Products Distribution Agreement

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Products Distribution Agreement

Between ________________, Legal representative of the Enterprise ________________, for a

part of whom will it be denominated THE PRODUCER and of another ________________,
legal representative of ________________, that for the effects of this contract it will be
denominated as the DEALER, We celebrate herein by the Document. Products of Distribution
Agreement which is ruled by the following clauses:

FIRST: Object. THE PRODUCER will deliver the Distributor a sales title for the following
products ________________ (The listing of Products and references relates) and the DEALER
obligates to acquire and distribute them in ________________ (The national territory,
departmental or local)

SECOND: Products Price. Products prices are related in the last point will be
________________, the one that it shall be readjusted to the new value every 12 months By
THE PRODUCTOR (It can be determined with the value of the dollar, the market, the weather,

THIRD: Autonomy. THE DEALER will act by his own account, ways and risks and it won’t be
submitted to labour or personal subordination that will be used in the execution of the object of
this contract with the PRODUCER, nor with the commercial mandate or the commercial agency
contract. And its Rights will be limited, according to the nature of the contract.

FOURTH: Loyalty Pact. The DEALER won’t be able to commercialize or distribute equal or
similar products that will compete with the products of the PRODUCER.

FIFTH: Industrial Property. The Industrial Property such as brands, names and commercial
teachings of invention patent and any other Industrial Property are from the PRODUCER and in
that way he will recognize the DEALER and its utility for the part of this last one, it will be only
to accomplish the object of this contract.

SIXTH: Technical and Commercial Information. The PODUCER must deliver to the
DISTRIBUTOR the information necessary in the way that he can developed normally the object
of this contract.

SEVENTH: Duration. This contract will have a validity of ________________ (Months, years)
that will be extended en equal periods, if 60 days before the initial maturity or the one with its
own extensions, the parts won’t need demonstration contrary by hand written to the another one.

EIGHT: Remuneration. The Price gap between the value that the PRODUCER has sold to the
DISTRIBUTOR and this last one sold to third parties will be the DEALER remuneration.

NINTH: Transport. The transportation merchandise costs shall be borne by the PRODUCER.
TENTH: Arbitration Court. In the case of conflict between the parts of this relative distribution
contract to this contract, its execution and liquidation, a conciliation diligence must be exhausted
before any authorized entity to effectuate it. If this fails, the differences will be brought before an
Arbitration Court of the domicile of the PRODUCER, the one that will be paid for equal parts.

In __________ (City), at the __________of the month of ________of _______

________________ ________________ PRODUCER, DEALER

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