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vs the world
1. Introduction to Agile
2. Agile vs other ways to work
3. Case study
4. Conclusion

Introduction to Agile
Agile ???

An iterative and incremental approach to

developing software that incorporates
continuous feedback loops, adaptability
and collaboration.

Who is using this ?

Agile vs other ways to work


Agile vs Incremental

Agile vs Prototyping

Agile vs Spiral

Agile vs Waterfall

Pro’s and con’s of using Agile
Pro’s Con’s

Stakeholder engagement Not so concrete planing

Transparency Knowledgeable team required
Early and predictable delivery ⏳ Time Commitment from developers
Predictable cost and schedule Documentation can be neglected
✍ Allows for change Final product can be very different
Focuses on business value
Focuses on users
Improves Quality

A Scrum style Agile
process in a Finnish
insurance Company

Team members
● PO, Product Owner, plans and organizes the backlog(epics into stories into
tasks for the sprint) and knows the product.
● SM, Scrum Master, organizes the meetings, is the team leader and
communicates with other teams.
● BA, Business Analyst, analyses the technical parts of the product.
● Developer
● Tester
● Tester and developers there are usually 2-3 of each

Task Organization
● Epics, the big project to be done
○ PO’s task is to make these into smaller stories
● Stories, the sliced and specified parts of the epic
○ Before the sprint the stories are looked over and analyzed, to get an idea how big / difficult they
○ If needed clarification is asked from the PO
○ The stories get scored based on their size/difficulty
○ PO organizes/prioritizes these into the backlog in order of importance
● Start of sprint, planning
○ What to do next sprint
○ If the team has worked for some time, they’ve established their own velocity
○ From the backlog gets taken enough tasks to fill up the velocity, but not more
○ The tasks are shared between team members

Meetings, meetings, meetings
● Daily meeting
○ 15min long
○ Everyone gets their turn to speak up
○ What is done yesterday, what is done today, maybe also what will be done tomorrow
○ Any problems that is stopping work?, if so SM will try to fix it after the meeting
● Refinement Meeting
○ Only held if needed, possibly a few times a week around 1 hour long
○ Held to go through the story and to ask for clarification from the PO
○ Held to showcase work done so PO knows what direction the work is going
● Scrum of Scrums meeting
○ SM’s meet up to see how the different groups are doing and if there’s any dependencies between

Meetings, meetings, meetings part 2
● Review Meeting
○ What is done during the sprint is showcased
○ PO goes over this and either accepts task as completed or not
○ If task is completed, PO marks it in the backlog
○ If task is not complete, it will go as spill over to next sprint
● Retro meeting
○ Reflection over the last sprint
○ What went great, what went bad
○ Does anything need fixing in the workflow?

Getting to release
● Stabilization sprint
○ The last sprint before release
○ No development in this sprint
○ Every team member is testing the product
○ If anything critical is found, the developer might still get it fixed
● Preprod
○ An environment where automated testing software checks for business critical scenarios
○ Every test has to be passed to get through pre production
● New release deployed to production

Questions ?


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