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Ranking of the Political Pollsters

By Rank * Alphabetized
Pollster Rank Pollster Rank
SurveyUSA 1 A&.A Research 185
ABC/Washington Post 2 Abacus Associates 228
Field Poll 3 ABC/Washington Post 2
Mason-Dixon 4 Alabama State U. 45
Blum & Weprin 5 Albuquerque Journa 69
Public Policy Polling 6 American Research Group 247
Ciruli 7 American Viewpoint 152
U. Cincinnati/Ohio Poll 8 Analytical Group 72
Rasmussen Reports 9 Anderson Group 211
Davis & Hibbitts 10 Anzalone 167
Selzer&Co. 11 AP-GfK 106
BRC / Rocky Mountain 12 Arizona Republic 120
Capital Survey 12 Arizona State U 209
Montana State U. - Billings 12 Arthur Finklestein & Associates 238
PPIC 12 ASA Marketing Group 135
Riley 12 Aspen Media 72
Tarrance 17 Ayres 215
Louisville Courier-Journal 18 BadgerPoll 97
U. South Alabama 19 Bannon 223
Wilson 19 Baselice 155
Strategic Vision 21 Basswood 230
U. Connecticut 22 Battleground 181
YouGov/ Economist/ Polimetrix 23 BD/TIPP 111
Potomac 24 Becker Institute 190
Crawford Johnson & Northcott 25 Belden Russonello & Stewat 127
IVR Polls 25 Benenson 186
CNN / Opinion Research 27 Bennett Petts Blumentha 63
Magid 28 Big Ten 206
St. Norbet 29 BIGresearch 72
Northern Arizona U 30 Blum & Weprin 5
Kansas City Star 31 BRC / Rocky Mountain 12
Scripps Howard 31 Brown U 246
Miami Herald / St. Pete Times 33 Cal State Bakersfield 212
U. Massachusetts 34 Canisius 72
Cole Hargrave 35 Capital Survey 12
Dittman 35 CBS/New York Times 197
U.S. News 35 ccAdvertising 203
KRC Communications Research 38 Central Surveys 110
Temple 39 Ciruli 7
Personal Marketing Research 40 Clarus 216
Flemings. Associates 41 Clemson 227
Knowledge Networks 42 CNN / Opinion Research 27
Time/SRBI 43 Cole Hargrave 35
National Journal 44 Columbus Dispatch 225
Alabama State U. 45 Commonwealth Foundation 45
Commonwealth Foundation 45 Constituent Dynamics 141
Illinois Weselayan 45 Consumer Logic 196
Indiana U 45 Cooper & Secrest 72
Louis Harris & Associates 45 Crawford Johnson & Northcott 25
Lycoming College 45 Critical Insights 220
Magellan 45 Cromer Group 157
Market Research Insight 45 CrossTarget 160
Franklin & Marshall 53 Dan Jones 195
Richard Day Research 54 Dane 261
EIway 55 Dartmouth U 94
Orion Strategies 56 Data West 257
Roanoke College 57 Datamar 233
Harstad 58 Davis & Hibbitts 10
MSR Group 59 Decision Forecasting 198
lpsos 60 Default rating / New pollster 137 61 DFM Research 174
Gallup 62 Dialing Services LLC 164
Bennett Petts Blumentha 63 Dittman 35
Texas Credit Union League 64 Diversified Research 122
Withiin Worldwide 65 Dynamic Marketing 72
Global Strategy Group 66 Ed Renwick 158
OnPoint 67 EIway 55
RKM Research 68 Elon 159
Albuquerque Journa 69 EPIC / MRA 113
Market Solutions Group 70 Ethridge & Associates 105
Hotline /Diageo 71 FairbankMaslin 217
Analytical Group 72 Fairleigh Dickinson 179
Aspen Media 72 Feldman Group 221
BIGresearch 72 Field Poll 3
Canisius 72 Flemings. Associates 41
Cooper & Secrest 72 Florida Voter 145
Dynamic Marketing 72 Forman Center 131
LauerLalley Victoria 72 FOX / Opinion Dynamics 142
Market Strategies 72 Franklin & Marshall 53
Market Trends Pacific 72 Franklin Pierce 202
Marshall Marketing 72 Gallup 62
National Research 72 Gannett/Monmouth 121
Neighborhood 72 Garin Hart Yang 112
New Mexico State U. 72 Global Strategy Group 66
RMS Research 72 Gonzalez 109
