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Theme Agriculture
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana
Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Objective  It is to promote organic farming and the products will be linked with the
Features  It will be implemented in a cluster based approach and farmers will be
funded to meet the expenditure from farm to market.
 There is no liability for farmers for expenditure on certification
Small Farmer's Agriculture-Business Consortium (SFAC)
 The scheme aims to support new ventures in agro-based industries and to
promote the farmer producer organisations (FPOs) and their integration in
agriculture value chain.
 SFAC gives Venture Capital Assistance and Project Development Facility to
supports the new ventures in agro based industries.
 Beneficiaries: Individuals, farmers, producer groups, partnership, propriety
firms, Self Help Groups and companies etc

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana

 Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. State Agriculture Departments to
Implemented be nodal agencies
Features  PMKSY is launched to provide convergence to existing schemes of water
management and thus brining efficiency to the use of water in irrigation.
 PMKSY is launched to become "end-to-end" solution in irrigation
 Providing soil health cards to identify suitability of soil for production capability
of soil
 Identify best nearby water resources in the area.
 Interlinking of rivers
 Use of satellite imagery and 3D photography to guide villages to use best
possible sources of irrigation
 Strengthening of Krishi Vigyan Kendras or agriculture science centres in all the
districts of the country to aid the farmers with new technology up gradation for
 Linkage of this scheme with the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Scheme to channelize the available work force to productive & value added
 PMKSY is an amalgamation of :
o Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) of Ministry of Water
Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation;
o Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) of Department of
Land Resources; and
o On Farm Water Management (OFWM) component of National Mission on
Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) of Department of Agriculture and Cooperation
 Decentralised implementation through State Irrigation Plan and District
Irrigation Plan.
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National Food Security Mission

Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Objective  It is launched to enhance the production of Rice, Wheat, Pulses, Coarse
Cereals and commercial crops (Cotton, jute and Sugarcane).
Features  Targets - Production of rice, wheat and pulses would be increased by 10,
8, 4 million tonnes respectively and Coarse cereals by 3 million tonnes.
 Funding - 50:50 by Centre and State for food crops and 100% centre
funding for cash crops.
 It would be implemented through cluster demonstration, distribution of
high yield seeds with farm mechanization, &Integrated pest management

National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA

Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Objective  The mega project has three major objectives of Strategic research,
Technology demonstrations and Capacity building.
Features  It was launched by Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR).
 Its aims to make farmers self-reliant by use of climate resilient
agricultural technologies and management of
natural and manmade resources for sustaining agriculture in the era of
climate change.
 It has four components:
1. Strategic research on adaptation and mitigation,
2. Technology demonstration to cope with current climate variability in
100 vulnerable districts,
3. Capacity Building
4. Sponsored competitive research to fill critical gaps

Mera Gaon – Mera Gaura

Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Objective  Providing scientific know-how to farmers directly
Features  The scheme envisages scientists to select villages and provide information
to the farmers on technical and other related aspects.
 It includes scientist functioning at the various centers and institutes of the
Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) and working with state
agricultural universities.
 They may function with the help of KVKs and Agriculture Technology
Management Agency (ATMA)

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Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Objective  RKVY – RAFTAAR scheme will incentivize States in enhancing more
allocation to Agriculture and Allied Sectors to achieve 4% growth rate.
Features  Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) is an ongoing centrally sponsored
scheme started from XI Five Year Plan period.
 RKVY has been approved to continue as RKVY- Remunerative Approaches
for Agriculture and Allied sector Rejuvenation (RKVY-RAFTAAR) for three
years i.e. 2017-18 to 2019-20
 It will provide considerable flexibility and autonomy to states in planning
and executing programmes for investment in agriculture and allied
 The funds would be provided to the States as 60:40 grants between
Centre and States (90:10 for North Eastern States and Himalayan States).
 The allocations are based up on the State plan expenditure for
Agricultural sectors which is determined based on the average
expenditure incurred by the State Government during the three years
prior to the previous year.
 The preparation of the District and State Agriculture Plans is mandatory
and encourages convergence with other programmes such as NREGS.
 It ill also stre gthe far er s efforts through reation of agriculture
infrastructure that help in supply of quality inputs, market facilities etc.
 It will further promote agri-entrepreneurship and support business
models that maximize returns to farmers.
 Sub-schemes under RKVY include
1. Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India (BGREI)
2. Additional Fodder Development Programme (AFDP)
3. Saffron Mission
4. Crop Diversification Program
5. Livestock Health & Disease Control / Foot & Mouth Disses (FMD)
6. Beekeeping
7. Targeting Rice Fallow Areas (TRFA)

Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Objective  Enable farmers to sell their produce through auction without middlemen
Features  e-Rashtriya Kisan Agri Mandi (E-RaKAM) is a digital platform portal
enables farmers to sell their agricultural products through auction.
 Various E-Rakam centers are being developed to facilitate farmers for
online sale their products across the country.
 The farmers would get the payment for their products directly into their
bank accounts without any intermediaries.
 CWRC, a subsidiary of the Central Warehousing Corporation Ltd, will
provide logistics support for sellers and buyers in case they need it

Project CHAMAN
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Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Objective  to provide strategic development to the horticulture sector, so as to
i rease far ers i o e.
Features  It is a pioneer project being implemented by National Crop Forecast
Centre (MNCFC) using remote sensing technology and is likely to be
completed in March 2018 in all the states.
 The Geo-Spatial Studies like crop intensification, orchard rejuvenation
and aqua-horticulture are deployed for preparing reliable estimates of
crop production

National Programme on use of Space Technology for Agriculture (NPSTA)

Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Objective  integrated use of Space and Geospatial Tools for Mapping, Monitoring
and Management of Agriculture.
Features The current running programmes will be subsumed under this. They are
i. Project FASAL (for crop forecasting),
ii. Project NADAMS (for drought assessment),
iii. Project CHAMAN (for horticultural assessment and development),
iv. Project KISAN (for crop insurance) and Crop Intensification planning.
 The programme will have four sub-programmes such as Crop Assessment
& Monitoring, Agricultural Resources Management, Disaster Monitoring
and Mitigation, Satellite Communication and Navigation Applications

National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET

Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Objective  to restructure and strengthen agricultural extension machineries to
enable delivery of appropriate technology and improved agronomic
practices to farmers.
Features  It is envisaged to be achieved by physical outreach and interactive
methods of information dissemination, use of ICT, popularisation of
modern and appropriate technologies, availability of quality seeds, plant
protection etc.
 It amalgamates all the existing agricultural extension schemes and
regroups in to 4 Sub Missions such as
i. Sub Mission on Agricultural Extension (SMAE)
ii. Sub-Mission on Seed and Planting Material (SMSP)
iii. Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM)
iv. Sub Mission on Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine (SMPP

National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)

Implemented Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
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Objective  to transform Indian agriculture into a climate resilient production system

through suitable adaptation and mitigation measures in domains of both
crops and animal husbandry.
Features  Promotes location specific integrated/Composite Farming Systems;
 Conserve natural resources through appropriate soil and moisture
conservation measures;
 Adopt comprehensive soil health management practices;
 Optimize utilization of water resources through efficient water
management to expand coverage for achieving more crop per drop;
 Develop capacity of farmers & stakeholders.

Implemented  Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology
Objective  to connect farmers, scientist and science institution across country
Features  KISAN stands for Krishi Innovation Science Application Network
 Under it, fellowship will be given to women farmers for training and
education in farm practice.
 Under it scientists will spend time on farms and link communication tools to
soil, water seed and market
 The main aim of the scheme is to understand individual problems of the small
holding farmers and provide ready solutions.
 It will be implemented in 15 agro-climatic zones of India in phased manner
with objective of linking new technology to farm by understanding problem
of local farmer
 Biotech-KISAN will connect farmers to best global practices; training
 It is a new programme that empowers farmers, especially women farmers.
 It is a Farmer centric scheme launched by of the Department of
 Biotech-KISAN aims to link farmers, scientists and science institutions across
the country in a network that identifies and helps solve their problems in a
cooperative manner.
 The scheme includes the Mahila Biotech- KISAN fellowships, for training and
education in farm practices, for women farmers.
 The Scheme also aims to support the women farmers/ entrepreneur in their
small enterprises, making her a grass root innovator.
 Biotech-KISAN will connect farmers to best global practices; training
workshops will be held in India and other countries.

Cattle Genomics Scheme

Implemented  Ministry of Science and Technology
Objective  boosting selective breeding of the native livestock more accurately to ensure
high-yielding, disease-resistant, resilient livestock.
Features  Under it, government will undertake an ambitious project of genome
sequencing of 40 registered indigenous cattle breeds of India.
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 Besides, a high-density DNA chips will be developed under this scheme to

reduce the cost and time interval of breeding of the native livestock.

Mission Fingerling
Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Objective  to enable holistic development and management of fisheries sector in India.
 The mission aims to achieve the target to enhance fisheries production from
10.79 mmt (2014-15) to 15 mmt by 2020-21 under the Blue Revolution
Features  Government has identified 20 States based on their potential and other
relevant factors to strengthen the Fish Fingerling production and Fish Seed
infrastructure in the country.
 This program will facilitate the establishment of Fingerling rearing pond and
 This will converge in the production of 20 lakh tonnes of fish annually, which
will in turn benefit about 4 million families.

National Agriculture Market (NAM)

Implemented Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers
by Welfar
What is NAM?  A Central Sector scheme for Promotion of National Agriculture Market
through Agri-Tech Infrastructure Fund (ATIF) through provision of the
common eplatform
Rationale  NAM is the step in direction of a unified national agricultural market hitherto
fractured by APMCs
Features  It is going to implemented by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
through Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC)
 NAM is not replacing the mandis. NAM is an online platform with a physical
market or mandi at the backend enabling buyers situated even outside the
state to participate in trading at the local level
 It seeks to leverage the physical infrastructure of mandis through an online
trading portal, enabling buyers situated even outside the state to participate
in trading at the local level.
 This e-platform aims to provide more options to farmers to sell their produce
and is part of implementation of the roadmap for doubling income of the
farmers by 2022
 NAM is currently being launched in 21 mandis and it will offer trade in –
chana, castor seed, paddy, wheat, maize, onion, mustard and tamarin
eNAM  e-National Agriculture Market (NAM) is a pan-India e-trading platform. It is
designed to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities
 Farmers can showcase their produce online from their nearest market and
traders can quote price from anywhere
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 It will result in increased numbers of traders and greater competition. It will

also ensure open price discovery and better returns to farmers
 Central Sector Scheme. Willing states enact suitable provisions in their APMC
act for integration with the e-platform.

National Mission on BioEconomy

Important  Launched in Shillong, Meghalaya
Points  Launched by Institute of Bio-resources and Sustainable Development (IBSD
 Objective: to boost rural economy by utilizing bio-resources. Besides, it can
create a large number of jobs at village level.
 It also focuses on sustainable utilization of renewable biological resources for
food, bio-energy and bio-based products through knowledge-based approaches
 It has pote tial to ge erate e solutio s for the pla et s ajor halle ges i
the field of energy, food, health, water, climate change and deliver social,
economic and environmental benefits.
 Bioeconomy is a new concept and few countries like US, Canada, European
Union (EU) and Australia have started initiatives in this field.
 India is the fast-growing bioeconomy at US 35 billion dollars in 2015, which can
even rise to USD 100 billion in future

National Mission on Oilseeds & Oil Palm (NMOOP)

Objective  to expand area under oilseeds,
 harness the potential in the area/ districts of low productivity,
 strengthening inputs delivery mechanism,
 strengthening of post-harvest services besides a focus on tribal areas for tree
bourn oilseeds.
 Increasing irrigation coverage under oilseeds from 26% to 36%
 Expansion of cultivation of Oil Palm and tree borne oilseeds in watersheds and
Features  Started in 2014-15
 NMOOP envisages bringing an additional 1.25 lakh hectares under oil palm
cultivation through area expansion approach in the States including utilisation
of wastelands
 The States currently engaged in oil palm cultivation are Andhra Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha,
Tamil Nadu, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland,
Sikkim, Tripura and West Bengal.
Significance  I dia s edi le oil imports are rising steeply. In the past 13 years, import of crude
of oilseeds and refined oil was reported to have quadrupled and the import bill in this
regard is expected to touch $ 15 billion in 2016-17.
 The oilseed accounts for 13% of the Gross Cropped Area, 3% of the Gross
National Product and 10% value of all agricultural commodities.

Neeranchal National Watershed Project
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Objective The project aims to fulfil the watershed component of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi
Sinchai Yojana (PMSKY) to reduce surface runoff of rainwater, increase
groundwater levels and better water availability in rain-fed area
Features Neeranchal is primarily designed to address the following concerns:
 bring about institutional changes in watershed and rainfed agricultural
management practices in India,
 build systems that ensure watershed programmes and rainfed irrigation
management practices are better focussed, and more coordinated, and have
quantifiable results,
 devise strategies for the sustainability of improved watershed. management
practices in programme areas, even after the withdrawal of project support,
 through the watershed plus approach, support improved equity, livelihoods,
and incomes through forward linkages, on a platform of inclusiveness and
local participation World Bank assisted project
 It will be implemented across nine States – Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and
 It can be considered as a new version of Integrated Watershed Management

Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Unnat Krishi Shiksha Scheme

Objective  Started in 2016 to promote Agricultural Education in India
Features  Under the scheme 100 centres are opened with a fund of Rs.5.35 crore.
 Attra ti g a d retai i g outh i Agri ulture ARYA is a proje t sa tio ed
by the Indian Council of Agriculture (ICAR) and is being implemented at Krishi
Vigyan Kendra (KVKs).

Pashudhan Sanjivan
Features  An animal wellness programme encompassing provision of Animal Health
Cards - Nakul S asthya Patra .
 It also issues UID identification of animals in milk and establish a National
Database for controlling the spread of animal disease and keep tracking of
trade in livestock and its products
 The main objective of the project was to provide complete knowledge and
skill on processing, value addition and marketing of coconut and banana
products through capacity building programmes involving research and
development organizations.

E-Pashudhan Haat Portal

Features  It is launched under the National Mission on Bovine Productivity for
connecting breeders and farmers of indigenous breeds.
 This portal helps farmers to be aware about breed wise information on
indigenous breeds. Farmers/breeders can sale animals of indigenous breeds
through this portal.
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Rashtriya Gokul Mission

Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. State Agriculture Departments to
by be nodal agencies
 The objectives of this mission includes Conservation of indigenous breeds
and their development to improve their genetic makeup, enhancing the milk
productivity and distribution of disease free high genetic merit bulls for
natural service.
 conservation and development of indigenous breeds in a focused and
scientific manner
 It is a project under National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy
 i ple e ted through State I ple e ti g Age ies SIA iz Li esto k
Development Boards.
 It is implemented on 100% grant-in-aid basis and throughout the country.
Additional info It includes:
 Esta lish e t of I tegrated I dige ous attle e tres Gokul Gra .
 Esta lish e t of Breeder s so ieties Gopala Sa gh .
 A ard to Far ers Gopal Rat a a d Breeders so ieties Ka adhe u .
 Assistance to institution which are repositories of best germplasm

Revenue Insurance Scheme for Plantation Crop

Implemented  Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Objective  To protect plantation growers from the risks such as pest attacks, yield loss
and income decline caused by fall in prices
Features  RISPC announced in September 2016 is improved form of the Price
Stabilization Fund (PSF) Scheme, 2003 which was closed 2013.
 It was launched for protecting growers of plantation crops from twin risks
of :
o Yield loss due to pest attacks, adverse weather parameters etc. and
o Income loss caused by fall in domestic and international prices.
 It shall be covering tea, coffee, rubber, cardamom and tobacco plantations
and shall be implemented by the commodity boards.
 It will be implemented on a pilot basis for two years i.e. till 2018 in eight
districts in West Bengal, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Sikkim
and Tamil Nadu.
 On the basis of performance of the scheme in pilot project, it will be
considered for extension to other districts
 Scheme will cover income loss arising out of yield loss due to non-
preventable risks viz. drought, dry spells, flood, pest and diseases, hail
storm etc and price fluctuation due to fall in international/domestic prices
the average price of last 5 years excluding the current year.
 It covers small growers of Rubber, Tea, Coffee (Robusta and Arabica),
Tobacco and Cardamom having 10 ha or less landholding.
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Soil Health Card Scheme

Implemented  Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare
What is the SHC  The Soil Health Card is a printed report that will be given to farmers once in
three years for each of his/her
 It will contain crucial information on:
o macro nutrients in the soil, secondary nutrients and micro nutrients
o Type of soil
o Fertilizer type to be used
o Crop suitability for the type of soil and climate
 The card will be accompanied by an advisory on the corrective measures
that a farmer should take to improve soil health and obtain a better yield.
Features  The Central Government provides assistance to State Governments for
setting up Soil Testing Laboratories for issuing Soil Health Cards to farmers.
 The state governments will prepare yearly action plan on the issue and the
cost will be shared in the ratio of 75:25 between the Centre and state

Implemented  Ministry of Agriculture (With back end support from Ministry of Earth
by Sciences i.e. IMD )
Objective  To provide timely alerts on extreme weather conditions to farmer
Features  Started in 2015
 The extreme weather data originated from IMD is being moved to mKisan
portal using a web service
 From mKisan Portal warnings regarding extreme weather conditions are
automatically and instantaneously transmitted by SMS to farmers located in
affected district/blocks

Krishi Kalyan Cess

Features  Imposed in 2016
 0.5% on all taxable services w.e.f. 1st June 2016.
 Proceeds from this would be exclusively used for financing initiatives for
improvement of agriculture and welfare of farmer
 The proceeds are first credited to the Consolidated Fund of India and the
Central Government may, after due appropriation made by Parliament,
utilise the money for such specified purposes as it may consider
 KKC is different from the Krishi Kalyan Surcharge (KKS). Surcharge levied
at 7.5% of the undisclosed income will be called as KKS, which is also to
be used for agriculture and rural economy.
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Theme Food/Nutrition
National Food Security Act, 2013
Implemented Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
Objective  It aims to provide subsidized food grains to approximately two thirds of
India's population i.e 75% in rural areas and 50% in urban areas.
Features  It converts the various existing food security schemes into legal
entitlements (i.e.) from welfare based approach to rights based approach.
 It includes the Midday Meal Scheme, ICDS scheme and the PDS. It also
recognizes maternity entitlements.
 Under NFSA, each beneficiaries is entitled to 5 kilograms of food grains
per month at Rs3 ,Rs. 2 , Rs. 1 per kg for rice, wheat and coarse grains
 However, the beneficiaries under Antyodaya Anna Yojana will keep
receiving the 35 Kg per household per month at same rates.
 It guarantees age appropriate meal, free of charge through local
anganwadi for children up to 6 months and one free meal for children in
age group 6-14 years in schools.
 Every pregnant and lactating mother is entitled to a free meal at the local
anganwadi as well as maternity benefits of Rs 6,000, in installments.
Maternal benefits not extended to Government employees.
 The identification of eligible households is left to state governments

National Nutrition Mission (NNM)

Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  improving the nutritional status of Children from 0-6 years, Pregnant
Women and Lactating Mothers.
Targets i. preventing and reducing stunting in children (0-6 years)
ii. preventing and reducing underweight prevalence in children (0-6 years)
iii. reducing Low Birth Weight (LBW)
iv. reducing the prevalence of anaemia among young Children (6-59 months)
v. reducing the prevalence of anaemia among Women and Adolescent Girls
in the age group of 15-49 years
Features  launched recently with a three year budget commencing from 2017-18.
 The mission ensures convergence with various other programmes related
to women and child.

