 am. a) When b) What ey What time 14. She gets dressed 6:30 a.m. b) in ©) on school at 6:45. b) in e) to they have breakfast ? b) are ))/do 17. It's ___ past nine (9:15) a) half b) twenty ©) a quarter 18. How mai ___ are there in your classroom, a) chair b)) chairs ©) table 19. Every____, she goes to school at 6:30. a) afternoon b) morning) night 20. Is the table 2 No, it's small, a) small b) big ©) little , XI- Supply the correet words to complete the passage ° Nga ____ in the city. Every morning she __ up at 6:30. She her teeth, She her face. She a big breakfast. Then she ___ dressed. She to school at 6:30. She in grade 6. Her __ is on the second floor. It big. There 42 students in her class. She loves. friends and teachers very much. Unit 5: THINGS I DO A. GRAMMAR 1. Present simple tense a) Affirmative : I play T watch Ido You play ‘You watch You do He plays He watches He does She plays She watches She does We play ‘We watch We do You play ‘You watch You do They play ‘They watch ‘They do 6) Negative: 8 + do/does+ NOT + do not = don't does not = doesn't I don't play I don't wateh Tdon't do ‘You don't play You don’t watch ‘You don't do He doesn't play He doesn't watch He doesn't do She doesn't play She doesn't watch She doesn't do ‘We don't play We don't watch, We don't do ‘You don't play You don’t watch ‘You don't do ‘They don't play ‘They don't watch They don't do 23 ©) Interrogative: Da / docs + 3 Do I play ..? Do I watch Do I do/..? Do you play Do you wateh...? Do you do... ? Does he watch ...? Does she wateh ... ? Do we watch ... ? Do you wateh ... ? Do they watch Does he play ... ? Does she play ...? Do we play... ? Do you play ..? Do they play ...? Does he do. ? Does she do ...? Do we do... ? Do you do ...? Do they do... ? 2, Wh- questions (question words: WHAT TIME, WHEN, WHAT) a) What time + do/does + S + V..? b) When + do/does + S + V..? ©) What + do/does + S + V..? EXERCISES I- Missing lettere cia 1 haw 2 mse 3B Ls 4. vtLyb 5B. sc 6 sot, 7 soe 8. Lint %. gorpy 10. h_st_ Anagrams 1, Every yad, Ietg up at six. 2. I go to soolch in the ormignn. In the fatrenono I play megas. 4. Every ingneve, I do my mehorkwo. 5. She sewacht television. 6, He islenst to musics, 7. We play Meyvoallb. 8, They play oceser. 9, She aktes a sohwer. 10, You have unlch at home. Til. Missing words 1. She ____ up at six every morning. 2, ____ she have breakfast at six ? 3. When ___he take a shower ? 4. Do girls ___ soccer 7 5. Lan ___ plays volleyball. 6, Tam ___ television every evening. 7, Thave ____ from seven to quarter past eleven. 8. We ____ go to school on Sundays. 9. ____ time do you have lunch ? 10, When ____ your class start ? Gy) Arrange in order 1. have / we / when / literature / do? 2. time / does / have / she / what / breakfast ? 8. he / shower / a / every / does / take / mor ng /? 4. you / on / what / Tuesday / do / have /? 5. timetable / don't / my /I/ have, 6. does / housework / she / her /do/? 7. watches / every / he / evening / television. 8. have / at / we / past / lunch / eleven / half, 9. home / goes / father / five / at / his / o'clock, 10. listens / music / in / to / afternoon / Ba / the. YV- Match up 19. What time do you have dinner ? ve 1, Do you play soccer ? 2. What time does she get up ? 8. What do you do in the afternoon ? 4, When do they go to school ? 5. Does she play volleyball ? 6. Who does the housework ? 7. When do you have math ? 8. How many days are there ina week? 9. What time is it? a) We have dinner at seven. [0 b) It’s half past ton. Ge) No, I don't. [Hl @) There are seven. le) My mother does. (if She gets up at six. Gl ®) We play games. [Db No, she plays tennis [Db At half past six. Gp Every Tuesday. Arrange in order to have a meaningful passage I go to school at quarter to seven. I get up at six in the morning. In the afternoon, I play games. I take a shower. I have classes from seven to quarter past eleven. In the evening, I watch television. Hi ! I'm Ba. 1 do my homework. At half past eleven. I have lunch. I eat a big break- fast. I go to bed at ten o'ctock. I go home at five o'clock. Vil. Rewrite, replacing "I by "He". Make other changes if necessary Ex; Fle goos to school every day. I go to school every day. On Monday, | have maths and literature, On ‘Tuesday, I study English and history. { have geography and physics on Wednesday. Every Thursday, I have physical exercises. On Friday, 1 learn chemistry and biology. 25 vi II- Write : Follow the models [E- Does tan tike mathe? ~ Yes, she does 1. Hoa TV 2. Tam / horses 8. Vu/ building 2J- Does Sam like maths ? No, he doesn't. 1. Phong / geography 2, Hoang / buses 8, Sa / football [B]- rove TV but I hate maths ! 1, French / English 2, football / tennis 4, art / gym 5. school / holidays {a} . television . Sam and Ba . goldfish Do you like dogs ? Yes, Ido. meat, avy Do you like dogs ? No, I don't, I prefer cats. CGD essoreonsrvoost @ sD) Bnalish / French BUIT qn SE tea / coffee & Hue / Ho Chi Minh City I like fish. I don't like cats. school / the cinema 2, doctors / dentists radio / television 4. white / green - football / rugby 27 [a]- what time do you usually get up ? Apples ~ Tusually get up at 7 o'clock. Apples on the branches, Apples on the tree, Apples in boxes : Just for you and me. “fy Red apples, green apples, feptes al arcane } ‘org comes the Wind oP na blows them 10 the ground J Apples for your dinner, Apples for your tea, 1. have breakfast / 7:30 2, go to school / 7:45 have lunch / 12:30 4. go home / 4:45 5. do your homework / 5:15 Now it's your turn ! 2. Sang / read / books / magazines What do you love ? What do you hate ? . An x 8. Tam / work / in the morning / in the afternoon gap 5. Nam / get up / late early 28 29 [Bo] What do you do in the hotiday 7 ~ I go to my mother's ranch. 1. on Wednesdays / play football 2, after school / do my homework 3. at seven oiclock / get dinner ready 4. after dinner / read a book 5. on Sundays / watch TV Where do you work ? = I work in a hospital. 1, when / go to the ranch / in summer 2. why / watch TV / because I love westerns 8. How / go to school / by bus 4. What /do after school / go home 5. Where / buy bread / at the baker's Ge) choose the correct words to complete the sentences 1. She listen to in the evening, a) books ‘by music ©) homework 2. What time does she have ? a) dressed b) teeth ¢) breakfast 30 3. They go ‘at 6:00 p.m, a) school by) lass ©) home 4. Thu the housework every day a) do ) does eNesee — does he do in the afternoon ? &) Which ) When ©) What 6. Hoa and Lan ____ games in the afternoon. play by plays ©) playing 1. My parents watch in the evening =) musie ) radio 6) television 8. The boys ___ volloyball in the afternoon, Ayptays Gb) play ©) playing do they have dinner? At 6:00 pm 2) Where b) What time 6) When 10, Does she books in the evening ? a) watch ®)read ©) listen 11, ___ do you have Bnglish ? On Monday and Friday ©) What time ——-b) What ©) When 12, There are days in a wook, a) six D)jseven «eight 18, Thursday comes before Wednesday DB) Friday ©) Monday 14. What is your first on Monday ? It’s English, 2) school yelass 6) ctossroom 15. Igo to at 10:00 pm. 2) schoo! ) home @))bed 16. He takes every morning a) breakfast (b))shower ©) dressed 17, ___ does your sister do in the evening ? a) When 4) Where (©)What 18, Whon Hoa and Lan have history ? Hii doce bdo Oar 19, There are thirty ___ in my school a) class 1) classrooms @) bathrooms 20. We have lunch home ain by on eat 31 X- Supply the correet words to complete the passage ‘Tam is a student in ____ 6. She is in __ 6A. She to school in the morning, At school she —— many subjects. Her first class begins —— 7:00 a.m. She ____ a break at 8:30. She __ home at 11:30. She lunch at home with her parents. In the afternoon, she some games with her friends. After dinner, she ___ her homework. She ____ televi- sion, She ___ to bed at 10:00 p.m. Unit 6: PLACES A. GRAMMAR, 1. There is ‘There are .. 2. Preposi in front of next to behind near to the left of in to the right of on. between opposite 8. Wh- questions (question words : WHICH ~ WHERE - WHAT) Where is ...? Its Where are . ‘They're Which is ..? Its B. EXERCISES I. Missing letters Le yird 6. owe LL 16. fet Rbeutfl Trepdd 12 17. sor. 3 rvr 8 pr 13. 18. hLus_ 4k 9. viLg. 4. 19. b__kst_r 5. htt 10, cutr 15. 20. tw T-Anagrams 2, Our ouhes has a yard. 4, We levi in a house. 6. His father rkswo in a feaotyr, 1, He ivesl in the icty. 3. [have a borthre. 5. There si a oshiplat in the gheinbrohdoo. 7. Her soochl is near a astdmiu. 8. Where does she rkwo ? 9. The ohtle is opposite the nkba. 10, ‘There are tall ectrs behind the seouh, 32 IL- Missing words 1. We live in house the lake, 2. __ trees and flowers ___ the park, a near the ___ paddy. 4, In __ of the house, there is _ yard, 5. ____ the house, there _talll trees. 8 __ the left of the house, there _a well. 7. ___ the street, there is ___ restaurant. & Hor father in factory. 8. Her mother's house is a bookstore. 10. The movie theater is the bakery ___ the drugstore. © Arrange in order 1 children / in / are / the /taystore / the 2, girls /in /the / ae / the bookstore 8. restaurant / drugstore / opposite / is / the / the 4. photocopy / station / the / store / police to / next / is edo / they / near / temple / a? 6. is / hospital /a / the / in / there / neighborhood 7. left / the fof to / house / is / there / well /a 8. mother / works / his // in / factory 8. father / where / work / does / his /? 10, the / bakery /the /the / betwoen / is / and / restaurant /toystore V- Match up 1. Where do you live? QO a) The drugstore is in front of his house. 2. What are those ? b) There is a yard behind my house. 8, Where does your father work ? ©) The police station is next to the bank. 4. Where is the hotel ? d) The hotel is between the bank and the bakery. €) The toystore is in front of my school, ) He works in a hospital @) They are rice paddies. hh) It’s opposite the bank, i) Yes, there is. 4) On Tran Hung Dao Street. 5. Is there a museum in the city ? 6. Where is the police station ? 7. Which is her house ? 8. What is in front of his house ? 9. What is behind your house ? 10. What is in front of your school ? oooooOa0a0aa 33 VL Write twelve different questions from the magic square six ques 9. There river __ our house tion with Do, six with Docs Then, answer them 10. There are many flowers the park. vie, s What do your friends drink’? ~My frends drink milk vu. Ba Ware doy ren ne?— MY hr ein QL oO) | __h yas Now it’s your turn P Tae Mae ? a 2 2 ow CWE SHOPS 5 ; = Ee = per music << ba > ES like a g your friend AF 3 = = | EE & yousp : 6 8 [i] Where's the baker's ? 0 0 It's at number fifteen. VIL. Fill the blanks with appropriate prepositions Now it's your tuen 1. The bakery is __ to the drugstore, 1, Where's the butcher's ? 2, Where's the grocer's ? 2. ‘The restaurant is ___ the movie theater and the toystore. 3. Where's the toy shop ? 4. Where's the flower shop ? 8. The children are __ the bookstore, 5. Where's the bike shop ? 44, The police station ie the bank [2] The bike shop's at number thirteen. 5. There is a flower garden in front ____ the house, } It's at number seventeen. 6. There are tall trees the house. your tum f 7, ___ the right of the house, there is a well. cae ere at number twelve 8. ____ the left of the house, there is a lake. * }op's at number twenty. 35 36 5. Tim's at 3. The Indian restaurant's at number nineteen, 4, Tessa’s at number five. mber twenty-one. eter 2S 3: Seon 3: inva WHO AMI? 1, I'm in the tree, Who am I? You're the 2, I'm under the car, Who am I? You're the 8, I'm behind the car, Who am 1? 