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RecurDyn for Beginners

- Innovation for Design & Analysis

with Multibody Dynamics –

Nobuyuki Shimizu

Copyright ○
C 2015 by FunctionBay, Inc. All rights reserved.
RecurDyn for Beginners is divided into three parts. This book is intended to introduce the general

purpose multibody dynamics software ‘RecurDyn’ for engineers and analysts who are engaged in

analyzing, designing and manufacturing machineries, i.e. machines and mechanisms. When solving

problems of machine and mechanism dynamics, and vibration-control using RecurDyn, it is necessary

to know how to model and analyze the problems. This book answers the questions by explaining the


1) Outline, development and future plans for RecurDyn

2) Fundamental theory of multibody dynamics on which RecurDyn is based

3) What RecurDyn is and how to use it, how to create input data for RecurDyn and how to handle

input data in RecurDyn.

From this contents, readers will learn both what RecurDyn is, and what the multibody dynamics
(MBD) on which RecurDyn is based are. Consequently, the readers can understand how to analyze
actual problems by RecurDyn, associating with motion, vibration and control for machines and
mechanisms (generally referred to as MBD problems) which are encountered at manufacturing sites
which utilize RecurDyn. The readers can extract meaningful engineering data from RecurDyn's
computational results, and solve problems. Through this process, the MBD problems associated with
analyzing, designing and manufacturing machines and mechanisms can effectively be solved. From
the overview of RecurDyn in its functions and developments, application developments can be seen
in the fields of not only machine problems, but also biomechanics, molecular dynamics and other
problems which require dynamics analysis.

In Part 1 ‘Outline, development and future plans for RecurDyn,’ an outline of how RecurDyn was

developed and what RecurDyn can do will briefly be given. An overview of RecurDyn’s many

functions will also be given. There are many functions in RecurDyn. The overview of these items will

also be given. Next, comparisons between the MBD on which RecurDyn is based and the finite

element method (FEM) will be given followed by comparisons between the general purpose MBD

software and FEM software. After this, a brief review of future developments of RecurDyn will be




The multibody dynamics (MBD) and the finite element method (FEM) are the different subject of

study. The terms, MBD and FEM cited in this book are often used to indicate a solution methodology

based on the indicated subject of study which contains the methods of modeling, computing and



In Part 2 ‘Fundamental theory of multibody dynamics on which RecurDyn is based,’ an outline of

the multibody dynamics on which RecurDyn is based will briefly be given. It is important to know the

relationship between CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) and its supporting subjects of study when

we consider the role of the MBD in manufacturing. The finite element method has already been

established as a main supporting subject of study for CAE. Because of this, the relationship between

multibody dynamics and the finite element method will be briefly explored.

In Part 3 ‘Using RecurDyn’, RecurDyn Professional (RD/Pro) of RecurDyn’s large family of

software will be explained. RD/Pro (hereafter simplified to ‘RecurDyn’) - which has been in

development since RecurDyn’s initial stage - treats the rigid MBD problems. In this part, RecurDyn

will be explained, and some concrete examples will be used to show how to use it. After, reading this

part, readers should be able to master how to use RecurDyn for simple problems. Specifically, by using

simple mechanism analysis models, the following items will be studied.

1) Creating analysis data for RecurDyn, executing computations and evaluating

computational results

2) Fundamental features of RecurDyn: GUI, body, joint, force, contact and other entities

3) Special considerations for creating RecurDyn analysis data

4) Dynamics analysis of simple models using RecurDyn

5) File compositions of RecurDyn


I wish to thank Dr. Jin Hwan Choi, professor of KyungHee University and a founder of FunctionBay,

Inc., Korea, who gave me the chance to write this book and Mr. Sangtae Kim, a team manager of the

Technical Marketing team of FunctionBay, Inc., who patiently supported my writing of this book.

I also wish to thank Dr. Juhwan Choi, a head of R&D center and a chief product officer of FunctionBay,

Inc. who provided information on numerical integration methods and Mr. Ho-Young Cha, a senior

research engineer of the solver team of FunctionBay, Inc. who provided information on contact force

algorithms within RecurDyn. Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to Mr. Takashi Suzuki, president

of FunctionBay K. K., Japan, who gave me permission to use several useful materials originated by

his team.

Part 1 Outline, development and future plans for RecurDyn

1. What is RecurDyn?

2. How has RecurDyn been developed?

3. What can RecurDyn do?

4. Outline of compositions and functions of RecurDyn

5. Integrated analysis using RecurDyn


Part 2 Fundamental theory of multibody dynamics on which RecurDyn is based

1. Introduction

2. CAE in manufacturing and its supporting subjects of study

3. Development of multibody dynamics

4. The Fundamental concept and theory of multibody dynamics

5. Future problems and trends of multibody dynamics


Part 3 Using RecurDyn

1. Introduction

2. Analysis examples of mechanism problems using RecurDyn

3. RecurDyn terms

4. Using RecurDyn

5. Getting to know RecurDyn

6. Analysis using RecurDyn

7. RecurDyn files


Part 1 Outline, development and future plan

of RecurDyn

1. What is RecurDyn?

2. How has RecurDyn been developed?

3. What can RecurDyn do?

4. Outline of compositions and functions of RecurDyn

(1) Standard multibody dynamics software (RecurDyn/Professional)

(2) Interdisciplinary toolkits

(a) Mechanism analysis of flexible bodies

(b) Analysis of control problems (CoLink)

(c) Design optimization (AutoDesign)

(d) Particle analysis (Particles)

(3) Interfacing with external software (Communicators)

(a) Control: Interface of control software

(b) Hydraulic: Interface of hydraulic-control software

(c) FMI

(d) CAD Interface

(4) Special purpose toolkit (Application Toolkit)

(5) Automating and customizing (Automation & Customization)

5. Integrated analysis using RecurDyn


1. What is RecurDyn?

RecurDyn is a general purpose commercial software, which conducts motion and vibration

analyses of mechanisms and mechanical systems. It is developed and sold by FunctionBay, Inc. The

name, RecurDyn comes from the theory of recursive formulation which provides highly efficient

calculations for equations of motion for constrained mechanical systems in rigid multibody dynamics.

Currently, RecurDyn analyzes mechanical systems with rigid and flexible bodies using various

methods in addition to the recursive method. RecurDyn has another remarkable feature in its pre-

processor. Since RecurDyn adopts a geometry-based input procedure, when creating analysis input

data, it enables users to conduct user-friendly intuitive operations.

Figures 1.1 and 1.2 show the results of practical examples of motion analysis using RecurDyn. Fig.

1.1 displays the running motion of a farming tractor and Fig.1.2 shows a robot’s motion during


Fig. 1. 1 A farming tractor


Fahrdynamik Traktor RecurDyn, Labor MKS, Fakultät Maschinenbau

Fig.1.2 A robot’s motion during operation


A mechanism analysis model created from a mechanical system including mechanisms with multiple

body components is characterized by mass properties and joint properties between adjacent body

components (e.g. joint constraints). This model is subjected to inputs in the form of specified motions

and/or external forces to obtain its responses. Computational results for motion (e.g. position, velocity,

and acceleration) and forces (e.g. joint reactions, spring forces) are given by animations and graphs

for which physical evaluations can easily be given.

Motion analysis of machines and mechanisms is used for product development in many industrial

fields such as automobiles, construction machines, heavy electric machines, media transportation

systems and home appliances. During product and system development, the product’s behavior is

checked using a prototype model. The system’s behavior is checked for cases where an actual physical

test is impossible or impractical (e.g. overturning a train, behavior of structures in outer space).

Consequently, the cost of trial manufacturing is reduced and the development period is shortened. This

results in realizing high-quality product design and development.

Supported by recent advancements in computer science, CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) has

established its own position as an assisted means for manufacturing technology in engineering. Thus,

the motion analysis software of machines and mechanisms contributes to manufacturing in the same

way that the finite element software in CAE contributes to manufacturing.

The motion analysis of machines and mechanisms is scientifically based on the multibody

dynamics. Problems that can be solved deal with subjects such as mechanical and biomechanical

systems with many moving parts and components.

2. How has RecurDyn been developed?

RecurDyn was developed by two Korean multibody dynamics researchers: Professors Dae Sung

Bae of Hangyang University and Jin Hwan Choi of KyungHee University. Originally, it was meant to

be software used only in the laboratory. RecurDyn version 1 was completed as an academic level

software. From the first stage of development, RecurDyn has used the recursive formulation, setting

it ahead of other well-known general purpose multibody dynamics software. RecurDyn was

powerful enough to analyze chains and belts involving contact. In order for software to be accepted in

a market, it is important that said software has superior features such as ease of use, relatively fast

computation times, and stably obtained solutions. In September 2000, RecurDyn ver. 3.0 was released

as a commercial software by improving the performance through repeated revisions and modifications.

RecurDyn ver. 4.0 was released in 2001 and is the basis of the current version of RecurDyn and has

been improved every year until now. The latest version is RecurDyn V8R3 which was released in

August 2014.

3. What can RecurDyn do?

RecurDyn analyzes machines and structures with moving mechanisms including information

devices, office appliances, acoustic equipment, robots, manufacturing machines, construction

machines, automobiles, trains, wind turbine-towers, space structures, satellites and biomechanical

bodies such as human beings and animals.

RecurDyn is not limited to the analysis of standard rigid multibody dynamics problems (e.g.

kinematics analyses, dynamics analyses) alone. It can also be used to analyze nonlinear elastic

mechanism systems with large deformable contact effects, coupling problems between the

aforementioned systems and structures, mechanism systems involving complex control strategies,

coupling problems between structures and fluids, fatigue problems associated with stresses exerted in

materials and mechanism motion with variations and tolerances due to manufacturing errors.

RecurDyn can furnish functions for automating and templating highly complex analysis and

functions of customizing as per customers’ requests. Thus, not only analysts but also engineers can

easily use RecurDyn.

The following are brief analysis examples.

- Structural mechanism problems with flexible bodies

Fig. 3.1 shows an example of stress analysis for the main column of a landing gear mechanism

during airplane landing. Strength analysis of landing gear mechanisms is an important part of

evaluating safety during an airplane’s landing. For this type of problem, flexible bodies must be used

for an accurate analysis.

- Mechatronics problems with controllers

Fig. 3.2 shows an example of tracing analysis for a lane trace robot. Many mechatronics systems are

represented by robots. Manufacturing products which have mechanism systems including sensors

and controllers need to be analyzed with regards to their dynamics properties. During research and

development for mechatronics systems, RecurDyn simultaneously runs a mechanism model and a

control model in collaboration with CoLink and Simulink. Since RecurDyn makes control codes

simultaneously, mechanisms, electric circuits and firmware can interactively be developed during the
task from designing to testing.

- Multi-physics problems

Fig. 3.3 is an analysis example showing the coupling problem between a piston-crank mechanism

and fluid oil in an automobile engine. Solving problems of dynamic coupling between mechanisms

and fluid is an important area in CAE. In this analysis, RecurDyn calculates forces acting upon each

part of the engine exerted by the fluid motion and evaluates how the engine’s motion affects the fluid’s


- Problems of durability analysis

Fig. 3.4 is an analysis example showing durability and lifetime estimation of an automobile

suspension system. RecurDyn evaluates fatigue, durability and lifetime through the analysis of stress

induced in the members and components of the concerned object.

Fig. 3.1 Landing mechanism of airplane

(structural mechanism problem including
flexible bodies, from Fig.3.2 Lane trace robot (mechatronics problem with control, from

Fig.3.3 Co-simulation with Particleworks for oil behavior

Fig. 3.4 Fatigue analysis
analysis in motorcycle engine (multi-physics 12
of automobile suspension
Courtesy of Thomas Freviller and FunctionBay K.K. Japan
(durability analysis)
4. Outline of compositions and functions of RecurDyn

This chapter briefly outlines the compositions and functions of RecurDyn(1). The integrated

system of RecurDyn is shown in Fig. 4.1. RecurDyn/Professional: a rigid multibody dynamics

analysis software. FFlex: a finite element analysis software. RFlex: a finite element analysis

software. Control: a control and mechatronics analysis software. CoLink. a Simulink-like software.

AutoDesign: an optimization design software. Durability: a fatigue analysis software. Particles: a

particle analysis software. These are all integrated on the common platform. RecurDyn enables users

to conduct a seamless analysis starting from load all the way to fatigue via multibody dynamics and

finite element procedures.

Fig. 4.1 Integrated RecurDyn system

Fig. 4.2 RecurDyn structure composed of
RecurDyn/Professional and several groups of toolkits

The software RecurDyn is composed of groups of toolkits whose center is RecurDyn/Professional as

shown in Fig. 4.2. The circle and the right and the left hand-side blocks consist of the following


1) Standard multibody dynamics software (RecurDyn/Professional)

- Pre-/post-processor (RecurDyn/Modeler)

- Solver (RecurDyn/Solver)

- Customizer (RecurDyn/ProcessNet)

2) Interdisciplinary toolkits

- Multi-flexible body dynamics

FFlex, RFlex, Durability, Linear, RFlexGen

- Analysis of control problems (CoLink)

- Design optimization (AutoDesign)

- Particle analysis (Particles)

3) Interface for external software (Communicators)

- CAD Translator


- CAE Interface

Simulink, AMESim, FMI, Particleworks

4) Special purpose toolkits (Application Toolkit)

- Machinery

Gear, Bearing, Chain, Belt, Spring

- Engine

Crank, Piston, Valve

- Track

TrackLM, TrackHM

- Media Transport


5) Automating and customizing (Automation & Customization)

- ProcessNet

- eTemplate

Further detailed explanations will be given below.

(1) Standard multibody dynamics software (RecurDyn/Professional)

The sub-programs which form RecurDyn/Professional are RecurDyn/Modeler and RecurDyn/

Solver. RecurDyn/Modeler is a pre-processor which makes analysis input data for RecurDyn. This

pre-processor is designed and built such that it is easy to use within Microsoft Windows operating

systems. Analysis models can be created using CAD imported data as well as the Modeler. Available

formats are Parasolid, STEP, IGES, ACIS and CATIA. Since the Parasolid kernel is provided, an

effective interface can be made with CAD data.

RecurDyn/Solver efficiently solves equations of motion for flexible multi-body systems composed

of rigid and flexible bodies by means of the best suited solver. It can also efficiently solve a coupled

system between multibodies and control, a flexible system and an optimization problem. Furthermore,

RecurDyn/Solver can efficiently handle complex contact problems. As an integration solver, the

DASSl, the implicit generalized  method, and the tracked generalized  method are provided.

RecurDyn/Professional treats the following analysis models.

- Pre-analysis: This analysis searches for redundant constraints and counts the degrees of freedom of

the analysis model. This analysis is carried out using all kinematical constraints.

- Static Analysis: This analysis treats static problems.

- Dynamic Analysis: This analysis treats dynamic problems.

(2) Interdisciplinary toolkits

(a) Mechanism analysis of flexible bodies

Mechanism analysis software for flexible bodies within RecurDyn is comprised of modules from

RecurDyn/FFlex (the nonlinear finite element analysis toolkit), RecurDyn/RFlex (the elastic body

mechanism analysis toolkit, from which data is imported from linear elastic body analysis) and Linear

(the eigenvalue analysis toolkit which calculates eigen-frequencies and the corresponding modes for

linearized equations of motion, which are linearized from a nonlinear mechanism model at specified

or arbitrary equilibrium position). By using this software, analyses for mechanism systems comprised

of flexible parts and components can be effectively analyzed.

1) RecurDyn/FFlex(Full Flex)

RecurDyn/FFlex(Full Flex, the nonlinear finite element analysis toolkit)calculates nonlinear elastic

mechanism problems undergoing large deformation and rotation with contact. This toolkit has the

following features:

- FE meshing is applied for finite element regions.

- Slips and continuous contacts along with flexible body surfaces are correctly described.

- Local and large deformations are correctly described in nonlinear flexible bodies.

FE Mesher provided for RecurDyn creates a finite element mesh for the bodies such that the already

defined data of joints and forces associated with the bodies are kept as they are. This makes it easier

to exchange data between rigid bodies and flexible bodies.

2) RecurDyn/RFlex (Reduced Flex)

RecurDyn/RFlex (Reduced Flex), the elastic body mechanism analysis toolkit, imports and

integrates linear elastic structural computation data by employing modal synthesis methods in

structural analysis software. This has the following features:

- Flexible elements can be introduced into the whole rigid body model.

- An investigation into how the flexible elements affect the whole system can be conducted.

Table 4.1 summarizes the comparisons between the FFlex and RFlex features. When conducting

an analysis, the appropriate toolkit will be selected by considering nonlinearity and performance.

Table 4.1 Comparisons of Features between FFlex and RFlex

Comparison items FFlex RFlex

Material, Material nonlinearity, Linear material,

element deformation large displacement infinitesimal displacement

Load and boundary Contact, moving boundary Applied forces

conditions to fixed points

Scale of problems Small and middle scale Large scale

FE models FE models

Applicability of problems Dynamics analysis Validation analysis

for control systems

3) Linear

Linear is the eigen frequency analysis toolkit which enables users to compute eigenvalues and the

corresponding mode shapes for the linearized system which is linearized from an original nonlinear

system. Animations for the mode shapes can be seen using this toolkit.

(b) Analysis of control problems (CoLink)

CoLink is a toolkit which describes controllers and signal flows of control systems to realize

control simulations under RecurDyn. ChEngine is a supporting ScriptEngine for C language, and it

enables the use of existing C coding within RecurDyn.

(c) Design optimization (AutoDesign)

This is a user interface toolkit for automating design optimization. Using this toolkit, optimum

gains of controllers under specified conditions and optimum actuation conditions of a system can be

searched for and found.

(d) Particle analysis (Particles)

Based on particle dynamics, this toolkit analyzes dynamic behavior of solid particles such as soil

and sand. By employing GPU technology, the toolkit enables one to simulate models comprised of

particles numbering from ten-thousands to several hundred-thousands.

(3) Interfacing with external software (Communicators)

(a) Control: Interface of control software

RecurDyn/Control is an interface toolkit which connects RecurDyn and MATLAB/Simulink, a

control system software. Thus, a mechanism model created by RecurDyn and a control model created

by MATLAB/Simulink can be linked together.

(b) Hydraulic: Interface of hydraulic-control software

RecurDyn/Hydraulic is an interface toolkit which connects RecurDyn and AMESim, a hydraulic-

control software. Thus, a mechanism model created by RecurDyn and a hydraulic-control model

created by AMESim can be linked together.

(c) FMI

FMI (Functional Mock-up Interface) is an interface toolkit which enables RecurDyn to be linked

with Modelica libraries.

(d) CAD Interface

This is an interface toolkit which enables reading and writing with the file formats STEP, ACIS,

IGES and CATIA. Since RecurDyn uses the Parasolid kernel, Parasolid file format is also supported.

(4) Special purpose toolkit (Application Toolkit)

MTT2D : This is a 2 dimensional media transportation toolkit which effectively creates and

simulates 2 dimensional mechanical models of elastic media transportation systems.

MTT3D : This is a 3 dimensional media transportation toolkit which effectively creates and

simulates 3 dimensional mechanical models of elastic media transportation systems.

TrackLM : This is a toolkit which creates and simulates tracked vehicle construction machines

and heavy industry equipment. Main components are provided in a library.

TrackHM : This is a toolkit which creates and simulates tracked tanks, carrying mobiles for

soldiers, and leisure cars like snow mobiles. Main components are provided in a


RecurDyn also has other similar modeling toolkits including: Chain, Belt, Gear, Valve, Crank,

Bearing and Piston toolkits.

(5) Automating and customizing (Automation & Customization)

RecurDyn/ProcessNet is a macro-function of RecurDyn which is similar to API (Application

Program Interface) and can also connect to Microsoft Excel. The toolkit is used within the Visual

Studio environment. This enables automation for repeated works of model creation.

eTemplate is a toolkit which enables the creation of RecurDyn models with Microsoft Excel.

5. Integrated analysis by RecurDyn

In chapter 4, the integrated RecurDyn system was briefly introduced. Here, using the application

examples shown in Fig. 5.1, we show how this system can be used. Shown at the center of Fig. 5.1 is

the automobile model which will be analyzed by means of MBD. In order to increase the performance

for this car, an analysis model for conducting rigid multibody dynamics simulations must be created.

Fig. 5.1 Organized case-study of RecurDyn

(Reproduction, Courtesy of Jacob Hustad and FunctionBay K.K.,Japan)(2)

Fig. 5.1 intends to execute running analyses of an automobile. In section □

1 of the figure, gears,

suspensions, the parts of a transmission system and tires are replaced with elastic elements from rigid

ones to obtain more realistic dynamic behavior. In section □

2 , a coupled analysis model between a

mechanism system and a control system is introduced. In this example, an active suspension is

introduced. In section □
3 , automatic model generation of engine crank-shafts and chains is

completed using special purpose toolkits. Furthermore, in section □

4 ProcessNet is used for
automatic generation of spring models, which makes parameter studies easier. Users can know in a

short time how an increase in performance can be achieved by comparing the analysis results of a new

model and those of the existing car model.


(1) Web page of FunctionBay, Inc.

(2) Web page of FunctionBay K. K.

Part 2 Fundamental theory of multi-body
dynamics on which RecurDyn is based

1. Introduction

2. CAE in manufacturing and its supporting subjects of study

2.1 CAE in manufacturing

2.2 MBD and FEM which support CAE

3. Development of multibody dynamics

3.1 Brief history of multibody dynamics

3.2 Recent progress of multibody dynamics

4. The fundamental concept and theory of multibody dynamics

4.1 Typical formulation methods of multibody dynamics

4.2 Reference frames and coordinates

4.3 Coordinates, constraints and degree of freedom

(1) Coordinates of a body

(2) Constraints

(3) Number of coordinates, number of constraints and degrees of freedom

4.4 Transformation of coordinates

4.5 Position, velocity and acceleration

(a) Position and position vector

(b) Velocity and velocity vector

(c) Acceleration and acceleration vector

4.6 Mass properties

(1) Mass and center of mass

(2) Definition of the inertia matrix

4.7 Forces and torques

(1) Equivalent system of forces and torques

(2) Generalized forces

(3) Force elements of springs, dampers and actuators

4.8 Basics of the augmented method

(1) Coordinates

(2) Kinematics
(3) Dynamics

4.9 Basics of the recursive method

(1) Coordinates

(2) Kinematics

(a) Position relations

(b) Velocity relations

(c) Variation relations

(d) Acceleration relations

(3) Dynamics

(4) Extension for general three-dimensional problems

4.10 Contact theory

(a) Normal forces

(b) Frictions

4.11 Numerical integrations for constrained equations of motion

(1) Differential equations

(2) State transition equations
(3) Equations of motion and constraint equations to be solved

(4) Numerical integration using BDF

(5) Time integration by the Newmark method

(a) Linearization of nonlinear differential -algebraic equations

(b) Applications of the Newmark method

(6) Index-reduced equations of motion and constraint equations

5. Problems to be solved and reviewed for MBD

(1) Virtual environment for manufacturing

(2) Popularization and awareness of MBD

(a) Education in university

(b) Popularization within industrial sectors

(3) Problems and research review of MBD


1. Introduction

This part briefly introduces the study of multibody dynamics (MBD) on which RecurDyn is based.

MBD is the study of motion, vibration and control for structures, machines and biomechanical bodies

which are organically formed by many parts and components. These parts and components are treated

as both flexible bodies and rigid bodies. With an increasing need for fatigue analyses based on a

flexible model of mechanical components, flexible multibody dynamics analysis has been inevitable.

Since some portions of the finite element method (FEM) are contained within flexible MBD, it is

generally understood that flexible MBD is a combination of rigid MBD and FEM.
(1) - (4)
Hereafter, we will concentrate on rigid MBD, which is the basis of multibody dynamics .

Readers who are interested in learning about flexible multibody dynamics can refer to references (5)

and (6).

Chapter 2 describes CAE and its role in manufacturing, and compares it to the roles of MBD and

FEM, which are supporting subjects of our study for CAE. Chapter 3 reviews a brief history and the

current progress of MBD. Chapter 4 explains MBD's basic concept, introductory contents, and

fundamental theory. The augmented formulation method, which standard text books use, and the

recursive formulation method, which RecurDyn uses, will have a brief explanation. The first important

item may be the reference frame and coordinates for which RecurDyn uses the term ‘marker.’ This is

the reference used to describe the position of a body and the physical quantities involved. There are

several methods for formulating equations of motion and constraint equations for MBD systems.

RecurDyn uses the recursive formulation as its theoretical and computational basis. This formulation

is now widely used for many general purpose multibody dynamics software because of its high

computational efficiency. In this section, the augmented formulation method, which is easy for

beginners to understand, will be explained in addition to the recursive formulation method. Contact

theory is also briefly explained. It will be helpful for readers to understand how contact computation

is being done. RecurDyn has enriched contact elements so that a wide variety of contact situations

can be handled and simulated. This is one of the main features of RecurDyn. After the completion of

analysis input data and the creation of MBD problems, numerical computation will start to obtain
analysis results. The results will be displayed in either an animation or a graph. The numerical

computation procedure is called the time integration method. The method is always needed when a

time-dependent analysis model will be computed. The last part of this chapter treats the numerical

integration method.

Even though this book is introductory in nature, it also contains some materials at an intermediate

level. It is advisable for beginners to read only 2-dimensional theories and to skip other parts first,

then return to the skipped parts if needed. Lastly in chapter 5, future problems and trends which MBD

will face are briefly reviewed.

It may be advisable for readers, who want to know how to use RecurDyn quickly, to skip Part 2 and

proceed to Part 3, ‘Using RecurDyn.’ Then if needed, the readers can return to Part 2 to study the

theoretical aspect of MBD, which is a basis for RecurDyn.

2. CAE in manufacturing and its supporting subjects of study

2.1 CAE in manufacturing

In tasks for designing and manufacturing machines and mechanisms, a series of design,

development, trial manufacturing, testing and verification continues until the actual machines and

mechanisms are finally manufactured. Fig. 2.1 is a time-flow diagram showing how Computer Aided

Engineering (CAE) is involved in control systems for manufacturing machines and mechanisms. The

upper part of Fig. 2.1 shows how machines and mechanisms are designed by traditional methods.

A process for designing machines and mechanisms shown in the upper part of Fig. 2.1 is considered

to be followed by the process shown in Fig. 2.2. In design, this general process is followed: consider

 draw  examine  consider  judge  draw  consider the whole cycle. If

necessary, further cycles of this process are repeated. In each step of the process, applications of CAE

take place. For example, with ‘drawing’, CAD (Computer Assisted Design) is usually used to help

visualize ideas. With ‘examining’, internet research and computer analyses are completed to help

improve these ideas.

Comparisons between traditional and advanced methods in manufacturing

The design results are ‘considered’ and ‘judged’ by comparing them with the analysis’ results.

Further improved ‘drawing’ are then carried out. Thus, CAE's role in design is considerable. This is

essential technology for product manufacturing. CAE technology in Fig. 2.1 is applicable not only for

designing, but also for developing and trial manufacturing. This CAE process continues until testing,

which is the next step of trial manufacturing, starts.

Fig. 2.2 Process of design work

Fig. 2.1 shows an overview of CAE roles. The manufacturing of machines and mechanisms

involving control systems not only needs simple machine and mechanism systems but, also requires

electronic circuits, control systems and firmware. Even though designing, developing and trial

manufacturing of control systems in conjunction with machine and mechanism systems are

simultaneously carried out, verification tests of machines and mechanism systems must be carried out

before verification tests of electronic circuit systems. Lastly, verification tests of firmware are done.

In other words, a comprehensive test of electronic circuits and firmware will not be carried out before

completing machine and mechanism systems testing. Naturally, in each step of producing electronic

circuits and firmware, it is intended for users to apply CAE as in the case for machines and mechanisms.

When some unacceptable results are found in the comprehensive tests, the process should revert to an

earlier position to revise unacceptable portions and start again. This ultimately leads to a longer

completion time for the project. This is a traditional procedure shown in the upper part of Fig. 2.1.

In contrast, the lower part of Fig.2.1 shows an advanced method. When using highly advanced CAE

software, each development step of: manufacturing (designing, developing, trial manufacturing and

testing), machine and mechanism systems, electronic circuit systems and firmware systems is

interactively communicating information through simulators. Manufacturing in virtual space

ultimately leads to less waiting time interactively. Thus, the actual designing at each stage: virtual

machine and mechanism systems, virtual electronic circuit systems and virtual control systems for the

circuits, is virtually designed and manufactured.

The same tasks are continued in the stages of actual development and trial manufacturing. Then the

developed virtual systems are gradually replaced with actual hardware systems. At the final actual

testing stage, hardware of machine and mechanism systems, electronic circuit-control systems, and

firmware systems are simultaneously tested for the whole actual integrated system. By implementing

this procedure, repeated work is remarkably reduced and this results in shortened manufacturing

periods. Its possibility is dependent on how close simulation software calculation results are to the

actual behavior in each step of the procedure. Thus, the importance of applying high-performance

CAE bolstered by actual data in application fields has been on the rise. This is the trend and direction

of CAE in manufacturing.

Fig. 2.3 shows the roles CAE and MBD play in car engine design. In designing and developing

car engines, many engineering problems have to be overcome. In addition to a standard car engine

design satisfying basic performance parameters, it is necessary to solve many problems including

reducing noise and vibration, improving handling and stability, reducing friction and improving

reliability. Fig. 2.3 shows an example of an integrated solution platform centered on MBD for solving

CAE problems.

Fig. 2.3 Roles of CAE and MBD for car engine design

2.2 MBD and FEM which support CAE

As previously explained, Fig. 2.3 tries to solve many engineering problems such as reducing noise

and vibration, improving handling and stability, reducing friction and improving reliability. All of

these problems relate to car engine design improvement by putting MBD at the center of the platform

of the CAE system and by invoking computational engineering (e.g. finite element analysis, controls,

and tribology). Similarly, MBD plays a central role in CAE system establishment. The reason for this

comes from MBD's nature. MBD can easily describe ‘transmitting power,’ which enables one to

handle the dynamics of a machine and mechanism system like a piston-crank and moreover, has

reasonable affinity with FEM and controls which will be described below. As CAE is the kind of

engineering where computer analysis is centered, it contains many analysis fields. Specifically FEM (1)

is well known as a powerful tool within CAE. For engineers, CAE is directly related to FEM. MBD

differs from FEM in its objective and birth. FEM is a numerical analysis method that is used to treat

field problems arising in continuous media. FEM solves many field problems written by differential

equations by means of structural and fluid dynamics, and thermal analysis methods. As mentioned

above, FEM has already been established as a fundamental tool of CAE.

MBD differs in that it treats dynamics of machines and mechanisms composed of many parts and

components as a collection of multiple rigid bodies. It involves hinges and joints which connect

between parts and components as a collection of constraints. It is a fundamental subject of study for

dynamic design and analysis. FEM solves differential equations of continuous media. As opposed to

FEM, MBD solves differential algebraic equations which describe equations of motion with constraint

equations for constrained mechanical and mechanism systems. Because of this, MBD is becoming a

fundamental tool of CAE. Fig. 2.4 shows the conceptual comparison between the FE model (Finite

element model) and the MB model (Multibody model).

(a) FE model (b) MB model

Fig. 2.4 Comparison of FE model and MBD model

A brief, broader view explanation will be given for the differences between FEM analysis and MBD

analysis. In FEM, a concerned field is divided into small elements as shown in Fig. 2.4(a). Equations

of motion are formulated first for a single meshed element. The equations of motion for each element

are recombined by considering connecting conditions among all divided elements. In this division,

connecting conditions in FEM are fairly simple. Whereas in MBD, a machine and mechanism system

is disassembled into several fundamental components as shown in Fig. 2.4(b). Each component is

described by the equations of motion of a rigid body. The equations of motion of the original system

are recombined by considering connecting conditions among all components. This recombining

process is similar to FEM, but the combining conditions in MBD called ‘constraint conditions’ make

it more complex than FEM.

Let’s consider this problem in more detail. In Fig. 2.4, the FE model is conceptually shown in (a)

and the MB model in (b). The FE model shown in 2.4 (a) will be explained first. In the upper part of

the figure, a body is supported by the rigid support at its lower part (with hatched lines at D) and is

subjected to a load at its upper part (arrows at the left upper corner at B) of the body. Now consider a

deformation analysis for this body. The body is divided into a number of small finite elements for

which supporting points and load applying points are specified at nodal points. For each meshed

element, representative points referred to as nodal points are provided to represent the behavior for

each element. In this example, elements are formed by either four joints or three joints. Equilibrium

equations for each element are formulated at nodal points within the element. Specifically observe

elements A and B. Since they have four and three nodal points respectively, these elements will also

have four and three equations. Since these elements share a common side, connectivity conditions can

be introduced into the corresponding nodal joints and then the equations of these representative points

in the elements are combined into one larger equation. After applying similar procedures to the all

elements, equations for the finite element model are recombined into large scale equations by

employing connectivity conditions (displacement constraints). The whole set of equations of the finite

element model will be solved when it is subjected to load conditions at the corresponding nodes of the

elements A and B, and is imposed by support conditions (or displacement constraints) at the

corresponding nodes of the element C.

The procedure above is summarized as:

1) A physical model is divided into small meshes to obtain a finite element model.

2) Governing equations for each meshed finite element are formulated. For treating motion

analysis, governing equations are equations of motion.

3) Governing equations are recombined by introducing displacement compatibility (connectivity)

conditions which yields the final set of equations.

4) The governing equations derived in 3) are solved under given load and support conditions to

calculate state variables at all nodal points. In the case of motion analysis, displacement, velocity,

and acceleration values are calculated.

For the MBD model, disassembling and assembling of the model are carried out in a way that is

similar to the division and recombination described in the FEM model. The upper part of Fig. 2.4(b)

shows the concerned physical model. The lower part shows the disassembled MBD model which is

obtained by disassembling the original mechanical model, component by component. Dynamic

equations of motion for components A and B can be described by two sets of rigid body equations of

motion with 6 degrees of freedom. When the two components are connected by displacement

constraint conditions, their motion is restricted. Component A is further constrained by the joint which

is fixed to the floor. A slider only moves in the translational direction along the direction of the guide

way which is fixed to the rigid floor. The slider can never move in the perpendicular direction with

respect to the guide way direction. It is understood that the slider part and the guide way part are

connected by the ‘translational joint’ displacement constraint. The set of formulated equations of

motion for all components and the displacement constraint equations are simultaneously treated. This

is the reassembling process.

An arrow shown in Fig. 2.4(b) indicates the force acting on the slider. A force is generally a

function of time and is called a load condition. The procedure above is summarized below:

1) The MB model is created by disassembling a physical model component by component.

2) Governing equations of motion are formulated for each disassembled body component.

3) Equations of disassembled body components are reassembled by using constraint equations

derived from the connectivity conditions between adjacent disassembled components. This results

in a single set of global equations. Equations of motion described by differential equations and

constraint equations described by algebraic equations together form a set of equations called

differential algebraic equations.

4) The governing equations derived in 3) are solved using given load and support conditions in the

machine and mechanism system to obtain state variables at each body component’s center of mass.

In the case of motion analysis, displacement, velocity, acceleration values, and constraint forces

are calculated.

From the above considerations, it has been found that there exist similar and dissimilar points

between the MB model and FE model analysis process*.


* In recent years, flexible multibody dynamics, the study of subject which treats components of

machines and mechanisms as elastic bodies, has been progressing. This study applies FEM's concepts

and procedures to the MB model.

3. Development of multibody dynamics

3.1 Brief history of multibody dynamics

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) established Newton’s equations of motion for a particle. Many great

dynamicists such as Euler, d’Alembert, Lagrange, Jourdain, and Kane, developed equations of motion

capable of applying multiple rigid body systems. Fig. 3.1 introduces these dynamicists, their

achievements and the historical dates for said achievements (1). When solving complex problems,

reformulations are needed that enable the systematic formulation of the equations of motion using

computers instead of formulating these equations by hand. This is the reconstruction in formulating

dynamics problems and has been an important step in the recent development of multibody dynamics

The foundation of multibody dynamics seems to be the application of mechanics theory to practical

problems. In the 1960s, multibody dynamics was born out of the necessity for analyzing practical

problems within the fields of satellites, aeronautical and space engineering, mechanisms and bio-

mechanisms, and because powerful computers started appearing.

Fig. 3.1 Principles and laws of mechanics(1)

Historically, multibody dynamics was agreed to be an independent subject of study in the branch

of mechanics at the symposium of the IUTAM (International Union of Theoretical and Applied

Mechanics) in 1977. Thus, it gained citizenship as a subject of study(3),(4). In 1980, the first fully

furnished software providing all necessary functions: modeling of analysis systems, simulations and

animations, appeared. Since 1990, the study of multibody dynamics has been rapidly developing and

includes of non-holonomic constraint problems, modeling, formulation and simulation of problems in

flexible bodies, frictions, collisions and control, formulation and simulation of the recursive method,

pre- and post-processing for data models, collaborations with CAD and strength analysis.

In September 2003, many researchers from all over the world attended the multibody dynamics

sessions of the 19th Biennial Conference on Vibration and Noise hosted by the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME), held at Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Starting in 2005, these sessions

became the 5th International Conference on Multibody System, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control

(MSNDC) breaking away from the Conference on Vibration and Noise. Prompted by the active

research activities of multibody dynamics in ASME, the Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics

(ACMD) was launched. The first ACMD was held in August 2002 in Iwaki, Japan and was followed

by conferences in consecutive even years (2nd in Seoul, Korea in August 2004; 3rd in Tokyo, Japan in

August 2006; 4th in Jeju, Korea in August 2008; 5th in Kyoto, Japan in August 2010; 6th in Shanghai,

China in August 2012; 7th in Busan, Korea July 2014). On the other side of the world, research

activities centered in Europe have been very active in recent years and many international conferences

are being held. These conferences will not be listed individually as they are plentiful and varied. Some

important information is being published on the ‘information of MBD international conferences’ web

pages (5). For further information, please refer to the web pages of: the IUTAM (International Union

of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), IACM (The International Association for Computational

Mechanics) and ECCOMAS (The European Community on Computational Methods in Applied

Mechanics), EUROMECH (European Mechanics Society), IFToMM (International Federation for the

Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science).

Lastly, a brief introduction will be given on the unified international conference on multibody

dynamics. The first Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD) was held

at Lappeenranta in Finland in June 2010. The conference has continued in consecutive even years,

being held biannually in Europe and Asia (2nd in Stuttgart, Germany in June 2012; 3rd in Busan, Korea

in July 2014). This conference is intended to unify the regional multibody dynamics conferences held

in Asia, Europe and America on a worldwide level. The third IMSD conference mentioned above was

held as a joint conference between the IMSD and the ACMD(6).

3.2 Recent progress of multibody dynamics

We look at the role of multibody dynamics from two view points, academia and industry. This

subject of study has a lot of power when it is used to solve dynamics problems that occur in industry.

Though the study of multibody dynamics in academia is based on classical mechanics, this contributes

to the development of mechanics and education in mechanics by reformulating equations of motion

and improving numerical computation so that it incorporates recent computer and computational


On the contrary, the role from the industrial world is clear(7). Recently, in manufacturing, requests

for products that place less burden on the environment by resolving as many engineering problems as

possible in early stages of development (as described in section 2.1) have been completed. Because of

this, it has become important to establish a rapid-pace working methodology associated with other

connected sections by sharing and exchanging information whenever dealing with a series of processes

including planning, designing, developing, and manufacturing prep. To solve this problem, practical

methodology for predicting and verifying function, quality, efficiency, safety, economy and the like of

developed products with high accuracy is indispensable. Multibody dynamics is a practical

methodology which systemizes superb existing techniques and experiences, and makes guiding

principles and a course for designing and developing based on the principles of mechanics and

computer technology. This means that multibody dynamics is not just a simple dynamics for solving

mechanics problems, but is an active dynamics for solving engineering problems with extensive use

of computer science. From this consideration, multibody dynamics is also defined as ‘an advanced

practical dynamics for virtual design and test in virtual prototyping’. Fig. 3.2 shows the relationship

between virtual prototyping and multibody dynamics. As was seen previously, multibody dynamics

plays a central role in developing, designing, trial manufacturing and testing of products.

Verification using analysis model simulation SILS: Software in the Loop Simulation
HILS: Hardware in the Loop Simulation
CAD: Computer-Aided Design
MBD: Multibody Dynamics
CAE: Computer-Aided Engineering
RPT: Rapid Prototyping
Data analysis CAT: Computer-Aided Testing
for measurement
and control CSD: Control System Dynamics
Verification using
hardware and
motion simulation CIDATS: Computer Integrated Design,
Analysis and Test System

Fig. 3.2 Virtual prototyping and multibody dynamics(2)

Located at the center in Fig. 3.2 is computer integrated design, analysis and test system (CIDATS).

