Khadega Ahmed h00307975 MCT Lesson Observation 2 Feedback Form

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MCT Lesson Observation 2

Student Teacher’s Name: Khadega Ahmed H00307975 Grade Level: 1

Unit/Lesson: English / Adjectives Date: 21/03/18
MST: Susan Fourie

Competency Area E G S M US
Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT LEVEL
DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document
Professionalism and Understanding VG
Well presented. Nice demeneour with children. Overuse of
metalanguage = teacher language for grammar etc like
Professional growth
Clearly developing as a teacher with good presence and
rapport with students. Very good for semester 3.
Planning for learning E
Planning activities and lesson aims
See comments on lesson plan – only comments would be to
include LO number/code and maybe split the stages into
more sections so timing is more realistic.
It would help the observer if you wrote which students were
working on which of the differentiated worksheets.
Implementing and Managing Learning VG
Language and delivery
Your teacher language was good except for a few question
forms which I would add to the plan as TEACHER
QUESTIONS to support you during the lesson

Classroom management E
Management of the class was very good and you have a
good rapport with the children. I thought you were
especially impressive when the MST interjected and you
used some of her examples very well 

Communication skills VG
See notes above on question forms and below on overuse of
“Do you understand?”

Monitoring and Assessment E

Your monitoring of the children was very good and your
work with the children during the matching card activity and
the worksheet independent stage was excellent.
Good feedback and assessment stage at the end with
students trying to spot mistakes and nice use of praise and
applause 
Critical Reflection E
Good realization of strengths and areas to work on
pinpointing both language and use of adjective / noun.

Strengths of the lesson: VVG

Teacher language (except for questions: see below)
Calm and empathetic presence
Choice of materials
Classroom management
Good monitoring and feedback assessment 

Areas for development: E

Board work planning
Teacher talk –
Questions planning
Metalanguage – adjectives. What are they? Do you
understand? – try and avoid asking this as the students will
always say ‘yes’ – ask them to show you or give you
examples. Which you did later on 

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