4, I'm on the shoe shop, Who am I? 5. I'm at number thirteen, Who am I? 1 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. My house'is the bookstore and the toystore. a) near b) between ©) next to There is a park our school a) between b) next to ©) near Nam's father works in a He's a doctor. a) factory 'b) hospital €) school Mais mother teaches history. She's a__, a) doctor b) worker ©) teacher Lien's father is a worker. He works in a a) hospital 'b) school ©) factory does he work ? In the museum, a) What b) Where ©) Which ‘The cat is ___ the left of the box. a) in b) to ©) at My classroom is ___ the library. a) in b) opposite ©) at We eat dinner in a small___. a) store b) restourant ©) movie theater ‘There are many trees ___ the house. a) left b) right ©) behind The toystore is the bookstore. a) next to b) behind ©) in front of is Ba’s house ? a) What b) Which ©) When Minh lives in the eity his father, mother and sister. a) and b) with ©) near house is next to a bookstore. a) They 'b) Them ©) Their In the ___, there is a factory and a hospital. a) neighborhood —b) yard ©) garden There is a big in front of the house. a) well b) flowers ©) yard ‘The bakery is __ the movie theatre. a) at b) between ©) opposite ‘The children in the toystore. a) am b) is ©) are 37 19. What are ____? They are trees. a) those by) this ) that, 20. ‘There is a____ and a park near my house. a) bookstore b) river, ce) drugstores X- Supply the correct words to complete the passage ‘Thuy is twelve ___ old. She ___ in the country. She ____ a brother. ____ name is Minh, ___ lives in a house near a lake, house has a yard, It beautiful. are trees and flowers. There is __ big yard in front of the house. In the neighborhood, there is a park a temple. YOUR HOUSE Unit A. GRAMMAR 1. Questions and answers with I5 THERE..., ARE THERE, — Is there a lake ? ~ Yes, there is / No, there isn't. — Are there tall trees behind the house ? ~ Yes, they are / No, they aren't. 2, Verb TO BE ‘Affirmative : Negative Interrogative Full forms | Short forms | Full forms | Short. forms Tam .. “|rm I am not ... I'm not Am I...? Hyou are... |You're ‘you are not... [Youaren't Are you ..? He is . He's He is not Heisn't — |Ishe 2 She is. She's She isnot... [Sheisn't —_|Is she ..? Ieis Is It is not .. It isn't Isit 2 Weare... |We're Weare not... [Wearen't | Are we You are... {You're You are not. |Youaren't [Are you ..? they are .._|They're [They are not ..._|They aren't _| Are they ..? 8, Wh- question (question word : HOW) How + do / does + S + go/ travel 2 vgtble 3. 5 ps 6 8B tavl 9. IL. Anagrams 1. Tam in the ouentyr with my friend. 2. We live in a eaubitluf house. 3. There is a oflwre garden. 4. Is there a evegablet garden behind the house ? 5. I live in an paartentm in town. 6. There is a userparmetk near my house. 7. She goes to work by otmoikeb. 8. His father tarelvs to Hanoi by anepl. 9. ‘Tom goes to school by usb. 10. My friend alwks to school, IIl- Missing words 1. Igo to___ every morning. 2. She her house at half past six. 3. Classes at seven and at half past eleven. 4. [walk and have my at twelve. 5. What do you have lunch ? 6. How does your father to Hanoi ? 7. She ___ in a house the country. 8 It is very ___ in the county. 9 Itis very in the city. 10. Does he live in IV- Arrange in order 1. friend / does / live / country / the / in / your /? 2. travels / work / to / Mr. Hai / by / train 8. go/ school / to / by / I/ bike. 4, lives /he / near / post - office / the. 5. hours / we / spend / trees / the / and / flowers / the / among 6. toystore / is / there / near / a/ house / my 7. time / your / what / classes / do / start /? or in the country ? B. leave / we / house / at / our / past / half / six 8. father /to/ travels / her / Dalat / car / by. 10, you / do / how / school / to / go /? 39 Ve Match up 1. Where does he live ? [a Yes, there are. 2. Does she live in town ? (1b) They're shops, 8, Where's your house ? Ble) Yes, it is. 4, What time does he get up? d) No, he goes to schoo! by bike 5. How does che goto work? [EJ e) At seven o'clock, 6. When do classes start ? [1 He lives in town, 7. Is it noisy in town ? im By motorbike, 8. What are those ? [1b At six o'clock. 9. Does he walk to school ? [Id No, she lives in the country 10. Are there any stores near [LD It's opposite the post - office. How do peopie travel 7 Label the means of transport. your house ? VL Rewrite the following sentences in negative and interrogative forms 1. There is a yard in front of the house 2, She travels to work by train 8. He lives in the city, 4, ‘Tom gots up at six every morning 5. ‘Thero are trees and flowers in the garden. 6. We leave our house at half past six 7. Ba lives 8. His house is near the police station 8. This vory quiet in the country 10, He goos to schoo! by bus. (VX Fil in the blanks with question words ‘an appartment. 1. WLijtime does she get up ? ~ At six o'clock. 2. are those ? ~ They're shops. 3. grade are you in ? ~ Grade 6. 4, \wda! does he go te work ? ~ By ear. 5. Vinu. uu students are there in their class ? ~ Forty. 6. 0 does she live ? - In town. 1 is this girl ? ~ She's my sister. 8... old is Tam ? ~ He's eleven. 9. _.1 is her brother's name ? ~ John. 10. do the children go to school ? ~ By bus. 40 Reading Hoa is a student. She lives near her school. She walks to school everyday, Her father is a businessman. He often goes to Hanoi. He travels by plane His mother is a doctor, She works in a hospital. It is far from her house, She goes to work by motorbike. Hoa's brother is a student, too. He goes to school by bike, ‘True or false 1. Hoa goes to school by bike. 2, Hoa's father travels to Hanoi by train. 3. Hoa’s mother goes to the hospital by motorbike. 4, Hoa's brother travels by bike. 5. Hoa lives near her school a1 VIII. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences L 10. un. 12. 13. 4. 16. wn 18. 42 She lives ___ a beautiful house. a) at b) on ©) in ‘There is a flower garden __ the house. a) left b) in front of ©) right Tam in the country with ___ friend now. a) our b) her ©) my There any trees in the picture. a) are b) aren't ©) isn't Ba ___ live in an apartment. a) don't b) doesn’t ©) do ‘There aren't any flowers ___ there are some trees. a) and b) with ©) but ‘There ___ a pinic near my school a) are b) isn't ©) aren't ‘The supermarket is ___ to my school. a) near b) left ) next ‘There aren't stores near her house. a) many b) any ©) some ‘My teacher goes to work ____ foot. a) by b) on ©) with Her father travels to Hanoi plane. a) on b) by ©) in ____ does she go to school ? a) What b) Where ©) How ‘Minh lives near his school so he every day. a) goes 1b) walks ©) runs She ____ the house at 6:15. a) goes 'b) comes ©) leaves _____ do you leave school ? At 11:30. a) How b) When ) What time Classes ‘at seven in the morning. a) end b) start ©) do Classes at half past eleven. a) end by start, ©) do Do you have school in the morning ? No, I have in the a) morning —b) afternoon —_—) evening 19. How ____ Lan and Hoa go to school ? By bus. a) do b) does © is 20. My father ___ English at a small school a) teach, b) teaching _—€) teaches IX Supply the correct words to complete the sentences ‘This is Lan’s mother. She house at a quarter past six. She school. Her class _ home and and prepares the lesson for the next day. at seven and forty years old. She is a English at a small school in the town. Every morning, she lunch with her family. In the afternoon, she Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT A. GRAMMAR 1. The Present Progressive Tense [pes __. She __ _— the to school by bus. She ___ far from _____ at eleven thirty. She home Affirmative: S+am/is/are + V-ing .. Negative S +am/is/are + NOT + V-ing ... Interrogative : Am/Is/ Are +S + V-ing ...? * Todo Affirmative ‘Negative Interrogative 1 amdoing... [I | amnotdoing.. |AmI doing...? You are doing You are not doing... | Are you doing ...? He is doing... | He is not doing Ishe doing ...? She is doing She is notdoing... | Isshe doing ...? We redoing... | We arenotdoing... | Are we doing ...? You are doing... | You are not doing... | Are you doing ...? ‘They are doing ‘They are not doing ‘Are they doing ...? * To drive Affirmative Negative Interrogative I amdriving [1 | amnotdriving | AmI — driving..? ‘You are driving | You are not driving | Are you driving ...? He is driving |He is notdriving |Ishe driving ...? She is driving | She is not driving We are driving | We are not driving ‘You are driving | You are not driving ‘They are driving _ | They are not driving Isshe driving .. Are we driving ... Are you driving .. Are they driving ...? 43 . Medal verbs a) CAN Affirmative Negative Interrogative + Togo CAN, MUST S + CAN + Bare-h S + CANNOT CANNOT = can't CAN + S + Bare-1 a infinitive + Bare ~ Infinitive infinitive ...? — ———— (_apirmative | __Negative __|_Interrogative __} Trem go [Peat wo Gant gon? | You can go You can't go | Can you go... ? He can go | He cant go Can he go.? She can go |She can't go Can she go ..? We can go |We can't go | can we go? | you can go \ You can't g0 Can you go. ? [ey can go [They can't go____| Cam they go...? J a) MUST Affirmative ; S + MUST + Bare— Infinitive Negative S 1 MUST + NOT + Bare ~ Infinitive must not = must’ Interrogotive : MUST + S + Bare - Infinitive ..? + Todo _ - . [affirmative | ____ Negative __Interrogative \r ‘must go 1 mustn't go You must ge He must go She must go We must go You must go ‘They must_go___| They mt You mustn't go He mustn't go She mustn't go We mustn't go You mustn't go yustn't_go 8. Wh. question (question word WHO) Who is waiting for Lan ? Who + verb 1B. EXERCISES I- Missing letters bsn_ssmn cornet 1 5. 8. tre dire 6 sg. 9. d_sc_pln_ Must you go. ? Must he go ...? ‘Must she go .. Must we 2 | ju BO | Must you go Must they go... 2 1 (aatch wv Tr Who ts waiting or Lan? ha) Hes a tuk diver 2. What is he doing ? £ 1b) Cross the road 3. How is she traveling ? 8 femx 4 una 7. dngs_s 10. i t_rs_ct_o_ 10. If there is no ratiffe, you cas IIL Missing words eR Anagrams Ba is Ipaying video games. Lan is irdngi her bike. His father is ridvgni a car. ‘The children are aiwtgni for a train. ‘They are nuoadling the vegetables, ‘The policeman has a ifafiulte job. ‘There are many ceaientds on this dangerous road, 9. Slow down ! There is an terinecstoni ahead, 1 2, 8, 4 5. The farmers are oadling the truck with vegetables. 6. 1. 8. cross the road. 1. He is a truck. 2 They are for their friends. 3. Weare to school. 4. She is her bike. 5. The truck driver is at the farm now. 6. The children are _ their homework. 7. This sign ___ "You can't park here’ 8 Road signs tus on our roads. 9. We must not go straight if the sign says "Stop 1 4 10, We must down if there is an intersection ahead. Most 1 go? | ®Arrange in order are / by / traveling / we / to / bus / school. students / waiting / the / their / are / for / teacher doctor / going / hospital / are / the / to / the / car / by 4. driving / to /he / car / his /is / farm/a 5. eating / is / breakfast / his / he / foodstall / at / a 6. you/ what / doing / are /? 7. signs / that / can / you / some / say / something / do 8. road / some / warn / signs / us 9. or/ go/ we / turn / must / straight / left / ahead must / road / you / care / with / eross / the (le) We must go straight ahead or turn left. 45 AapMiite the correct tense form of he verbs resent simple or parent P Bn tng sentoncee fn mnie and norrogive 46 uM 10. We (do) math every Tuesday. 4. Where is Lan going ? (Ja) We must not go straight ahead. 9. This sign says "Stoy 5. ‘The siim says "One way (le) She's traveling by bike 10. We must turn left 6. There is an intorscetion ahead. [[]#) She's going to the market. VII Match up 7. This sign says "stop (@) &) Her father is. CG @) Do not turn right. [1 b) Do not walle here. 8. This sign says "No right turn ) He's unloading the vegetables: ©) Donot touch Op bent na 9. If there is no trafic, EID We must slow down, DD @) De act enter. eae What does Mr. Ba do? DID We cannot go into that street. . C18 No buses. Oa) Turn right (hy Do not turn ton. srogressive) She (travel) to work by bus every day. She (travel) to work by bus now. 2. Mr. Quang (drive) his car to the farm now, He (drive) his ear to the farm every day. 8. His father (take) the vegetables to the market every day, He (take) the vegetables to the market now. 4, Tam and Ba (play) soccer now. ‘They (play) soccer every day. 5. The children (walk) to school every day. ‘They (walk) to school now. 6. Tan (ride) his bike to school every day. He (ride) his bike to school now. 7. 1 play) video games every day. I (play) video games now. 8. Lan (go) to school by motorbike now. She (go) to school by motorbike every day. 9. Son (write) the answers in his exercise notebook now. He (write) the answers in his exercise notebook every day. We (do) math now. form 1. He takes his children to school every day. c 2. The students are eating their breakfast in the canteen now 8. She travels to work by motorbike. 