Final 2018 Statement On Heartbeat Bill After Passage by Legislature

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Statement Regarding Passage of “Heartbeat” bill

May 4, 2018

The Iowa Catholic Conference is pleased the Legislature has taken action in Senate
File 359 to stop any trafficking in fetal body parts following an abortion and supports
the life-affirming intent of the provision to stop abortions after a heartbeat can be

As Pope Francis has said, “Let us respect and love human life, especially vulnerable
life in a mother’s womb.” We call upon the judiciary to once again recognize that all
life should be protected from the moment of conception to natural death.

Most Rev. Michael Jackels Most Rev. Thomas Zinkula

Archbishop of Dubuque Bishop of Davenport

Most Rev. R. Walker Nickless Most Rev. Richard Pates

Bishop of Sioux City Bishop of Des Moines

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