U. Arkansas 72 Gordon S. Black Corp. 103
U.Tennessee 72 GQR / Democracy Corps 200
Univision/FlU 72 Greg Smith 149
Wick Communications 72 Grove 144
UW Milwaukee 90 Hamilton Beattie 218
U. Washington 91 Harris (telephone) 194
Merriman River Group 92 Harris Interactive 150
Pan Atlantic/SMS 93 Harstad 58
Dartmouth U 94 Harvard U 163
Los Angeles Times 95 Hays Research 249
Honolulu Advertiser 96 Hellenthal 193
BadgerPoll 97 Hill Research Consultants 98
Hill Research Consultants 98 Honolulu Advertiser 96
WNEC 99 Hotline /Diageo 71
U. North Carolina 100 Hotline Bullseye 170
Mitche 101 Howey-Gauge 248
ICR 102 Humphrey Institute 258
Gordon S. Black Corp. 103 ICR 102
Market Decisions 104 Illinois Weselayan 45
Ethridge & Associates 105 Independent Market Research 178
AP-GfK 106 Indiana U 45
NBC/Wall Street Journal 107 InsiderAdvantage 252
Ohio State U. 108 Ivan Moore 222
Gonzalez 109 IVR Polls 25
Central Surveys 110 Jeffrey Stone cash 254
BD/TIPP 111 Kansas City Star 31
Garin Hart Yang 112 KELO-TV 139
EPIC / MRA 113 Knowledge Networks 42
Richmond Times-Dispatch 114 KRC Communications Research 38
Multi-Quest International 115 Lake Snell Perry 151
Tel Opinion Research 116 Larry Powell 240
Red Sea 117 Lauer Research 239
WestChesterU. 118 LauerLalley Victoria 72
Rice U 119 Los Angeles Times 95
Arizona Republic 120 Louis Harris & Associates 45
Gannett/Monmouth 121 Louisville Courier-Journal 18
Diversified Research 122 Loyola 241
Pew Research 123 lpsos 60
WSOC-TV 124 Lycoming College 45
Newsweek 125 Magellan 45
U. New Orleans 126 Magid 28
Belden Russonello & Stewat 127 Manhattanville College 133
SMOR 128 Marist 147
U. Texas 129 Market Decisions 104
Strategic Services 130 Market Research Insight 45
Forman Center 131 Market Shares 132
Market Shares 132 Market Solutions Group 70
Manhattanville College 133 Market Strategies 72
Project NewWest 134 Market Trends Pacific 72
ASA Marketing Group 135 MarketAide 234
Zimmerman 136 Marketing Research Institute 173
Default rating / New pollster 137 Marketing Workshop 237
Yankelovich 137 Marshall Marketing 72
KELO-TV 139 Mason-Dixon 4
RT Strategies 140 Massie & Associates 262
Constituent Dynamics 141 McCulloch 183
FOX / Opinion Dynamics 142 McLaughlin 177
Voter Consumer Research 143 Mellman 250
Grove 144 Merriman River Group 92
Florida Voter 145 Miami Herald / St. Pete Times 33
Winston 146 Midwest Survey and Research 180
Marist 147 Millersville U 256
Southern Opinion Research 148 Mitche 101
Greg Smith 149 Momentum Analysis 243
Harris Interactive 150 Montana State U. - Billings 12
Lake Snell Perry 151 Montana State U. - Moorhead 226
American Viewpoint 152 Moore Information 192
Susquehanna 153 MRG 245
Quinnipiac 154 MSR Group 59
Baselice 155 Muhlenberg 171
Star Tribune 156 Multi-Quest International 115
Cromer Group 157 National Journal 44
Ed Renwick 158 National Research 72
Elon 159 NBC/Wall Street Journal 107
CrossTarget 160 Neighbor 253
Virginia Commonwealth U 161 Neighborhood 72
New York Post 162 New Mexico State U. 72
Harvard U 163 New York Post 162
Dialing Services LLC 164 Newsweek 125
Suffolk 165 Northern Arizona U 30
WDIV-TV 166 NPR 199
Anzalone 167 Ohio State U. 108
Opinion Consultants 168 OhioU 235
QEV Analytics 169 OnPoint 67
Hotline Bullseye 170 Opinion Consultants 168
Muhlenberg 171 Opinion Research Associates 229
Ron Lester & Associates 172 Orion Strategies 56