4. They do their homework every day. 5. Tan is copying the exercises now. 6. Classes start at seven thirty every day. 7. He can ride a bike. 8. You must go straight ahead. a7 IX: Ask and answer. Follow the models [L}- what are you doing now ? I'm talking to you. 7 getting dinner ready 5 5S watching TV Ex ape serine 3. Ps. a washing 5. playing tennis [B]- waat's your sister doing now ? = She's watching television. 1 washing 2. getting _ ready 3 poo ee oR oie a 3) What's Sam doing now ? ~ He's steeping. a Oe 48 [BL Are sou working ? - Yes, Fam. 1. you / washing Fops- 2. she / sleeping é 3. she / having a bath 4. they / shopping et 5. Thu and her family / watching TV Se, [B]- Are you getting dinner ready ? - No, I'm not, I'm listening to the radio. 1. sleeping / working 2. drinking tea /drin ing coffee 38. watching a western / reading a book 4. washing your taxi / talking to Tam What are they doing now ? - They're having dinner. 1. playing @ having Sky (rar 5. getting ___ a 49 X- What does this sign say ? Write. Follow the models Can you jump over this table ? - ¥es, Tean. ~ No, Ican't. 4. speak French / No 2. drive a car / Yes ae See PS ee 4, sit om that branch / Yes 5. bring me that box / No ‘You mustn't walk on the grass. Can you drive a bus ? ~ Tean't but I can drive a taxi. 1. he / play football / he / play tennis 2. she / play the guitar / she / play the piano 8. they / speak English / they / speak French 4. you / go to Nha Trang /I/ go to Ha Noi 5. we / help you / you / help my sister XI- Write questions and answers. Follow the models 1]}- Can I come in tere ? - No, you mustn't come in here. penitence baibeoan h ee SPs 2]- Must Ido my homework now ? ~ Yes, you must. 1. he / go to bed now 2. she / wear a school-tie 8. we / help you now 4. I/ put on this horrible jumper 51 10. uu. 12 13. “4. 15. 16. a7. 18. 19. 52 . What are you _ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences a) do b) doing €) does She is __ video games. a) play by plays ©) playing We are __ to school by bus. a) traveling) travel ©) travels They are ___ for a taxi. a) waits b) wait ©) waiting Lan's fathe his car. a) drives b) driving ©) drive ‘Tam is to sehool. a) walks b) walk ©) walking is he doing ? He's riding a bike. a) When b) What ©) Where is he going ? ~ To school. a) How 'b) Where ©) What is he going to work ? ~ By car. a) What b) Where ©) How Mr. Lam is a truck a) doctor b) driver ©) worker Mr and Mrs Tuan to the hospital. a) is traveling b) traveling _) are traveling ‘The farmer is the truck with vegetables. a) putting 'b) loading ©) driving He is __ the vegetables to the market by truck, a) driving b) taking ©) putting His mother is waiting ___ him. a) for 1b) with ©) about, ‘The children are playing ___ in the school yard. ©) table-tennis go into that street. a) video games _b) soccer This sign says "One way", You a) can b) can't ©) may ‘This sign says "Stop". You stop. 2) can't 1b) mustn't ©) must ‘There is an intersection ahead. We slow down. a) can't 1b) must ©) can ‘This sign says “Parking”. You __ park here. @) can B) can't ©) mustn't If there is traffic, you can cross the street, a) any b) no ) some XIII Supply the correct words to complete the passage Our roads ___ dangerous places. There are __aceidlents on our roads. We must follow the road ___. We must ___ disciplines. Rod signs us to prevent accidents. When the traffic light is, we must stop. We can ___ the streets when there is no traffic. We must cross the street care. We must ____ down if there is an intersection ahead, Road signs very helpful Unit 9: THE BODY A. GRAMMAR 1. Adjectives - S+am/is/are + adjective ~ Adjective + noun Lan is tall. ‘They are old. She has long hair. She has white teeth. 2. Wh- question (question word) What color ... ? What color + is /are +S? 3B. EXERCISES I. Missing letters 1. had 2 shud 3. 4 cet 5. gmns_ 6. wal 8. keo % 10.w_ig fr Anagrams 1. Her omerth is tall and inth, 2. What olore is her hair ? 8. Miss Chi has a allsm nose. 4. She ash brown oval seey. 5. His sister is a gmyasta. 6. He is very eavyh. 7. She ash full ipls, 8. Tan has a oundr face. 9. My little sister has small teiwh teeth. 10. Her eyes are ownbr., 58. Il: Missing words 1. Chi 2. Tam tall but my sister is 8. She is thin but she is not _ 4. Her father is fat but her mother is __ 5. Your brother has an oval _ a gymnast, 6. Our teacher has short ___ and brown. 7. She has ___ white teeth. 8. This weightlifter is heavy and __. 9 You have full __. 10. Is her ____ round or oval ? IV- Arrange in order 1. father / tall / is / your /? 2. children / thin / but / they / your / are / strong / are. 3, have /a/I/ yellow / hat. 4. full / she / and / lips / white / has / small / teeth. 5. a/Mr. Tuan / weightlifter / is / short /? 6. an/Ba/ face / oval / has. 7. Chi's [Is / or / hair / long / short /? 8. are / what / her / color / eyes /? 9. hair / she / black / has / short. 10. mother / is / short / fat / his / and /? V- Match up 1. What color is your sister's hair? [1] a) My eyes are brown. (Ob) He is fat and strong. 2, What does she do? 8. Does Ba have an oval face ? 4, Are her lips thin or full ? 5. What color are his eyes ? 6. Is Tom tall or short ? 7, He is a weightlifter. Ce) They're thin. Ce) They're oval. Of He's tall. Ce) Yes, he does. 8. Miss Chi is a gymnast. 9. Are her eyes round or oval ? (COD She's a gymnast. 10, What color are your eyes ? (Cd Her hair is black. VI- Write sentences with the cues given 1. He /have / oval / face 2, His mother / short / fat (Cl @) She is thin and tall. (Clb) His eyes are black. 10. Ba / weighthifver My father / thin / tall T/ tall / but / my friend / short Chi / have / smalll / nose / and / brown / eyes ‘Their house / blue / white Lien / have / brown / oval / eyes What color / her hair /? What color / your sister's eyes / ? VII- Find the parts of the body and then label mra heset rae yee cot nergif toot nah irah hade gel pils homut sone mubht thet, 55 Test 1 I. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (2m) 1 2 8. 4 5. 6 7 8 What's your name ? She's a student. T He's atencher, How many chairs — class are you in — name's Ba (my, your, her) school (his, your, her) son is my friend (his, her, our) there in your classroom ? (is, are, do) = Six A (What, Which, Where) He to school at six thirty (go, goes, is) She. breakfast at half past six (have, has, eat) Ba ___ television every night (wateh, is watching, watches) I Supply the correet tense form of the verbs (2m) What (be) his name ? ~ John, What she (do) in the morning ? ~ She (go) to school He (play) soccer every afternoon ? ~ No, she doesn't. What time she (get) up ? ~ She (get) up at six. She (play) games in the afternoon ? - No, she doesn't. She (do) her homework, UII. Change into plural (im) 1 2. 3. 4 ‘There is an apple in the refrigerator. ‘This book is new but that book is old. Tama student, He does his homework. IV- Turn into negative and interrogative (2m) L 2. 3. 4a ‘Mr. Tuan is going to the hospital. She can ride a bike He washes his clothes every day. Ba leaves his house at half past six. V- Match up the questions and answers (1m) Le 2 3. 4. How many people are there in your family ? What does your father do ? How do you travel te school ? What is she doing ? Ca) She's reading a book. Cm» By bike. De) there are four, DD @) He's an engineer. VI. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box (2m) This is a at half past six. Classes goes home and has lunch at twelve 56 ishes [loreakfast, end, student, dressed, up, start, washes, bi She gets her teeth and _ at six every morning. She gets _. She hor face. Then she has and goes to school at seven and ____at half past eleven. She Test 2 I. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (2m) T have ela seven to half past eleven ‘on, in, from) 2. We have literature Tuesday (every, in, at) 3. classes do you have on Monday ? (What, Which, How) 4. There is a paddy field _ my house (at, near, in) 5. Minh lives in the city with family (his, its, @. He ___ to school at six thirty (go, goes, is) 7. The post office is ___ the restaurant and the bakery (beside, be- tween, next) 8 She travels to Hanoi ____ plane (in, on, by) ML- Supply the correct tense form of the vesrbs (2m) i. How Mr. Hai (travel) to work ? He (travel) to work by train. 2, Miss Hoa (walk) to school every day. She (walk) to schoo! now. 8. Ba often (ride) his bike to school, but now he (travel) to school by bus. 4. What time he (go) to work ? He (drive) his car to work now ? IIL- Write in fall words (Im) a 12" 4.79 7. 9:45 10, 8:50 2 nt 5. 11:00 8 12:15 8. 44 6. si" 9. 7:30 IV- Arrange in order to have complete sentences (Im) 1. farmer / with / loading / the / is / the / vegetables / truck. 2. children / for / bus / a/ the / waiting / bus / at. / stop / are. 3. store / the / foed / front / of / in / is / the / station / police. 4, careful / must / we / be / when / cross / streets / the / we. V- Write questions for the underlined words (2m) L 2. londay. We have geopraphy on She eats her breakfast at seven. 3, My father travels to Nha Trang by train, 4. ‘They are going to the 200 now. VI- Fill in the blanks with the words from the box 2m) school, year, live, listen, father, music, mother, your] Dear Tom, Hello | 'm _____ new penfriend. My name is Lan, and I'm fifteen old. 1 in HCM city. My ____ is a doctor and my works in @ shop. At I like English and Maths. I like pop __. T ofteit to music when Iam free. Best wishes Lan 87 Test 3 I. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (2m) 1. ____ is a hotel near the lake (this, that, there) 2. Ba and Lan help ____ parents after school (his, her, their) 3. Thanh’s mother __ in a shop (works, working, work) 4. Tan his face every morning (wash, brushes,washes) 5. Which class are you___?(on, in, at) the third floor (at, on, in) 7. What ___ do you get up ? (grade, time, class) 8. How many floors ___ your school have ? (is, do, does) Il. Write questions for the answers (2m) 1. My school is in the city. 2. We have maths every Tuesday and ‘Thursday. 3. [get up at six o'clock. 6. Her class is 4. There are twenty classrooms in my school. IIL- Supply the correct tense form of the verbs (2m) 1. Ba (get) up at six and (have) breakfast at half past six. 2. Peter's father (drive) hi ) it to work now. 8. They (play) soccer every day ? They (play) soccer now ? 4, There (be) any trees near your house ? ~ Yes, there (be) some beau- tiful trees. IV- Arrange in order to have a meaningful dialogue (2m) 1. Does he play games ? 2. He eats his lunch, 3. What does he do in the afternoon ? 4. When does he do his homework ? 5. No, he doesn't. 6. He does his homework in the evening. 7. He plays football 8. What does Tan do after school ? V- Fill in the blanks with the words from the box (2m) say, intersection, careful, can, discipline, signs, warns, fast We must be ___ when we eross the streets, Road help us to travel. Near the there is a sign. This sign us to slow down. We must not go ___. Some signs say you do something. Some signs you cannot do something. We must have car to work. He (4 58 Test 4 I- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (2m) 1. There is a Inke the hotel (on, up, near) 2. ___are they going now ? ~ To the movies (what, where, when} 3. The students are doing ____ test at the moment (their, our, your) 4. She ____ literature on Monday (have, has, having) 5. He ___ his mother to clean the floor (helps, help, helping) 6. My class is on the floor (one, first, two) 7. Are these students 8. What do you do _ the morning ? (at, on, in) I- Supply the correct tense form of the verbs (2m) 1. What she (do) now ? She (write) a letter to her mother. grade 6 ? (on, at, in) 2. What Ba (do) every Saturday evening ? He (go) to the movies. 3. What the children (study) now ? They (practise) English. 4. We (have) lunch at home now. We (have) lunch at school on weekdays. IIT- Answer the following questions (2m) 1. What time do you get up? 2. How do you travel to school ? 3. What time do classes star: ? 4, What time do classes end ? 