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DBMS > E-R model F Relowiora| Teel . + Coes Deverctorey CFD) , Normalization 7 SQL > Reationg Algeora , Relational Gleoilers, ? Wansaction Wanagement , Concuaneny, Grr} ? Ale organization , Thatey ee ee Hi- Absract in natuae, C Row fact) Ploamatier = — Data with added cay, Record :- Collecyion of logicate, elated arg, ext- < 601 Ry 530 > sinoilan, Database 4- Collection of ,Teroret (or) Collections ef lege, velates! daig. Woaragemant s Thaosgr Set of reopens PBMS :~ Collections _ of logeaity Hate chia and set of Ppoqans to acces Those data. Appiicostons =~ epomking ~ Telecommunications ~ Regenvation Sepsterns - Sales + Scienific applications Gaal of DBMS *- Eftectve Storage ont setsieval of Pala Lon Dems. Ds Database Pems R = “Wee Hrencrichital DB. DBMS. \ en Graph Nexon DB NOMS, abe. Relattenal DB ROBMS Odes ObjeciorienterDG — OODEMS Ree Object selattoral pg = ORDBMS, C ‘ oncepiual Tatabase, Design using G Eling Retain ship Cer). Model Gormponanis of £8 Medel d Emig : An objarr (> the resiuea Noun" ex: Student. Book Account —_—~ Phopleal enti leaked out, 7 ae 2 : ty Set t Collection of similay enkitgig . - [Peso | <~fecrange d Retarionship 2 Verbs" 7 Association more “he Ontieg eR Reding Buying, 8 Relotioninip Ser 2- Gllesion of sinilan rdationships. <- Damon Se y D Alnibaties t- whi cleseribes. an entity / Re NOS 3 No. — ( Came, Byanely <_ Elitpse /ova) ¢ Bruclent —ASinkarion OF Atterbutes ro) D Simple _altisibete + Which con not be eivicleal Fostiey =) 2D Composite _attnibuie 1. which con be, ltuidleal — Fanthas, ) Salony 3 Birgle_Yalbecl auiioute :- which iakey. ona Valet PO Hoang - ° Genin) - Le 9 Motivated arivibuse t- yohich lakes. mone ‘oan ond Valuer Pe An enttig, D D D Biowel autvibute + whe does vot seine aimey pcan ey : ® Daweel otinibute + The Vatus of an ctisibate tan be ctenived From, Ot auttibutes. D Vescviptive atieibute :- — cohich qes information about the aretattonship seb oe Coke Person Key atintou ¢- pore eniqully Hentliey an ontty to the entity” See “el Dew of _“otionship set t- Specifies the no: of crane sets panttepates in svelastonship set. Sie wo entitles of tha Soma nity Set ) ) Unane : Relationship among Ore entity § —C Recunsug relationship Ser) » Binary Qeloiton ship Set t- The elotlenship among too anity sets. (ee <> a] So os FY 4) neany t= A Relotionship non, 7~ entiny sets 6 ) ] Key Consaaint :- An entity % acumgy oF a Key to nomen enti a? selottonship set Tey denoted tn E-R mogel ting 0 Avvo * "Bath cegentmant iy manage’ by armost ona employee * = ts [Ee] or eh Se - - B] Ravicigation Gnsinaint +- tf even eniiiyy Io THe HTYSCH PonkCipats tog eelakonship set is Gilles Aotol fonttipstien clenotect by deubie lie C ‘thick ling), Stremotse, TE Gallet Ponta parttetpatton. C Thin line or ‘single tine’) * Eendo depoarment 4 Tranagest by attest ona employee ' —! ” Beach Dept managed by Cractig one employee Employee | er at & “Taging, Canny Ccenctinatity Rass’) lk Bxprey THR ho Of Qutitveg Jo whith angther entity can be Oncciaied Va a celodt@nship ser Nores- he condinalily rayo's cn be, expressed on binary Adationship set-only “Conta on bre welts ® orate on C121) iran Cae} AD entity ip