Laa Revision Booklet 6

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Unit 1 – The Online World

Learning Aim A

Name: Karandeep Singh

Form: 10 ALE

Lesson 1 – Online Services
(Student Book A – Pg. 3, 4)

Starter What is an online service?

Fill in the gaps below

Service Types Examples Benefits

Communication Email, messaging, news Using social Instant responses to someone
social networks, networking who is remote from you, at
conferencing, blogs and applications like no additional cost to your
vlogs. Facebook or Google+ broadband fees.
to exchange Socializing.

Real-time Timetables, sport updates, Checking a bus times Provides up-to-date

information News, weather reports, online for estimate information when picking
travel news. arrival. people up from an airport.
Companies can use real-time
information about customers’
reactions to an advertisement
to improve the effectiveness
of the advert.

Commerce Banking, auctions, online Selling something Allows users to carry out
and purchases, through a service such transactions
publishing. as eBay or Amazon. seamlessly (without the need
to use
Physical money) and globally.

Government Tax returns, Applying for your first Allows users to carry out
e-voting, provisional driving transactions seamlessly
applications for license. (without the need to use
grants or benefits physical money) and globally.

Education Online learning, Using the Microsoft® Allows you to do training
online training, training package for from the comfort of your own
manufacturers’ Computer and at your own
online tutorials Windows® 7. pace.

Virtual learning VLEs such as Your school or college Cost effective for the
environment Moodle may use a VLE for you school/college and allows the
(VLE) to access lecture notes school/college to track the
and assignments, and submission of learners’ work.
for you to submit
assignment work

Business Business networks, Using a price Allows you to get the best
(different types collaborative working, comparison website is price on Purchases.
of video conferencing an example where you
organizations) touch on business

Entertainment Multi-user games, Playing a game with Enhances the gaming

radio and TV players, other people over the experience by
video streaming internet allowing you to play against
You may not know.

Download Music, films, new software, Downloading music Makes purchasing easier and
services software upgrades, games from a service such as more affordable.
iTunes or google play


Complete the table below to think about and record some of the services that you may use
on a daily basis and what you use them for?
Service Provider How do you use it? /
What do you use it for?

Email (E.g. Yahoo Mail)

Chat messenger, WhatsApp, IMO, Chat is talk between two people on certain
tango, twitter, snapchat etc. online app such as messenger, WhatsApp


Download ITunes, google ply music, Used for downloading music.


Search engine

Find out what the following key terms mean in relation to the online world.
Profile is presentation on yourself or internet identity on yourself

Network of friends

Online community A group of people with similar interests

Virtual World

Chat Communication over the Internet that offers a real-time transmission of text
of messages from sender to receiver.

Chat room

Using internet in manners

Plenary – In pairs decide and write down which services are most important for:

Businesses? Schools and People wanting to
Colleges? communicate with
Online community friends and family?
Virtual world
Network of friends

Lesson 2 – Online Advertising
(Student Book A – Pg 5,6)

Starter What is online advertising? Give some examples

This is using the internet to advertise products and services such as PPC
banners, pop-ups, sponsored links etc.

Explain 3 types of online advertising commonly used

Name Pay per click
Explanation This is where the advertiser pays the site, such as Facebook to
advertise based on the number of people that click on the advert.

Name Banners
These appear at the top of the web-site and advertise a product

Name Sponsored links

Explanation Is when you sponsored a website on google and they put your website on top.

What do companies need to do to ensure their online advertising is effective?



Use the space below to design a web page for your school. Include three types of advertisement:
 Pop up
 Web banner
 …sponsored links

Show in your designs where you would include your advertisements and which type they should

Internet browser window – web page

Welcome to Holly Lodge High School

Banner to advertise school

Pop-up to sell revision Guide

Revision Guides for Sale

Why did you choose those types of advertisement?
Advertisement Reason for choosing -

What is pay-per-click advertising?

A business model whereby a company that has placed an advertisement
on a website pays a sum of money to the host website when a user
clicks on to the advertisement.

What is another name for online data storage?

Cloud storage

Lesson 3 – Online Documents

(Student Book A – Pg 7 - 9)

What does upload mean?

transfer of data from one computer to another

What does download mean?

Getting something like music, apps from the internet

What is an algorithm?

A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations,

especially by a computer.

What is the most common method used to compress a file? What is the most popular program
used to achieve this?
Draw an image to represent the program

What are the advantages of using online software packages?

A You can get your work from anywhere if you have internet.

B Saves space of your computer

C Allows you quick share over from anywhere to anywhere.

How does automatic backup work?

Is when something happen to your computer it will allow you to get
your stuff on other computer quicker.

Find out the meaning of these terms

Version Control
Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can
recall specific versions later

When one user has the file open and someone tries to access it the document will be locked.

File Permissions
Access rights to specific users and groups of users. These systems control the ability of the
users to view, change, navigate, and execute the contents of the file system.

File Permission Draw a line to match Description
Read-only Access This allows users to retrieve a
document, read it, edit it, add a
new document or delete or
archive an existing document.
Read/Write Access This allows a user to look at and
read a document but not
change it.

This allows the user to look at

and read a document but also to
Full Control
make changes to it.

Write down what permissions each of these people should have.

Person Permission

Computer Administrator Full control

Teacher / Lecturer Read and write access

Pupil / Student using a shared drive Read access only


What is a common format for compressing files?


What are the advantages of online documents?

What are the disadvantages of online documents?

Lesson 4 – Online Communication 1
(Student Book A – Pg 10 - 13)

What is an online community?

A group of people with similar interests.

Match the following information exchanges to their correct descriptions

Web logs These are sites which allows users to create and
(blogs) exchange really short text entries. A popular example
of this type of site is Twitter.
Microblogging These are websites that provide information that
sites visitors to the site can extend and edit. They allow
users to share information and are useful for
research. The best-known example of a wiki is
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that can be
updated by contributors.
These are frequently updated online journals with
diary-like entries which allow people to express their
Wikis thoughts and feelings and give details of their daily
activities. Typically, a blog includes text, photos and
sometimes video.
Online communication within communities is
Chatrooms sometimes referred to as chat. Some of the large
interactive communities where people take part in
the same conversation or type of chat at the same
time are known as chatrooms.

1. Research and write a short description for each of the following key terms:

Electronic mail (e-mail)


Social networking




From discovering various online

communications that are used
online, what do you use and

Lesson 5 – Online Communication 2
(Student Book A – Pg 13 - 14)

What are the implications of online communication?

Think about the positive and negative aspects

Positive aspects Negative aspects

What are the three main benefits of instant messaging?

What are the main disadvantages of instant messaging?

What does VoIP stand for?

What does VoIP do?

What are the limitations of VoIP?

What are the benefits of VoIP?

Plenary – Give three examples of social media used online?

What does netiquette mean?

Lesson 6 –
Cloud & Ubiquitous computing systems
(Student Book A – Pg 15 - 17)

What is meant by the term cloud computing?

Can you name four well known hosting companies?

2 Cloud uses are able to

access software, data
3 and storage on the host

What is cloud storage?

Why software is considered a concern in relation to cloud computing?

What are the benefits of cloud computing and cloud storage?

What is meant by the term ubiquitous computing? Try relating to the image

What does RFID stand for?

What is an RFID? Give an example of an RFID chip in use

Example of RFID

Can you give 3 examples of applications of ubiquitous computing?


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