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The Heart

Torah, Other Writings, Part One

Genesis 6:1-6 (Verse 6, “grieved”= “pain,” “vex;” “heart”= “center of intellect”)

Exodus 28:1-4, 29-30 (Verse 30, “Urim”= “lights;” “Thummim”= “perfections”)
Leviticus 19:16-17 (Verse 16, “tale-bearer”= “a scandal-monger (as traveling
Leviticus 26:14-19 (Verse 16, “sorrow”= “mope,” “pine”)
Numbers 15:37-41
Deuteronomy 4:1, 26-29, 39-40 (Verse 40, “commandments”= “law”)
Deuteronomy 5:27-29
Deuteronomy 6:1-8
Deuteronomy 10:12-16
Deuteronomy 11:13-19
Deuteronomy 15:9-10
Deuteronomy 28:65-68 (Verse 65, “trembling”= “timid,” “quiver”)
Deuteronomy 30
Judges 16:15-21
1 Samuel 2:1-8 (Verse 1, “rejoiced”= “to jump for joy”)
1 Samuel 16:1-7 (Notice in the very next chapter David kills Goliath)
1 Kings 3:5-12 (Verses 9-12, “heart”= “center of intellect”)
1 Kings 12:25-33 (Verse 33, “devised”= “invented”)
1 Kings 18:30-40
1 Chronicles 16:7-12
2 Chronicles 6:34-39
2 Chronicles 16:1-3, 7-9
2 Chronicles 26:1, 16-21
Ezra 7:6-10

Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Part Two

Psalm 7:7-10 (Verse 9, “trieth”= “investigate;” “reins”= “interior self”)

Psalm 13
Psalm 15:1-2 (Verse 2, “truth”= “stability”)
Psalm 17:1-3 (Verse 3, “proved”= “investigate”)
Psalm 19:7-14 (Verse 12, “secret”= “by covering”)
Psalm 26:1-4 (Verse 4, “dissemblers”= “veil from sight”)
Psalm 27:1-5, 14
Psalm 33:11
Psalm 34:17-22 (Verse 18, “broken”= “to burst”)
Psalm 37:1-6, 27-31 (Verse 4, “desires”= “petitions;” verse 31, “law”= “Torah”)
Psalm 40:8-10 (Verse 8, “heart”= “bowels,” “inward expression”)
Psalm 51:1-11, 16-17 (Verse 10, “clean”= “moral”)
Psalm 57:7-11 (Verse 7, “fixed”= “stand erect”)
Psalm 61:1-4 (Verse 2, “overwhelmed”= “darkness;” verse 4, “covert”=
Psalm 62:1-8 (Verse 8, “pour out”= “gush out”)
Psalm 66:16-20
Psalm 69:19-36
Psalm 73 (Verse 26, “strength”= “refuge”)
Psalm 78:5-8 (Verses 5 and 8, Torah (Law) connected to the heart)
Psalm 84
Psalm 86:8-12 (Verse 9, Zechariah 14:16-19; verse 11, “fear”= “revere”)
Psalm 94:11-15
Psalm 97:9-12 (Verse 11, “upright”= “straight”)
Psalm 101:1-5 (Verse 2, “perfect”= “integrity”)
Psalm 109
Psalm 111 (Verse 10, “his commandments”= Torah)
Psalm 112 (Verse 1, “his commandments”= Torah; verse 7, “fixed”= “prepared;”
verse 8, “established”= “sustained”)
Psalm 119:1-2, 10, 32-34, 69-70, 111-112 (“heart”= “intellect” and
“understanding;” seeking YHWH with the “whole heart”= keeping Torah)
Psalm 119:161 (“Awe”= “to be startled,” “sudden alarm”)
Psalm 139:23-24 (Verse 23, “search”= “to examine intimately”)
Psalm 140:1-3 (Verse 2, “imagine”= “to fabricate,” “to plot”)
Psalm 147:1-3 (Verse 3, “broken”= “to burst in pieces”)
Proverbs 3:1-4, 5-6 (Verse 3, “table”= “to glisten,” “as polished”)
Proverbs 4:23 (“Diligence”= “guard;” “issues”= “boundaries”)
Proverbs 7:1-3
Proverbs 14:30 (“Sound”= “a medicine,” “a cure”)
Proverbs 15:13-15, 28 (Verse 28, “studieth”= “ to ponder”)
Proverbs 16:1, 9
Proverbs 16:5 (“Proud”= “lofty”)
Proverbs 18:15 (“Prudent”= “inform,” “have intelligence”)
Proverbs 19:21 (“Devices”= “plan,” “plot”)
Proverbs 20:5
Proverbs 23:17
Proverbs 24:17-18
Proverbs 27:19
Proverbs 31:11
Ecclesiastes 3:11, 16-20
Ecclesiastes 5:1-2, 18-20
Ecclesiastes 7:1-7, 22-25
Ecclesiastes 8:5, 10-13
Ecclesiastes 11 (Verse 10, “sorrow”= “vexation”)