A davocinter with otmesr One extliy IP B and ay i? ii in A Shitty Io BY associotecl with atmos one entity in iy many Cm) oS An erutity in A & ossottated Ustth apo 09 many enittes in B anol On enity 1 Bi moctoteal colts atmoie one, entiy ip A- Nowe: En re~ to-rmanty ancl mang- 4 ene —elavKonship sot” he fonstiatet & fiom an “m! side enntiy 40 tha Velatlenship sor. ~ ea (nin) fe lAleak Entity Ser s— catty Set - = - An entity ser cahich clees hot havea Kee atisibate ¢ Callecl wenk entity ser, a Posse key an soe Ge Doran ( cS AL F Weak selotionswipser Ga) Soteintiing nelattionshipset lo ~ Goons cnigser Gs) tclowlyinas cemen > TWh ceoner ontiy Ser fo tne, VRaK elaktenship sor “the. coretinatis ona any ‘$ AHO & ‘Tho PolCigation of weah entity ser to dns Retifging velation ship sop & alwary dotal. > Tha weak omity ser 4 idemifiect eaing. pasta Fey arch bey of a SroNT enitky sor Class _Wercneny Grenenati a ae : Piy of entittos (eevee? = 7 ene) Specialization S ‘Drsckingy WHO Sob Enttttey => Class Wivoies TORO CASA -Hrangle) Aggegaiion /) Aggnegaricn alles og t iodiete oat 9, “RLxisnship Sets PERNCipaes % crore relationship Sot Eroplagee Aappeggaion box Advontays of E-R rece} 2 Eoseys to urctersions! 2D Tes an effective tommeniartien too] Disactvantages.of E-R mrode| ) Leited copssatnt Capeioitity. D less of pformatign contene Appraads 1 “Tep- clssan Qppaeae 12 EAR coroponants enarg sop < Relaawshipses La 2 : Ea) omen 7 © eb SaaS Patty ottorship see C Edouttying eloslorship Set) Rows < Glums Cae) Reconcls Attoibuns ‘ Tape, esti dics) Student | Relotton Schma zp. Btvactune Bro Name Brae . neh Numpenc: eacre) — — Relotion instante :- tuples yt we > TO He ! a ese a B ecg } Prana fa. rebation 1 Degree specifies No- of @turmns present tn « Jeaplep ® i Grctinainy of 2 relator 2 Specifies poof coos @ ¢ = = a e * RPBNS + _Cotecton of _sekutong “Wenity Consent ty IS es 15 a condition specifred on a cllaimse sdemq Oe & ctestaicls te clota bat con be Stored 1 an, stance of the clotaloage - ex Prnry KEV, Nor NULL , UMaUE Lega Tistance 2 he, Instance, winch Sonsfes ait He IMegUIy Cangas specifeel on adckaiabae schema, > Onnwie Suchan wstame & Mited Ter, Ke Congrats I's Key Congres TE ts a Ser of frets of Q rehten ba o Wigue identifies fev oO toupee, Thar iy @2cs teuple in a elation &y Rlontifre) est, & ser of atinidutes. Stectent C Rive, Name, Liner, Boor, Passport _) ) ea ———$ do Rwo < Key 9 Reo, Name) < bey % (Nome, Stren) <- ke - ? (ne) Secret ss Pasipor << key a e o Q D Fanpert key DGbrevtge bey = - - ° Te ig Q rantrecl Ser of axietbutey — eshich eniqualy idewitier a tuple Ma Aebsion x Bre, _CHtont, Gamer), Tangent ® Super key ae he Ga Sek Of Gusibaes who Goniaing key Caanardaty keg} ex (Qe, Roser), (Ro Name) Rice, Tape , Mane | a a > Evy candidate key & Caled aspen key, hut every supen hey. neal not le A Candido, kee x) Prirwoney Key - ia Araray ait the available candidate hey en cay be idlentificeh : 03 paimny Ker. ex.