This system is composed of three basic subsystems; CAD, CAE and CAT. These all involve using a

computer to assist with design (CAD), analysis and evaluation (CAE), and testing (CAT). Related

fields of study that practically support these works are shown in the outer ring. These are CSD ( Control

System Dynamics), MBD (Multibody Dynamics) and RPT ( Rapid Prototyping) which correspond to

CAD, CAE and CAT respectively. In production development, CSD is a subject of study which

considers a design object as a system and enables one to build original system from a dynamical view

point. RPT is a subject of study that involves making prototypes as fast as possible to help find issues

that could not be analyzed otherwise. MBD is a subject of study which will become a platform of CAE

for the analysis of machines and mechanisms based on the study of dynamics. The technologies

situated at the connection points between these studies are SILS, HILS and Modeling shown in Fig.

3.2. SILS is realized as the coordination between CAD and CAE. In order to check and verify functions

within new software, it is inserted into an existing well-developed simulation loop to properly verify

it. HILS is realized by as coordination between CAE and CAT. In order to check the functions of new

actual hardware, it is inserted into a well-established existing simulation loop, thus total function of

hardware is functionally checked and verified through the loop simulation. Modeling is realized as the

coordination between CAT and CAD. SILS and HILS direct their outputs outwardly, whereas

Modeling receives input from outer wards which is provided based on data analysis of measurement

and control to elucidate the characteristics of a concerned system.

4. The fundamental concept and theory of multibody


The fundamental concept and theory of multibody dynamics will be explained in this chapter (1).

MBD quantitatively treats positions, velocities and accelerations of bodies and forces acting on the

bodies. The reference frames and coordinates are fundamental in this treatment. Information such as

position, velocity, acceleration, and force can be described and measured quantitatively by introducing

reference frames and coordinates.

4.1 Typical formulation methods for multibody dynamics

Before delving into more detailed explanation, the more typical methods of multibody dynamics

shall be covered. Table 4.1 briefly summarizes two types of formulation methods for MBD. The types

of equations that will be treated and the types of problems that will be solved by the methods are also

shown. Newton-Euler (complete type) method is one type formulation which is straight forward and

is easy to understand. Since equations of motion are formulated by augmented variables, the method

is also called the augmented method. The Euler-Lagrange (minimum type) method is another type of

formulation, which has a high computational efficiency because of the minimum number of variables

needed to formulate the equations of motion. Recursive formulation belongs to this category. The

augmented method will be explained in section 4.8 and the recursive method in 4.9. The concept of

degrees of freedom will be explained in section 4.3.

Table 4.1 Equations of motion formulations for multibody dynamics(2)

Newton-Euler eq. (complete type)---augmented method

・6nb Non-constraint eqs. ・Differential algebraic eq.

・ q  6nb Cartesian ・effective for design and

coordinates control

Governing equations ・ m Independent coordinates

nb : No. of bodies ・p  6nb  m

m : No. of constraints

p : DOF Euler-Lagrange eq. (minimum type)---recursive method

q : No. of generalized ・q Eqs. of motion ・ p  q ; differential eqs.

coordinates (larger than p for closed ・ p  q ; differential algebraic

system) eqs.

 q  m independent coord.
p・ ・effective for simulation and


4.2 Reference frames and coordinates

Consider the three-dimensional space in which a body is moving within an orthogonal reference

frame as shown in Fig. 4.1. This reference frame is referred to as a Cartesian reference frame and is

characterized by the location of the origin O and by the orientation of three perpendicular axes. The

body’s orientation can be described within this reference frame. An axis having a scale is called a

coordinate. A unit vector pointed in the positive direction in each axis x, y, z is called the base vector

of the corresponding axis. The base vectors are represented by e x , e y and e z (or any combination of

three letters such as i, j and k , or I, J and K ). The reference frame is called frame O xyz or

frame x y z with or without the origin, O . A dextral frame is the frame in which a rotation about

the z -axis in the positive direction given by the right hand rule moves the x -axis toward the y -axis,

as shown by the curved arrow in Fig. 4.1. The dextral frame is used consistently in this book. This

three-axis coordinate system shall be called frame x y z. As shown in Fig. 4.1, the location of

an arbitrary point P in the Cartesian coordinate system is described by three coordinates:

px , p y and pz .

Fig. 4.1 Dextral Cartesian reference frame

and coordinate system Fig. 4.2 Motion of frame B with
p , p , p 
x y z of a point, P
respect to frame A
In order to treat the motion of a body, consider the reference frame to be associated with the body’s

motion. The reference frame being considered is the body-fixed reference frame which is embedded

in the body. Consider a body in the global reference frame A xyz in Fig. 4.2. At the same time a

body-attached reference frame C xyz is assumed which perfectly coincides with frame A xyz

in its initial state. After the motion accompanying the rotation, the body-attached reference frame is

moved to frame B x y z . The motion of the body can be observed by the motion of frame B

embedded in the body. By measuring the motion of frame B with respect to frame A , the current

motion of the body which was initially located in frame A can be known. Because of this, two reference

frames, the global reference frame at rest during the body’s motion and the body-attached reference

frame embedded in the body are needed. These reference frames are distinguished from one another

by writing one as frame x y z and the other as frame x y z . The base vectors for each frame

are also distinguished using i, j and k , and i , j and k . The general motion of a body specified by

frame x y z with respect to frame x y z is a series of back-to-back translational

motions; frame x y z frame x y z followed by a rotational motion; frame

x y z frame x y z .

4.3 Coordinates, constraints and degrees of freedom

(1) Coordinates of a body

Description of motion requires the coordinates introduced and explained in section 4.2. Connecting

conditions between bodies of linked multibody systems are described by constraint equations.

Independent multiple bodies which can move freely in space will experience constrained motion if

constraint conditions are introduced. The degree to which a system can move freely depends on how

many degrees of freedom it has. These degrees of freedom represent the minimum number of

independent variables which can completely describe the motion of any given rigid body system. A

rigid body in space without any constraints has 3 independent position variables and 3 independent

angle variables, which means the body has 6 degrees of freedom. A system comprised of n rigid

bodies has 6n degrees of freedom since 6n physical coordinates are required to describe the


The degrees of freedom of a

whole system is

Fig. 4.3 n rigid body system

Consider a two body system. When the two bodies can move freely, the system has 12 degrees of

freedom. But if constraints are introduced into the system, this number would be reduced.

(2) Constraints

Fig. 4.4 shows typical joints which specify geometrical (or displacement) constraints of machines

and mechanisms. There are many types of joints, fixed joints, universal joints, spherical joints, and

plane joints to name a few. Such constraints brought on by joints of multibody systems are described

by constraint equations. Constraint (or reaction) forces will appear between two constrained bodies.

Constraint equations will be explained in sections 4.8 and 4.9.Coordinates describing the configuration

of a rigid body system are called generalized coordinates. If the degrees of freedom of the generalized

coordinates for a rigid body system without constraints is represented by n , positions within the

system are described by n generalized coordinates. If m constraint equations are imposed by

constraint joints, n generalized coordinates are no longer independent. The system configuration is

uniquely described by p ( n m) independent generalized coordinates qk , k 1, 2, , p . This

system contains p degrees of freedom. Thus, p becomes the minimum number of independent

coordinates required to uniquely describe the system configuration.

(a) Fixed joint (b) Revolute joint (c) Translational joint

(d) Cylinder joint (e) Universal joint (f) Spherical joint

(g) Screw joint (h) Plane joint

Fig. 4.4 Examples of several kinds of joints

(3) Number of coordinates, number of constraints and degrees of freedom

Table 4.2 summarizes how many coordinates of a body will be reduced by specifying constraints

with typical joints shown in Fig. 4.4.

Table 4.2 Number of coordinates reduced by joint creations in three-dimensional problems

Joint type no fixed revolute translatio cylinder universal spherical scre plan
joint nal w e
by joint
s reduced
Number of

translation 0 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 1

rotation 0 3 2 3 2 1 0 2 2

total 0 6 5 5 4 4 3 4 3

As an example, consider two freely moving bodies in three-dimensional space. When the 2 bodies

are constrained by a fixed joint, they become a single body. In this case, Table 4.2 shows that the total

number of coordinates for the original system n  6  2  12 are reduced to

p  n  m  12  6  6 for the new constrained system, because the reduction of the number of
coordinates is m  6 . For other joints, the reduced number of degrees of freedom must be counted

as well.

[Example 4.1] Consider a number of coordinates for a two link model in the Cartesian coordinate

system shown in Fig. 4.22 of section 4.8.

(Answer) Since this problem is planar, the link has three degrees of freedom. A system with two

links has n  3  2  6 degrees of freedom. If a revolute joint that has two constraint variables is

introduced to the connecting point, and considering m  2  2  4 , then the constrained two-link

model has p  n  m  6  4  2 degrees of freedom. If the revolute joint’s one degree of freedom

is supported an upper ceiling were to be included, then three additional degrees of freedom would need

to be accounted for. But since the ceiling is rigidly fixed to the ground, this number can be eliminated.

Also, if approached kinematically, it can be easily said that the system has 2 degrees of freedom

because the two links can freely rotate independently.

4.4 Transformation of coordinates

Consider a transformation of coordinates for a two-dimensional planar problem. Fig.4.5 shows

finite rotation which takes place about a fixed axis in the positive z direction. The original reference

frame O xy ( x y coordinates) is rotated about the z -axis by amount , producing frame B xy

(x y coordinates).

Fig. 4.5 Planar rotation of a rigid body

Fig. 4.6 Unit vectors in planar rotation of a rigid body

The x axis is rotated relative to the x -axis by . From Figs. 4.6 (a) and (b), the unit vectors i of

the x axis and j of the y axis can be written as

i cos i sin j (4.1a)

j sin i cos j (4.1b)

in terms of the unit vectors i and j . From (4.1a) and (4.1b), i and j can be written as

i cos i sin j (4.2a)

j sin i cos j (4.2b)

It is known that in equations (4.2a) and (4.2b), the unit vectors i and j of the x y coordinates can be

written by the unit vectors i and j of the x y coordinates. Equations (4.2a) and (4.2b) are said to

be a transformation of coordinates. A matrix obtained from the coefficients of equations (4.2a) and

(4.2b) is written as:

cos sin
A (4.3)
sin cos

This two dimensional A matrix is called the transformation matrix (of coordinates) in planar motion.

This matrix transforms the coordinates of a point in the B frame to those of the global frame*. The

matrix has the orthogonal property such as

A(A)T (A)T A I (4.4)

where I indicates a (2 2) identity matrix and is also written as I 2 .


* Normally, since the transformation takes place from frame B to O , the symbol A or A should be used. But, for

the sake of notation simplicity, the symbol A has been used.


[Example 4.2] Local frame O  xy is rotated by angle from global frame O  xy as shown in Fig.

4.7. The transformation matrix A of frame O  xy with respect to frame O  xy is given by
cos sin
A (a)
sin cos

In this case, answer the following questions:

(1) Obtain inverse matrix A 1 . Prove that A 1

AT .

(2) Calculate A , A 1 and A T numerically when 30 .

(3) Let the geometric vectors a and b be a [2 0]T and b [0 1]T in local frame O  xy .

Obtain components of a and b in global frame O  xy .

(4) Obtain vector c in local frame O  xy from vector c which is defined by c a b . How is c

written in global frame O  xy .

Fig. 4.7 Transformation of vectors coordinates

(1) Inverse matrix A of A  [aij ] is written as

1  a22 a12 
A 1    a11a22  a12 a21
  a21 a11 

where, a11  cos  , a22  cos  , a12   sin  , a21  sin  . By substituting   a11a22  a12 a21

 cos2   ( sin  )sin   1 into the above equation, A 1 becomes

1  a22 a12   cos  sin  

A 1  
  a21 a11    sin  cos  

which is identical to AT , thus A1  AT is obtained. This is called the orthogonal property.

(2) When   30   / 6 , a11  a22  3 / 2, a12  1/ 2, a21  1/ 2 . These are substituted into

the corresponding quantities to obtain

 3/2 1/ 2   3/2 1/ 2 

A , A T  A 1   
 1/ 2 3 / 2   1/ 2 3 / 2 

(3) Since a Aa , b Ab , the numerical values of A are substituted to obtain

3/2 1/ 2 2 3 3/2 1/ 2 0 1/ 2
a , b
1/ 2 3/2 0 1 1/ 2 3/2 1 3/2

(4) c a b and c a b are used to obtain

2 0 2 3 1/ 2 3 1/ 2
c , c \
0 1 1 1 3/2 3/2 1

For three-dimensional space problems shown in Fig. 4.8, the process for the transformation of

coordinates is considered as follows: similar to the two-dimensional case, an original reference frame

O xyz ( x y z coordinates) is rotated to frame B x y z (x y z coordinates) . The origins

of the two frames (frame O and frame B ) are coincident. Base vectors i , j , k of frame B can be

written in terms of base vectors i , j , k of frame O :

Fig. 4.8 Two base vectors

i , j , k and i , j , k
i a11i a21 j a31k (4.5a)

j a12 i a22 j a32k (4.5b)

k a13i a23 j a33k (4.5c)

which can be inverted to

i a11i a12 j a13k (4.6a)

j a21i a22 j a23k (4.6b)

k a31i a32 j a33k (4.6c)

The coefficient matrix of equations (4.6a) – (4.6c)

a11 a12 a13
A a21 a22 a23 aij (4.7)
a31 a32 a33

transforms the coordinates of frame B to those of frame O . This matrix A is a fundamental matrix

which is called transformation matrix (of coordinates). Component ai j ( i, j 1, 2,3) of A is known

as the directional cosine defined by cosine of angle ei e j . Here, ei i (i 1), j (i 2),

k (i 3) and e j i (j 1), j ( j 2), k ( j 3) , where i 1,2,3 individually corresponds to

x, y, z axis and j 1, 2,3 corresponds to x , y , z . There is a relation between the coefficient matrix

A( AOB ) in equation (4.7) and A BO : the coordinates of frame O are transformed to those of
frame B , as ABO (AOB )T . In this discussion, AT (transposed matrix of A ) is used as (AOB )T
for notational convenience. Orthogonal relation (4.4) which holds for a two- dimensional

transformation also holds for a three-dimensional transformation matrix A given by equation (4.7) .

In this case, I should be read as a (3 3) identity matrix, I 3 .

[Example 4.3] Consider two reference frames: global reference frame O  XYZ and local reference

frame B  xyz as shown in Fig. 4.9. Obtain transformation matrix A which translates local reference

frame B  xyz to global reference frame O  XYZ .

Fig. 4.9 Global reference frame O  XYZ and
body attached local reference frame B  xyz

(Answer) Since component aI j ( I X ,Y , Z , j x, y, z ) of A is defined by the directional cosine,

lIj cos E I e j , where EI e j is defined by the angle between I axis of frame O and j axis

of frame B ,
1 1 3
lX x cos 60 , lX z cos 90 0, lY z cos 60 , lZ z cos 30
2 2 2
are obtained. Thus, A can be written as
1/ 2 a12 0
A a21 a22 1/ 2
a31 a32 3/2
Since A has the property AAT I 3 , then
1/ 2 a12 0 1/ 2 a21 a31 1 0 0
AA a21 a22 1/ 2 a12 a22 a32 0 1 0
a31 a32 3/2 0 1/ 2 3/2 0 0 1

must holds. By equating each corresponding component of the matrices, the following can be obtained:

1 1 1
(1,1) a122 1, (1, 2) a21 a12 a22 0, (1,3) a31 a12 a32 0
4 2 2
1 2 2 1 3
(2,1) a21 a12 a22 0, (2, 2) a21 a22 1, (2,3) a21a31 a22 a32 0
2 4 4
1 3 3
(3,1) a31 a12 a32 0, (3, 2) a31a21 a32 a22 0, (3,3) a312 a322 1
2 4 4

From element (1,1), a12 3 / 2 . Element (1,2) combined with a12 3 / 2 and element (2,2) give

a22 3 / 4, a21 3/ 4 . Element (1,3) combined with a12 3 / 2 and element (2,3) combined

with a22 3 / 4 and a21 3/ 4 give a32 1/ 4 and a31 3 / 4 . The above obtained values

also automatically satisfy elements (2,1), (3,1), (3,2) and (3,3). Here, I X , Y , Z correspond to

I 1, 2,3 and j x, y , z correspond to j 1, 2,3 . From the above results, the following matrix can be


1/ 2 3/2 0
A 3/ 4 3/4 1/ 2 (4.8)
3/4 1/ 4 3/2

4.5 Position, velocity and acceleration

(a) Position and position vector

Take two points O and P in a two dimensional plane as shown in Fig. 4.10. A vector directed from

point O to P is written as rP . A vector directing from point B to P is written as s P . Points B and P are

both located on body B . rB is a position vector which describes the position of the origin B of

reference frame B attached to body B and rP is a position vector of an arbitrary point P . These vectors

are defined with respect to global reference frame O .

Fig. 4.10 Position of a body and a point on
the body (2 dimensional case)

The global reference frame is usually attached to an immovable space. In this case, frame x y

(which can also be called frame O xy ) is an observer. Since body-attached frame x y is fixed

to a body, it moves simultaneously with the body. It is assumed that the x axis was placed in parallel

with the x axis before motion and it moves as shown in Fig. 4.10. Since vector s P is attached to the

body, it can be written as s P [ sPx sPy ]T with respect to the coordinates of the body-attached frame
x y . This is written as

sP sPx i sPy j (4.9)

Which uses the unit vectors of body-attached frame x y , where i and j are unit vectors of the

x and y axes respectively. Vector s P shown in Fig. 4.10 is also written as s P [ sPx sPy ]T by
using the coordinates of global frame x y . By substituting equations (4.1a) and (4.1b) into (4.9),

the following equation can be obtained:

sP ( sPx cos sPy sin )i ( sPx sin sPy cos ) j (4.10)

which can also be written as

cos sin sPx

sin cos sPy

The above relation can be written as

sP A sP (4.11)

by using s P [ sPx sPy ]T and s P

[ sPx sPy ]T and where matrix A is transformation matrix
defined by equation (4.3).

A position vector of an arbitrary point P on body B observed from global coordinate frame

x y is written as

rP rB sP (4.12)

which is substituted into equation (4.11) to obtain

rP rB As P (4.13)
Next the 3 dimensional case shown in Fig.4.11 will briefly be considered. For the position of the

point on body B in 3 dimensional space, equations in the form of (4.11), (4.12) and (4.13) can also

be obtained. In these equations, the corresponding quantities in 3 dimensional space should be used.

This means that rB and rP are the position vectors of reference point B and arbitrary point P

observed from frame O in the global frame x y z coordinates, and s P represents vector s P in

the body-attached frame x y z . In three-dimensional problems, a three-dimensional

transformation matrix A (equation (4.7)) should be used.

Fig. 4.11 Position of point P on body B

[Example 4.4] Consider position vector rP directed from origin O of global frame O  XYZ

to point P as shown in Fig. 4.9. If the position vector can be expressed as rP  12I  12J  8K using

base vectors I, J and K of global frame, how can this vector be written using base vectors i, j and k of

local frame B  xyz ?

(Answer) rP is written as rP  [rPx , rPy , rPz ]T  [15, 15, 10]T in terms of coordinates of global frame

O  XYZ . Inverse matrix A of A becomes


1/ 2 3/ 4 3/4
A 3/2 3/4 1/ 4
0 1/ 2 3/2

from equation (4.8). Then column vector rP  [rPx , rPy , rPz ]T of rP  rPx i  rPy j  rPz k can be written

 1/ 2 3 / 4 3 / 4  12  2 3  3  0.464
   
rP  AT rP   3 / 2 3/4 1/ 4  12   9 3  2   13.59 
   
 0 1/ 2 3 / 2   8  6  4 3  12.93 

(b) Velocity and velocity vector

The absolute velocity of an arbitrary point P on a body moving in two-dimensional space can be

obtained by differentiating equation (4.13):

rP rB A sP (4.14)

Two-dimensional transformation matrix A is differentiated with respect to time to obtain

A A (4.15)

sin cos
A (4.16)
cos sin

Equation (4.15) is substituted into (4.14) to obtain:

rP rB A sP (4.17)

The angular velocity vector ω in the x y plane about the z -axis can be written as

ω k (4.18a)

where k is a unit vector of the z -axis. If ω is described in terms of three-dimensional column vector,

this can be written as

ω [0, 0, ]T (4.18b)

By using this angular velocity vector, the following equation can be obtained:

A sP A sP ω sP ω( A s P ) (4.19)

, where ω is the tilde matrix of column vector ω which is given below.

The tilde matrix a of vector a [ax ay az ]T is defined as

0 az ay
a az 0 ax (4.20)
ay ax 0

which is a skew symmetric matrix and plays the role of the outer-product operator. In the calculation

of ω s P and ω(As P ) , the original two-dimensional vectors s P [ sPx sPy ]T and s P [ sPx sPy ]T
are replaced with three-dimensional vectors, s P [ sPx sPy 0]T and s P [ sPx sPy 0]T , and the
original two-dimensional matrix A given by equation (4.3) is replaced with the three-dimensional

cos sin 0
A sin cos 0 (4.21)
0 0 1

and outer operation takes place to obtain the three-dimensional vector. The first two elements of the

three-dimensional vector are extracted to form the corresponding two-dimensional vector. Outer

product ω s P is alternatively written as ωs P ω s P . Then, equation (4.17) can also be written as

rP rB ω sP (4.22)

This equation indicates that the absolute velocity of point P on a rigid body can be expressed by the

absolute velocity of the reference point B and the relative velocity between the two points. This is

expressed as

vP vB vP / B (4.23)

in terms of velocity vectors, where v B and v P are absolute velocities of the reference point B and

arbitrary point P , and v P / B is the relative velocity of point P with respect to point B . v P / B is

defined by

vP / B ω sP (4.24)

Next, the three-dimensional case will be briefly considered. For motion in three-dimensional space,

the geometry and vectors shown in Fig. 4.11 will be considered. Equation (4.14) also holds for the

corresponding vectors and matrix in three-dimensional space.

For three-dimensional transformation matrix A ,

AAT ω (4.25)

holds. Skew symmetric matrix ω is the tilde matrix formed by the angular velocity vector

ω [ x y z ]T . It is built by the definition of equation (4.20). The angular velocity vector ω is the

rotational velocity of body B and frame B , which is fixed to body B , with respect to global frame O

and is written by the coordinates of the global reference frame. By post-multiplying A by equation

(4.25), the following can be obtained:

A ωA (4.26)

Angular velocity vector ω is written in terms of coordinates of body-attached reference frame ω as

ω AT ω (4.27)

For ω , the relation

AT A ω (4.28)

holds. Pre-multiply both sides of equation (4.28) by A to obtain:

A Aω (4.29)

From equations (4.26) and (4.29), the following equation can be obtained:

A ωA Aω (4.30)
This is called Poisson equation. From the last two equations in (4.30), two equations can be

ω Aω AT (4.31a)

ω AT ω A (4.31b)

By substituting equation (4.26) into equation (4.14) using three-dimensional vectors and the three-

dimensional matrix, the following equation can be obtained:

rP rB ω As P rB ωs P rB ω sP (4.32)

which has the same form of equation (4.22) for the two-dimensional case. This equation can also be

written in terms of the angular velocity of the coordinates of the body-attached frame ω as

rP rB Aω s P rB A (ω sP ) (4.33)

[Example 4.5] Fig. 4.12 shows a motor set up with a disc on the rotational platform. The disc is

fixed to the top of a shaft. The electric motor is running at a constant speed of 120 rev / min in the

direction shown. Its housing and mounting base are initially at rest. The entire assembly is set in

rotation about the vertical Z axis at a constant rate N  60 rev / min with a fixed angle   30  .

When OC  24 cm and CA  12 cm (3),

(1) Determine the angular velocity of the disc.

(2) Determine the velocity of point A at the top of the disc for the instance shown below.

Fig. 4.12 Motion of disc attached to

electric motor shaft
(Solution) Reference frame xyz with base vectors i , j and k is attached to the motor shaft with the

z -axis coinciding with the rotor axis and the x -axis coinciding with the horizontal axis through O

about which the motor tilts. The Z -axis is vertical and carries the unit vector K j cos k sin .

(1) The motor has angular velocity 0 120 2 / 60 4 rad/s about the z -axis and the mount

has 2 rad/s about the Z axis, respectively. The rotor and disc have two components of

angular velocity. Thus, the angular velocity becomes

ω ω0 Ω 0 k K ( cos ) j ( 0 sin )k

Given values are substituted to obtain ω ( 3 ) j (5 )k rad/s .

(2) The position vector of point A for the instance shown in Fig. 4.12 is

rA 12 j 24k cm

From equation (4.24) the velocity of point A is

0 5 3 0
vA ω rA ωrA 5 0 0 12 18.43 i cm/s
3 0 0 24

(c) Acceleration and acceleration vector

The acceleration of a point P on body B moving in two-dimensional space can be obtained by

differentiating equation (4.13) with respect to time:

rP rB A sP A sP (4.34)

Since differentiation of A with respect to time in two-dimensional space becomes

A A (4.35)

equation (4.34) can be arranged as
rP rB A sP A sP (4.36)

The angular velocity vector ω given by equation (4.18a) and the angular acceleration vector

α ω k are use d to derive

A sP α sP (4.37)
A sP ω (ω s P ) (4.38)

Thus equation (4.36) becomes

rP rB α sP ω (ω s P ) (4.39)

This is can be re-written as

aP aB α sP ω (ω s P ) (4.40)

in terms of the acceleration vectors a P rP and a B rB , where (a P / B )n ω (ω s P ) and

(a P / B )t α s P are the normal and tangential components of the relative acceleration of point P

relative to reference point B .

Next, the three-dimensional case will briefly be considered. In the three-dimensional case, the

equations will have the same form as equations (4.39) and (4.40). Equation (4.39) can be written in

terms of ω , α and s P , which are coordinates of the body-attached frame:

rP rB A (α sP ) A (ω (ω s P )) (4.41)

where angular acceleration α of body B is defined by α in the coordinates of body attached frame B ,


α AT α (4.42)

[Example 4.6] For the problems given in [Example 4.5],

(1) Determine the angular acceleration of the disc.

(2) Determine the acceleration of point A at the top of the disc for the instance shown in Fig. 4.12.


(1) The angular acceleration of the disc α is given by

0 3 0
α ω Ωω 0 0 3 68.4i rad/s 2
3 0 0 5

(2) The acceleration of point A is

aA ω rA ω (ω rA ) αrA ωv A
0 0 0 0 0 5 3 18.43 0
0 0 68.4 12 5 0 0 0 2551.1 cm/s 2
0 68.4 0 24 3 0 0 0 1135.9

4.6 Mass properties

Generally, the reference frame is taken in an arbitrary direction at an arbitrary point of a body, but

in many cases, it is taken along the body’s principal direction at its center of mass.

(1) Mass and center of mass

Consider a rigid body C in the inertia reference frame (global frame) O xyz shown in Fig.

4.13. The rigid body is thought to be filled with infinitesimal elements composed of this material

continuously in space.

Fig. 4.13 Mass property calculations of a rigid body

The infinitesimal mass dm located at point P is written as dm b dV where b is the mass

density of the body. The mass of the body can be calculated as

m dm b dV (4.43)

The center of mass can be calculated as

rC r P dm (4.44)
m V

(2) Definition of the inertia matrix

Consider a body-attached frame C x y z which is fixed to a body at its center of mass. Vector
ρ is written in terms of coordinates of frame C as ρ x y z . Inertia matrix J with respect to

the axis of frame C is defined by

J ρ T ρ dm ρ ρ dm (4.45)

This is expressed in the component form as

J xx J xy J xz
J J yx J yy J yz (4.46)
J zx J zy J zz

J xx ( y )2 ( z ) 2 dm , J xy J yx x y dm

J yy ( z )2 ( x ) 2 dm , J xz J zx x z dm (4.47)

J zz ( x )2 ( y ) 2 dm , J yz J zy y z dm

where diagonal elements J xx , J yy , and J zz are called mass moments of inertia and off-diagonal

elements J xy , J yz and J zx are called products of inertia. It is known that there exists a unique direction

of frame in which the all products of inertia vanish. This set of axes is called the principal axes.

Equations of motion are often formulated with respect to the principal axes. In table 4.3, formulas of

mass moments of inertia of a body about its center of mass with respect to the principal axes are

summarized for several body shapes.

Direction vector ρ in Fig. 4.13 is described by the algebraic vectors ρ and ρ defined by

coordinates of body-attached frame C fixed at the body’s center of mass and global frame O ,

respectively. They are related to each other using the equation, ρ Aρ where the transformation

matrix A is used to transform it from frame C to frame O . The inertia matrix with respect to

global frame J becomes

J ρρdm A( ρ ρ dm) AT AJ AT (4.48)

J is a unique quantity of a body, whereas J varies its values with the change of the attitude of the


Table 4.3 Moments of inertia of the body about the respective axes

Name Figure Moments of inertia Symbol

Ix  mR 2 R  radius
Sphere 5

2 R5  r 5 R  outer radius
Spherical Shell Ix  m
5 R3  r 3 r  inner radius

2 R  radius
Hemisphere Ix  I y  Iz  mR 2

I x  m  b2  c 2 
5 a  x - intersept

I y  m  c2  a2  b  y- intersept
Ellipsoid 5
c  z - intersept
I z  m  a 2  b2 
Ix  mR 2
2 R  radius
I y  I z  m  3R 2  l 2 
Cylinder 1
l  length

R  outer radius
m  R2  r 2 
Circular Cylindrical 1
Ix  r  inner radius
Shell I y  I z  m  3R 2  3r 2  l 2 
1 l  length

3 R  radius of basecircle
Right Circular Ix  mR 2
I y  I z  m  4R 2  h2 
3 h = height

m b2  c 2 
Ix  a  x - length
I y  m  c2  a2 
Rectangular 1 b  y - length
Parallelepiped c  z - length
I z  m  a 2  b2 

m  4 R 2  3r 2 
Ix 
4 R  outer radius
I y  I z  m  4 R 2  5r 2 
Circular Ring 1
r  inner radius

[Example 4.7] A homogeneous rectangular parallelepiped box of with a mass of 5 kg is shown in

Fig. 4.14.

(1) Determine the inertia matrix of the box relative to frame A x y z . Then, consider the intermediate

frame A x y z .

(2) Determine the inertia matrix of the box relative to frame A xyz (4) using the intermediate frame

A x y z .

Fig. 4.14 Moment of inertia relative to specified reference frame

(Solution) Table 4.3 lists inertia properties about centroidal axes of several body shapes. From the

table, inertia properties about centroidal axes of the box can be calculated. These inertia properties

may be transferred to a coordinate system whose origin is the designated corner A by means of the

parallel axis theorem (p.175-177 in reference (4)).

(1) Point A’s coordinates relative to the parallel centroidal axes are (5, 7.5, 2.5) in meters. By

applying the parallel axis theorem, the following can be calculated:

Jx x (5)(152 52 ) (5)(7.52 2.52 ) 416.7
Jy y (5)(102 52 ) (5)(52 2.52 ) 208.3
Jz z (5)(152 102 ) (5)(7.52 52 ) 541.7

Jx y 0 (5)( 5)( 7.5) 187.5

Jx z 0 (5)( 5)( 2.5) 62.5
Jy z 0 (5)( 7.5)( 2.5) 93.75

(2) Frame A xyz can be determined from frame A x y z using the following method. First, rotate

frame A x y z about the negative z axis through an angle , thereby producing an intermediate

coordinate system A x y z whose y axis is the diagonal of the upper surface. Then, rotate

A x y z about the x axis through an angle in order to bring the y axis into coincidence with the

y axis. Using trigonometry, angles and can be calculated:

10 5
tan 1 ( ) 33.690 , tan 1 ( ) 15.501
15 10 2

Since the successive rotations are about the body-fixed frame, the rotation matrix is R A T where A

is the transformation matrix.

1 0 0 cos( ) sin( ) 0 0.8321 0.5547 0
R 0 cos sin sin( ) cos( ) 0 0.5345 0.8018 0.2673
0 sin cos 0 0 1 0.1483 0.2224 0.9636

The transformation of moment of inertia is taken as


Non-diagonal elements of J are formed by placing minus signs on the calculated values above. Then,
416.7 187.5 62.5 525.69 23.15 6.44
J RJ R R 208.3 93.75 R 72.92 17.35
sym 541.7 sym 568.10

Thus, the moments and products of inertia are

J xx 525.69, J yy 72.92, J zz 568.10 kg m2

J xy 23.15, J xz 6.44, J yz 17.35 kg m2

4.7 Forces and torques

(1) Equivalent system of forces and torques

Force is a physical quantity which is characterized by the point where the force is acted upon, its

direction, sense and magnitude. The direction of the force is in-line with the application of the force.

There are two types of forces: internal and external. The forces arising from within a body are called

internal forces, and the forces applied from outside the body are called external (or applied) forces.

Constraint forces located at joints are called reaction forces which are fundamentally categorized as

internal forces. External forces are further split into passive and active forces. Passive forces are forces

exerted in a device of springs and/or dampers without power sources, whereas active force is a force

exerted in actuators with power sources.

Consider force f i being acted on point P as shown in Fig. 4.15. The moment about an arbitrary

point O by the application of the force becomes O ni rOP fi . Thus, the line of application of the

force and the point about which the moment is considered is necessary to make a moment. This

moment is categorized as a sliding vector. A couple, as shown in Fig. 4.16, is a pair of parallel forces

with the same magnitude and opposite directions and creates a vanishing resultant force and torque

n ρ f . In this torque, ρ is a directed point - point vector from an arbitrary point B on line f
to an arbitrary point A on line f . The magnitude of n is n d f , where d is the distance between

lines f and f , and f f . The moment produced by the couple is identical along every point and

is called a free vector.

Fig. 4.15 Moment produced by a force Fig. 4.16 Torque produced by a couple

If a force acts on a body, translation along the direction of the force and rotation occur. The original

force system can be replaced by an equivalent system of a couple and a force representing identical

effects. Fig. 4.17(a) shows force f acting on the body at point A . Fig. 4.17(b) shows two parallel forces

f and f acting on the body at point B . Since the two forces essentially cancel each other, this system
is identical to the system of Fig. 4.17(a). For the system shown in Fig. 4.17(b) it is also understood

that f and f acting on the body at points A and B together make a couple that produce torque. In

addition to the couple, the force f is acting on the body at point B . Thus, an equivalent force system is

shown in Fig. 4.17(c).

Multiple forces acting on a body at different points will be converted to an equivalent force and a

torque produced by the couple. Forces f1 , f2 , and fm acting on a body are shown in Fig. 4.18(a).

As an equivalent force system, the force f acting on the body at its center of mass C , and the torque

produced by the couple n as shown in Fig. 4.18(b) will be obtained. In this case, force f and torque
n , which is a free vector, produced by the couple are calculated by f fi and
m m i 1

n ni ρi fi , respectively.
i 1 i 1

(a) Original force system (b) Equivalent system 1 (c) Equivalent system 2

Fig. 4.17 Equivalent force systems with the force acting at point A

(a) Original force system (b) Equivalent force system
with multiple forces from multiple forces

Fig. 4.18 Equivalent force system composed of a single force acting at the center of mass
and a coupled torque converted from multiple forces acting on a body

(2) Generalized forces

An external force f acting on a body at point P is shown in Fig. 4.19. Generalized coordinates

in terms of the position and attitude vectors of the body are used: q [rCT θ T ]T . In this vector rC

indicates the coordinates of the position vector of center of mass C with respect to the global reference

frame, and θ indicates the coordinates with respect to frame C of the attitude vector of body C

relative to global frame O . Point P can be described as

Fig. 4.19 Generalized force obtained from force f acting on body C

rP rC A ρP (4.49)

where ρ P are the coordinates of vector ρ P with respect to frame C , and A is the transformation

matrix which transforms the coordinates of frame C to those of frame O . Equation (4.49) can be

further modified to appear as:

rP rC A ρP θ (4.50)

Thus virtual works calculated at point P and at point O can be equated:

We f T rP QT q [QTr QT ]T q (4.51)

Then, generalized forces Q r and Q with respect to rC and θ become
Qr f
Q ( A ρ P )T f ρ P AT f

(3) Force elements of springs, dampers and actuators

Fig. 4.20 shows force elements such as springs, dampers and actuators which are connected at

points Bi and B j . The spring constant, damping coefficient, and actuator force are represented by k ,

c and f a respectively. The natural length of the spring is l0 .

Fig. 4. 20 A spring-damper-actuator system

A point-point vector l directed from points Bi to B j is written as

l rj A js j ri A i si (4.53)

in terms of the coordinates of frame O . The current length of the spring is defined as l l T l and

time rate of the spring length is l (l T / l ) l lˆT l . Where, lˆ indicates the unit vector directed from

points Bi to B j .

The force along the spring, damper and actuator line is

f k (l l0 ) cl fa (4.54)

Virtual work done is given by

We f l QiT q i Q jT q j (4.55)

From this equation, the generalized forces Qi [QTir QTi ]T and Q j [QTjr QTj ]T of the spring,

damper and actuator with respect to its center of mass are written as

Qir f l늿
, Qi f si AT l , Q jr Qir , Qj Qi (4.56)

[Example 4.8] Fig. 4.21 shows a weight supported by a spring and a damper at point B . The other

side of the spring and the damper is attached to the origin of global frame O . Determine the equivalent

spring and damper forces with respect to the center of mass of the weight.

Fig. 4.21 A weight supported by a spring-damper system

(Solution) Set the body-attached frame G x y z at the center of mass. Position vectors of points

G and B from point O are denoted by rG and rB . A vector from point G to B is denoted by

s B . The force subjected on the spring and damper at point B on the body is f B f B u where u

indicates the unit vector from point O to B and is written as u rB / rB . The magnitude of the

force due to the spring and the damper is f B k ( rB l0 ) c rB where l0 indicates the natural

length of the spring. Then, the equation of motion with respect to the center of mass G is written as

m rG fB u mg k (4.57a)

where m is the mass of the body and k is the base vector of the z -axis of the frame. The rotational

equation of motion of the body about point G is written by using equation (4.56) in terms of

coordinates of the body-fixed frame G as

Jω ωJω s B AT ( f B u ) (4.57b)

4.8 Basics of the augmented method

(1) Coordinates

Since the formulation of equations of motion using Cartesian coordinates is straightforward and

easy to understand, it has become a standard method within university education. It is referred to as

the augmented (or Lagrangian) method. For simplicity, consider a planar two link system shown in

Fig. 4.22. Link ① is connected to a ceiling at point A by a revolute joint 1. Link ② is connected to

link ① at point P by a revolute joint 2. In Cartesian coordinates, position vectors for the center of

masses of rigid link ① and rigid link ② are denoted by (r1 , 1 ) and (r2 , 2 ) where 1 and 2 are

rotational angles.

Fig. 4.22
Cartesian coordinate system

Motion within the two link system is completely determined, if r1T 1 x1 y1 1 is solved

in link ① and r2T 2 x2 y2 2 is solved in link ②, respectively. Equations of motion of

the system are described by defining generalized coordinates of the two link system as

q [q1 q2 q6 ]T [q1T q 2T ]T [[ x1 y1 1 ] [ x2 y2 2 ]]T (4.58)

Variation of rotation variable becomes because of planar motion (In the three-dimensional

case, this does not hold). Variation of equation (4.58) is written as

q [ q1 q2 q6 ]T [ q1T q 2T ]T [[ x1 y1 1 ] [ x2 y2 2 ]]T (4.59)

(2) Kinematics

Constraint equations for the position vectors of connecting point A fixed to the ceiling and of

connecting point P between links ① and ② are described. The two joints at A and P are called

Joint1 and Joint 2 , respectively. Four constraint equations are given as

x1 l1 cos 1 x0
C 0 (4.60)
Joint1 y1 l1 sin 1 y0

( x2 l2 cos 2 ) ( x1 l1 cos 1 )
C 0 (4.61)
Joint 2 ( y2 l2 sin 2 ) ( y1 l1 sin 1 )

Equations (4.60) and (4.61) are arranged in vector form as

C1 (q) x1 l1 cos 1 x0
C2 (q) y1 l1 sin 1 y0
C q 0 (4.62)
C3 (q) x2 l2 cos 2 x1 l1 cos 1

C4 (q) y2 l2 sin 2 y1 l1 sin 1

In this formulation, the number of variables is n 6 and the number of constraints is m 4 . Thus

the degrees of freedom is calculated as p n m 2 . The Jacobian matrix of constraint equations

Cq C / q becomes
1 0 l1 sin 1 0 0 0
0 1 l1 cos 1 0 0 0
Cq Cq1 Cq 2 (4.63)
1 0 l1 sin 1 1 0 l2 sin 2

0 1 l1 cos 1 0 1 l2 cos 2

[Example 4.8] Compute the Jacobian matrix of constraint equations (4.62) and confirm that the

result becomes equation (4.63).

