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Name: Noor ALMashal.

ID: ESM1709069
Emirates College of Technology
Major: Business Management
Report Title: Yemen

YEMEN Course: Study Skills ENG 103

Instructor: Mrs. Ibrahim Azara


Introduction _____________________________________________(3)

History ______________________________________________(4,5,6)

Geography of Yemen ______________________________________(7)

Religion and Language ____________________________________(8)

Best Places to Visit ______________________________(8,9,10,11,12)

References _____________________________________________(13)

List of Figure

Figure 1- History of Yemen _________________________________(4)

Figure 2- South Yemen ____________________________________(5)

Figure 3- North Yemen ____________________________________(6)

Figure 4- Geography of Yemen _____________________________(7)

Figure 5- Climate _________________________________________(7)

Figure 6- Religion & Language ______________________________(8)

Figure 7- Best Places to Visit ________________________________(8)

Figure 8- Sana’a __________________________________________(8)

Figure 9- Aden __________________________________________(9)

Figure 10- Taiz _________________________________________(10)

Figure 11- Al Mukalla ____________________________________(11)

Figure 12- Ibb __________________________________________(12)

Yemen civilization has a history of more than 3,000 years, before the appearance of
Islam in the Arabic Peninsula until the middle world. One of its famous histories was
the kingdom of “Saba”, which was founded in the 10th century BC. The Sabaen
capital was “Marib” where a large temple was built for watching the sun, until they
have responded to sermonise “Daawa” to “Tawheed”. The kingdom was famous
because of its “Marib Dam” which was built in the 8th century, and supplied its
beautiful garden with water. Since the people of “Marib” didn’t follow the messengers
of “Allah”, “Allah” punished them by the distractions of the Dam, and turned those
beautiful gardens into a dry land, which made the people of “Marib” move to the
North & Middle of Arabic
Peninsula. For a long time and before the appearance of Islam, Yemen was known of
its big

Architect. The people of “Makkah”
used to go to Yemen to trade goods,
and when the Islam has appeared
and started to spread, Yemenis were
well represented amongst the first
soldiers of Islam who marched North,
West, And East of Arabia to expand
muslim territory. Moreover, some of
the greatest scientists in
I s l a m w e re f ro m Yemen, like “Ibn
Marib Dam Before
Khaldun” who did the map of the
world. Yem eni people contributed in
the spread of Islam in the Asian and

countries through their trading by

showing a good mole in Islamic
behavior, some of these countries are
“Malaysia” and “Indonesia”.

Marib Dam After

South Yemen:
“Aden” in south Yemen was occupied by British in 1936, because it became a vitally
important port around the serene to “India”. In 1958 six small states within the
protectorates formed a British sponsored federation. In 1967 South Yemen became
independent as the people's republic of South Yemen.

South Yemen

North Yemen:
The History of North Yemen was quite different. North Yemen was ruled by two
powerful “Emams” , Emam “Yehya Ibn Muhammed” and his son “Ahmed”. The two
Emams strength the state and secured its borders. North Yemen under the two
Emams seems almost frozen in time, the 1962 revolution in which the Emam was
deposed by a group of nationalist of resources and the Yemen Arab republic was
proclaimed under the leadership of “Abdullah Alsallal”.

North Yemen

Relations between North Yemen and South Yemen grew increasingly after 1980’s.
Border wars between the two countries in 1972 and 1979 has ended surprisingly
with agreements for Yemeni unification, though, in each case the agreement was
quickly shelved. During the 1980’s the two countries cooperated increasingly in
economic and administrative matters. In December 1989 the respective leaders met
and made a final unification agreement. On the 22nd of May 1990 North and South
Yemen officially merged to become “The Republic of Yemen”, and “Ali Abdullah
Saleh” the leader of North Yemen became president of unified Yemen. “Sana’a" was
declared the protocol capital of the republic of Yemen, and “Aden” the economical

North Yemen

Geography of Yemen:
- Coastal Plain Region: Extends all the way from “Tahama” until it reaches
“Aden” & “Hadramut”, passing by the southern coasts, and it has a range of
mountains and plateaus.
- Mountain Highlands: The largest and most amazing Yemeni terrain, extending
from the northwestern part of the country, all the way to the south-eastern part of
the country, and its mountains are the highest mountains in the Arabic Peninsula,
with a height of about two thousand meters, others up to three thousand and five
hundred meters.
- Highlands: Located on the north and east of the mountains, and parallel to
them, and most of them are in the east, which are characterized by abundant
- Desert: There are no plants at all, and some parts of the desert of the Empty
Quarter, ranging from five hundred to one thousand meters above sea level.