- Rio OK 5) Foreign Key Gonstaaint ( Reteaoneal Trccqiy Conisoinr) —— So Studley Regstouieo > y+ Ps Riso “Wome. Bram _GENe, enamt Roo Bie NN ee =~“ u A Cse 11 DEMS a loz, a a = B =F \ Ds \ 3 Toc 3 3 © cse oA PL > —- C Referenced sqeiaies)C Parent) CReterning “etatios) Comte) ~> Tho Yoluss paetent In Keniegy, key rue be presen tp Pairooy ey oF sveRenercedt relation . Foregn Keg aq tontain clupleates and Hull Values Bont tome, hile tate ~Insek <4 D ECED X Free 2108 GT Sm X Delete <1 A CSE > “Delete < 103 Toc 2 > Deletion Lior ne Teberenced relation and trsetten inte tHe ef Yelakon Maye Vilatae — foriegn key constaint JF ! Tae foreign Key wits ondelete, Gkade > _ondelete, @icade wre doe, dara Fron tha From the poset fable ip deloteats The velates Oni, tale alte debe. detect Sseadkelly- C bot tables) » > A Relation ai aor C3 both qenent anol chill, fe. aq qebiton MAH CONTIN Oo prison key arta Rreign heey strat Vefoy JO te Some elation. Comider a relation RCA B) whe A ¥ Priemongy key ant BY frwig, keep Teteneneing ‘the Same, Watton. then — evhien of The, folowing Ow Sequome, Gn be inserted sucey, fay se a) C4 pull) Co, (272) (3,2) DC natler) Cue) ¢2,9) C54) 7 ne 5) cay © 2) C daa De ae 8 Gawler g acai RCArB) whe A & a pmmange Keay ard BE a Kreg Key, referencing, A osttty on-delete. Gacacte. Consichen the flowing, seltton Ivtorce of R. EN oo, RC# 8) 2 ce) DFID s Poon wh whar ane the tuple fat must be acddittomily cleterect to 16 PvE tha TWehersnae keg, conttrant whin te tuple 274 Celorep 8 9) G4) C413) Cre C413) Coray ©) CS:29:.G7,2). C&2dC 2) Cae) Four omise tale & deter 7 a) G2 ») CH. <2 cas) A) ala once ELR fF Rano Catel ene. enane Salaog An Snitiy, Set & — rompped WD Se) The. auoibuter of -fe, -aclaton induce. the auvibuacs of an Outlay. ‘Tho Kec attaibare ef an eniiy becomes primary hey OF the aehstien, 19 Empugee @No €raw® = Gare TA Bag DA NRA 3 [eee _ A B09 3900 Sod 1200 MY anbibatles of a elation indudey the Sine ottittete SF an entity cep » Enkitey Set eoitiy _metnatutet Atiribate. Se eoitly _mantnalued ast i Qo) G) Employee NE 2 Suey Contains muscles oxabutes Ik & nepaciented tol Feoo selottons oreo all stm Pe. atinbuter ond the Othe wit te cued munkivaluiol aticbuies. ®) 4 6820 ~ Digivg) one ee a= 5% te EG.) ECarb.) 5 GHB BB “Tondasing cebHonsiip set Wie a doble Os =; = = \ = eae Been] Awoats DEK Dogortiant Sno Die Since | DA Doame, Vee lor cse 1 or 2-feb on es : 102 1-Feb| Es |} = = - A Reoxenship Set & wappat Wie a celatten, The alitbates of 3) A selex@n induces © Te egy aumbetes of the, poncipating “elation Orel ane. ale'claneck ay foreign kee to the respective aebhicn > degeriptiver avisibuses QE ome J CD Sot of Non clesesiptive altaibores 18 the porimmenay Kees of Ana aelatton. 1 RelaNtoo ship ser gait Key Constecint a 5 . Eeach dept requinel to fave atmsr one emplges © @ man Fel 12) ® {aL 6 [3] 2-lokla AR, B ov ALS 2-toble ARB cot at F rm @) ® 22 a 8 i A Ceujax) BRC &!, 62,01) 2- Jabley © @@ es = rk 2- toble a AC21 0,01), BCbib) 2- lable. ARC OL, bi)» BCL br) Cory Ru Aa) , BRC EL, b210,D 23 Relationship sot cory Vey coneteaior & Ponitcigation consmoing _ ee ony ae Eeach Dept requixed do have eractg, one emptgee S84. manage’ a . oo Employee Ss Ses 102 Ect 2 as — J Corutraine monge. ‘tre. xelakenshipser fable de trent gg vey waits an enttiyy Ser fable De the SA Ser dbl, Feclpating, edith etatimship set ther Eorentecy est not null constrain 4 aable. ARB (21, 42,b1,b2) i ‘i Notes tone oq Key consriaint Grom bot tne sidles of es entity Sek i woli aotal Peatciperion trio Ue epseent tne tf “elarianship ie Strgle. dalle. ) Fide tains no. ot tables thot-ow passble when gpa ‘Vonulate fs the ms E-R diaqam io gelaitenal moolet by 4- tables Fe FH D ARR2Coy,a9 onc) > BC br be) 2 RC we) OAC Oci Gy PR - Sai ae Bk BS DBRRARS irraes,0> HA Ca1,2%) 9 Re Caies 20 Cam) Fk De cucasy we \Aleak enti y Sek ——— 48 —— 7 bey contrary Derpel- poltey Fg Cv1 be, (63),0n, ag E3(a,.