(Solution) By computing C q

C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1
q1 q2 q6 x1 y1 2

C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Cq q1 q2 q6 x1 y1 2 ,

C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4
q1 q2 q6 x1 y1 2

one can obtain the required results. The first three elements (1,1), (1,2) and (1,3), and the last three
elements (4,4), (4,5) and (4,6) are obtained as
C1 C1
( x1 l1 cos 1 x0 ) 1, ( x1 l1 cos 1 x0 ) 0,
x1 x1 y1 y1
( x1 l1 cos 1 x0 ) l1 sin 1
1 1

C4 C4
( y2 l2 sin 2 y1 l1 sin 1 ) 0, ( y2 l2 sin 2 y1 l1 sin 1 ) 1,
x2 x2 y2 y2
( y2 l2 sin 2 y1 l1 sin 1 ) l2 cos 2
2 2

The other elements can also be calculated to obtain equation (4.63).

(3) Dynamics

Equations of motion for the two rigid bodies; link ① and link ② can be described as
m1 0 0 x1 0
0 m1 0 y1 mg , M1 q1 Q1 (4.64)
0 0 J1 1

m2 0 0 x2 0
0 m2 0 y2 mg , M 2 q2 Q2 (4.65)
0 0 J2 2

The right side equations in (4.64) and (4.65) are in matrix format on the left side equations.

Equations of motion of the constrained two link system can be written in the form

Mq CTq λ QA 0 (4.66)

by using equations (4.63), (4.64) and (4.65) with an undetermined Lagrange multiplier
λ A
y . In this equation, M diag[M1 M 2 ] is the mass matrix,

Cq Cq1 Cq 2 is the constraint Jacobian matrix and Q A [Q1T QT2 ]T is the external force vector.

Combining the above constrained equations of motion and constraint equations, the following set of

system equations can be obtained.

re Mq CTq λ Q 0
C q 0

This is a standard form for describing equations of motion and constraint equations which also applies

to general machines and mechanism systems. These are the fundamental equations that will be solved.

[Example 4.9] For the problem shown in Fig. 4.22, determine the system equations corresponding

to (4.67).

Constrained equations of motion corresponding to re Mq CTq λ Q 0 can be written as

m1 x1 1 0 1 0 0
m1 y1 0 1 0 1 A
x mg
J1 1 l1 sin 1 l1 cos 1 l1 sin 1 l1 cos 1 y 0
m2 x2 0 0 1 0 x 0
m2 y2 0 0 0 1 y mg
J2 2
0 0 l2 sin 2 l2 cos 2 0

Constraint equations C q 0 are given in equation (4.62).

4.9 Basics of the recursive method

As an alternative approach, the recursive method(5) will be introduced here. Since the velocity

transformation formula(6) is present in this approach, high speed computation can be achieved.

RecurDyn / Professional adopts this formulation approach.

(1) Coordinates

If relative coordinates are selected properly, equations of motion of a multibody system can be

written in a recursive way. This reduces the number of variables for describing the equations. The

equations obtained in this way are called recursive equations of motion. For simplicity, consider a

planar two link system which is supported by the ceiling at one end as shown in Fig. 4.23. This is the

same model treated in section 4.8. Link ① is connected to the ceiling at point A by revolute joint 1.

Link ② is connected to link ① at point P by revolute joint 2. Body-attached frames of link ①

and frame ② are set at each center of mass as shown in Fig. 4.23.

Fig. 4. 23 Relative coordinate system

(2) Kinematics

Let the position of link ①’s center of mass be x1 , y1 , the rotational attitude 1 , and those for

link ② be x2 , y2 and 2 with respect to a global x y frame as shown in Fig. 4.23.

(a) Position relations

Since the coordinates of point A are ( x0 , y0 ) (0, 0) , the coordinates of link ① at its center

of mass ( x1 , y1 ) can be written using 1 as

x1 l1 cos 1 x0 cos 1
l1 (4.68)
y1 l1 sin 1 y0 sin 1

Relations, associated with point P between link ② at its center of mass and link ① at its center of

mass can be written as

x2 x1 cos 1 sin 1 l1 cos 2 sin 2 l2
, r2 r1 A1l1 A 2 l 2 (4.69)
y2 y1 sin 1 cos 1 0 sin 2 cos 2 0

Component equations (4.69) are re-written from the matrix form as in the second equation of equation

(4.69). In this equation ri (i 1, 2) indicates the position vector of the center of mass of link i , l i

is the position vector of point P with respect to the origin of link i , which is written by body-attached

frame i , and A i is the transformation matrix of link i with respect to the global frame.
xi l1 l2
ri , l1 , l2 (4.70)
yi 0 0

cos i sin i
Ai (4.71)
sin i cos i

Position vector ri of the center of mass of link i is described by the relation between the

coordinates of global reference frame ri and body-attached frame ri as ri A i ri and ri ATi ri .

For rotational attitude in planar motion, the global coordinate i and the body-attached coordinate

i are equal, that is i i .

Relative rotation angle can be written using the two rotational angles 1 and 2 of link ① and

② as

2 1 (4.72)

(b) Velocity relations

Velocity relations between links: After applying time differentiations of (4.68) and (4.69), the

following equations are obtained:

x1 l1 sin 1
1 , r1 G1 1 (4.73)
y1 l1 cos 1

x2 x1 cos 1 sin 1 l1 cos 2 sin 2 l2
1 2 , (4.74a)
y2 y1 1 sin 1 cos 1 0 2 sin 2 cos 2 0

r2 r1 1 A1, 1l1 2 A2, 2 l 2 r1 1 (G1 G2 ) G2 (4.74b)

where, for i 1, 2 , Ai , i Ai i is obtained. If Gi Ai , i li is defined, G1 and G 2 are

l1 sin 1 l2 sin 2
G1 , G2 (4.75)
l1 cos 1 l2 cos 2

In body-attached frame i , ‘Velocity’ r i is defined in terms of the exact velocity ri [ xi yi ]T of

point i , which is described by global coordinates in transformation matrix A i as

xi cos i sin i xi
, ri ATi ri , ri Ai r i (4.76)
yi sin i cos i yi

where r i is not the exact velocity (i.e. r i ri dri dt ), but shall be simplified and labeled as

velocity r i . Pre-multiplying both sides of equation (4.73) by A1T and both sides of equation

(4.74b) by AT2 , the following equations are obtained:

r1 A1T G1 1 1 (4.77)

r2 A12 r1 (AT2 G1 AT2 G 2 ) 1 AT2 G 2 (4.78)

where A12 is the relative transformation matrix of frame x2 y2 with respect to frame x1 y1

and is defined by
cos sin
A12 A1T A 2 , 2 1 (4.79)
sin cos

Differentiation of the second equation of (4.79) with respect to time yields

2 1 (4.80)

Relations between Cartesian velocity and joint velocity: Let velocities of link i be

ATi ri
Vi yi , (i 1, 2) (4.81)

then, from equations (4.77) and (4.78), and the relation of rotational velocity, the following is obtained:

V1 B 012 1 (4.82)

V2 B121V1 B122 (4.83)

where matrices in the above equations are

cos sin l1 sin 0 0
B121 sin cos l1 cos l2 , B122 l2 , B 012 l1 (4.84)
0 0 1 1 1

By combining equations (4.82) and (4.83), and applying V [V1T , V2T ]T and q [ 1 , ]T ,

V Gq (4.85)

is obtained. In this equation, matrix G is given by

B 012 0
G (4.86)
B121B 012 B122

Equation (4.85) is the velocity relation between the two bodies in terms of Cartesian velocities

represented by joint velocities, and is called the velocity transformation formula. Generalized

velocities and generalized coordinates are defined by q [ 1 , ]T and q [ 1 , ]T . Note that the

generalized coordinates employed here are different from the ones employed in the ‘basics of

augmented method’ in section 4.8.

(c) Variation relations

Variations of pseudo-displacement x i and yi , and angular displacement i of body i are

defined with respect to the body-attached frame as

ATi ri
Zi yi , (i 1, 2) (4.87)

These variations are obtained corresponding to equations (4.82) and (4.83) as

Z1 B012 1 (4.88)

Z2 B121B012 1 B122 (4.89)

By combining equations (4.88) and (4.89), and defining Z [ Z1T , ZT2 ]T and q [ 1 , ]T

Z G q (4.90)

is obtained. Equation (4.90) is a variation relation which describes the variation of Cartesian

coordinates of the body in terms of the variation of joint coordinates through G .

(d) Acceleration relations

Differentiation of (4.82) with respect to time yields

V1 B 012 1 (4.91)

Equation (4.83) is differentiated with respect to time and combined with equation (4.91) to give

V2 B121B 012 1 B122 H12 (4.92)

where the matrices above are defined as

H12 B121V1 B122 (4.93)

sin cos l1 cos 0
B121 cos sin l1 sin , B122 0 (4.94)
0 0 0 0

Equations (4.91) and (4.92) are combined with V [V1T , V2T ]T and q [ 1 , ]T as

V Gq h (4.95)

h (4.96)

Equation (4.95) is an acceleration equation which describes the acceleration of the bodies in the

Cartesian frame in terms of the relative acceleration of the joints.

(3) Dynamics

Now the equations of motion for the model shall be considered. Equations of motion for body ○
0 ,

link ① and link ② are written as

ZTi Mi Vi Qi 0 (4.97)
i 0

This form of the equation of motion is called the variational equation of motion, where mass matrix

M i and external force vector Q i are written as

Mi diag mi mi Ji , Qi [m g s i n i m g c o is 0] (4.98)

The problem is planar because Q i does not include gyroscopic terms. Z i should be kinematically

permissible for constraint equations of joint i . Since body ○

0 is fixed, Z0 0 . Thus, equation

(4.97) can be written as

Z1T M1V1 Q1 ZT2 M2 V2 Q2 0 (4.99)

Substituting equations (4.88), (4.89), (4.91) and (4.92) into (4.99), the following equation is obtained

T T BT012 BT012 B121

M1 0 B012 0 1 0 Q1
1 T
0 (4.100)
0 B
0 M 2 B121B012 B122 H12 Q2

after some algebraic re-arrangement. Since 1 and are arbitrary, the coefficient matrix

vanishes to obtain

M1 0 1 Q1
GT G 0 (4.101)
0 M2 M 2 H12 Q2

where G is given by equation (4.86). This equation (4.101) can be reduced to

re M eq Qe 0 (4.102)

by substituting variables for matrices:

BT012 M1B012 BT012 B121

M 2 B121B012 BT012 B121
M 2 B122
Me T T
B122 M 2 B121B012 B122 M 2 B122

BT012Q1 BT012 B121

(Q 2 M 2 H12 )
Qe T
B (Q 2
122 M 2 H12 )

Equations of motion like (4.102) are the standard form of recursive equations for a 2-ink multibody

system. Writing equation (4.102) with respect to 1 , the equation can be written as

M 1 Q 0 (4.105)


M 늿
BT012 MB , M ?
M M1 , Q ˆ
BT012 Q Q1 (4.106)
012 1 1

B121M2B121 T
B121 T
M2B122 (B122 M2 B122 ) 1 B122
M2 B121 (4.107)

B121 T
M 2 B122 (B122 M 2 B122 ) 1 B122
M 2 H12 Q2 T
B121 (M 2 H12 Q2 ) (4.108)

For large scale practical multibody systems, the same form of recursive equations of motion can

be obtained. As seen in the above explanation, and when compared to the augmented method, the

relative coordinate method can solve equations of motion by significantly reducing the number of

variables and equations. Thus, the relative coordinate method is a powerful tool for shortening

computation time when treating large scale problems.

(4) Extension for general three-dimensional problems

For three-dimensional problems, the variational equations of motion of the rigid body system

comprised of a rigid base body and n linked rigid bodies that connect to the base body are written

in the same form as equations (4.97):

 Z M V  Q   0
i i i i
i 0

m I 0   Q   f   mi i r i 
Mi   i , Qi   ri    i 
 0 Ji  Qi  ni  i Ji i 

The velocity vector and variation vector of displacement for the complete system are defined as

 r    AT r   r    AT  r 
Vi      T  ,  Zi      T  (4.111)
 ω  i  A ω  i  π i  A  π  i

and A i is the three-dimensional coordinate transformation matrix of body i (See section 4.4 ).

In this problem, equations similar to the final equations of motion in three-dimensional space will

be obtained. The general form of recursive equations of motion for constrained multibody systems


re G T (MV CTZ λ Q) 0 (4.112)

which is the same form as equation (4.102) (5). These are the equations of motion that are projected

onto joint coordinate space from the Cartesian coordinate system. CTZ λ are constraint forces which

are introduced into the equations of motion when there are branches and/or closed loops in a serial

link system and CTZ is the Jacobian matrix of Cartesian constraint equations partially differentiated

with variables of Cartesian coordinates. Since V can be written as V Gq h , equation (4.112)

becomes a function of relative acceleration a ( v) , relative velocity v ( q) , and relative coordinate

q , and can be implicitly written as re re (q, v, a, λ, t ) 0.

The equations to be solved become a set of differential algebraic equations composed of equations

of motion and constraint equations:

re re (q, v, a, λ , t ) 0
C(q, t ) 0

q v 0 (4.114)

v a 0 (4.115)

where the size of q, v and a is nr (number of relative coordinates) and the size of C and λ is

n .

4.10 Contact theory

Problems involving contact between two bodies frequently appear in the analysis of practical

multibody dynamics. There are typically two types of problems: low speed collision, and high speed

collision. Sometimes material change will accompany the latter case. The study of mechanics of

collision is unfinished. Hereafter, a theory on low speed collision will be introduced from a multibody

dynamics view point which is now accepted in the multibody dynamics community.

When a collision occurs, the motion of bodies will change due to forces interacting among the

bodies. In this motion, no constraint equations can be imposed before the collision. The interaction of

forces is modeled to formulate governing equations. An instance of collision between two bodies is

shown in Fig. 4.24(a). Detecting contact and finding the contact point requires special algorithms for

contact occurrence (i.e. OBB tree, AABB and others, see references (7) and (8)). The time step of

integration for the two bodies’ equations of motion are estimated in order to judge whether the contact

will occur or not. If the contact occurs, a contact point is searched. After initial contact, if the two

bodies continue to approach each other, they indent each other as shown in Fig. 4.24(b). The main task

is to calculate the interacting force between the two bodies.

Contact with friction with respect to the surface of the body can be modeled separately in the normal

direction n and in the tangential direction t , which is perpendicular to n , at a contact point between

the two bodies. f n is normal force and f f friction force in Fig. 4.24(b). Normal forces are

frequently calculated based on Hertzian theory while friction forces are calculated based on Coulomb


(a) Instance of collision (b) After collision

Fig. 4.24 Collision of two bodies

(a) Normal forces

Fig. 4.25 shows a linear collision between two spheres. Every normal force produced at the contact

point passes through the centers of the two spheres. In the dashed region, when the two spheres are

approaching one another, compression occurs. When they depart from each other, recovery occurs.

Stress problems involving small deformations in two bodies colliding at slow speed can be solved by

applying Hertzian theory under the assumption of elastic deformation(9).

Fig. 4. 25 Contact between two spheres
Hertz obtained a relation between force and deformation without friction when two elastic spheres

contact each other. From the theory, ri and rj denote the radii of spheres i and j , and the

(idealized) indentation deformation of the two spheres is denoted by , as shown in Fig. 4.25, the

normal indentation force f n can be calculated as follows:

fn k (4.116)

In this equation, k is a generalized spring constant determined by the material’s characteristics and

the radii of the two spheres, and is

4 1 l
k , hl , (l i, j ) (4.117)
1 1 12 El
3 (h i h j )( )
ri rj

h l is a material constant determined by the Poisson ratio l and Young’s modulus El . The

exponent number m is theoreticlly taken as m 3/ 2 .

Equation (4.116) does not sufficiently describe the actual phenomena when it is introduced into

multibody system dynamics as a relation of f n and in a two-body collision. Reasons are not

clear yet, but one factor could be the lack of knowledge for damping property in the collision

phenomena. There are some trials that include damping effects in the formula (4.116). As shown in

Fig. 4.25, the indented area compresses as the two spheres collide. At a certain stage of the collision,

the two spheres will stop their approach, restitution occurs, and the two spheres then start departing.

Finally, the two spheres completely depart. Hunt - Crossley(10) and Lankarani - Nikravesh(11),(12)

modified the Hertzian formula for collision without friction by introducing the concept of momentum

and impulse, the change of collision energy, and the coefficient of restitution:
fn k d (4.118)

In the formula, the damping term d is included, where, d is the damping coefficient and is

defined by

; Hunt- Crossley
d 3(1 e ) 2
k ; Lankarani- Nikravesh
4 ( )

In these equations, is the hysteresis damping coefficient, e is the coefficient of restitution

between two spheres, 0 is the initial indentation velocity, and m 3/ 2 .

For practical problems one should consider collisions with friction. RecurDyn uses the following


m2 m2
m1 m3 m1 m3
fn k c k c sgn( ) (4.120)

This was obtained by modifying and extending the Hertzian formula (4.118)(13) and the Coulomb

friction formula (4.122), which will be explained later in this section. In this extended formula

k and c are the generalized spring and damping coefficients m1 is the exponent of the spring

coefficient, m2 is the exponent of the damping coefficient, and m3 is the exponent of indentation.

(b) Frictions

Fig. 4.24(b) shows friction forces acting on the boundary between two bodies. Let t be the unit

vector directed toward slip direction on the contact surface between the two bodies. v i and v j

denote absolute velocities of two reference points on the two bodies. The reletive velocity of body j

with respect to body i along the direction of t is:

v (v j vi ) t (v j v i )T t (4.121)

where v i , v j and t are described by the coordinates of global reference frame O . Friction force f f

is written as:

ff (v ) f n sgn(v ) (4.122)

where ( v ) is the friction coefficient and generally is a function of velocity. It is often assumed that

(v) k f f / fn tan constant . It is necessary to employ ( v ) as a function of v which

will be determined through experimental investigations for a more precise analysis.

4.11 Numerical integrations for constrained equations of motion

In the preceding chapters, methods to formulate equations of motion for constrained multibody

systems were covered. In this chapter, algebraic differential equations composed of constraint

equations and equations of motion obtained in the preceding chapters will be arranged, explained, and

solved using numerical integration. RecurDyn adopts powerful, high-performance integration solvers

which are fundamentally based on a family of the Newmark method. The general procedure of the

Newmark method shall be explained here. It is advisable that readers who are unfamiliar with

numerical integration first read sections (1) to (4) below. The rest of this section is fairly advanced and


Before giving a detailed explanation a brief overview of differential equations and numerical

integration methods shall be shown. This will help lay the foundation and will thus make it easier to

explain how numerical integration methods are used to solve algebraic differential equations.

(1) Differential equations

Time varying dynamical phenomena can be described by differential equations using independent

variables and time. These differential equations, for example, can be written as

Mx Cx Kx f (4.123)


y F(y, t ) (4.124)

The above equations can’t be solved analytically (except for simple problems). Thus, we need

numerical integration methods for obtaining solutions to these equations.

(2) State transition equations

Differential equations describe the relation between state variables and their time derivatives at an

arbitrary time. Thus, they need to be integrated to obtain solutions during a finite period of time. When

integrating differential equations in a numerical way, time changes of state variables approximated by

some formulae (state transition formulae) must be accompanied by the original differential equations

to obtain their solutions. As an example, if a Taylor series expansion is taken to be a state transition

formula for equation (4.124) (a first order differential equation), then the state variable at current time

tn 1 tn h after time step h relative to the preceding time tn can be approximated as

y(tn 1 ) y(tn ) hy(tn ) (h2 / 2!)y(tn ) (h3 / 3!) y (tn ) (4.125)

In practical computations, since approximation will take place by employing the first few lower terms

and by neglecting the higher terms, then the precision can’t be preserved if h is large. From this

reason, numerical integration is carried out by selecting small time steps for obtaining state variables

at time tn 1 tn h which is one time step h ahead of time tn . Thus, the solutions at time

tn 1 tn h are calculated from the solutions at time tn . The solutions at t n 1 will be used to

calculate state variables at the next time step tn 2 , t n 1 , then repeated calculations will continue.

t t

h τ

Fig. 4.26 Euler method Fig. 4.27 Linear acceleration method

The Euler method is used to solve first order differential equations written in the same form as

equation (4.124). As shown in Fig. 4.26, the first order approximation in h in equation (4.125)

yn 1 yn hy n (4.126)

is used to describe time changes of state variables from time tn to time tn 1 tn h . This is the

fundamental and simplest numerical integration formula.

The linear acceleration formula for solving 2nd order differential equations (4.123) assumes that

acceleration x( ) at time tn can be linearly interpolated using the acceleration of x n at

time tn and x n 1 at time tn h as shown in Fig. 4.27

x( ) xn ( / h) a (4.127)

In this equation, a is the acceleration increment a xn 1 x n . By integrating equation (4.127),

and considering that velocity and displacement at 0 are xn and xn , then the following relations

can be obtained:
x( ) xn xn a (4.128)
1 2
x( ) xn xn xn a (4.129)
2! 3!h

Then, the values at time t n 1 ,or h

xn 1 xn hxn a (4.130)
h2 h2
xn 1 xn hx n xn a (4.131)
2 6

are obtained. Equations (4.130) and (4.131) are the fundamental formulae for the linear acceleration

method, which is a family of the Newmark method.

These are the brief explanations on numerical integration for differential equations. Further

explanations can be referred to in reference (14). The main theme, numerical integration methods for

solving constrained differential equations (i.e. differential algebraic equations), will be explained in

the next section.

(3) Equations of motion and constraint equations to be solved

In sections 4.8 and 4.9, as an example of multibody systems, a 2 link multibody system was

formulated by means of the augmented method using Cartesian coordinates, and by means of recursive

method using relative coordinates of joints. In both cases, the following type of differential algebraic

equations were derived:

re (q , v , a , λ , t ) Mq + CTq λ f A (q , v , t ) 0 (4.132)

C(q , t ) 0 (4.133)

In these explanations, re (q , v , a , λ , t ) is a residual of the equations of motion. Equations (4.132)

and (4.133) constitute differential-algebraic equations of differential index 3. A differential index is

defined as the minimum number of analytical differentiations with respect to all independent variables

such that the equations considered can be transformed into an explicit ODE (ordinary differential

equation) using algebraic manipulations. In the augmented method and the recursive method, M , q

and other variables differ in their contents. In the augmented method, equation (4.67) in section 4.8,

and equation (4.102) or (4.113) in the recursive method correspond to equations (4.132) and/or (4.133).

In the case of flexible multibody dynamics (not treated here) constrained equations of motion can be

described using the same form of algebraic differential equations as (4.132) and (4.133). In summary,

equations (4.132) and (4.133) are fundamental algebraic differential equations to be solved hereafter.

5. Problems to be solved and reviewed for MBD

(1) Virtual environment for manufacturing

This theme has already been treated in chapter 2. This is the theme that shows how computational

engineering contributes to manufacturing. Recently ‘Manufacturing by 1 D - CAE’ has attracted the

attention of engineers. This is an attempt at rebuilding CAE which can be applicable to designing in

the upper stream of manufacturing by reviewing already well established CAE. As one of the methods

which explores appropriate directions in the broader terms of manufacturing, 1D-CAE has launched

for this purpose. This is a trial that gives another look at practical computational engineering from the

view point of manufacturing. In order for this to be successful, it is strongly recommended for

manufacturing industries, computational business worlds and engineering societies to form a trinity as

an integrated framework. Comprehensive engagement with such problems is hoped for in future


(2) Popularization and awareness of MBD

(a) Education in university

As stated in chapter 2, MDB technology anticipates a large ripple effect among numerous

industries. It is important to pay attention to advancement in dynamics education by recognizing the

importance of the subject of multibody dynamics. Though multibody dynamics has its own

fundamental subject including pursuing principles of mechanics, in many cases, it has its own

importance within practical dynamics. Therefore it is hoped that prudent consideration is taken with

regards to selecting multibody dynamics as part of curriculums within higher education. In applying

dynamics, MBD should be described as practical dynamics for virtual prototyping and as the center

of dynamics design. In university education, students should learn mechanics, computer science and

computer graphics required for modeling as well as CAD technology.

(b) Popularization within industrial sectors

In industrial sectors, correctly recognizing that multibody dynamics is a powerful tool for

controlling the capabilities of product development in enterprises is essential. It is understood that an

establishment of seamless digital design by introducing multibody dynamics technology which is

integrated with traditional technologies such as CAD, CAE and CAT is strongly recommended.

Actually, in design and analysis enterprises, it is highly recommended to promote the use of CAE. It

is requested for engineers to gain the skills for special purpose software and general purpose software,

while also enhancing their theoretical backgrounds with the knowledge of fundamental dynamics.

(3) Problems and research review of MBD

In MBD research, there are many transversal tasks to be solved such as modeling and analyses of

flexible systems, high speed computation and stabilization, real-time simulation, analysis of contact –

collision – friction problems, rapid prototyping, fluid – structure interaction, particles – structure

interaction, and improvement of multibody systems with control systems. Specifically, in order for

MBD be more practical, it is important to establish effective physical modelling of contact and

collision, and to lower the degrees of freedom of MBD with control systems. In addition to the above,

there are many vertical problems in each industry including space structures, railway vehicles,

construction machinery, robots, and ocean structures.

In interdisciplinary research, multibody dynamics is being widely applied to problems within

medical engineering, bio-engineering, molecular dynamics, material science and others. Eventually,

it will be further applied to game worlds which need high speed computations for both human and

machine motions.


Chapter 1

(1) P. E. Nikravesh: Computer-Aided Analysis of mechanical Systems, Prentice-Hall (1988).

(2) E. J. Haug: Computer Aided Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems/ Volume 1, basic

methods, Ally and Bacon (1989).

(3) A. A. Shabana, Dynamics of Multibody Systems, John Wiley & Sons (1989) and same titled book,

Cambridge University Press, 3 rd edition (2005).

(4) J. Garcia de Jalon and E. Bayo: Kinematics and Dynamics Simulation of Multibody Systems, The

Real-Time Challenge, Springer-Verlag (1994).

(5) M. Geradin and A. Cardona: Flexible Multibody Dynamics, A Finite Element Approach, John

Wiley & Sons, Ltd (2000).

(6) O. A. Bauchau: Flexible Multibody Dynamics, Springer (2011).

Chapter 2

(1) O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics,

Elsevier 2005.

Chapter 3

(1) N. Shimizu, T. Sawanobori, K. Sogabe, H. Takada and K. Nonami, Fundamentals and

Applications: Machinery Dynamics, p. 3 and p. 199, Kyouritsu Publishing Co. (1998), in Japanese.

(2) Japan Society of mechanical Engineers edited: Multibody Dynamics (1) ─ Basic theory ─

Corona Publishing Co. (2003) in Japanese.

(3) W. Schiehlen, Roots and perspectivesm Multibody System Dynamics 1, Multibody System

Dynamics, pp. 149 – 188, Kulwer Academic Publishers (1997).

(4) W. Schiehlen: Research trends in multibody system dynamics, MULTIBODY SYSTEM

DYNAMICS, 18, 1, 3/13 (2007)

(5) (in Japanese)


(7) N. Shimizu, Multibody dynamics education and its problems, a small special issue of Multibody

Dynamicsa front line of research, applications and educations, Simulation, 29, 2, pp.62 – 67

(2010) in Japanese.

Chapter 4

(1) Japan Society of mechanical Engineers edited: Multibody Dynamics (1) ─ Basic theory ─

Corona Publishing Co. (2003) in Japanese.

(2) H. Chaudhary and S. K. Saha: Dynamics and Balancing of Multibody Systems, Springer (2009).

(3) J. L. Meriam and L. G. Kraige: Dynamics 4th edition, John Wiley and Sons, p.536 (1997).

(4) J. H. Ginsberg: Advanced Engineering Dynamics, 2 nd edition, Cambridge University Press, p. 179


(5) D. S. Bae, J. M. Han and H. H. Yoo, A generalized Recursive Formulation for Constrained

Mechanical System Dynamics, Mech. Struct. & Mach., 27 (3), pp.293-315 (1999).

(6) E. D. Haug: Intermediate Dynamics, Prentice-Hall International Editions, p.334 (1992).

(7) S. Gottschalk, M. C. Lin, and D. Manocha, OBB Tree: A hierarchical structure for rapid

interference detection, In: Proc. of ACM Siggraph’96, 171-180 (1996).

(8) van den Bergen G, Efficient collision detection of complex deformable models using

AABB trees, Journal of Graphics Tools, 2(4), pp.1-14 (1997).

(9) H. Hertz: On the contact of elastic solids, Journal für die reine und angewandte

Mathematik, 92, 156-171, 1882.

(10) K. H. Hunt and F. R. E. Crossley, Coefficient of restitution interpreted as damping in

vibroimpact, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 42, pp.440-445 (1975).

(11) H. M. Lankarani and P. E. Nikravesh, A contact force model with hysteresis damping
for impact analysis of multibody systems, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design,

112, pp.369-376 (1990).

(12) H. M. Lankarani and P. E. Nikravesh, Continuous contact force models for impact

analysis in multibody systems, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 5, 193-207 (1994).

(13) FunctionBay, Inc.: Characteristic page for Solid Contact in [Professional > Contact > Common

UI] in RecurDynHelp (2014).

(14) Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers edited: Fundamentals and applications of Numerical

Integration method, Corona Publishing Co. (2003) in Japanese.

(15) K. Brenan, S. Campbell, and L. Petzold, Numerical Solution of Initial - Value Problems in

Differential-Algebraic Equations, SIAM, Philadelphia, first edition, (1989), and second edition,


(16) M. Geradin and A. Cardona: Flexible Multibody Dynamics, A Finite Element Approach, John

Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp.29-33 (2000).

(17) M. Geradin: Mechanical Vibrations, Theory and Application to Structural Dynamics 2 nd edition,

John Wiley and Sons, pp.373-393 (1997).

(18) C. L. Bottaso, et al, On the optimal scaling of index three DAEs in multibody dynamics, III
European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in
Engineering, C. A. Monta Soares (eds.) Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8 June (2006).

Part 3 Using RecurDyn

1. Introduction

2. Analysis examples of mechanism problems using RecurDyn

(1) Creation of analysis data

(2) Analysis execution

(3) Display of analysis results and evaluation considerations

(a) Motion of simple shaped rigid bodies

(b) Practical problems of rigid body motion in industry

(c) Practical problems of flexible body motion

(d) Robotics and mechatronics problems

3. RecurDyn terms

4. Using RecurDyn

4.1 Analysis flow of MBD problems using RecurDyn

4.2 Conducting dynamic and mechanism analyses

(1) Observation of pendulum motion

(2) Motion analysis of a pendulum – 1: New model creation

(3) Motion analysis of a pendulum – 2: CAD data format

5. Getting to know RecurDyn

5.1 RecurDyn's user interface

5.1.1 Starting up RecurDyn window

(1) New model creation

(2) Recalling existing model files

5.1.2 Important considerations when working with RecurDyn

(1) Unit systems

(a) Assigning unit systems other than those given in the list

(b) Global unit system and local unit system

(c) Angle units

(2) Working modes

(a) Working mode types

(b) Switching between working modes

5.1.3 RecurDyn’s GUI

(1) System Button

(2) Quick Access Toolbar

(3) Ribbons

(a) Home tab

(b) SubEntity tab

(c) Analysis tab

(d) Professional tab

(e) Other tabs

(4) Toolbars

(a) View Control Toolbar

(b) Rendering Toolbar

(c) Professional Toolbar

(d) Simulation Toolbar

(5) Command Toolbar

(a) Modeling Option Toolbar

(b) Input Toolbar

(6) Working Window

(7) Database Window

(8) Output Window

(9) Status Bar

(10) Keyboard shortcuts

5.1.4 Operation functions for model creation

(1) Import and export

(a) Import

(b) Export

(2) Copy and delete for entities

(a) Copy

(b) Cut

(c) Paste

(d) Delete

(3) Object control

(a) Basic Object Control

(b) Advanced Object Control

(4) View icons

(a) Icon Setting icons

(b) Grid Setting icons

(5) Undo and redo

(a) Undo

(b) Redo

(c) Clear Undo History

(6) Select entities

(7) Auto Operation and Selection

(8) Operation Cancellation

(9) Others

5.2 Working Plane Setting

(1) Working Plane

(a) Global coordinates as the reference plane

(b) Current Working Plane as the reference plane

(c) Working plane setup with respect to a specified marker

(2) Grid

(a) Change using the Working Plane Setup dialog box

(b) Change using Toolbar or Ribbon

(3) View Control

(a) View Control

(b) View Change

(4) Cutting Plane

(5) Rendering Mode

(6) Layer

(a) Set layer number

(b) Change Layer View

5.3 Analysis models and analysis procedures

(1) Kinematics analysis models and dynamics analysis models

(a) Kinematics analysis model

(b) Dynamics analysis model

5.4 Creation of entities

5.4.1 Bodies and geometries

(1) Bodies

(a) About bodies

(b) Body types

(c) Body creation

(d) Body properties

(2) Markers

(3) Mass properties

(a) Material Input Type

(b) Reference coordinates for moments of inertia

(4) Solid geometries

(a) Cylinder

(b) Box

(c) Sphere and ellipsoid

(d) Others

(5) Curve geometries and surface geometries

(a) Outline

(b) Spline

(c) Circle

(d) Arc

(e) Edge curve extract

(f) Outline surface

(g) Spline surface

(h) Face Surface

(i) Arc Revolution

(j) Arc Extrusion

5.4.2 Joints and constraint equations

(1) Joints

(a) About joints

(b) Types of joints

(c) Reduction of degrees of freedom by setting joints

(d) Joint creation

(2) Joint property

(a) Setting joint properties

(b) Procedure for setting Motion

(c) Display of Forces

(3) General joint constraints

(a) Fixed joint

(b) Revolute joint

(c) Translational joint

(d) Planar joint

(e) Cylindrical joint

(f) Spherical joint

(g) Universal joint

(4) Primitive joint constraints

(a) CMotion

(b) CVCV (Curve-Curve)

(c) Coupler

(d) Gear

5.4.3 Force

(1) Equivalent system for forces and torques

(2) Force elements of springs, dampers and actuators

(3) In-line Force

(a) Springs

(b) Axial Force

(c) Translational Force

(4) Rotational Torque

(a) Rotational Spring

(b) Rotational Axial Force

(c) Rotational Force

(5) Combined Force

(a) Screw

(b) Bushing

(6) Others

(7) Force vector display

5.4.4 Contact

(1) Types of contact surface

(2) Calculation of contact forces

(a) Normal constraint force

(b) Calculation of friction force

(c) Friction force calculation method

(3) Main parameters

(a) Contact geometry

(b) Buffer

(c) Maximum Stepsize Factor

(4) Contact force direction display

(5) Primitive3D contact type

(a) Sphere To Sphere

(b) Sphere In Sphere

(c) Sphere To Cylinder

(d) Sphere In Cylinder

(e) Cylinder To Cylinder

(f) Cylinder In Cylinder

(6) General contact types

(a) Extended Surface To Surface Contact (Patch contact)

(b) Solid Contact

5.5 Sensor

5.6 Expression

(1) Creation of Expressions

(a) Display of Expression List

(b) Input method for ‘Expression’

(2) Function list

(a) Interpolation functions and conditional branches
(b) Displacement Functions

(c) Velocity Functions

(d) Acceleration Functions

(e) Other Functions

5.7 Analysis solver

(1) Model Setting dialog

(2) Analysis and stop execution

(3) Brief explanation regarding numerical integration solvers used within RecurDyn

(a) Numerical integration solvers and their roles

(b) Mechanism problems solved using RecurDyn

(c) Classification of numerical integration solvers used in RecurDyn

(4) Setting various items in ‘Dynamic’ analysis

(a) Dynamic analysis execution

(b) Setting the ‘General’ tab in the ‘Dyn/KinAnalysis’ dialog box

(c) Setting the ‘Parameter’ tab in the ‘Dyn/KinAnalysis’ dialog box

5.8 Post processing

5.9 Some remarks on analysis model creation

6. Analyses using RecurDyn

6.1 Motion of a four-bar linkage mechanism

6.1.1 Special remarks before analysis model creation

(a) Degrees of freedom of a four-bar linkage mechanism

(b) Types of analysis problems

6.1.2 Analysis model creations for a four-bar linkage mechanism

(1) Actuating the model by a specified rotation

(2) Actuating the model by a rotational torque

6.2 Motion of a three dimensional slider-crank mechanism

(1) Constraining a slider with a translational joint to the ground

(2) Constraining the slider with a contact element to the ground

6.3 Vibration of an elastic beam

6.4 Control of an inverted pendulum

7. RecurDyn files

(1) File formats that can be imported by the modeler

(a) Geometry files

(b) RecurDyn files

(c) Other files

(2) Files that can be exported by the modeler

(a) Geometry files

(b) RecurDyn files

(3) Files that can be imported by the plotter

(4) Files that can be exported by the plotter

(5) Extensions of RecurDyn


1. Introduction

This part is provided for first-time RecurDyn users. An overview of RecurDyn (RD/Pro) will be

given using rigid multibody examples. RD/Pro is a general purpose computer software which conducts

motion analyses for multibody systems (MBS) including machines and bio-mechanics composed of

many components (e.g. organs, joints, and muscles). This book focuses on model construction,

analysis and various outputs including animation and graphic representation for rigid multibody

systems in RD/Pro.

Chapter 2 briefly introduces some mechanism examples calculated using RecurDyn. From the

explanations, readers can gauge what type of problems can be solved using RD/Pro. Chapter 3 briefly

summarizes terms which are considered to be essential for reading this book. Chapter 4 begins with a

simple analysis example of a pendulum, aiming at a relatively easy use of RecurDyn.

From this, the readers can quickly grasp how mechanism analyses can be carried out using RecurDyn.

Chapter 5 describes ‘How to use RecurDyn’ from which readers can fully understand the composition

and function of RecurDyn. Contents in this chapter include: the GUI, the procedure for making

analysis models, the entities including markers, bodies, joints, forces, and contact elements, and

special remarks on creating and solving analysis models. Chapter 6 constructs the analysis model of a

four-bar mechanism, run it, and then evaluates the computational results with the knowledge gained

from the preceding chapters. Then, problems with a three-dimensional slider-crank mechanism, a

flexible beam and an inverted pendulum control are analyzed. In more practical situations, more

complex problems will arise. These examples are provided as stepping stones to be able to use

RecurDyn functions in more complex problems. By referring to the explanations above, users should

roughly be able to understand how to analyze rigid multibody system problems. Chapter 7 briefly

explains files related to RecurDyn.

2. Analysis examples of mechanism problems using RecurDyn

This chapter briefly explains what mechanisms and what special features from the structural view

point are seen in rigid multibody problems in RecurDyn analyses. Next, flexible body problems that

can be treated within the scope of rigid multibody dynamics and mechatronics problems are briefly

introduced. Before creating analysis data using RecurDyn, an operation procedure will be briefly

summarized below.

(1) Creation of analysis data

Analysis data is created to make an analysis model for computation. The analysis model is divided

into elementary parts such as body and joint components, springs, and forces. Each elementary part is

input individually and assembled into a unified analysis model in a computer. Fig. 2.1 is an example

of a four-bar mechanism which is created in the Working window of RD/Pro. There are several rigid

bodies called ‘links’ which are connected by joints. This data is created in the Working window by

using the graphic user interface (GUI).

- Link parts are composed of ④, ⑤ and ⑥, and the spring part is ⑦.

- Metal fixtures fixed to the unmovable body called ground are ①, ②, and ③.

- Fixed joints fix the metal fixture completely to the ground and are labeled as joint 1, 2 and 3.

revolute joint2 ⑤ coupler

revolute joint 3

⑥ crank ④ rocker

⑦ coil spring

revolute joint 1

y fixed joint 1 101

fixed joint 3

x revolute joint 4
z fixed joint 2 ②
Fig. 2.1 Four bar mechanism created in a Working Window

A reference frame called the centroidal marker is created at the mass center of a body and a joint

marker is created at the joint automatically. This is shown by a tri-axial frame with three color arrows

in Fig. 2.1. Thus, the four-bar mechanism model has been created.

(2) Analysis execution

After creating the analysis model of the mechanism, simulation of mechanism motion will start

from the initial configuration at initial time. Analysis results are stored in files after completion of the


(3) Display of analysis results and evaluation considerations

Computational results can be observed as animations in the display. Positions, velocities and

accelerations of concerned links and reactions of constraint points can be seen in graphs.

(a) Motion of simple shaped rigid bodies

Here, several analysis examples computed by RD/Pro (RecurDyn/Professional) will be introduced.

An inverted spinning top will be used as an example which is dynamically interesting. Fig. 2.2 is a

snap shot showing an inverted top which is stably spinning. At the start of rotation, the tip of the top

is in a lower position (Fig. 2.2(a)). It then becomes horizontal and finally stands upside down (Fig.

2.2(b)). Simulation results can be checked by using the aforementioned animations of RecurDyn

(Animation of computational results is found in In order to investigate what is happening when

the top is upside down, principal parameters such as friction coefficient, are varied.

