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Reg. No.: Question Paper Code: J1182 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016. (Prom Academic Year ~ 2015 ~ New Question Paper Pattern) First Semester DBA 7102 — STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT (Common to all branches) (Regulations 2013) Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks ‘Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2= 20 marks) 1, State ‘Bayes Theorem’. 2. State four characteristics of Poisson distribution. 3. What is the relationship between sample size and standard error? 4. State the terms ‘Parameter and Statistics’ as used in sampling. 5. Illustrate the difference between one-tailed and two-tailed test of hypothesis having a confidence level of 95% using a diagram. 6. Two independent samples were collected. For the first sample of 60 elements, the mean was 86 and the standard deviation 6. The second sample of 75 elements had a mean of 82 and a standard deviation of 9. Compute the estimated standard error of the difference between the two means. 7. State the advantages of using Non-parametric methods. 8, What is the use of calculating rank-correlation co-efficient? * 9. Whatis meant by cyclical variation in time-series analysis? 10. State the term ‘Least Square’. ll. 12. (a) ) (a) PART B— (5 x 13 = 65 marks) (@ The probability that a student passes a Physics test is (2/3) and the probability that he passes both Physics and English test is (14/45). The probability that he passes at least one test is (4/5). What is the probability that the student passes the English test? ©) Gi) A physical therapist at Enormous State University knows that the football team will play 40 percent of its games on artificial turf this season. He also knows that a football player's chances of incurring a knee injury are 50 percent higher if he is playing on artificial turf instead of grass. If a player's probability of knee injury on artificial turf is 0.42, what is the probability that (1) Arandomly selected football player incurs a knee injury? (4) @) A randomly selected football player with a knee injury incurred the injury playing on grass? @) Or (@) A recent study of how Americans spend their leisure time surveyed workers employed for more than 5 years. They determined the probability an employee has 2 weeks of vacation time to be 0.45, 1 week of vacation time to be 0.10, and 3 or more weeks to be 0.20, Suppose 20 workers are selected at random. Answer the following questions without binomial probability table, (1) What is the probability that 8 have 2 weeks of vacation time? (2) What is the probability that only one worker has 1 week of vacation time? (3) What is the probability that at most 2 of the workers have 3 or more weeks of vacation time? (4) What is the probability that at least 2 workers have 1 week of vacation time? ® (i) Under what conditions can the Poisson distribution be a reasonable approximation of the binomial distribution? ® Farmer Braun, who sells grain to Germany, owns 60 acres of wheat fields. Based on past experience, he knows that the yield from each individual acre is normally distributed with mean 120 bushels and standard deviation 12 bushels. Help farmer Braun plan for his next year's crop by finding (3). (i) The expected mean of the yields from Farmer Braun’s 60 acres of wheat. (i) ‘The standard deviation of the sample mean of the yields from Farmer Braun’s 60 acres. Gii) ‘The probability that the mean yield per acre will exceed 123.8 bushels SS (iv) The probability that the mean yield per acre will fall between 117 and 122 bushels, Or 2 J1182 13. 14, b) ) () ©) During the apple harvest, 105 separate bushels of apples were checked for bad apples (because, as you know, one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch) and it was found that there were an average of 3.2 bad apples per bushel. It is known that the standard deviation of bad apples per bushel is 0,2 for this type of apple. @ Calculate the standard error of the mean. © (a) Establish an interval estimate around the mean using one &,. (7) (i) Two independent samples were collected. For the first sample of 42 items, the mean was 32.3 and the variance 9. The second sample of 57 items had a mean of 34 and a variance of 16. (1) Compute the estimated error of the difference between the ‘two means, (2) Using «=0.05, test whether there is sufficient evidence to show the second population has a larger mean. (10) Gi) How can type I error be related to the level of significance? @ Or () Three training methods were compared to see whether they led to greater productivity after training. The following are productivity measures for individuals trained by each method. Method 1: 45 40 50 39 53 44 Method2: 59 43 47 51 39 49 Method 3: 41 37 43 40 52 37 At the 0.05 level of significance, do the three training methods