 Anganwadi Services
 Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana
 Scheme for Adolescent Girls (WCD Ministry)
 Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)
 National Health Mission (Health & Family Welfare Ministry)
 Swachh Bharat Mission (Drinking Water & Sanitation Ministry)
 Public Distribution System (Consumer Affairs Ministry, Food &
Public Distribution)
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 MGNREGS (Rural Development Ministry)

 One of the key activities is Information and Communication Technology
enabled Real Time Monitoring (ICTRTM) of Integrated Child Development
Scheme (ICDS).

Price Stabilisation Fund Scheme

Implemented  Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
Objective  To regulate the price volatility of important agri-horticultural commodities
like onion, potatoes and pulses
Features  The scheme provides for maintaining a strategic buffer of aforementioned
commodities for subsequent calibrated release to moderate price volatility
and discourages hoarding and unscrupulous speculation.
 For building such stock, the scheme promotes direct purchase from
far ers/far ers asso iatio at far gate/Ma di.
 The PSF is utilized for granting interest free advance of working capital to
Central Agencies, State/UT Governments/Agencies to undertake market
intervention operations.
 Apart from domestic procurement from farmers/wholesale mandis,
import may also be undertaken with support from the Fund.

Antyodaya Anna Yojana

Implemented  Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
Objective  to make Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) more focused and
targeted towards the poorest section of population.
Features  Beneficiary families under the scheme are distributed 35 kg of rice and
wheat at the rates of Rs. 3 per kg and Rs. 2 per kg respectively.
 Coarse grains, on the other hand, are distributed at the rate of Rs. 1 per
 Other families that are not part of AAY but are covered under NFSA
receive grains at the rate of Rs. 5 per kg.
 Under the scheme, subsidies are fully borne by the central government
and States/UT bears the distribution cost.
 The scheme has been expanded to cover 2.50 cr households and scale of
issue has been increased to 35 kg per family per month

Sub Theme : Food Processing

Mega Food Parks
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Implemented Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Objective  Providing a mechanism to link agricultural production to the market by
bringing together farmers, processors and retailers
Features  The food parks aims to ensure maximizing value addition, minimizing
astage, i reasi g far ers i o e a d reati g e plo e t
opportunities particularly in rural sector.
 It is ased o Cluster approach and envisages a well-defined processing
zone containing state-of-the art processing facilities with support
infrastructure and well-established supply chain.
 Pattern of Assistance -
In General areas - one time capital grant of 50% of the project cost subject
to a maximum of Rs.50 crore.
In Hilly & Difficult terrain - Capital grant of 75% of the project cost subject
to a maximum of Rs. 50 crore in North East Regions.

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana

Implemented Ministry of Food Processing Industries
Objective  To supplement agriculture, modernize processing and decrease
Agriculture waste.
Features  Central Sector Scheme
 The implementation period of the scheme is 2016-20 coterminous with
the 14th Finance Commission cycle.
 It is a comprehensive package to give a renewed thrust to the food
processing sector in the country.

Theme Women Children and Youth

Janani Suraksha Yojana
Implemented Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective  to reduce maternal and infant mortality by promoting institutional
delivery among pregnant women by providing conditional cash assistance
of Rs.1400.
Features  There is no bar on age of mother, number of children or type of institution
i.e a government or accredited private health facility.
 Financial assistance under JSY is available to all pregnant women in states
that have low institutional delivery rates, namely, UP, Uttarakhand, Bihar,
Jharkhand, MP, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Rajasthan, Odisha, and J&K.
They are categorized as Low Performing States (LPS).
 In High Performing States (HPS), where the levels of institutional delivery
are satisfactory, pregnant women from BPL/SC/ST households only are
entitled for JSY benefit.
 The scheme also provides performance based incentives to ASHAs.
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Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK)

Implemented Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective Promoting Institutional Delivery
Features  The scheme entitles all pregnant women delivering in public health
institutions to an absolutely free and no expense delivery including C-
 All expenses are borne by the government.
 A pregnant woman is also entitled to free transport from home to the
government health facility.
 Entitlements include free drugs and consumables, free diagnostic, free
blood, free diet up to 3 days for normal delivery and 7 days for C-section.
 Similar entitlements have been put in place for all sick newborns
accessing public health institutions for healthcare till 30 days after birth.
 It also provides for free transport from home to institution, between
facilities in case of a referral and drop back home.
 This initiative will also help in reducing maternal and infant mortality and

Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahayog Yojana

Implemented  Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  Conditional Maternity Benefit (CMB) for pregnant and lactating women to
improve their health and nutrition status to better enabling environment by
providing cash incentives to pregnant and nursing mothers.
Features  100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme
 It is being implemented using the platform of Integrated Child Development
Services (ICDS) Scheme
 The beneficiaries are paid Rs.6000/ in two instalments through bank
accounts or post office accounts.
a. The first instalment is given in third trimester i.e. seven to nine months of
pregnancy and
b. The Second installment is given six months after delivery on fulfilling
specific conditions.
 The beneficiaries would be pregnant women of 19 years of age and above
for first two live births (benefit for still births will be as per the norms of
 All Government/PSUs (Central & State) employees are excluded from the
scheme as they are entitled for paid maternity leave.
 The scheme addresses short term income support objective with long term
objective of behavioural and attitudinal changes

Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)

Implemented  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
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Objective  to provide free health check-ups to pregnant women at government health

centres and hospitals
Features  The national programme aims to provide pregnant ladies free ante-natal
services (ANC) and required treatment for free on 9th of every month.
 Objectives of the scheme are
o Provide healthy life to the pregnant women.
o Lowering the maternity mortality rate.
o Making pregnant women aware of their health issues and diseases.
o Making sure safe delivery and healthy life of the baby.
 The scheme is applicable only for the pregnant women in their pregnancy
period of 3 to 6 months.
 It will provide all kinds of medical check-ups completely free to pregnant
 These check-ups will take place at the medical centres, government and
private hospitals and private clinics across the country.
 These free of cost tests will include blood pressure, sugar level, weight,
haemoglobin test, blood test and screening.
 Women will be marked differently using different colour stickers based on
their health problems so that doctors can easily detect the problem.
 Different colour stickers will be Red Sticker for Serious patients, Blue Sticker
for High blood pressure and Yellow Sticker for Other diseases

Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme

Implemented  to ensure equitable share to a girl child in resources and savings of a family
Features  It is small deposit scheme for girl child launched under "Beti Bachao, Beti
Padhao" Scheme
 The scheme offers higher interest rate than PPF.
 But it is only for girls below age of 10 years with longer lock in period.
Factual Information:
 Started in 2015
 Investment type: small deposit account
 Where: post office and selected banks
 Max number of account: 1 account per girl
 Max number of accounts per family: max. 2 girl child
 Age: from birth till 10 years of girl child
 Min. deposit: Rs. 1000/ per year, further multiple of Rs. 100
 Max. deposit: 1.5 lakh/year
 Interest rate: 9.1% of financial year 2014-15. It will change every year
 Partial withdrawal: 50% allowed at the age of 18 years of girl for
 Maturity : 21 years from the date of account open or marriage,
whichever is earlier
 100% of the amount can be withdrawn after girl child turns 18 is
allowed and the provision of not allowing the withdrawal till the age
of 18 is to prevent early marriage.

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Implemented Ministry of Finance

Objective  socio-economic empowerment of Adolescent Girls and Young women
Features  It seeks to empower the adolescent girls with basic life skills and
thereafter provide further opportunities to acquire market driven skill
training or completion of secondary education.
 It has 3 main components - (i) Expanding social, educational and
economic opportunities (ii) improve
livelihood opportunities by developing participants' skills (iii) Strengthens
o e s parti ipatio i lo al
 Recently, India signed financing agreement with World Bank
(International Development Association) for funding of this scheme.

Operation Muskaan
Implemented Union Ministry of Home Affairs
Objective  to prevent child trafficking and rescue children from persons who try to
engage them in begging, sexual trade and other antisocial activities.

SABLA - Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girl

Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  Enable the adolescent girls for self-development and empowerment,
Improve their nutrition and health status, Promote awareness about
health, hygiene, nutrition, adolescent reproductive and sexual health
(arsh) and family and child care and to educate, skill and make them ready
for life s halle ges.
Features  centrally sponsored scheme to empower adolescent girls of 11-18 years
and it is implemented through the State Governments/UTs.
 an integrated package of services such a
o Nutrition provision
o Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) supplementation
o Health check-up and Referral services
o Nutrition & Health Education (NHE)
o v. Counseling/Guidance on family welfare, Adolescent Reproductive and
Sexual Health (ARSH) , child care practices and home management
o Life Skill Education and accessing public services
o vii. Vocational training for girls aged 16 and above under National Skill
Development Program (NSDP)
 All Components except nutrition provision will get 100% financial
assistance from the Central Government.
 The nutrition provision will be funded by Central government up to the
extent of 50%

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Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development

Objective  To prevent trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual
exploitation through social mobilization and involvement of local
communities, awareness generation programmes, etc.
 To facilitate rescue of victims from the place of their exploitation and
place them in safe custody.
 To provide rehabilitation services
 To facilitate reintegration of the victims into the family and society at
 To facilitate repatriation of cross-border victims to their country of origin

Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  To prevent
Features  It caters to primary needs of women in difficult circumstances.
 This is a Central sector scheme for integrated services to women in
difficult circumstances like destitute widows, women prisoners released
from jail and without family support, women survivors of natural
disasters, trafficked women/girls , mentally challenged women etc.
 The package of services include provision for food, clothing, shelter,
health care, counselling and legal support, social and economic
rehabilitation through education, awareness generation , skill

Swadhar Greh Scheme

Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  To provide institutional support to women who have suffered violence
Features  The Scheme is implemented to target women victims.
 Women victims of difficult circumstances who are in need of institutional
support for rehabilitation are being given help so that they could lead
their life with dignity
 The Scheme envisages providing shelter, food, clothing and health as well
as economic and social security for women victims.
 The scheme focuses on establishing one SwadharGreh in each district

Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP)

Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  to provide skills that give employability to women and to provide
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competencies and skill that enable women to become self-


Priyadarshini Scheme
Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  Women Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme in the Mid Gangetic
Features  The focus of the project is on livelihood enhancement, the beneficiaries
will be empowered to address their political, legal, health problems issues
through rigorous capacity building

Mahila E-Haat
Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  Providing support to women entrepreneurs
Features  It is a bilingual portal provides unique direct online marketing platform
leveraging technology for supporting women entrepreneurs/SHGs/ NGOs
for showcasing their products / services

Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  Effective implementation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at
Workplace Act, 2013
Features  It is a one-stop centre for providing medical, legal and rehabilitation
facilities for women subjected to any kind of violence

SHe-box Portal
Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  to enable women employees to file complaints related to sexual
harassment at the workplace
Features  SHe-box (Sexual Harassment electronic box) is an online platform

Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective  to connect the Centre to the state government, district and to all project
societies for effective implementation of NCLP
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Features  PENCIL (Platform for Effective Enforcement for No Child Labour) is an

electronic platform for no child labour developed by the Labour Ministry.
 The portal creates a robust implementing and monitoring mechanism for
enforcement of the legislative provisions of National Child Labour Policy

Khoya Paya web portal

Implemented Ministry of Women and Child Development
Objective It is a citizen based website to exchange information on missing and found

Pradhan Mantri UJJWALA Yojana

Implemented Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Objective  To reduce health hazards of indoor pollution by providing free LPG
connections to Women from BPL
Rationale  Because burning wood/coal is leading to rising pulmonary, cataract and heart
 According to health experts, the smoke released in the burning process
contains hazardous gases like carbon monoxide, particulate matter, etc.
Unclean cooking fuels are the main source of indoor air pollution that causes
non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and lung cancer
Features  50 million LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) connections to poor households will
be provide
 The scheme provides free LPG connection with financial assistance of Rs.
1600/- per connection to an adult woman member of BPL family identified
through Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) data.
 Eligible households will be identified in consultation with state governments
and Union territories.
 The scheme will be implemented over the next three years i.e. by 2019
 The households will be selected using the socio-economic and caste census
data. Consumers will have the option to purchase gas stove and refills on EMI.
 It seeks to empower women and protect their health by shifting them from
traditional cooking based on unclean cooking fuels or fossil fuels to clean
cooking gas
Ujjwala Plus
SAKSHAM –  Saksham is a month long awareness programme by the Ministry of Petroleum
2018 and Natural Gas.
 It is aimed to create awareness towards judicious utilization and conservation
of petroleum products and switching to cleaner fuels.
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Millio for Millio Ca paig

 The campaign was conceptualized by Nobel peace prize winner Kailash Satyarthi and was
orga ized the Kailash Sat arthi Childre s Fou datio .
 The campaign aims to mobilise 100 million youth and children for 100 million underprivileged
children across the world.
 Its prime objective is to end child labour, child slavery, violence against children over the next
5 years.
 It also seeks to promote the right of every child to be safe, free, and educated.
 It will strive to inspire 100 million children to speak and act for the numerous other
unfortunate children living in terrible conditions to build a child-friendly world

Khelo India
Implemented  Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Objective  Development of sports in India
Features  Khelo India is a merger of following schemes:
o Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan(RGKA)
o Urban Sports Infrastructure Scheme (USIS)
o National Sports Talent Search Scheme (NSTSS)
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan(RGKA)
 The RGKA was a centrally sponsored scheme
 Launched in2014.
 The Cabinet committee on economic affairs has approved the revamp of the
Khelo India.
 It is a National Programme for Development of Sports, which aims to enable a
pathway from schools to Olympics.
 Earlier the initiative focussed on infrastructure development, it will ensure all-
round growth in its revamped form.
 Each athlete selected under the new scheme will get a scholarship of Rs. 5
lakh per annum for eight years.
 The government also aims to set up 20 universities across the country as hubs
of sporting excellence.

Rashtriya Yuva Sashaktikaran Karyakram

Implemented  Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Objective  It is a flgship programme to enable youth to realise their potential.
Features  This umbrella scheme consolidates Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan NYKS),
National Youth Corps (NYC), National Programme for Youth & Adolescent
Development (NPYAD) and National Discipline Scheme (NDS), National Young
Leaders Programme (NYLP

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Implemented  Ministry of Women and Child Development SAKSHAM - Rajiv Gandhi Scheme
by for Empowerment of Adolescent Boys
Objective  It aims holistic development of Adolescent Boys, on the pattern of SABLA.
 It would aim at the all-round development of Adolescent Boys to make them
self-reliant, gender-sensitive and aware citizens, when they grow up.
Features  The scheme will focus on all Adolescent Boys between 11 to 18 years and will
primarily focus on out-of-school boys.
The main objectives of SAKSHAM includes:
1. To make the Adolescent Boys gender sensitive, self-development and
2. To address the health needs i.e. the physical, mental and emotional health
of Adolescent Boys
3. To create sensitized Ahimsa Messengers to address Violence against
4. To provide relevant information and vocational skills through National Skill
Development Program (NSDP) for
future work-participation
5. To promote awareness about health, hygiene, nutrition and Adolescent
Reproductive & Sexual Health (ARSH)
and family and child care.
6. The scheme will utilize the structures made under ICDS (Integrated Child
Development Services Scheme)

Theme Health & Sanitation

Swacchh Bharat Abhiyan
Implemented  Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (for Gramin) and Ministry of Urban
by Development (for Urban)
Objective  to achieve universal sanitation coverage It aims at achieving Open Defecation
Free (ODF) nation and a Swachh Bharat (Clean India) by 2nd Oct, 2019, the
150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
1. Elimination of open defecation
2. Eradication of Manual Scavenging
3. Modern and Scientific Municipal Solid Waste Management
4. To effect behavioral change regarding healthy sanitation practices
5. Generate awareness about sanitation and its linkage with public
. Capa it Aug e tatio for ULB s
7. Creating an enabling environment for private sector participation
Features  Swachh Bharat Mission has two sub-Missions:
o Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) and
o Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)
 Enhance the Unit cost of the Individual Household Latrine. It aims to provide
every rural family with a toilet by 2019.
 Provision to be included in the Indira Awas Yojana Programme for provision of
functional toilets.
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 Provision for Information, Education and Communication (IEC)

 Fund sharing between the Central Government and the State Government
and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) is 75%:25% (90% : 10% for North Eastern and
special category states)
 Components
1. Household toilets, including conversion of insanitary latrines into pour-flush
2. Community toilets
3. Public toilets
4. Solid waste management
5. Public Awareness and IEC (Information, Education and Communication)
 Behaviour change is the primary focus and fundamental tool for achievement
of ODF outcomes.
 This is carried out through the Ministry's focused Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) programme.
 It also promotes gender sensitive information, behaviour change guidelines
and various mass education activities.