(a) Early stage of spinning (b) Top is completely inverted

Fig. 2.2 Spinning motion of inverted top

To further understand CAD and motion mechanics, practical but rather simple mechanism

problems are presented in Fig. 2.3 and 2.4.

Fig. 2.3 Slider-crank motion Fig. 2.4 Clutch mechanism

(b) Practical problems of rigid body motion in industry

Fig. 2.5 shows a model of cam-valves in an engine, Fig. 2.6 shows a planetary-gear mechanism,

Fig. 2.7 shows a chain drive mechanism of a bicycle, Fig. 2.8 shows a belted mechanism and Fig. 2.9

shows a two-dimensional shaking table with hydro-static oil bearing. These models were practically

analyzed using RecurDyn software.

(c) Practical problems of flexible body motion

Examples of cases where structural members are flexible are shown in Fig. 2.10 and Fig. 2.11. Fig

2.10 treats a landing gear mechanism and Fig. 2.11 treats the lever boot of a shift gear in an automobile.

These models were analyzed as flexible multibody systems and stress calculations and life time

evaluations were carried out.

Fig. 2.5 Cam-valves in an engine Fig. 2.6 Planetary-gear mechanism

Fig. 2.7 Fig. 2.8 Belted mechanism

Chain drive mechanism of a


Fig. 2.9
Two-dimensional shaking table
with hydro-static oil bearing

Fig. 2.10 Landing gear mechanism of Fig. 2.11 Lever boot of a shift gear
an airplane ( in an automobile (

(d) Robotics and mechatronics problems

Fig. 2.12 and Fig. 2.13 are analysis examples of an inverted pendulum and a robot. The control

model of the inverted pendulum shown in Fig. 2.12 is presented as educational material. Fig. 2.13

shows an example of a working robot which is used in industries.

Fig. 2.12 Fig. 2.13

Control of inverted pendulum model Working industrial robot
3. RecurDyn terms

Simple terms used in RecurDyn will be explained in this chapter.

- Graphic user interface (GUI) see section 5.1.3

This is the graphic user interface of RecurDyn. When users use RecurDyn, data will be input by

using graphics from the Working Window in a display. Data is input in an object-oriented manner

so that users can intuitively understand. The interface transforms the given data into information

that can be easily understood by RecurDyn users. For computer calculation outputs, the interface

transforms the numerical data into graphic animations.

- RecurDyn window see section 5.1.3

A special restricted area in a display that appears when RecurDyn starts up is called a ‘window’.

There are three main windows in RecurDyn: The Working Window, Database Window and

Message Window.

- Models and model creation using RecurDyn

When mechanism problems are solved by RecurDyn, mathematical models such as equations of

motion and constraints that conform the analysis models created by users are constructed. These

system equations are solved by numerical integration with solvers (which is explained later in this

chapter) which is provided in RecurDyn. The obtained computational results are represented by

animations and graphs.

Analysis model creation by users through observing actual mechanisms is conducted by

RecurDyn. After creating analysis models, the users run RecurDyn to obtain computational results

in the form of animations and graphs. The analysis model of RecurDyn is composed of bodies,

joints, forces and contact elements which are generically called ‘entities’.

- Body

‘Rigid body’ or simply, ‘Body’ is defined as a unit element of mechanical, structural or other

objects in mechanisms. As a component is idealized to be rigid, deformation is neglected. Since

there are many shapes in mechanical parts, there are also numerous bodies. Bones which form

bio-mechanisms are often considered to be rigid bodies.

- Constraint

The restriction of motion between two bodies by a connection is called a constraint. There are two

types of constraints: displacement constraints that restrict displacements between two connecting

bodies, and driver constraints that actuate the body to follow a specified motion. This is a time

dependent function of displacement, velocity and/or acceleration.

- Joint

A joint is a physical component which connects bodies. Motion of the bodies is restricted by the

joint which creates the desired motion. There are many types of joints including revolute,

translational, ball and universals.

- Force element

Forces and/or torques that act upon bodies are generically called force elements in RecurDyn. A

spring and/or a damper which is set up between two bodies and contacts both bodies are also

called a force element.

- Ground

Ground is the base body of a mechanism model that does not move.

- Base and action

Joints and forces are defined between two bodies. The first selected body becomes the base body

and the second selected body becomes the action body. A less moving component, a fixed

component or a larger component is generally taken as the base body, while the moving part is

generally selected as the action body.

- Solver

After creating the analysis model, the motion of the model is numerically solved for each time

step increment by means of numerical computation. The solver deals with this computational task.

The solver generally includes an integrator that performs numerical integration and a calculator

that solves simultaneous equations needed during each time integration.

- Numerical integration method

The numerical integration method or time integration method is a method which numerically

solves differential-algebraic equations composed of equations of motion and constraint conditions

for each time step increment. RecurDyn uses the backward difference formula (BDF) or the

generalized  method as its default.

- Assembly mode, body editing mode and profile editing mode

There are three working modes for creating and editing models in a window within RecurDyn:

assembly mode, body editing mode and profile editing mode. It is important to recognize in which

mode users are operating.

In assembly mode, bodies, joints, forces and contacts are created and edited. Computation is

also done in this mode.

In body editing mode, creating and editing shapes and markers of rigid bodies are performed.

In profile editing mode, profiles in body editing mode are created.

- Profile

Profile describes the characters of an entity. A dialogue which represents characters is called

profile dialogue.

- Marker

A marker is a local reference frame which attaches to a body for describing motion of the body.

Fig. 3.1 is a marker attached to a body. In general, the X, Y and Z axes are positive to the right,

up, and front, respectively.

axis (pink)

X axis (blue)

Z axis (yellow)

Fig. 3.1 Symbol of marker

Fig. 3.2 shows markers defined in a body. The inertial reference or global reference frame is

automatically defined as being attached to the ground in the model.

Fig. 3.2 Body and its reference frames

Since the marker defines the origin and the direction of its marker, this is generally set at a

characteristic point on the body. A body reference frame and a center of mass marker (in brief,

center marker) located at the center of mass in the body are defined. Markers are also defined at

attached points of a joint and at applied points of a force. Markers can also be defined at measuring

points and/or special marked points. These markers are all defined with respect to the body

reference frame. The origin and orientation (Euler 313 angles or Cardin 321 angles) of the markers

are specified in a dialog box.

- Entity

Entity is a generic term specifying all types of markers, bodies, joints, force elements, and contact


- Base marker and action marker

Motion and force are calculated relative to a base marker. The force applied to an action marker

is defined as applied force and the force exerted at the base marker is reaction force.

4. Using RecurDyn

4.1 Analysis flow of MBD problems using RecurDyn

Fig. 4.1 shows an analysis flow diagram for mechanism problems using RecurDyn. Motion

analysis of mechanism problems involves calculating responses of analysis models, which are

characterized by multiple bodies with mass properties, joint constraints between components, and

applied driving motions or external loads such as forces and torques at specified points (see Figs 4.1(a)

and 4.1(b)). Information from computational results of motion such as position, velocity and

acceleration, and from forces such as joint reaction forces and spring forces is output in the form of

animations and graphs. Fig. 4.1(a) is a schematic showing motion and forces of each component of

the analysis model, all of which are calculated, subject to a prescribed motion.

Fig. 4.1(a) When prescribed motion is applied

Fig. 4.1(b) When external forces are applied

Fig. 4.1 Analysis flow chart when using RecurDyn

Equations of motion and constraint equations derived from the analysis model created by RecurDyn

are calculated subject to the prescribed motion for each time increment. Thus, time responses against

the time axis are obtained. In Fig. 4.1(a), since a prescribed motion is applied to the model, this is a

geometry of motion or kinematics problem. In contrast, Fig. 4.1(b) shows how the computation of the

model is performed to obtain the motion of the mechanism and forces exerted in the mechanism under

the application of external forces such as forces and/or torques is known. This is a problem of

dynamics which solves differential algebraic equations of motion by a numerical integrator.

4.2 Conducting dynamic and mechanism analyses

Dynamic analyses of mechanisms carried out using RecurDyn will be briefly explained using an

example of a simple pendulum. Input procedures of RecurDyn will briefly be explained here, but the

objective of this section is for users to gain a rough idea about the amount of data needed when an

analysis model is created using RecurDyn. The reason why the simple pendulum was selected is that

the pendulum has a simple shape, there is a historical importance in relation to observation of the

behavior of the pendulum given by Galileo, and it involves delving into a deeper meaning of

mechanics. A full explanation on creating input data using RecurDyn through some examples will be

given in chapter 6 after explaining the structure of RecurDyn.

(1) Observation of pendulum motion

Fig. 4.2 shows the lamp hanging from the ceiling of the Duomo at Pisa in Italy. It is famous because

Galileo (Fig. 4.3) found that the period of vibration of a pendulum had isochronous characteristics

dependent only on the length of the pendulum (


Fig. 4.2 Fig. 4.3

Galileo Galilei Fig. 4.4 Pendulum type clock
Lamp in Duomo at Pisa

Fig. 4.4 shows a pendulum type clock in which the pendulum is located at the center. This

pendulum plays an important role in keeping time constant. How does the pendulum of the pendulum

clock move? Since the amplitude of vibration of the pendulum is small, its cycles move with a constant

period, and it strays from a constant period when the amplitude gets bigger. How does it behave? It is

difficult to obtain analytical solutions for larger amplitudes of swinging. Thus, a simplified model for

this problem will be shown in an analysis using RecurDyn.

(2) Motion analysis of a pendulum – 1: New model creation

This analysis model is created by using the GUI of RecurDyn. In part (3) of section 4.2, the basic

analysis model will be imported from CAD data.

As a fundamental problem, motion of a rigid bar will be considered. Fig. 4.5 shows the complete

model of an iron steel bar. As shown in Fig. 4.5, the pendulum swings about the Z-axis. The pendulum

rotates about the Z-axis at a bearing which is fixed to the upper ceiling defined as ‘ground.’ Motion of

the pendulum will be observed when the pendulum is released from the initial resting position at 30

degrees inclined from the vertical position.

Y Ceiling Bearing


Fig. 4.5 Steel bar pendulum

An analysis model and its input data will be created without giving detailed explanations. The

construction of model data will be focused on in this section. First, input data of the pendulum motion

shown in Fig. 4.5 will be created by using the Working Window.

Created data will be stored in a file with the

name ‘s_pend_1.’ Through this process, users

can briefly learn RecurDyn usage and which Working Window

markers, bodies, constraints and forces are

important in modeling this task. In part (3) of

this section, a similar problem is treated by

importing CAD data.

As shown in Fig. 4.6, the global marker or Fig. 4.6 Markers in the Working Window

global frame is shown at the lower left corner

in the Working Window. The unit system should be selected by considering the size and weight of

the analysis model. Here, mm, kg, s for length, mass and time are selected. A constant value of

9806.65 [mm/s2] will be used for the acceleration of gravity in this analysis.

Now, analysis data will be created using RecurDyn.

- Preparation

① Run ‘RecurDyn’.

⇒The ‘Start RecurDyn’ window should appear

as in Fig. 4.7.

② Type in ‘s_pend_1’ for the model name.

⇒Select ‘MMKS’ from the pull down menu.

Select ‘-Y’ from the ‘Gravity’ pull down menu. Fig. 4.7 Start RecurDyn window

Click the ‘OK’ button.

- Body creation

A body is an entity which is comprised of the individual components of a mechanism. For the

body, mass is defined. The body has a shape, markers and a body reference frame attached as its

attributed property. The shape of the body is not essential to defining it but when the body is used

for contact problems it becomes indispensable.

Click the OK button in the Start RecurDyn window, then the Working Window appears in the

center of the display (Fig. 4.8).

⇒ Origin of the reference frame is automatically set at the center of the Working Window.

Professional tab

Fig. 4.8 Working Window in the GUI

The procedure for creating cylinder-shaped bodies will be explained. Supposing a pendulum bar with

length 1000 mm, radius 25 mm, and a cylinder body is set between (0,0,0) and (0,-1000,0).

Body Group Input Toolbar

③ Click the Professional tab (Fig. 4.8, 4.9).

⇒ Click the Cylinder icon in Body group.

⇒ Select and click (Point, Point, Radius) from the

pull down menu in the Modeling Option Toolbar.

⇒ Click the coordinates (0,0,0,Ground) in the

Modeling Option Toolbar
Working Window (Fig. 4.10). Or key-in (0,0,0) in
Fig. 4.9 Cylinder icon in body group
the Input Toolbar, then push the enter key.

⇒ Click the coordinates ‘0,-1000,0’ (Fig. 4.10).

Or key-in ‘0,-1000,0’ in the Input Toolbar then

push the enter key.

⇒ Key in ‘25’ in the Input Toolbar then push the

enter key (Fig. 4.11).

- Joint creation
Fig. 4.10 Creation of cylinder body
Set a joint (constraint condition) which connects

one body to the other body. Connect the pendu-

lum bar ‘body 1’ and the ‘ground’ (which is also

Fig. 4.11 Modeling Option Toolbar
a kind of body without moving) at the top of the
and Input Toolbar
bar ‘0,0,0’ with a revolute joint about the Z-axis.

Joint group
④ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ Click the Revolute joint icon in Joint group.

⇒ Select ‘Body, Body, Point, Direction’ from

the pull down menu in the Modeling Option

Toolbar (Fig. 4.12). Fig. 4.12 Revolute joint icon in joint group

⇒ Click at any point in the Working Window

which represents ‘Ground’ (Fig. 4.13).

⇒ Click cylinder body (body 1) (Fig. 4.14).

⇒ Click the point ‘0, 0, 0, Ground’ in the

Working Window. Or key in ‘0, 0, 0’ in the

Input Toolbar, then push the enter key

Fig. 4.13 Fig. 4.14
⇒ The cylider shape icon appears. Adjust the
Click ‘Ground’ Click cylinder body
rotation axis to point in the required direction

(Z-axis) by moving the mouse, then click in

the Working window. ⇒ The revolute joint

icon becomes circular when the direction of

rotation coincides with the Z-axis (Fig. 4.16).

Fig. 4.15 Fig. 4.16

Click Point‘0,0,0’ Click about Z axis rotation
- Confirmation of created analysis data

The analysis data created can be confirmed by checking

the Database Window (Fig. 4.17) appearing in the right side

of the GUI window.

The body information must be checked first. The body is

The body information must be checked first. The
composed of ‘Ground’ and ‘Body1.’ ‘Ground’ is the

reference frame attached to the inertial reference frame

which is usually the ground or the reference frame attached

to the ground. ‘Body 1’ is the pendulum bar. Detailed

information on ‘Body 1’ can be seen from the property

window of Body 1 which is obtained by double-clicking the

Fig. 4.17 Database window
‘Body 1’ tab in the Database window.

window*. This information can also be obtained by right-clicking ‘Body 1’ object in the Working

window followed by selecting the Property tab. In the Property window of ‘Body 1’, Material input

type and Material type are set to ‘Library’ and ‘Steel’ respectively as default (Fig. 4.18).

Mass and moment of inertia (moment of inertia: Ixx, Iyy, Izz and product of inertia: Ixy, Iyz, Izx)

are automatically calculated with respect to the center of mass marker and is dependent on material

type and body shapes. They are tabulated in the property dialogue box as shown in Fig. 4.18.

Other information including the origin and attitude of the body can also be obtained from the

property dialogue box.

Fig. 4.18 Property of a body

* Note that by double-clicking ‘Body 1’ in the

Database window, the Property window appears. But if the ‘Body 1’ object in the Working

window is double-clicked, a mode change will take place from ‘Assembly’ to ‘Body editing’

mode. The Property window will be opened by clicking on the ‘Body 1’ object in the Working

window. Then, the object should be right-clicked and selected from the opened menu.

Next, joint information can be obtained from

‘Revolute joint 1’ in the Property window of the

Database window (Fig. 4.19). Following this

procedure, the Property window appears, the type

of joint can be confirmed as ‘Revolute’ in the

Joint tab, and the state of connection of the joint

can also be confirmed.

Fig. 4.19 Property of a joint
- Setting of the initial state

The pendulum bar is set to incline 30° upwards from the vertical line as shown in Fig. 4.21.

⑤ Enclose and select the ‘Body 1’ object in the

Working window by dragging with the mouse.

⇒ Click the Basic object control icon in the

Toolbar (see Fig. 4.8).

⇒ The Basic window will appear (Fig. 4.20), from Fig. 4.20 Object control

which the Rotation tab can be selected.

⇒ Input ‘30’ as the angle [deg].

⇒ Confirm that the reference frame is set

to ‘Ground, Inertial marker’, then click the

counter clock-wise rotation icon about the

Z-axis. ‘Body 1’ and ‘Joint revolute 1’ are

rotated counter clock-wise 30° about (0, 0, 0) Fig. 4.21 Rotate both the pendulum bar
with respect to the Inertia marker (Fig. 4.21). and revolute joint by 30°
- Execution of dynamic analyses
Now a dynamic analysis shall be run.

⑥ Click the ‘Analysis’ tab.

⇒ Click the Dyn/Kin analysis icon in the

Analysis group (Fig. 4.22).

⇒ The Dynamic analysis execution window will Fig. 4.22

Dynamic analysis icon in analysis tab
appear. Set ‘5’ for execution time, and ‘100’ for

the frame number (Fig. 4.23).

Select ‘IMGALPHA’ for the integrator in the

Parameter tab (not shown here. Refer to sect. 5.7


⇒ Click the Simulate button, and the Save As

Simulate button
window will appear. Save the created data as

‘s_pend_1’ (though any arbitrary name is

acceptable), and the analysis will start.

⇒The following message will appear: 「Analysis

is accomplished successfully」
Fig. 4.23 Setting the analysis condition
signaling that the analysis has been completed.

- Animation and graph viewing

Animation is handled by video operation and graphs are viewed by using plot output.

⑦ Click the Play / Pause button in the Animation control in the Analysis tab (Fig. 4.24).

Fig. 4.24 Animation Control bar

⇒ Animation of the pendulum motion appears in the

Working window. The pendulum is observed to swing

right and left.

⑧ Click the Plot Result icon in the Analysis tab (Fig.


⇒ The view is switched to the Plot window.

⇒ Click on ‘Pos_TX’ under ‘Bodies/Body 1’ in the

Plot database window, which is shown on the right hand

side of the GUI (Fig. 4.25). ‘Pos_TX’ means position

and translate-X (translational motion for the X direction).

⇒ The time history for X directional motion of the

pendulum ‘Body 1’ at the center of mass is drawn (Fig.

Fig. 4.25 Plot database window
⇒ A similar procedure holds for ‘Pos_TY’ for the Y


- Considerations of pendulum motion

The pendulum's motion was

observed by checking the animation and

plot outputs. From the plot graph, the

motion of the pendulum bar attached to

the revolute joint at the end of the bar

can be qualitatively evaluated.

Displacement in the X direction

vibrates in a sinusoidal way, and has a

Fig. 4.26 Time history response
250 mm amplitude. Displacement in the

Y direction vibrates in a sinusoidal way

between -480mm and -500mm. It is also observed that the response in the X direction has

almost three cycles in 5 seconds which corresponds to a frequency of 0.6 Hz. From the theory of

vibration, the natural frequency of a pendulum is given by

1 𝑔
𝑓= √𝑙 (4.1)

for small amplitude oscillation, where l is an equivalent length of the pendulum. If the density of the

bar is assumed to be uniform, it is known that the equivalent length, l becomes 2/3 of the total length

of the bar. Thus, l=(2/3)×1000=666.67 mm. Therefore, the natural frequency of the pendulum is

calculated as
1 𝑔 1 9800

√ 𝑙 = 2π √666.67 =0.610 Hz (4.2)

This coincides with the value obtained from the computational analysis presented above.

[Exercise ] Analyze the same pendulum using RecurDyn. Assume that the pendulum is resting at

the initial configuration at 90° and 120° from the vertical line. Compare the motions between 90°

and 120° for the initial configuration.

(3) Motion analysis of a pendulum – 2; CAD data format

In item (2) in this section, a simple pendulum was analyzed by creating the input data using the

RecurDyn modeler. Here, users will learn how to create an analysis model by importing CAD data.

The data can be downloaded from the MotionLabo, Inc’s web page

(, which was originally created by FunctionBay K.K.,

Japan). Fig. 4.27 shows the CAD data of a steel pendulum. Input procedures will be explained

briefly. Duplications written in item (2) of this section 4.2 will be omitted as much as possible. The

unit system adopted is mm, kg and s for length, mass and time, respectively. The gravitational

constant will be taken as 9806.65 [mm/s2].





Fig. 4.27 Pendulum model created from imported CAD data

- Preparation
System button
① Start up RecurDyn software. Refer to section 4.2 (2).

② Type in 'R_Pend' for the model name.

⇒ Select ‘MMKS’ from the pull down menu.

Fig. 4.28 System button
Select ‘-Y’ from the pull down menu. Click the ‘OK’


- Body Creation

③ Download ‘Pendulum.x_t’ from the address stored

pendulum CAD data and save it in the user’s folder.

⇒ Click on the System button(Fig. 4.28). Import icon

⇒ Click on the Import icon (Fig. 4.29).

⇒ Select ‘Pendulum.x_t’ in the reference folder and

click the ‘Open’ button to open the file (Fig. 4.30).

Fig. 4.29 Import icon

Fig. 4.30 Specifying CAD data file

After importing the data, the pendulum body

appears in the Working window of RecurDyn

(Fig. 4.31). Since imported CAD data contains

information including coordinates, orientations,

and body shapes, users are not requested to

specify these parameters. But since connection

conditions (e.g. joint, force and contact) are not

specified, the main task for users is to create an

analysis model to specify these conditions Fig. 4.31 Imported body

between the bodies.

The imported bodies shall now be confirmed (Fig. 4.32). ‘ImportedBody1’and ‘ImportedBody2’

are the two bodies in the database window that are confirmed to be imported. Clicking on each one

individually assures that they are two separate bodies.

ImportedBody1:pendulum bar & Pin-support part

ImportedBody2:Tip mass

The imported data ‘Pendulum.x_t’ does not contain a ceiling part. But since the ceiling part is

originally attached to the ground, it is not necessary to create a new ceiling part.

Fig. 4.32 Confirmation of imported body

- Joint creation

First, set a joint to connect ‘ImportedBody1’ and ‘ImportedBody2.’

④ Click on the Professional tab.

⇒ Click on the Fixed joint icon in Joint group.

⇒ Select ‘Body, Body, Point’ in the pull down

menu of the Modeling Option Toolbar (Fig.

Fig. 4.33 Fixed joint icon

⇒ Click ‘ImportedBody1.’

⇒ Click ‘ImportedBody2.’

⇒ Click on any point near the mass body (Fig. 4.34).

As was described in section 4.2 (2), a

supporting point (or bearing point) of the

pendulum, which in this case ‘ImportedBody1’,

should be fixed to ‘0, 0, 0’ which is Ground, with

a revolute joint (see ④ in sect. 4.2 (2)).

Fig. 4.34 Definition of constraint conditions

- Dynamic analysis execution

Click on the Dyn/Kin analysis icon as was done

in 4.2 (2).

⇒ The execution window for dynamic analysis

will appear. Set ‘5’ (s) for the analysis time

(End Time) and ‘500’ for the frame numbers

of animation (Step) (Fig. 4.35).

Select ‘IMGALPHA’for the integrator in the

Parameter tab (not shown here).

⇒ Click on the ‘Simulate’ button.

Fig. 4.35 Setting analysis conditions

- Animation and graph viewing

Similar to ⑦ and ⑧ of section 4.2 (2), the time histories of pendulum motions can be viewed.

As an example, RecurDyn was used to both create a model and execute an analysis for a simple
pendulum. The steps that followed showed that this is a fairly simple and easy task.

5. Getting to know RecurDyn

The appeal and different possibilities for RecurDyn have been studied by creating and running

analysis models for simple examples up until section 4.2. In order to analyze and evaluate practical

problems, it is necessary to learn more about RecurDyn in a systematic and organized way. This will

help users effectively apply RecurDyn based on this knowledge. In this chapter, in order for users to

use RecurDyn effectively, several concepts will be explained regarding specialized contents within

RecurDyn. Since some parts have already been explained, duplication will be avoided as much as


5.1 RecurDyn's user interface

The following part: ‘Language settings’ should be skipped when the English version is desired.

- Language settings (Fig. 5.1)

To change the language to Japanese,

Click Start button ⇒ all programs ⇒

FunctionBay Inc. ⇒ RecurDyn V8R2 ⇒

Language Selection ⇒ 日本語

Fig. 5.1 Switch English / 日本語

The main composition of this section is as follows:

(1) Start RecurDyn window

(2) Important items while working

(3) RecurDyn’s GUI

(4) Operational functions for model creation

5.1.1 Starting up RecurDyn window

When RecurDyn is starting up, the ‘Start RecurDyn’ window will appear as in Fig. 5.2 and soon

after is ready for use. The upper row is for new model creation and the lower one is for recalling
existing model files.

(1) New model creation

A new model file is created by clicking the

‘OK’ button after inputting a model name

(Name), and selecting a unit system (Unit) and

direction of the gravitational force (Gravity).

(2) Recalling existing model files

When recalling an existing model file, click

the ‘Browse’ button in ‘Open Model’ or click

the model icon appearing as a thumbnail in the Fig. 5.2 RecurDyn Start window

‘Recent Models’ section.

Other methods: Click the ‘Open’ icon in the

Quick Access Toolbar or the System button.

- Model name: Any name is acceptable. Here, the name ‘Model1’is used.

- Unit system: Select one from the pull down menu or set a different unit system by using the

settings button

- Gravity: Specify direction of the gravitational force. The default is: –Y direction.

5.1.2 Important considerations when working with RecurDyn

(1) Unit systems

(a) Assigning unit systems other than those given in the list

The unit systems used in the analysis of engineering problems are specifically important. In order

to avoid cumbersome unit conversion, using the SI (MKS) unit system, which is provided in the pull

down menu, is essential. But in many practical engineering situations, since various unit systems may

be used, unit system conversion is often necessary. In RecurDyn, the unit systems listed in Table 5.1

are registered and can be used.

Table 5.1 Available unit systems

Force Mass Length Time

Setting and selecting method:

1) Click ‘Setting’ in the RecurDyn Start window

(Fig. 5.3)⇒ Click the ‘Add’ button (Fig.

5.4) ⇒ Name the unit system which will be Fig. 5.3 ‘Setting’ button of
‘Start RecurDyn’ window
created. Specify unit of force, mass and length

from the pull down menu (see Table 5.1). ⇒

Click the ‘OK’ button.

2) Select a newly registered unit system in 1)

above from the pull down menu in the

2 4
RecurDyn Start window.
Fig. 5.4 Setting of various units

(b) Global unit system and local unit system

The unit system specified by the newly created window is a global unit system and can’t be

changed once it is determined. The current unit system is shown in the right side corner of the Status

bar in the GUI (see Fig. 5.8). Apart from the global unit system, each entity such as body and force

can define its own local unit system. This can be defined from ‘General’ in the Property dialog box

and is converted to the global unit system, and is saved when the Property dialog box is closed.

(c) Angle units

Radian is the standard angle unit. Radian/time is used as a unit of angular velocity, and if second

is used for time, angular velocity is given in [rad/s]. Angular acceleration is given in [rad/s 2]. Degrees

can be also used as the local angle unit. In this case, ‘D’ will be used as the variable representative for

degrees (e.g. 180 degrees  180D).

(2) Working modes

(a) Working mode types

There are three working modes for creating and editing models in the RecurDyn window as will

be described below. It is important to be aware of which mode users are operating in. This can be

confirmed by the indicator shown in the upper left corner of the Working window.

- Assembly mode: This mode is used for creating and editing bodies, joints, forces, and contacts.

Computations are also performed in this mode. The title on the screen is shown as ‘Model name.’

- Body edit mode: This mode is used for creating and editing shapes and markers of bodies. The

title on the screen is shown as ‘Body name@Model name.’

- Profile editing mode: This mode is used for creating profiles in the Body edit mode.

The title on the screen is shown as ‘Body name. File name@Model name’.

(b) Switching between working modes

- Assembly mode  Body edit mode

Click an object body, or right-click the body name

in Database window ⇒ Select ‘Edit’ (Fig. 5.5).

- Body edit mode  Assembly mode

Geometry tab in Ribbon ⇒ Click on ‘Return’ icon

in ‘Exit’group (Fig. 5.6), or right-click any point on Fig. 5.5 Working mode change

129 Assembly  Body edit mode

the Working window ⇒ Select ‘Exit’ (Fig. 5.7).

Fig. 5.6 Return icon within Working mode change

Fig. 5.7 Working mode change Select ‘Exit’

5.1.3 RecurDyn’s GUI

The RecurDyn’s GUI (Graphic User Interface) will be briefly explained. The GUI is composed of

a system button, several types of bars, windows, tabs and ribbon as shown in Fig. 5.8. The functions

and roles for these items are as follows:

- Window TitleBar: Displays the file name of a model.

- System Button: File operation, layout, color change and customizations are displayed.

- Quick Access Toolbar: Displays icons which are frequently used in file operation.

- Ribbon: When one of the tabs (e.g. professional, analysis, flexible, etc.) is open, the field called

‘ribbon’ appears. In the ribbon, there are icons of frequently used functions.

- Toolbar: Displays function icons which are frequently used in creating the analysis model.

* Modeling Option Toolbar: Used for selecting an option which is required for creating entities.

* (Modeling Command) Input Toolbar: Key for numerals, vectors, body names and others during

model creation.

* View Control Toolbar: Used for controlling the view, switching rendering modes, icon setting,

grid setting, working plane setting, and for assisting operations and other tasks.

* Render Toolbar: Used for selecting the rendering type, projection, and depth-through or depth-

top view methods.

* Professional Toolbar: Used for creating bodies, joints, forces and contact elements.

- Working Window: Displays entities (bodies, joints, forces, markers, and others) and graphics from

analysis results (animations, plots, and others).

- Database Window: Tree structure displaying entities (bodies, joints, forces, expressions and others)

of a created model.

- Message (I/O)Window: Outputs error messages during modeling and computing, reports computing

time, and displays analysis results.

- Status Bar: Displays messages during model data creation, coordinates at a pointer location, and

coordinate and unit system type.

System Button Quick Access Toolbar Window Titlebar



Modeling Option Toolbar (Modeling Command) Input Toolbar Toolbar

Database Window


Output Window

Status Bar
Fig. 5.8 RecurDyn’s GUI
(1) System Button

File operations like change theme color, customization and help are accessible (Fig. 5.9).

New Create a new model file

Open Open an existing model file
Recent File Display recently used files
Close Close an active working window
Save Overwrite the current working model as ‘*.rdyn’
Save As Save the current working model with a new name
Import Import files (see sect. 5.1.4 (1))
Export Export files (see sect. 5.1.4 (1))
Extract Save the configuration at a specified time
from simulation results as a new model
Customize Customize various operations such as view operation
Theme Color Change theme color
Display various help items such as information on
Help RecurDyn Online Help, RecurDyn Help, ProcessNet
Help, RecurDyn Web Site, and RecurDyn version
(About RecurDyn)
Exit Exit RecurDyn Fig. 5.9 RecurDyn
System Button

(2) Quick Access Toolbar

Frequently used icons such as file operations are available in ‘Quick Access Toolbar.’ Fig. 5.10

shows the ‘Quick Access Toolbar’ which involves the default function icons. Users can add new

functions by registering this Toolbar.

Fig. 5.10 RecurDyn’s Quick Access Toolbar

- New: Create a new model file Quick Access Customizing Command
- Open: Open an existing model file Toolbar:
- Save: Overwrite the current working model as
- Toggle ‘Quick Access Toolbar’ on and
- Save As: Save the current working model with a
- Add commands (Add more commands)
new name
- Add functions to ‘Quick Access
- Open: Open the current directory
- Undo: Cancel the last command executed
- Show Below the Ribbon:
- Redo: Cancel undo execution
Display ‘Quick Access Toolbar’ below
- Exit: Get out of the current working mode and
the Ribbon
return to the upper level working mode (such as
- Show Above the Ribbon:
from body editing mode to assembly mode)
Display ‘Quick Access Toolbar’ above
- Show Simulation Toolbar: Display ‘Simulation
the Ribbon
- Minimize the Ribbon: Minimizie
- Customize Quick Access Toolbar: Customize
ribbon display
‘Quick Access Toolbar’

(3) Ribbon

Fig. 5.11 shows the Ribbon including names of tabs and groups with many icons. The ribbon is a

summary of commands available for creating analysis models effectively. These consist of tabs and

groups corresponding to various operations. Fig. 5.11 also shows the System button and Change ribbon

size button.

System button Tab Change Ribbon size button


Fig. 5.11 Composition of the Ribbon

- Ribbon keyboard shortcuts

Quick access to RecurDyn operations can be made by using the alpha-numeric keyboard shortcut

keys shown in Fig. 5.12.

Fig. 5.12 Display of shortcut keys

The shortcut key process involves following steps:

1) Push Alt key ⇒ The system button and keyboard shortcut alphabetic keys appear just below

the 12 tabs as shown in Fig. 5.12.

2) Type the keyboard shortcut key of the tab which corresponds to the desired operation ⇒

Letter(s) for shortcut appears ⇒ Type the desired letter(s) character ⇒ Gain access to


There are 12 tabs within the Ribbon in Fig. 5.11 and Fig. 5.12 labeled as Home, SubEntity, Analysis,

Professional, Flexible, Durability, CoLink, AutoDesign, Communicator, Particles, Toolkit, and


(a) Home tab

Fig. 5.13 The Home tab in the Ribbon

1) Clipboard: Copying and deleting the entities (Fig. 5.14)

- Copy: Copy the entities

- Paste: Paste the entities

- Cut: Cut the entities

Fig. 5.14
- Delete: Delete the entities Clipboard group
2) Working Plane: Set Working plane (see sect. 5.2). There are two grid types:

Car (Cartesian coordinates) and Cyl (Cylindrical coordinates).

In the case where Car is selected (Fig. 5.15(a)):

- XGrid Size : Specify grid size for the X direction

- YGrid Size : Specify grid size for the Y direction

- Grid type : Select Cartesian coordinates

Fig. 5.15(a) Working plane
(In case of Car)

In the case where Cyl is selected (Fig. 5.15(b)):

- Angle : Specify grid angle

- Radius : Specify grid radius

- Grid type : Select Cylindrical coordinates

Fig. 5.15(b) Working plane
(In case of Cyl)

3) Measure: Measure the angle, radius, distance and mass for a concerned entity in the analysis

model and the results (Fig. 5.16).

- Angle : Measure the angle

- Radius : Measure the radius

- Distance : Measure the distance

- Mass : Measure the mass Fig. 5.16 Measure group

4) Tools: Create and edit bodies (Fig. 5.17)

- Merge of bodies: Merge multiple bodies

- Mirrored copy: Mirrored copy of bodies with

respect to the specified plane

Fig. 5.17 Tools group

- Spline Reload: Reload spline data

- Delete Unused Markers: Delete unused markers

- Close All Dialog: Close all open dialog windows

- Clear Undo History: Clear undo history

5) Window (Fig. 5.18):

- Database: Toggle the database window on and off

- Message: Toggle the output window on and off

- Window: Window operations (Fig. 5.19)

* New Window: Open a new window Fig. 5.18

Window’s ON/OFF icons
* Cascade: Display windows in a cascade format

* Tile – Horizontal: Display windows in a tiled

horizontal format

* Tile – Vertical: Display windows in a tiled vertical


* Arrange Icons: Rearrange the icons

* Split: Display windows in a split format

Fig. 5.19 Window operations

6) Property Update (Fig. 5.20):

This menu is only viewed from within the body editing mode.

- Update Property: While adding, modifying, or

editing the bodies in the Body edit mode, mass

properties including the location of mass markers

are updated by clicking this icon.

Fig. 5.20 Property update

7) Model Setting: Set properties in the model (Fig. 5.21)

The set properties defined in the model can also be imported and exported using this icon.

- Gravity: Set gravity
- Light: Set light source

Fig. 5.21 Model setting group

- ProcessNet: Set execution option of ProcessNet

- Display: Set display viewing

- Simulation: Set simulation items

- Flex (Flexibility): Set FFlex and RFlex items

- Set As Default: Register model settings as default

- Reset All Settings: Reset model to initial settings

- Import: Import model settings

- Export: Export model settings

(b) SubEntity tab (Fig. 5.22)

SubEntity is a complementary function used when entities such as bodies, joints, and forces are


Fig. 5.22 The SubEntity tab in the Ribbon

1) Parameter: Set parameter values and parametric points (Fig. 5.23)

- PV: Set parameter values

- PP: Set parametric points

- PVC: Set connectors for parameter values

Fig. 5.23
- PPC: Set connectors for parametric points Parameter group of SubEntity
- String: Set the character string in User Subroutine

2) Expression (Fig. 5.24)

- Spline: Set spline data

- Expression: Create expressions

- USUB: Register Users’ SUBroutines

Fig. 5.24
- Request: Set request
Expression group of SubEntity

3) Equation (Fig. 5.25)

- Variable: Create algebraic equations

- Differential: Create differential equations Fig. 5.25

Equation group of SubEntity

4) Design Study (Fig. 5.26)

Set the design parameter study

- DV: Set design parameter values

- PI: Set design objective functions (Parameter index) Fig. 5.26

Design study group of SubEntity

5) Material (Fig. 5.27)

- Property: Register material properties

Fig. 5.27
Material property group of SubEntity
(c) Analysis tab (Fig. 5.28)

This tab is used for Analysis execution, analysis control, and graphs and plots displaying analysis


Fig. 5.28 The Analysis tab in the Ribbon

1) Simulation Type: This is used for the execution of various analyses (Fig. 5.29).

- Eigen: Execute Eigenvalue analysis

- FRA: Execute Frequency Response Analysis

- DOE: Optimal Design Execution Fig. 5.29

Simulation type group of analysis tab

- Scenario: Scenario file creation for scenario analyses and batch processes

- Pre: Execute model preview

- Static: Static equiliburium analysis

- Dyn/Kin: Dynamic/Kinematics analysis

2) Sim Control (Fig. 5.30)

- Pause: Pause current simulation analysis

- Resume: Re-start a paused analysis
- Stop: Stop current simulation analysis

Fig. 5.30
Sim control group of analysis tab
3) Animation Control (Fig. 5.31)

Top row:
- Animation controls: Various controls for animation incl.
Second row-on the right: Fig. 5.31
Animation control group of analysis tab
- Animation scaling: Set scaling factor for animations. The
factor can be changed before pre-setting.

- Select Camera: Set the camera's position and angle when viewing an animation

- Animation Control Configuration: Set the speed when viewing an animation

- Animation Frame: Frame number setting for the current animation

- Animation Slider: Frame number display for the current animation. Animation frame position

can be changed by moving a slider right and left.

4) Eigen Value Animation: Play animation of the results

of eigenvalue analyses using RecurDyn/Linear (Fig. 5.32)

- Mode Shape: Specify the viewing mode number

- Repeat: Specify the repeated viewing number

Fig. 5.32 Eigenvalue animation group

of the Analysis tab
5) Plot: Start up plotter (Fig. 5.33)

- Plot Result: Start up plotter

- Plot Result With Multi Imported data: Start up plotter for
multiple data
- FRA Plot: Start up plotter for frequency response
Fig. 5.33 Plot group
of the Analysis tab
6) Scope: View in a small modeling window (Fig. 5.34)

- Angle: View an angle between two specified markers

- Point To Point: View information between two specified
- Expression: View outputs of expression
- Entity: View outputs of entities
- Gap: View gaps and intersections between bodies Fig. 5.34 Scope group
of the Analysis tab

7) Post Tool: Functions for post-processing (Fig. 5.35)

- Trace:

+ Marker Trace:Create a list of markers for animation tracing

+ Curve Trace: Create a curve with tracing markers after

execution of an analysis
Fig. 5.35 Post Tool group of
- Force Display: Create a list of force vectors for animation viewing the Analysis tab

-(d)State Matrix: tab

Professional View and output for state-space matrices of a

linearized plant model

(d) Professional tab (Fig. 5.36)

Create bodies, and define joints, forces and contact elements.

Fig. 5.36 The Professional tab in the Ribbon

1) Body (Fig. 5.37)

- Create various types of bodies

Fig. 5.37 Body group

of the Professional tab

2) Joint (Fig. 5.38)

- Create various types of joints

Fig. 5.38 Joint group

of the Professional tab

3) Force (Fig. 5.39)

- Define various types of forces

Fig. 5.39 Force group

of the Professional tab

4) Contact (Fig. 5.40)

- Define various types

of contact elements

Fig. 5.40 Contact group of the Professional tab

5) Sensor (Fig. 5.41)

- Define various types of sensors (see sect. 5.5)

Fig. 5.41 Sensor group

in the Professional tab
6) SubSystem (Fig. 5.42)
- Define sub-systems

(e) Other tabs Fig. 5.42 SubSystem group

in the Professional tab
1) Flexible tab

The Flexible tab is used for the Flexible tool-kit (Fig. 5.43).