lead to different levels of productivity? @ (i) What are the different classifications of Analysis of Variance? (4) The following data show employees’ rates of defective work before and after a change in the wage incentive plan. Compare the following two sets of data to see whether the change lowered the defective units produced. Use the 0.10 level of significance. a3) Before: 8 7697 10 8 65 8 108 Afr: 65869 8 10756 9 8 Or A sequence of small glass sculptures was inspected for shipping damages, ‘The sequence of acceptable and damaged pieces was as follows : (3) D,4,4,4,D,D,D,D, D,A,A,D,D, A, 4,4,4,D,4,4,D,D,D,D,D Test for the randomness of the damage to the shipment using 0.05 significance level. %, J1182 16, 16. (a) ) (a) ) Explain in detail about the four components of a time series variations. (13) Or Given the following set of data : (i) Find the best-fitting line. © Gi) Compute the standard error of estimate. @) (ii) Find an approximate prediction interval (with a 95% confidence level) for the dependent variable given that X is 44 @ X: 56 48 42 58 40 39 -50 Y: 45 385 345 46.1 333 321 404 PART C — (1x 15 = 15 marks) ‘The Taj Resort, a combination of ski slopes and golf courses, has just recently tabulated its data on the number of customers (in thousands) it has had during each seasons of the last 5 years. Calculate the seasonal index for each quarter. If 15 people are employed in the summer, what should winter employment be, assuming both sports have equal labor requirements? (a5) Spring Summer Fall Winter 1991 200 300 125 325 1992 175 = 250 150-375 1993 225 = 300-200 450 1994 200 350-225-375 1995 175 300-200-350 Or An important proposal must be voted on, and a politician wants to find the proportion of people who are in favor of the proposal. (a5) (@ Find the sample size need to estimate the true proportion to within 40.5 at the 95% confidence level. Gi) Assume you have no strong feelings about what the proportion is. How would your sample size change if you believe about 75 percent of the people favor the proposal? (iii) How would it change if only about 25% favor the proposal? 4 J1182 Reg. No. : l Question Paper Code: K1102 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016. First Semester DBA 7102 — STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT. (Common to all branches) (Regulations 2013) ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks Statistical table may be provided Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1. For a normal curve with 4=55 and o=10, how much area will be found under the curve to the right of the value 55? 2. Of 1000 assembled components, 10 have working defect and 20 have structural defect. There are components with no defects. What is the probability that randomly chosen component will have ether type of defect? 3. Define Central Limit Theorem and give an application. 4, Define point estimator and margin of error. 5. State the conditions of hypothesis. 6. Differentiate parametric and non-parametric test. 7. What do you understand by the term degrees of freedom? 8. State the relationship between sample size and standard. error. 9, How explained variance is determined? 10. State regression coefficient in terms of correlation coefficient. 1. @) ) Gi) @ Gi) PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) A component is tested for its stipulated quality, but the test is not infallible. If the component is good, 70% of the time, test gives Positive indication i.e. 70% of the time the test classifies good item as good. If the component is defective, 80% of the time, test gives negative indication implying that the component is bad. If in the manufacturing process, the percentage of defective components is 20%, calculate : (1) Probability that the component is good and test gives positive indication (2) Probability that the component is not good and test gives negative indication (8) Probability that the component is good given that the test is positive. ® Given a binomial distribution with n=30 trials and P= 0.04, Use the Poisson approximatign to the binomial to find @) P(r=25), Q) P(r=3). @) Or In a certain locality, half of the households is known to use a particular brad of soap. In a household survey, a sample of 10 households is allotted to each investigator and 2048 investigators are appointed for the survey. How many investigators are likely to report () Susers (2) Atleast 4 users, @ Fit a Poisson distribution for the following data which gives the distribution of the number of items bought by the customers in a departmental store. ® No. ofitemsbought(x): 0 1 2 34> No. ofcustomers(f): 122 60 15 21. 2 K1102 12. 