Swachh Swasth Sarvatra

Implemented  Ministry of Health and Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Objective  to strengthen community health centres in blocks across the country to
enable them
to achieve higher levels of cleanliness and hygiene
Features  The S a hh S asth Sar atra is a part of the U io Go er e t s flagship
Swachh Bharat Mission and is focused on the twin objectives of constructing
toilets and enabling behavioural change.
 Aim to achieve better health outcomes through improved sanitation and
increase awareness on healthy lifestyles.
 Its objective is to build on and leverage achievements of two
complementary programmes – Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) and Kayakalp.
 Under it, financial assistance of 10 lakh rupees will be given to the
community health centres so that they can be strengthened to meet the
standards of sanitation, hygiene and infection control
three key components of Swachh Swasth Sarvatra are:
1. Community Health Centres (CHCs) in ODF blocks supported to
achieve Kayakalp certification
2. Gram Panchayat of Kayakalp Primary Health Centres (PHCs)
prioritized to become ODF
3. Training in WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) of CHC/PHC
 It is a much needed programme to achieve open defecation free India by

National Health Mission (NHM)
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Implemented  Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Features  The National Health Mission (NHM) has two Sub-Missions :
1. National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) covering urban areas
2. National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) covering rural areas
The broad objectives of this mission are as follows:
 Reduce MMR to 1/1000 live births
 Reduce IMR to 25/1000 live births
 Reduce TFR (Total Fertility Rate ) to 2.1
 Prevention and reduction of anaemia in women aged 15–49 years
 Prevent and reduce mortality & morbidity from communicable, non-
communicable; injuries and emerging diseases
 Reduce household out-of-pocket expenditure on total health care
 Reduce annual incidence and mortality from Tuberculosis by half
 Reduce prevalence of Leprosy to <1/10000 population and incidence
to zero in all districts
 Annual Malaria Incidence to be <1/1000
 Less than 1 per cent microfilaria prevalence in all districts
Kala-azar Elimination by 2015, <1 case per 10000 population in all

Mission Indradhanush
Features  The Mission Indradhanush, depicting seven colours of the rainbow, aims to
cover all those children by 2020 who are either unvaccinated, or are partially
vaccinated against seven vaccine preventable diseases which include:
1. diphtheria, 2. whooping cough, 3. tetanus, 4. polio, 5. tuberculosis, 6.
measles and 7. hepatitis
4 new vaccines are added later:
1. Japanese Encephalitis (JE) (in endemic districts) 2. Rotavirus 3. Rubella 4.
Polio (injectable
 The Mission is being implemented in 201 high focus districts in the country in
the first phase which have nearly 50% of all unvaccinated or partially
vaccinated children
 The campaign is part of the Universal Immunisation Programme by 2020 and
is being implemented under the National Health Mission across the country
 The Ministry will be technically supported by WHO, UNICEF, Rotary
International and other donor partners.

National Health Protection Scheme

Implemented  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective  To provide insurance in case of serious illness of family members
Features  Under the scheme, health insurance cover of up to Rs.1 lakh per family will be
given in case of serious illness of family members.
 An additional insurance cover of Rs. 30,000 will be provided for each senior
citizen (60 year + ) in the family
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 BPL people, those from economically weaker section and people listed under
deprivations as per SECC of 2011 are eligible

Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment (AMRIT)

Features  to reduce the expenditure incurred by patients on treatment of cancer and
heart disease
 To open AMRIT outlets which would sell medicines and equipment at
affordable prices
 To open in all central government hospital

Jan Aushadhi Scheme

Implemented  Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizer
Objective  To make available quality generic medicines at affordable prices to all
Features  Direct market intervention initiative
 Medicines will be made available through outlets known as Jan Aushadhi
Stores (JASs).
 State Governments are required to provide space in Government Hospital
premises or any other suitable locations for the running of JAS
 NGOs, Charitable Organisations and public societies like Red Cross Society,
Rogi Kalyan Samiti typically constituted for the purpose can be operating
agencies for the JAS
 The Jan Aushadhi Programme is a self-sustaining business model not
dependent on government subsidies or assistance. It is run on the principle of
Not for Profits but ith Mi i al Profits
 Bureau of Pharma Public Sector Undertakings of India has been established
for co-coordinating procurement, supply and marketing of generic drugs
through the stores

Pharma Jan Samadhan Scheme

Implemented  Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
Objective  To pro ide redressal of o su ers grie a es relati g to pri i g a d
availability of medicines
Features  The scheme provides a web based s ste for redressal of o su ers
grievances relating to pricing and availability of medicines
 It would serve as a robust e-go er a e tool for prote tio of o su ers
interests through effective implementation of the Drugs (Price Control)
Order 2013
 National pharmaceutical pricing authority (NPPA) will initiate action on
any complaint within 48 hrs of its receipt
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Swasthya Raksha Programme

Implemented  Ministry of AYUSH
Objective  to promote health and health education in villages
Features  Organize Swasthya Parikshan Camps, Swasthya Rakshan OPDs and Health
and Hygiene awareness programme
 Create awareness about cleanliness of domestic surroundings and
 Provide medical aid and incidental support in the adopted villages and
 Document demographic information, hygiene conditions, food habits,
seasons, lifestyle etc., incidence and prevalence of disease and their
relation to the incidence of disease.
 Assess health status and propagation of Ayurvedic concept of pathya-
apathya and extension of health care services

Kayakalp Award
Implemented  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective  Focuses on promoting cleanliness in public health facilities
Features  Comes under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan.

Mission Madhumeh
Implemented  Ministry of AYUSH
Features  The Mission Madhumeha will be implemented throughout the country
through a specially designed National Treatment Protocol for effective
management of Diabetes through Ayurveda Launched on 28 October -
National Ayurveda Day

National Urban Health Mission (NUHM)

Implemented by  Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Objective  To meet health care needs of the urban population with the focus on
urban poor, by
 making available to them essential primary health care services and
 reducing their out of pocket expenses for treatment
Features  It seeks to strengthen the existing health care service delivery system,
targeting the people living in slums and converging with various schemes
relating to wider determinants of health like drinking water, sanitation,
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school education, etc. implemented by the Ministries of Urban

Development, Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Human Resource
Development and Women & Child Development
 NUHM would cover all State capitals, district headquarters and
cities/towns with a population of more than 50000
 It would primarily focus on slum dwellers and other marginalized groups
like rickshaw pullers, street vendors, railway and bus station coolies,
homeless people, street children, construction site workers.
 Funding pattern 75:25 & 90:10 for spl category states

Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)

Implemented  Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Objective  Early identification and early intervention for children from birth to 18
years to cover 4 D s iz.
 Defects at birth,
 Deficiencies,
 Diseases,
 Development delays including disability.
Features  RBSY envisages Child Health Screening and Early Intervention Services and
subsumes the existing school health programme.
 The 0 - 6 years age group will be specifically managed at District Early
Intervention Center (DEIC) level while for 6 -18 years age group, managed at
existing public health facilities.
 DEIC will act as referral linkages for both the age groups.
 Children under 6 years will be screened by Mobile Block Health teams at the
Anganwadi centre and those between 6-18 years will be screened at the
local schools at least once a year in government and government aided

Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK)

Implemented  Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Objective  to ater a d address health a d de elop e t eeds of the ou tr s
Features  It introduces community-based interventions through peer educators
(Saathiyas), and is underpinned by collaborations with other ministries and
state governments.
 RKSK identifies six strategic priorities for adolescents:
1. nutrition,
2. sexual and reproductive health (SRH),
3. non-communicable diseases (NCDs),
4. substance misuse,
5. injuries and violence (including gender-based violence) and
6. mental health.
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 To guide the implementation of this programme, the ministry in

collaboration with UNFPA has developed a National Adolescent Health
 Target Groups: The strategy focuses on age groups 10-14 years and 15-19
years with universal coverage. It covers males and females in school and
out of school, in urban and rural, married and unmarried and vulnerable
and under-served

Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY

Implemented Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective  The scheme aims to correct regional imbalances in the availability of
affordable/ reliable tertiary healthcare services and also to augment
facilities for quality medical education in the country.
Features It has two components
1. Setting up of AIIMS like institutions and
2. Upgradation of Government medical college institutions

Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY)

Implemented Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective 1. Provide financial protection against catastrophic health costs
2. Improve access to quality health care for below poverty line households
and other vulnerable groups
in the unorganized sector
Features  It is a centrally sponsored health insurance scheme designed to target
Below Poverty Line (BPL) households and unorganized workers like
covering construction workers, street vendors etc.
 The premium cost is shared by Centre and the State.
 The beneficiaries are entitled to hospitalization coverage up to Rs.
30,000/- per annum on family floater basis i.e can be utilised by any
family member.
 The coverage extends to maximum five members of the family which
includes the head of household, spouse and up to three dependents
including the provision to pay transport expense.
 Only Rs. 30 as registration fee for a year.
 Biometric-enabled smart card containing their fingerprints and
photographs and this Single central smart card also to include other
welfare schemes like Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana and national old age
pension scheme.

Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN)

Implemented  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
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Objective  To provide financial assistance to BPL patients, who are suffering from
major life threatening diseases, to receive medical treatment at any of the
13 listed super specialty institutes or government hospitals.
Features  The central government/state government/PSU employees are not
 The fi a ial assista e to su h patie ts is pro ided i the for of o e-
ti e gra t , hi h is released to the Medi al Superi te de t of the
Hospital in which the treatment has is being received.
 The States are needed to create their own State Illness Assistance funds in
which central government contribute 50% of the fund and the fund is
granted to Medical superintendent for treatment.
 The State government can grant up to Rs. 1.5 lakh in each individual case
in their state and forward the cases that exceed Rs.1.5 lakh to RAN
 A ―Re ol i g Fu d has ee set up i Ce tral Go er e t

Mission Parivar Vikas

Implemented  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective  to accelerate access to high quality family plannin
Features  It will focus on 146 high fertility districts in 7 states with high TFR (Total
Fertility Rate).
 Antara : under this programme, a new injection will be used which will act
as an alternative to the current birth control methods

Project Sunrise
Implemented  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective  to tackle the increasing HIV prevalence in the North-Eastern state
aims to diagnose 90 per cent of such drug addicts with HIV and put them
under treatment

Universal Immunization Programme (UIP)

Implemented  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective  Universalization of vaccination of Children
Features  The UIP basket has vaccines for ten diseases i.e BCG for TB, OPV for
poliomyelitis, monovalent measles vaccine for measles, Rota Virus vaccine
for Diarrhoea, JEV for Japanese Encephalitis & Pentavalent Vaccine for DPT
(diphtheria, pertussisi.e whooping cough &tetanus) and Hepatitis B &
Pneumonia due to Hib
 Measles-rubella vaccine (MR) is added
 India has set a target of eliminating measles and controlling congenital
rubella syndrome (CRS), caused by the rubella virus, by 2020
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Vatsalya – Maatri Amrit Kosh

Implemented  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective  Make milk available for infants in need
Features  National Human Milk Bank and Lactation Counselling Centre at Delhi.
 It is opened in collaboration with the Norwegian government, Oslo
University and NIPI Newborn Project.
 It will collect, pasteurize, test and safely store milk that has been donated
by lactating mothers and make it available for infants in need

Mothers Absolute Affection (MAA) Program

Implemented  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective  Enhance optimal breastfeeding practices in the country
Features chief components of the Programme are
1. Community awareness generation,
2. Strengthening inter personal communication through ASHA,
3. Skilled support for breastfeeding at Delivery points in Public health
facilities, and
4. Monitoring and Award/recognition

National Rural Health Mission

Implemented Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objective  To provide Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Health and
Adolescent (RMNCH+A) services to the rural deprived people through its
network of ASHA, ANMs and AWWs.
 Providing fully functional, community owned and decentralised health
delivery system in rural areas.
Features  NRHM, also called NRHM-RCH Flexipool is one of the components of NHM
and is for all towns and villages below the population of 50,000.
Various initiatives under NRHM
1. Accredited social health activists
2. JananiSurakshaYojana
3. JananiShishuSurakshaKaryakram (JSSK)
4. RashtriyaBalSwasthyaKaryakram (RBSK)
5. Mainstreaming AYUSH – revitalizing local health traditions
ASHA, ANM  Accrediated Social Health Activist (ASHA) is a trained female community
and AWW health activist who acts as a interface between the community and the
public health system.
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 ASHA must be women resident of the village who is literate with formal
education upto class eight and preferably in the age group of 25-45 years.
 Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) is a resource person for ASHA and provides
on-job training and guidance and
ensures that ASHA gets the compensation for performance.
 Anganwadi Worker (AWW) guides ASHA in performing activities such as
organising Health Day at Anganwadi Centre and AWW is a depot holder for
drug kits and will be issuing it to ASHA.

Har Ghar Jal

Implemented  Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Objectives  to provide safe tap water on a sustained basis in every household by 2030
as per the United Nations sustainable development goals.
 providing safe drinking water to about 28,000 habitations affected
by arsenic and fluoride contaminations in the country by 2021

Swachhathon 1.0
Implemented Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Objective  to crowd source solutions to some of the Sanitation and Hygiene
challenges faced in various parts of the country.
Features  It invited innovators from schools and colleges, institutions, start-ups and
others to come up with solutions for problems like monitoring usage of
toilets, triggering behaviour change, Solution for early decomposition of
faecal matter, toilet technologies in difficult terrains etc

National Rural Drinking Water Programme

Implemented Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Objective  Providing potable water to rural areas
Features  Started in 2009 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme with 50-50 fund sharing
cabinet has approved the continuation and restructuring of the
programme to make it more flexible and result oriented.
 The programme will cover all the rural population across the country to
reach the goal of increasing coverage of sustainable piped water supply.
 NRDWP will be continued co-terminus with the 14th Finance Commission
cycle till March 2020.
 There will be 2% earmarking of funds for Japanese Encephalitis (JE) /Acute
Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) affected areas.
 A new sub-progra e ―Natio al Water Qualit Su -Mission (NWQSM)to
cover all rural population in Arsenic/Fluoride affected habitations with
clean drinking water on a sustainable basis by March 2021
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Swachh Bharat Kosh (SBK)

Implemented Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Objective  to attract Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds from Corporate
Sector and contributions from individuals and philanthropists to achieve
the objective of Clean India by the year 2019

Theme Education
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
Implemented  Ministry of Human Resource Development
Objective  Universalisation of elementary education as mandated by the 86th
Amendment to the Constitution of India which made free and compulsory
education to children between the ages of 6 to 14 as a fundamental right
Features Initiatives under SSA
 Shagun Portal - It has two components i.e Repository of best practices
to learn from success stories & Online Monitoring of the SSA
implemented by States and UTs
 Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat - To improve the reading and writing skills
of children in classes I and II, along with their mathematics skills.
 Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) - It aims to motivate and engage
children of the age group of 6-18 years, in Science, Mathematics and
Technology by Institutions of Higher Education like IIT's, IISER's and
 Vidyanjali - To enhance community and private sector involvement in
Government run elementary schools across the country

Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA

Implemented Ministry of Human Resource Development
Objective  to enhance access to secondary education
Features  Shaala Siddhi - It is a web portal developed by the National University of
Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA) to enable schools to
evaluate their performance in 7 key domains under the prescribed
 Shaala Darpan - It is an e-Governance platform that covers all the
KendriyaVidyalayas, to improve quality of learning, efficiency of school
administration, governance of schools & service delivery.
 e-PATHSHALA - It is a joint initiative of Ministry of Human Resource
Development (MHRD) and National Council of Educational Research and
Training (NCERT) to disseminate all educational e-resources including
textbooks, audio, video and non-print materials.
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 Kala utsav - To promote Arts (Music, Theatre, Dance, Visual Arts and
Crafts) in education in secondary stage of the education to bring art in an
inclusive environment.
 SeemaDarshan -It is an intiative by HRD in collaboration with Ministry of
Defence and Ministry of Home Affairs for the students of
KendriyaVidyalayas and NavodayaVidyalayas to provide an opportunity
for the children to experience the border environment and to foster
patriotism among the students

Features  ASMITA is acronym for All School Monitoring Individual Tracing Analysis
launched under Shala Asmita Yojana (SAY)
 SAY aims to track the educational journey of school students from Class I to
Class XII across the 15 lakhs private and government schools in the country.
 ASMITA will be an online database which will carry information of student
attendance and enrolment, learning outcomes, mid-day meal service and
infrastructural facilities among others.
 Students will be tracked through their Aadhaar numbers and incase those
not having unique number will be provided with it

Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)

Features  It is a centrally sponsored scheme aiming to provide strategic funding to
higher educational institutions and improve the overall quality of existing
state institutions by ensuring that all institutions conform to prescribed
norms and standard. Its target achievement is to raise the gross enrolment
ratio to 32% by the end of 2017
 BHUVAN - RUSA PORTAL - The National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) of
ISRO has developed a mobile application for uploading geo-tagged
photographs and associated details captured by the educational institutions
in this portal as part of the implementation of RUSA.

Features  Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds
 SWAYAM is an online platform of the Ministry of HRD through which online
programmes/courses will be offered to students in India
 US government is cooperating in this project
 It is the Indian electronic e-education platform which proposes to offer
courses from the high school stage to Post-Graduate stage in an interactive
electronic platform.
 SWAYAM-MOOCs project is intended to address the needs of school level 9-
12 to Under Graduate and Post Graduate students, covering all discipline
 Professors of centrally funded institutions like IITs, IIMs, central universities
will offer online courses to citizens of India through this platform.

Uchchtar Aavishkar Abhiyan

Features  Ministry of Human Resource Development
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 It aims to promote industry-specific need-based research in the educational

institutions to keep up the competitiveness of the Indian industry in the
global market.