Fig. 5.43 Flexible tab in the Ribbon

2) Durability tab

The Durability tab is used for the Durability tool-kit (Fig. 5.44).

Fig. 5.44 Durability tab in the Ribbon

3) CoLink tab

The CoLink tab is used for the CoLink tool-kit (Fig. 5.45).

Fig. 5.45 CoLink tab in the Ribbon

4) AutoDesign tab

The AutoDesign tab is used for the AutoDesign tool-kit (Fig. 5.46).

Fig. 5.46 AutoDesign tab in the Ribbon

5) Communicator tab

The Communicator tab is used for the Communicator tool-kit (Fig. 5.47).

Fig. 5.47Communicator tab in the Ribbon

6) Particles tab

The Particles tab is used for the Particles tool-kit (Fig. 5.48).

Fig. 5.48 Particles tab in the Ribbon

7) Toolkit tab

The Toolkit tab is used for the tool-kits (Fig 5.49).

Fig. 5.49 Toolkit tab in the Ribbon

8) Customize tab

The Customize tab is used for the ProcessNet (Fig. 5.50).

Fig. 5.50 Customize tab in the Ribbon

(4) Toolbar

Frequently used functions in RecurDyn are displayed as icons in the Toolbar (Fig. 5.51).

Fig. 5.51 Toolbar

When the Toolbar is not displayed, the following

step can be taken to show the Toolbar.

By right-clicking in a blank area on the Ribbon

or Toolbar, a floating menu is shown (Fig. 5.52).

Check the item to be displayed. Then, the related

Toolbar will be displayed

Fig. 5.52 Various types of Toolbars

(a) View Control Toolbar

‘View Control Toolbar’ is a Toolbar which controls viewing of models during working

(Fig. 5.53).

Fig. 5.53 View Control Toolbar

1) View control (Fig. 5.54)

View control is performed (see sect. 5.2(3)).

Fig. 5.54 View control display

2) Rendering mode (Fig. 5.55)

The view mode for the body is changed

(see sect. 5.2(3)). Fig. 5.55 View mode display

3) Icon setting (Fig. 5.56)

Icon setting is performed (see sect. 5.2(3)). Fig. 5.56 Icon setting display

4) Grid setting (Fig. 5.57)

Grid setting is performed (see sect. 5.2(3)). Fig. 5.57 Grid setting display

5) Working Plane changing (Fig. 5.58)

Working Plane changing is performed Fig. 5.58 Working plane setting display
(see sect. 5.2(3)).

6) Operation assistance (Fig. 5.59)

Fig. 5.59 Operation assistance display
Operation assistance function

- Auto Operation: If this is switched ‘On’, after creating an entity, the process will continue to

remain in entity creation mode. The key is useful for repeated operations and for creating

identical entities (see Fig. 5.91).

- Select : Return to selection of entity

ex.) If this icon is clicked during creation of a joint, said creation is canceled, and the step

returns to entity selection mode (see Fig. 5.91).

7) Object Control (Fig. 5.60)

This function is for translating or rotating the created bodies

Fig. 5.60 Object Control Display
and markers with respect to the specified reference frame.

There are basic type and advanced type in ‘Object Control’.

- Basic Object Control: (see sect. 5.1.4 (3)-(a))

- 8)
Layer Object Control: (see sect. 5.1.4 (3)-(b))

8) Layer Setting (Fig. 5.61)

Setting the layer (see sect. 5.2(6)) Fig. 5.61 Layer Setting Display

(b) Rendering Toolbar (Fig. 5.62)

Fig. 5.62 Rendering Toolbar

1) Selection of area (Fig. 5.63)

Select area by clicking and dragging with the

Fig. 5.63 Select Area Display

2) Display (Fig. 5.64)

Displaying functions for entities such as bodies in

the Working window

- Ortho: Standard projection (Orthogonal projection)

- Perspective: Perspective projection Fig. 5.64 Displaying function

- Cutting Plane: Shows cutting surfaces

- Modify Cutting Plane: Modifies cutting planes

(c) Professional Toolbar (Fig. 5.65)

The Professional Toolbar is used for creating bodies,

Fig. 5.65 Professional Toolbar
joints, forces, and contact elements.

(d) Simulation Toolbar (Fig. 5.66)

The Simulation Toolbar is used for conducting analyses and for anlysis result confirmations. This

toolbar can also be activated by clicking the ‘Show Simulation Toolbar’ icon in ‘Quick Access


Fig. 5.66 Simulation Toolbar

(5) Command Toolbar

(a) Modeling Option Toolbar (Fig.5.67)

Select a type of modeling and specify coordinates parameters. Select a type from the pull down


Fig. 5.67 Modeling Option Toolbar

(b) Input Toolbar (Fig.5.68)

The input field of the Input Toolbar is located in the right blank bar of the Modeling Option

Toolbar. Coordinates, parameter values, body name and marker name are input when defining

joints and forces.

Modeling Option Toolbar

Input Toolbar

(a) Direct input (b) Drag and drop from Database window
Fig. 5.68 Input Toolbar

Two input methods:

- Direct input. Input values are separated by ‘ , ’. (ex.) 10, 20, -50 then type in ‘enter’

- Drag and drop from the Database window, then type in ‘enter’ or press the ‘enter’ key.

Input variables for input fields are given as the following table.

Table 5.2 Values for input variables in the input field

Variable Value Example

Body Body name Body1
Point Coordinates 0,50,10
Direction Direction vector 0, 1, 2
Joint Joint RevJoint1
Distance Distance 100
Solid Name of Solid Box1
Face Name of Plane Face1

(6) Working Window

The Working window is located at the center of RecurDyn’s GUI. New and existing models will

be created and/or edited within this window. The inertial reference frame is automatically created at

the center of the window. At the lower left corner, the direction of gravitational force is shown.

(7) Database Window (Fig. 5.69)

The Database window is located on the right-hand side of the GUI.

Created entities such as bodies and joints are listed in the

Database window.

‘Property’ can be selected by double clicking the name of

the entity or by selecting ‘Property’ in the floating menu

after right clicking the name of entity. Doing so will open

the Property dialog box.

Fig. 5.69 Database Window

By right clicking in the blank space of the Display Database window on the screen:

Database field, a floating window will appear When the Database window is not shown:

for selecting the sorting method. Home tab  Click Database icon in

(a) Change order of display Window group  The Window will

- Sort By Creation Time appear (Fig. 5.70).

- Sort By Name The Database window can be moved to an

(b) Change state of display arbitrary position by dragging using the

- Expand: Display information in a tree mouse.


- Collapse: Display at a minimum size

Fig. 5.70 Database icon

(8) Message Window

Error messages and analysis progress reports are displayed in the Output window:

- Message mode: Error messages will be shown during modeling and alerts during analyzing.

- Analysis mode: A report of the analysis progress, completion and elapsed time for completion

will be shown.

1) Displaying Output Window/Database Window

When the Output window or Database window is

not shown, the Home tab in the Ribbon  Click

Message icon of the Window group  the

Fig. 5.71 On/Off icon of
Window appears (Fig. 5.71). Message window

2) Delete and copy of messages

Right click on the Output Window  then select clear button

Right click on the Output Window  then select copy button

3) Opening ‘msg’ or ‘out’ files from the Output Window

Right click on the Output Window  Select ‘Display msg file or out file’.

(9) Status Bar (Fig. 5.72)

The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the GUI (see Fig. 5.8). The following information can be


Quick help message Coordinate Mode Local Coordinates

Global Coordinates Model Units

Fig. 5.72 Status Bar

- Quick Help Message: During creation of entities, specification on what information

users should give next will be presented.

- Coordinates mode: Car; Cartesian coordinates, Cyl; Cylindrical coordinates

- Global coordinates: Coordinates at the pointer location with respect to the Inertial frame

- Local coordinates: Coordinates at the pointer location with respect to the reference

frame of the current Working Plane.

- Unit system: Units of the model will be shown as Global unit systems.

(10) Keyboard shortcuts

Table 5.3 Functions and symbols of shortcut keys

New Ctrl+N Rotate R Save Ctrl+S Working Shift+W

Plane Setup

Open Ctrl+O Select Zoom S Copy Ctrl+C XY Plane Shift+X

Print Ctrl+P Zoom Z Paste Ctrl+V YZ Plane Shift+Y

Delete Del Fit F Cut Ctrl+X ZX Plane Shift+Z

Cancel ESC Select Operation E New Plane F6 Direct F2
Help F1 Auto Operation A Previous Shift+F6
On/Off Plane

5.1.4 Operation functions for model creation

(1) Import and export

(a) Import

Various types of files including CAD data file for model creation used within RecurDyn can be

imported. Animations of computational results can’t be replayed if the results are not included in the

currently opened files. In such cases, animations of analyses can be carried out by importing the

analysis results file.

Importing CAD data file for analysis results (animations) are explained here. Other imported files

will be explained in chapter 7.

Importing CAD data:

- Import by dragging and dropping (Fig. 5.73)

Drag and drop the CAD data from the Explorer window to the RecurDyn window

using the mouse.

Fig. 5.73 Import by dragging and dropping

Importing CAD data or analysis results (animations):

- Import using the System button (Fig. 5.74)

1) Click System button then click ‘Import’

2) Import dialog box will open (Fig. 5.75), then select

the required CAD data or animation data file (*.rad:

RecurDyn Animation Date File), and then click the

open button.

Fig. 5.74 ‘Import’ in System Button

Fig. 5.75 Specify the file

(b) Export

Various types of files within RecurDyn can be exported. The exporting screen shot shall be

explained as an example (see chapter 7 for other exportable files).

Export for screen shot:

- Export using the System Button (Fig. 5.76)

1) Click System Button, then click ‘Export’

2) Export dialog box will open (Fig. 5.77), then

select Screen Shot File (*.bmp) among the various

types of files.

3) Specify the name then click the save button.

Fig. 5.76 ’Export’ from System Button

Fig. 5.77 Specify file name and file type

(2) Copy and delete for entities

Copy, cut, paste, and delete are carried out for the created bodies and shapes.

(a) Copy (Fig. 5.78)

1) Select bodies (in the assembly mode) or shapes (in the body editing


2) Click the Copy icon in the Clipboard group of the Home tab


* This can also be done by pressing the shortkey ‘Ctrl + C’.

Fig. 5.78 Copy

Information on the selected bodies or shapes are copied in the Clipboard.

(b) Cut (Fig. 5.79)

1) Select bodies (when in Assembly Mode) or shapes (when in Body

Edit Mode) in the Working Window.

2) Click the Cut icon in the Clipboard group of the Home tab ribbon *

This can also be done by pressing the shortkey ‘Ctrl + X’.

Fig. 5.79 Cut

Information on the selected bodies or shapes are cut and placed in

the Clipboard.

(c) Paste (Fig. 5.80)

1) Select bodies (when in Assembly Mode) or shapes (when in Body Edit

Mode) in the Working Window.

2) Click the Paste icon in the Clipboard group of the Home tab ribbon

* This can also be done by pressing the shortkey ‘Ctrl + V’.

Fig. 5.80 Paste

Information from the Clipboard is pasted in the Working Window.

(d) Delete (Fig. 5.81)

1) Select entities in the Working Window.

2) Click the Delete icon in the Clipboard group of the Home tab


* This can also be done by pressing the Delete key.

Fig. 5.81 Delete

The created entities are deleted.

(3) Object Control

(a) Basic Object Control

Translate or rotate created bodies and markers with respect to the specified reference frame in

Basic Object Control in the View Control Toolbar.

1) Translate

- Reference Frame: Translation will take place along the axis of the Working Plane marker or the

specified marker. Markers can be selected from the Marker Navigation button in the Working

Window. The default marker is Ground.

- Scalar Translate: A specified entity will be translated by an offset value specified in the ‘Offset

Value’ box along with the axis of the Working Plane marker or the specified marker.

- Vector Translate: A specified entity will be translated in vector form. An offset value for

translation should be specified in vector form in the edit box.

Operation step
① Click the Basic Object Control icon in the
View Control Toolbar.
② Select Translate tab in ‘Basic’ dialog box. (Fig.
Fig. 5.82 Translate tab

For Scalar Translate

③ Specify the Offset Value for translation. For Vector Translate

④ Click an entity in the Working window to be ③ Select the Vector Translate option.

translated using the Basic Object Control icon. ④ Specify the amount of translation.

⑤ Click the Control button which corresponds to ⑤ Click an entity to be translated.

the direction to be translated. ⑥ Click the Apply button.

2) Rotate

- Reference Frame: Rotation will take place about the axis of the Working Plane marker or the

specified marker. The same comments described in ‘Translate’ hold for ‘Rotate’.

- Scalar Rotate: A specified entity will be rotated by an offset value specified in the ‘Offset

Value’ box about the axis of the Working Plane marker or the specified marker.

- Align Markers: Align the orientation of specified markers to that of the Reference Frame


Operational step
① Same as ① of Translate.
② Select the Rotate tab in the ‘Basic’ dialog
box (Fig. 5.83).

Fig. 5.83 Rotate tab

For Scalar Rotate For Align Markers

③ Specify the angle to be rotated. ③ Click the Align Markers check button.
④ Select an entity to be rotated. ④ Specify the ‘Reference Frame’ for which
⑤ Click the Control button which the alignment will take place.
corresponds to the direction to be rotated. ⑤ Specify markers and entities to be rotated.
⑥ Click the ‘Apply’ button.

3) Translate/Rotate

Translate and rotate selected entities with respect to the specified marker.

(b) Advanced Object Control

‘Basic Object Control’ for basic operation has been explained in the preceding section (a).

‘Advanced Object Control’ is also available.

(4) View Icons

(a) Icon Setting icons (Fig. 5.84)

Fig. 5.84 Icon setting icons in the View Control Toolbar

- Name On/Off: Toggle the name display of entities and markers on and off.

- Icon On/Off, Icon Size: Toggle the icon display on and off, and adjust icon size.

(b) Grid Setting icons (Fig. 5.85)

Fig. 5.85 Grid Setting icons in the View Control Toolbar

- Grid On/Off: Toggle display of the grid icon on and off.

- Snap to Grid: Select points with the grid.

(5) Undo and Redo

(a) Undo(Fig. 5.86)

By clicking the Undo button in the Quick Access Toolbar, the state can be returned to its

preceding state. This can be done up to 20 times. This can also be done by pressing the shortcut

keys ‘Ctrl+Z’.

Fig. 5.86 Undo button in the Quick Access Toolbar

(b) Redo(Fig. 5.87)

By clicking the Redo button in the Quick Access Toolbar, the return to the preceding state

command can be cancelled.

Fig. 5.87 Redo button in the Quick Access Toolbar

(c) Clear Undo History(Fig. 5.88)

The Clear Undo History command deletes all of the Undo and Redo history data. By clicking the

Clear Undo History icon in Tools group of the Home tab, all the Undo and Redo history data can be


Fig. 5.88 Clear Undo History icon in the Tools group of the Home tab

(6) Select entities

Selection of the concerned entities within an analysis model is needed for editing the model. There

are several methods for selecting entities in the Entities tab: Select All, Select Box, and Select List.

‘Select box’ selects entities by enclosing the concerned entities in a rectangle. ‘Select List’ selects

entities by specifying the concerned entities in a list. ‘Select All’ selects all entities within the Working

Window. The Select Box is only explained briefly here:

1) Right click in a blank area near the body to be selected

to show right click menu (Fig. 5.89).

2) Click the Select Box in the right click menu (Fig.

5.89). Then, the Select Box will appear as in Fig. 5.90.

3) Click the right hand side arrow in the Box repeatedly

until the required body is appeared. Clicking the left

hand side arrow selects the body reverse order (Fig.


Fig. 5.89 Click Select Box from

the right click menu

Fig. 5.90 Select the required body by

clicking the arrow in the Select box
(7) Auto Operation and Selection ( in Fig. 5.91)

(a) Auto Operation

This operation is used for continuing to create Fig. 5.91 Auto Operation and Selection in
an entity after pausing its initial creation. Pausing the View Control Toolbar

is executed by clicking ‘Auto operation icon’ ,

or by pressing the short-cut keys ‘E’.

(b) Selection

Press the shortcut keys ‘E’ for selecting the entity.

(8) Operation Cancellation ( in Fig. 5.91)

Canceling an operation can be accomplished by either pressing the ‘ESC’ key or by clicking on

the Selection icon . The Quick help messages in the Status Bar or Modeling Toolbar show the

operation's completion status.

(9) Others

There are other operation functions. Readers can refer to RecurDynHelp(1).

5.2 Working Plane Setting

The Working plane setting in the View Control toolbar of the RecurDyn’s GUI can be used to

change the working plane within the RecurDyn window.

(1) Working Plane

A reference plane for analysis model creation is called the ‘Working Plane’. The default Working

plane is set to be the XY plane. The plane is displayed with white grid lines. Users can define the

Working plane using the following methods:

- Global coordinates as the reference plane

- Current Working Plane as the reference plane

- A specified marker or plane as the reference plane

Change to XY

(a) Global coordinates as the reference plane Y

The default XY plane is a dextral coordinate

system in which the X axis points to the right

and the Y axis points up. Then, the Z axis
points out of the screen. Other planes are also

defined in the same manner.

The ‘View Axis of Working Plane’ can be changed
to the following: (Fig. 5.92)
Fig. 5.92 Select icon for View Axis of
- XY - YZ - ZX - YX - ZY - XZ Working Plane in the View Control Toolbar

(b) Current Working Plane as the reference plane

The current Working plane can be moved to new positions by

using the icons listed below. When users want to return to the

original view after some view changes, this mode is used.

The ‘Working Plane’ can be changed to the following (Fig.

Fig. 5.93 Select icon for
position of the Working Plane
- Change to the front - Change to the right
- Change to the back - Change to the top

- Change to the left - Change to the bottom

Fig. 5.94 Setup icon for the
Working Plane

(c) Working plane setup with respect to a specified marker 2

or a body face in the reference plane

A Working plane can be set by referencing the marker and

body face. This is convenient when a joint is defined by a

body which is set diagonally with respect to the global

reference frame. Fig. 5.95 Working plane setup dialog

Operation step:

- Click the Working Plane Setup icon in the View Control

Toolbar to open the Working plane dialog (Fig. 5.94).

- Click the Pl button in the ‘Plane’of the Working plane

Fig. 5.96 Click flat plane
setup dialog box (Fig. 5.95).

- Show a candidate plane as the Working Plane (Fig. 5.96).

Click an arbitrary point on the new Working Plane.

- Input an offset value in the ‘Offset’ window to specify the

offset distance between the chosen plane and Working

Plane (Fig. 5.97).

- Click the OK button.

Fig. 5.97 Offset of Working plane

(2) Grid

Grid is defined as the dots or the lines which are arranged in the working plane within the RecurDyn

window. This arrangement helps users to create analysis models easily. Modeling efficiency can be

gained by snapping the mouse pointer to the grid. Grid setting is done by using the Working plane

setup dialog box (Fig. 5.98) or the box in the Working plane group of the Home tab (Fig. 5.99).

(a) Change using the Working Plane Setup dialog box

Changes can be done by using the Working Plane Setup dialog (Fig. 5.98) (see sect. 5.2 (1) (c))

- Type : Cartesian or Cylindrical

- Width: Width of grid, radius when type is Cyl.

- Height: Height of grid, angle when type is Cyl.

- No.: Number of Half Horizontal Segments

- Thickness: Thickness of grid

- Shape: Shape of grid; point, line, cross

Fig. 5.98 Grid in Working
- Color: Color of grid
Plane Setup dialog box

(b) Change using Toolbar or Ribbon
The Working Plane Setting window described above is accessed using the Toolbar where
toggling the grid on and off occurs (Fig. 5.99(a)). Changes can be done by clicking Working Plane
group icon in the Home tab (Fig. 5.99(b)).

Snap to Grid

Grid On/Off Working

Plane Setup

(a) Grid on and off (b) Working Plane group icon in Home tab

Fig. 5.99 Size of grid

(3) View Control Translate Fit View Snap

(a) View Control

View Control in the View Control Toolbar

of RecurDyn’s GUI is the command which

controls entities in the Working Plane (Fig.

5.100). Each command has a short-cut key

(SC key) in addition to an icon. Operations

can also be carried out by dragging the

Fig. 5.100 View Center in the View
mouse. The main functions are as follows: Control Toolbar

- Translate, SC key : T - Zoom, SC key :Z

- Rotate, SC key : R - View Center: Move the center of
- Fit , SC key : F rotation view, SC key :C
- View Snap: Snap to the nearest view - View Preset, SC key :Ctrl+Shift+G
(plan/Isometric) - Custom View: Customize the view center
- Select Zoom, SC key :S and the angle

(b) View Change

View Change in the View Control Toolbar of RecurDyn’s

GUI is the command which interactively changes the view side

of an entity in the Working Plane (Fig. 5.101). The main

functions are the following:

View at Front, View at Back, View at Left, View at Right,

View at Top, or View at Bottom provides users a view of each

side of the entity (Fig. 5.101). This is carried out by moving

Fig. 5.101 View Change in
the view point with respect to the Working Plane. Thus, the
the View Control Toolbar
Working Plane is not changed.

等角投影(Isometric View)は「斜視図」あるいは「等角
(4) Cutting Plane RecurDynHelp: [User Interface > RecurDyn Graphic User Interface > Render Toolbar]

The Cutting Plane cuts an entity (body) by a

specified plane and displays the cut section of the

entity (Fig. 5.102). Thus the hidden portion inside

the body can be seen.

Fig. 5.102 Cutting Plane in the

Render Toolbar
(5) Rendering Mode

Rendering Mode in the View Control Toolbar Wireframe Wireframe With Shade

provides various types of rendering modes in

order for users to capture body shapes easily.


View Control Toolbar  Pulldown menu

 Select a proper function (Fig. 5.103).

Fig. 5.103 Rendering Mode in the
View Control Toolbar
(5) Layer
The layer is defined as a sheet that contains entities. The total layer is composed of multiple layers.
The purpose of the layer is to enable/disable viewing of specific groups of entities. Viewing of the
various entities does not affect the analysis results.

(a) Set layer number

The number of layers is defined in the property dialog

box of an entity. The default value is 1. The procedure

for changing the value is as follows (Fig. 5.104):

- Open the property dialog box of the entity.

- Click the ‘General’ tab.

- Specify the number of layers in the input field.

Fig. 5.104 Set layer number from the
property dialog box

(b) Change Layer View

The viewing method for limited entities which belong

to a specified layer (Fig. 5.105). Layer Number

- Select a layer number to be viewed from the pull-

down menu in the Toolbar.
- Change the layer filter of the Toolbar to the ‘Current
- Specify the layer number in the layer input field Change Layer View

‘Show All’ displays all layers. Fig. 5.105 Change Layer View

5.3 Analysis models and analysis procedures

(1) Kinematics analysis models and dynamics analysis models

Analysis model creations and their creation tools were described in item (1) of chapter 2 and

sections 4.2 (2) and (3) with analysis examples of mechanism problems and multibody dynamics

problems. Before explaining the detailed model creation tools within RecurDyn, the kinematics

analysis model and the dynamics analysis model will be explained.

In mechanism analysis, there are two types of models. One is the kinematics model and it is created

for the analysis of motion geometry. In the kinematics analysis, the physical quantities such as forces

and moments which induce motion are not involved. Therefore, the body’s mass properties, i.e. masses

and moments of inertia, are not necessary. The only necessary quantities for a body are its geometry

and body-attached reference frame (coordinate system) at which a joint connects to the body. The only

necessary piece of information for the joint attached to the body is the connection type (i.e. joint type).

The body-attached reference frame is set on the body at the point of connection between the body and

the joint. Thus, in the kinematics analysis model, only constraint equations are formulated.

Contrary to this, in the dynamics analysis model, equations of motion are formulated in addition to

the constraint equations. Equations of motion require a body’s mass properties. Therefore the

necessary quantities for the body are its shape, mass distribution and externally applied forces. This

also requires reference frames attached to the points where the external forces are applied.

(a) Kinematics analysis model

Fig. 5.106 shows a four bar link physical model for which analyses are needed. The physical

properties such as size, shape, material, and strength are given in this model. The properties of size,

shape, and joint type are also known for the joint that connects each component. Additionally, joint

information between the base body and its connected component is also given. For the spring, locations

of connecting points, natural length, and physical properties are given.



Base3 Base1


Fig. 5.106 Physical model of four bar links

A kinematics analysis model for such a physical model will be explained here. Consider a problem

where a crank is rotating in the counter clock-wise direction at a constant speed. The force is always

applied on the right side of the rocker which connects the spring. Since the configuration of the model

is only considered in the kinematics analysis, force elements do not need to be considered. As a result,

the model for the kinematics analysis can be configured as shown in Fig. 5.107. Information on

geometries of motion (positions, velocities, and accelerations) of the crank, coupler, and rocker can be

calculated from such connection information. In this figure, solid lines between joints are assumed to

be bars without deformation. Two revolute joints located at the lower part in Fig. 5.107 are attached

to the ground. Dynamics information such as mass and force properties of the mechanism’s

components are not needed.

Coupler Revolute Joint

Revolute Joint

Clank Rocker

Revolute Joint


Base Revolute Joint Base


Fig. 5.107 Kinematics analysis model of four bar linkage

From the kinematics analysis model shown above, information on geometries of motion for each

component are obtained at each time step of computation for a counter clock-wise rotation of the crank.

(b) Dynamics analysis model

Consider the same physical model shown in Fig. 5.106 given in the kinematics analysis as a

dynamics problem. Here, a rotation torque is applied to the revolute joint instead of giving the joint

rotational velocity as in the kinematics analysis. Due to the finite amount of torque, the results of the

dynamics analysis do not coincide with those of the kinematics analysis. Compromises between the

applied torque and the torque which satisfies the equations of motion will occur. For this motion

establishment, equations of motion and constraint equations simultaneously need to be satisfied.

For the dynamic analysis, the use of information on shape and mass distribution of a body is

inevitable because such a model requires the body’s properties of mass and moments of inertia.

Furthermore, the external force values applied to the body are needed. Thus, the dynamics analysis

model requires an accurate model which reproduces the physical model as much as possible.

From the above considerations in a kinematics analysis model, a body requires a diagram that shows

the connections between the joints and in a dynamics analysis model, a body requires shape and size.

Because of this, the model which is closest to the physical model shown in Fig. 5.106 is usually used

as a common analysis model for kinematics and dynamics.

When RecurDyn is used, this common analysis model is used. Thus, tools and fundamental items

for analysis model creation using RecurDyn’s GUI will be explained. The contents are the GUI,

entities, bodies, joints, and force elements. As was already briefly explained in section 4.2, it is hoped

that the readers can now understand more completely by comparing both descriptions.

5.4 Creation of entities

Entity is a generic term specifying all types of markers, bodies, joints, force elements, and contact

elements. A general procedure for creating such entities is as follows:

- Select the Professional tab to open the Ribbon including Groups

 Select the desired Group then select the desired entity to be created

 Select creation method from the Modeling Option Toolbar

 Click the desired position at which the desired entity will be created in the Working Window

For further steps in the creation of entities, different procedures are provided for different

Groups. Detailed explanation will be provided.

5.4.1 Bodies and geometries

(1) Bodies

(a) About bodies

Bodies, as used within the RecurDyn software will be explained. A body is one type of entity

which is used to create an analysis model using RecurDyn. Mass properties are defined for each body.

Mass, m and moment of inertia, J i j ( i , j  x, y , z ) are called mass properties of the body (see

‘Section 4.6 Mass properties’ in Part 2 in more detail). Equations of motion for a body can generally

be formulated if the mass properties are known. The mass properties can be reasonably computed

when the geometry of the body is known. It is typical that the geometrical shapes, sizes, configurations,

and areas of contact surfaces be known when contact and frictional forces acted upon the body are


Fig. 5.108 shows the conceptual data structure of the ‘Body’ by using a box shaped body as an

example. The body consists of one or more ‘Geometrical entities’: body shape, surface shape, curve

shape, and markers.

Users must select at least one geometrical entity for each body. Mass properties must be defined

for the body mentioned above. Mass properties can be automatically calculated by specifying body

geometry, and the values can be changed by users. Mass and moment of inertia are only defined for

rigid bodes, whereas mass for surfaces, straight lines, and curves are zero.

Fig. 5.108 Conceptual data structure of the ‘Body’ within RecurDyn

(b) Body types RecurDynHelp: [User Interface > RecurDyn Graphic User Interface > Ribbon ]

There are three types of bodies: Bodies with geometry, General bodies, and Ground (Fig.

5.109(a), (b), and (c)).

Fig. 5.109 (a) Bodies with geometry Fig. 5.109 (b) General bodies Fig. 5.109 (c) Ground

(c) Body creation

There are three methods for creating bodies.

1) Simultaneous body and geometry creation

When the Body icon from the Body group of the Professional tab in the ribbon (Fig. 5.109(a)) is

selected, the dimensions of the body are given. The geometry of the created body can be modified in

the Body edit mode. There are two main working modes: Assembly mode and Body edit mode. By

double clicking a body in the Working window in Assembly mode, the working mode changes from

the Assembly mode to the Body edit mode.

2) Non-geometry body creation then geometry addition in the Body edit mode

This method is used for creating a body with complex geometry in the Body edit mode. Click

either the General or the Ground icon in Fig. 5.109 (b) or (c). The Body edit mode will open. Returning

to the Assembly mode has been explained in ‘Change of Working mode’, described in 5.1.2 (2).

3) Body creation by importing CAD data

In the Assembly mode, click the System button  click the ‘Import’ icon. Then CAD geometry

data can be imported through Parasolid, STEP, IGES, ACIS, or CATIA files.


- One mechanical part in the CAD data is treated as one body within RecurDyn.

- When a line or a two dimensional component is imported, zero mass bodies are created. Zero mass

bodies are not permitted within RecurDyn, an arbitrary mass is added to the body or the body

will be deleted if it is not required.

(d) Body properties

Body property tabs
Four types of Body properties are specified:

General, Graphic, Origin & Orientation, and Body (Fig.

5.110). The procedure to open the Body Property dialog

is as follows:

⇒ Right click the concerned body in the Working

plane of the Assembly mode, or

⇒ Right click the concerned body name in the

Database window. The floating menu will open.

Then, click ‘Property’ in the floating menu.

Fig. 5.110 Body Property dialog
⇒ The Body Property dialog box will automatically
for bodies with geometry
open (Fig. 5.110).

The function of these tabs, from right to left, is summarized as follows.

1) Body: Confirmation and changes for mass properties of the body.

2) Origin and Orientation: Confirmation and changes for the origin and orientation of the

reference frame of the body

・Origin: When created, the origin of the body is defined as (0, 0, 0).

・Orientation: To change the body’s orientation, select ‘Angle’ or ‘Coordinate’ from the

‘Type’ pull down menu and input the orientation.

- Angle: When Euler angles are input, this is used.

- Coordinate: A master point and a slave point are simultaneously specified to

define two coordinate axes which are perpendicular.

* Master Point: Specify the master point.

* Slave Point: Specify the slave point.

When the two axes are not perpendicular, the master point has higher priority.

* Euler Angle: Input Euler angles. Select Angle313 (Euler313) or Angle321, then

input required angles in the input box.

3) Graphic Property: Change the color and other graphic properties of the body.

4) General: Confirmation and changes for general information (the entity name, the unit,

and the layer number) of the body.

(2) Markers

RecurDyn uses the term ‘marker’ with a special meaning. The term is fairly similar to the reference

frame and coordinate system which are synonyms in multibody dynamics.

1) Role of markers

As shown in Fig. 5.111, markers and reference frames are defined with respect to a body reference

frame within RecurDyn. RecurDyn uses the inertia reference frame as the global reference frame. The

body reference frame and the inertia reference frame are automatically generated when the body is

created. In many cases, ‘Ground’ is fixed to the inertia reference frame by default and is automatically


As reference frames are used to describe the motion of a body, RecurDyn defines many body

reference frames. There are various reference points or special points on the body such as joints and

sensors. For these points, the body-fixed reference frames are required to be defined. They are

frequently called markers. The body reference frame and the center marker of the body are always

defined for each body. Other markers including joint attached points, force applied points, measuring

points, and marking points are defined with respect to the body reference frame. Fig. 5.112 shows a

coordinate system called ‘marker’ within RecurDyn. Each direction of the axes is distinguished by

one of three colors. In the initial setting, the coordinate system is composed of an X-axis (blue arrow)

pointing right, a Y-axis (pink arrow) pointing up, and a Z-axis (yellow arrow) perpendicular to and

coming out of the XY plane.

Y-axis (pink)

O X-axis (blue)

Z-axis (yellow)

Fig. 5.112 Marker symbol

of aofbody
a body

The inertia reference frame cannot be deleted. From the preceding explanations, the marker is

known to be one of the most fundamental and important entities (elements) in creating mechanism

analysis models.

Fig. 5.113 shows all markers of a four-bar mechanism model within RecurDyn that is shown in

Fig. 5.95 (One set of coordinates with arrows indicates one marker). A revolute joint is set at a

connecting point between the crank and the coupler. This joint marker defines a joint reference frame

and is set at the center of the revolute joint. Markers are set for all other joints. Each body has a body

center marker at its center of mass. As a fundamental marker, the global reference marker is found at

the lower left corner of the RecurDyn Working window. All other markers are set at each body’s

sensor points.

Center Marker of
Coupler Coupler
Joint Marker

Spring Marker1

Center Marker of
Center Marker Spring Marker2
of Rocker

Fig. 5.113 All markers of a four-bar mechanism

2) Creation method of markers

When a body with geometry is created, markers are automatically generated. The markers can also

be created independently. When starting RecurDyn, the inertia marker is automatically created at

the following location: (0, 0, 0). Marker icon creation is provided in the Body group of the

Professional tab (Fig. 5.108(a)). First, click the marker icon in this group and select one of the five

different creation methods in the Modeling Option Toolbar described below. Following the

procedure described in the pull down menu of the Modeling Option Toolbar, a new marker is created.

- Body, Point:

⇒ After specifying the existing body in the Working window,

click at the point where the marker is to be located (Fig. 5.114).

⇒ Marker direction is identical to that of the Working window. Fig. 5.114 A point on
- Body, Point, Point: Working window

⇒ After specifying the existing body, set a marker at the center

point between two specified points.

⇒ Marker direction is identical to that of the Working window.

- Body, Point, Direction, Direction: 3: Specify the
direction of X-axis
⇒ After specifying the existing body, create a 2: Specify the
direction of Z-axis
marker with respect to the body.

⇒ For marker direction, specify the direction of

Z and X axes (Fig. 5.115).

- Point:

⇒ Create a marker with respect to Ground.

3) Marker properties
⇒ Marker direction is identical to that of the 1: Specify the Point

Working window.
Fig. 5.115 Point and direction
- Point, Direction, Direction:

⇒ Create a marker with respect to Ground.

Marker direction is identical to that of ‘Body,

Point, Direction, Direction’.

(3) Mass properties

Specify mass properties of a body.

⇒ Right click the body name in the Database Product of

Mass inertia
window, select Property, then click on the Body

Property tab (Fig. 5.116). Moment of inertia

Mass center
Items within the Property dialog of the Body tab:

- Material property - Mass

- Moment of inertia - Product of inertia

Fig. 5.116 Body Property tab
- Mass center - Initial velocity

(a) Material Input Type

Mass property is specified by the ‘Material Input Type’. It is accessed from either Library,

UserInput, or Density.

(b) Reference coordinates for moments of inertia

The moments of inertia of a body are calculated with respect to the center of mass marker of the

body (Fig. 5.117).

Fig. 5.117 The case where the center marker of mass is identical to the Ground inertia

(4) Solid geometries

A solid is defined as a three dimensional geometry with a volume element. The Solid creation

follows the same procedure in either the Assembly mode or the Body edit mode.

- In the Assembly mode, the procedure is: Body group in Professional tab  Solid creation

(Fig. 5.118).

- In the Body edit mode, the procedure is: Solid and Marker group in Geometry tab  Solid

creation (Fig. 5.119).

Various creation procedures are provided, and all start from the Modeling Option Toolbar.

Fig. 5.118 Solid creation Fig. 5.119 Solid creation

in Assembly mode in Body Editing mode

(a) Cylinder RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Body > Body in Assemble Mode > Body]

1) Creation method
⇒ Click the Cylinder icon from the Body group in the

Professional tab. There are two methods. The following

information shall be input via the Modeling Option Toolbar.

- Point, Point: (Fig. 5.120)

point radius
⇒Specify the two center points of the two end circles of a

cylinder. The radius of the cylinder is automatically Fig. 5.120 Cylinder

generated by a ratio with the length.

- Point, Point, Radius:

⇒Specify the two center points of the two end circles and a

radius for the cylinder.

2) Property (Fig. 5.121)

- First Point: A center point of the end circle of a cylinder.

- Second Point: A center point of the opposite end circle of a


- Radius: Radius of a cylinder.

Fig. 5.121Cylinder properties

(b) Box

1) Creation method

⇒ Click the Box icon from the Body group in the Professional

tab. There are three methods. The following information shall point

be input via the Modeling Option Toolbar (Fig. 5.122).

- Point, Point:

⇒Specify two diagonal points of a rectangle. The depth of the depth point
Fig. 5.122 Box
rectangle is automatically defined.

- Point, Point, Depth:

⇒ Specify two diagonal points of a rectangular cross section and a depth.

- Point, Point, Half Depth:

⇒ Specify two diagonal points of a rectangular cross section and a half depth.

2) Property (Fig. 5.123)

- First Point: A corner point of a box.

- Second Point: Another diagonal corner

point of a box.

- Depth: A depth of a box.

- Half depth: A half depth of a box.

Fig. 5.123 Box properties

(c) Sphere and ellipsoid

1) Creation method (Fig. 5.124)

⇒ Click the Ellipsoid icon from the Body group in the

Professional tab. There are three methods. The following

information shall be input via the Modeling Option Toolbar. point

- Point, Distance:
⇒ Specify a center point and a radius to define a sphere.

- Point, Direction, Distance:

⇒ Specify a center point, Z-axis direction, and a radius to

define a sphere.

- Point, Distance, Distance, Distance:

Fig. 5.124
⇒ Specify a center point, and distances for three axis directions
Sphere and ellipsoid
to define an ellipsoid.

2) Property

- Radius(X), Radius(Y), Radius(Z):

Input three radii for the X, Y, Z directions.

- Use Perfect Sphere:

Check if a sphere is perfect (Fig. 5.125).

Fig. 5.125 Sphere and ellipsoid Properties

(d) Others

There are other types of geometrical bodies including a Torus, Prism, Cone, and Link.

(5) Curve geometries and surface geometries

Curves and surfaces are bodies that do not have a volume. Apart from an edge or surface of a

body, these can exist alone. The curve and the surface are created from ‘Curve and Surface’ Module

bar in the Body edit mode.

(a) Outline RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Body > Geometry in Body Edit Mode > Curve]

An outline is a piece-wise straight line composed of several segmented lines to define a surface

of the Ground. An outline is created by connecting multiple specified points (Fig. 5.126).

1) Creation method

⇒ Click the Ground icon in the Body group within the Assembly mode to change to the Body

edit mode.

⇒ Click the Outline icon in the Ribbon.

⇒ Specify multiple points in the Working window or input coordinates from the Input toolbar to

form a segmented continuous line.

⇒ To finish the operation, right click at any point in the blank space in the Working window to

view a floating menu. Then, select the Finish Operation command (Fig. 5.126).

Point2 Point4


Fig. 5.126 Outline creation and finish operation

- Editing the created data is done from Outline’s Property dialog box.

- Importing or exporting the data is done by pressing the Import or Export buttons (Fig.


2) Outline Properties

This window can be used for checking the

created data and for editing the data.

 Open Property Window (see sect.5.4.1


- Number of Points: Number of input points.

- Add, Insert, Delete: Addition, insertion, and

deletion for a data row.

- Clear: Delete all input point data.

Fig. 5.127 Outline Properties
- Import, Export: Import or export text format

files (*.mat,*.txt)).

(b) Spline

A spline is a piece-wise cubic spline curve to define a surface with respect to the Ground. The

spline curve is created by interpolating multiple specified points. There are both open curves and

closed curves.

A spline’s creation method and properties are referred to in section 5.4.1 (5)-(a) ‘Outline’.

(c) Circle

Circles can be drawn in the Working window by specifying a radius.

(d) Arc

An arc is a part of the circumference of a circle. The creation method is as follows.

 Click the Ground icon in the Body group within

Assembly mode to enter the Body edit mode. (4) degree

(3) direction
- Point, Point, Direction, Angle:  See Fig. 5.128.

Angle is specified by [deg]. (1) point (2) point

- Point, Point, Direction, Point:  See Fig. 5.129.

Fig. 5.128 Arc creation method 1
- Point, Point, Distance, Point:  See Fig. 5.130.