13. (a) (b) @) @ Gi) @ Gi @ Gi) A population of 540, a sample of 60 individuals is taken. From this sample, the mean is found to be 6.2 and SD 1.368. (1) Find the estimated standard error of the mean. (2) Construct a 96 percent confidence interval for the mean. (8) As a business manager of a large company, you wish to check inventory records against the physical inventories by a sample survey. You want to be almost sure that the maximum sampling error should not be more than 5% above or below the true proportion of the inaccurate records. The proportion of the inappropriate records is estimated as 35 percent from experience. Determine the sample size. ® Or ‘To estimate the proportion of unemployed workers in a certain city, a random sample of 400 persons from the working class was taken. Of these, 25 were unemployed. (1) Estimate the true proportion of unemployed workers and place bounds on the error of estimation. (2) How many persons must be sampled to reduced the bound on the error to 0.02? ® A section manager wants to estimate the mean number of seconds required by a worker to do a particular task. He observed the worker on 144 randomly selected occasions. The average number of seconds required in the 144 observations was 100 seconds and the standard deviation was 10 seconds. What size of sample would be necessary to estimate the true mean within an error of 0.5 seconds with a 95 percent confidence coefficient? (Use the standard deviation of the sample as the best available estimate of the standard deviation of the population). @) In a simple random sample of 600 men taken from a big city, 400 are found to be smokers. In another simple random of 900 men taken from another city 450 are smokers. Do the data indicate that ~ there is a significant difference in the habit of smoking in the two cities? 8) Hinton press hypothesizes that the average life of its largest web press is 14,500 hours. They know that the standard deviation of the press life is 2000 hours. From a sample of 25 presses, the company finds a sample mean of 13000 hours. At a significance level of 0.01, should the company conclude that the averagelife of the presses is less than the hypothesized 14500 hours. @) Or 3 K1102 14, (b) The following represents the number of units of production per day turned out by four different workers using five different types of machines : ‘Machine Type Worker! A] B]C|D| £ | Total To 4|5 716 25 2 [6/7]/7/4[5] 28 3 |7/el7]8]8] 36 4 [3}5)/4]s8]2] 22 Total | 19/23) 21/27] 21] 111 On the basis of this information can it be concluded that @ The mean productivity is the same for different machines and (i) The workers don’t differ with regard to productivity. (16) (a) The average score on a vocational training test has been known to be 64. Recently, several changes have been carried out in the programme; the effect of these changes on performance on the test is unknown: It is therefore desirable to test the null hypothesis that the average score of all the people who will complete the programme will be 64 versus the alternative that it will not be 64. The following random score is available 87, 91, 65, 31, 8, 53, 99, 44, 42, 60, 77, 73, 42, 50, 79, 90, 54, 39, 77, 60, 83, 41, 42, 85, 71, 50. Is there evidence that the average score for all people who will complete the programme will be 64? (16) Or (») A manufacturer of washing machine is interested to determine whether there was difference between the firm's customer and dealer in terms of satisfaction with its warranty policy. The company marketing team developed the number of likert type questions which eonsists of full range of service and warranty questions. The scores of each 20 respondents are presented in the following table : (16) 2 K1102 15. (a) ) Customers | Dealers ‘6 D 69 | 18 | 82 | 22 76 | 83 | 32| 42 30 | 50 | 44] 17 54 | 62 | 49/71 85 | 48 | 73 | 58 28 | 80 | 20] 41 77 '| 65 | 24| 56 63 | 25 | 52/15 51 | 70 | 29| 36 38 | 46 | 39 | 55 Check the claim at 5 percent level of significance by median test and Mann-Whitney U test. Campus stores have been selling the believe it or not: Wonders of study guide for 12 semesters and would like to estimate the relationship between sales and the number of sections of elementary statistics taught in each semester. The following data have been collected : Sales (units): 33 38 24 61 52 45 65 82 29 63 50 79 No. ofSections: 3 7 6 6 10 12 12 18 12 13 14 15 @ w @ Develop the estimating equation that best fits the data Calculate the sample coefficient of determination and the sample coefficient of correlation. (16) Or A hospital has used a 9 month moving average forecasting method to predict drug and surgical inventory requirements. The actual demand for one item is shown in the table below. Using the previous moving average data, convert to an exponential emoothing forecast for the month 33. ws @: Month: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 Demand: 78 65 90 71 80 101 84 60 73 5 K1102 Gi) ‘The owner of small shop selling food items collected the following information regarding the price and quantity sold of a particular item : Items Average price Quantity sold (Rs (Unit) Units) 2002 2003 2002 2003 A 1 gS. 538: B 1 S 5 zi If the ratio between ‘Laspeyre’s (L) and Paasche's (P) index number = 28: 27, then find the value of x. ® 6 K1102 Reg. No. Question Paper Code : S1102 M.B.A, DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY/MARCH 2016. First Semester DBA 7102 - STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT (Common to All Branches) (Regulations 2013) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Please provide statistical table. Answer ALL questions, PART A— (10 x 2= 20 marks) Distinguish between discrete and continuous Probability distributions. What are mutually exclusive events? State central limit theorem. List the different sampling techniques. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. What are type I and type Il errors? 6. Define null and Alternate Hypothesis. 7. How is Mann-Whitney U test different form Krushal-Wallis test? 8. Name four non-parametric tests used in research, 9. Differentiate correlation and regression. 10. Write any two uses of a time series analysis. PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11. (@) Ina certain factory turning out razor blades, there is a small chance of por any blade to be defective. The blades are supplied in a packets of 10. Use Poisson distribution to calculate the approximate number of packets containing no defective, one defective, two defective and three defective blades in a consignment of 10,000 packets. (16) Or 12. 13. 14. (o) @) ) (@) b) @) ‘A back manager has learnt that the length of time the customer have to wait for being attended by the teller is normally distributed with mean time of 5 min and standard deviation of 0.8 min. Find the probability that a customer has to wait (for less than 6 min © (i) for more than 3.5 min. © Gi) between 3.4 min and 6.2 min. © A factory is producing 50,000 pairs of shoes daily. From a sample of 500 pairs, 2% were found to be of substandard quality. Estimate the number of pairs that can be reasonably expected to be spoiled in the daily production and assign limits at 95% level of confidence. (16) Or Mr. X wants to determine on the basis of sample study the mean time required to complete a certain job so that he may be 95% confident that the mean may remain within + 2 days of the true mean. As per the available records the population variance is 64 days. How large should the sample be for his study? (16) ‘A company claims that its light bulbs are superior to those of its main competitor. If a study showed that a simple of n,= 40 of its bulbs had a mean lifetime of 647 hrs of continuous use with a standard deviation of 27 hrs, while a sample of ng = 40 bulbs made by its main competitor had ‘a mean lifetime of 638 hrs of continuous use with a standard deviation of 31 hrs. Does this substantiate the claim at the 0.05 level of significance? (a6) Or ‘The average number of vehicles serviced by two service stations per day 200 and 250 with standard deviation 20 and 25 respectively on the basis of records of 25 days of servicing. Can you regard both the service stations equally efficient at 0.01 level of significance? 6) ‘Three samples of students are weighed. The results are as follows: Group A: 67 66 75 85 55 79 95 93 GroupB: 55 58 67 63 62 69 72 Group C: 48 53 55 61 49 58 57 64 66 Use Krushal-Walf is test to check whether all three groups have similar weights. ‘ (16) Or 2 $1102 (b) 15. (a) () To determine whether there is a relationship between an employer's performance in the Company’s training program and his or her ultimate ‘success in the job, the company takes a sample of 400 cases from its very extensive files and obtain the results shown in the following tables. Performance in training program Below Average Above Average Average Suecessin Poor 23 60 29 Job Average 28 79 60 Very good 9 49 63 Use the level of significance 0.01 to test the null hypothesis that performance in the training program and success in the job are independent. (16) Find the coefficient of correlation between industrial production and export using the following data: Production X: 55-56 58 59 GO 60 62 Export Y: 35 38 37 39 44 43 44 : (16) Or Explain the various components of time series analysis with suitable examples. (a6) 3 "$1102 Reg. No, : Question Paper Code : 80102 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2015. First Semester DBA 7102 — STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT, (Common to all branches) (Regulations 2013) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks (Statistical table may be provided) Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2= 20 marks) 1. The number of motor accidents in a city follows poisson distribution with mean 4. What is the probability that in a particular day there will be 6 or 7 accidents? 2. Mention the characteristics of normal distribution. 