Marketing Research Institute 173 Pan Atlantic/SMS 93
DFM Research 174 Penn Schoen Berland 251
W'V Research Center 175 Personal Marketing Research 40
U. North Florida 176 Pew Research 123
McLaughlin 177 Potomac 24
Independent Market Research 178 PPIC 12
Fairleigh Dickinson 179 Project NewWest 134
Midwest Survey and Research 180 PSI 232
Battleground 181 PSRA 204
Rutgers 182 Public Opinion Strategies 242
McCulloch 183 Public Policy Polling 6
Siena 184 Public Strategies 188
A&.A Research 185 QEV Analytics 169
Benenson 186 Quinnipiac 154
Victoria Research 187 Rainmaker Media 236
Public Strategies 188 Rasmussen Reports 9
Val Smith 189 Red Sea 117
Becker Institute 190 Research 2000 244
TMR Research 191 Rhode Island College 214
Moore Information 192 Rice U 119
Hellenthal 193 Richard Day Research 54
Harris (telephone) 194 Richmond Times-Dispatch 114
Dan Jones 195 Riley 12
Consumer Logic 196 RKM Research 68
CBS/New York Times 197 RMS Research 72
Decision Forecasting 198 Roanoke College 57
NPR 199 Ron Lester & Associates 172
GQR / Democracy Corps 200 RT Strategies 140
SE Louisiana U. 201 Rutgers 182
Franklin Pierce 202 Schapiro Group 224
ccAdvertising 203 Scripps Howard 31
PSRA 204 SE Louisiana U. 201
Talmey-brake 205 Selzer&Co. 11
Big Ten 206 Siena 184
WPRI 207 SMOR 128
TeleResearch 208 SMS Research 219
Arizona State U 209 61
Zogby (telephone) 210 Southern Opinion Research 148
Anderson Group 211 St Cloud State 231
Cal State Bakersfield 212 St. Norbet 29
U. New Hampshire 213 Star Tribune 156
Rhode Island College 214 Strategic Services 130
Ayres 215 Strategic Vision 21
Clarus 216 Suffolk 165
FairbankMaslin 217 SurveyUSA 1
Hamilton Beattie 218 Susquehanna 153
SMS Research 219 Talmey-brake 205
Critical Insights 220 Tarrance 17
Feldman Group 221 Tel Opinion Research 116
Ivan Moore 222 TeleResearch 208
Bannon 223 Temple 39
Schapiro Group 224 Texas Credit Union League 64
Columbus Dispatch 225 Time/SRBI 43
Montana State U. - Moorhead 226 TMR Research 191
Clemson 227 U. Arkansas 72
Abacus Associates 228 U. Cincinnati/Ohio Poll 8
Opinion Research Associates 229 U. Connecticut 22
Basswood 230 U. Massachusetts 34
St Cloud State 231 U. New Hampshire 213
PSI 232 U. New Orleans 126
Datamar 233 U. North Carolina 100
MarketAide 234 U. North Florida 176
OhioU 235 U. of Iowa 259
Rainmaker Media 236 U. South Alabama 19
Marketing Workshop 237 U. Texas 129
Arthur Finklestein & Associates 238 U. Washington 91
Lauer Research 239 U.S. News 35
Larry Powell 240 U.Tennessee 72
Loyola 241 Univision/FlU 72
Public Opinion Strategies 242 UW Milwaukee 90
Momentum Analysis 243 Val Smith 189
Research 2000 244 Valley Research 260
MRG 245 Victoria Research 187
Brown U 246 Virginia Commonwealth U 161
American Research Group 247 Voter Consumer Research 143
Howey-Gauge 248 WCIA 255
Hays Research 249 WDIV-TV 166
Mellman 250 WestChesterU. 118
Penn Schoen Berland 251 Wick Communications 72
InsiderAdvantage 252 Wilson 19
Neighbor 253 Winston 146
Jeffrey Stone cash 254 Withiin Worldwide 65
WCIA 255 WNEC 99
Millersville U 256 WPRI 207
Data West 257 WSOC-TV 124
Humphrey Institute 258 W'V Research Center 175
U. of Iowa 259 Yankelovich 137
Valley Research 260 YouGov/ Economist/ Polimetrix 23
Dane 261 Zimmerman 136
Massie & Associates 262 Zogby (telephone) 210
Zogby Interactive 263 Zogby Interactive 263

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