Its generally warm and dry in the desert and eastern parts of the country, however, is
moderate in the mountains, and the humidity is high in the coastal areas.

Religion and Language:

Yemen is an Islamic civilization. Nearly all Yemenis are Muslims, with approximately
55-58% belonging to the “Shafi’” school of thought and approximately 35-40%
belonging to the “Zaydi” school of thought. There are also approximately 3,000
Christians, 50 Jews.

Best Places to Visit:

- Sana’a:
One of the oldest Arab cities in the world, its been known that the kings of “Saba’a”
lived sometimes in “Marib” and other times in “Sana’a”. “Sana’a” and its castle
ranked in the second place after “Marib”, the capital of “Saba’a”. They say that the
name of this city belongs to the fact of
its great industry, and also because the
word “Sana’a” has a meaning of a fort
or a castle in the ancient Yemeni
language, which “Sana’a” was also
famous for.
What’s great about “Sana’a” to be

Dar al-Hajar
visited, is its great
architecture, and the
ancient buildings that
were very well built and
are still standing till this
day. This was one of the
very first cities to ever
build high structures, and
have duplex houses. You
will also enjoy the
beautifully designed glass
windows, that are mostly
found in “The Old City”.
A n o t h e r a m a z i n g landmark in this city is “Dar al-Hajar”, they also call it “Stone
Palace”, because of how it looks like it’s been shaped out of a tall stone column.

- Aden:
First place that will catch your breathe is “Socatra Island”, it’s one of four big islands
that are located in the Arabian Sea, but only “Socatra” which is the biggest one,
belongs to the Yemen territory and became under “Hadhramaut” in 2004. You will
visually be amazed by this island, as the type of trees there look very different and
unique than any other trees you have seen in your life.

Socatra Island

Another nice landmark is “Sira Castle” that reflects the bravery and hard life of the
people that lived at the time it was constructed. The usage of this castle was manly
during war, to be used as a protection wall towards the attackers. It might take you
approximately seven minutes of walking to reach the castle, and that is the average
time for a young person. What is mostly important to wear when visiting this area,
are a pair of comfortable heavy boots, because the road is heading upwards and is
full of rocks. Once you reach the castle, you will be amazed by the great view of the
“Indian Ocean” along the horizon, and towards the opposite side you can see the
beautiful city of “Crater”. Unfortunately, when it comes to the care of this castle, the
government is lacking in its maintenance, so you will find many parts of the borders
have fallen.

Sira Castle

- Taiz:
Better than the great “Mona Lisa”, an outstanding nature painting found in a small
village called “Al Samsara” in Taiz city is “Al Ghareeb Tree”. This tree has lived for
fifteen hundred years, the shape of it is rather fictional than to be true. It looks like a
tree from a magical movie, as its trunk has the color of an elephant skin. It only
produces one fruit a year, and how the story has been told, is that this fruit appears
for one day, and one day only, and no one known how it disappeared or who took it.

Al Ghareeb Tree

- Al Mukalla:
Al Mukalla was discovered in 1035, at first, it belonged to Oman but later on it
became part of Yemen around the 11th century. It is located between India and Africa
trading post.
There is no specific place to go around this city, you just head there and walk
around, enjoying the sea view, amazing smell of fish grilling, and also the “Souq” that
includes many trading of goods. Although its a sea city, the bread there is very tasty
and famous around the locals and all Yemenis.

Al Mukalla

- Ibb:
Saving best
for last, the
most breathe
taking city in
all Yemen is
Ibb. The
entire city is
built on top
of “Jabal
which is
covered with
strong saturated greenest grass you will ever see. Ibb is an old city, all the buildings
found their are made of stone, not even cement used.
The roads around the city are only one way ahead, either you drive through the
entire city to reach a specific destination, or you go back all the way in case you
missed your stop. However, not all the city can be explored using a car, you will have
to experience a lot of walking. There is “The Old Mosque” that was built during the
time of Al Caliph “Omar Ibn Al-Khatab”, so visiting this mosque could give you an
interesting feeling of experiencing the visit of a place that “Omar Ibn Al-Khatab” used
to pray in everyday.
Jibla town, in which Ibb belongs to, is a quiet and a small village away from all the
noise of the city. Locals who live their can walk all the way up and down the
mountain with no stress at all, it became part of their normal lives since they were
born on this land. Queen “Arwa”, one of the greatest Yemeni leaders, moved from
“Sana’a” to live in “Jibla-Ibb” in 1063, and stayed their till she passed away.

As you can see in the images above, the entire “Ibb” village is almost like many huge



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