3. List the different sampling techniques. 4, What are the qualities of a good estimate? 5. Define Hypothesis. 6. What are type I and type Il errors? 7. What are parametric tests? 8. How is Mann - Whitney U test different from Kruskal-Wallis test? 9. _ Differentiate correlation and regression. 10. What is seasonal variation? 1 12, (@) ) (a) ) PART B— (6 x 16 = 80 marks) Four technicians regularly make repairs when breakdowns occur on an automated production line. Ravi, who services 20% of the breakdowns, makes an incomplete repair 1 time in 20; Tarun, who services 60% of the breakdowns, makes an incomplete repair 1 time in 10; Gautam, who services 15% of the breakdowns, makes an incomplete repair 1 time in 10 and Prasad, who services 5 % of the breakdowns, makes an incomplete repair 1 time in 20. For the next problem with the production line diagnosed as due to an initial repair that was incomplete, what is the probability that the initial repair was made by Ravi? Also find the probability that the initial repair was made by Tarun, Gautam as well as Prasad. Or Sensurex company Itd. has a training programme designed to upgrade the supervisory skills of production - line supervisors. Because the programme is self-administered, supervisors require different number of hours to complete the programme. A study of past participants indicates that the mean length of time spent on the programme is 500 hours and that this normally distributed random variable has a standard deviation of 100 hours. (What is the probability that a participant selected at random will require more than 600 hours to complete the programme? (i) What is the probability that a candidate selected at random will take more than 700 hours to complete the programme? (ii) What is the probability that a participant chosen at random will require between 550 and 650 hours to complete the required training? (iv) What is the probability that a candidate selected at random will require fewer than 580 hours to complete the programme? ‘The quality control manager of a tyre company has sample of 100 tyres and has found the mean life time to be 30214 Km. The population S.D is 860. Construct a 95% confidence interval for mean life time for this particular brand of tyres. Or Mr. Rathinakumar wants to determine on the basis of sample study the mean time required to complete a certain job so that he may be 95% confident that the mean may remain within + 2 days of the true mean. As per the available records, population variance is 64 days. How large the sample should be for his study? 2 80102 13. (a) ) 14. (a) (b) ‘The average numbers of vehicles serviced by two service stations per day are 200 and 250 with S.D 20 and 25 respectively on the basis of records of 25 days of servicing. Can you regard both the service stations equally efficient at 0.01 level of significance? Or A random sample is selected from each of the 3 makes of ropes and their breaking strength (in lbs) are measured with following results. Conduct a F-test at 5% level of significance to determine whether the breaking strength of the ropes differs significantly. Rope I: 70, 72, 75,80,83 Rope Il: 100,110,108,112,113,120, 107 Rope III: 60, 65, 57, 84, 87, 73 ‘A teacher wishes to test three different teaching methods I, II and III. To do this, the teacher chooses at random three groups of five students each and teaches each group by a different method. ‘The same examination is then given to all the students and the marks obtained are given below. Determine using Kruskal - Wallis Test at a = 0.05 significance level whether there is a difference between the teaching methods. Methodl 78 62 71 58 73 Method IT 76 «85 «77 90 87 Method III 74 79 60 75 80 Or ‘The following is the summary of a survey on the colour of pens purchased by persons belonging to different age groups. Use chi-square test at 5 % level of significance to find whether the age of the person has any association with the choice of colour. Colour Blue Black Red Age Group Lessthan20 8 12-20 20-50 10 15. 10 Above 50 10 10 5 3 “80102 15. (a) ) Cost accountants often estimate overhead based on the level of production. At the Standard Knitting Co.,they have collected information of the overhead expenses and units produced at different plants, and want to estimate a regression equation to predict future overhead. X: 191 170 272 155 280 173 234 116 158 178 Y: 40 42 53,35 56 39 48 30 37 40 (@ Develop the regression equation for the cost accountants. (ii) Predict overhead when 50 units are produced, Or Find the coefficient of correlation between industrial production and export using the following data: Production, X 55 56 58 59 60 60 62 Export, ¥ 35-38-37 39 44 43 44 4 80102 neg. No:[ |] O Question Paper Code : 22104 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015. First Semester DBA 7102 — STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2013) (Common