@) * Ba Cei sa) EnC bibs) Total no. of tables CmmnD=3 oe @ mim. no. of saver 7 fi ex, nor mall 1 FHOPC BREA Ww) BEby bn) CRC BC.) : Bes s & ie ton 997 \ 98 | s | c. x he S| xB / @@ C@® OS “0 Noamatization Schama LeCnementt * Beclurclancey gabe 2 Rectodanen, 2 Twsetton omombiy D Veclate Chomefies 4° Peletiorn Ovomati Ereplogee ce Dewompcsition & ho Sotuston for aay. paoblens - 28 an ESCH OD, X= XN cm be 288 OF many, amibuis cletenrinont X—-y (FS exe: Raa = Ray . Se Gee ae i eS XM Xe Ng oe ey - Ase ioc aa = i Yee > The fnaionalk depercaney % the gorsatgiation of Fhe Concept oF key: > XOX Say that if two tuple 2gmee on the valet of attoibute x thoy, muse ager on the Valen in astaibat Y. Qs Consiga a aebrior RCABCD — having. tne taplep So RCABO 123 Than whida of tne. Gllowing, deperctonres a fan qoa Wk clos Por hola over R. * 4) A>B- we BCA 9 Bec a) AC-—>8 Qe georges) Aa Falling, weletion Stone ONES . mae umd of Ame Glowing Racomt choos e : 1 bets as OAR Sorts tteel by tna above, bianee. 7 463 VM >2z, ZY BLU WX K, Y>2 3 xy >L, 2x Frivia] ad xz >Y 2¥Pru2z > - - ” Ses iON Senco W D Taiviol fanaienal Dependencies 2) Nop- Taiviol fuarcitonal Depenatancies. D Tava) FD : Sancienal. departing A> Y & Slot 40 be tml let We YOX. WH om wows i RS OF Song epersiany, is The Subset OF LWS OF tre clepenctony. Yon & calteh trivial FD. ABA AROS Ag FB D> Nen~ ‘Taal FOs- , IP thme & allergy One attribute, in tne Ring ke, nor prrot dy MO LHS — such Aependanty \y cilecl Por trivial far ctiooa) de porary = 6-840 ~ OG}0) 2-$-%~ Dany oar fine. AR—> Bc: Nep- tivil ABCD t Complcterty non- tnivial Closene. propenta_ of FDS. C these ) ReFlexivtey rs X2Y tn XY §5 a depenclanyy Ext. 2 ABA XY &@a cleperclancey XZ yz 8 2 depertony a5. E iF XX wa clepenciancey ont Ys 7 3 a aleprrotany Ahoy R—>Z Ba depontan. t BD Urnon qropty : ifeX—>Y ga defame ond KS % & cepenota, oa fe X—sye Sa epson, > Deompsten < Y xyz ua depardony ten XY ok 77 & g € clegendones. Ses al at ES ie te Set OF atl P'S, Amr can be dletorminsct Ung “he givos SRE Of Rameonal ckpenctansy F.' crck y donoted by F* CP close Bes RCABC) fF: {A 8, B-oc x" fre F'S€ AB, Bc, Ac, AC—> Be , AB —> Bc, AB—> AC ag = God Ae no oft Fos in F-clesure CPt) Gy a wrelvtegn: enim O-ayaibetay 7 Ae 4,8) SN % % « A = B oe = ™ AB Ag >$ jasg | be | AB SA | ps ae BoA ABA >B [ap BB | §B>8 O-A8 | hone | pas | ag—saB PT ap deprdontose 16 & roe RC 4/9,¢) “ Fre 64 combiratians, KY BUY = oq WR Cv aateibuty) . Fre gP_s 9? 