The Prophets, Part Three

Isaiah 1:1-5 (Verse 5, “faint”= “sick in menstruation”)

Isaiah 6
Isaiah 14:12-15 (The name of this once obedient angel is not “Lucifer,” which is
Latin. This angel's name is “Heylel”, which is Hebrew and the language Isaiah was
written in)
Isaiah 29:9-14 (Verse 13, “removed”= “to widen,” or distance themselves)
Isaiah 32:1-4 (Verse 4, “rash”= “to be liquid or flow easily,” hasty decisions)
Isaiah 38:1-8 (How one has lived is noticed by Elohim)
Isaiah 44:18-22
Isaiah 47:7-10 (Isaiah 47 parallels Revelation 18; Isaiah 47:9, “sorceries”=
“witchcraft;” Revelation 18:23, “sorceries”= “medication,” “witchcraft”)
Isaiah 51:1-7 (Verse 7, Torah in the heart)
Isaiah 57:15 (“Revive”= “recover,” “repair”)
Isaiah 59
Isaiah 65:11-16
Isaiah 66:12-17
Jeremiah 3:6-11, 17 (Verse 10, “feignedly”= “a sham;” verse 17, “imagination”=
“in the sense of twisted, i.e. firm; obstinacy”)
Jeremiah 4:1-9, 19
Jeremiah 5:19-25 (Verse 23, “revolting”= “to turn away,” “slide back”)
Jeremiah 9:23-26 (Verse 26, “uncircumcised”= “exposed,” not fit for Elohim)
Jeremiah 11:17-20 (Verse 20, “try the reins”= “investigate the mind”)
Jeremiah 14:13-15 (Verse 14, “deceit”= “fraud”)
Jeremiah 17:5-10 (Verse 9, “deceitful”= “fraudulent;” verse 10, “search”=
“examine intimately”)
Jeremiah 23:1-9, 26
Jeremiah 24
Jeremiah 29:11-14 (Verse 13, “search”= “inquire”)
Jeremiah 31:31-34 (Verse 33, “write”= “record”)
Jeremiah 32:36-41
Lamentations 1
Lamentations 3:41-42
Ezekiel 11:17-21 (Verse 21, “detestable”= “disgusting,” “filthy”)
Ezekiel 14:1-7
Ezekiel 18:30-32
Ezekiel 28:11-19
Daniel 5
Daniel 10:12 (“Set”= “commit”)
Hosea 7:11-16
Joel 2:12-13 (Verse 13, “rend”= “cut out,” “tear”)
Malachi 4:5-6 (Verse 6, “curse”= “extermination,” “utter destruction”)

The New Testament, Part Four

Matthew 5:8 (“Pure in heart”= “a clean mind”)

Matthew 5:27-28 (The opposite of Matthew 5:8)
Matthew 6:19-21 (Verse 21, “treasure”= “a deposit”)
Matthew 12:34-37
Matthew 15:1-9
Matthew 22:34-40 (Verses 36 and 40, “law”= Greek “Nomos,” however, Hebrew,
the language of Y'Shua (Jesus), “law”= Torah)
Mark 12:28-34
Luke 6:43-45
Luke 8:1-15 (Verse 15, “good heart”= “virtuous mind”)
Luke 10:25-28 (Verse 26, “law”= Nomos= Torah)
Luke 12:22-34 (Verse 34, “treasure”= “a deposit”)
John 12:37-43
John 14 (Verses 1 and 27, “troubled”= “to stir or agitate”)
Acts 2:37-38 (Verse 37, “pricked”= “to vex”)
Acts 4:32-35
Acts 5:29-33 (Verse 33, “cut to the heart”= “to saw asunder;” look at the different
attitudes in Acts 5:33 with the attitudes of Acts 2:37)
Acts 7:51-54 (Acts 5:33)
Acts 8:14-24
Acts 16:13-15
Acts 28:23-27 (Verse 27, “waxed gross”= “to stupefy or render callous”)
Romans 1:18-28
Romans 6:14-18 (Verse 17, “doctrine”= “instruction” (Greek “didache”)= Torah)
Romans 10:1-10
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
1 Timothy 1:3-6
2 Timothy 2:22 (“Pure”= “clean”)
Hebrews 3:12-15 (Verse 12, “unbelief”= “unfaithfulness,” “disobedience;” verse
15, “harden”= “render stubborn”)
Hebrews 4:12 (“Discerner”= “critical”)
Hebrews 10:19-22
1 Peter 1:22 (“Fervently”= “without ceasing”)
1 Peter 3:15-17 (Verse 16, “conscience”= “co-perception”)
1 John 3:18-22 (Verse 20, “condemn”= “to note against,” “to find fault”)

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