5. When do you have English ? 6, Where do you have lunch ? 7. What do you do in the afternoon ? 8. What do you do in the evening ? IV- Match up the following sentences (2m) 1, ‘There is an intersection ahead. [] a) You must not turn right. 2. This sign says "Stop !" (1b) You cannot go into that street. 3, This sign says "No right turn !" [] e) You must slow down. 4, This sign says "One way’ (a) You must not go straight ahead. V- Fill in the blanks with the words from the box (2m) arrives, load, takes, truck driver, ualoads, drives, farm, waits ___.. He drives his truck to a every morning, ‘Mr. Quang is a When he fat the farm, the farmer for him. Mr. Quang the truck with vegetables. Then, he back to the city. He ____ the vegetables to the market. After he the vegetables, he eats his breakfast, 59 Test 5 I. Complete the puzzle 60 Reading Hoa has many friends. Lan is her friend. She has an oval face. Her lips are thin. Her eyes are round. Her hair is black. Lan is thin, She is a gymnast. Tuan is Hoa’s friend, too. He has a round face. He has full lips. He is fat and strong. He is a weightlifer. ‘True or false 2. Her hair is brown, 4. She is fat and strong. 6. He has an oval face. 8, He is fat and weak. 1. Lan has a round face. 8. Lan is a gymnast. 5. Tuan is a weightlifter, 7. He has full lips. IL-Choose the correct words to complete the sentences 10. ML 12. 13. 4. 15. 16. 1. 18. color is your hair ? ~ Black 8) How 1b) Which, ¢) What is Chi ? She's pretty. a) Which b) What ©) How He is tall but his father is _ a) tall 1b) short ©) little Lan is tall and ___. She's not fat. a) strong. b) weak ©) thin She isn't weak, she is a) thin b) strong. ©) fat Thi has a_ face. a) round by) short ©) long Nam has lips, a) big by) thin ©) round Ha has __ hair. @) tall b) short, ©) full ‘Tuan has an face. a) round b) big. ©) oval Lan has lips. a) big 1b) round ©) full She has a__ nose. a) strong. 1b) weak ©) small Lan has eyes. fa) black strong b) oval brown ¢) brown oval She has lips and small white __. fa) long- eyes) full- teeth —_€) short - teeth, What color ___ her eyes ? ay is b) am e) are Is Miss Lan face round ___ oval ? a) and b) or ©) with, Is your mother's hair long or__? a) full b) short ©) thin Hung is a He is strong and heavy. a) gymnast. —b) weight lifter _¢) driver Chi is a She is tall, thin and strong. a) weight liter b) gymnast) driver 19. Tam has a big nose but his sister has a one, a) big b) small ©) full 20. Are her eyes round or _? @) small b) oval Il. Supply the correct words to complete the passage ©) short, * Link ____a gymnast. She __ very pretty. She is and thin. She is light ___ she isn't weak. She's very __. She has an ___ face. Her ‘are full. She has long black Hor ____are full. She has small. Her teoth ___smalll and white. * Tam a weightlifter. He short and fat. He's _ and strong. He has a face. He has black hair. His eyes are oval and his nose ____ big. He has full ____ and big white ___. He is not hand- some he is kind to everybody. Unit 10: STAYING HEALTHY A. GRAMMAR, 1, The Present Simple tense Affirmative : S$ + V(-s/-es) Negative S + do/ does + NOT + Vibare ~ infinitive) Interrogative : Do /does +S + Vibare ~ infinitive) 2. Wh- questions (question words : HOW, WHAT) a) Q.W + Auxiliary verb +S + Vibare ~ infinitive) b) What + is/are +S...? * How do you feel ? ~ I'm tired. * What would you like ? ~ I'd like orange juice. * What's the matter ? - I'm cold. * What do you want ? — I want a hot drink. * What is there for lunch ? ~ There is some meat and rice Countable nouns and uncountable nouns ~ Countable nouns are singular and plural, ~ Uncountable nouns are only singular. 4, Some and any 3, a) Use some with affirmative sentences b) Use any with negative sentenees, ©) Use any with interrogative sentences (questions). 62 B. IOCERCISES J. Missing lettors 1 hagy 2 thre 8 td 4 jie 5. n__dis 6 mitr 7% dwnow 8 tafe a sel 10. tst_ UL Anagrams 1. I'm unhygr. I'd like some codlesn. 2. I'm irsthty. I'd like orange uijes. 8. What's the attmer, Ba ? ~ I'm olde. How do you eofl ? I'm iredt. What ouldw you like ? I'd like some atwer. ‘What is there for unchl ? There is some ishf and icer. ‘There are some ooldnes for bkeaftsar, Td like some keichen and some eadb. What's your avofreti food ? I like fish and eatm. 10. Do you like egevablets ? Yes, I like abbacges and tomatoes. TIE. Missing words gesogees 1. What do you ___? - I want some drink, 2 What ___ you like ? I'd like orange juieo. 8. How ___ she feel ? She's cold. 4. Are there noodles ? No, there aren't. 5. What is ___ for lunch ? Fish and rice. 6. I'm ___. I'd like some noodles, 1. Vd like chicken and ___ rice. 8 I'm ___. I'd like some milk. 9, What is your 10, My favorite IV. Arrange in order 1. cold / do/ you / drinks / like /? 2. iced / and / juice / orange / like /I/ tea. 8. doesn’t / peas / beans / and / she / like. 4, lemonade / is / favorite / drink / my. 5. is /what /to/ there / drink / ? @. fruit / there / somo / is / fridge / the / in. 7. noise / the / of / hear / motorbikes / T 8. noodles / store /I/ at /a/ smell / the 9, feel / wind / my / the / face /[/ on 10. like / or / bananas / oranges / you / do /? food, Ba ? I like fish and vegetables. is iced tea. a V- Mateh up 1. How do you feel ? 2. “What would you like ? 3. What do you want ? 4. What is there for dinner ? 5. What's the matter with Lan ? 6. What would she like ? 7. How does he feel ? 8 What does he hear ? 9. What does she taste at the store ? 10. Are there any noodles ? Cla) He hears the noise of the children, (Cb) No, there aren't Cle) She'd like iced tea, Cl @ She's tired, Cle) 1d like some orange juice D0 He feels cool Cm She tastes some noodles Dm) t feet hungry. Ob There is some fish and rice, (CD 1 want some bread. VI Turn into negative and interrogative form. 1. She hears the noise of the students. 2. Mr. Ba wants some iced coffee. Vd like some apple juice His favorite drink is lemonade, ‘There are some beans and potatoes for dinner. 3. 4. 5. He likes carrots and lettuce. 6 7. Mrs. Lien likes some soda 8 Tan wants a cold drink 9. You'd like to sit down, 10. She's hungry and thirsty VII. Use some or any 1. Thore's __ water. 2 8. There are___vegetables. 4. 5. There is___ tea, 6 7 There aren't___apples. 8, 9. Isthere soup ? 10. VIII. Add nine nouns to each list _ Gountabte Grange Lex IX. Write questions and answer How does he feet ? He feols tired. o4 There isn't _ butter, ‘There aren't ___ sandwiches, Ts there __ fruit juice ? Are there oranges ? ‘There isn't sugar. 2 | Uncountable_ |} - Follow the models 65 XL Reading Milk is & good drink, Fruit juices are also good drinks, Milk and fruit juices are very good for cur health. Children should drink a lot of milk and fruit juices. They give us lots of vitamins, Meat, fish and vegetables are neccessary foods. People have meat, fish, vegatables and rice for !unch or dinner. These foods are healthy. ‘True or false Milk is a good drink, Fruit juices aren't good drinks. 8. Children should drink a lot of milk and fruit juices. 4, Meat, fish and vegetables are neccessary foods. 5. Milk brings us a lot of vitamins. - Choose the correct words to complete the sentences 4, I'm ___. I'd like some noodles. a) thirsty b) hungry ©) empty 2. Im___. I'd like some water. a) thirsty b) hungry ©) empty 3, ____ would you like ? ~ Some orange juice, please. a) Which b) What ©) How __ does she feel ? ~ She feels tired. a) Which 1b) What ©) How ___ does he want ? — Some water. a) Which b) What ©) How there for lunch ? a) Which b) What ©) How 7. There aren't _ noodles. a) any b) many ©) some 8. There is ___ water in the bottle. a) any 1b) many: ©) some 9. Is there ___ milk in the glass ? a) any 1b) many ©) some 10. I'm hungry. I'd like chicken and rice. a) any b) many. ¢) some 11. T'm not hungry ___. I'm thirsty. a) and b) with ©) but 12. is your favorite food ? a) Which b) What ©) How 66 18. Do you like carrots peas ? ~ Peas, please, a) and b) or ©) with 14. [like tea. a) ice b) icy ©) iced 15. Coffee is my favorite __ a) food b) drink ©) sweets 16. Orange juice, apple juice, _ are fruit juice. a) milk by pine-apple juice ©) soda 17. Carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, cabbages and are vegetables. a) meat by) beans ©) chicken 18. There are fruit in the refrigerator, a) any b) many: ©) some 19. Would you ___ some chocolate ? a) cat b) like ©) drink 20. ___ is the matter, Lan ? I'm cold. a) What b) Which, ©) How XII- Supply the correct words to complete the passage Lan is very ___. She would like some noodles to Her favorite food is rice ____ vegetables. When she’s ___, she often orange juice or apple juice. She has vegetables, meat and rice for lunch. She drinks water after meals. She also has some fruit such as bananas, oranges or apples dessert. She doesn't coffee or tea, She milk. Unit 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT ? A. GRAMMAR 1. Wh questions (question words : How much, How many) ~ How much + uncountable noun ... ? ~ How many + countable noun 2. Modal verb: CAN -> permission Affirmative: S + can + V (bare ~ infinitive) Negative : S + cannot + V (bare ~ infinitive) 3. Indefinite articles: A, AN ‘This is a book. ‘That is an eraser. * Use “an” before a vowel Definite article; THE ‘There are two maps in the room. ‘The teacher is in the classroom. 67 B. EXERCISES I- Missing letters La bitte of ¢ ok ng il 2 ak dadzn of egs 4 abr ofsa. of tL 6 a bx of cocltes lL of b. 8 ach of pas b_wl of n 10. rfigrtr IL Anagrams 1. Can I elph you? 2. I'd like some ebef. 3. Can you go to the reost with me ? 4. want a ackpte of tea. 5. She'd like a andsichw and a glass of aterw. 6. How much is a rifed rice ? ~ 25004. 7. ‘There is some fruit juice in the itchper. 8. There are some oranges in the frireragetor, 9. How much orwkomeh does he have ? 10. I want two hundred amrgs of beef, IIL- Missing words 1. How ____rice do you want ? 2 Ineed a of chicken. 8. She wants two __ of rice, 4. How oranges do you want ? 5. He needs a___ of eggs. 6 Tdlikea____ of soda. 7. Her mother needs kilo of beef. 8. We don't have __ bananas but we have _ oranges. 9. Tam has a____ of homework. 10. She walks ___ school every day. IV- Arrange in order to have meaningful dialogues 1, ~ Two thousand five hundred dong. Thank you, ~ Here you are. = Yes, I'd like a sandwich and a glass of lemon juice, please. Thanks. How much are they ? Can I help you ? 2. ~ Yes, I need some oranges. ~ A dozen, please, ~ Two hundred grams, please. Yes, I'd like some butter. Can I help you? 68. ~ How much do you want ? ~ How many do you want ? Two hundred grams of butter. De you want anything else > V- Match the words that mean the opposite L 2. 10. tall Oa) long fat Cb» short. heavy Cle) hungry weak O® young hungry Cle) smait hot Of wn full Oe ligne short 1b) strong big Ob thin old OD cota VI- Write the question words 1 10. doo you go to school ? I go to school at half past six. ____ does she go to bed ? She goes to bed at ten o'clock. ____ are there in the refrigerator ? There are some oranges. _____ tea do you need ? ~ One packet, please. eggs does he need ? — A dozen, ___ is a sandwich ? ~ 3000 dong. are they doing ? They're doing their homework. ___ is she going ? She's going to the market. is there for lunch ? There's some fish and rice. is singing a song ? My sister is singing a song. ‘VIL- Fill in the blanks with A / AN / SOME / ANY Is there fruit juice in the refrigerator ? T'd like apple, please. ‘There isn't Jemon juice in the pitcher. She doesn't have oranges but she has _ bananas. He'd like can of soda. Her mother wants ___ noodles. ‘Would you like cup of tea? Td like sandwich and orange. She wants beef but she doesn’t want. chicken. I need ___ kilo of potatoes. Cy VIII- Look at the table and complete the conversations Lan Thu 1. you / coffee / milk 2. he / bread / cake 3. she / meat / fish 4. we / American magazines / French magazines 7 2 5: they / horses / cows A ee Would you like an orange ? Have you got any chocolate ? Yes, please. ~ Yes, I have. Here is some. Would you like a salad ? 1. coffee No, thanks. Lan a ? bread The Lan ceteeeeeeee? 3. water Thu | Lan ceetteeeeseee? 4. apples Thu Lan... veveeeee? 