2”x2” Closone, Setof. oitibates C y+) PS RAE O FL asp, Bsc} a = AnBc} The Set Of all aecibekey thor can be — cletenminest ong the quen ser x of altbutee Collect aHoribebr closerg ancl ix clervred by xt - i = 4 RCArB. C.D, Pp) PRE apg ,8C-2AD, Doe, ce 6 f Gn (ABs = 7 fe ng" { &,8,€,D,E} cet (8 Am.cre] gct = (8.c,A,0, ER ot = Ged = QY Considen a aelahOn vain FDL 25 bf Aveo, AFop Per , C>9G/85e,G35n 4 fie cpt ~ Lotia,e, m, op OP > (oe 60cm, > A rts {PD } k Age. LAB 0, a, * + Contide 0 elation RAB) curly f:¢a393 Grd all depantoncig to EF = ee £ AB, ABB ,A>A, B28, A>AB . eo ab, Bob )MB—od , AB ag J Asa? OF dey - - - hh Stee BR. Be 2 ABT = AB = 4 ei Qs RCA, BLD 2 { a6 ,83c} find FT 9 B iry ABC HE Act = ARCH=G Ber = Be = 4 ABCT = A,Bc= Gg 3 RCA Bic) F2€ aoe poe CA, BA 3 ACt = ABeC=g Bck- ABiCag Apel = ABe =8 BT —_ Agpicaitons of dilvibate Clesune “TO Finck aghtittenal fancttonal — cdeperetoncies @®.To Prt Feq's ef a elation - DB Pol eyertnlonces of Laertona, tet © w $i — minima) sop. oF feaneriorsat cleperotares ey, A] To Girck ection ancora clepen a EX RCAB.C.09 fF: {A> Be Ben, Dag) PE Dare 8 poste 9 ADF. § W,0,8.0% ee & - = - = Corgide, @ Relation ROABCDE ) eaten FO'S S14 A->B ADC, CD? &, BD, EA } ni x = whidn of Hae Fallowcina, F-D's iy not inplted by. the above. sat. ? Y wo Ae CDM A cp re, mish SBD > CD - Le ) gcscd Egon ie: a) Ac BC BC = CBC DIE At @ % Rn kegs. of. _@_aelation Te sero alt atinibasey thot can be cfenovinaat using dhs GV OF tinieests GS catledt atimibut closune, ancl & Aenotedt by i oe eee Fa relator thon X UY aie} Supokeyy of R, Wha R¥ a aehiien. WX & @ minimat ser than x ey allel — andlate key of R. @ R60) ga” FD: 4 Aag, Bac} a. ages Chia — ae AA Aieic a key Be Ag Coan 8 Bcy - - = ze: @ ReAGeo) fF. RAB, Bop} og Pans Sk) AG: LABG0} key cas) . ae aa : Bt ~{3,02 © ABE Ate Kat © aC a,6,¢,0) BST. e aon AB cp co-sag } HLA yop 8 ae ABD < f= ABC KA Sk-AB ee *B- Cap ev} bo eK wo Gob Aes co *€c Dany ek ae ; S — A -ACD B ~Bep \ AB, Gad) $ # of Supeke 7 4 Sh ® reaec) f. fA>8, Boo 1C-3A} AM ABC) 1 CK Es eS BL Bic Aes ck 3c cet CAB} > Ok sk iy ey At 4 Ge AK Be —— ABC of super heys = fe 3} Corsictn «= KC ABCOD cohh CK AB, BC Finck the no- of. Yo) Supen hous D is oa “ 9 AB OBE ¢ » ABC 9 Bed : “SS — Asc > ABD me ae 4 ABD

B} 0 frelon @ Gretel hey, ov ontey Speke ? ss AB = € #18: D} Tiey — Saperkay ate € ArBie,D} Ley ~ Gym Canetidoty keep. = 4 64 ' 2 AB. super Meey our ror dvetishte kee, because A BQ Casohdlati key. @D RCABCDD why ED C mse, Bac} Kook CHF Ey x At £ABCT x OT= {Bch ¢ 2 che hcp * v Do > {po} « he a ££ A:B/ 0 5 Condiclate hey hidden) anabate s Te abetbete tor ow, Nor Paro RES OP cleperctares Hidde condictat kee: RC 4 BcOE) F.4 Abc, C39} Brot CKD a Agr= [A8,¢} cep} , nge*= (ABC De} & > oo oe . 2 » DREKG OC, PL ABC, cn} - ABI. - Agr- (AB.c} - chs Aca} eK. AG Ce €esad Yy2 Note 5- “tho atinvbans oa heey cre callect, key catibtg oy aime kal boa | t Prtime aitsibate, cippeancet on the RWS of. Some, stepenolanay abot ton be. vephtecl scitty is LNs to get aateitional canctla Heys, @® RCase nD) FC age, BD CoB pop? Find att cs of RK? Bus A A, Ca oe ¢ oe 3 Canciicloe:_keag = AB AC. AD 3 andilat keys, ) RC ABCD) - — = = fO4 4B, 6c», Doac} flo CHS OF RI bs 9 6ct= L6c,0,a,6% sek eee Pe OE Ss 2) AC Ses DRE poh, DE (2) RC ABCD) f: 4 Msc, CA, B20 > DB 2 Ae ; AB ick > apis LA BC DP CB icK Dy < => PCD ick ea D po ick 2) AD ee Sa a co ® ecag coe) FR "BC, cO+E, DEB} apts C ABCP , co £006, BF pet= GE, BR « ners 4 Ad} « ABD 4 18,0, 1} row = = Acor = MIB CO-EY 56% Ader = LMBGOEF PK Bee Geese pe 4) F. { AB, BOSD, Ec, Don} yu ake? ye Oem > AGH Sok {AEM 8.