Udaan - Giving Wings to Girl Student

Features  Ministry of Human Resource and Development is implementing it
 This project aims at addressing the lower enrolment of girls in engineering
colleges/IITs and technological institution
 It is a mentoring and scholarship scheme to enable meritorious girl students
to transit from schools to technical education without much difficulty
 Aims to enrich and enhance teaching and learning of mathematics and
science at senior secondary school level by providing free online resources
for all.
 It involves training 1000 selected girl students to compete for admission at
premier Engineering colleges in India by providing course in an online and
offline format
 The girl students enrolled in classes XI of KVs/NVs/other Government run
Schools affiliated to any Board In India are eligible for the Scheme

Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Scheme

Implemented  Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Health and Family
by Welfare and Ministry of Human Resource Development
Objective  Survival, protection & education of the girl child
Features  It aims to address the issue of declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR) through a mass
campaign across the country targeted at changing societal mind sets &
creating awareness about the criticality of the issue
 The Scheme will have focussed intervention & multi-sectoral action in 100
districts with low Child Sex Ratio. 61 more districts added in 2016

Mission XI Million
Features  It is the biggest school sports outreach programme in the country launched
in New Delhi.
 It aims to take football to at least 11 million boys and girls around the
 The programme is to make football as the sport of choice in India, to
encourage children gain healthy habits and learn important life lessons in
teamwork and sportsman spirit

Shaala Sarathi
Implemented Ministry of Human Resource Development
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Objective  to aid the collaboration among the stakeholders in sharing innovative

practices in various schools
Features  It is a portal launched by the Ministry of HRD.
 It is a State-NGO-CSR Portal

Tithi Bojan
Objective  To increase community participation in the local school
Features  It is a community participatory model followed by the Gujarat
government in the mid-day meal programme.
 Food is voluntarily served among school children by Villagers

Global Initiative Of Academic Networks (GIAN)

Implemented Ministry of Human Resource Development
Objective  tapping the talent pool of scientist and entrepreneurs internationally by
collaborating Indian institutes of Higher Education in India with Foreign
Features  It is to augment the country's existing academic resources, accelerate the
pace of quality reform and elevate the scientific and technological
capacity to global excellence

Vittiya Saksharata Abhiyan (VISAKA)

Implemented Ministry of Human Resource Development
Objective  to encourage students of higher education to use a digitally enabled
cashless economic system for transfer of funds.
Features  It is a financial literacy campaign.

Unnat Bharat
Implemented Ministry of Human Resource Development
Objective  providing rural India with professional resource support from institutes of
higher education
Features  Connecting institutions of higher education, including IITs, NITs and Indian
Institutes of Science Education & Research (IISERs) etc. with local
communities to address the development challenges through appropriate

Implemented Ministry of Human Resource Development
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Objective  To create an accessible repository of M.Phil/Ph.D thesis

Features  It is the repository developed to contain an electronic copy of all
M.Phil/Ph.D thesis to make it accessible to all institutions.
 The task of setting-up of this repository is assigned to Information and
Library Network (INFLIBNET), an inter-university centre of the University
Grants Commission (UGC).

Diksha Portal
Implemented Ministry of HRD and National Council for Teacher Education
Features  DIKSHA will serve as National Digital Infrastructure for Teachers.
 It will enable all teachers across nation to be equipped with advanced
digital technology.
 It will aid teachers to learn and train themselves for which assessment
resources will be available.
 It will help teachers to create training content, profile, in-class resources,
assessment aids, news and announcement and connect with teacher
 States, government bodies and even private organisations, can integrate
DIKSHA into their respective teacher initiatives

Operation Digital board

Implemented Ministry of Human Resource Development
Objective  Providing better digital education in all schools
Features  These steps will be on the lines of Operation Blackboard of 1987, which
was started with the purpose of providing minimum basic facilities to all
primary schools.
 This will offer new opportunities and ways of teaching and learning in

UDAAN (Giving Wings to Girl Students)

Implemented Ministry of Human Resource Development.
Objective addressing the lower enrollment of girls in engineering colleges/IITs and
technological institutions.
Features  It involves training 1000 selected girl students to compete for admission
at premier Engineering colleges in India by providing course in an online
and offline format.
 The girl students enrolled in classes XI of KVs/NVs/other Government run
Schools affiliated to any Board in India are eligible for the Scheme

Mentor India Campaign
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Implemented NITI Aayog

Objective  to engage leaders who can guide and mentor students at more than
900 Atal Tinkering Labs, established across the country as a part of the
Atal Innovation

Vittiya Saksharata Abhiyan (VISAKA)

Implemented  Ministry of Human Resource Development
Objective  To make people aware about cashless economic system
Features  VISAKA aims to create awareness among people about digital economy and
cashless modes of transaction
 Under it, young students and faculty members will be roped to encourage
and motivate people to use a digitally enabled cashless economic system for
transfer of fund. For active participation of youth and faculty, HRD Minister
also launched a webpage where students can register themselves.

Scheme for IPR awareness

Objective  raising IPR awareness amongst students, youth, authors, artists, budding
inventors and professionals to inspire them to create, innovate and protect
their creations and inventions across the country.
Implemented  Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM).
Features  Area of Coverage of the scheme - Pan India, including Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 cities
as well as rural areas.
 Total project Duration - 3 years (2017 – 2020).
 The scheme targets to conduct IPR awareness workshops/seminars tailored in
4 categories – Primary School, Secondary school, University/ College and
Industry, including MSMEs and Start ups.
 CIPAM - It is a professional body under the aegis of Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion. It works to take forward the implementation of the
National IPR policy and creates public awareness about IPR in the country.

Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat

Objective 1. To celebrate the unity in diversity of our nation and to maintain and
strengthen the fabric of traditionally existing emotional bonds between the
people of our country
2. To promote the spirit of national integration through a deep and structured
engagement between all states and union territories through a year-long
planned engagement between states
3. To showcase the rich heritage and culture, customs and traditions of either
state for enabling people to understand and appreciate the diversity that is India,
thus fostering a sense of common identity
4. To establish long term engagements To create an environment which
promotes learning between states by sharing best practices and experience
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Features  Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat was announced on the occasion of the 140th
birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
 Through this innovative measure, the knowledge of the culture, traditions
and practices of different states& Uts will lead to an enhanced understanding
and bonding between the states, thereby strengthening the unity and
integrity of India.

Theme Rural Development

Implemented Ministry of Rural Development
Objective  To transform rural areas to economically, socially and physically sustainable
space. Also called Shyama Prasad Mukharjee Rurban mission
Features  It is a cluster ased approa h. State Go er e ts ould ide tif lusters
(geographically contiguous Gram Panchayats with a population of about
25000 to 50000 in plain and coastal areas and a population of 5000 to 15000
in desert, hilly or tribal areas).
 These clusters would be developed by provisioning of economic activities,
developing skills & local entrepreneurship and providing infrastructure
amenities. The Rurban Mission will thus develop a cluster of Smart Villages
 The scheme will function with 14 mandatory components to ensure an
optimum level of development of a cluster, which include skill development
training linked to economic activities, digital literacy, fully equipped mobile
health unit and inter-village road connectivity
 The other components of the scheme in clusters will be providing citizen
service centres- for electronic delivery of citizen centric services and e-gram
connectivity, public transport, LPG gas connections, agro processing, agri
services including storage and warehousing, sanitation, provision of piped
water supply, solid and liquid waste management and upgrading education
 The mission also aims to set up these clusters by 2019-20 across the country
 The funding will be through various schemes of the government
converged into the cluster.
 The mission will provide an additional funding support of up to 30% of
the project cost per cluster as critical gap funding as central share to
enable development of su h rur a lusters .
 The cost of developing a cluster might vary between Rs 50 crore and Rs
52 crore.
 The preferred mode of delivery would be through public-private-
partnerships while using various scheme funds

Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

Implemented  Ministry of Rural Development
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Objective  To ensure integrated development of the selected village across multiple

areas such as agriculture, health, education, sanitation, environment,
livelihoods etc
Features  Launched on birth anniversary of Jayprakash Narayan
 MPs are required to pick one village with a population of 3000-4000 in plains
and 1000-3000 in hills within a month of the launch.
 MPs cannot pick villages which belong to themselves or their spouses.
 The scheme requires them to draft a village development plan, motivate
inhabitants to participate in growth via different activities, identify gaps in
funding and mobilising MPLAD funds to create additional resources
specifically from CSR initiatives of various corporate houses, in areas of
sanitation and water supply.
 The outcomes will cover a wide spectrum of indicators like health, nutrition
and education through organising and monitoring immunization drives,
improving standard and quality of mid-day meal schemes, improving Aadhaar
e rol e t, setti g up s art s hools ith IT-enabled classrooms and e-
libraries, Panchayat infrastructure improvement under schemes such as
MGNREGA and Backward Regions Grants Fund etc.
 Social development and harmony should be encouraged through activities
like identifying and celebrating a village day, a village song and also laying
stress on alternate modes of dispute resolution.
 District Collectors will carry ground-level surveys along with monthly review
meetings to monitor progress
 At the State-level, Chief Secretaries will head empowered committee on the
same and the Minister for Rural Development and Secretary, Rural
Development, will chair two national-level committees to track the scheme

Aajeevika - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)

Implemented  Ministry of Rural Development
Objective  To reduce poverty by enabling the poor households to access gainful self-
employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in
appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through
building strong grassroots institutions of the poor
Features  It is also called Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana - NRLM
 Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) was restructured as National
Rural Livelihoods Mission in 2011
 NRLM has now been renamed as Aajeevika.
 World Bank supported program
 Organise rural BPL people in SHGs and make them capable for self-
employment by providing capacities such as information, knowledge, skills,
tools, finance and collectivization.
 Works on three pillars:
o Enhancing and expanding existing livelihoods options of the poor
o Building skills for the job market outside; and
o Nurturing self-employed and entrepreneurs

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY)
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Implemented  Ministry of Rural Development

Objective  It aims at transforming rural poor youth into an economically independent
and globally relevant workforce.
Features  DDU-GKY is tasked with the dual objectives of adding diversity to the
incomes of rural poor families and cater to the career aspirations of rural
 It focused on rural youth between the ages of 15 and 35 years from poor
 Special initiatives under DDU-GKY:
a. Himayat: A special scheme for the youth (rural & urban) of Jammu &
b. Roshni: A special initiative for the rural youth of poor families in 27 Left-
wing Extremist (LWE) districts across 9 states

Kaushal Panjee
Implemented  Ministry of Rural Development
Objective  Citizen centric end-to-end solution to aid mobilization of candidates for
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) and Rural
Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETI).
Features  Kaushal Pa jee Skill Register is a o ilisatio platfor for skill

Disha Portal
Implemented Ministry of Rural Development
Objective  planning and evaluating time-bound development of the districts with
regards to a scheme
Features  It is a data intelligence platform that will provide all information to the
elected representatives to track the performance of all the major flagship
schemes of the different central ministries in their respective districts
and constituencies.
 With the help of the DISHA Dashboard, the District Development
Coordination and Monitoring Committee can access data at the level of a
state, district, sub district and Gram Panchayat.
 The chairpe.rson of the committee is the senior most MP (Lok Sabha)
elected from the district, nominated by the Ministry of Rural Development

Gram Uday se Bharat Uday Abhiyan

Implemented  The campaign will be run jointly by the Ministries of Rural Development,
by Agriculture, Social Justice, Labour and Information and Broadcasting along
with the States
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Objective  The aim of this campaign is to make nationwide efforts to strengthen

Panchayati Raj and through it, boost social harmony in the villages, promote
rural de elop e t a d foster far ers elfare & li elihoods of the poor.
Features  The campaign was launched on the 125th birth anniversary of Babasaheb
Ambedkar at his birthplace.
 Village Self Governance Campaign

Theme Urbanization

Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana (DAY) – National Urban Livelihood Mission

Implemented  Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation
Objective  NULM aims at universal coverage of the urban poor for skill development
and credit facilities.
Features  It replaces the existing Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY).
 NULM & NRLM has been subsumed into DAY.
 It focuses on organizing urban poor in their strong grassroots level
institutions, creating opportunities for skill development and helping them to
set up self-employment venture by ensuring easy access to credit.
 It is aimed at providing shelter equipped with essential services to the urban
homeless in a phased manner and also addresses livelihood concerns of the
urban street vendors.
 It aims at creating efficient and effective institutional platforms of the rural
poor, enabling them to increase household income through sustainable
livelihood enhancements and improved access to financial services.
 Funding will be shared between the Centre and the States in the ratio of
75:25. For North Eastern and Special Category - the ratio will be 90:10

HRIDAY - National Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana

Implemented  Ministry of Urban Development
Objective  To preserve and revitalize the soul and unique character of the heritage cities
in India
Features  It aims to bring urban planning, economic growth and heritage conservation
together for heritage cities.
 It seeks beautification in an inclusive and integrated manner with focus on
cleanliness, livelihoods, skills, safety, security, accessibility and faster service
delivery of heritage cities.
 The scheme will be completely funded by the Central Government to
create infrastructure and provide facilities around the heritage sites to
attract more tourists.
 The development initiatives covered it includes improvement of water
supply, sanitation, drainage, waste management, footpaths, approach roads,
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street lights, electricity wiring, tourist conveniences, landscaping and such

citizen services.
 The projects can be funded directly or through support from other
stakeholders including private sector.
 December 2014 till December 2018
Cities Twelve cities under this scheme are :
 Amaravati(Andhra Pradesh);
 Gaya (Bihar);
 Dwarka (Gujarat),
 Badami(Karnataka);
 Puri (Odisha),
 Amritsar (Punjab);
 Ajmer(Rajasthan);
 Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu);
 Vellankani(Tamil Nadu);
 Warangal (Telangana);
 Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh); and
 Mathura (Uttar Pradesh)

Implemented  Ministry of Urban Development AMRUT stands for Atal Mission for
by Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
Objective  to ensure basic infrastructure services relating to water supply, sewerage,
storm-water drains, transportation and development of green spaces and
parks with special provision for meeting the needs of children.
Features  Unlike in JNNRUM, Centre will not appraise individual projects in AMRUT
 AMRUT adopts a project approach. Under this mission, 10% of the budget
allocation will be given to states and union territories as incentive based on
the achievement of reforms during the previous year
 AMRUT will be implemented in 500 locations -
1. All Cities and Towns with a population of over 1 lakh with notified
Municipalities, including Cantonment Boards (Civilian areas),
2. All Capital Cities/Towns of States/ UTs, not covered in above,
3. All Cities/ Towns classified as Heritage Cities by MoUD under the
HRIDAY Scheme,
4. Thirteen Cities and Towns on the stem of the main rivers with a
population above 75,000 and less than 1 lakh, and
5. Ten Cities from hill states, islands and tourist destinations (not more
than one from each State).
 Under this mission, states get the flexibility of designing schemes based on
the needs of identified cities and in their execution and monitoring.
 States will only submit state annual action Plans to the centre for broad
concurrence based on which funds will be released.
 Central assistance will be to the extent of 50% of project cost for cities and
towns with a population of up to 10 lakhs and one-third of the project cost for
those with a population of above 10 lakhs.
 Under the mission, states will transfer funds to urban local bodies within 7
days of transfer by central government and no diversion of funds to be made
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failing which penal interest would be charged besides taking other adverse
action by the centre

"Housing for All by 2022" Mission

Implemented  Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation
Objective 1. Slum rehabilitation of Slum Dwellers with participation of private developers
using land as a resource;
2. Promotion of affordable housing for weaker section through credit linked
3. Affordable housing in partnership with Public & Private sectors and
4. Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction or enhancement.
Features  Centrally Sponsored Scheme, except the credit linked subsidy component,
which will be implemented as a Central Sector Scheme
 Subsumed Rajiv Awas yojana and Rajiv Rinn Yojana.
 Flexibility to States for choosing best options to meet the demand of housing
in their states
 Central grant of Rs. one lakh per house, on an average, will be available under
the slum rehabilitation programme
 Technology Sub-Mission (environment, disaster management)
 Ownership of houses will be in the name of woman or jointly with husband
 The scheme will cover the entire urban area consisting of 4041 statutory
towns with initial focus on 500 Class I cities and it will be implemented in
three phases as follows, viz.
a. Phase-I (April 2015 - March 2017) to cover 100 Cities to be selected from
States/UTs as per their willingness;
b. Phase - II (April 2017 - March 2019) to cover additional 200 Cities and
c. Phase-III (April 2019 - March 2022) to cover all other remaining Cities.
It covers all 4041 statutory towns as per Census 2011 with focus on 500 Class I
cities in three phases.
 Centre and state will be funding in the ratio of 75:25 and in case of North
Eastern and special category States in the ratio of 90:10.
 Beneficiaries – Urban poor who does not own a pucca house, Economically
Weaker Section (EWS) and Lower Income Groups (LIG – eligible only for credit
linked subsidy scheme).
 States/UTs have flexibility to redefine the annual income criteria with the
approval of Ministry.
 Under the mission, a beneficiary can avail of benefit of one component only.
 HUDCO and NHB have been identified as Central Nodal Agencies (CNAs) to
channelize this subsidy to the lending institutions.
 Two schemes have been launched to achieve the aim of the mission :
a. PM Awas Yojana
b. PM Awas Yojana - Gramin
Pradhan Mantri  Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation
Awas Yojana  It is the vehicle to achieve objective of "Housing for All" Mission in Urban
 The aim of this scheme is to construct more than two crore houses across the
length and breadth of the nation.
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 The target beneficiaries of the scheme would be poor and people living under
EWS and LIG categories in urban establishments of the country.
 The government would provide an interest subsidy of 6.5% on housing loans
availed by the beneficiaries for a period of 15 years from the start of loan.
 The houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana would be allotted to
preferably the female member of the family.
Pradhan Mantri  Ministry of Rural Development
Awas Yojana -  It is the vehicle to achieve objective of "Housing for All" Mission in Rural areas.
Gramin  It replaces Indira AwasYojana (IAY), which was launched as a subscheme of
JawaharRozgarYojana in 1985.
 It aims to provide affordable, environmentally safe and secure pucca house to
every rural household living below the poverty line by 2022
 It will be implemented in rural areas across the country except Delhi and
 Government to construct 1 crore pucca (permanent) houses for the rural poor
in the next three years.
 The scheme is expected to boost job creation in rural areas
 The project will be implemented in a span of three years from 2016-17 to
 Beneficiaries of the rural houses would be chosen according to data taken
from the Socio-Economic Caste Census of 2011
 It uses ICT and space technology to further confirm correct selection of
beneficiaries and progress of work
 Under it, financial assistance will be provided for construction of dwelling
units and upgradations of existing unserviceable kutcha houses
 An allowance of Rs. 120,000 in plain areas and Rs. 130,000 in hilly areas will be
provided for construction of homes
 The unit size will be enhanced from the existing 20 to up to 25
including a dedicated area for hygienic cooking.
 Funds will be transferred electronically directly to the account of the
 The entire payments will be done through transparent IT/DBT mode with
Aadhaar linked Bank accounts with consent, to ensure complete transparency
and accountability
 The beneficiary would be facilitated to avail loan of up to 70000 rupees for
construction of the house which is optional.