to all Branches) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks 2 2 oN 2 @re i. (Statistical table may be provided) Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2= 20 marks) What are mutually exclusive events? Distinguish between discrete and continuous probability distributions, Give two uses for sampling distributions. How does sample size affect parameter estimation accuracy? What is the significance level that decides the result of a hypothesis test? Distinguish between null and alternate hypothesis, Distinguish between parametric and non parametric tests. Give two disadvantages of non parametric tests. Distinguish between a causal regression and time series analysis, What are irregular variations in a time series? How is their effect minimized in forecasts? PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) (@)_ Im a certain town XYZ 60% of the cars are Maruti cars and the balance are Tata cars. In another town ABC 20% of the cars are Maruti and the balance are Tata cars. A car chosen in random from one of the towns happens to be a Tata car. What is the probability that it is from Town XYZ? Two cars are selected, one from each town. What is the probability that at least one is a tata car? Or 12, 13. (b) (@) ) (a) (b) (a) 20 cars are tested for their mileage. The mileages follow a normal distribution with an average of 12 km/hr and a standard deviation of 3km/hr. What is the probability of a car having a mileage more than 15 km/hr. What is the probability of a car having a mileage of not more than 14 km/hr? What are the chances that the mileage lies between 8km/hr and 18km/lir? ‘Two towns are studied for tall buildings. In town A, out of 300 buildings considered, the average works out to 350m with a standard deviation of 35m. In town B, out of 450 buildings considered, the average height works out to 39m with a standard deviation of dem. Estimate the average building height for each town at a confidence level of 95? If the accuracy level is to be less than +3cm, what is the confidence level for each of the towns? Or A certain town is studied for population height. If a study is done to estimate the population height with an accuracy of #0.3m, what should be the sample size if the confidence level is 95%? What will the accuracy be if this confidence level is then reduced to 90%? If the sample average works out to 1.8m, what is the range within which the population mean height will lie? ‘Two groups of students are studied. Group A considers 50 students, who exhibit a mean weight of 70kg with a standard deviation of Tkg. 30 of these students are girls. Group B considered 70 students who showed an average weight of GOkg with a standard deviation of 9kg. 25 of these students are girls. Test whether both groups have same average weight and whether both groups have the same proportion of girls. Or ‘Two classes are studied for marks in a certain subject. In Class A the marks secured are 35,37,42,44,55,66,33,27,35. In class B the marks secured by a few students are 66,77,88,77,55,66,77,88,99,66,55,44,55,66. Test whether both classes have similar average marks in the subject. ‘The effectiveness of a certain coaching class is being studied and the marks of 7 students. before and after the coaching effort is recorded below. Student 12°98 4 5 6 7 Before 33 44 47 26 30 50 60 After 55 60 46 65 55 53 35 Use sign test to check out the effectiveness of the coaching class. Or 2 22104 (b) b) ‘Three samples of students are weighed. The results are as follows Group A: 67, 66, 75, 85, 55, 79, 95, 93 Group B: 55, 58, 67, 63, 62, 69, 72 Group C: 48, 53, 55, 61, 49, 58, 57, 64, 66 Use Kruskal Walis test to check whether all three groups have similar weights, ‘The consumption of two products A and B by students in kgs per year are studied. Student 2 Be ee Bt ProductA 50 70 90 25 30 150 85 15 Product B 70 90 95 30 26 130 95 40 Find the correlation level of the consumption of these two products. Or Explain the various components of time series analysis with suitable examples. 3 22104 Bee Nes |. [| bela) Te) Question Paper Code : 46102 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2014. First Semester DBA 7102 — STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT (Common to All Branches) (Regulations 2013) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks (Use statistical table to be permitted) Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2= 20 marks) 1. What is conditional probability? Explain with an example. 2. Define exclusive events and independent events. 3. State the central limit theorem 4. Why are samples taken? 5. Why are hypothesis proposed? . 6. — What is significance level in a hypothesis test? Distinguish between a parametric and a non parametric test. 8. Name four non parametric tests used in research. 9. How is the accuracy of a regression equation measured? 