<'p} 9 She hock . DA Y BER sek — BOER Bc—sp BEM Eee DTo find Kpivolane of F:0S — Ses of F's ~¥' oma “Gi aa Sod to be equivalent te Gi*, hence, equivatanee, meant thar- every Fate RSE Ging he. Ikenect esting, @. enc! Eveny SD we Son be heed wing Foie, Pag iit bom £ coi G ont Th coms F bach. ES Gonsclen. the. lexoing, two Ses of FDS F< Ate, AC, Env, E> 3 GL Ac, Ean tt AIP & Any - Atos OR CQUMalene.F F towers G Us os a ABCD Compare veh ting p A*= acn E>aAH tompu E* wing p Ee Ear yc Veet + Ae compute AY Gsing G Ars (G0,aF == AC—*#D Age CAB} E— AD Gee 5 ae E* using G EX = 4 5, Meac.D} fee tT F-cvm had Goes Fo => Both Fand G ae eguivala. ® pe: XK a2 8, Bc? fh: £ hoBe tC oF Fos F K oes & see Breage Ab= {Bcd} At-Laseo} BY- £8} x Bosca} ch =kcot © ei 4 A>B,AB 2c 4 DAAC, DVEF a. £ A>Be , p> AB} ppm o O_o fF x SOR ki Bie; : ; 4 $ A" KABiC} re br £ DAG EYS Dh 4. De ArBic] x E nos mes d Ei kaos, Boe, ca} G £ A385 Boe, Cog BAD) Oe Ses oy 1 « aed, Cr coves F | 4) To Gnd roinimal Set of Lance Heoal clepenctanciey a given set :. G&~ roinimal sey - = a = Cen © f: {AaB : OE AY pete by. bt eS: Qa: { #26, B-3c} ~ wnipimal set Agt iG. a ya ey ber ae: @ ¢¢ WSc,ase) eo { Rok, AB} — apinimel see A wisimal wom oy a sero FOS F. & gq srop Fy.’ WF Foor sanstres. the gnopety thot evenyy clepenalaness in ey Ih GIT thon Gl & Called wininal set. Paocectune, 49 Find roirimal_Set See @ Pur tre Fe ip the starctarch fone ext- A-38C =5 APB C step @D Rewose recewclant Ff: O'S B= (pep, BoC Ae} > CA-8, ec} rep ® poinimrye vows op each FO AB—> ¢ A ~ can be deleted Whm Bt contains A RB - can be deletal when Ab coniaing g - = - ° ip these, wos ane semoval of vorebles t step G) epeat @ abier trar @ — repeat thy All drow oy No-cemovale =3 te ust be, minimal. YS 2 Ri- Boy tia, minimal Se of Pp . fod Tre boleetg Fld ac, ACD, Ea. Eon} Solos, DY A> *) Aco» 9) E>A FED 3 3H Step 2! rho Compe AX using 2.34.5 Ate A = 4 teckel, “#3 D Compare Ac sing 1/3/41 ae Act= AQ “Er et Costing Vers) = Eon ESD E* er a) } yor ton ger £ > Deion ¢ So ES = delete it. = £,AN,CD -E >H ind Ut (aes Gra 9 SELALC, 0} i Step 3 . uF AC-2D 1E A deleted * CEC 3 SP Mean Nor be cle ete} IFC dleleteel? A*={AL,097> © can be dtelefedh, = AX— 2 ASD Ta Sern abten_siepg BC Repe-siep 2) <3 Noting coill be cltnins DAD D EA 4 po QRinima) Sek OY minimal Cover Aa —2C, AP, E->A, Ean" Cansnical qwey - te Ec >an} LH5 of Qi ane se Cleperctencies shvaitol be opens © S4ase, C38 p+ 7,8¢, ACD 3 = steps = Stee = ° » A238 ME Or A238 2» ¢38 ae CB » DO ov DA 4 938 @x poe 9 pw AC>D 9 ACD ee 2 6 ABC Steer stepe Step? 5 € 58 ABC os ae £7 8B os cos C38 AB aoe — roe ASB BO Boe &B RD BD ABP AOD Boe oe \ cov? P-\eo. ao RC ABC DERG) se (9 Be sag _soe , DER BOA} Pie SOB,C, DE, = 3 AGT 50K Bp FG Gk DG 20K R163 ba oe =» = FO Ct 3B P1635 Qros Ao Prigiesed Conente@r cove, FA DEF = Doe ; DoF = ABP—> AC ABD AK ‘ 2 RAD > Ce ADO CRE ADoser ¢ ¢— Re C38 oe ae ae ae ee toe. B25 BoE Cove. Recreate ROPES Apo Apo ev ; a> C38 \ uate Boe Party ew hoe AD Be AESY eo inwreal eae CoD & D2G BF Palos ang 1 BY >A BCA Bc mE LoS ome aoe nimimal covtn Pee FOG ow oe = Cad Faq coo Berra 1 AGK Lott eae aie Vropentiog of elecorpositton ® Loss less © Gecomposition, x let R be q elationstip schema amt F be g Serok Pps RK Od Ry 8 Salch Ove) R Nan lecompesition of P ima be lossless econ positon oH Pte ™h- rodtnat jo eA ak ee Ri RAB=3 Ex g BR ee Bea abe, br as OBS 6, al by RG 5 a ED eee Spurious tusicey RPO b, Gy , Ce - Bee Lene, ory Cy —* 8 Orbe Cy ~~ Ri Re REARS ; _“ 8B BC A Bsc > a ob a A oc} : M® 4 — Se . Frc, S ob eee SaR <> Losey : a E if RAR, —> B-R OR) RNR —* R=Rs | & ee pole tna. cecommgostisn of. Rime Rout Re & Sift be basis SS if the almibay that ig common 19 Roam & o key Citra of the tetattons. let R bea reltion ant F be a SUP Kincrienc) Aleperctancies ove R. “Tha decompositisn of R rte R, cml RH & loses ire pt Contary either “the Runcstone) deporting, RNR —> Re —B (og) RM —> R—R, consider a Relateon RCABC) with - FD A>g thio & checomposed) RCABD ALR CBc) Adank wheadauns den cletomposiiron tesg or besten i An RNR > RR => BoA x feshiecd= 8 RNR BR > G+ on Ri Rag Aas =e zA : aa Ree = fac dt, “S “ho. detompesition 2ioy 5 1 DORE tt ' @ gcaso fy {n9} clecompeseal toh RC AED, RelAC) Solt- RO — ae {153 ngacy > re} Ane a ?B =) ly as RCABWw) SY FLAPS Bc, CF — decomposeat aie & Can) Ce) Ry cco? the clecomositian yg lesstews on | Avs Awa) s eg reg in De loss tess (Gere Rs) > C Bkey io Ry = Ss ec ABCDE) Fd p CPE Acs RCABD gccpe) RCAC) — tha Retompa stow & [rom Ce M8) Jer less tes, 2 RGABC DE FAH T Ze = Ez f£agoc , A20E, BE, FO Gu,o» 1s 4} RCABC) RAC ADE) CBR) RAC FWD Rs CTT) LR) ed leilen Aecompositias Presenvingy Pe Decomposition BS RS a : R, ‘ B te ‘ > Tra cletomporiion of a Aebtien R ewin Fos “FE to R, Goa Ry ito Pots Tespettiveliy & Sotto be Aeporobrey Exe RCABD), F094 Ap, Fans 5 PHeeWing ip BC, Cra % & decnposcel inte a rh 5 RCABY © RCBC) & “wo checompasitign (3 depenitongy presen Ov pe 9 Sol eh GeR)= § 88h aps Acme Te urd? =k > B, Goch tas gor C38 = Gor t= = Cepectony Presenting ecomposit?e ad At age £ AA h-o6 nae} Be BH { GSB, BoBC} trace, ¢ Ca CSB. cc G SX Reape wim FD &: CT AB—se, Da} S' RCAP) RC BCD) —& Decomp. ty cteg Preserving ov res Rt p-pA [hese PBoe : Fee f ABC, Dont fre J Fite BS 8 eagte BO, —pr- OA Roky OA, OB-20 é a 3 DB PBA Compete Age ALD er Bc kB-2C & lar Bcr= B.C hence ror presewicg CD? CDA leperetaneey - es RC ABCD) = ~ ae - FL 1 A—3, 860-39, 9-50} ROA] a pee RB _ Bor QW RKRCABCDEG) FA ABSC (ACG, ADE Bp, ACSA, @ RC Ase) e ) PR Jag : 4 A586 cS, pe} T lesy UE Tesless Epp wf vor DP - "Pele Q3e D k= BB ee. HE PC LAD —& not gq clecomposition becawe its fone 2046 Yostey bs ¢ Shy & le mebasteereeeey. APO EY Gon oe 1a): a) > BSB, C2 AP . $8 aoe 8 AB ¢ Pe>e aD BOA GK ECE: AB-PO pp € bs bs: > A> BBC CD ck: & tio bsley bur Not DP _——————_ Baca bcs ) A399, BOG CD AB, AD, CO & Not DP 3 eo a @: RCABe) : ST Beta 4 aS Srey test @ wy ronmmal Gamo Baw + SNE * Relo QNF and also io Ne @ RCABeD) wim Ff. 4 ABC, ASD} —cletempise tha above relaHoy io aNE I ROB EBLAD) — CK? Ag. R & Ww dane bur nor in QNF, ei) R,CABC) — ane Ro CAD) — 2NF is Q RCascop eG 48-2C, A> 0, Bet clecompare tue above rebit0y - - - = hm 4OONF B® RCABO) — ane CK: A Pip= ADD ReCap) one BRE RyCBED —ane Rain ang but porin np Nore $- Tas Aeromposition Warintl the clesuns of the wie losig. ckepenclenc WO SepmMoke — yelatiery rol aemaiving aberlooses Cig oy) arc Keep, Ckorbutes of clecomposedl rebtiory roms roman Veksion. 