Smart Cities
Implemented  Ministry of Urban Development ( in collaboration of states)
Objective  To develop 100 cities all over the country making them citizen friendly and
Features  Smart cities to be selected through City Challenge Competition
 These cities to be developed as satellite towns of larger cities and by
modernizing the existing mid-sized cities.
 Eight critical pillars of I dia s S art Cit Progra are:
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a. Smart Governance b. Smart Energy c. Smart Environment d. Smart

Transportation e. Smart IT & Communications f. Smart Buildings g. Smart
Health Hospitals h. Smart Education
 The 100 potential smart cities were nominated by all the states
 4 approaches are adopted for development of Smart Cities:
a. Retrofitting i.e. city improvement: Introduce planning in an existing built-
up area to achieve smart city objectives, along with other objectives, to make
the existing area more efficient and liveable. In retrofitting, an area consisting
of more than 500 acres will be identified by the city in consultation with
b. Redevelopment i.e. city renewal: Replacement of the existing built-up
environment and enable co-creation of a new layout with enhanced
infrastructure using mixed land use and increased density. Redevelopment
envisages an area of more than 50 acres, identified by Urban Local Bodies
(ULBs) in consultation with citizens.
c. Greenfield development : Introduce most of the Smart Solutions in a
previously vacant area (more than 250 acres) using innovative planning, plan
financing and plan implementation tools (e.g. land pooling/ land
reconstitution) with provision for affordable housing, especially for the poor.
Ex. GIFT City
d. Pan-city development envisages application of selected Smart Solutions to
the existing city-wide infrastructure
 Core infrastructure elements
1. Water Supply
2. Assured electricity supply
3. Sanitation, including solid waste management
4. Efficient urban mobility and public transport
5. Affordable housing, especially for the poor
6. Robust IT connectivity and digitalization
7. Good governance, especially e-Governance and citizen participation
8. Sustainable environment
9. Safety and security of citizens, particularly women, children and the elderly
10. Health and education.

Theme Social Justice

Implemented  Ministry of Minority Affairs
by  USTAD stands for Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/Crafts
for Development Scheme.
Objective  upgrading Skills and Training of minority communities by preservation of
traditional ancestral Arts and Crafts.
Features  It envisages boosting the skill of craftsmen, weavers and artisans who are
already engaged in the traditional ancestral work.
 Under the scheme, assistance will be provided to traditional artisans to sell
their products in order to make them more compatible with modern markets.
 It is fully funded by Union Government. Applicable for all areas in India
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Implemented  Ministry of Minority Affairs
by  USTAD stands for Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/Crafts
for Development Scheme.
Objective  upgrading Skills and Training of minority communities by preservation of
traditional ancestral Arts and Crafts.
Features  It envisages boosting the skill of craftsmen, weavers and artisans who are
already engaged in the traditional ancestral work.
 Under the scheme, assistance will be provided to traditional artisans to sell
their products in order to make them more compatible with modern markets.
 It is fully funded by Union Government. Applicable for all areas in India

Padho Pardes
Features  Ministry of Minority Affairs
 It is the Scheme for providing interest subsidy on educational loans for
overseas studies for the students belonging to the minority communities

Multiple Schemes of Ministry of Minority Affairs

Nai Roshni  It is a scheme for leadership development among Minority Women
empower and instill confidence
Nai Udaan  financial support to minority students for preparation of Main
Schem Examination, who clear Prelims conducted by Union Public Service
Commission, Staff Selection Commission, State Public Service Commission
(MANAS)  Maulana Azad National Academy for Skills MANAS is a skill development
architecture aimed at providing an all India Level training framework
Gharib Nawaz  1st centre in Hyderabad
Skill  short term job oriented skill development course for youths belonging to
Development minority communities
Hamari  preservation of rich heritage and culture of minority communities of Indi

Hunar Haat
Implemented  Ministry of Minority Affairs
Objective  Hunar Haat (Skill Haat) is an exhibition of handicrafts, embroidery etc made
by the artisans from the Minority Communities organized by the Ministry of
Minority Affairs.
Features  They will be provided free of cost stall, the arrangements for their transport
and their daily expenses.
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 Two such Haats has been conducted so far and the Ministry has been working
to esta lish Hu ar Hu i all the states here progra es su h as Hu ar
Haat a d other ultural e e ts ill e orga ized

Nai Manzil Scheme

Implemented  Ministry of Minority Affairs
Objective  To equip minority youth with employable skills
Features  Minority youths in the age group of 17 to 35 years who are school-dropouts
or educated in the community education institutions like Madarsas, are
provided an integrated input of formal education (up till Class VIII or X) and
skill training along with certification
 It is done with a view of enabling them to seek better employment in the
organized sector and equipping them with better lives.
 Minimum 30% seats are earmarked for minority girls.
 It includes a Non-residential programme of 9-12 months duration involving a
Basic Bridge Programme (For Class VIII or Class X) for their education, along
with training in trade based skills for sustained livelihood/gainful
 The scheme covers the entire country

Divyang Sarathi
Implemented Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
Objective  accessible and easy information dissemination to divyangjans
Features  It is an integral part of the ICT component of the Accessible India
Campaign launched by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana (RVY)

Implemented  Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (take note)
Objective  to provide physical aids and assisted-living devices for senior citizens
belonging to BPL category
Features  It will be fully funded by the Central Government.
 The scheme will be distribute free of cost physical aids and assisted-living
devices for senior citizens belonging to BPL category.
 It will be implemented through the sole i ple e ti g age Artifi ial
Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO), a PSU under Union Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment.
 The eligible elderly beneficiary will get devices such as walking sticks, elbow
crutches, walkers/crutches, tripods/qadpods, hearing aids, wheelchair,
aificial Dentures and Spectacles.
 The devices will help the Senior Citizens to overcome their age related
physical impairment and to lead a dignified and productive life with minimal
dependence on care givers or other members of the family.
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 Beneficiaries will be identified by the State Governments/UTs through a

Committee chaired by the Deputy Commissioner/District Collector.
 The Committee can utilize the data of BPL beneficiaries receiving Old Age
Pension under the NSAP or any other Scheme of the State/UTs for
identification of senior citizens belonging to BPL category

Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojna

Implemented  Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Objective  Develop tribal people by streamlining and ensuring all benefits reach them.
Features  Central Sector Scheme
 Aims at overall development of tribal people with an outcome-based
approach, which would ensure that all the intended benefits, goods and
services to the tribal people through various programmes/schemes of Central
and State Governments covered under the respective Tribal Sub-Plans
actually reach them by way of appropriate convergence
 Through VKY, it is envisaged to develop the backward blocks in the Schedule
V States as model Blocks with visible infrastructural facilities to further the
mission development

Senior Citizen Welfare Fund

Features  Established in 2015
 Fund gets money from unclaimed deposits of Public Provident Fund PPF
and Employee Provident Fund EPF.
 The money in accounts which have been inoperative for more than seven
years will be diverted in this fund.
 However, if someone comes back to claim the money even after seven
years, the payment will be made after furnishing the required documents.
 The fund will be administered by an Inter-Ministerial Committee, headed
by a Chairperson.
 The Committee will be competent to spend money from the fund for
satisfying various objectives

Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS)

Implemented  Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Objective  to create an enabling environment to ensure equal opportunities, equity,
social justice and empowerment of persons with disabilities.
Features  It encourage voluntary action for ensuring effective implementation of the
people with disabilities (equal opportunities and protection of rights) act of
 The definition of disability includes Blindness, Low vision, Leprosy-cured,
Hearing impairment,
 To provide financial assistance to facilitate delivery of various services to
olu tar orga izatio s gra ts-in-aid to NGOS

Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan
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Implemented  Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

Objective  To enable persons with disabilities to gain universal access, equal
opportunity for development, independent living and participation in an
inclusive society in all aspects of life.
Features  It is in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
(UNCRPD) to which India is a signatory.
 The campaign targets three separate verticals for achieving universal
accessibility namely the built up environment, transportation eco-system
and information & communication eco-system.
 Targets under the campaign o Envisages making all railway stations of A1, A
& B categories and the international airports fully accessible to the disabled.
o Conducts accessibility audit of all the international airports, domestic
airports, major railway stations.
o Seeks to convert at least 10% of government owned public transport
carriers in the country fully accessible carriers for disabled persons by March
o At least 50% of all public documents by the Central and State Governments
to meet accessibility standards for persons with disabilities by March 2018

Theme Energy
Implemented  Ministry of Power
by  UDAY stands for Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana
Objective  Financial turnaround and revival of Power Distribution companies (DISCOMs)
and ensure a sustainable permanent solution to the proble
Features  It has ambitious target of making all discoms profitable by 2018-19.
 The scheme will ease the financial crunch faced by power distribution
companies, that has impaired their ability to buy electricity.
 It is ased o the pre ise that it is states respo si ilit to e sure that
discoms become financially viable.
 States shall take over 75% of DISCOM debt as on 30 September 2015 over
two years i.e 50% of DISCOM debt shall be taken over in 2015-16 and 25% in
 Government of India will not include the debt taken over by the States as per
the above scheme in the calculation of fiscal deficit of respective States in the
financial years 2015-16 and 2016-17.
 States will issue non-SLR including SDL bonds in the market or directly to the
respective banks / Financial Institutions (FIs) holding the DISCOM debt to the
appropriate extent.
 DISCOM debt not taken over by the State shall be converted by the Banks /
FIs into loans or bonds

Integrated Power Development Scheme

Implemented Ministry of Power
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Objective  To ensure 24x7 power supply

Features  It envisages strengthening of sub-transmission network, Metering, IT
application, Customer Care Services, provisioning of solar panels and the
completion of the ongoing works of Restructured Accelerated Power
Development and completion of the Reforms Programme (RAPDRP).
 The scheme will help in reduction in AT&C losses, establishment of IT
enabled energy accounting / auditing system, improvement in billed energy
based on metered consumption and improvement in collection efficiency
 All Discoms including private Discoms and State Power Departments will be
eligible for financial assistance under this scheme

Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana

Implemented Flagship programme of Ministry of Power
Objective 1. To augment power supply to the rural areas
2. To strengthen sub-transmission and distribution system
Features  It focuses on feeder separation (rural households & agricultural) and
strengthening of subtransmission & distribution infrastructure including
metering at all levels in rural areas
 This will help in providing round the clock power to rural households and
adequate power to agricultural consumers
 The earlier scheme for rural electrification viz. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen
Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) has been subsumed in the new scheme as its
rural electrification component

National Offshore Wind Energy Policy

Implemented  Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Objective  Development of wind energy farms in offshore area
Features  Use of offshore areas within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the
country for development of wind energy i.e up to the seaward distance of
200 Nautical Miles (EEZ of the country) from the base line. National Institute
of Wind Energy (NIWE) is the Nodal Agency
 No land acquisition hurdles. Cost will be almost double. Plant Load Factor
for offshore plants will be greater

National LED Programme(UJALA)

Implemented Ministry of Power, Energy Efficiency Services Limited

Objective  To save energy consumption by distributing LED bulbs which are energy
Features  It is to ensure promotion of energy efficiency in the country.
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 It has two components - Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme (DELP) and

Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP).
 DELP - UJALA Scheme was launched to provide LED bulbs to domestic
 SLNP - It aims to replace conventional street light with smart and
energy efficient LED street lights by March, 2019.
 It stands for Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All. It was started in March
 The scheme is being implemented by Energy Efficiency Services Limited
(EESL), a joint venture of PSUs under the Union Ministry of Power
 It wants every home in India to use LED bulbs so that the net power or
energy consumption rate comes down and the carbon emission rates can
also be checked
 The scheme will not only help reduce consumers their electricity bills but
also contribute to the energy security of India
 Target end date was March 2016 for domestic and street-lighting in 100
SLNP  The project is funded by Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a Public
Energy Services Company under the administration of the Union Ministry of
 Aims to install LED bulbs street-lighting across different cities in the country.
 The LED lights will replace inefficient lamps
 The i itiati e is part of the Go er e t s efforts to spread the essage of
energy efficiency in the country.
 It will result in energy savings and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
 LED bulbs have a very long life, almost 50 times more than ordinary bulbs,
and 8-10 times that of CFLs, and provide both energy and cost savings in the
medium term

Green Corridor Project

Implementated  Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
Objective  Evacuation of renewable energy from generation points to the load centres
by creating intra-state and inter-state transmission infrastructure
Features  The intra-state transmission component of the project is being implemented
by the respective states
 Power Grid Corporation of India is implementing inter-state transmission
component Green Highway Policy

Solar City
Implemented  Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Objective  to motivate the local Governments for adopting renewable energy
technologies and energy efficiency measures.
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Features  The Solar City aims at minimum 10% reduction in projected demand of
conventional energy at the end of five years.
 In a Solar City all types of renewable energy based projects will be

Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM)

Implemented  Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Objective  The Mission has set the ambitious target of deploying 20,000MW of grid
connected solar power by 2022, which was later revised to 1,00,000 MW by
 40GW Rooftop and 60GW through large and medium scale grid
connected solar power projects.
Features  one of the eight National Missions under National Action Plan on Climate
Change (NAPCC).
 30% capital subsidy for installation of SPV applications like solar lighting
systems, solar PV power plants and solar pumps under solar off-grid
application scheme of JNNSM in rural as well as urban areas throughout India

Suryamitra initiative
Implemented  Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Objective  To provide skill training to rural youth in handling solar installation
 It primary objective is to provide entrepreneurship and employability
opportunities to rural and urban youth & women.
 Aims to create skilled manpower in commissioning, installation, O&M of solar
power plants and equipment.
Features  It is U io Go er e t s skill de elop e t progra
 The scheme is aimed at creating 50,000 trained solar photovoltaic
technicians by March 2020.
 Special emphasis is given to skill youth from SC/ST/OBC categories.
 The qualification required to participate in the program is ITI (Electrical &
Wireman) / Diploma in Engineering (Electrical, Electronics & Mechanical).
 Higher qualified participants such as B.Tech etc are not eligible for this
 The programme is 100% funded by GOI and implemented by National Institute
for Solar Energy (NISE) across the country.
 In addition, short term training programmes for small hydro, entrepreneurship
development, operation & maintenance of solar energy devices and boiler
operations in co-generation plants have been organized.
NISE  National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is an autonomous institution of
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE)).

Integrated Power Development  It isto provide 24x7 power supply in the urban
Scheme (IPDS) area.
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Remote Village Electrification  scheme implemented by Ministry of New &

Programme (RVEP) Renewable energy in various states to provide
basic lighting through Renewable Energy
Sources in unelectrified villages and hamlets of
electrified census villages

Implemented  Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Objective  incentivise the installation of roof top solar projects in India.
Features  Sustainable Rooftop Implementation for Solar Transfiguration of India is a
proposed scheme by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
 It aims to achieve a national solar rooftop target of 40 GW by 2021-22.

National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020

Features  The NEMMP 2020 is one of most ambitious initiatives undertaken by
Central Government to promote hybrid and electric vehicles in the country
to achieve national fuel security.
 It has set an ambitious target to achieve 6-7 million sales of hybrid and
electric vehicles year on year from 2020 onwards.
 The FAME India Scheme was launched under this mission to provide fiscal
and monetary incentives to electric and hybrid vehicles ranging from two
wheelers to buse

Theme Climate Change

National Action Plan on Climate Change
Implemented  Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
by  Pri e Mi ister s Cou il o Cli ate Cha ge is i harge of the o erall
implementation of the plan.
Objective  A comprehensive action plan which outlines measures on
climate change related adaptation and mitigation while simultaneously
advancing development.
Features  It effe ti el pulls together a u er of the go er e t s e isti g
national plans on water, renewable energy, energy efficiency agriculture
and others and bundled with additional ones into a set of eight missions.
Eight core 1. National Solar Mission – It has a goal of increasing production of photo-
missions of voltaic to 1000 MW/year; and a goal of deploying at least 1000 MW of
NAPCC solar thermal power generation.
2. National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
3. National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
4. National Water Mission - the plan sets a goal of a 20% improvement in
water use efficiency through pricing and other measures.
5. National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem
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6. Natio al Missio for a ―Gree I dia Goals i lude the afforestatio of

million hectares of degraded forest lands and expanding forest cover
fro % to % of I dia s territor .
7. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
8. National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change

National Mission for Green India

Implemented  Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Objective  prote ti g; restori g a d e ha i g I dia s di i ishi g forest o er a d
responding to climate change by a combination of adaptation and
mitigation measures.
Features  To increase forest/tree cover to the extent of 5 million hectares (mha)
and improve quality of forest/tree cover on another 5 mha of
forest/non-forest lands,
 To improve/enhance eco-system services like carbon sequestration and
storage, hydrological services, biodiversity and provisioning services like
fuel, fodder, and timber and non-timber forest produces (NTFPs),
 To increase forest based livelihood income of about 3 million households.

Theme Infrastrucuture

Digi Yatra
Implemented  Ministry of Civil Aviation
Objective  to develop a digital ecosystem that will deliver Indian airtravellers a
seamless, consistent and paperless service experience at every touch
point of their journey.
Features  All aviation stakeholders – airlines, airport operators, security and
immigration agencies, cab operators, retail establishment and others are
working to devise digital standards which can enable seamless exchange
of data and information.
 The platform will be built on 4 key pillars such as connected passengers,
connected airports, connected flying and connected systems.

Implemented Ministry of Communication
Objective realizing financial inclusion of un-banked rural population.
Features  Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India
 It is IT modernization project which intends to provide a low power
technology solution to each branch postmaster to improve service
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 DARPAN offers core banking services such as cash deposit and withdrawal
in savings bank and recurring deposit, mini statement, Aadhaar seeding
and daily transaction report.
 The application will also be used for the reimbursement of social security
benefits such as MNREGS, old age pension and DBT.
 It is targeted to complete the project by March 2018.