(4) point

(4) point
(3) direction (3) distance

(1) point (2) point

(1) point (2) point

Fig. 5.129 Arc creation method 2 Fig. 5.130 Arc creation method 3

(e) Edge curve Extract

An ‘Edge Curve’ is created by extracting from the edge

of a solid as shown in Fig. 5.131. This is used for contact

curves such as ‘Cam2D’and for various constraint pairs

including ‘Point-Curve’and ‘Curve-Curve’.

Fig. 5.131 Edge curve Extract

(f) Outline surface RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Body > Geometry in Body Edit Mode > Surface>
Outline surface]

A surface is stretched from multiple outlines, created in the ‘Outline’ operation described in section

5.4.1 (5)-(a). The number of data points in all specified outlines must be equal. An outline surface

example is shown in Fig. 5.132.

Outline curve

Fig. 5.132
Outline surface

Outline curve

1) Creation method

 Click the Ground icon in the Body group within the Assembly mode to enter the Body edit


 Click the Outline Surface icon in the Ribbon.

 Select consecutive multiple outlines.

 To finish the operation, right click at any point in the blank space in the Working window to

view a floating menu. Then, select Finish Operation.

2) Outline surface property

 Open the Property Window (see sect. 5.4.1 (1)-(d)).

- Patch Data: This is used for creating road surface data.

This is used in the Body edit mode of Ground.

- Modification Of Outline Surface Data: This is used to

modify point data of outline surfaces. This is only

applied to the outline surface, and not to the original

outline data.  Click ‘Modification Of Outline

Surface Data’, and the Modification dialog box for Fig. 5.133 Outline Surface properties

the surface information can be viewed (Fig. 5.133).

3) Modify Surface Data dialog box for surface information

Point data used to create outline surfaces can be modified by opening the Modification dialog

box. The properties for the Modification dialog box (Fig. 5.134) are described as follows:

 Click the ‘Modification Of Outline Surface

Data’ button in the Property Window for

Outline Surface.

- Number of Curves: The number of curves which is

point data of each curves
used to create the outline surface.

- Number of Points: The number of points on the

curves which are used to create the outline Fig. 5.134 Modification dialog box
surface. for surface information

A surface is created from multiple outlines which were created by the ‘Outline’ operation described

in section 5.4.1 (5)-(a). The number of data points among all the specified outlines must be equal.

The outline surface is shown in Fig. 5.132.

(g) Spline surface

A spline surface is created from multiple splines. The number of data points among all the specified

splines must be equal. A spline surface example is shown in Fig. 5.135.

Spline curve

Spline curve

Fig. 5.135 Spline surface

1) Creation method

Assume that two spline curves have already been created.

 Click the Ground icon in the Body group of the Assembly mode to enter the Body edit mode.

 Click the Spline Surface icon in the Ribbon.

 Select two spline curves.

 To finish the operation, right click at any point in the blank space in the Working window to

view a floating menu. Then select the Finish Operation command.

2) Property

The spline surface property dialog box is identical to that of Outline surface described in

section 5.4.1 (5)-(f).

3) Modification dialog for surface information

Point data used to create spline surfaces are modified in the same way as Outline surfaces

described in section 5.4.1 (5)-(f).

(h) Face Surface RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Body > Geometry in Body Editing Mode > Surface]

‘Face Surfaces’ are created by extracting a surface from a solid as shown in Fig. 5.136. This surface

is used as a contact surface. If multiple surfaces are specified, these segmented surfaces can be united

as one continuous surface so that the contact condition can be defined as a whole.

Fig. 5.136 Face surface extraction

1) Creation method

 Create Box geometry in the Body Editing Mode.

 Click the Face Surface icon in the Ribbon. There are four creation options.

- Face:  Select one surface of a body.

- Solid, Face:  Select a solid containing the surface to be extracted, then select the desired


- MultiFace:  Select multiple surfaces. Selected multiple surfaces become united when


After finishing surface selection, click the ‘OK’ button in the ‘FaceSurf Operation’ dialog

to finish the operation. FaceSurf Operation dialog is explained in 2) below.

- Solid, MultiFace:  Select solids containing the surfaces to be extracted, then select the

desired surfaces. Selected multiple surfaces are united as one continuous surface. After

finishing surface selection, click the ‘OK’ button in the FaceSurf Operation dialog to finish

the operation.

2) FaceSurf Operation dialog box (Fig. 5.137)

- Entity Name: The name of the entity from which

the face is being extracted.

- Face List: The list of selected faces of an entity.

- Delete, Delete all Faces: Delete faces. Selected face

- Add all faces: Add faces.

- Preview: Highlight viewing for selected faces

Fig. 5.137 FaceSurf operation dialog

3) Property
 Open Property Dialog (Fig. 5.138).

- Patch Data: Used for creating road surface data in the

Body edit mode.

- Add, Delete: Used for adding or deleting faces

- Add all, Delete all: Used for adding or deleting all faces.

- Fa button: Click the Fa button to select faces.

Fig. 5.138 Open Property dialog

4) Method for adding and deleting extracted surfaces

 Right click the created FaceSurface in the

Database window then open the Property

window (Fig. 5.139).

Extracted surface
 Click the Add or Delete button to add or delete


 Click the OK button to complete the operation. Fig. 5.139 Property selection
of created extracted faces

(i) Arc Revolution

Create an arc revolution geometry body. This geometry body is used for the ‘Sphere To Arc

Revolution’ contact element.

(j) Arc Extrusion

Create an arc extrusion geometry body. This geometry body is used for the ‘Sphere To Arc

Extrusion’ contact element.

5.4.2 Joints and constraint equations

(1) Joints

(a) About joints

When looking closely at an assembled machine, it is seen that every component is mutually

connected to form the machine which generates one organized motion. Fig. 5.140 shows an automotive

reciprocating engine which is known generally as a reciprocating machine. This type of machine is

called a slider-crank mechanism and is composed of a piston which undertakes reciprocating motion,

a crank-rotational motion, and a connecting rod-combined motion. In reciprocating machines, reaction

forces (i.e. inertia and centrifugal forces), and reaction moments (i.e. reaction torques), accelerated

and decelerated motions of the piston and centripetal motion of the crank cause vibrations. To reduce

these vibrations, balance weights are installed. Fig. 5.140 shows that the piston moves up and down

in a vertical cylinder while the crank arm rotates about a crank shaft. The crank shaft is supported by

bearings (which are not shown in the figure) and is only permitted to rotate about its axis. Fig. 5.141

shows the schematic model of the slider-crank mechanism by extracting a single engine section from

Fig. 5.140.

Intake valve Exhaust valve

Cam shaft

Cylinder Crank pin

Crank shaft Connecting rod Piston pin

Connecting rod


Clank arm
Balance weight Flywheel Fig. 5.141 Schematic model
Clank shaft of a piston-crank mechanism(2)

Fig. 5.140 Piston-crank mechanism

of an automotive engine(2)

To gain further knowledge on joints, consider the two dimensional planar double pendulumn

shown in Fig. 5.142.

Fig. 5.142 Planar double pendulum Fig. 5.143 Planar double pendulum
model in Cartesian coordinates model in relative coordinates

In the double pendulum shown in Fig. 5.142, link ① and link ② are placed in identical positions

at point P. However, the two links can rotate freely at point P. This is because of a mechanical part

called a revolute joint. This double pendulum moves only in the x-y plane. This constraint is attained

if the axes of rotation of the revolute joints at A and P are perpendicular to the x-y plane. Now, consider

the constraint equations for the double pendulum model shown in Fig. 5.142. The constraint equations

in Cartesian coordinates shown in Fig. 5.142 are

r1 s1P r2 s 2P (5.1)

whereas, the constraint equation in relative coordinates shown in Fig. 5.143 is

2 1 12 . (5.2)

The constraint equations for the revolute joint in planar motion were given only by position

variables. For other types of constraints, constraint equations are also given by position variables. Thus,

a joint generally plays the role of connecting a body to another body. For the piston-crank mechanism

shown in Fig. 5.141, translational motion between the piston and the cylinder, and rotational motion

between the crank and the connecting rod are permitted. There are various types of joints depending

on the types of connection modes (see Fig. 4.4 in Part 2).

(b) Types of joints

Within RecurDyn, joints are treated as fundamental

entities, similar to bodies, when creating analysis models.

The constraint entity constrains relative motion between the

two connected bodies. The bodies include not only rigid

bodies but also flexible bodies and particles. There are

several types of joints as shown in Fig. 5.144(a), (b):

Fig. 5.144(a)
Joint group-1
within the Professional tab

- General constraints: Fixed, Revolute, Translational,

Planar, Cylindrical, Spherical, Universal, Screw,

Constant Velocity.

- Primitive constraints: At Point, Inline, Inplane,

Orientation, Parallel, Perpendicular, Distance,

Cartesian Motion (Cmotion).

- Special constraints: Point-Curve (PTCV), Curve-Curve

(CVCV), Coupler, Gear.

- Motion constraint: Driving motion description. This is

Fig. 5.144 (b)
specified for each joint, if needed. Joint group-2
within the Professional tab

(c) Reduction of degrees of freedom by setting joints

If a constraint is introduced between two bodies, the number of variables in the two bodies will

decrease. The reduction number is dependent on the type of constraint. This was already explained in

Table 4.2 of section 4.3. (2) in Part 2. For example, consider two rigid bodies without any constraints.

The system composed of two bodies can move freely without any restrictions, so the system has

2×6=12 DOF (degrees of freedom). If a fixed joint is introduced between the two bodies, three

translational motions and three rotational motions are then constrained between them, and the

degrees of freedom for this system becomes 12-6=6 DOF. Thus, two bodies are merged into one rigid

body. Table 5.4 lists types of variables, numbers of constraint equations, and DOF for various types of

joints which are provided within RecurDyn.

Fig. 5.4 Number of constraints and DOFs for general joints

Joint Type Type of No. of DOF DOF Axis

variable Const.
Revolute Tra. 3 0
Rot. 2 1 z
Translational Tra. 2 1 z
Rot. 3 0
Spherical Tra. 3 0
Rot. 0 3 x, y, z
Cylindrical Tra. 2 1
Rot. 2 1
Universal Tra. 3 0
Rot. 1 2 x, z
Constant Tra. 0 3
Velocity Rot. 1 2
Planar Tra. 1 2 x, y
Rot. 2 1 z
Screw Tra. 3 0
Rot. 2 1 z
Fixed Tra. 3 0
Rot. 3 0

(d) Joint creation

Joints will be created for connecting a crank called ‘Body 6’ and a coupler called ‘Body 5’ in Fig.

2.1 shown in chapter 2. Since there are various types of joints, detailed explanations for all joints are

not possible due to page limitation. Therefore, a revolute joint will be taken as an example for

explaining general creation procedures.

Consider a revolute joint, which rotates about the Z-axis, that connects two link bodies at the

common position (0, 0, 0) (see section 6.1.2). The two bodies are connected as shown in Fig. 5.146.

Click the Professional tab in the Ribbon.

 Click the Revolute joint icon in the Joint


 Select ‘Body, Body, Point, Direction’ from Fig. 5.145 Revolute joint icon in Joint group
the pull down menu of the Modeling option

toolbar (Fig. 5.145).

 Click ‘Body6’ (Fig. 5.146).

 Click ‘Body5’ (Fig. 5.147).

Body 6
 Click ‘0, 0, 0’ (Fig. 5.148). Or key in ‘0,0, Body 5

0’ into the Input toolbar.

Fig. 5.146 Click Body6 Fig. 5.147 Click
 After the cylinder shape icon appears at (0,
0, 0) in the Working window, adjust the icon

direction points perpendicular to out of the

window plane. Then click as shown in Fig.


The above revolute joint was considered for

Fig. 5.148 Fig. 5.149 Completed
learning the general creation procedures. For other
Click revolute joint revolute joint creation
types of joints, the procedures are similar.

(2) Joint property

The revolute joint to learn about joint will again be used as an example. For other joints, similar

procedures hold. Fig. 5.150 shows the Revolute joint Property dialog box within the Joint tab.

There are three ways to open the Property dialog for a revolute joint as shown below.

- Double click the name of the revolute joint in the

Database window.

- Right click the name of the revolute joint in the

Database window to open the menu.

 Click on ‘Property’ listed in the menu.

- Right click the revolute joint in the Working

window to open the menu, Fig. 5.150 Revolute joint Properties

within the Joint tab
 Click on ‘Property’.

(a) Setting joint properties

1) Joint tab

- Type: Joint type is displayed.

- Include Motion: Driving motion is specified by mathematical Expressions (see sect. 5.6 (1)).

- Initial Conditions: Specify the initial position and velocity.

- Friction: Specify friction characteristics (see sect. 5.4.2 (2)-(c)).

- Force Display: Display calculated forces. Toggle the display on and off.

2) Connector tab (Fig. 5.151)

Connector properties are described. The base and

action markers and the bodies to which the markers

belong to are specified.

The first marker becomes the base marker and the

second marker becomes the action marker.

- Name: Marker name.

- Body: The Body to which the marker belongs.

- Orientation: The two methods for specifying a Fig. 5.151

Connector properties for RevJoint1
markers’ attitude: ‘Angles’ and ‘Coordinates’.

- Origin: Origin of the marker.

- Ref. Frame:

 Define the reference frame. The origin and orientation of the markers are defined with

respect to this reference frame.

- Euler: Method for defining markers:

 Select either 313 Euler angle or 321 Euler angle.

- Copy Action to Base:

 Copy the position and orientation of the ‘Action’ marker to those of the ‘Base’ marker.
- Copy Base to Action:

 Copy the position and orientation of the ‘Base’ marker to those of the ‘Action’ marker.

(b) Procedure for setting Motion

 Open the Property dialog box for the Joint (Fig.


 Check ‘Include Motion’.

 Click the ‘Motion’ button.

 The Motion dialog will be displayed (Fig. 5.153).

Fig. 5.152 Joint Property dialog box

 Select ‘Standard Motion’ from the ‘Type’ pull

down menu. If ‘User Subroutine Motion’ is selected,

a motion can be specified from user subroutines.

- From the pull down menu: Any of the following

quantities can be specified: displacement, velocity,

and acceleration.

 Click the ‘EL’ button to specify the expression

which is used for mathematical expressions.

 Click the ‘OK’ button.

Fig. 5.153 Motion dialog box

(c) Force Display

Force vectors are displayed in the View window as shown in Fig. 5.154.

fa zb
ya τ a
sa xa xb
za z a τb
xa constraint markers
action body
base body xb

Fig. 5.154 Definition of force vectors in the constraints

(3) General joint constraints

(a) Fixed joint

A fixed joint is a joint which completely fixes two rigid bodies. The degrees of freedom for the

relative rotation and the relative translation between the two bodies are both zero. Thus the two bodies

undergo motion as a single rigid body. A fixed joint can be set at any position with any orientation on

the bodies (Fig. 5.155).

Fig. 5.155 Fixed joint

1) Creation method

 Click the Fixed icon within the Joint group in the Ribbon. There are three methods.

The following items shall be input to the Modeling Option Toolbar.

- Point:

 Click the point on the body at which the joint is to be set by checking the body name using

the navigator.

- Body, Body, Point:

 Select ‘Base body’, ‘Action body’, and click the point at which the joint is to be set.

- Body, Multi-body:

 Select ‘Base body’, then ‘Multiple Action bodies’.

The setting position of the fixed joint is the center marker of the mass of the ‘Action body’.

2) Property

Set the Joint tab properties for fixed joint

(Fig. 5.156).

- Type: Display joint type.

- Force Display: Toggle the Force display on and


Fig. 5.156 Joint tab showing Type of joint

(b) Revolute joint (Fig. 5.157)

A revolute joint is a joint which connects two rigid bodies without rotational resistance. There

is one degree of freedom for the relative rotation between the two bodies and the relative translation

is zero.

Fig. 5.157 Revolute joint
1) Creation method

 Click the Revolute icon within the Joint group in the Ribbon. There are four methods.

The following information shall be input into the Modeling Option Toolbar.

- Point:

 Click a point on the body at which the

joint is to be set. The Revolute joint is

set at the nearest body contact point.

The rotation axis is set perpendicular to

the Working
window (Fig. 5.157,

(Fig. 5.158, 5.159). Fig. 5.158 Click the point

- Poin, Directiont:

 Click a point on the body at which Y

the joint is to be set. The revolute joint

icon will appear at the specified point.

Then, click the joint icon and move the
The rotational axis is Z if the Working
pointer to specify the direction of the window is parallel to the X-Y plane.
rotational axis (Fig. 5.160,
5.159, 5.161).
Fig. 5.159 Automatic setting
of the rotational axis

Fig. 5.160 The revolute joint icon will appear Fig. 5.161 Align the rotational axis to the Z-axis
- Body, Body, Point:

 Select a body on which the joint is to be set. This body becomes the base body.

 Select another body on which the joint is to be set. This body becomes the action body.

 Click a point at which the joint is to be set.

Then, the joint is created about an axis perpendicular to the Working window.

- Body, Body, Point, Direction:

 Select a body on which the joint is to be set. This body becomes the base body.

 Select another body on which the joint is to be set. This body becomes the action body.

 Click a point at which the joint is to be set.

 Click the point and specify the direction of the rotational axis.

Refer to ‘Point, Direction’ creation method of this section.

2) Property

Set the properties for a revolute joint under the Joint tab (Fig. 5.162).

- Type: Joint type is displayed.

- Include Motion: Driving motion is specified.

The setting
setting procedure
procedure isis referred
referred to
to in section


- Initial Conditions: Specify the initial position and


- Friction: Specify friction characteristics.

Fig. 5.162 Joint tab properties
is referred
is referred
to in sect.
to in
for revolute joints
the OnlineHelp
of the OnlineHelp
manual. manual.

-- Force
Force Display:
Display: Display
Display calculated
calculated forces. Toggle


(c) Translational joint (Fig. 5.163)

A translational joint is a joint which

connects two rigid bodies with free

translational motion in a specified direction.
There are zero degrees of freedom for the

relative rotation between the two bodies X Fig. 5.163

while the relative translation is one. An Translational joint

arbitrary location is permitted to set a marker

on the bodies.

1) Creation method

 Click the Translate icon within the Joint group in

the Ribbon. There are two methods.

Fig. 5.164
- Point, Direction: Translational joint icon appears
 Click a point on the body at which the joint is to be

set. The translational joint is set between the closest


 The translational joint icon will appear at the

clicked point.

 Click the joint icon and move the pointer to specify Fig. 5.165
translational direction (Fig. 5.164, 5.165). Specify translation direction

- Body, Body, Point, Direction:

 Select a body on which the joint is to be set. This body becomes the base body.

 Select another body on which the joint is to be set. This body becomes the action body.

 Click a point at which the joint is to be set.

 Click the joint icon and specify translational direction by moving the pointer.

Refer to the ‘Point, Direction’ creation method of this section.

2) Property

Set the properties of translational joint under the Joint tab (Fig. 5.166).

- Type: Joint type is displayed.

- Include Motion: Driving motion is specified. The

setting procedure is referred to in ⑦ in sect. 6.1

(2) *.

- Initial Conditions: Specify initial conditions.

When initial conditions are required to be set,

check the box for ‘Include Initial Conditions’. Fig. 5.166 Joint Property of TranJoint1
- Friction: Specify friction coefficients for a joint,

if necessary. The setting procedure is referred to

in sect. 5.2.2 (3) of the OnlineHelp manual(1).

- Force Display: Display calculated forces. Toggle

the display on and off.

*It should be noted that the units of translation are

different from that of rotation. Examples are shown in

Fig. 5.167 Sinusoidal motion
Fig. 5.167 and Fig. 5.168. (example 1)

In Fig. 5.167, the input displacement has an amplitude

of 100[mm] and a frequency of 1 [Hz].

In Fig. 5.168, displacement motion is defined as an

increase from 0 to 100 [mm] from 0 – 1 sec, a constant

100 [mm] between 1 – 2 sec, and a decrease from 100 to

0 [mm] from 2 – 5 sec. This is a trapezoidal function. See Fig. 5.168

Motion of the trapezoidal function
section 5.6 for creating an Expression for the Step
(example 2)

(d) Planar joint

A planar joint is a joint which keeps the motion of the body in a defined flat plane. The body is

allowed to slide relative to the plane and rotate about an axis perpendicular to the plane (Fig. 5.169).

The moving body becomes the action body and the flat plane becomes the base body.

Action marker

Base marker

Fig. 5.169 Planar joint

(e) Cylindrical joint

A cylindrical joint is a joint which allows rotation and translation with respect to the direction of
the rotational axis. The Z-axis of an action marker and a base marker are taken in parallel and in the
same direction (Fig. 5.170).

Base Marker

Action Marker

Fig. 5.170 Cylindrical joint Fig. 5.171 Spherical joint

(f) Spherical joint

A spherical joint is a joint which allows only three relative rotational motions between the two

bodies. Marker origins of the two bodies are assumed to coincide. Three relative rotational motions

about three axes passing through the origin are allowed, but three relative translational motions are

not allowed (Fig. 5.171). There are three degrees of freedom for the relative rotation between the two

bodies and zero degrees of freedom for relative translation.

(g) Universal joint

The universal joint shown in Fig. 5.172 is a joint which allows two relative rotations about two

perpendicular axes which are connected to the two bodies. Two relative rotational motions are allowed

about the Z-axis of the action marker and about the Z-axis of the base marker. The origins of the two

markers coincide. There are two degrees of freedom for the relative rotation between the two bodies

and zero degrees of relative translation.

Action marker Rotational axis1

Rotational axis2

Base marker

Fig. 5.172 Universal joint

(4) Primitive joint constraints

(a) CMotion RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Joint > Constraint]

The CMotion is a Cartesian driving constraint for a selected translational or rotational variable of

the reference frame. Any one of the x, y, or z positions or the x-axis, y-axis, or z-axis rotations of the

action marker relative to the base marker in the inertia reference frame is driven by a specified function.

The definition of a function is described by an ‘Expression’. Six independent forced motions can also

be applied.

1) Creation method

⇒ Click the CMotion icon within the Joint group in the Ribbon. There are two methods.

The following information shall be input into the Modeling Option Toolbar.

- Point, Point:

 Click a point where the base marker is to be located by checking its name using the navigator.

 Click a point where the action marker is to be located by checking its name using the navigator.

- Body, Body, Point, Point:

 Select a base body.

 Select an action body.

 Click a point at which the base marker is to be created.

 Click a point at which the action marker is to be created.

2) Property RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Joint > Constraint > Cartesian Motion (Cmotion)]

Set the properties for the CMotion joint under the Joint tab (Fig. 5.173).

- Type: Joint type is displayed.

- Cartesian Motion Type:  Select any one of the

following: Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration.

Additionally, select any one of the following to

reference the direction: X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ*.

- Position Component between Two Markers: This is the

distance of the action marker relative to the base

Fig. 5.173 Joint tab properties
marker in the required direction. for the CMotion joint
- Reference Marker:  Specify the reference marker

used when the motion is defined.

- Expression:  Click the ‘EL’ button and write the ‘Expression’ in the ‘Expression List’ field

(see section 5.6 (1)) **.

- Force Display:  Display calculated forces. Toggle the display on and off.

* If RY is selected, the range of motion is limited to within ±90°. If the range of motion goes beyond

360°, RX or RZ must be used. In this case, the reference frame must be redefined.

** When ‘Expression’is defined, the initial value of the Expression must be equal to the value

given by the ‘Position Component between Two Markers’.

(ex.) If the Expression is 380+10*time, then the Position Component between Two Markers should

be 380.
(5) Special joint constraints

Special joints given below are provided within RecurDyn.

(a) PTCV (Point-Curve) RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Joint > Special]

PTCV is a joint which constrains a specified point on a body to pass a given spline curve. The

spline curve needs to be defined prior to creating the PTCV. This joint has five degrees of freedom.

(b) CVCV (Curve-Curve)

CVCV is a joint which continuously contacts two smooth curves. This joint has three degrees of

freedom for rotational motion at a contact point.

(c) Coupler

A coupler is a third joint which relates the motion of one joint to that of another i.e. it relates

relative coordinates between the two joints. This function can apply to the revolute, translational, and

cylindrical joints. The coupler is conveniently used to transfer motion and energy between belts and

pulleys, or between chains and sprockets.

(d) Gear
A gear is a joint which relates the motion of one revolute joint to that of another revolute joint so
that gear motion can be simulated.

5.4.3 Force

The force element called ‘Force’ within RecurDyn is explained here.

(1) Equivalent system for forces and torques

Force is a physical quantity which is characterized by; the point where the force is acted upon, the

force’s direction, its sense and magnitude. The direction of the force is parallel to the application

direction of the force. The force exerted inside the body is called internal force, and the force applied

from outside of the body is called external force.

Constraint forces located at joints are called reaction forces which are fundamentally categorized

as internal forces. External forces are further split into passive and active forces. Passive forces are the

forces exerted in springs and dampers that do not have power sources, whereas active forces are the

forces exerted in actuators that do have power sources.

Multiple forces acting on a rigid body at different points will be converted to an equivalent couple

and a torque produced by the couple. This problem was already considered in section 4.7 of Part 2. A

brief summary is given here for the readers’ convenience. Forces f1 , f2 , and f m acting on a

body are shown in Fig. 5.174(a). As an equivalent force system, the force f acting on the body at its

center of mass C , and the torque produced by the couple n as shown in Fig. 5.174(b) will be

obtained. In this case, force f and torque n produced by the couple are calculated by

m m m
f fi and n ni ρi fi ,
i 1 i 1 i 1

respectively. The torque n is a free vector which is independent of the application’s location.

Because of these characteristics, multiple forces acting on a body at different points can be

converted to an equivalent force acting upon the center of mass and a torque produced by the couple.

(b) Equivalent force system obtained

(a) Original force system with multiple forces
from multiple forces

Fig. 5.174
Equivalent force system composed of a single force acting at the center of mass and a
coupled torque converted from multiple forces acting on a body

(2) Force elements of springs, dampers and actuators

Fig. 5.175 shows force elements such as springs, dampers, and actuators which are connected in

paralell at points Bi and B j . The spring constant, damping coefficient, and actuator force are

represented by k , c and fa respectively. The natural length of the spring is l0 . The reference

frames Body i and Body j are the body attached reference frames which are fixed to the mass centers

of body i and body j , respectively.

Fig. 5.175 A spring-damper-actuator system

The force along the spring, damper, and actuator line is written as

f k (l l0 ) cl fa (5.1)

A point-point vector l directed from points Bi to B j is written in terms of frame O ’s coordinates


l rj A js j ri A i si (5.2)

The current length of the spring is defined as l l T l and the time rate is l (l T / l ) l lˆT l ,

where lˆ indicates the unit vector directed from points Bi to B j .

The virtual work done is given by

We f l QiT qi Q jT q j (5.3)

From this equation, the generalized forces Qi [QTir QTi ]T and Q j [QTjr QTj ]T of the spring,

damper, and actuator at points i and j with respect to its center of mass are written as

Qir f l늿
, Qi f si AT l , Qj r Q i, r Qj Qi (5.4)

Where subscripts r and indicate the translational and rotational generalized forces, and

indicates the quantity with respect to the body attached reference frame. Refer to in section 4.7 of

Part 2 for further study.

The ‘Force element’ used within RecurDyn shall now be explained. The Force is another type of

the fundamental entities used to create analysis models within RecurDyn. The Force is the entity that

generates forces and torques at specified points on multiple bodies. Unlike the constraint, the Force

does not bring any changes to the degrees of freedom.

The Force in RecurDyn provides translational forces and

rotational torques at specified points between different

bodies. Markers are automatically created at specified points.

Markers that belong to a base body are called base markers

while markers that belong to an action body are called action

marker. An external force is applied to the action marker and

a reaction force is exerted at the base marker.

The various types of ‘Forces’ are listed below (Fig. 5.176).

- In-line forces: Spring, Axial force, Translational force.

- Rotational torques: Rotational spring, Rotational Axial,

Rotational force. Fig. 5.176 Types of ‘Forces’

within RecurDyn
- Combined forces: Screw, Bushing

- Other forces: Matrix, Beam, Plate, Tire

(3) In-line Force

(a) Springs RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Force > Single Component]

Using the ‘Spring’ function will generate spring forces and damping forces between two

markers, frames X aYa Z a and X bYb Zb . Fig. 5.175 shows a spring-damper-actuator element. The

forces Fa and Fb produced at markers a and b are defined as

Fa k lm cl n F, Fb Fa (5.5)
l l l0

Where the variables are defined as follows:

m, n : Stiffness exponent, damping exponent

k : Spring coefficient

c : Damping coefficient

F : Pre-load

l : Spring length

l0 : Free spring length

l is the velocity between two markers, and the dot・indicates the time differential. When the two

markers are apart, the direction of force is positive.

1) Creation method RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Force > Single Component > Spring]

⇒ Click the Spring icon within the Force group in the Ribbon. There are two methods. The
following information shall be input into the Modeling Option Toolbar.

- Body, Body, Point, Point:

 Select the base body (Fig. 5.177(a)).

 Select the action body (Fig. 5.177(b)).

 Click a point at which a base marker is attached

(Fig. 5.177(c)). (b)

 Click a point at which an action marker is

attached (Fig. 5.177(d)). (c)

Then, all setting will have been completed (Fig.

5.177(e)). The next step is to open the Property

dialog and define the spring characteristics.

- Point, Point:

 Click a point at which a base marker is attached, by

checking the body name with the navigator.
Fig. 5.177
Steps for creating a spring model
 Click a point at which an action marker is attached,

by checking the body name with the navigator.

2) Property

Set the properties for the ‘Spring’ force (Fig. 5.178). There are two input methods.

- Coefficient input: Constant values and/or parameter

values are input.

- Spring Coefficient: spring constant [Force/Length] *1

- Damping Coefficient: viscous damping coefficient

[Force*time/Length] *1

- Stiffness Exponent: Exponent for the spring

- Damping Exponent: Exponent for the damping Fig. 5.178 ‘Spring’ force properties
- Spline input: Using the spline curve, create spring and

damping forces corresponding to length and velocity.

This is used for defining nonlinear spring forces.

- Free Length: Free length of the translational spring [Length] *2

- Pre Load: Pre-loads applied to the translational spring [Force] *2

- Distance between Two Markers: Initial actual length of the translational spring is viewed.

The value cannot be changed in this field.

- Force Display: Display calculated forces. Toggle the display on and off.

*1 Spring Coefficient and Damping Coefficient can be given using Expressions in the PV box,
but in this case the values are always equal to the initial values.
*2 Refer to in item 3) of this section for free length and pre-loads.

Next, set the Graphic property in ‘Spring’ force (Fig. 5.179).

- Spring Diameter: Diameter of the spring. This is

‘a’ in Fig. 5.180.

- Number of Coils: Number of coils

- Distance between Base Marker and Damper:

This is ‘b’ in Fig. 5.180.

- Distance between Action Marker and Damper:

This is ‘c’ in Fig. 5.180.

Fig. 5.179 ‘Spring’ force prpperties
- Length of Damper: This is ‘d’ in Fig. 5.180.

- Coil Diameter: This is ‘e’ in Fig. 5.180.

b d c

e : the diameter of cross section

Fig. 5.180 Shape definition of the translational Spring

3) Free Length and Pre Load

RecurDyn defines ‘Free Length’ as the distance between two markers which are fixed at

connecting points of the springs in the initial state. The values can be changed if necessary in the

Property dialog box. ‘Pre-load’ is the pre-load at the initial state. The equilibrium position is affected

by both the free length and the pre-load.

Fig. 5.181 and Fig. 5.182 show the relationship between the distance of two markers and the force.

Fig. 5.181 shows the effect of the pre-load on the relationship between the distance of two markers

and the force. There are three lines in the figure. The middle line shows the relation without any pre-

load. If the pre-load is positive, the line shifts upward from the middle line. If it’s negative, it shifts


Fig. 5.181 Equilibrium state and force Fig. 5.182 Increase and decrease of free length

Fig. 5.182 shows the effect of free length on the relationship between the distance of two markers

and the force. There are three lines in the figure. The middle line shows the relation without any change

in free length. If the free length is increased, the line shifts upward from the middle line. If it’s negative,

it shifts downward.

In the translational spring, there exists a relationship between the set length defined by the distance

between the two markers and pre-load. Either value is enough to specify this relationship. When the

set length is known, the value of free length is given. If the set load is known, the value of pre-load is


The above explanation only holds for the linear spring case. For the nonlinear spring case, the

relationship between the force and the distance between the two markers is given by a spline curve.

4) ‘Spring Spline’ and ‘Damping Spline’

When spring forces and damping forces show nonlinear characteristics, such relationships are

described by spline curves as shown in Fig. 5.183(a) and (b). In the case of the ‘Spring Spline’, the x-

axis indicates displacement and the y-axis indicates force as shown in Fig. 5.183(a). Whereas, in the

case of the ‘Damping Spline’, the x-axis indicates velocity and the y-axis indicates force as shown in

Fig. 5.183(b).

(a) Spring spline (b) Damping spline

Fig. 5.183 Nonlinear force setting using spline curves

(b) Axial Force RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Force > Single Component]

An in-line force along the line connecting two specified markers is created. The force is defined

using an ‘Expression’. If the force is positive, a push force is applied. If the force is negative, a pull

force is applied. The ‘Axial Force’ is used for defining the forces generated from actuators in control

systems and/or hydraulic systems.

The creation method is the same as those explained in the

translational spring described in part (a) of this section. Fig.

5.184 shows a view of the Axial force setting. Fig. 5.184 Axial Force setting

(c) Translational Force RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Force > Force > Multi Components]

‘Translational Force’ generates three orthogonal translational forces which are created between

the two specified markers. This force is used when the direction of the force is different from the

direction along the line connecting the base marker and the action marker. Force is defined using

‘Expression’ or user-created subroutines. The direction of the force is defined based on the reference


Fig. 5.185 shows a view of the Three translational force setting.

Fig. 5.185
Three translational force setting
(4) Rotational Torque

(a) Rotational Spring

A ‘Rotational Spring’ generates linear and nonlinear rotational spring forces and damping forces

(torques) depending on the rotation angle and/or rotational speed. There are two creation methods.

One is the method to define torques for revolute joints or cylindrical joints. The other is to define

torques between two specified markers. Output torque is calculated using the following equations.
m n
Ta kt ct T, Tb Ta (5.6)

where, positive direction of is followed by the right hand rule. If the z-axis (i.e. the rotational
axis) advances in the positive direction when a right-hand-screw attached to its axis is positively
rotated, it is said that this follows the right hand rule.

The other variables are defined as follows:

m, n : Stiffness exponent, damping exponent

k t : Rotational spring coefficient

ct : Rotational damping coefficient

T : Pre-torque

: Rotational angle

0 : Free angle of rotational spring

1) Creation method

⇒ Click the Rot.Spring icon within the Force group in the Ribbon. There are three creation

methods. The following information shall be input into the Modeling Option Toolbar.

- Joint:

 Select the joint which requires a Rotational spring.

This is only valid for revolute joints and cylinder joints.

- Body, Direction:

 Select the Body name using the navigator. Click the point on the body where the spring is

required. Set the rotational direction.

 Change the direction of the Rotational spring in the Working window by touching the arrow

of the marker or the body surface view with the mouse. Click to set when the rotation is in

the desired direction.

- Body, Body, Point, Direction:

 Select a base body.

 Select an action body.

 Click the point where the Rotational spring is required.

 Set the direction of the Rotational spring.

2) Property

The properties of rotational springs are similar to those of linear springs. Next, open the Property

dialog box and define the rotational spring characteristics. The procedure for ‘Spring’ is covered in

section 5.4.3 (3)-(a).

(b) Rotational Axial Force

‘Rotational Axial’ generates torques at specified revolute or cylinder joints. This also generates

torques between two specified markers. A torque is defined by the function ‘Expression’ or by user-

created subroutines. ‘Rotational Axial’ is used for creating torques as an input to control systems

and/or hydraulic systems. A positive direction of rotation is followed by the right hand rule described

in part (a) of this section.

(c) Rotational Force

‘Rotational’ generates three orthogonal and directional torques between the two specified markers.

The torques are defined by the function ‘Expression’ or by user-created subroutines. The direction of

the applied torque is specified by the reference marker. A positive direction of rotation is followed by

the right hand rule described in part (a) of this section.

(5) Combined force

(a) Screw

‘Screw’ generates three orthogonal directional forces and torques between the two specified

markers in which the forces and torques are defined with respect to a reference marker. A positive

direction of rotation is followed by the right hand rule described in part (a) of this section. This ‘Screw’

is an entity which creates simultaneous ‘Translational’ forces described in section 5.4.3 (3)-(c) and

‘Rotational’ torques described in section 5.4.3 (4)-(c).

(b) Bushing

‘Bushing’ generates six directional forces (i.e. three orthogonal directional forces and torques)

between two points located initially at the same position which are attached to two different bodies.

Translational spring forces and rotational spring torques are calculated by using stiffness and damping

parameters in the same way that such parameters are used in ‘Translational Spring’ and ‘Rotational

Spring’. Nonlinear characteristics can also be given by using spline functions. Bushing forces exerted

on the action marker are calculated by the following equations.

 Fax   K11 0 0 0 0 0   x k1  C11 0 0 0 0 0   Vxm1   F1 

F   0    
 ay   K 22 0 0 0 0   y k 2   0 C22 0 0 0 0  Vym 2   F2 
 Faz   0 0 K 33 0 0 0   zk3   0 0 C33 0 0 0  Vzm 3   F3 
        n1    
 Tax   0 0 0 K 44 0 0   abl11   0 0 0 C44 0 0   ab 1  T1 
 Tay   0 0 0 0 K 55 0   abl 22   0 0 0 0 C55 
0  ab 2n 2  T 
       3   2
 Taz   0 0 0 0 0 K 66   abl 33   0 0 0 0 0 C66  ab 3   T3 

In these equations, x, y, z and ab1 , ab 2 , ab 3 are translational displacements and rotational angles of

the action marker with respect to the base marker. Vx ,V y ,Vz ab1 , ab 2 , ab 3 are components of

translational velocity and angular velocity of the action marker with respect to the base marker.

F1 , F2 , F3 and T1 , T2 , T3 are constant pre-loads and pre-torques acting on the action marker.

ki , li , mi , ni (i 1,2,3) are the exponents.

Bushing reaction forces exerted on the base marker are calculated by

Fb Fa
Tb Ta L Fa .

In addition to the above, radial types of bushing forces can also be defined.

1) Creation method RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Force > Full Components > Bushing]

⇒ Click the Bushing icon within the Force group in the Ribbon. There are two creation methods.
The following information shall be input into the Modeling Option Toolbar.

- Body, Body, Point

 Select a base body.

 Select an action body.

 Click a point where the ‘Bushing’ is required.

 Setting is complete.

- Point

 After selecting the body name with the navigator, click the point where the bushing is to

be attached.
Next, open the Property dialog box and define the bushing’s characteristics.

2) Property

Set the Bushing properties for the ‘Bushing’ force

(Fig. 5.186). There are two types of input methods.

 Open the Property dialog box of the Bushing Force

(reference section (2) in 5.4.2).

- Translation:

 Set translational spring characteristics in the same way

Fig. 5.186 Bushing tab of
as the procedure described in section 5.4.3 (3) - (a).
215 Bushing Property dialog box
- Rotation:

 Set rotational spring characteristics in the same way as the procedure described in section

5.4.3 (4)-(a).

- Force Display: Display calculated forces. Toggle the display on and off.

- Radial Type: Bushings with radial type characteristics for the X and Y directions of the base

marker. For the Z direction, normal bushing characteristics are defined.

- Static Bushing: Valid only for the static analysis and not valid for dynamic analysis.

(6) Others

‘Matrix’, ‘Beam’, ‘Plate’, and ‘Tire’ functions are also provided.

(7) Force Display RecurDynHelp: [Plot > Plot Database]

‘Force Display’ is a function that displays forces and torques exerted during animation playback

within the Working window. In addition to force elements, this command can also be used for

contact and joint elements. Displaying force vectors can be handled from either the Property dialog or

the Ribbon for which the display is required (Clicking the Force Display icon within the Post Tool

group in the Analysis tab).

Plotter output items for force elements after calculation are as follows.

- FM_, TM_: Forces and torques

- FX_, FY_, FZ_, TX_, TY_, TZ_: Forces and torques of the action marker subjected to the base

marker in X, Y, Z coordinates.

- DEFL_TSDA, DEFRZ_RSDA: The difference between a two-marker distance (i.e. the distance

between the base marker and the action marker), and a free length in translational springs. The

difference between a two-marker angle (i.e. an angle between the base marker and the action

marker), and a free angle in rotational springs.

5.4.4 Contact

If two bodies are approaching each other, they will eventually come into contact or collide and

will exert forces between them. This kind of phenomenon is generally complicated. Typical examples

of contact and collision in mechanical systems lie in cams, ball bearings, gears, joint-gaps, and other

such components. There are two important subjects if these contact-collision problems are calculated

by computers. One is an appropriate detection of the correct position of a contact point and the other

is a precise calculation of the contact force exerted at the contact point. Detection of the contact point

relies on the theory of geometry while the calculation of a contact force relies on the theory of

mechanics. It is essential to have powerful detection algorithms for detecting contact points and

effective contact models for calculating contact forces.