5. American magazines The | _ > TX- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences th 1. She wants ___ cooking oil. a) a box of ‘b) acan of ¢) a bottle of = Thaven't got any chocolate but I've got some tea. | 2. Her mother buys __ tea a) atubeof —-b) acanof —_—e) a packet of | 3. I'd like ___ chocolates. a)acanof —_b) akilo ©) a box of 70 n 4 5 6. 10. uw. 12. 18. 14. 15. 18. 17. 18. 19. 72 Lan buys ___ of eggs. a) a kilo of b) a packet of ©) a dozen His father needs __ toothpaste. a) a bar of b) a box of ©) a tube of We want ten __ of rice, a) a dozen b) kilos ©) cans, ‘They want two ____of peas. a) kilo b) cans ©) dozen ‘There are some of soap on the shelf. a) cans b) bars ©) tubes She wants five of beef, a) cans b) grams ©) akilo —— I help you? a) Do 1b) Will e) Can Vd like ___ beef, please. a) any 'b) some ) many How ____ eggs do you want ? a) any ‘b) much ©) many, How ____ sugar does she need ? a) any 1) rauch, ©) many Td like a ___ of lemon juice. a) bowl b) cup ©) glass Sho eats _ of bananas. a) many b) some ©) alot He has a of noodles for breakfast. a) cup b) bow! ©) glass ‘There ____ any fruit juice in the pitcher. a) aren't b) isn't ©) are I don't have apples but I have oranges a) any-any —b) any- some —_¢) some - any ‘There is some vegetables in the a) desk 'b) refrigerator ¢) table homework do you have ? a) How b) How many —¢) How much X- Supply the correct words to complete the passage Nam’s mother wants ____ buy something for the family. Nam helps to do that. He ____to the store and buys them. He buys a____ of cooking oil. two of rice, half a ___ of oranges, two hundred grams beef and two of peas. He wants to something, too. He wants a of chocolates and some fruit juice. Lemon juice is fax vorite drink, It____ a healthy drink. Unit 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES A. GRAMMAR 1, The difference between the Present Simple Tense and the Pre- sent Progressive tense Present Simple tense Present progressive tense We use the present simple tense | We use the present progressive tense to talk about things that happen | to talk about things that are happen- often, usually, sometimes, ete. ing now. I play soccer every day. She usually does aerobics 2. Adverbs of frequency always 1 am playing soccer now. She is doing acrobies. usually often sometimes : Wh. question (question words HOW OFTEN ...) HOW OFTEN + Do / does + 8 + V (bare ~ infinitive) . — twice — three times | a week ~ four times = five times — every + day / week / morning / afternoon ... 3B. EXERCISES 1. Missing letters 1. bdmata 2 vilybil Sigeng 4 5. score 6 wal 7.0. 8 smims 9 awy_ 10. mv_es 3 1. Anagrams ‘Tan goes ishfgin every day. Long and Ba are playing oceser now. She is doing roeabsic, His father ometismes goes swimming, My parents entof jog in the morning. ‘The children enver go camping. ‘They sometimes fly their itkes, He goes to the 200 icewt a year. Lan often listens to u in the evening, She is ipskingp rope now. lissing words How ___ do they go to the movies ? ~ Once a week. are the children doing now ? ~ They're playing football. Which ___ does Ba play ? ~ He plays badminton. __ is she doing aerobies ? ~ At the women's club. What do you do in your free __? I watch T.V. What does Tan do in ___ free time ? He reads, How tea do you want ? ~ A packet. How eggs does she want ? ~ A dozen. ____ is in the living - room ? ~ Our parents are in the Does Ba play __ tennis ? ~ Yes, he does. IV- Arrange in order 4 L 2 badminton / Lan / does / every / play / day /? She / aerobies / is / now / doing. the / how / go / the / often / children / to / movies / do /? plays / Long / afternoon / the / in / often / video games sometimes / camping / they / go/ do /? usually / up / he / gets / six / at / o'clock at / always / fishing / their parents / go / do / weekend /? Ba/ to /z00/ the / sometimes / goes with / friends / he / goes / usually / his / swimming students / picnic / have / a / the / sometimes. V- Mateh up 10. Who jogs every morning ? Which sports do you play ? a) They wear strong boots. b) He often goes camping in ‘Thu Due, What is she doing now ? ©) [go with my brother How often does she go swimming ? d) He goes at weekends, What are they doing ? ) He reads books. 1) She is skipping rope. oo oo oO What does he do in his free time ? Who do you go fishing with ? When does he go walking ? Where does he often go camping ? What do they always wear when they go camping? the adverbs in the right positions She goes to the movies (often) ©) Once a week. bh) They're playing soccer. i) I play tennis. ooo 1 i) My parents do. Do you play soccer in the afternoon ? (usually) Do the children go camping ? (sometimes) ‘They go to school on Sundays (never) We go to work on weekdays (always) Does she jog in the morning ? (usually) We go walking in the mountain (sometimes) ‘The girls play badminton in their free time (often) I get up early (always) Where do they go on Sundays ? (usually) VII- Write questions for the underlined words 1 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 1 8. 9. 10. ‘My parents go jogging every morning. ‘They sometimes go to the zoo. She often plays tennis in the afternoon. ‘The boy is listening to music. He plays badminton. She is skipping rope. We often go to the cinema with our friends. He listens to music twice a week. ‘They often wear warm clothes when they go camping. ‘Their father travels to work by train. 75 VIII- Match the names with the symbols : cricket, basebs 76 basketball, hockey, ice-skating, sailing, rugby, volleyball, athleties, gymnastics, 1X Reading Ba and Nam are students. They are good friends. At school they’ are in the same class. They live near school. They walk to school every morning. In the afternoon they often go to their sports club. Ba plays badminton. Nam plays table tennis. Ba and Nam are good players. Sometimes they go swimming with their classmates. They all love sports. ‘True or false 1. Ba and Nam are good friends. 2. They go to school by bike. 3, They are not in the same class. 4. In the afternoon they go to their sports club, 5. Nam plays badminton, 6. Ba plays table-tennis, 7. They aren't good players. 9. They all love sports, 8. They always go swimming. 10. They are students. X- Choose the correet words to complete the sentences 1. What's he doing ? He's _ a) swim b) swimming ©) swims Lan is aerobics, a) playing b) doing ¢) skipping 3, The girls are ____ ropes in the school yard. a) playing b) doing ©) skipping 4, The boys are _ soccer. a) playing b) doing ) running 5. sports does your sister play ? a) What b) Which ©) How 6, ___he jog every morning ? a) Is b) Does ©) Do 7. My favorite sport is a) soccer by playing ©) dancing 8 What is she now ? a) do b) does ©) doing 9. She plays __ every afternoon. a) rope b) swimming —_¢) badminton 10. T go the movies. ain b) at ©) to LL. She to music. a) plays by sings ©) listens 12. He ___ video games. a) plays b) listens ) works 13. Lan goes a) video games) musie ©) fishing 34. Dung watehes a) newspapers) television _e) games 15. ____do you do in your free time ? a) How b) What ©) Which 16. ___ does she go to the movie theater ? a) How b) How often) What 17. They listen to music twice a) one week Bb) a week. ©) weeks 18. They sometimes have a pienie but not __. 8) never by always ©) seldom 19. They ___ go out at weekend. They stay at. home. a) never b) always ) usually 20. How often do you go swimming ?___ a week a) one b) once ©) two XI- Supply the correet words to complete the passage ‘Tam and Hung ___ close friends, They often to the movie theater at weekend. They sometimes to the zoo. They also have a pienic, __ not always. They go ___ the countryside. They always take and water and a camping stove. Sometimes, ___ camp overnight. They like to be there very _. ‘They can enjoy the fresh __and the natural beauty. Unit 13: ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS. A. GRAMMAR 1. Wh. question (question word WHAT) Ask about the weather > What's the weather like ? * to be like Answer: It's + adjective 2. WHEN : conjunetion When it’s hot, he goes swimming. 3B. EXERCISES I. Missing letters Lo wate 2 3 smmr 4 fi 5 wate 6. Tht & co. % cL 10. sin 78 I. Anagrams Wha 1 the eawerth like in Ho Chi Minh city ? 2, It's often hot in the ummeer. 3. We like olde weather, 4. It's oloc in the fall in He 8. 6. 7. What eawther do you like ? [like armw weather. 1's usually ainry in the fall 8. The children often go imswmgni in the summer. 8. The Pikes omesimest go sailing. 410. When it's olde, they play indoors. Il. Missing words 1. Itis in the spring. 2. Tt is _ in the summer. 8. It is in the fall 4. Itis in the winter 5. What do you like ? I like hot. 6 When it's ___, they go swimming. 7. What _____he do when it’s warm? 8 What's the weather __? ® He goes swimming in the winter 10. What do they do it's cold ? IV. Arrange in order 1, summer / in / we / the / often / swimming / go. 2. usually / in / she / the / plays / badminton / fall 8. do/ he / when / hot / is /it / does / what /? 4, fall / they / in / go / sometimes / sailing / the 5. fishing / warm / is / they / when / it / go /do/? 6. often / volleyball / in / play / the / we / spring 7. basketball / always / we / in / play / the / winter 8. weather / like / the / what's /? 9. skiing / often / they / in / go / the / winter 10. summer / the / children / outdoors / usually / play / the / in V- Mateh up 1, What's the weather like today? []_a) I play basketball. 2. They often go fishing. b) No, he doesn't. 8. What doos she do when it's cool ? ©) She likes hot weather, 4. It’s hot. @) It's cool. 5. When it’s cold, ©) When it’s warm, 8, What do they do in the spring ? It's fine, 7. What's the weather like in the fall ? 8 What woather does she like ? £) s0 we go swimming, h) They go fishing in the spring. gogoo0000 ©. What do the children @ Oo jousing. winter? 10. oes he go fishing in winter? []__§)_ the children play indoors, VI- Fill in the blanks with HOW MUCH, HOW MANY or HOW OFTEN 1, ___butter does your mother want ? oranges do you need ? is a toothbrush ? __ do they go fishing ? 5. _ beef does he need ? 6. do the children play soccer ? 7. ____ students are there in your class ? 8 — does she listen to music ? a do they need ? 10. ___ is a bow! of noodles ? VII- Supply the correet form of the verbs 1. The girls often (play) badminton in the afternoon. the (skip) rope now He (play) tennis with his friend at the moment. Mr, Tan sometimes (go) fishing, Ba always (jog) in the morning. (do) aerobies now. ich sports Tan (like) ? Pan (go) to the movies ? ntences, using adverbs of frequency : always, usually, often, sometimes, never A ven. rite play tennie ve she / read . I/ speak English . they / do their homework 80 * s 5 - listen to the radio wateh television - play football sleep in class wash your taxi 81 X- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences 1. It is very in summer, a) cold b) cool ©) hot, 2. It's very ___ in winter. a) cold b) hot ©) cool 3. It's very __ in spring. a) cold 1b) warm ©) hot 4. It's very ___ in autumn, a) cold b) cool ©) warm 5, is the weather like in the summer ? a) what b) which ©) How 6. She cool weather. a) like ) likes ©) to like 7. When it's hot, he goes a) jogging b) swimming) sailing 8. When it's cold, he plays a) jogging b) swimming) soccer 9. When it's cold, we go__. a) swimming —_b) jogging ©) soccer 10. When it's warm, they go a) volleyball) fishing ©) soccer 11. do you do when it is cold ? a) Which b) how ©) What. 12. What's the weather like in spring ? It's a) cold b) warm. e) cool 13. What's the weather like in summer ? It's ___ a) pold b) hot ©) cool 14. What's the weather like in autumn ? It's a) cool b) hot ©) cold 15. What's the weather like in winter ? It's___ ay Bool b) cold ©) hot 16. How many are there in the year ? -Four ‘@) months: b) days ©) seasons 17. How many seasons are there in Vietnam ?