Green Highway Policy

Implementated Ministry of Road Transport and Highway
Objective  To turn national highways into green corridors by planting trees,
landscaping, and laying grass turfs and ornamental shrubs alongside them
Funding  A Green Highways Fund would be set apart utilising 1% of the civil work cost
while arriving at total road project cost.
 The funds to be transferred to the National Highways Authority of India
(NHAI) which would be used exclusively for plantation and maintenance on
all NH stretches being developed on the Engineering
 Procurement Construction (EPC) and Build Operate Transfer (BOT) mode.
The NHAI will act as Fund Manager
Monitoring agency is Indian Highways Management Company Ltd (IHMCL).
 Aims to provide dignified employment to local people and communities

Avataran (Ministry of Railways)

 Avataran is an umbrella program consists of 7 missions
Mission 25  It aims to increase revenue by augmenting carrying capacity.
Mission Zero  It comprises of two sub missions such as Elimination of unmanned level
Accident crossings on broad Gauge in the next 3-4 years and Equipping 100% of the
High Density Network with Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS).
Mission PACE  (Procurement and Consumption Efficiency) - It aims to improve procurement
and consumption practices to improve the quality of goods and services.
Mission Raftaar  It targets doubling of average speeds of freights trains and increasing the
average speed of super fast mail/express trains by 25 kmph in the next 5
years. It will complement Mission 25 Tonne to increase throughput of the
railway system.
Mission  Under this mission, at least a hundred sidings will be commissioned in the
Hundred next 2 years. Siding refers to low-speed track section / track branch distinct
from a running line.
Mission beyond  It will establish an accounting system where outcomes can be tracked to
book-keeping inputs.
Mission  It proposes to prepare a blueprint for making full use of the huge new
Capacity capacity
Utilisation that will be created through two Dedicated Freight Corridors between Delhi-
Mumbai and Delhi-Kolkata scheduled to be commissioned by 2019
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Bharat Mala Project

Implemented Ministry of Road, Transport and Highway
Objective  It envisages construction of 25,000 km of roads along India's borders,
coastal areas, ports, religious and tourist places as well as over 100 district

Clone Train Service

 The proposed ser i e ill ru o high-de a d routes ithi a hour of a s heduled trai s
departure to accommodate those on its waiting list.
 The idea is to ensure that they reach their destination around the same time they had
originally envisaged

Logistic Efficiency Enhancement Programme (LEEP)

Implemented  Ministry of Road, Transport and Highway
Objective  enhancing the freight transportation in India through improving cost, time,
and transferability of consignments through infrastructure, procedural and
Information Technology (IT) interventions.
Features  The parks are expected to serve four key functions - freight aggregation and
distribution, multimodal freight movement, storage and warehousing, and
value-added services such as custom clearances

Sagarmala scheme
Implemented  Ministry of Shipping
Objective  To promote port-led direct and indirect development and to provide
infrastructure to transport goods to and from ports quickly, efficiently and
Features  Three pillars:
o Supporting and enabling Port-led Development
o Port Infrastructure Enhancement, including modernization and
setting up of new ports, and
o Efficient Evacuation to and from hinterland.
 The programme aims to promote port-led development in the country by
harnessing India's 7,500-km long coastline, 14,500-km of potentially
navigable waterways and strategic location on key international maritime
trade route
 The project intends to enhance the capacity of major and non-major ports.
 It also strives to ensure sustainable development of the population living in
the Coastal Economic Zone (CEZ).
 Community Development Fund will be created for projects and activities
which strive to bring development for coastal communities.
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Setu Bharatam
Implemented  Ministry of Road, Transport and Highway
Objective  Development of bridges for safe and seamless travel on National Highways
to make all National Highways free of railway level crossings by 2019
Features  This is being done to prevent the frequent accidents and loss of lives at level
 The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has also established an Indian
Bridge Management System (IBMS) at the Indian Academy for Highway
Engineer in Noida, U.P.
 The aim is to carry out conditions survey and inventorization of all bridges
on National Highways in India by using Mobile Inspection Unit

UDAN (Regional Connectivity Scheme)

Implemented Ministry of Civil Aviation
Objective  Ude Desh ka Aam Nagrik
 To get more people to fly in the smaller towns. To boost regional air
connectivity and provide various incentives to airline
Features  The UDAN scheme seeks to provide connectivity to un-served and under-
served airports of the country through revival of existing air-strips and
 This first-of-its-kind scheme will ensure affordability, connectivity, growth
and development.
 It aims to increase ticketing volume from 80 million to 300 million by 2022.
 Under it regional connectivity will be developed on market-based mechanism
under which Airlines will bid for seat subsidies.
 It will create affordable yet economically viable and profitable flights on
regional routes so that flying becomes affordable to the common man even in
small towns.
It offers concessions to the airlines to encourage them to fly on regional
 Concession include operating subsidies like levies or charges imposed by the
airport operators, excise duty at 2% and VAT at 1% on aviation turbine fuel,
parking charges at airports and exempting these operations from the GST net.
 Under it, airlines will have complete freedom to enter into code sharing with
larger airlines for connectivity and they will be exempted from various airport
 Airlines will have exclusive rights for three years to fly on a particular regional
 On these routes for regional flights Airfares will be capped at 2500 rupees for
a hour s flight.
 The selected airlines will have to commit 50% of the seats on RCS flights as
RCS seats with 3-7 operational flights per week.
 Central and State governments and airport operators will provide a financial
stimulus in the form of concessions to airlines
 A Regional Connectivity Fund (RCF) will be created to subsidise operations
under the RCS.
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The central government will fund 80% of the losses incurred and the rest will
be covered by the states.
 The mechanism of Viability Gap Funding (VGF) will be provided to interested
airlines to kick-off operations from such airports so that the passenger fares
are kept affordable
 In general, central and state contributions for VGF are 80:20 and for the
north-eastern states & union territories it is 90:10.
 Benefits under the Scheme will be available for a period of 10 years from the
date of its notification.
 RCS will be made operational only in states and at airports which are willing to
provide concessions required under the Scheme.
 Earlier, there was a requirement of 150 km minimum distance between two
airports to be qualified for operations under the scheme. But later it was
 Maharashtra is the first state to sign agreement with centre for RCS.

Theme Skill Development & Entrepreneurship

Mudra Bank and Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana

Implemented Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA)
Objective  The core objective of the bank is to fund the unfunded. It finances the "Last
Mile Financiers" of small/micro businesses. The lending priority is given to
SC/ST enterprise
Features  MUDRA Bank has been set up as a statutory body
 Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Ltd. [MUDRA] is an NBFC
supporting development of micro enterprise sector
 It partners all state/regional level coordinators to provide easy finance
to even the remote investors.
 Under the scheme, loans are given to non-farm income generating
enterprises in manufacturing and trading and services whose credit needs are
below Rs.10 lakh.
 MUDRA Bank has rightly classified the borrowers into three segments:
o the starters,
o the mid-stage finance seekers and
o the next level growth seekers.
 To address the three segments, MUDRA Bank has launched three loan
o Shishu: covers loans upto Rs 50,000/-
o Kishor: covers loans above Rs 50,000/- and upto Rs. 5 lakh
o Tarun: covers loans above Rs 5 lakh and upto Rs 10 lakh
 It provides a loan at low rates to small entrepreneurs
 The bank has been allotted a Refinance Fund of Rs. 20,000 Crores from the
shortfalls of Priority Sector Lending
 Mudra debit cards are issued to borrowers. Using these, they can withdraw
the loan from any ATM in India, as and when they need the money.
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 Union government has recently tasked Labour Bureau to carry out the survey
to ascertain the number of jobs created under the scheme.
Functions of  Frame policy guidelines for micro/small enterprise MFIs
MUDRA Bank  Registration of MFIs
 Regulation of MFIs
 Promoting and regulating responsible finance in favour of client welfare,
remove indebtedness and provide proper protection principles and recovery
 Accreditation and rating of MFIs
 Promoting right technology solutions for problems faced by MFIs and
 Framing a robust architecture for Last Mile Credit Delivery to MSMEs under
the umbrella of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana

Implemented  DIPP, Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Objective  Aims at fostering entrepreneurship and promoting innovation by creating an
ecosystem that is conducive for growth of Start-ups.
 India must become a nation of job creators instead of being a nation of job
Definition of  A startup is an entity that is headquartered in India which was opened less
Start Up than five years ago and have an annual turnover less than Rs. 25 crore
Features  It is focused on to restrict role of States in policy domain and to get rid of
"license raj" and hindrances like in land permissions, foreign investment
proposal, environmental clearances
 Single Window Clearance even with the help of a mobile application
 10,000 crore fund of funds
 Credit Guarantee funds for start up through SIDBI
 80% reduction in patent registration fee
 Modified and more friendly Bankruptcy Code to ensure 90-day exit window
 Freedom from mystifying inspections for 3 years
 Freedom from Capital Gain Tax for 3 years
 Freedom from tax in profits for 3 years
 Eliminating red tape
 Self-certification compliance
 Innovation hub under Atal Innovation Mission
 Starting with 5 lakh schools to target 10 lakh children for innovation
 New schemes to provide IPR protection to start-ups and new firms
 Stand India across the world as a start-up hub
 The initiative is also aimed at promoting entrepreneurship among SCs/STs,
women communities.
 Rural I dia s ersio of Start up I dia as a ed the Deen Dayal Upadhyay
Swaniyojan Yojan

Stand-up India
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Implemented Ministry of Finance

Objective To promote entrepreneurship among Scheduled Caste/Schedule Tribe and
Features  The schemes provides for composite loans by banks between Rs. 10 lakh
and upto Rs. 100 lakh for setting up a new enterprise in the non-farm
 These loans would be eligible for refinance and credit guarantee cover.
 A credit guarantee fund of Rs. 5,000 crore for providing guarantee cover
for loans under Stand Up India in next five years has been approved.
 Debit Card (RuPay) for withdrawal of working capital
 Refinance window through Small Industries Development Bank of India
(SIDBI) with an initial amount of Rs.10,000 crore
 Handholding of borrower Factual Information:
 Launched in 2016
 The process would be led by SIDBI with involvement of Dalit Indian
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI) and various sector – specific
institutions all over the country.
 The offices of SIDBI and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) shall be designated Stand Up Connect Centres

Features  Launched in 2015
 BHARAT stands for Better Health, Agriculture, Renewable and Technologies
 A $150 million fund for Startups in India
 It is a public-private-academia partnership set up by Indian Institute of
Ma age e t IIM Ah eda ad s Ce tre for I o atio I u atio a d
Entrepreneurship (CIIE).
 The Fund will be managed and coordinated by CIIE at the IIM, Ahmedabad.
 It will support innovation and innovative startups in areas of healthcare and
life-sciences, sustainability, and digital technologies
 The Fund will use important tools such as labs, mentorship, funding, and
networking to support entrepreneurs who take on hard challenges of an
ever-broadening Indian market.

Skill India Campaign

 Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
It is the umbrella campaign under which following was unveiled:
 National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015
 National Skill Development Mission
 Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

National Skill Development Mission

Implemented  Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
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Objective  To provide a strong institutional framework at the Centre and States for
implementation of skilling activities in the country.
To train 40.2 crore people by 2022
Features  The Mission has been developed to create convergence across sectors and
States in terms of skill training activities.
 National Skill Development Mission would not only consolidate and
coordinate skilling efforts, but also expedite decision making across sectors to
achieve skilling at scale with speed and standards
 It will be implemented through a streamlined institutional mechanism driven
by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE)
 Institutional mechanisms is three tiered:
o Governing Council for policy guidance at apex level,
o Steering Committee and
o Mission Directorate (along with an Executive Committee) as the executive
arm of the Mission.
 Mission Directorate will be supported by three other institutions:
o National Skill Development Agency (NSDA),
o National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), and
o Directorate General of Training (DGT).
 Seven sub-missions have been proposed initially to act as building blocks for
achieving overall objectives of the Mission. They are:
o Institutional Training,
o Infrastructure,
o Convergence,
o Trainers,
o Overseas Employment,
o Sustainable Livelihoods,
o Leveraging Public Infrastructure

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

Implemented  Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
Objective  To impart skill training to youth, focussing on improved curricula, better
pedagogy and trained instructors
Features  It is a skill certification and monetary reward scheme.
 National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) is the implementing agency
 The training includes soft skills, personal grooming, behavioural change et al.
 The Skill training would be based on the National Skill Qualification
Framework (NSQF) and industry led standards
 Under the scheme, a monetary reward is given to trainees on assessment and
certification by third party assessment bodies.
 Focus on improved curricula, better pedagogy and better trained instructors
 Besides catering to domestic skill needs, the scheme will also focus on skill
training aligned to international standards for overseas employment in
European and Gulf countries etc
 Training and Assessment fees are completely paid by the Government
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 The Various components are short term training, recognition of prior learning,
special projects, kaushal and rozgarmela, placement guidelines and monitoring

Pradhan Mantri Yuva Yojana

Implemented  Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
Objective  To build an ecosystem of entrepreneurship for youngster
Features  PMYY is MSDE s flagship s he e o e trepre eurship edu atio a d trai i g.
 The scheme spans over five years (2016-17 to 2020-21) with a project cost of
499.94 crore rupees.
 It will provide entrepreneurship education and training to over 7 lakh
students in 5 years through 3,050 institutes.
 It will provide easy access to information and mentor network, incubator,
credit and accelerator and advocacy to create a pathway for the youth.
 The institutes under the PMYY include 2,200 institutes of higher learning
(colleges, universities, and premier institutes), 500 ITIs, 300 schools and 50
entrepreneurship development centres through Massive Open Online Courses

Pravasi Kaushal Vikas Yojana

Implemented  Ministry of External Affairs, Skill Development Ministry
Objective  It is a skill development program targeted at Indian youth seeking overseas
employment to make India the Skill Capital of the World.
Features  PKVY will provide training and certify Indians who are seeking overseas
employment in selected sectors that have high demand in the global labour
market in line with international standards.
 It will be implemented by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
through its training partners and in consultation with the Union Ministry of
External Affairs and the Union Skill Development Ministry.
 It also ai s at oosti g the o fide e of the I dia outh so that the do t
feel like strangers when they land in a country of their choice for vocation.
 For this purpose, NSDC will leverage various MoUs it signed between 2011
and 2015 with different agencies of Germany, Canada, Australia, Singapore,
UK, US, European Union, France, Iran and China

Self-Employment & Talent Utilisation (SETU)

 SETU or Self Employment and Talent Utilization Scheme is a techno-financial,
incubation and facilitation programme to give support and encouragement to young
start-ups and other self-employment technology-intensiveideas.
 Started in 2015. It will involve setting up of incubation centres and enhance skill
 It aims to create around 100,000 jobs through start-ups
 Under NITI Aayog
 SETU started with initial sum of Rs. 1000 Crore
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National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme

Implemented  Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
Objective  to provide apprenticeship training to over 50 lakh youngsters by 2019-20 in
order to create more jobs
Features  Scheme implemented by Director General of Training (DGT)
 Union Government provides financial incentives to the employers to engage
 Union Government- share 25% of the total stipend payable to an apprentice
with employers
 In addition, Union Government also supports basic training which is
considered an essential component of apprenticeship training
 Union Government bears the 50% of the total expenditure incurred on
providing basic training to an apprentice.
 The NAPS has been framed to meet objective of National Policy of Skill
Development and Entrepreneurship, 2015 which focuses on apprenticeship as
one of the key components for creating skilled manpower in India

Theme Labour/Employment

Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Shramev Jayate Karyakram

Implemented  Ministry of Labour and Employment
Objective  To provide conducive environment for industrial development and doing
business with ease through introduction of several labour reforms.
Features  This progra as lau hed to support the Make i I dia a paig of I dia
for encouragement of manufacturing sector, thus felt need to bring labour
 Following 4 initiatives have been launched under it
Shram Suvidha Portal
Labour Inspection scheme
Universal Account Number (UAN) for Employee Provident Fund (EPF)
Apprenticeship Protsahan Yojana

Shram Suvidha Portal

 Allocation of Unique labour identification number (LIN) to labour to facilitate online
 The compliances would be reportable in Single Harmonized Form which will make it simple
easy for those filing such forms.
 Filing of self-certified and simplified Single Online Return by the industry.
 Labour inspector can upload inspection report within 72 hours.
 This portal will help timely redressal of grievances.
 Under this it is proposed to allot LIN to all these 6- 7 lakh unit
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Labour Inspection scheme

 A computerized list of inspections will be generated randomly to reduce inspector raj
 Inspector has to upload report within 72 hours

Universal Account Number (UAN) for Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

 An UAN is allotted to 4 crore EPF subscribers after centrally compiling & digitizing their
 Aadhar card is being seeded with the UAN for financial inclusion of labours.
 The portability of the Social Security Benefits to the labour of organised sector across the
jobs and geographic areas will be ensured.