RecurDyn pays close attention when calculating contact forces and friction forces depending on

various contact and collision situations. RecurDyn’s functions for contact will be given hereafter.

Within RecurDyn, if contact elements are defined between two bodies that eventually come into

contact, contact forces are calculated depending on the amount of penetration when the surfaces of

the bodies interface. The calculated contact forces are distributed on each body.

(1) Types of contact surface

Within RecurDyn, contact surfaces between two bodies are categorized as follows.

- General: Geo Surface Contact, Geo Curve Contact, Solid Contact, Surface To Surface and others

- Primitive 3D: Sphere To Sphere, Sphere To Cylinder, other such contacts.

- 2D: Geo Surface Contact, Geo Curve Contact, Curve To Curve, Circle To Curve and others

These can be access through their corresponding icons in the Contact group of Professional tab as

shown in Fig. 5.187. For simple geometry like spheres and circles, because their surface geometries

can be described by analytical functions, the computational loads are fairly low and setting their

parameters is simple. But for general geometry like surface to surface and patch surfaces,

computational loads are high and setting their parameters is complicated. For practical purposes, it is

recommended that simple geometry contacts be used as often as possible.

Fig. 5.187(a) General contact

Fig. 5.187(c) Primitive 3D contact

Fig. 5.187(b) 2D contact

(2) Calculation of contact forces

As a simple geometry contact example, consider ‘Sphere To Sphere’ contact. Contact force

calculation and its contact parameters will be explained. The contact force is calculated as

f fn ff

where f n and f f indicate normal constraint force and friction force, respectively.

(a) Normal constraint force

Fig. 5.188 shows two bodies that are in contact. If the

indentation is written as , then the normal force becomes

m1 m3
fn k c (5.7)

where k and c are the spring constant and damping

coefficient, m1 and m2 are exponents for the spring and Fig. 5.188 Sphere to Sphere contact

the damping, and m3 is the indentation exponent.

Spring constant k varies depending on the material and shape of the two bodies, and the

relative velocity at the initial point of contact.

Hertz(3) theoretically derived the stiffness k between two spheres as

4 1 Ei
k , ki 2
(i 1, 2) (5.8)
3 1 1 1 1 1 i

k1 k2 r1 r2

where ri , Ei , and i are the radius, Young’s modulus, and poisson ratio for the i -th sphere. In

two-body contact, this value is often referenced. Within RecurDyn the k value is called the ‘Spring


The value of the damping coefficient c also has unknown portions, so theoretical evaluations for

this value are also difficult. For a tentative estimation of c , a k value of 1/1000 1/10000 is

often used if ‘ kg, s, mm, N ‘unit system is used.

(b) Calculation of friction force

Fig. 5.189 shows the friction force f f exerted between two contacting bodies. Let t be a unit

vector tangent to the sliding plane between two bodies, and v i and v j be the absolute velocity

vectors at a contact point on body i and body j . Then, the friction force f f is given as

ff (v ) f n . (5.9)

where f n is a normal constraint force and

( v ) is the friction coefficient with sign. If

v is the relative velocity of body j with

respect to body i along t , then v can be

written as

v (v j vi ) t (5.10)

where v i , v j and t are expressed in

Fig. 5.189 Friction between two bodies
vector form with respect to the global

reference frame O .
Generally, in motion accompanied by normal and frictional forces, either sliding type or stick-

slip type motion will appear. RecurDyn can handle both types of motion.

(c) Friction force calculation method [Professional > Contact > Common UI > Characteristic page ]

There are three types of calculation methods for friction forces within RecurDyn.

- Dynamic Friction Coefficient: Define the friction coefficient by a constant value.

- Friction Force Spline: Define the friction force by a spline curve with respect to relative velocity.

- Friction Coefficient Spline: Define the friction coefficient by a spline curve with respect to

relative velocity.

‘Dynamic Friction Coefficient’ is the standard method and will be explained below. For this case,

the ‘Friction Coefficient’ is given as a constant value or by using ‘Parametric Values’. Both ‘Sliding’

type and ‘Sliding & Stiction’ type are involved in this method.

1) Sliding

This is the case when only slip motion is taken into account. The friction coefficient (v) is

defined by Eq. (5.11) and as shown in Fig. 5.190(a).

d ; v vd
havsi n(v, vd , d , vs , s ) ; vd v vs
(v ) havsi n(v, vs , s , vs , s ) ; vs v vs (5.11)
havsi n(v, vs , s , vs , d) ; vs v vd
d ; vd v

where the havsin ( x, x0 , h0 , x1 , h1 ) is defined by(5)

; x x0
h1 h0 h1 h0 x x0
havsin( x, x0 , h0 , x1 , h1 ) sin( ) ; x0 x x1
2 2 x1 x0 2
; x1 x

and the parameters are defined as follows:

d : Dynamic threshold friction coefficient

s : Static friction threshold coefficient

vd : Dynamic threshold velocity

v s : Static threshold velocity

v : Tangential relative velocity

Fig. 5.190(a)
Friction coefficient with respect to relative velocity
for sliding motion (6)

2) Sliding & Stiction

This is the case when the motion of sliding and stiction, generally called stick-slip motion, is taken

into account. The friction force within RecurDyn is given by (6)

ff f fstiction f fsliding (v) fn (5.13)

The two components in the friction force are

f fstiction (1 ) fn (5.14a)

f fsliding v n f (5.14b)

(v ) sgn(v) , (when f n 0) (5.15)

where the parameters are defined as follows:

: Weight between stiction friction force and sliding friction force, 0 1

: Stiction friction coefficient with sign

v : Sliding friction coefficient with sign

These parameters are calculated as follows:

a) For the slip (sliding) region where vs v , the parameters are given as

0.0 (5.16)
v sgn(v) havsi n( v , vs , s , vd , d )

where the sign function sgn( x) is defined by

sgn( x) x/ x . (5.17)

b) For the stick (stiction) region where 0 v vs , the parameters are given as

(v ) step5( v , vs , 1.0, vs ,1.0)

( ) sgn( ) step5( , max , s , max , s ) (5.18)
v (v ) sgn(v) step5( v , vs , s , vs , s )

where the step5( x, x0 , y0 , x1 , y1 ) function is defined by(7)

h0 ; x x0
x x0 3 x x0 x x0 2
step5( x, x0 , h0 , x1 , h1 ) h0 (h1 h0 )( ) 10 15( ) 6( ) ; x0 x x1
x1 x0 x1 x0 x1 x0
h1 ; x1 x


and the parameters are defined as follows:

: Stiction deformation

max : Maximun stiction deformation

vt : Threshould tangential relative velocity

t : Theshould friction coefficient.

For practical computations, a maxumum stiction deformation max should be selected as an

appropriated value so that a stationary contact is reached. For this case, the friction coefficient

(v) defined by Eq. (5.15) is shown as in Fig. 5.190(b) by taking the parameters in Eqs. (5.16)

and (5.18) as

vs vt (threshould tangential relative velocity)

s t (threshould friction coefficient).

Further detail explanation can be found in the characteristic page in RecurDynHelp (9).

Fig. 5.190(b)
Friction coefficient with respect to
relative velocity for sliding & stiction motion (6)

(3) Main parameters

(a) Contact geometry

As was described in section 5.4.4 (1), geometries of contact curves and surfaces are divided into

special and general categories. As was also explained in section 5.4.4 (1), special geometry uses

analytical formulations for contact functions without introducing any approximations when

calculating contact judgement and contact forces. On the other hand, general geometry uses many

patched elements generated from the given original 2D curves or 3D surfaces when calculating

contact judgement and contact forces. For this case, the curves and surfaces used in calculating

contact problems are slightly deformed from the original given data. As such, in practical situations,

it is essential to pay complete attention to the selection of the geometry of curves and surfaces from

the point of view of accuracy and efficiency in computation.

(b) Buffer

Buffer is a measure used for specifying the region for contact detection between the bodies, and

refers to as bounding boxes and the like. Based on the size of the buffer, numerical integration steps

in the analysis are determined. There are three types of methods used for specifying the buffer. For

special curves and surfaces, ‘Buffer Radius Factor’ is used for defining the boundary region, whereas

for general curves and surfaces, ‘Max Penetration’ is generally used.

1) Buffer Radius Factor

Buffer size is determined by the ‘Buffer Radius Factor’ and the radius of the action body (Fig.

5.191 and Fig. 5.192). If the distance between two contact surfaces become equal to or less than the

buffer radius, the time integration step size should be reduced to maintain accuracy of the calculation

at a specific level.

Action Radius Buffer

Action Radius Buffer Radius factor

Fig. 5.191
Buffer and ‘Buffer Radius Factor’

Fig. 5.192 Buffer Radius Factor

2) Boundary Box (BB)

In the case when ‘Buffer Radius Factor’ is not

effective like for patch contact, ‘Boundary Box’ is

defined and used as a buffer region (Fig. 5.193).

Fig. 5.193 Boundary Box
This region is calculated based on ‘Max

Penetration’. Action Sphere

Contact Surface
Contact Calculation

3) Max Penetration
Contact Calculation Non-contact calculation,
For solids, when two contact geometries reach i.e. weave through

Gravity Base Body

‘Max Penetration’, contact force calculation is

stopped (Fig. 5.194). Fig. 5.194 Max Penetration

(c) Maximum Stepsize Factor Direction

When a contact surface comes into the buffer

Max Depth

region, the maximum step size of time integration

Non-Contact Contact State
is changed according to the ‘Maximum Stepsize

Factor’ (Fig. 5.195 and Fig. 5.196). Dt (Maximum Stepsize Factor)


Fig. 5.195 Maximum Stepsize Factor

For contact solids like gears, part of the

solid (the teeth) is always in contact during

operation. In such a case, computational time

often unnecessarily increases. It would be

effective to adjust the time integration step

size by using the maximum time step rather

than by using ‘Maximum Stepsize Factor’ by

setting it to ‘1’.

Fig. 5.196 Maximum Stepsize Factor

(4) Contact force direction display

When curves and surfaces are used as

contact geometry, it is necessary to specify

contact force direction. Specifying contact

force direction is carried out by watching

arrows that appear in the Working window.

In Fig. 5.197, the direction of the arrows

represent the direction of the forces. The

number of arrows displayed can be changed.

Fig. 5.197 Contact force direction

(5) Primitive3D contact type

(a) Sphere To Sphere RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Contact > Primitive Contact > 3D Contact >
Sphere To Sphere]

The contact force between two spheres is defined. Since Sphere To Sphere contact is

fundamental contact between two bodies, this will be explained in detail hereafter as a representative


1) Creation method

 Click the Sph–Sph icon within the Contact group in the Professional tab. There are five creation
methods. The following information shall be input into the Modeling Option Toolbar.

Sphere, Sphere: (Fig. 5.198)

 Select the ‘Sphere, Sphere’ creation option in the
Modeling Option Toolbar.
 Select a sphere which becomes the base body.
 Select a sphere which becomes the action body. Base

Fig. 5.198 SphereToSphere contact

2) Property

The ‘SphereToSphere’ tab in the ‘Properties of SpehereToSphere’ dialog box is shown in Fig.

5.199. This is used to set the properties for ‘SphereToSphere’ contact.

 Open the Property dialog of

SphereToShpere Contact (see sect. 5.4.2


- Definition of the Base Sphere:

The specified Entity Name (base sphere

name) and the Radius are viewed using

the ‘Gr’ button.

- Definition of the Action Sphere:

Fig. 5.199 SpehereToSphere Properties
- Synchronize with Geometry:

If the marker is on, the specified value is

automatically used as the radius. If it is

off, users can change the value.

- Force Display:

On/Off for Force vector viewing.

The ‘Characteristic’ tab in the Properties of SphereToSphere dialog box is shown in Fig. 5.200.

1) Spring Coefficient

This is used to set the characteristics for ‘SphereToSphere’ contact (Fig. 5.200).

- Spring Coefficient:  Define the stiffness as a

spring constant. Parametric value setting is also


 Type: Select ‘Spring Coefficient’.

 Input a value.

 Click the ‘OK’ button to close the dialog.

- Spring Spline:  Set the stiffness using a

nonlinear function. The reaction spline force is

Fig. 5.200 SpheretoSphere
defined with respect to the displacement. Spring coefficient settings
2) Damping Coefficient

The setting procedure for the ‘Damping

Coefficient’ is the same as the setting

procedure for the ‘Spring Coefficient’ (Fig.


3) Exponents

- Stiffness Exponent (m1): Fig. 5.201 Damping Coefficient setting of

- Damping Exponent (m2): SphereToSphere

- Indentation Exponent (m3):

These values are usually defined with a default value.

 Type: Select ‘Dynamic Friction Coefficient’.

4) Friction coefficient
 Set the Dynamic Friction Coefficient in the right #1 #2

box (# 1 in Fig. 5.202).

- Click the ‘Friction’ button, then the ‘Friction

Definition’ dialog box will open (#2 in Fig. 5.202).

- Select Sliding or Sliding & Stiction (#3 in Fig. 5.203).

Fig. 5.202
- Input the following parameters (# 4 in Fig. 5.203)
Characteristics property dialog
(Refer to sect. 5.4.4 (2)-(c))

 Static Threshold Velocity

 Dynamic Threshold Velocity #3

 Static Friction Coefficient

 Maximum Friction Force

- Click the ‘Close’ button to close the ‘Friction #4

Definition’ dialog box.

- Click ‘OK’ button to close Property dialog box.

Fig. 5.203 Definition of friction

There are other creating methods for SphereToSphere contact. The following is a brief explanation

for these contacts.


Sphere, MultiSphere: (Fig. 5.204)

- Click the ‘Sph-Sph’ icon within the Contact group
in the ‘Professional’ tab.
 Select the ‘Sphere, MultiSphere’ creation
option in the Modeling Option Toolbar.
 Select a sphere which becomes the base body.
 Select spheres which become the action

To finish the operation, right-click, then select Base

‘Finish Operation’, or click the ‘Finish’ button
Fig. 5.204
located on the top of the Working window.
Sphere, Multiple Spheres contact

Sphere, Sphere, Sphere, Sphere:

- Click the ‘Sph-Sph’ icon within the Contact group in the Professional tab.

 Select the ‘Sphere, Sphere, Sphere, Sphere’ creation option in the Modeling Option Toolbar.

 Select a sphere which becomes the first base body.

 Select a sphere which becomes the first action body. A contact condition is set between the

two bodies.

 Select a sphere which becomes the second base body.

 Select a sphere which becomes the second action body. A contact condition is set between

the two bodies.

This pair of operations continues until the Finish Operation command is given.

MultiSphere, MultiSphere:

- Click the ‘Sph-Sph’ icon within the Contact group in the Professional tab.

 Select the ‘MultiSphere, MultiSphere’ creation option in the Modeling Option Toolbar.

 Select multiple spheres to define the base bodies.

 Right-click to select Finish Operation.

 Select multiple spheres to define the action bodies.

 Right-click to select ‘Finish Operation’.

Contact conditions are defined between the base bodies and the action bodies.


- Click the ‘Sph-Sph’ icon within the Contact group in the Professional tab.

 Select the ‘MultiSphere, MultiSphere’ creation option in the Modeling Option Toolbar.

 Select multiple spheres at one time to define the base and action bodies.

 Right-click to select ‘Finish Operation’.

(b) Sphere In Sphere (Fig. 5.205)

(b) Sphere In Sphere
A contact force is created between an outer sphere and
- 複数の球をクリック。
an inner sphere. The outer sphere becomes the base body
- オペレーション終了をクリック。
and the inner sphere becomes the action body.
Action Body Base Body

(c) Sphere To Cylinder (Fig. 5.206)

Fig. 5.205 Sphere In Sphere contact
A contact force is created between a cylinder and a

(d) Sphere In Cylinder (Fig. 5.207)

A contact force is created between an inner cylinder and an outer sphere. The cylinder becomes

the base body and the sphere becomes the action body.

Fig. 5.206 Sphere To Cylinder contact Fig. 5.207 Sphere In Cylinder contact

(e) Cylinder To Cylinder

A contact force is created between two cylinders. Neither of the cylinders may lie within the

other. One becomes the base body and the other the action body.

1) Creation method

Cylinder, Cylinder: (Fig. 5.208) Action

- Click the ‘Cyl-Cyl’ icon within the Contact

group in the Professional tab.

 Select the ‘Cylinder, Cylinder’ creation

option in the Modeling Option Toolbar.

 Select a cylinder which becomes the base Base

Fig. 5.208 Cylinder To Cylinder contact
 Select a cylinder which becomes the action

body. Action

Cylinder, MultiCylinder: (Fig. 5.209)

- Click the ‘Cyl-Cyl’ icon within the Contact

group in the Professional tab.

 Select the ‘Cylinder, MultiCylinder’ creation

option in the Modeling Option Toolbar. Base

Fig. 5.209 Cylinder, MultiCylinder contact

 Select a cylinder which becomes the base


 Select multiple cylinders which become the

action bodies.

Cylinder, Cylinder, Cylinder, Cylinder:

- Click the ‘Cyl-Cyl’ icon within the Contact group in the Professional tab.

 Select the ‘Cylinder, Cylinder, Cylinder, Cylinder’ creation option in the Modeling

Option Toolbar.

 Cylinder: Select a cylinder which becomes the first base body.

 Cylinder: Select a cylinder which becomes the first action body. A contact condition is

set between the two bodies.

 Cylinder: Select a cylinder which becomes the second base body.

 Cylinder: Select a cylinder which becomes the second action body. A contact condition

is set between the two bodies.

When cylinder selection process is complete, right-click to select ‘Finish Operation’.

MultiCylinder, MultiCylinder:
- Click the ‘Cyl-Cyl’ icon within the Contact group in the Professional tab.

 Select the ‘MultiCylinder, MultiCylinder’ creation option in the Modeling Option


 Select multiple cylinders to define the base bodies.

 Right-click to select ‘Finish Operation’.

 Select multiple cylinders to define the action bodies.

 Right-click to select ‘Finish Operation’.

Contact conditions are defined between the base bodies and the action bodies.


- Click the ‘Cyl-Cyl’ icon within the Contact group in the Professional tab.

 Select the ‘MultiCylinder, MultiCylinder’ creation option in the Modeling Option


 Select multiple cylinders at one time to define base and action bodies.

 Right-click to select ‘Finish Operation’.

2) Property RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Contact > Primitive Contact > 3D Contact >
Cylinder To Cylinder]

The ‘CylinderToCylinder’ tab in the ‘Properties of CylinderToCylinder’ dialog box (Fig. 5.210)

is used to set the properties for ‘CylinderToCylinder’ contact.

- Definition of the Base Surface:

Name, Radius and Length are viewed by

clicking the Gr button.

- Definition of the Action Cylinder:

- Synchronize with Geometry:

If checked specified values of radius

and length are used. If it is not checked

the values can be changed. Fig. 5.210

- Force Display: Properties of CylinderToCylinder

Force vector viewing can be toggled

on and off. Cylinder1 Cylinder2

(f) Cylinder In Cylinder

A contact force is created between an outer

cylinder and an inner cylinder. The outer cylinder

becomes the base body and the inner cylinder

becomes the action body (Fig. 5.211). Fig. 5.211 Cylinder In Cylinder contact

(6) General contact types

(a) Extended Surface To Surface Contact (Patch contact) (Fig. 5.212)

A contact force is created between specified

patches. A general patched surface can adapt to

various types of geometries. It has high

versatility, but computational loads are high.

Refer to ‘Extended Surface To Surface Contact’

of RecurDynHelp (1). Fig. 5.212 Patch contact

(b) Solid Contact

A contact force is created between solids. Refer to ‘Solid Contact’ of RecurDynHelp (1).

5.5 Sensor RecurDynHelp: [Professional > Sensor]

A sensor is a device that detects if the target is inside the specified range or not, measures the

time instance at the start and the end when the sensor responds, and the distance between the target

and the reference point. There are two types of sensors: box and laser.

- Box type

A boxed sensor range and a target are defined (Fig. 5.213). If the target is inside the box, ‘1’ is

output. Otherwise, it is ‘0’ (Fig. 5.214).

Sensor range

Target Marker

Fig. 5.213
Sensor box and target marker
Fig. 5.214 Sensor output
- Laser type

A sensor marker and target geometry are defined, (Fig. 5.215) and the distance between them is

measured (Fig. 5.216).

Sensor Marker


Sensor Distance

Target Geometry

Fig. 5.215
Sensor Marker and Target Geometry Fig. 5.216 Measuring distance
between the sensor marker and target geometry

5.6 Expression RecurDynHelp: [Subentity > Expression]

‘Expression’ is the command which describes expressions in the Expression List. The values for

the described expressions are calculated where the values are required. In the ‘Expression’, the

following functions are involved:

- Definition of Motions (using various pre-defined functions)

- Output of state quantities which are not usually calculated using standard functions

- Arithmetic If

- Definition of Forces and Torques

- Definition of Parameters

The role of Expression in mechanism analysis is shown in Fig. 5.217.

Mechanism System Expression Request / Scope

Force, Joint, etc…


Fig. 5.217 Role of ‘Expression’ in mechanism analysis

(1) Creation of Expressions

(a) Display of Expression List

An Expression is created utilizing the Expression List. The Expression List is opened by the

following two methods.

- Click the Expression icon in the Expression group

of the ‘SubEntity’ tab in the Ribbon, or

- Click the EL button in the Property dialog box of

an entity to view the Expression List dialog box

(Fig. 5.218).

As an example, consider an ‘Expression’ for a

revolute joint. Fig. 5.218 Expression List
⇒ Open the Property dialog box of the Revolute
Joint (see sect. 5.4.2 (2)).
⇒ Check Include Motion.
⇒ Click the Motion button.
The Motion dialog box will open.
⇒ Click the EL button.
The Expression List dialog box will open (Fig.

(b) Input method for Expression

This will be explained in detail in Driving motion setting in section 6.1.2 (1) and Motion setting in
6.2 (1). Readers are recommended to refer
dialogをひらく、Motion to these sections.
にチェック、Mtion button をクリックして

ELボタンをくりっくするとExpression List

(Fig. 5.209)が開く。
(2) Function list
(a) Interpolation functions and conditional branches
RecurDynHelp: [Subentity], [Subentity > Expression > Available Functions > How to use Predefined Functions]

- Spline interpolation functions: Spline interpolated values are calculated from registered data.

- STEP: Values for the step function are calculated. The HAVSIN function is used to interpolate

the function value where the function value jumps.

- STEP5: Values for the step function are calculated. The fifth order polynomial function is used

to interpolate the function value where the function value jumps.

- IF: The signal is output according to the IF conditional branch.

- SWEEP: A sinusoidal sweep function is output according to linear frequency increase.

(b) Displacement Functions RecurDynHelp: [Subentity > Expression > Available Functions]

Displacement of the action marker (m1) relative to the base marker (m2) are measured by the

reference marker (m3). Rotational angles of the action marker relative to the base marker are measured

by the rotation angle about each axis of the reference marker. This displacement, the rotational angles,

and Euler angles are output.

(c) Velocity Functions

The components of the velocity of the action marker (m1) relative to the base marker (m2) with

respect to the reference marker (m3) are output (Fig. 5.219). The components of the angular velocity

of the action marker (m1) relative to the base marker (m2) with respect to the reference marker (m3)

are also output.


Fig. 5.219
Definition of Displacement function

X 237
(d) Acceleration Functions

The components of the acceleration of the action marker (m1) relative to the base marker (m2)

with respect to the reference marker (m3) are output. The angular acceleration of the action marker

(m1) relative to the base marker (m2) with respect to the reference marker (m4) are measured by

the reference marker (m3) in the component form.

(e) Other Functions

Sensor functions, FORTRAN functions, and other functions are provided.

5.7 Analysis solver

The objective of mechanism analyses using RecurDyn software is to investigate motion of the

concerned mechanism under various loading conditions. RecurDyn offers various types of analyses

as shown in Fig. 5.220. Users can select a required analysis type by using the Analysis icons in the

Analysis group shown in Fig. 5.220.

Fig. 5.220 Analysis icons in the Analysis group

There are seven different kinds of analyses:

- Eigenvalue Analysis

- Frequency Response Analysis

- Design of Experiment, i.e. Optimal design study

- Scenario Analysis

- Pre Analysis, i.e. model checking

- Static Analysis

- Dynamic/Kinematic Analysis

In this book, only the ‘Dynamic/Kinematic’ analysis type will be explained. In this Dynamic/

Kinematic analysis, the program analyzes time dependent motions or simulations for machines and

structures. Since time integration solvers are essential for simulations, this will also be explained.

(1) Model Setting dialog

To proceed with the analysis, various items need to be set. The following click sequence will

guide a user to reach the Simulation dialog.

Home tab  Model Setting group  Simulation icon (Fig. 5.221). Then, the Simulation dialog

box will open (Fig. 5.222).

Fig. 5.221
Simulation in the Model Setting group
of the Home tab

Fig. 5.222 Simulation property dialog box

In the General tab of the Simulation property of the Model Setting group within the Home tab,

Number of Core (for parallel processing), Solver Type, Expression, Initial Velocity, and Check

Redundant values are set. In typical simulations, the default settings are used.

(2) Analysis and stop execution

Analysis execution starts by clicking the Analysis tab in the Ribbon, and selecting Simulation type.

Functions for stopping, pausing, and restarting the execution are provided within RecurDyn.

(3) Brief explanation regarding numerical integration solvers used within RecurDyn

(a) Numerical integration solvers and their roles

Numerical integration solvers used to numerically integrate dynamic equilibrium equations of

motion within RecurDyn will be briefly explained. Afterwards, the setting procedure in the software

will be explained. A numerical integration solver performs numerical integrations in a digital computer

(i.e. a program software which has a numerical integration function).

A physical model is built up from a concerned problem and an analysis model based on this physical

model will be created using RecurDyn’s GUI. The analysis model can also be created by importing

CAD data with newly added constraint conditions. Based on the created analysis model, equations of

motion and constraint equations are automatically generated within RecurDyn. The equations of

motion are described by differential equations, and the constraint equations are described by algebraic

equations. Thus, the combined system equations become differential algebraic equations.

Typical structural-vibration problems are described by differential vibration equations, whereas

multibody dynamics problems are described by differential equations of motion and algebraic

constraint equations. Thus, mechanism problems, a type of multibody dynamics problem, are more

difficult to solve than structural-vibration problems.

(b) Mechanism problems solved using RecurDyn

For general mechanical systems, equations of motion and constraint equations are summarized as


 F m   M (q, t )q  G T (q, t ) λ  Q(q, q, t ) 

F (q, q, q, t )   c    0 (5.21)
F   g (q, t ) 

where q is a generalized coordinate vector, t is time, M(q, t ) is the mass matrix, Q(q, q, t ) is

the forcing function vector, g(q, t ) is the constraint vector, and G(q, t )  g(q, t ) / q is the

Jacobian matrix. In the case of the pendulumn problem presented in section 4.8 of Part 2, the upper

equations of Eq. (4.67) correspond to the upper equations of Eq. (5.21) and the lower equations of Eq.

(4.67) correspond to the lower equations of Eq. (5.21).

(c) Classification of numerical integration solvers used in RecurDyn
Numerical integration solvers employed in the simulations of mechanism analyses include the
Runge-Kutta method, Adams method, and other such methods for small scale problems, but not
many high performance stable methods for large scale problems. Here, numerical integration solvers
for differential-algebraic equations which are employed in RecurDyn will be introduced. Four solvers
described below are provided in RecurDyn.

・ Generalized-α method


・ Track Generalized-α Integrator

・ Hybrid Integrator

The Track Generalized-α Integrator is a slight modification of the Generalized-α method described

in 1) below. This integrator is developed for systems that contain systems of special track, chain, or

rigid belt bodies, or systems of these special bodies together with a general system of rigid and RFlex

bodies. The special bodies are rigid bodies that are only interconnected with other bodies through force


The Hybrid Integrator is used for solving systems that contain FFlex bodies. These systems can

also contain rigid bodies, RFlex bodies, and the special track, chain, or rigid belt bodies. The Hybrid

Integrator uses the Newmark method for solving the equations of motion for the FFlex bodies, RFlex

bodies, and general rigid bodies in the system. Special track, chain, or rigid belt body systems can also

be part of the model.

The features of these integration methods are listed in Table 5.5 which also contains the Runge-

Kutta method. The Runge-Kutta method is an explicit method, and its solutions sometimes diverge.

All the other methods are implicit methods, and solutions are guaranteed to be stable.

The Generalized-α method is suited for solving mechanism problems in typical mechanical

systems and is the standard integration method that is used in RecurDyn.

Table 5.5 The features of numerical integration methods used in RecurDyn
Classification Integration method Evaluation method Characteristics
Single step Generalized α method Forecast the present from a Robust for

method Newmark β method single preceding point discontinuous systems

Multi step DASSL Forecast the present from High precision for

method Runge-Kutta method multiple preceding points smooth responses

1) Generalized α method

The Generalized-α method is one of two standard methods that can be used in RecurDyn to solve

the equations of motion for general systems that contain general rigid bodies and RFlex bodies. It is

an implicit method with numerical damping that is capable of solving stiff systems of equations. It is

a single-step method with 2nd order convergence. The user can control the amount of numerical

damping, which can be used to control the rate at which high-frequency oscillations are damped out

of the solution.


DASSL is the second choice of integrators for solving the equations of motion for systems of general

rigid bodies and RFlex bodies in RecurDyn. Like the Generalized-α method, DASSL is an implicit

integration method with numerical damping that can solve stiff systems of equations. In contrast to the

Generalized-α method, it is a multi-step method with a variable order of convergence, and the amount of

numerical damping cannot be directly controlled by the user. Furthermore, the user can limit the maximum

order of the polynomial used to approximate the local solution used by DASSL. Limiting it to a lower order

can have a similar effect to increasing the numerical damping.

(3) Setting various items in ‘Dynamic’ analysis

(a) Dynamic analysis execution

- Click the Analysis tab in the Ribbon  Click

Simulation Type group  Click Dyn/Kim icon.

- Input various parameters from the Dyn/Kin Analysis

dialog box, then click the Simulate button Fig. 5.223 Simulation Type group
(Fig. 5.223).

(b) Setting the General tab in the Dyn/Kin Analysis property dialog (Fig. 5.224)

- End Time: Specify the analysis end time. The unit

system employed follows the global unit system.

- Step: Specify the frame number for animation output,

from which the output time step is determined.

(ex.) If End Time=5 and Step=100, then the time step

is 0.05 sec.

- Plot Multiplier Step Factor: This defines the

interpolation number between two consecutive pieces

of data. Plot data for animation is equal to ‘Step’ Fig. 5.224

‘General’ items
multiplied by ‘Plot Multiplier Step Factor’ plus one.
in ‘Dyn/KinAnalysis’ dialog box
(ex.) If Step=100 and Plot Multiplier Step Factor=2,

then plot data for animation will be at least 201* 1).

*1) RecurDyn’s built in convergence checking may automatically adjust (decrease) the step size,

resulting in more plot data.

(c) Setting the Parameter tab in the Dyn/Kin Analysis property dialog box

(Fig. 5.225 and Fig. 5.226)

Upon opening the Parameter tab in the Dyn/Kin Analysis property dialog box, if the

Generalized-α method is selected, IMGALPHA is shown as in Fig. 5.225. If the DASSL solver is

selected DDASSL is shown as in Fig. 5.226.

Fig. 5.225 IMGALPHA Integrator Fig. 5.226 DDASSL Integrator

- Maximum Order:  Set the order of DDASSL  5 . In the case of IMGALPHA, this is


- Maximum Time Step:  Set the maximum step size.

- Initial Time Step:  Set the initial time step.

- Error Tolerance:  Set the error tolerance for convergence criterion.

- Integrator Type:  Select the type of integrator. IMGALPHA and DDASSL are provided. The

default is IMGALPHA.

- Numerical Damping:  Numerical damping parameter of integrator IMGALPHA.

0 means no damping and 1 equates to maximum damping.

- Constant Stepsize: This is not used within the standard function.

- Jacobian Evaluation:  Set the interval in time step for Jacobian evaluation during integration.

This is not used within the standard function. This is only available in the Track Generalized-α


- Match Solving Stepsize with Report Step: If this box is checked, the analysis results are output

by synchronizing the analysis time step.

- End Time Condition: This is used for restarting the analysis for further calculations. If this box is

checked, the positions and velocities are stored at the time the computation ends.

- Match Simulation End Time with User Input: If this box is checked, the information at the

specified simulation end time is stored into output files.

- Stop Condition: If the specified conditions are satisfied, the analysis will stop.

5.8 Post processing

There are three post processing functions.

- Animation: Display the motion of the

mechanism during the analysis run time

(Fig. 5.227).

- Graph: Display analysis results in a plot

format (Fig. 5.228).

- Scope: Display analysis results within a Fig. 5.227 Animation display

modeler without using plotter (Fig. 5.229).

Fig. 5.228 Plotter output Fig. 5.229 Scope output

5.9 Some remarks on analysis model creation

(a) Redundant constraints

Redundant constraints are considered in this section. For spatial kinematics, number of degrees

of freedom p for spatial mechanisms is given by p 6N m where N indicates the number of

bodies and m indicates the number of configuration constraints.

Now consider redundancy within the constraint conditions. As a concrete example, the four-bar

mechanism that was already considered in Fig. 2.1 of chapter 2 will be considered here.

The linkage shown in Fig. 5.230 is composed of five bodies from Body1 to Body5 and six joints,

two of which are fixed and four of which are revolute. The number of constraints and the number of

unknown variables are listed in Table 5.6.

Revolute Joint2 Revolute Joint3


Body2 Body1 Driving
Body4 RX
Fixed Joint1 RY Body5
z X Fixed Joint2

Fig. 5.230 Motion of a four-bar linkage

From Table 5.6, the number of degrees of freedom p becomes p 6N m 6 5 33 3 . This

means that the number of constraint equations is larger than that of the number of unknown variables

by three (this is the redundant constraint case). Consider this problem, progressing from Body5,

Revolute Joint4 to Revolute Joint3, …, and finally reaching Revolute Driving Joint1. When formal

procedures are followed, five geometrical constraints and one driving constraint are specified at the

final joint. But actually, the mechanism was already constrained to planar motion by the preceding

joints’ constraints. Thus at Driving Joint1, the planar revolute joint condition is the only

Table 5.6 Numbers of constraints and unknown variables for the four-bar linkage
Body Joint No. of constraints* No. of unknown
Body1 Ground1 6 (3) 6 (3)
Revolute Driving Joint1 6 (3)
Body2 6 (3)
Revolute Joint2 5 (2)
Body3 6 (3)
Revolute Joint3 5 (2)
Body4 6 (3)
Revolute Joint4 5 (2)
Body5 Ground2 6 (3) 6 (3)
Total No. 33 (15) Total No. 30 (15)
* The numbers in ( ) indicate those for the planar case.

possible specification (i.e. the number of constraints that can be specified by Revolute Driving Joint1

is actually three, and not six). Then, the analysis model can be solved from the point of view of the

number of degrees of freedom. Fig. 5.232 demonstrates that translational motion along the Z-axis (TZ),

rotational motion about X-axis (RX), and rotational motion about the Y-axis (RY) can not be


If the problem is solved as a planar problem, the number of degrees of freedom becomes

p 3N m 3 5 (3 3 2 3) 0 . Then the four-bar linkage problem driven by Revolute

Driving Joint1 can be solved as a standard kinematics problem.

This is of no help and can even be harmful. In RecurDyn, if there are redundant constraints in the

analysis, they are neglected. Such a problem should be solved as a planar problem.

(b) Lock-up positions

Dependent generalized coordinates are considered in this section. Fig. 5.141 showed a piston-

crank mechanism that is found in internal combustion engines. If the length of the crank, r is less

than that of the connecting rod, l , then, provided that the mechanism is assembled as shown in Fig.

5.231, point C will always lie to the right of point B . If r l in Fig. 5.232, as shown in Fig.

5.233, the Jacobian of the constraint equations will go to zero when the BC line becomes

perpendicular to AC . At this position, can not be uniquely determined as a function of x . If an

attempt is made to rotate the crank in a counter-clockwise direction in the configuration shown in Fig.

5.232, as shown in Fig. 5.233, no solution of the constraint equation exists. This is because the

mechanism has locked-up and cannot continue to turn(4). This means that the machine fails to perform

the desired function. The reader may have noticed that in this case, the generalized coordinates selected

were not independent, as they had been in the cases in sections 4.8 and 4.9 in Part 2.

Fig. 5.231 A standard piston-crank mechanism Fig. 5.232 Piston-crank mechanism when r l

Fig. 5.233 Lock-up position when r l

6. Analyses using RecurDyn

In section 4.2, how to conduct dynamics and kinematics analyses was briefly covered. As a simple

example, how to create an analysis model of a pendulum using RecurDyn was explained. In chapter

5, composition and how to use RecurDyn was more precisely explained. With this knowledge in mind,

actual creations and analyses of models for practical problems, through rather introductory examples,

will be carried out using RecurDyn in this chapter.

With the remarkable progress in CAD, recent CAD data has been used for fields of analysis and

data management. In this chapter, two model creation methods will be introduced: One is the method

of creating analysis models for RecurDyn by importing already existing CAD data, and the other is

the method of creating analysis models by using RecurDyn’s GUI.

The four problems that will be treated here are

1) Motion and vibration of a four-bar linkage mechanism with a spring

2) Motion of a three dimensional slider-crank mechanism

3) Vibration of an elastic beam

4) Control of an inverted pendulum.

Analysis of motion and vibration for the four-bar linkage mechanism mentioned in 1) above has

been used as a standard mechanism problem in many texts and reference books. This is sort of a

representative example in mainly kinematics analysis. Problems 2), 3), and 4) each have their own

special features. Problems 2), 3), and 4) are introduced as typical examples for three dimensional

configuration, elastic beam analysis using rigid multibody dynamics, and simple control.

6.1 Motion of a four-bar linkage mechanism

6.1.1 Special remarks before analysis model creation

Consider motion analysis of a four-bar linkage mechanism. Fig. 6.1 (see also Fig. 2.1) shows the

four-bar linkage mechanism (This model was originated by FunctionBay K.K., Japan). By treating

this model, methods of importing CAD data, constraining bodies by revolute joints, applying specified
rotational motions, and setting a translational spring are studied.

revolute joint 2 ⑤ coupler

revolute joint 3

⑥ crank ④ rocker

⑦ coil spring

revolute joint 1 ③

y fixed joint 1
fixed joint 3
x ②
図 6.1 4 節リンク機構の全体図
fixed joint 2
revolute joint 4

Fig. 6.1 A whole picture of the four-bar linkage mechanism

The degrees of freedom and the type of analysis of mechanism systems will be studied before

creating an analysis model (for fundamental knowledge of mechanism systems) using RecurDyn.

(a) Degrees of freedom of a four-bar linkage mechanism

This four-bar linkage mechanism is a two dimensional planar mechanism. The degrees of freedom

were already explained for general systems in section 4.3 (3) of Part 2 but here the degrees of freedom

for the four-bar linkage mechanism system are considered. The degrees of freedom for this system

will be calculated by using Table 6.1. The degrees of freedom are defined as the smallest set of

independent coordinates that are required to define the system configuration. A rigid body in planar

problems has two translational coordinates and a rotational coordinate. Table 6.1 lists the number of

coordinates in planar cases, and that a joint constrains mechanism systems when the joint is introduced

into the systems. For example, a revolute joint constrains two translational coordinates and null

rotational coordinates.

The purpose of this section is to calculate the number of coordinates that can move freely in the

whole mechanism system. Since the number of constrained coordinates of fixed joints attached to the

ground is three, there is no need to take the fixed joint attached to the ground into account for counting

the degrees of freedom. This is because a force element is the element that produces forces on a body

at its connecting point, and is independent from the degrees of freedom.

For the four-bar linkage mechanism as shown in Fig. 6.1, since there are three rigid links excluding

body components attached to the ground with fixed joints, independent coordinates without constraints

come out to 3×3=9. This four-bar linkage is constrained by four revolute joints. Thus the total number

of constraint conditions comes out to 4×2=8. Therefore, the smallest set of freely movable coordinates

is 9-8=1, which means that there is only one degree of freedom.

Table 6.1 Number of coordinates constrained by a revolute joint in a planar model

Joint type Number of coordinates constrained

translation rotation total
Fixed joint 2 1 3
Revolute joint 2 0 2

(b) Types of analysis problems

The mechanism in Fig. 6.1 has the following types of analysis problems:

- Static balance configuration under gravity after releasing the mechanism from the initial

configuration (static balance analysis) as in Fig. 6.2 (a) and (b)

- Mechanism motion by applying a rotational velocity about the revolute joint 1 to the crank. The

single degree of freedom mechanism is driven by a single driver constraint. Thus, there are zero

degrees of freedom for the system. The mechanism moves under the specified driving motion

(kinematics motion analysis) (see Fig. 6.31 and Fig. 6.32).