10. Explain the difference between cyclical variations and seasonal variations in a time series, 1. 12, (a) (b) fa) PART B— @ x 16 = 80 marks) ‘Assume you have applied to two different universities (let's refer to them as Universities A and B for your graduate work. In the past, 25% of students (with similar credentials as yours) who applied to University A were accepted, while University B accepted 35% of the applicants. Assume events are independent of each other. () What is the probability that you will be accepted in both universities? (ii) What is the probability that you will be accepted to at least one graduate program? (ii) What is the probability that one and only one of the universities will accept you? (iv) What is the probability that neither university will accept you? Or ‘The salaries of the employees of a corporation are normally distributed with a mean of Rs. 25,000 and a standard deviation of Rs. 5,000. (i) What is the probability that a randomly selected employee will have a starting salary of at least Rs. 31,000? (i) What percentage of employees has salaries of less than Rs. 12,200? (ii) What are the minimum and the maximum salaries of the middle 95% of the employees? (iv) If sixty-eight of the employees have incomes of at least Rs. 35,600, how many individuals are employed in the corporation? MNM Corporation gives each of its employees an aptitude test. The scores on the test are normally distributed with a mean of 75 and a standard deviation of 15. A simple random sample of 25 is taken from a population of 500. (i) What are the expected value, the standard deviation, and the shape of the sampling distribution of ? (ii) What is the probability that the average aptitude test in the sample will be between.70.14 and 82.14? (ii) What is the probability that the average aptitude test in the sample will be greater than 82.68? (iv) What is the probability that the average aptitude test in the sample will be less than 78.69? Or 2 46102 13: () (a) (b) A random sample of nine telephone calls in an office provided the following information. Call Number | Duration | Type of call (in minutes) 1 3 local 2 8 long distance 3 4 local, 4 a local 5 5 long distance 6 6 Tocal 7 3 local, 8 5 local 9 8 local, (@ Determine the point estimate for the average duration of all calls. (i) What is the point estimate for the standard deviation of the population? (iii) Determine the standard error of the mean. (iy) What is the point estimate for the proportion of all calls that were long distance? A new soft drink is being market tested. A sample of 400 individuals Participated in the taste test and 100 indicated that they like the taste We are interested in determining if more than 21% of the population will like the new soft drink. (i) Set up the null and the alternative hypotheses. (ii) Determine the test statistic. Gi) Determine the p-value. (iv) At 95% confidence, test to determine if more than 21% of the population will like the new soft drink. Or ‘The daily production rates for a sample of factory workers before and after a training program are shown below. Let d = After ~ Before. Worker | Before | After 1 6 9 2 tor] a2 3 9 10 4 8 i 5 zi 9 ‘We want to determine if the training program was effective. (i) Give the hypotheses for this problem. (i) Compute the test statistic. (iii) At 95% confidence, test the hypotheses. That is, did the training program actually increase the production rates? ae ree 14. (a) Ina sample of 200 racquetball players, 120 indicated they prefer Penn racquetballs, 75 favored Ektelon, and 5 were indifferent. We want to use the sign test to determine if there is evidence of a significant difference in the preferences for the two types of racquetballs. () Provide the hypotheses to be tested. Gi) Compute the mean. (iii) Compute the standard deviation. (iv) At 95% confidence, test to determine if there is evidence of a- significant difference in the preferences for the two types of racquetball, Or () The manager of a company believes that differences in sales performance depends upon the salesperson's age. Independent samples of salespeople were taken and their weekly sales record is reported below. Below 30 Years Between 30 and 45 Years Over 45 years No.of sales No. of Sales No. of Sales 24 23 30 16 17 20 21 22 23 1b 25 25 19 18, a4 26 29 36 (State the null and alternative hypotheses. (ii) At 95% confidence, test the hypotheses. 15. (a) Given below are five observations collected in a regression study on two variables, x (independent variable) and y (dependent variable). xy 24 a4 43 2 61 (Develop the least squares estimated regression equation, (ii) Compute the coefficient of determination. (iii) Compute the coefficient of correlation. Or (e) Explain the various components in a time series with suitable examples.

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