Apprenticeship Protsahan Yojana:

 Apprenticeship Protsahan Yojana envisages on imparting on-the-job training to apprentices.
 Total numbers of seats are increased to 20 lakh from current 4.9 lakh in revamped scheme.
 Government will reimburse 50 percent of stipend paid by employers to increase
employability of youth by giving them skills

Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana

Implemented  Ministry of Labour and Employment
Objective  to promote employment generation
Features  Central Government will be paying the 8.33% EPS contribution of the
employer for the new employment.
 All i dustries registered ith E plo ees Pro ide t Fu d Orga izatio EPFO
can apply for availing benefits under the scheme.
 It is targeted for employees earning wages less than Rs. 15,000/- per month.
 The scheme will be in operation for a period of 3 years and GOI will continue
to pay and all new eligible employees will be covered till 2019-20

Theme Manufacturing & Services

FAME India Scheme

Implemented  Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprise
Objective  to support hybrid/electric vehicles market development and manufacturing
Features  FAME stands for Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric
 The scheme has 4 focus areas i.e.
o Technology development
o Demand Creation
o Pilot Projects and
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o Charging Infrastructure
 The FAME India Scheme is aimed at incentivizing all vehicle segments i.e. 2
Wheeler, 3 Wheeler Auto, Passenger 4 Wheeler Vehicle, Light Commercial
Vehicles and Buses
 The phase I of FAME expires on March 31, 2018.
In phase II, the government is targeting a fully (100%) electric fleet for public
transport, including buses, taxis and auto-rickshaws

Make in India Programme

Implemented  Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Objective  promoting India as an important investment destination and a global hub for
manufacturing, design and innovation
Features  It does not target manufacturing sector alone, but also aims at promoting
entrepreneurship in the country
 The initiative is further aimed at creating a conducive environment for
investment, modern and efficient infrastructure, opening up new sectors for
foreign investment and forging a partnership between government and
industry through positive mind set

Implemented  Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce
by & Industry
Objective To improve the business environment in the country by enabling fast and
efficient access to Government to-Business (G2B) services through an online
Features  Integrates 11 services on eBiz portal
 A business user can avail all these 11 services 24*7 online end-to-end i.e.,
online submission of forms, attachments, payments, tracking of status and
also obtain the license/permit from eBiz portal.
 eBiz is part of the 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) under NEGP
 Implemented by Infosys

Merchandise Exports from India Scheme

Implemented  Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Objective  Objective of MEIS is to offset infrastructural inefficiencies and associated
costs involved in export of goods and products, which are produced and
manufactured in India.
 It seeks to e ha e I dia s e port o petiti e ess of these goods a d
products having high export intensity, employment potential.
Features  MEIS was launched under Foreign Trade Policy of India (FTP) 2015-20.
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 It is one of the two schemes introduced in FP 2015-20, as a part of Exports

from India Scheme. The other scheme is Service Exports from India Scheme
 It has three sub components:
o Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojana
o Focus Market Scheme
o Focus Product Scheme

Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS)

Implemented  Ministry of Electronics and IT
Objective  to provide a special incentive package to promote large scale manufacturing
in the ESDM sector to boost domestic electronic product manufacturing in the
Features  The scheme provides subsidy for capital expenditure up to 20% for
investments in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and 25% in non-SEZs.
 It also provides reimbursement of countervailing duty/excise for capital
equipment for non-SEZ units and also reimbursement of duties and central
taxes for some of the projects with high capital investments
Recent  These amendments will incentivize investments in electronic sector and
Amendments o e to ards U io Go er e t s goal of Net Zero i ports i ele tro i s
by 2020.
 The applications will be received under M-SIPS scheme till December 2018 or
till such time that an incentive commitment of Rs 10,000 crore is reached,
whichever is earlier.
 In case the incentive commitment of Rs 10,000 crore is reached, a review will
be held to decide further financial commitments.
 For new approvals, the incentive under the scheme will be available from the
date of approval of a project and not from the date of receipt of application.
 The incentives will be available for investments made within 5 years from the
date of approval of the project.
 Unit receiving incentive will provide undertaking to remain in commercial
production for at least 3 years.
Significance  Expedite investments into the Electronics System Design and Manufacturing
(ESDM) sector in India.
 Create employment opportunities and reduce dependence on import

Niryat Bandhu Scheme

 The objective of the Niryat Bandhu Scheme is to reach out to the new and potential exporters
and mentor them through orientation programmes, counselling sessions, individual
facilitation, etc., for being able to get into international trade and boost exports from India

Service Exports from India Scheme

Implemented  Ministry of Commerce and Industry
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Objective  to make our service export globally competitive

Features  Service providers of notified services are incentivized in the form of Duty
Credit Scrips at the rate of 3 or 5% on their net foreign exchange earnings.
 These SEIS scrips are transferrable and can also be used for payment of a
number of Central duties/taxes including the basic customs duty

Served from India Scheme

 Served From India Scheme helps to accelerate growth in export of services.
 All Indian Service Providers who have free foreign exchange earning of at
least Rs. 10 Lakhs and individual Indian Service providers with minimum
foreign exchange earnings of Rs. 5 lakh in preceding financial year / current
financial year shall qualify for Duty Credit Scrip.
 The Duty Credit Scrip will be equivalent to 10% of foreign exchange earned
during current financial year.

Implemented  Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
Objective  to organize the traditional industries and artisans into clusters to make them
Features  SFURTI stands for Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries
 It follows a cluster based approach and tries to organize artisans in clusters
 It provide support for their long term sustainability by way of enhancing the
marketability of products, improving the skills of artisans, making provision
for common facilities and strengthening the cluster governance system

Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme (TIES)

Implemented  Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Objective  to develop export linked infrastructure in states with a view to promoting
outbound shipments.
 Enhance export competitiveness by bridging the gap in export infrastructure,
which has not been addressed by any other scheme.
Features  It would focus on projects like customs checkpoints, last mile connectivity,
border haats and integrated check posts.
 All central and state agencies including Commodities Boards, Export
Promotion Councils, SEZ authorities and Apex Trade Bodies recognised under
EXIM policy of Central Government are eligible for financial support.
 Funding: The cost of projects will be equally shared by the Centre and the
states in form of grant-in-aid.
 In normal cases centre will borne 50% of the total equity in the project.
 For projects located in north-eastern and the Himalayan region states,
Centre may bear 80% of the cost.
 Approval: An inter-ministerial empowered committee will sanction and
monitor the projects. It will be headed by the commerce secretary
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Theme MSME

A Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship

Implemented  Ministry of MSME
Objective  to set up a network of technology centers, incubation centres to
accelerate entrepreneurship and also to promote start-ups for innovation
and entrepreneurship in rural and agriculture based industry.
Features  The scheme is launched with an objective· The planned outcomes of
ASPIRE are setting up Technology Business Incubators (TBI), Livelihood
Business Incubators (LBI) and creation of a Fund of Funds for such
initiatives with SIDBI

Pri e Mi ister s E ploy e t Ge eratio Progra e PMEGP

Implemented  Ministry of MSME
Objective  generating self-employment opportunities through establishment of
micro-enterprises in the non-farm sector in Rural and Urban areas of the
Features  PMEGP is the flagship programme which is a major credit-linked subsidy
 Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is the nodal implementing
agency at the national level.
 KVIC, Khadi& Village Industry Boards (KVIB) and District Industry Centres
(DIC) are the implementing agencies in the states.
 The maximum cost of projects is Rs. 25 lakh in the manufacturing sector
and Rs. 10 lakh in the Services sector

'Udyami Mitra' portal

Objective  to improve accessibility of credit for the MSMEs.
Features  Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has revamped its
Udyami Mitra with enhanced features.
 It helps MSMEs for submission of loan applications which can be picked
up by multiple lenders.
 It aims at bringing in transparency in processing of loans by the banks.

Theme E governance/Digital Governance/Cyber Security

Bharat Net
Implemented Ministry of Communication and IT
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Objective  to provide network infrastructure with affordable broadband

connectivity on a non-discriminatory basis to all households in the
Features  It aimed to realize the vision of Digital India, in partnership with States
and the Private Sector.
 The programme was previously called as the National Optical Fibre
Network, approved in October 2011.
 It is implemented in three phases
o First phase - providing broadband connectivity to one lakh gram
panchayats by 2017
o Second Phase – providing broadband connectivity to 2 lakh gram
panchayats by 2019
o Third Phase – providing state-of-art network using fibers between
districts and block with reduced redundancy by 2023.
 Implementation will be done by the states, state agencies, private sector
companies and central public sector undertakings.
 All the Service Providers like Telecom Service Providers (TSPs), ISPs,
Cable TV operators etc. will be given non-discriminatory access to the
National Optic Fibre Network and can launch various services in rural
 It is funded from Universal Service Obligation Fund
Bharat Broadband Network is the nodal agency to oversee the work.
 The project was intended to enable the government of India to provide
e-services and e-applications nationally like e-health, e-education and e-
governance etc
Universal  The fund was established in 2002 to be utilized for providing telegraph
Service services across the country especially the rural and remote areas.
Obligation Fund  It receives funds from the Universal Service Levy (USL) of 5% charged
from all the telecom operators on their
gross revenue

Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS)

Implemented  Ministry of Home Affairs
Objective  to create a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the
efficiency and effectiveness of Police.
Features  Mission Mode Project (MMP) under the National e-Governance Plan of
Govt. of India
 A nationwide networked infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled state-
of-the-art tra ki g s ste arou d ―i estigatio of ri e a d dete tio
of criminals will be created to automate police functions at police Station
and higher levels.
 Create facilities and mechanism to provide public services like registration
of online complaints, ascertaining the status of case registered at the
police station, verification of persons etc.

Digi Locker
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Implemented Ministry of Communication and IT

Features  A secure dedicated personal electronic space for storing the documents
of resident Indian citizens will be created.
 It is to provide citizens a shareable private space on a public cloud.
 The space can be utilized for storing personal documents like University
certificates, PAN cards, voter id cards,
etc., and the URI's of the e-documents issued by various issuer
 It is a platform for issuance and verification of documents & certificates
in a digital way, thus eliminating the use of physical documents.
 There is also an associated facility for e-signing documents

Cyber Swachhta Kendra

Implemented Ministry of Electronics and IT
Objective  to create a secure cyber space by detecting botnet infections in India and
to notify, enable cleaning and securing systems of end-users to prevent
further infections.
Features  It is a malware analysis centre
 The systems will be scanned by the Computer Emergency Response Team
(CERT-in) for free of all those users who register to the CSK website.
 This centre will work in coordination with the internet service providers
(ISPs) and Industry.
 This Kendra will also enhance awareness among citizens regarding botnet
and malware infection along with measures to be taken to secure their
 It is part of Digital India initiative

Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana

Implemented Ministry of Communication
Features  SPARSH - Scholarship for Promotion of Aptitude & Research in Stamps
as a Hobby.
 It is a pan India Scholarship programme to children of Standard VI to IX
having good academic record and also pursuing Philately as a hobby.

Vahan and Sarathi

Implemented Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
Objective  Facilitating computerization of Road Transport Offices (RTOs) across the
country and a common pan-India level same standard for Registration
certificate and driving licenses.
Features  VAHAN and SARATHI are e-governance initiative of Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways.
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 These are centralized digital online based citizen centric application aims
to ease out the processes and curb corruption.
 It aims at · The software VAHAN is for Vehicle Registration and SARATHI
for Driving Licenses and compilation of data with respect to Vehicle
Registration and Driving Licenses of all the states in State Register and
National Register

BHIM (Bharat Interface for Money)

Features  BHIM stands for Bharat Interface for Money
 BHIM is Aadhaar-based payments app developed by the National Payment
Corporation of India (NPCI).
 The app allows easily transferring money or making a payment from your bank
account using only phone number.
 It can work even on basic phones as it supports USSD payments.
 It has mobile wallet facility in which money can be loaded.
 Using it anyone can directly connect their phone to bank account like a debit
 The app also allows user to scan a QR code.
 The merchant can also generate his QR code through the app.
 Payment can be done through scanning QR code.
 Merchants can also use the BHIM app to receive money from a smartphone or
Aadhaar Pay if customer has linked a bank account and Aadhaar ID.
 Payments through this app are happening directly from and to bank accounts,
so er ha ts do t ha e to orr a out tra sferri g allet ear i gs to the
bank account.
 All major UPI connected Indian banks accepts money through BHIM app.
 Even banks not connected to UPI can receive money through BHIM through
IFSC assigned to banks
Digital India
Objective  To ensure the government services are made available to citizens
 Transform so far agrarian Indian economy to a knowledge-centric economy
 Plug the widening digital divide in Indian society
 Give India equal footing with the developed world in terms of development
with the aid of latest technology
3 Components  The creation of digital infrastructure,
 Delivering services digitally,
 c. Digital literacy
9 key points 1. Universal Access to Phones
2. Broadband Highways
3. Public Internet Access Programme
4. e-Governance – Reforming government through Technology
5. e-Kranti – Electronic delivery of services
6. Information for All
7. Electronics Manufacturing – Target NET ZERO Imports
8. IT for Jobs
9. Early Harvest Programme
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Features  Umbrella programme which includes the hitherto National Optical Fiber
Network (NOFN) to connect 2,50,000 gram Panchayats by providing internet
connectivity to all citizens.
 To be monitored by a Digital India committee comprised of several ministers.
 Will also ensure public answerability via a unique ID, e-Pramaan based on
standard government applications and fully online delivery of services.
 Also includes development of an electronic development fund
 Completion target is 2019
 It is an Umbrella Programme – covering many departments
The scheme is coordinated by the department of Electronics and IT and
implemented by all government
 Envisages as Net-Zero Electronics Import Target by 2020

Jeevan Pramaan
Objective  To streamline the process of getting Life certificate and making it hassle free
and much easier for the pensioners
Features  It is a AADHAR Biometric Authentication based digital life certificates for
 It will do away with the requirement of a pensioner having to submit a
physical Life Certificate in November each year, in order to ensure continuity
of pension being credited into their account
 Submission of Digital Life Certificate also ensures authenticity of pension

Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan

Implemented  Ministry of IT and Electronics
Objective  To make 6 crore rural households digitally literate by March 2019
Features  Under the scheme 25 lakh candidates will be trained in 2016-17, 275 lakh in
2017-18; and 300 lakh in 2018-19.
 To ensure equitable geographical reach, each of the 250,000 Gram
Panchayats across the country will be expected to register an average of
200-300 candidates.
 Digitally literate persons will be able to operate computers/digital access
devices, send and receive emails, access government services, browse
internet, search for information, undertaking cashless transactions, etc..
 This scheme is initiated under Digital India Programme and expected to be
one of the largest digital literacy programs in the world.
 It would empower the citizens by providing them access to information,
knowledge and skills for operating computers/digital access devices.

PRAGATI (ProActive Governance and Timely Implementation)

Implemented PMO
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Objective  Addressi g o o a s grie a es, a d si ulta eousl o itori g a d

reviewing important programmes and projects of the Government of India as
well as projects flagged by State Governments
Features  An ICT-based, multi-modal platform for interaction between state and central
governments (PMO, Union Government Secretaries, Chief Secretaries
 The PRAGATI platform uniquely bundles three latest technologies:
o digital data management,
o video-conferencing and
o geo-spatial technology
 With this, the Prime Minister is able to discuss the issues with the concerned
Central and State officials with full information and latest visuals of the
ground level situation. It is also an innovative project in e-governance and
good governance
 It is a three-tier system (PMO, Union Government Secretaries, and Chief
Secretaries of the States).

Lucky Grahak Yojana and Digi Dhan Vyapar Yojana

Features  The Union Government has launched Lucky Grahak Yojana to encourage
consumers and Digi Dhan Vyapar Yojana to encourage merchants for
transition to digital payments.
 These award based schemes were launched by the NITI (National Institution
for Transforming India) Aayog.
 These schemes aim to give cash awards to consumers and merchants who
utilize digital payment instruments for personal consumption expenditures.
 They will specially focuses on bringing the poor, lower middle class and small
businesses into the digital payment fold.
 National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) will be the implementing
agency for these schemes.
 Transactions using USSD, UPI, RuPay and AEPS will only be covered under
these schemes.
 Digital payments made through credit cards and e- allets o t e o ered.
 To ensure focus on small transactions incentives will be restricted to
transactions within the range of Rs 50 and Rs 3000
 The winners shall be identified through a random draw of eligible
Transaction IDs by software to be especially developed by NPCI for this
Lucky Grahak  Under it, consumers making payment through digital mode will get chance
Yojana to win minimum Rs 1000 each every day or Rs 1 lakh per week.
 15,000 winners will get cashback prizes of Rs 1000 each every day starting on
25 December 2016 (Christmas) and ending on 14 April 2017 (Babasaheb
Ambedkar Jayanthi).
 In addition, there will be weekly awards worth Rs 1 lakh, Rs 10,000 and Rs
5,000 for 7000 people.
 On last day of scheme mega prize winner award will be announced.
 He will get Rs. 1 crore award
Digi Dhan  This scheme is for the merchants across the country.
Vyapar Yojana  Mandatory for merchants to have POS (Point of Sale) machines for
undertaking cashless transactions.
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 Under it, merchants doing business using POS are eligible to win Rs.50000
per week from 25 December 2016 to 14 April 2017.
 3 Mega Prizes for merchants will be of Rs 50 lakhs, 25 lakh, 12 lakh for digital
transactions between 8 November 2016 to 13 April 2017.
 It will be announced on 14 April 2017

Sovereign Gold Bond

Implemented  Ministry of Finance in association with RBI
Objective  To reduce the demand for physical gold by shifting a part of the demand for
physical gold into investment in Gold Bond
Features  Started in 2015
 Bonds will be issued by RBI on behalf of govt. To be sold thru bank, post
offices and Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited
 The risk of gold price changes will be borne by the Gold Reserve Fund that is
being created
 Sovereign Gold Bonds will be issued on payment of rupees and denominated
in grams of gold
 Customers can buy gold bonds which will be relatable to the weight of gold.
 The bonds will be issued in various denominations for 5-7 years with a rate
of interest to calculated on the value of the metal at the time of investment.
 Recently, RBI has increased the maximum investment to 4 kg (from 500g) for
individuals and Hindu
Undivided Family (HUF) and 20 kg for Trusts.
 Only offered to Indian citizen and institutions.
 Strict KYC norms. Interest taxable as per IT Act, Capital gains tax treatment
will be the same as for physical gold for an 'individual' investor.
 The interest rate is fixed at the rate of 2.50% per annum.
 Tenure of the bond will be for a period of 8 years with exit option from 5th
 They will be denominated in multiples of gram(s) of gold with a basic unit of
1 gram. Bonds can be used as collateral for loans and are eligible for
Statutory Liquidity Ratio purposes in Banks
 On maturity, the redemption will be in rupee amount only.
 Bonds will be tradable on stock exchanges.
 The rate of interest on the bonds will be calculated on the value of the gold
at the time of investment

Theme Balanced Regional Development

North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP)
Implemented  Ministry for Development of North Eastern Region
Objective  to improve livelihoods of the poor, especially that of women and the
disadvantaged people in the project area.
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Features  It is a central Sector scheme externally aided by World Bank and

implemented in four North Eastern States namely Mizoram, Nagaland,
Sikkim and Tripura.
 The identification of Districts for the project was done by the State
Governments based on social and economic backwardness.
Desired Outcomes -
 Making the SHGs promoted and supported by the project sustainable,
 Increasing the income level of the members of the SHGs (at least 60% of
them) and disadvantaged households by 30% in real term
 Providing jobs or self employment to the unemployed youths through
various skill trainings, entrepreneurship development trainings, vocational
trainings and management development trainings.

India BPO Promotion Scheme (IBPS)

Implemented Ministry of Electronics and IT
Objective  setting up business process outsourcing (BPO) units in rural areas to
secure balanced regional growth of the industry.
 to create opportunities for the youth living in these areas so that they do
not need to migrate to urban clusters.
Features  It is under the Digital India Programme to create employment
opportunities and promotion of BPO operations.
 It provides capital support along with special incentives up to Rs 1 lakh in
the form of viability gap funding (VGF) to companies to create BPO units.
Disbursement of financial support under the schemes is directly linked
with employment generation.
 It provides special incentives for employment to women and Divyang,
setting up operations in towns other than capital towns, generating
employment beyond target and promoting local entrepreneurship.
 There are also special provisions for the Himalayan states of Jammu &
Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
 Metro cities such as Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai,
National Capital Region (NCR), and Pune, along with their urban
agglomeration were excluded.