- Mechanism motion by applying a cyclic force in the horizontal direction at the point A in Fig.

6.1. Since there is one degree of freedom, the motion of the mechanism should be determined

by solving the formulated equations of motion (dynamics motion analysis) (see Fig. 6.39).

The above explanation also holds for general mechanism systems problems.

(a) Initial configuration (b) Static balance configuration

Fig. 6.2 An initial configuration and the static balance

6.1.2 Analysis model creations for a four-bar linkage system

As was stated in sections 4.2 (2) and 4.2 (3), there are two methods for creating models using

RecurDyn. One is the method which directly creates an analysis model in the working window of

RecurDyn’s GUI and the other is the method which creates an analysis model in the working window

of RecurDyn’s GUI by importing the already created CAD data for bodies. Here, a RecurDyn analysis

model will be created for a four-bar linkage system. The procedure is almost the same as was described

in section 4.2 for the case of the pendulum. The four-bar linkage is slightly more complex than the


Analyses for the model shown in Fig. 6.1 will be performed under the following two conditions

and the differences for these will be observed.

1) Actuating the model by a specified rotation

2) Actuating the model by a rotational torque

The model undergoes planar motion in a two dimensional plane. The model consists of three rigid

link bodies as indicated by ④, ⑤, and ⑥ in Fig. 6.1. These bodies are connected by revolute joints

as in Fig. 6.1. Locker ④ and fixed point ① are connected by a spring. Fixed point ① is fixed to

the Ground. Fixed point ② and fixed point ③ which are also fixed to the Ground are connected to

link ④ and link ⑥ respectively by revolute joints.

(1) Actuating the model by a specified rotation

Create an analysis model data for a four-bar linkage system.

- Preparations

① Start-up ‘RecurDyn’.

⇒ The ‘Start RecurDyn’ window is

opened (Fig. 6.3).

② Input ‘Fourbarlink’ as the model name.

⇒ Select ‘MMKS’ as the unit system

and ‘-Y’ as the gravity direction, then Fig. 6.3 Start RecurDyn window

click OK button.

- Body creation

Body creation is carried out by importing CAD data. The procedure for importing CAD data is

referred to in item ③ of section 4.2(3). For this model creation, CAD data ‘FOURBAR

_SPRING.x_t’ is used. The data can be downloaded from the MotionLabo, Inc’s web page

(, which was originally created by

FunctionBay K.K., Japan).

The imported CAD data includes coordinates, angles, and geometries of the bodies. Therefore, it

is not necessary for users to specify this data. The users do need to specify connecting conditions

such as joints, forces, and contacts between bodies since this data is not provided in the CAD data.

The main task for creating the analysis model is to add these conditions to the analysis model within


When the CAD data is imported, the

bodies of the four-bar linkage will have been

created. Fig. 6.4 shows the imported data and

main dimensions of the bodies. The next step

is to add the connection conditions.

Fig. 6.4 Imported CAD data for bodies

- Joint creation

Three bodies are fixed to the ‘ground’ by

Fixing body 3
three fixing joints as shown in Fig. 6.5.
Fixing body 1
③ For fixed joint addition, refer to

procedure ④ in section 4.2(3). Fixing joint 1

Fixing joint 3

Fixing body 2
Fixing joint 2
Next, two adjacent links are connected

by a revolute joint about the Z-axis. Fig. 6.5 Addition of fixing joints

④ Click the professional tab. ⇒ Click

the revolute joint icon in Joint group

(Fig. 6.6). Revolute joint

⇒ Select and click ‘Body, Body, Point’
Fig. 6.6 Revolute joint icon
from the pull down menu in the

Modeling Option Toolbar (Fig. 6.6).

⇒ Click ‘ImportedBody6’ (Fig. 6.7).

⇒ Click ‘ImportedBody5’ (Fig. 6.8).

⇒ Click ‘0,0,0’, the centerof the hole

in the link (Fig. 6.9). The revolute joint

will have been set as shown in Fig. 6.10.

Fig. 6.7 ImportedBody6 Fig. 6.8 ImportedBody5

Fig. 6.9 Center of the hole Fig. 6.10 Revolute joint set

⇒ Similar processes can be applied to add the revolute joints between ImportedBody5 (coupler)

and ImportedBody4 (rocker), between ImportedBody6 (crank) and ImportedBody3 (fixed joint

1), and between ImportedBody4 (rocker) and ImportedBody2 (fixed joint 2) (Fig. 6.11).


Revolute joint 3

Revolute joint 2 Rocker


Revolute joint 1
Fixed joint 3
Y Fixed joint 1
Revolute joint 4

X Fixed joint 2

Fig. 6.11 Addition of revolute joint

- Spring creation

Set a translational spring between ‘Fixed

joint 1’ and ‘Rocker’ (see Fig. 6.11).

⑥ Click Professional tab.

Fig. 6.12 Translational spring icon
⇒ Click the translational spring icon in the

Force group (Fig. 6.12).

⇒ Select ‘Body, Body, Point, Direction’ from

the pull down menu of the Modeling Option

Fig. 6.13 Modeling Option Toolbar
Toolbar (Fig. 6.13).

⇒ Click on the body for Fixing point 1 (Fig.


⇒ Click the Rocker body (Constraining a

slider with a translational joint to the

ground (Fig. 6.15)).

⇒ Click on the edge of the hole of Fixing

point 1. ‘Coordinates 1. ImportedSolid1’

should appear (Fig. 6.16).

⇒ Click on the edge of the Rocker’s hole. Fig. 6.14 Fig. 6.15
Body of fixing point 1
Rocker body
‘Coordinates 4. Imported Solid1’should

appear (Fig. 6.17).

⇒ Right click on Translational spring in the

Database Window to open the Property

Window of the spring, then click on the

Spring tab (Fig. 6.18).

Fig. 6.16
⇒ Input the parameters (Fig.6.18) as: ‘Coordinates, 1. ImportedSolid1’ appeared

・Spring Coefficient:100

・Damping Coefficient:0

・Free Length:90.537

・Pre Load:0

Fig. 6.17
The value of the spring coefficient is ‘Coordinates, 4. ImportedSolid1’ is shown
arbitrary in this case. The free length of the

spring was set to the shortest distance between

the two supporting ends during one cycle


- Remark

Fig. 6.19 shows the coil’s spring shape as

viewed in the Working Window. If this shape

is not balanced in size, users can change the

diameter and number of coils in the Property

dialog box of the spring (Fig. 6.21).

Spring Property adjustments:

⇒ Right click on Translational spring in the

Database Window to open the Property Fig. 6.18 Input parameters for a spring

Window of the spring, then click the OK

button after setting ‘15’ for spring diameter

and ‘10’ for number of coils (Fig. 6.20).

The balance of the coil spring in Fig 6.20

has improved compared to the coil shown in

Fig. 6.19. Fig. 6.19 A view of the spring’s shape

Fig. 6.20 After change for spring shape

- Driving motion setting

A forced rotational velocity is given to

revolute joint 1 as a driving motion and will Fig. 6.21 Spring Graphic tab
in the Property window
be created here.

⑦ The property window for revolute joint1

in the Database Window is opened by right-

clicking anywhere within the window, then

checking ‘Include Motion’ in the Motion

setting, and by clicking the Motion button

as in Fig. 6.22.

⇒ The motion dialog box will appear.

Select ‘Velocity (time)’ from the pull Fig. 6.22 Motion button

down menu named ‘Displacement(time)’,

and click the ‘EL’ button (Fig. 6.23).

⇒ Click the ‘Create’ button from the

‘Expression List’ dialog box (Fig. 6.24),

then input ‘6*2*pi’ in the Expression

field to create an expression (Fig. 6.25).

Fig. 6.23 Motion dialog

⇒ After clicking the OK button in the

Property window (Property dialog box), click

the OK button in the Property dialog box of

Revolute joint 1.

When ‘motion’ has been set, the

icon for Revolute joint 1 changes, and

becomes active (Fig. 6.26).

Fig. 6.24 Expression list dialog

Fig. 6.25 Creation of expressions Fig. 6.26 Active icon
of the Revolute joint 1

The model creation has been completed at this stage as in Fig. 6.27.

Fig. 6.27 Created analysis model Fig. 6.28 Dynamic analysis icon

- Execution of dynamic analyses

Now a dynamic analysis shall be run.

⑧ Click the ‘Dyn/Kin’ icon of the ‘Simulation

group’ in the Analysis ribbon (Fig. 6.28).

⇒ The dynamic analysis execution window,

Dynamic/Kinematic Analysis dialog box

should appear. Set ‘1’ (sec) for analysis End

time, ‘1000’ for analysis Step (frame number

for animation) (Fig. 6.29).

⇒ As an integrator, select IMGALPHA (Fig.

6.29(b))*. Fig. 6.29(a)

Dynamic/Kinematic Analysis dialog
(General tab)

⇒ Click Simulate button (Fig. 6.29(a)).

*Two numerical integrators, IMGALPHA and

DDASSL are provided in RecurDyn.

IMGALPHA is a generalized α method and is a

stable integrator having the features of low

numerical damping for lower frequency regions

and high numerical damping for higher frequency

regions. IMGALPHA is generally used for

standard problems within RecurDyn.

Fig. 6.29(b)
Dynamic/Kinematic Analysis dialog box
(Parameter tab)

- Animation and graph viewing

Analysis results are checked by animations and plots.

⑨ Refer to the procedure ⑦ of section 4.2(2) in

Part 3 for type of view for the animation.

By starting up ‘Plot’ (refer to the section 4.2 (2) ⑧),

time history responses of force are outputted. The

procedure is as follows:

Fig. 6.30 Plot database

⑩ Double click ‘FX_TSDA’ ** under ‘Translation Spring 1’ under ‘Translational Spring Damper’
in the ‘Force’ of the Plot Database Window within the Working Window (Fig. 6.29).

Time history force responses exerted in Spring 1 are output as shown in Fig. 6.30.


** ‘FX_TSDA’ means X directional force of a ‘Translational Spring Damper’.


Fig. 6.31
Time history responses of the X directional force exerted in the spring
(in the case of forced rotational motion)

(a) 0 [deg] (b) 60 [deg] (c) 120 [deg]

(d) 180 [deg] (e) 240 [deg] (f) 300 [deg]

Fig. 6.32 Configurations of the mechanism in each step

The force of the spring in the four-bar linkage model was in pre-tension at the initial configuration
and vanishes at the shortest distance between the two supporting spring ends. From Fig. 6.31, it is
observed that the force is positive at all times. Fig. 6.32 shows the configurations for the four-bar
linkage model at typical angles of the crank.
(2) Actuating the model by a rotational torque

- Driving torque setting

Cancel the driving motion that was set in (1)-⑦.

⑪ In the preceding analysis model, click the

Revolute joint icon in the Working window or

Revolute joint 4 in Joints of the Database

window, then delete it by pressing the Delete

Fig 6.33 Axial torque icon

⇒ Cancel Motion setting in the Property

window of ‘Revolute joint 4’.

⑫ Click Professional tab.

⇒ Click on the Rot. Axial icon in the Force

group (Fig. 6.33).

Fig. 6.34 Axial torque setting
⇒ Select ‘Joint’ from the pull down menu of

the Modeling Option Toolbar.

⇒ Click Revolute joint 1 (Fig. 6.34).

⇒ Click the ‘EL’ button after opening the

Property window of ‘RotationalAxial 1’ in

the Database window of the Working

window (Fig. 6.35).

Fig. 6.35 The ‘EL’ button in the Property window of Rotational Axial1

⇒ A Expression List dialog box will appear.

Click the ‘Create’ button (Fig. 6.36).

⇒ Another Expression dialog box will

appear. Input



290000)’ in the field (Fig. 6.37)*.

⇒ Click the ‘OK’ button both in Expression

Fig. 6.36 Expression list dialog
dialog box and in Expression List dialog

box, then return to the Property window.

Finally click the ‘OK’ button in the

Fig. 6.37 Creation of expression

* This command indicates that the applied torque rises up to 290000 [N・mm] from 0 to

0.001sec, maintains a constant value until 0.04 sec, and drops down to 0 [N・mm] from 0.040 to

0.041sec ( Fig. 6.38).


- Execution of dynamic analyses

⑬ Click the Dyn/Kin analysis icon in the

Analysis group (see Fig. 6.29(a)).

⇒ Set ‘1’ [s] for the end time, and ‘1000’

for the Steps.

⇒ Set ‘0.6’ for numerical damping in the

Parameter tab of the Dynamic/

Kinematic Analysis dialog.

Now a dynamic analysis shall be run.

Fig. 6.38 Input time history for Axial torque

After completion of dynamics analysis:

⑭ Click the Plot icon in the Analysis tab. ⇒ Double-click on ‘Translational Spring

Damper/Translation Spring 1’ under Force in the Plot database window. ⇒ The time history for

the spring force in the axial direction of ‘Translational Spring 1’ that is set between ‘Fixing point

1’ and ‘Rocker 4’ is drawn (Fig. 6.39).

Fig. 6.39 The time history spring forces of axial direction (in the case of torque excitation)

For the case of applying a constant amplitude torque that is different from the case of specified forced

rotation, a certain rotational torque is needed to keep it rotating because the driving shaft rotates by

overcoming the restoring force due to the spring. Fig. 6.39 shows the spring force in which the first

three cycles maintain rotation but the rest do not due to energy dissipation introduced from the

numerical damping of the integration solver. For stable computation, RecurDyn employs the

generalized α method. Here 0.6 is employed as the damping coefficient in the solver.

6.2 Motion of a three dimensional slider-crank mechanism

Consider a motion analysis of a three dimensional slider-crank mechanism. The reason why this

problem is considered is due to the fact that the problem is introductory and simple but still practical

and three dimensional. Creating RecurDyn analysis data, running RecurDyn with this data, obtaining

analysis results, and evaluating said results are a series of work tasks for users. Since it is

fundamentally important for users to know how to create input data for analysis, the data creation

procedure will be carefully given and duplicated explanations will be avoided as much as possible.

Fig. 6.40 shows a three dimensional slider-crank mechanism. CAD data for this mechanism has
already been created and stored in the file named ‘3DCrank_ML.x_t’. The geometries and dimensions

for this model are shown in Fig. 6.41 and Fig. 6.42.

Here, users will learn an analysis model creation method using RecurDyn by importing CAD body

data. There are two different types of constraining methods are shown in this problem:

1) Constraining a slider with a translational joint to the ground, and

2) Constraining the slider with a contact element to the ground

From explanations below, users will learn that there are several constraining methods depending on

the purpose of the analyses. Similarities and differences in the motions for different constraining

methods will also be observed from the analyses.

Revolute around X axis


Clank Connecting rod

Y Translate on X axis



Fig. 6.40 A three dimensional slider-crank mechanism

Driving Unit

Connecting rod

500 1300 300

450 1450


Fig. 6.41 Dimensions of the analysis model (X-Y plane)


Driving Unit


Y 160


Fig. 6.42 Dimensions of the analysis model (Z-Y plane)

In the three dimensional slider-crank mechanism shown in Fig. 6.40, the slider translationally

moves right and left by rotating the drive shaft at the upper left corner through the motion of the

connecting rod. The rotational motion of the driver about the axis of the driving shaft rotates the

crank about the driving shaft. The connecting rod is connected at one end to the crank and at the

other end to the slider, both with spherical joints. The assembled three dimensional mechanism

produces right and left slider motion in the X-direction due to the rotation of the crank.
The unit system adopted is mm [length], kg [mass], s [time]. The acceleration of gravity is 9806.65

(1) Constraining a slider with a translational joint to the ground

① Run ‘RecurDyn’.

⇒ The ‘Start RecurDyn’ window should

appear as in Fig. 6.43.

② Type in ‘SC_3D’ for the model name.

⇒Select MMKS from the pull down menu.

Select -Y from the Gravity pull down

menu. Click the OK button.

Fig. 6.43 RecurDyn Start window

- Body creation

The creation of the bodies is carried out by importing CAD data. The method for importing CAD

data is referred to in section 4.2(3). Here, CAD data in the file ‘3DCrank_ML.x_t’ is used (The data

can be downloaded from, which was originally

created by FunctionBay K.K., Japan).

Because the imported CAD data shown in Fig. 6.44 contains only the bodies’ coordinates,

angles, and geometries, users do not need to specify these types of information. Connecting

conditions such as joint, forces and contact elements between bodies are not specified. The main

work to create the model is to add this unspecified data to complete the analysis.

Having imported the CAD data,

bodies of the three dimensional slider-

crank were created within RecurDyn.
The next step is to add connecting
conditions between the bodies. ImportedBody3

- Joint creation

First, ImportedBody1 (base) and Fig. 6.44 Imported bodies

Ground, and ImportedBody4 (crank)

and ImportedBody5 (driving shaft) Revolute Joint

are connected by fixed joints (Fig.


③ For proper setting of a Fixed joint,

refer to procedure ④ in section 4.2 Fixed Joint


Fig. 6.45 Adding fixed Joints to the model

Next, ImportedBody4 and Imported

Body3 (rod), and Imported Body3 and

ImportedBody2 (slider) are fixed by

spherical joints.

Fig. 6.46 Spherical joint icon

④ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ Click the Spherical joint icon in the

Joint group (Fig. 6.46).

⇒ Select ‘Body, Body, Point’ from the pull

down menu in the Modeling Option

Toolbar (Fig. 6.46).

Fig. 6.47 ImportedBody4 Fig. 6.48 ImportedBody3
⇒ Click the crank (ImportedBody4) (Fig.


⇒ Click the rod (ImportedBody3) (Fig.


⇒ Click the center position ‘200,0,0’ of a

circle of the rod (Fig. 6.49).

⇒ Click the center position of the opposite

circle of the rod ‘1500,0,0’ (Fig. 6.50). Fig. 6.49 Center of Fig. 6.50 Center of
the rod circle the opposite rod circle
⇒ Follow the same procedure above, to set

the spherical joint between

ImportedBody3 and Imported Body2.

The fixing point is ‘1500,0,0’ (Fig.

Spherical Joint

Next, fix the driving shaft to the Ground

by a revolute joint. Fig. 6.51 Set a spherical joint

⑤ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ For setting a revolute joint, refer to

procedure ④ in section 4.2 (2). The fixing

point is located at ‘0,500,0’ and rotational

direction is about the X-axis (Fig. 6.52).

Fig. 6.52 Set a revolute joint
- Motion setting

The joint created here is saved as name

‘Revolute1’, which can be confirmed in the

Database window. Forced rotational velocity as a

driving motion is added to this revolute joint. Fig. 6.53 Motion button

⑥ The Property window of the revolute

joint1 in the Database Window is opened

by right-clicking. Then click ‘Include

Motion’ in Motion setting and click

Motion button as shown in Fig. 6.53.

⇒ The motion dialog should appear. Then

select and click ‘Velocity (time)’ from

the pull down menu called

‘Displacement (time)’, and click the

‘EL’ button (Fig.6.54). Fig. 6.54 Motion setting

⇒ Click the ‘Create’ button from the

‘Expression list’ dialog box (Fig. 6.55),

then input ‘2*pi’ in the Expression field

to create expressions (Fig. 6.56).

⇒ After clicking the OK button in the

same dialog box, click the OK button in

the Property window of Revolute joint 1.

When ‘motion’ has been set, the

Fig. 6.55 Expression list dialog box
icon for revolute joint 1 changes, and

becomes active (Fig. 6.57).

Next, fix the slider (ImportedBody2) to the

base (ImportedBody1) by a translational joint in

the X direction.

⑦ Click the Professional tab.

Fig. 6.56 Creation of expression
⇒ Click the Translational joint icon in the Joint

group (Fig. 6.58).

⇒ Select and click ‘body, body, point, direction’

from the pull down menu in the

Modeling Option Toolbar (Fig. 6.58).

Fig. 6.57Changed icon
⇒ Click ‘ImportedBody1’ in the Working

window (Fig. 6.59).

⇒ Click ‘ImportedBody2’ in the Working

window (Fig. 6.60).

⇒ Click any point on ‘Imported Body2’ in the

Working window. Fig. 6.58 Translational joint icon

⇒ Adjust and click the icon of the Translational

joint to control X direction (Fig. 6.61).

Fig. 6.59 Base body clicking Fig. 6.60 Slider body clicking



Fig. 6.61
Defining a fixed point and direction for the translational joint

- Execution of dynamic analyses

Now a dynamic analysis shall be run.

⑧ Click the Analysis tab.

⇒ Click the Dyn/Kin icon in the Analysis


⇒ The Dynamic/Kinematic Analysis dialog

box will appear. Set ‘5’ for the End Time,

and ‘500’ for the Step (Fig. 6.62). Select

IMGALPHA for the integrator in the

Parameter tab (not shown here).

⇒ Click the Simulate button.

Fig. 6.62 Dynamic/Kinematic Analysis dialog box

- Animation and graph viewing

The simulation results will be checked by showing animations and plots.

⑨ For animation viewing, refer to procedure ⑦ in section 4.2(2).

Here, time history position response for the X direction is displayed by starting up the plotter.

⑩ Click the Plot icon in the Analysis tab.

⇒ Double click on ‘Pos_TX/Imported Body2’ under

Bodies in the Plot database window (Fig. 6.63).

Then, time history position response at the mass center

of the slider (ImportedBody2) in the X direction is

Fig. 6.63 Plot database
displayed as in Fig. 6.64. From Fig. 6.64, the slider

motion can be studied.

Fig. 6.64
Time history position response at the mass center of the slider in the X direction
(for a slider constrained by a translational joint

(2) Constraining the slider with a contact element to the ground

In the problem given in section 6.2 (1), the imported body ‘ImportedBody2’ for the slider was

constrained by the translational joint. Here, a contact condition will be introduced for the same part

in the mechanism to realize translational motion.

- Delete the translational joint

It is assumed that the analysis is continued from the preceding case of section 6.2 (1).

⑪ In the preceding analysis model, click the Translational joint icon in the Working window or

ImportedBody2 in Joints of the Database window, then delete it by pressing the Delete key.

- Contact elements setting

Set the solid contact between the base

and the slider.

Fig. 6.65 Solid contact icon

⑫ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ Click the Solid contact icon in Contact

Fig. 6.66 Solid contact Modeling Option Toolbar
group (Fig. 6.65).

⇒ Select ‘Solid (Shell), Solid (Shell)’

from the pull down menu in the

Modeling Option Toolbar (Fig. 6.66).

⇒ Click base body (ImportedBody1) in

the Working window.

⇒ Click slider (ImportedBody2) in the

Working window.

⇒ Open the Property window of

SolidContact1 in the Database

window, set ‘100000’ for the Spring

Fig 6.67 Solid contact Property window
Coefficient and ‘1000’ for the

Damping Coefficient* (Fig. 6.67).


* The Spring Coefficient is a coefficient of restitution representing the rigidity of contact surfaces

between contacting two bodies. This is dependent on the value of indentation of the two bodies at a

contact point.

The Damping Coefficient is an energy dissipation coefficient representing damping characteristics

of contact surfaces between two contacting bodies. This is dependent on the relative speed between

the two contacting surfaces. These values cannot be obtained analytically. If these value are too

small, the slider does not move properly in the X direction. Contrary to this, if the values are too

large, the computation does not proceed properly. Trial and error should be carried out by judging

the slider’s motion.


- Execution of dynamic analyses

Now a dynamic analysis shall be run. By running the model under the same analysis conditions

from before except for the contact condition, a computational result is obtained as shown in Fig. 6.68.

This slider motion is almost identical to that of Fig. 6.64.

Fig. 6.68
Time history position of the center of mass for the slider in the X direction
(for a slider constrained by contact elements)

As the slider is constrained by the base with the contact element in this model, it contacts and

collides with the grooves of the base during motion. Contact forces in the Z direction, which is

perpendicular to the translational direction, can be checked by plotting FZ_SolidContact under

Fig. 6.69 Contact force in the Z direction between the base and the slider

‘Contact/Solid Contact/Solid Contact1’ in the Plot database window as shown in Fig. 6.69.

If a contact element is used for model creation then backlash due to clearance between the slider

and the groove in the base can be considered and a more realistic analysis model is gained. But,

analysis speed drops tremendously because contact judgement and computation of contact forces are

very time consuming.

6.3 Vibration of an elastic beam

Consider the vibration of an elastic beam. This model demonstrates how to create an elastic beam

analysis model by using rigid bars and rotational springs. The model is important because if users

learn how to make the model once, then model creation of elastic body systems for motion and

vibration problems can be carried out in the same way as will be presented in the elastic beam case

here by combining rigid bodies and springs.

An elastic straight cantilever beam is considered here. The analysis model shown in Fig. 6.70 will

be created within RecurDyn. Shapes and sizes of the model are given in Fig. 6.71. The purpose

Rotational constraints + rotational springs about Z-axis

Rigid bar


Fig. 6.70 Analysis model of an elastic cantilever beam

10 10 10 10 10


Fig. 6.71 Shapes and sizes of the analysis model

of the analysis is to calculate free vibration of the cantilever beam through creating the analysis

model with rigid bodies and springs using RecurDyn.

The elastic beam is divided into 5 equi-length elements as shown in Fig. 6.71. The left node of the

left-most bar element is constrained to the ‘Ground’ by a revolute joint about the Z-axis with a

rotational spring. The other bar elements are also connected at each node by a revolute joint about the

Z-axis with a rotational spring as shown in Fig. 6.71. The gravitational acceleration is applied to the

- Y direction, so the beam deforms toward the - Y direction until a static equilibrium state is

reached. The unit system used is mm [length], kg [mass], s [time]. The gravitational acceleration is

taken as 9806.65 [mm/s2].

Now create an analysis model using RecurDyn.

- Preparation

① Start up ‘RecurDyn’.

⇒ The Start RecurDyn window is opened

(Fig. 6.72).

② Type in ‘Flex_Beam’ as the model name.

⇒ Select ‘MMKS’ as the unit system

and ‘-Y’ as gravity’s direction, then

click the OK button.

③ Set ‘10’ for XGridSize in the Home tab,

and then press the Enter key. Set ‘10’ for

YGridSize in the Home tab, and then

Fig. 6.72 Start RecurDyn window
press the Enter key (Fig. 6.73).

- Body creation

Cylinder bodies are used in this analysis.

③ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ Click the Cylinder icon in Body group

(Fig. 6.74).

⇒ Select and click (Point, Point) from the

pull down menu in the Modeling Option

Fig. 6.73 Set grid size
Toolbar (Fig. 6.74).

⇒ Click coordinates (0,0,0,Ground) in the

Working window (Fig. 6.75).

⇒ Click the coordinates ‘10., 0, 0’ (Fig.

6.76). The same procedure is applied to

create the other four 10 mm long cylinders Fig. 6.74 Cylinder icon

in the horizontal direction (Fig. 6.77).

Fig. 6.75 Click ‘Ground’ Fig. 6.76 Click at ‘10,0,0’

Cylinder 1 Cylinder 2 Cylinder 3 Cylinder 4 Cylinder 5


Fig. 6.77 Creating the model by connecting 5 cylinder bodies in series

- Creation of joints

④ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ Click the Revolute joint icon in the

Joint group (Fig. 6.78).

⇒ Select ‘Body, Body, Point’ from the Fig. 6.78 Revolute joint icon

pull down menu of the Modeling

Option Toolbar (Fig. 6.78).

⇒ Click ‘Ground’ (Fig. 6.79).

⇒ Click ‘Cylinder 1’ (Fig. 6.80).

⇒ Click at ‘0,0,0’ (Fig. 6.81).

Fig. 6.79 Ground Fig. 6.80 Cylinder 1

Apply the same procedure for creating

revolute joints between the adjacent

cylinder elements about the Z-axis (Fig.

Fig. 6.81 Click at ‘0,0,0’
Fig. 6.82 Constraining two adjacent cylinder elements using revolute joints

- Addition of the rotational spring

Add rotational springs to the revolute joints.

⑤ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ Click the Rot. Spring icon in the Fig. 6.83 Rotational spring icon

Force group (Fig. 6.83).

⇒ Select ‘Joint’ from the pull down menu

of the Modeling Option Toolbar (Fig.

Fig. 6.84 Modeling Option

⇒ Click the revolute joints defined in ④

(Fig. 6.85).

Apply the same procedure for creating

Fig. 6.85 Click revolute joint
all rotational springs located at all revolute

joints (Fig. 6.86).

Fig. 6.86 Addition of rotational springs

⇒ Open the Property window by right-clicking the Rotational spring stored in the Database

window (Fig. 6.87).

⇒ Input ‘1’ [N・mm/rad] for the Spring Coefficient and ‘0.01’ [N・mm/rad・s] for the Damping

Coefficient (Fig. 6.87). ⇒ Click OK button.

Fig. 6.87 Properties for a Rotational Spring

- External force setting

Here, motion of the elastic beam under the force of gravity will be considered. The initial

configuration of the beam is straight in the horizontal direction. Under the effect of gravity, this

beam moves downward from rest position without any other external forces.

- Execution of dynamic analyses

Now a dynamic analysis shall be run.

⑧ Click the Dyn/Kin icon.

⇒ The Dynamics/Kinematic Analysis dialog

box will appear. Set ‘5’ [sec] for the End Time

and ‘100’ [-] for Step (Fig. 6.88).

⇒ Select ‘IMGALPHA’ for the numerical

integrator from the Parameter tab (not shown


⇒ Click the Analysis button.

Fig. 6.88 Setting analysis parameters

- Animation and graph viewing

Analysis results are checked by animations and plots.

⑨ Refer to procedure ⑦ in section 4.2(2) for animation viewing.

By starting up ‘Plot’, the time history response of Y directional beam displacement at Body 5’s

center of mass is output. The procedure is as follows:

⑩ Double click ‘Pos_TY’. This is under

‘Flex_Beam/Bodies/Body5’ in the Plot

Database window located on the right hand side

of the display (Fig. 6.89).

⇒ The time history response of Y directional

beam displacement at Body 5's center of mass

is displayed (Fig. 6.90).

Fig. 6.89
Plot Database window
for beam response

Fig. 6.90
Time history response of beam displacement at the center of mass for cylinder 5

An elastic cantilever beam was analyzed by using a combination of rigid cylinder bodies and

linear rotational springs. A rigid cylinder takes the mass of the beam element and the rotational

spring describing bending rigidity at its corresponding part of the beam. Proper determination of

the rotational spring coefficient is important for accurately calculating analysis results. Additionally,

proper determination of the rotational damping coefficient is fairly difficult.

6.4 Control of an inverted pendulum

A bar called an inverted pendulum is vertically set on a cart as shown in Fig. 6.91. The bar will

fall under the effect of gravity without any counter-measures. As a demonstration of a simple control

problem, consider the motion of the cart and that the bar on the cart remains vertical. This is called a

control problem of the inverted pendulum.

To do this, an analysis model must be created for the problem. The bar and the cart are created by

rigid bodies: a cylindrical bar and a box. The pendulum bar is fixed at its bottom end to the cart at the

center of the upper surface with a revolute joint as shown in Fig. 6.91. A control force is applied to the

cart at its center of gravity with respect to the ‘Ground’ by a two point force within RecurDyn. The

control force is applied by computing commands using IF statements in a conditional environment.


Y Base

Z Translational Joint

Fig. 6.91 Control of an inverted pendulum

Items to be learned in this section are:

1) A method for applying a two point force to an analysis model

2) A method for applying control commands to an analysis model

The cart is fixed by a translational joint in parallel to the X-axis so that the cart moves only in the

X direction. The pendulum bar is fixed at its lower end to the center of the cart on its upper surface

with a revolute joint. The rotational direction of the bar is about the Z-axis. Initially the inverted

pendulum is set slightly inclined from its vertical line. Due to the effect of gravity, the inverted

pendulum gradually falls to one side. The cart responds to the inclined angle of the inverted pendulum

by moving translationally with the direction to decrease said inclination by applying a two point force

between the cart and the ‘Ground.’ The proper creation of the control force sustains the inverted

pendulum’s stability. This simple control is observed hereafter.

The unit system used is mm [length], kg [mass], s [time]. The gravitational acceleration is taken

as 9806.65 [mm/s2].

Now create an analysis model using RecurDyn.

- Preparations

① Start-up ‘RecurDyn’.

⇒ Start RecurDyn window is opened.

② Input ‘Touritsu’ as a model name.

⇒ Select ‘MMKS’ as unit system and ‘-Y’ as

gravity’s direction, then click the OK button

(Fig. 6.92).

Fig. 6.92 Start RecurDyn window

- Body creation

Create the inverted bar using a cylinder body.

Refer to section 4.2(2) for a more detailed procedure.

③ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ Click the cylinder icon in the Body group.

⇒ Select and click ‘Point, Point, Radius’ from the pull down

menu in the Modeling Option Toolbar.

⇒ Click coordinates ‘0,0,0’ in the Working window.

⇒ Click coordinates ‘0,600,0’ in the Working window.

Fig. 6.93 Inverted bar body
⇒ Input ‘25’ in the Input Toolbar, then press the enter key.

Here the inverted pendulum bar has been created (Fig. 6.93).

The next is to create the base with a box body.

④ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ Click the box icon in the Body group.

⇒ Select and click ‘Point, Point, Depth’ from the pull down

menu in the Modeling Option Toolbar.

⇒ Click coordinates ‘-200, 0,0’ in the Working window.
Fig. 6.94 Base body
⇒ Click coordinates ‘200,-100,0’ in the Working window.

⇒ Input ‘200’ in the Input Toolbar, then press the enter key.

The base has been created (Fig. 6.94).

- Joint creation

Base body 2 is fixed to ‘Ground’ by a

translational joint in the X direction.

④ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ Click the translational joint icon in the

Fig. 6.95 Translational joint icon
Joint group (Fig. 6.95).

⇒ Select and click ‘Body, Body, Point,

Direction’ from the pull-down menu in

the Modeling Option Toolbar (Fig. 6.95).

⇒ Click Ground (Fig. 6.96).

⇒ Click Body 2 (Base body) (Fig. 6.97).

⇒ Click at any point on Body 2 (Fig.

Fig. 6.96 Fig. 6.97
Click Ground Click Base body 2
⇒ Click the translational joint to set

motion in the X direction (right and left)

(Fig. 6.99).

⑤ The next step is to set a revolute joint

between ‘Body 1’ and ‘Body 2’ about the

Z-axis. Fig. 6.98 Click Fig. 6.99

The detailed procedure is refered to in ④ of arbitray point on Body 2 Click the translational joint
to set motion in the X direction
section 4.2(2).


Fig. 6.100
Joint setting

Fig. 6.101
- Initial attitude Initial configuration of the inverted pendulum

The inverted pendulum is inclined -10° (10° in

the counter clockwise direction) about the Z-axis

from the vertical line passing through the revolute

joint (Fig. 6.101).

The method to rotate entities is referred to in

Fig. 6.102 Axial icon
procedure ⑤ of section 4.2(2).

- Driving Force setting

⑥ Click the Professional tab.

⇒ Click the Axial icon in the Force group

Fig. 6.103
(Fig. 6.102).
Modeling Option Toolbar for force setting
⇒ Select and click ‘Body, Body, Point, Point’

from the pull-down menu in the Modeling

Option Toolbar (Fig. 6.103).

⇒ Click Ground (Fig. 6.104).

⇒ Click Body 2 (Fig. 6.105).

⇒ Key in ‘-500,-50,0’ , the point A located on

the ground, in the Input Toolbar. Fig. 6.104 Ground Fig. 6.105 Body 2
⇒ Key in ‘0,-50,0’ , the point B located on

the Body 2, in the Input Toolbar.

Having finished setting the forces, the two point

force icon should appeared in the Working window

(Fig. 6.106).

Fig. 6.106 Two point force setting

The next step is to provide numerical expressions in the IF statement of the two point force.

⑦ Open the Property dialog of the two point force (see sect.5.4.1 (1)-(d)), and click the ‘EL’

button (Fig. 6.107).

⇒ Click the ‘Create’ button in the Expression List dialog box to view the Expression dialog box.

⇒ Type ‘IF(YAW(1,2):1000,0,-1000)’ in the Expression field*, then double click the ‘Add’

button in the Argument List (Fig. 6.108).

⇒ As shown in Fig. 6.108, drag and drop ‘Body1.Marker1’ under ‘Joint, Rotation1’ in the

Database window to the Entity field of the Argument List. Use the same procedure for


6.107 Click EL button in the Property dialog box of Axial1

Fig. 6.108 Creation of IF statements

* IF statement: Apply the control force F to the point B shown in Fig. 6.104 with respect to the
point A shown in Fig. 6.105. The force F [N] is calculated as F  1000 ;   0, 0 ;   0,
 1000 ;   0 where,  [rad] is the yaw angle, which is the angle of Argument 1
(Body1.Marker1) with respect to Argument 2 (Body2.Marker1). Thus, the control force acts so as
to prevent the inverted pendulum from falling down.

- Execution of dynamic analyses

Now a dynamic analysis shall be run. The procedure

of executing a dynamic analysis here is the exactly

same as was described in ⑧ of section 6.3.

- Animation and graph viewing

The analysis results are checked by animations and plots.

⑨ Refer to procedure ⑦ in section 4.2(2) for animation Fig. 6.109 Plot database window

The angle of the revolute joint is observed.

⑩ Double click on ‘Pos1_Relative’. This is under

‘Joints/Rotation1/Touritsu _5 _19’ in the Plot database window

(Fig. 6.109).

The time history response of the rotation angle of the joint is shown in Fig. 6.110.

Fig. 6.110 Time history response of rotation angle of the joint

It is observed that the relative angle between the vertical line passing through the joint and the

inverted pendulum approaches 0 [deg] when sufficient time passes. This means that the inverted

pendulum eventually reaches to a stable state standing up-right by controlling the base motion.

7. RecurDyn files
RecurDynHelp: [User Interface > RecurDyn Graphic User Interface > System Button]

Files that can be imported and exported using System button within RecurDyn are the followings:

(1) File formats that can be imported by the modeler

(a) Geometry files

- Parasolid (*.x_t, *.x_b)

- IGES (*.igs)

- STEP (AP203, AP214) (*.stp, *.step)

- ACIS (**.sat)

- CATIA (*.CATPart, *CATProduct)

- Shell data (*.shl)

- Stereo-lithography (*.stl)

- RecurDyn Body File (*.rdbd)

- RecurDyn Profile Files (*.rdpf)

(b) RecurDyn files

As RecurDyn files, RecurDyn RoadShell Files (*.rdf), RecurDyn Tire RoadShell Files

(*.rdf), RecurDyn Animation Data File (*.rad), RecurDyn Solver-Generated Animation

File (*.ran), RecurDyn Subsystem File (*.rdsb), RecurDyn Design Parameter File (*.rdp),

and RecurDyn SDK File (*.sdk) are provided (see Table xx).

(c) Other files

- ADAMS ADM File (*.adm)

- CAD Generated ADAMS CMD File (*.cmd)

(2) Files that can be exported by the modeler

(a) Geometry files

- CAD data (Parasolid, STEP, IGES, ACIS, CATIA)

- RecurDyn Body File (*.rdbd)

- RecurDyn Profile Files (*.rdpf)

(b) RecurDyn files

As RecurDyn files, RecurDyn Solver Data File (*.rmd), RecurDyn Subsystem File (*.rdsb), and

RecurDyn Design Parameter File (*.rdp) are provided (see Table xx).

(3) Files that can be imported by the plotter

- RecurDyn Plot Database File (*.rplt); Plot data automatically generated during simulation

- RecurDyn Plot Template XML File (*.rplx); Plotter template which includes graphic type, font,

color, and title

- RecurDyn DFRA Plot DataBase File (*.fplt); Plot data automatically generated during frequency

response analysis

- Text File (*.txt), Data File (*.dat)

(4) Files that can be exported by the plotter

- RecurDyn Plot Template XML File (*.rplx); Plotter template which includes graphic type,

font, color, and title

- Text File (*.txt)

- Bitmap File (*.bmp), Windows meta File (*wmf); Plotter screen shot

(5) Extensions of RecurDyn

Table 7.1 Extensions and summaries of RecurDyn

Extension Summary

bin Material library

icf Position and velocity of bodies at finish time in analysis

msg Message from a solver during analysis

out Initial conditions and equilibrium position of a model

plot Plot file including graph viewing properties

rad Animation data automatically created during analysis

ran Animation data for NX/Motion

rbak RecurDyn’s backup file created at starting up
Body data including marker and size information
rdbd (Only for bodies created within RecurDyn )

rdf Road data used in tire force

rdp, rpv, rpp Parameter file

rdpf Profile data

rdsb Subsystem data

rdyn RecurDyn’s model file

req Result data which is output by request setting

rmd Model data which is sent to a solver

rpi Property index value

rplt Plot data automatically generated during analysis

The file used during importation of a mechanism model
sdk created by NX/Motion into RecurDyn


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(4) J. Chung, J, ‘Numerically Dissipative Time Integration Algorithms for Structural Dynamics’,
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(5) Gerald Farin, Curves and Surfaces for Computer-Aided Geometric Design A Practical Guide,
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