___ a) four b) two ©) three 18, Ba's family sometimes go in the fall a) swimming —_b) sailing ©) running 19. He often swims in the ___ a) winter b) summer ©) autumn 20. He often goes ___ in the mountain, @) jogging b) walking ©) running 82 XI- Supply the correct words to complete the passage Some people like spring because it is ___, others like summer because it's ___. Then they can go or play ___ outdoors. Some likes auc tumn because it is then, They can go or boating. Many people don't like winter because it's very ___. I like summer. It's and sunny. We ean play a lot of ___. We also have long summer holidays, We can go to the seaside. There we can swim ___ sunbathe. Unit 14: MAKING PLANS A. GRAMMAR, 1. The near future : BE GOING TO Affirmative: S + am is / are + going to + V (bare-infinitive) Negative: S + am/is/are + NOT + going to + V (bare-infinitive) Interrogative : Am / Is / Are +S + going to + V (bare-infinitive) Affirmative Negative Tam going to visit Hue T'm not going to visit Hue You are going to visit Hue | You aren't going to visit Hue He is going to visit Hue He isn't going to visit Hue She is going to visit Hue She isn't going to visit Hue We are going to visit Hue | We aren't going to visit Hue You are going to visit Hue _| You aren't going to visit Hue ‘They are going to visit Hue _| They aren't going to visit Hue Interrogative ‘Am I going to visit Hue? Are you going to visit Hue ? Is he going to visit Hue ? Is she going to visit Hue ? Are we going to visit Hue ? Are you going to visit Hue? Are they going to visit Hue ? 2. Suggestion Let's Let's + Verb (bare-infini Let's go camping. 3. Wh- question : (question word : How long, Which, Why, What about...) fe) + ole 83 How long are you going to stay in Hue ? Which place are they going to visit first ? Why don't we go to Huong Pagoda ? What about going to Hue ? B. EXERCISES I- Missing letters Lo ped 2% mobs B&veto 4 vst 5. uce 6 an, Tetdl a cmb % bah 10. by I. Anagrams 1. My friends are going to ivits Hue this summer vacation. 2. They are going to visit the icateld. 3. ‘The children are going on avaciont this summer. 4. ‘They are going to stay with their nulce and aunt. 5. We want to see the Ngoc Son emtple. 6. Ba is going to visit the eachb. 7. Nam is going to bring his acemar. 8. He wants to atek some photos. 9. Let's elhp your mom. 10. My aforvite team wins the match, II Missing words 1. Ba and his friends ‘going to have a pienie near a lake, 2. What are you going to do in your summer __? 8. How are they to travel to Hue ? 4. Let's by minibus. 5. __ don't they go to school today ? 6. She is going to her grandmother. 7. [____ watching this T-V sports show. 8. Her mother is cooking beans, 9. He is ___ his history book 10. How is she going to stay with her aunt ? IV. Arrange in order to have a meaningful dialogue ~ Are you going to see the famous citadel ? ~ We are going to visit the beach and swim, What about you? ~ Where are you going to stay ? ~ For two weeks. What are you going to do there ? We are going to stay in a hotel 84 How long are you going to stay ? What are you going to do this summer vacation ? ~ We are going to travel to Ha Long Bay, ~ We are going to visit friends in Hue for a week, ~ Yes, certainly. That's great ! ng to do? 2, Where is she going to stay ? a) It’s very cold. 1b) He's going to visit Hanoi for 2 weeks. 3. How long is he going to visit ©) They're going to visit their Hanoi ? granparents, 4. What are you going to do to- @ It's cool night ? 5. What's the weather like in e) We are going to visit HOM city. the spring? 6, What's the weather like in T'm going to watch a film on the summer ? TN. 7. What's the weather like in @ He's going to do the home- the fall ? work, 8, What's the weather like in bh) It’s hot. the winter ? 9, What are they going to do on the weekend ? 10, What are you going to do in the vacation ? 3) She's going to stay with her friends, D Its warm, oooao0o00ag 0 00 2 VI- Write suggestions 1. go/ movies 2 go/ 200 8. go/ camping 4. have / breakfast 5. learn / lesson 6. sing / song 7. help / mother 8. walk / school 9. visit / friends 10. play / volleyball VII- Write the answers to complete the dialogue ‘What are you going to do this weekend ? - (Vung Tau) Where are you going to stay ? - (My Le Hotel) How long are you going to stay ? = (two days) What are you going to do? = (wim and sunbathe) 85 How do you travel to Vung Tau ? (ear) VIII. Turn into nagative and interrogative form 1. She is going to visit her grandparents. 2. He is going to play soccer this afternoon. 3. Tam is going swimming. 4. Lan is going to write a letter to her friend, 5. They are going to stay with their friends, 6. We are going to wateh a soccer mateh. 7. Ba is going to see a movie. 8. She is going to help my mom. You are going to read a book, 10. He is traveling to Hanoi by plane. IX Write sentences. Follow the models 1 a6 J- What are you doing next Saturday ? - We're having a party. 1 tonight” go tothe inema 6. he / watch TV 3 A 8. they /have dinner |- Are you coming tonight ? = No, I'm not. I'm coming tomorrow. 1. he / tomorrow / next Monday 2, she / next Monday / next Saturday 8. they / this week / next week + 4, Sam / in July / in August 5. Nam and Ba / this year / next year 6. he / watch TV / watch the sky 7. she / have a bath / paint the bathroom 8. they / go to the cinema / go shopping Reading Nam and his family are going to visit Ha Long Bay next summer. They are going to travel by train. They will be able to see beautiful sights on the way to the North, They are going to take some photographs. Photog- raphy is Nam's father's hobby. After that, they will visit some interesting places in Hanoi such as Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum, the Sword Lake, the West Lake and the One-pillar Pagoda. They will stay there for a week. On the way back to Ho Chi Minh City they are going to visit Hue and citadel ‘True or false 1. Nam is going to visit Hanoi first. 2, Nam and his family are going to travel by plane. 8. They are going to take some photographs. 4, They will visit the West lake. 5. The One-pillar Pagoda is in Hue. 6, They will stay in Hanoi for one month. 7. They will be able to see the beautiful sights. 8. ‘They will also visit Hue. 9, Nam's hobby is photography. 10. They visit Hue on the way to Hanoi, XI- Choose the correet words to complete the sentences 1, ___ are you going to do this summer vacation ? a) When b) which, ©) what Tam to Hus, a) go b) to go ©) going ____ are you going to stay ?_ For a week a) When b) how ©) how long She is going to stay her aunt and uncle, a) at 1b) with ©) in 5, ___ is she going to stay ? In a hotel a) what 'b) which, ©) where 87 6. We are going to visit the _ a) summer 1) citadel ©) vacation 7. They are going to stay at a___ house in Nha ‘Trang. a) friend by friends’ ©) friend's 8. The children are going to see that __ a) temple 'b) summer ©) vacation is she going to visit ? a) where b) what ©) how 10. Are you going to see a movie___? a) today b) now ©) tonight 11, Let's ___ swimming. It’s so hot today, a) togo b) going ©) go 12. Mai's family are going to stay there a week, @) for b) in o) at 18. We are going to have atest ___. a) now b) tomorrow —_e) tonight “a are you going to travel to Hanoi ? - By train a) What b) how ©) when 15. Why don't we television ? a) to watch) watch ©) watching 16. ___ is winning the mateh ? ~ Our team. a) Who b) what, ©) how 17. They are doing __ homework at the moment. a) our ) your ©) their 18. ____are you going to spend your summer vacation ? — In Dalat. a) When b) where ©) what 19. ____is the weather like in summer ? a) how b) what ©) where 20. What about ___ to Do Son at weekend ? a) go by) going ©) togo XII- Supply the correet words to complete the passage ‘This summer, my parents going to take us to Hanoi, Hanoi is ___ capital of Vietnam. There __ many beautiful places there. We are going to the Ngoc Son ___, the West _, the Sword ‘and Unele Ho Mausoleum. We are going to stay in a near the Sword lake. We are going to enjoy the special food ina big. My grandparents are go- ing to give us a sight-seeing tour ____ the city. How interesting it is going to be! Unit 15: COUNTRIES A. GRAMMAR 1. Comparison of short adjectives Short adjectives ~ One ~ syllable adjective (big, tall, small...) ~ Two ~ syllable adjective ending in -¥, -OW, -ER, -LE @) Comparatives : [adj + ER small > — smaller happy > happier strong > stronger clever > — cleverer tall = > taller narrow + — narrower simple > simpler ®) Superlatives: [adj + BST] big > biggest happy > — happi tall = > talllest. clever > — cleverest strong > strongest narrow —> narrowest simple — — simplest 2. Wh. question (question words : WHERE, WHICH, WHAT...) Where is she from ? She's from Japan. Where is he from ? He's from China, Which language does she / he speak ? He speaks Chinese / She speaks Japanese. What's his / her nationality ? He's Chinese, She's Japanese, B. EXERCISES I. Missing letters 2 a Bits 5. 6 ppito 8. % dsr 10, mutil 1. Susan is from eatGr riBaint. 2. Yoko speaks aJanpese. 8. Which anlguaeg do you speak ? 4. Tam going to visit a lot of niertesringt places in London, 5. Tokyo has a opupaliont of 12 million. 6. London is the allsmest of these three cities. 7. The Great Wail of China is the world’s longest uetsruret, 89 8. The aciplat has a population of 2.6 million, 9. Vietnam is a eaubtiulf country. 10. There are big orfests in Vietnam. II- Missing words 1. We have 2. We have 3. We don't have 4. Phanxipang is the 5. The Amazon River is the ____ river in the world. 6. ‘The Red River starts in China and to the Gulf of Tonkin. 7. Sears Tower in Chicago, USA, is 442 meters of beautiful beaches. rivers like the Red and Mekong River. deserts. _ mountain in Vietnam, 8. The Great Wall of China is over nine meters _ 9. The highest mountain in the 10. ‘There are no __ is Mount Everest, in Vietnam. IV- Arrange in order A.lots / has / of / beautiful / Vietnam / sights. 2.Bast / Tibet / starts /‘The Mekong River / flows / to / Sea / in / and / the B.Atlantic / The Amazon River / Ocean / the / flows / to A.longest / in / which / is / Vietnam / river / the /? 5.are / big / forests / there / not / are / but / there / deserts / any G.biggest / the / city / is / in / Mexico city / world / the / than / bigger / Ho Chi Minh City / the capital / Twin / in / Kuala Lumpur / Towers / Petronas / high / 452 meters 9.London / Which / Tokyo / bigger /: /is / or /? ? English / Susan / British / so / speaks / she V- Match up 8 Where does the Mekong River start ? 9, Where does the Red River start ? 10. How long is the Great Wall of China ? 1h) She speaks Japanese. i) She's Vietnamese. 5) The Mekong River is. 1, Where is he from? 1 @ Mexico city is. 2, Which language does she speak? []_b) It's the Phanxipang. 3, What's her nationality ? Gi © Itstarts in China, 4. Which is the biggest city in the world? [] ) It starts in Tibet. 5, Which is the longest river in Viet- [] e) Petronas Twin Towers 6. Which is the highest mountain in []_ f) It's over 6,000 kilome- Vietnam ? ters long. 7. Which is the tallest building in the []_g) He's from Great Britain. world ? Oo a o 0 VI- Write in full words 1. [am (tall) than my friends, 2. ‘The Mekong River is (long) than the Red River. 3. Mexico 4. Ho Chi Minh City is (big) than Hanoi, 5. The Great Wall of China is the world’s (long) structure, 6. Sears Tower in Chicago is (short) than Petronas Twin Towers, 1. 8. wy is the (big) city in the world. ‘Mount Everest is (high) than the Phanxipang. ‘The (high) mountain in the world is Mount Everest. 9. My sister is (pretty) than hers. 10. This English — Vietnamese dictionary is the (thick) of all these books. VII- Fill in the blanks with question - words. 1. Lou 4 Lindo they go to the movies ? ~ Twice a month. 2. vs language does he speak ? ~ English, 3, lis his nationality ? - Chinese. 4 the highest mountain in the world ? ~ Moun Everest. 5. lw thick is the Great Wall of China? It's over nine meters thick. 6. \w Ocean does the Amazon River flow into? ~ The Atlantie Ocean, 7 is the capital of Vietnam ? ~ It's in Hanoi 8. _ milk do you want ? ~ Two glasses, please. 9. are they going now ? ~ To the movies. 10. fare you going to do this summer vacation ? ~ I'm going to visit Dalat. VIII- Write sentences with the cues given. Follow the model 1. The United States / big / Great Britain ‘The United States is bigger than Great Brit 2. December / long / February 3, England / warm / California 4. Christie / old /Sam 5. Adog / heavy / a cat 6. A film / interesting / play 7. Abed / comfortable / a chair 8. My calculator / expensive / your calculator 9. This exercise / difficult / that exersice 10. This building / tall / that one 91 IX. Practise, follow the models 1 |. Where are you from ~ I'm from San Francisco. 