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# Question Choosed answers Right answers

1. Increase the tension on 1. Check the surface of the

the brushes sliprings, polish if
necessary and bed in
the brushes

On routine daily inspection you notice that there is a light arching between an
alternator`s carbon brushes and rotor sliprings, with alternator operating at
70% load. Should you:

1. Reinforced pilot packing. 1. Thick paper (old charts).

A centrifugal pump has been opened and you are going to assemble the
housing. Flanges are ment for gasket, but there is no spare in stock. What is
the best alternative for gasket material?
1. Very high fuel oil 1. That no solid beam of
pressure out of nozzle fuel shall be present

What does atomizing mean when we talk about injectors?

1. Increase the pressure. 1. Use the "cleaning in

place" arrangement or
open the heat
exchanger for visual
inspection and manual

What will You do if the heat transfer capacity is dropping, and we know that
flow and heat energy corresponds to the specifications?
1. As specified in the 1. As specified in the
vessel` s Planned vessel` s Planned
Maintenance System, Maintenance System,
(Ref. Makers Instruction). (Ref. Makers

How often should greasing of pump bearings take place?

1. To be granted a proper 1. To obtain a proper

sealing with a new sealing and correct
gasket distance between piston
and cover in TDC

Most of the engine makers recommend to change the cylinder head gaskets
each time a piston overhaul is carried out. Why?
1. Fit oversize packing to 1. Re-pack the stuffing box
the stuffing box. loosely with the correct
size packing at the
earliest opportunity.

If it is found that a leakage from the gland of a centrifugal pump is excessive.

The correct procedure is:

1. Use a plastic hammer 1. Heat the ballbearing in

and knock it on the shaft. oil, and put it on the

You are overhauling a centrifugal pump and you are going to fit the
ballbearing (tight fit).How would you carry out the work?
1. To make sure gas 1. To make sure gas
pressure can enter freely pressure can enter
on top of and behind the freely on top of and
piston ring behind the piston ring

When carrying out piston overhaul, it is important to clean the ring grooves
properly. Why?

1. Any oil spillages to be 1. Use of dedicated, clean

salvaged for further use. dry transfer equipment,
ie. buckets, tubing and


What is the single most important factor when dealing with the hydraulic oil
for a crane?

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