Ishan Uday
Implemented  Ministry of Human Resource Development
Objective  Scholarships for undergraduates from northeast;
Features  Instituted after Bezbaruah committee recommendations
 Under the scheme ten thousand fresh scholarships are to be provided for
general degree course, technical and professional courses including medical
and para-medical courses
 An amount of Rs.3500/- p.m. for General Degree courses and Rs. 5000/-
p.m. for Technical & Professional courses (including Medical & Para medical
courses) will be given through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) to the
beneficiary student
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Ishan Vikas
Implemented  Ministry of Human Resource Development
Features  Select students from northeast to be taken to IITs, NITs etc.
 For internships/ exposure

Implemented  Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), State Government (Jammu & Kashmir),
by Corporates and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
Objective  The programme aims to provide skills training and enhance the
employability of unemployed youth of J&K.
Features  The scheme covers graduates, post graduates and three year engineering
diploma holders

Himayat Scheme
Implemented  The scheme is part of the Skill Empowerment and Employment scheme of
by the Pri e Mi ister s Offi e PMO
Objective  Aims to train youths from both rural and urban areas of J&K in various job-
intensive vocational courses over the next three years
Features  Himayat is a placement linked skill development initiative for training and
placement of 1 lakh youths from J&K in next 5 years.
 Youths enrolled for this scheme will be given training for six-months, nine-
months and one year job-oriented courses.
 They will be trained in and outside the state.
 A provision has been also kept for foreign placements as well

Theme Social Security

Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY)
Implemented AABY is a Government of India Social Security Scheme administered through
by Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).
Objective  Death and Disability cover to persons between the age group of 18 yrs to
59 yrs.
Features  It is a group insurance scheme providing insurance cover for a sum of Rs
30,000/- on natural death, Rs. 75,000/- on death due to accident, Rs.
37,500/- for partial permanent disability due to accident and Rs.
75,000/- for total permanent disability due to accident.
 The total annual premium under the scheme is Rs. 200/- per beneficiary of
which 50% is contributed from the Social Security Fund created by the
Central Government and maintained by LIC. The balance is contributed by
the State Government / Nodal Agency / Individual.
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Atal Pension Yojana (APY)

Implemented Ministry of Finance
Objective  To address the longevity risks among the workers in unorganised sector and
to encourage the workers in unorganised sector to voluntarily save for their
Features  Launched in 2015
 Atal Pension Yojana (APY) is open to all bank account holders who are not
members of any statutory social security scheme
 The APY will be focussed on all citizens in the unorganised sector, who join
the National Pension System (NPS) administered by the Pension Fund
Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) and who are not members
of any statutory social security scheme.
 It is open to all bank account holders who are not members of any statutory
social security scheme.
 It mainly targets on unorganised sector workers.
 Contribution of subscribers would vary based on their age
 Subscribers would receive the fixed pension of Rs. 1K/2K/3K/4K/5K per
month, at the age of 60 years, depending on their contributions.
 The Central Government would also co- o tri ute % of the su s ri er s
contribution or Rs. 1000 per annum, whichever is lower, to each eligible
subscriber account, for a period of 5 years, i.e., from 2015-16 to 2019-20,
who join the NPS before 31st December, 2015 and who are not income tax
 The minimum age of joining APY is 18 years and maximum age is 40 years.
 Minimum period of contribution by the subscriber under APY would be 20
years or more.
 The Central Government would also co- o tri ute % of the su s ri er s
contribution or Rs. 1000 per
annum, whichever is lower for a period of 5 years upto 2020.
 The same pension would be paid to the spouse of the subscriber and on the
demise of both the subscriber and spouse, the accumulated pension wealth
is returned to the nominee.
 Administered by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
 APY can be opened through banks, Postal departmentand also through a
complete digital channel through eNPS platform.

Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY)

Implemented Ministry of Finance
Objective  Income security for senior citizens
Features  Pension Scheme announced exclusively for the senior citizens aged 60
years and above.
 Life Insurance Corporation of India is the implementing agency.
 It provides an assured return of 8% p.a. payable monthly for 10 years.
It is exempted from Service Tax/ GST.
 The ceiling of maximum pension is for a family as a whole; the family will
comprise of pensioner, his/her spouse and dependants.
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 Premature withdrawal from the scheme is possible in case the money is

required for the treatment of terminal or critical illness of the person or
 The shortfall owing to the difference between the interest guaranteed
and the actual interest earned shall be subsidized by the Government of
India and reimbursed to the Corporation.

Swavalamban Scheme
Implemented Ministry of Labour and Employment
Features  GOI will contribute Rs.1000 per year to each Nation Pension Scheme-
Swavalamban account opened in the year 2010-2013 for five years.
 The scheme is voluntary and open to eligible citizens in the age group of
18-60 years
 Eligible individuals in the unorganized sector can open an account through
their Aggregator and get an Individual subscriber Account.
 The account is regulated by Pension Fund Regulatory Development
Authorities (PFRDA).
 There is no minimum amount required per annum or per contribution and
subscriber is free to choose the amount he/she wants to invest every year.
 Subscriber should not be covered under any other social security schemes
like E plo ees Pro ide t Fu d a d Mis ella eous Pro isio A t, The Coal
Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act etc.
 The existing subscribers of Swavalamban Scheme would be automatically
migrated to APY, unless they opt out

Mahatma Bunker Bima Yojana

Implemented Ministry of Textiles
Objective to provide insurance cover to handloom weavers
Features  It provides insurance cover to handloom weavers in case of natural death
(Rs. 60,000/-), accidental death (Rs.1,50,000/-), total disability
Rs.1,50,000/-) and partial disability (Rs. 75,000/-).
 In addition to above, a scholarship of Rs.300/- per quarter per child is
available to students studying in standards IX to XII.
 The benefit is restricted to two children of the member covered

Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)

Implemented  Ministry of Finance. Life Insurance Corporation and all other life insurers who
by are willing to join the scheme and tie-up with banks for this purpose
Objective  To provide life insurance
Features  Eligibility: Available to people in the age group of 18 to 50 and having a bank
account. People who join the scheme before completing 50 years can,
however, continue to have the risk of life cover up to the age of 55 years
subject to payment of premium
 Premium: Rs.330 per annum. It will be auto-debited in one instalment
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 Payment Mode: The payment of premium will be directly auto-debited by the

bank from the subscribers account
 Risk Coverage: Rs.2 Lakh in case of death for any reason
 Terms of Risk Coverage: A person has to opt for the scheme every year. He
can also prefer to give a long-term option of continuing, in which case his
account will be auto-debited every year by the bank

Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)

Implemented  Ministry of Finance. The scheme will be offered by all Public Sector General
by Insurance Companies and all other insurers who are willing to join the scheme
and tie-up with banks for this purpose
Objective  Provide Accidental Death Insurance
Features  Eligibility: Available to people in age group 18 to 70 years with bank account.
Premium: Rs.12 per annum.
 Payment Mode: The premium will be directly auto-debited by the bank from
the subscribers account. This is the only mode available.
 Risk Coverage: For accidental death and full disability - Rs.2 Lakh and for
partial disability – Rs.1 Lakh.
 Eligibility: Any person having a bank account and Aadhaar number linked to
the bank account can give a simple form to the bank every year before 1st of
June in order to join the scheme. Name of nominee to be given in the form.
 Terms of Risk Coverage: A person has to opt for the scheme every year. He
can also prefer to give a long-term option of continuing in which c ase his
account will be auto-debited every year by the bank.

Varistha Pension Bima Yojana

Objective  To give an assured minimum pension to Senior Citizen
Features  It is a pension scheme
 It intends to give an assured minimum pension to Senior Citizens based on
an assured minimum return on the subscription amount.
 The pension is envisaged until death from the date of subscription, with
payback of the subscription amount on death of the subscriber to the
 VPBY was opened for subscription in 2003 and 2014
 It is now closed for future subscriptions
 Implemented by LIC
VPBY 2017  The scheme is implemented through Life Insurance Corporation of India
(LIC) during the current financial year i.e. FY 2016-17.
 It will be open for subscription for a period of one year from the date of
 The purpose of the scheme is to provide social security during old age and
protect elderly persons aged 60 years and above against future fall in their
interest income due to uncertain market conditions.
 It will provide an assured pension based on a guaranteed rate of return of
8% per annum for ten years, with an option to opt for pension on a
monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual basis.
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 The Union Government will bear the differential return i.e., the difference
between the return generated by LIC and the assured return of 8% per
annum as subsidy on an annual basis

Theme Federalism
Panchayat Empowerment and Accountability Incentive Scheme
Implemented Ministry of Panchayati Raj
Objective  incentivization of States for devolving funds, functions and
functionaries (3Fs) to Panchayats and incentivization of Panchayats to put
in place accountability systems to make their functioning transparent and
Features  central sector scheme aimed and is 100% centrally funded.
 State Governments/UTs are ranked on a Devolution Index which measures
the extent of devolution of 3Fs by States to Panchayats.
 Based on the index, the best performing states and panchayats have been
incentivized since 2011

Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Yojana

Implemented Ministry of Panchayati Raj
Objective  to strengthen panchayat level governance by providing training and
capacity building of elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions.
Features  It is functioning in districts which do not receive Backward Region Grant

Theme Tourism
Incredible India 2.0 Campaign
Implemented  Mi istr of Touris , touris s o tri utio to GDP as 9. per e t
by and 9.3 percent to total employment.)
Objective  To increase foreign tourist arrivals in the country
Features  Preside t of I dia lau hed I redi le I dia . a paig a d ―Adopt a
Heritage project on the occasion of World Tourism Day.
 Incredible India 2.0 campaign will be focusing on specific promotional
pla s, ith greater e phasis to e gi e to so ial edia, hereas, Adopt
A Heritage Proje t pla s to e trust heritage sites to the public sector and
private sector companies and individuals for the development of tourist
 The campaign will focus on developing at least 10 cities where the
spirituality quotient, medical and wellness potential will be promoted.
 At present cities from UP — Ayodhya, Agra, Mathura, Varanasi-Sarnath,
and Gorakhpur, Haryana - Kurukshetra, Assam - Guwahati, and Tamil Nadu
- Kanyakumari have been identified for developing tourist circuits.
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 The tourism ministry has set itself a target of completing this exercise of
developing cities by October 2018.

PRASAD - Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spirituality Augmentation Drive

Implemented  Ministry of Tourism
 to identify and develop pilgrimage tourist destination on the principles of
high tourist visits, competetiveness and sustainability in an integrated
manner to enrich tourist experience and enhance employment
Cities  13 cities identified for development under PRASAD are:
a. Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh),
b. Gaya(Bihar),
c. Dwaraka(Gujarat),
d. Amritsar(Punjab),
e. Ajmer(Rajasthan),
f. Kanchipuram(Tamil Nadu),
g. Vellankani(Tamil Nadu),
h. Puri(Odisha),
i. Varanasi(Uttar Prasesh),
j. Mathura(Uttar Pradesh),
k. Kedarnath (Uttarakhand) and
l. Kamakhya (Assam)

Theme Science and Tech/Innovation

Implemented Ministry of Science and Technology
Objective  to communicate to the youth of the country the excitements of creative
pursuit of science, attract talent to the study of science at an early age
and thus build the required critical human resource pool FOR expanding
the R&D base.
Features  "Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE)" is an
innovative programme for attraction of talent to Science.
 It is a scholarship scheme to help young, talented scientists, collegians
and doctorates embark on independent research careers.
 It was later rechristened MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National
Aspirations and Knowledge)

Nakshe Portal
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Implemented Ministry for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences

Features  A e e portal ― akshe as lau hed o the o asio of th
anniversary of Survey of India (SoI).
 Topographic maps containing natural and man-made geographical
features including terrain or topography are prepared by the SoI and it is
made available for free download from nakshe web portal.
 Survey of India is the oldest scientific department in India, created in 1767
and one of the oldest survey establishments in the world

Sagar Vani
Implemented Ministry of Science & Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences and
by Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change on the occasion of
Foundation Day of Ministry of Earth Sciences.
Features  Sagar Vani is an app providing integrated information dissemination
system serving fishermen community with advisories and alerts
towards their livelihood as well as their safety at Sea.
 The information to be disseminated is given by INCOIS under Ministry of
Earth Sciences (MoES).
 The system also has the facility to provide access to various stakeholders,
NGOs, State Fishery Departments, Disaster Management Authorities; they
will further disseminate these ocean information and alerts to the user

ATAL Innovation Mission

Implemented  NITI Ayog
Objective  Its objective is to serve as a platform for promotion of world-class Innovation
Hubs, Grand Challenges, Start-up businesses and other self-employment
activities, particularly in technology driven areas.
Features  The Atal Innovation Mission shall have two core functions:
 Entrepreneurship promotion through Self-Employment and Talent
Utilization, wherein innovators would be supported and mentored to
become successful entrepreneurs
 Innovation promotion: to provide a platform where innovative ideas
are generate
 Under this mission two major schemes were rolled out such as:
i. Atal Tinkering Labs
ii. Atal Incubation Centres

Implemented Ministry of Science and Technology

National Initiative for Development and Harnessing Innovations(NIDHI)
Features  NIDHI is an umbrella program for nurturing ideas and innovations
(knowledge-based and technology-driven) into successful startups
Visiting Advanced Joint Research (VAJRA) Faculty scheme
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Features  scientists or senior researchers abroad of Indian origin (NRIs and Overseas
scientific community) can collaborate with Indian faculties for conducting
joint researches in India
Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayay Vigyan Gram Sankul Pariyojana
Features  upliftment and economic development of rural areas in the country

Namami Gange
Implemented Ministry of Water Resource
Objective  to clean and protect the Ganga river in a comprehensive manner
Features  Central government project (100% centrally funded). Started in 2015
 It is also known as Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission project
 It will cover 8 states & 12 rivers.
 Ministries of Environment, Urban Development , Shipping, Tourism, Drinking
Water and Sanitation & Rural Development are coordinating with Water
Resource ministry in it
 Local people's participation is envisaged in it
 Expanding waste/sewage treatment
 Emphasises sustainable agriculture
 Application of bio-remediation method /in-situ treatment to treat waste
water in drains
 Setting up Ganga Eco-Task Force
Important 1. Sustainable Municipal Sewage management (Coordination with Ministry of
interventions Urban Development)
2. Managing Sewage from Rural Areas.
3. Managing Industrial discharge and pollution abatement
4. Enforcing River Regulatory Zones on Ganga Banks, Restoration and
conservation of wetlands, efficient
irrigation methods.
5. Ensuring ecological rejuvenation by conservation of aquatic life and
6. Promotion of Tourism and Shipping in a rational and sustainable manner
7. Knowledge Management on Ganga through Ganga Knowledge Centre

Ganga Gram Yojana

Implemented  Ministry of Water Resource
Objective  To develop the villages located along the main stem of river Ganga which have
historic, cultural, and religious and/or tourist importance
Features  U der the Na a i Ga ge Progra e
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 Encompass comprehensive rural sanitation, development of water bodies and

river ghats, construction/modernization of crematoria etc
 Make the village open defecation free. Abate direct discharge of untreated
liquid wastewater from such villages into river Ganga. Facilitate adequate
infrastructure for crematoria. Develop proper solid waste disposal facilities in
order to avoid any pollution to river Ganga

Nirmal Ganga Sahbhagita

Features  Nirmal Ganga Sahbhagita is an initiative of Ministry of water resources.
 It is mainly to assist the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) located on the banks of the
river Ganga for achieving the objective of Clean Ganga.
 It aims at sensitizing the ULBs about the pollution arising primarily due to
dumping of solid waste in the river and involving them in stoppage of such

Project Mausam
Implemented  Ministry of Culture
Objective  To establish cross-cultural linkages and to revise historic maritime cultural
and economic ties with 39 Indian Ocean countries.
Features  It aims to re-connect and re-establish communications between countries of
the Indian Ocean world, which would lead to an enhanced understanding of
cultural values and concerns; while at the micro level, the focus is on
understanding national cultures in their regional maritime milieu
 It is to be implemented by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) as the
nodal agency
 ASI will get research support of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
(IGNCA) and National Museum as associate bodies.
 The Government has identified 39 countries to bring on board for trans-
national nomination for World Heritage
 This project aims to explore the multi-fa eted I dia O ea orld –
collating archaeological and historical research in order to document the
diversity of cultural, commercial and religious interactions in the Indian Ocean
– extending from East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, the Indian Subcontinent
and Sri Lanka to the Southeast Asian archipelago.
 It also aims to promote research on themes related to the study of Maritime
Routes through international scientific seminars and meetings and by
adopting a multidisciplinary approach


Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKY)

Implemented  Ministry of Mines
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Objective  to minimize/mitigate the adverse impacts, during and after mining, on the
environment, health and socio-economic conditions of people in mining
districts and also to ensure sustainable livelihood for the affected people.
Features  The beneficiaries include people living in directly affected areas and displaced
family under the Land Acquisition Act.
 It is implemented by the District Mineral Foundations (DMFs) of the respective
districts using the funds accruing to the DMF from miners.
 District Mineral Foundation (DMF) is a trust set up under Mines and Minerals
(Development & Regulation) Amendment Act, (MMDRA) 2015 as a non-profit
body in those districts affected by the mining works.
 60% of the funds will be utilised for high priority areas such as Drinking water
supply, health care, sanitation, education, skill development, women and child
care, welfare of aged and disabled people and environment conservation.
 40% of the fund will be utilised for physical infrastructure, irrigation, energy
and watershed development

Sudoor Drishti
Implemented  Ministry of Mines
Features  It is a project launched by the Indian Bureau of Mines in collaboration with
National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) and Department of Space for
monitoring of Mining activity through satellite
 Bhuvan-based services will be used for the monitoring of periodic changes of
the mining areas within mining lease boundary and development of mobile
app for field data collection to verify the ground realities

Features  Transparency, Auction Monitoring and Resource Augementation (TAMRA) is a
web portal and mobile application, to streamline the process of various
statutory clearances required for mining operations.
 It will display block-wise, state-wise and mineral-wise information of the
blocks to be auctioned.

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