1. London, 4-4 2. Paris 4, Dallas Am ww 12 5, Manchester I'm from Paris ! = Oh! You're French ! 4, London / English 2. Los Angeles / American 8. Sydney / Australian 4. Bombay / Indian 5. Montreal / Canadian & » s 92 Reading ‘There are many places of interest all over the world. The Great Wall of China is a famous place. It is the world's longest structure. It's over 6,000 kilometers long. It's between four and twelve meters high. It's over nine meters thick. When people visit China, they all want to come and see the Great Wall. They can walk along the length of the Great Wall. Those who reach the top of the wall will be presented with medals, ‘True or false ‘The Great Wall of China is a famous place. Ivisn’'t the world's longest structure. It is over 8,000 kilometers long. Seppe It’s over twelve meters high. 5. [isn't thick and high 6. Tourists want to come and see the Great Wall, 7. Tourists can walk along the wall. 8. ‘Those who reach the top of the Great Wall will be presented with medals, XI- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences 1. Laura is from ___. She's Canadian. a) China b) Canada ) America is he from? a) What 1b) which @) where 3. He's Vietnamese, He __ Vietnamese a) says B)speaks ©) talks 4. Peter comes from Britain, He speaks __ a) British 1b) English ©) American 5. Yoko is ___ Japan. He's Japanese. a) in b) on ©) from 6. What's her 2~ Australian a) nation b) nationality €) national 7. ‘They are ____ vacation in London. a) in b) on ©) at 8. The ___ is cool and wet. a) time b) day ©) weather 9. ‘They are going to visit ___ of interesting places. a) afew by a little alot 10, ____ language do you speak ? a) what b) how ©)) which 11, ____ school do you go to ? a) what 1b) which ©) where 12, This buiding is ___ than that one. a) big b))bigger ©) biggest 18. This house is the —__ of all. a) big by bigger ©) biggest 14, That building is than this one: a) tall b) taller ©) tallest 15. London is the of the three cities : Mexico city, Tokyo and Lon- don. a) small b) smaller )/smallest 16, The Great Wall of China is the world’s structure. a) long 1b) longer ©) longest 93 17. The Great Wall of China is over 6,000 km a) Jong. by) longer ©) longest 18, Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur is the ___ building in the world a) tall by) taller ©) tallest 19. Vietnam has __ of beautiful places. a) many by)lots ©) lot 20. ‘The Mekong River is than the Red River. a) long, b) longer ©) longest 21, ‘The Amazon River is the ___ in the world. a) long b) longer ©) longest 22. Phanxipang is the __ mountain in Vietnal a) high b) higher ©) highest 23, Mount Everest is ___ than Phanxipang. a) high ©) highest 24, Mount Everest is 8,848 meters __ a) high by higher ey highest. 25. Which ____ does the Amazon River flow into ? a) river b) sea ©) ocean 26. There aren't any in Vietnam, a) oceans 1b) deserts ©) lakes 27, There are big __ in Vietnam. a) forests b) deserts ©) great wall 28. People often go to the __ to sunbathe. a) rivers 'b) beaches: ©) mountains 29. Ho Chi Minh City has a ____ of 3.5 million. a) people b) number ©) population 80. Hanoi is the __ of Vietnam. a) city b) town ©) capital XIL- Supply the correet words to complete the passage Vietnam is a tropieal dry season and the weather is wet There are only two in Vietnam : the season, It often ___ in the rainy season. The — humid, In the dry season it's and sunny. There is lots rain, so the country is very There are forests and great ____ like the Mekong and Red Rivers. There are lots of lakes, ‘and ___ beaches, too. There aren't _ deserts in Vietnam. 4 Unit 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT A. GRAMMAR 1, Imperative Affirmative imperative Negative imperative wrod Don't + V+ Org Open the door Don't open the door. Go out. Don't go out. 2. Indefinite quantifiers : a few, a little, a lot of, lots of . = countable noun (plural) few + 1 ancountable noun alittle + uncountable noun = eountable noun stocat + [eta nen lots of + countable noun B, EXERCISES I- Missing letters 1 firmer 2 pddfeds S&prde 4 dmg. 5. bffao 6 distr. Tdngr 8 pile, 9% wid aim 10. ciLet IL Anagrams 1. Mr Hai ropudees a lot of rice. 2. He also grows a few egveablest. 8. ‘The ubffavesl plow the paddy fields. 4. More coplep need more food and more land. 5. 6 People are esdtoyrign plants and animals, We are opllutgni the air. 7. Don't rowth trash in the street. & Don't adamge trees. 9, olleect paper, bottles and cans. We should not leave our astrh. burning the forests. ‘They need fields. 8, ‘The wild animals are in __. 4. Weare too much power. 5. Chickens ___ a lot of eggs. 95. 6 Don't ____ trash in the street, 7. When you don't need a light, _it off, 8 We collect waste paper and old plastic and ___ them, 9. We should __ water. 10. Don't __ wild flowers IV- Arrange in order does / world / the / why / more / need / food /? are / too / burning / we / much / coal / gas / oil / and off / grass / the / keep dripping / when / see / a / you / faucet /, / off / it / turn do / what / with / factories / do / paper / waste /? Vietnam / people / in / many / reeycle / things food / collect / waste / we / and / pigs / to / feed / it bike / form / the / cheapest / is / the / transportation / of should / leave / trash / our / we / in / trash / can / a 10. is/ polluting / land / the / rivers / the oceans / and / what V- Match up 1. Don't damage trees ! Ppseaeeee Ca) Because they need more food. Don't pick wild flowers ! [ b) Because they need more fields. 8. Don’t leave your trash ! Cl ©) Because there are more people. 4, Why do people need more land? [2] a) Yes, we do. 5. Why do farmers burn the forests? []_e) We feed it to pigs. 6. Why are wild animals and plants. [] ) Plant them. in danger ? 7. What do we do with waste food? []_g) They reeyete them, 8, What do factories do with waste [] hh) Pick it up. and serap ? 8 Why does the world need more] i) Because people are de. food ? stroying them, 10, Do you cotlect waste paper ? (dp Leave them. VI- Fill in the blanks with indefinite quantifiers : a few, a little, a lot of, lots of ___ rice. He grows a) Mr. Hai is a farmer. He produces __ vegetables. He also has __— fruit trees. They produce fruit. He has ______ cows. They produce milk. He has some chickens. They produ eggs. So, he can earn —— —— money every year. 96 b) The streets of HCM City are very busy, especially in the center of the city. There is of traffic. People usually go to work by motorbikes, So you can see ______ motorbikes in the streets, Students go to school by bikes. There are also nari bikes. There are _______ buses and taxis, too. But taxis are very expensive. It is why people prefer cyclos. There are __— cyclos in the city and they are cheaper than taxis. into negative and interrogative 1. Tean speak English and French. 2. We are going to spend our summer vacation in Dalat. People need more land and food, ‘They are destroying the wild animals a \d plants, We collect waste paper and old clothes. We must go straight ahead. ‘You should buy a bike. 9. He is traveling to Hanoi by train. 10. She walks to school every day. VIII. Write affirmative or negative commands. Be sure to keep them 8, 4 5. 6. He produces a lot of rice. 1 8 meaningful 1. pick / flowers 2. throw / trash 3. keep off / grass 4. collect / bottles and cans 5. damage / trees 6. leave / trash 7. switch off / light 8. waste / water 9. save / natural resources 10. waste / power Test 6 I. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (2m) i, Td like ___ sandwiches. (any, some, a) How ____ is « dozen of eggs ? (many, much, often) ‘They usually ride to school ___ sometimes they walk. (and, but, then) ‘The children are never late _____ school. (at, on, for) 5. She usually badminton in the afternoon. (play, plays, playing) 6. He ___ goes fishing in the winter. (not, no, never) 7. Lam going __a football match. (watch, watching, to wateh) 8. ‘There is a tree to the left __ the house. (at, in, of) Ii. Supply the correct tense form of the verbs (2m) 1. How she (feel) ? She (be) thirsty. 2. What she (do) now ? She (listen) to the musie. 97 3. (not ride) your bike too fast, It (be) very dangerous. 4. How often he (go) to the 200 ? He (go) there twiee a year. IIL: Arrange in order to have complete sentences (2m) 1. have / but /a/ not / picnic / always / sometimes / they 2. because / don't / never / they / camping /a/go/have/ they / tent 3. are / we / on / this / going / vacation / summer 4. Our / cooking / noodles / mother / us / is / for / some IV- Write questions for the underlined words (im) 1. It’s very hot in the summer in my country. 2. She goes to the movies once a week. 3. He plays soccer. 4. Tam going to stay there for a week. ‘V- Turn into negative and interrogative (1m) 1. He can speak Engli 2. She plays badminton, 8. ‘They are going to see a new film. 4, Ba wants to go camping. VI- Fill in the blanks with the words from the box (2m) shopping, visit, Sunday, flows ww, help, her, party ‘Tomorrow is __. We are going to our friends. Then we're going . We are going to buy some ___ books and some for our ‘mother. Next Monday is birthday. We are going to have a birthday at home. We are going to __ her to cook the meal. Test 7 I- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (2m) 1. Tam ____ vacation in London. (in, on, at) 2. Tomorrow I am going the Tower of London. (vi visiting) 3. ‘They are traveling around the city bus. (on, in, by) 4. Which is the city in the world ? (big, biggest, bigger) 5. ___does he want to travel ? (What, How, Which) 6. Is there milk in the fridge ? (some, a, any) 7. We ___ waste paper for our mini-project. (do, make, collect) 8. John is from the U.S.A. He's (America, American, Bri Il. Supply the correct tense form of the verbs (2m) 1. He (speak) Vietnamese ? No, he (speak) Chinese, 2. How much ham Mrs. Lan (need) ? She (need) half a kilo. She (play) tennis ? No, she (do) aerobies. What (be) the matter with Lion ? She (have) flu. Ae 98 IIL. Write questions for these answers (2m) 1. I feel tired. 2. Td like a glass of milk 3. There is some meat and rice for lunch. 4. She's Vietnamese, IV. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions (1m) 1. The Great Wall of China is __ 60,000 kilometers long. 2. These students are____ Great Britain. 3. The teacher is waiting ___ us in the classroom. 4. Lan sits Ba and Thu, \V- Supply the appropriate question words (Im) 1, _______ do you go swimming ? Every Saturday afternoon. 2, ______ does she get up every morning ? — At six o'clock. 8. ____ do people need more land ? Because they need more food. 4, ____are they from ? ~ England, VI- Fill in the blanks with the words from the box (2m) (Gnterestng, ad, vacation, takes, waffle motorbike, bikes, woathor Dear Mai Tam on in Ho Chi Minh City, The is fine and warm. My uncle —— me to the centre of the city. We travel by ___. There is a lot of ‘Taxis and buses run up down the streets. There are also lots of motorbikes, and cyclos. We visit many places. That's great ! Yours, Ba - Test 8 I- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (2m) 1. Llive Hanoi with my parents. (at, in, from) 2, We have physies__ Tuesday and Friday. (on, at, in) 3. They are waiting “a bus, (of, for, from) 4. Twin Towers are the building in the world. (tall, taller, tallest) 5. How is the Great Wall of China ? Over 6,000 (high, long, wide) 6. For dinner she eats ‘meat. (a little, a lot, a few) 7. What's the weather like in _? It's hot, (spring, fall, summer) 8. He has ___ paddy fields. (a lot of, a lot, a few) 5 II- Supply the correct tense form of the verbs (2m) 1. He (play) soccer now ? No, he (swim) 2. What you (do) at the moment ? I (learn) my lesson. 99 4. Why they (stay) at home on Sundays ? Because they (have) no 3. (Not cross) the streets outside the zebra crossings. (Be) carefl eae 4. They (have) a test tomorrow ? No, they (practise) their music lesson. IIL Write questions for the underlined words (1m) IIL: Answer the following questions (@m) eam eae 1. What are you going to do in your summer vacation ? ee ee eee ae 2, Which is the highest mountain in the world ? ee coer 3. Where does the Red River start ? A eee 4. What do factories do with waste paper ? eee ete erect eo Cee ee eee a 1. He can help his sister to clean the floor. 1. How much / beet / your mother / need ? Fine nee sides games at hone 2, Where / you / go / spond / your holidays ? se eee eee 8. Which / be / longest / river / the world ? | eee esas orien ieee echo ca enag Eaagaeel ee V- Fill in the blanks with appropriate words (im) V- Complete the dialogue with the words given in the box (2m) | 1. There are oranges in the fridge. idea, time, do, an) | 2. She doesn't want _____ sandwiches. Ba: Is five odock. Its to go home | 8. He produces nie Lan : O.K, We have to up everything before we leave, | 4 How mic do his cows produce ? Pe eee hose roe VI- Fill in the blanks with the words from the box (2m) paca scl producing, polluting, danger, environment, foresta, destroying, power Lan: But there aren't trash cans, We are destroying our ___. We are cutting down the ___. We are Ba: ‘Then we should put it ina and take it home. _ = Syrante and animals, Wild animal are in ___. We are wasting too Lan : Oh! That's a good! much. We are too much trash, Gases and trash are the air, the land, the rivers and the oceans Test 9 VIL. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences 1. Mr. Hai is a. He works on a farm. I. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (2m) Me Ta Se eee nO nar 4. Tho Ble Tower is than the Pyramid of Cheops al taller, | ee ee 2. Ho Chi Minh City is the city in Vietnam, (big, bigger, biggest) a) does by kes ©) produces 3. He eats rice,meat and vegetables lunch, (for, at, in) 8. My father grows ___ vegetables in the garden. 4. We should our environment. (destroy, protect, make) a) afew b) a lite ©) any 5. Switch __ the lights when you go out. (of, off, on) 4. "The __ plow the paddy fields 6. Their children are waiting them. (for, with, to) a) horses 'b) buffaloes ©) eats 7. rade is your brother in ? (What, Whieh, How) 5. The produce milk. 8. ____ coffee do you need ? (How many, How much, How) ee buffaloes Ii: Supply the correct tense form of the verbs (2m) 1e _ produce a lot of eggs, aia ce omnes acne Gs era | a) cows Db) chickens) horses 2, Where he (live) ? He (live) in a small house near the lake. iL vice does the farmer produce ? 2) How many b) How ©) How much 3. What they (do) now ? They (water) the garden, 301 100 10. a 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. 7. 18. 19. 21. 23. 24, 25. 26. 102 ‘eggs do his chickens produce ? @) How many —b) How much) How ‘The fruit trees produce ___ fruit. a) any b) a few ©) alittle He also grows __ fruit trees. a) a little b) a few ©) any ‘The population __ the world is growing, a) in b) on ©) of ‘More people ‘more food. a) do b) make ©) need ‘The farmers are cutting down the __ to get moreland. a) fields by forests. ©) mountains People are ___ plants and animals. a) helping b) destroying ©) working Some Asian animals are in __ @) dangerous b) dangerously ©) danger a) what, b) when, ©) why People are _ wild animals and plants. a) burning b) wasting ©) destroying We are burning coal, oil and gas. a) toomany bh) too much _—e) very much We are wasting too much __ a) plants b) animals ©) water Gases and trash are ____ our environment. a) doing by polluting —e)— making throw trash in the street, a) Do b) Not ©) Don't When you don't need a light, it off. a) Keep by) Switch ©) Pick Keep ___ the grass. a) on b) off ©) in Don't __ wild flowers. ®) pick b) damage ©) collect, We ___ leave our trash, a) should b) shouldn't) can In Vietnam, we old plastic and scrap metal. a) produce b) recycle ©) make does the world need more food ? ~ Because there are more people, 27. We ___ empty bottles and cans and recycle them. 1a) produce b) make ©) collect 28, Smoke from cars and motors _ the air. a) makes 'b) pollutes: ©) cleans 29. When you see a dripping faucet, ___it off. a) leave b) save ©) turn VII- Supply the correct words to complete the passage 1. The population of the world is _. People need more _"_ to pro- duce more food. They burn the forests ___get more land. They wild animals and plants. In big cities, there are also lots people and traffic. People are wasting too ___ water, coal, oil and gas. They are producing too much ___. This is polluting the land, the rivers ___ the oceans. 2 We should protect ___ environment, We shouldn't waste water power. We should ___ more trees. We should keep our environ- ment ___. Switeh the light ___ when we don't need it. Turn the dripping faucet when we see it, Don't leave trash _ the streets, Collect used papers, cans ____ bottles. Factories can ___ them. We save the natural resources, x. Reading ent. ‘Smoke and waste chemicals are polluting the air and our environ: We are wasting too much power. Smokes from cars, buses, trucks and motorbikes are very harmful. We are producing too much trash. This is polluting the land, the rivers and the oceans, too. What should we do to protect our environment? We should save water and electricity. We shouldn't leave our trash in the country. We should collect used paper, bottles and cans. We can recycle them to save the natural resources, True or false ‘Smokes from vehicles are harmful. Waste chemicals pollute the air. ‘Trash is polluting the land, the rivers and the oceans. We aren't wasting too much power. We should leave our trash in the country. ‘We should collect used paper. We can't recycle used bottles and cans. ‘We should save water and electricity. We should save the natural resources. 10. We should collect our trash. 103 104 Appendix bE KIEM TRA CUA MOT SO TINH, THANH pf xifim TRA HQC Ki I, NAM HQC 2001 — 2002 Thesi gian: 45 phut (khong ké thai gian giao dé) Complete the sentenses with the correct form of the verbs. Pare eae ea ae ee) «My schost inthe eats tbe a ee eee Soar a 1 Wala Brglh on Monday a Feiday, Gove eget =o eS ee Te Cure) Matah the word tn coleman A wth the word in column B- i a aaa ea a |en brush ~~] your homework ten | reat Sia aa A —e hare ae wasn tiny Write the numbers in words. at first ao a om ae om Read then answer the questions. Linh is twelve years old. He is in grade 6. He lives in a house with his mother, father and sister. Their house is next to a bookstore. In the neighborhood, there is a restaurant, a market and a stadium, Linh’s fa- a) ») ° a ‘ La. 12, n. Question 1: ther works in the restaurant, His mother works in the market. Linh goes to school at seven in the morning. He has classes fro: sevent thirty to eleven thirty. How many people are there in Linh’s house ? What is next to his house ? What time do his classes start ? What time does he go to school ? Complete the dialogue between you and Thu: ‘Thu: Hello, Which grade are you in? You: Thu: You: Thu: You: Thu: You: How many classrooms does your school have ? ‘When do you have English lesson ? ‘What time do your classes start ? pB THE HQC KI II, NAM HOC 2001 - 2002 Phan huéng dan hoe sink Iam bai Hoe sinh lam bai vao ta dé kiém tra nay (gém 2 trang, gidy 1 mat). Hoe sinh doc ki yeu cau cia timg cau hoi trude Kkhi viet cau tra 18. Cau héi Fill in each gap with one word or phrase given in the bracket to complete each sentence. (8 points). (Bién vao méi ohé trong 1 ti hay 1 cum tit trong ngoge dé hoan think méi edu sau). (3 diém). ‘There is ___ water in the refrigerator. (a ~ an ~ some ~ any). is Tom from ? ~ He is from Great Britain. (What ~ Who ~ Where = How). Lan is going When it's PETRONAS Twin Towers is the tallest building ___ the world. (on — a picnic this Sunday. (have ~ having — to have ~ has). , Ba goes swimming. (cold — cool ~ warm — hot). 105 of — in ~ at), 6. Ho Chi Minh City is ___ than Ha Noi. (big — bigger — the biggest ~ very big). Ques Complete the questions using How many/ How much/ How often/ How long (2 points). (Hoan thanh ede céu hoi ding How many/ How much! How often! How tong) (2 diém). 1. ___ is an ice eream ? ~ It's 20004. 2, ____ classrooms are there in your school ? - There are 20, 3. are you going to stay with your uncle ? ~ For a week. 4, ___ do they go to the movies ? ~ Once a week. Question 3: Answer the questions (3 points). (Tré loi ede cau héi) (3 diém), 1. What do you do in your free time ? 2. How often do you watch TV. ? 8. What are you going to do tonight ? Question 4: Read the passage and then answer the questions below @ points). (Dec dogn vein, sau dé tré lai cde cau héi dudi day) (2 diém). John is a student. He is from the USA. He doesn't speak Vietnamese, but he speaks English. He wants to see many interesting places in Viet Nam. He is visiting Ha Long Bay now. Tomorrow he is going to visit Ho Chi Minh City. 1. Where is John from? 2. Which language does he speak ? 3. Is he visiting Ha Long Bay now ? 4. What is he going to do tomorrow ? bE KifiM TRA HQC KI 1, NAM HQC 2002 - 2003 106 m1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. (2.5 pts) Ex: My brother ___a student. (be) > My brother is a student, Nam and Lan students, (be) Lan English on Monday and Tuesday. (have) Nam ____ in Ho Chi Minh City. (live) ‘There forty students in their elass, (be) In the evening, Lan does her homework then ___ TV. (watch) ‘Match the item in column A with the item in column B. (2.5 pts) A B Hi A, On Tran Hung Dao Street. Where do you live ? B. At 5:30 How old are you ? C. I'm twelve years old. What time do you get up in D, Math, English and History, the morning ? What do you have on Monday? | E. Bye! Bye! F. Hi! A B : AHI! F. Hi! 2. Where do you live ? 8. How old are you? 4. What time do you get up in the morning ? 5. What do you have on Monday ? 6. Bye! : Write the numbers in words. (2.5 pts) Ex: 10ten nu 12 13 cry 15 Read then answer the questions. (2.5 pts) Every morning, Bi gets up at six. He washes his face and brushes his, teeth. At six-thirty he eats his breakfast then he goes to school. At twelve-thirty, he goes home and has lunch. In the afternoon, he plays soccer. In the evening, he does his homework then watches TV. What does Bi do? 107 2, What time does Bi get up every morning ? 8. What does Bi do after breakfast ? 4, Does Bi go to school in the afternoon ? 5. What does Bi do in the evening ? pf Kifim TRA HQC Ki II, NAM HOC 2002 ~ 2003 © Phén huéng din hgc sinh lam bai Hoe sinh lam bai true tigp vaio dé kim tra. I. Hay dién vao ché tréng bing FROM, ON, UP hoe WITH. (2 diém) 1, Don't stay __ late. 2. [always come to class 8, What's wrong you? 4. The traffic lights are changing ____green to red. IL Hay dién vao ché tréng bing thi thich hop cia dong tit trong ngofe (Present simple hoiic Present continuous) (2 diém) 1 (like) my English classes very much, I often ____ (practice) speaking English with my friend Lan. I (take) the English Final ‘Test now, and my father ___ (wait) for me in front of the school. MIL. Chon ti hoge eum tit thich hep cho ché tring bang cach dénh dau X Ién chil edi (A, B hodie ©) trude y€u té duge chon, (2 diém) 1. Lan likes ‘She swims and does aerobics. A. sports, B, music C. games 2, How often does she to music ? A. hear B. listen C. wateh does your brother often do in his free time ? A. What B. When C. Where. 4. are you going to stay here ? ~ For a week. A. How B. How often ©. How long 108 v. errs London is a big city, but Tokyo is A, the bigger than London, B, bigger ©. biggest ‘There is lots of A, desert in Vietnam. Our country is very green. B. land ©. rain His father is a He works in a factory, A. worker B. nurse ©, teacher What does Tuan do in his free time ? ~ He A. works in the factory —_B, goes fishing Ding ti thich hyp trong khung dé dién vao nhiing ché trong trong doan van phia duéi. @ diém) on the river. C. does his homework China — it — river visits Mr Tri often travels to many places. Sometimes he Hue or Ha Noi, Next year he is going to visit to see the Great Wall. ‘The Nile is the longest in the world. He is going to see 00. Dat cau hi cho méi cau tra lai sau day. (2 diém) 2 Tma student. T'm in grade 6. Thave English three times a week. Orange juice, please. 109

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