07/12] on Le7tefs | oye Oia-rsovaonhgecl Tekation Rerae mVA, Com poste carpribeste ABE Catone, Natuss’) | Remove PED C geunt Req 5 mo-heey ) BAF Cotoug ontyy FFD) y Remove Wansiiive cengebory C pon hey fomentes) > SNF - - NOMA BAAT éf Nosmnefigosion ef data tar be leckedl pon cs a proces of rallgping, the Giver setaton Sma seston chain F.D'S ancl fritmoney ex's to Achieye “The deine preprices of rrientging return Grek arihiniizing, the insemien clelotion aol update anomagies- Servencl Rormal forms hove been proposed. Gach rowmal [own init ga tha, nerkurcaney Ope Some ertent. “The higher normal feamg one onty °F Theonerical tne: but not Pracicliqe Applicable. Nasr DB Syseng use, Ponmefigatfon yp BNF, ENF B teomncted) Un- newnaligad relotten Emplosee i eee a NE ene erame. = me eae SSS ee 1 a 28 - Tee 2827 ow alent ney % B Coedeo} eg oe a 2 6 160 “Lg ANP if Perey Rett coniedy only atomic, Vetus” Ve, The atritbate of ony, tapte, most be @ single Hele or Mull Vibe A oeteten 8 in Grom 1S domain. @ Exey celiten in RoBMs mest Satisfy ANP. ‘* a Rall Function, Aeperectorey are| 2NF & based on tee Concept ef th dds allows - Petit Eucrional clepandancies, - F “Relaston scrama R ie ty ONE. fa even eo hey Wribers of Q ig fay Fareriontty Aeperctan on the hey of g “Ee Re agen) 4 AB—c p> p} Ck AB FRED PFD Ree i ANP bur ro inane Cbemup PRD? B-3D'). lat £CRB COEF GH) AB>C — rE GO > ER -Prs ADO - oF A>L pee ite 9p OK: ABD pete { ABC, Th a ae Ra, CASct J sore { Bip. €,¢ t RCBdery as Adt= {Gy a O-SH Re ABOY ae Legh AGPT Ry > 7 : 8ne a ee Ser g 3NF 8 > Rae QNe Boy, 67 Bogre Codd _Nowal em” CBCNE) R Cag °) $4 ABE, Cm ay x Cho: Ag Re ce orslangeay Candilate kee 4a a BNF bat pot in BCNF aS ae A Robantorship Schama Ry th BONF if whan evn a Pop~ Anivial ED: XA bells io Roth X Ba Supenkery of Rie, the Avteminanis ef all apaitonal clepenobneity muut be Supenhens. & UB) f: 4 ASB, Be, cA} Thu veltin. BW BONE + gyey ontuede & keg ct ADB We Gals ip BNE, ONE, ANE Notes. ¢ curse datewriroar 4 supe heey OF R, ae seoHon & io Bene BH Ged nownal Garo of a Woo ativibute aetation ig ROAR... . BNE DF: AABQ ChE A - BeNp WF: ABOAy Ck: 8B ~ BONE . it) Fi { ABBY ons ag gene . whe ce Gk! AR — Snr ar 8 © RABE) oF Lah Ae Nov fon= BONE Notes A Relation with oniey» triviot ependaneres % aheags in Beup Be RCABC) Cac, Cop} Decompoe the akove Relbhion Pr os Prine Bene. CK: AB, AC RS ih SNE bur norin Bene. PD o 2 ach= Lagy R, i: fe-25} CPR MO} AB ce & lo») The Bene cle com position Trasy nor ensures clepenctonay qriesenvi decomposition. t = - @ Rcasevertanzg) EC aBe, APE, Bor, Foon, Dors} clkcmpre Fp Pee dhe ghove, elation bt BANE. CK AB Ge ate 69 ene na RZtAse ) Ry CARED) RC DEY) Ra CFGH) — Rs C BF) ,= ~~ > 3 — G RCABCD) B a weobes - ID oF A, Cllouing aloes nok have g fosley joo cunt DP BCNR clecomposi¥en, i Q A>8, Boo D Cape Eom gee YD A830, C3 2) GRR, GOR. COMRy —~ | AB, C9 4D 3 ag) «GDR ge ror DP ad #2 BD g ) @serdR, oo heee Re AY Ry yee 10 2? BC ABCDE) 7 bs (APB BCOE EDA} , = om Pr CkKIACD = cas BOD Rs cu: BCD ip ane Q-30 RCABLD) WK —9 GO we -9 GIN) ctecom pore. 1 vot tn Bene eo cree c BENE 2 Superkey PO ame tag’ BES O) ekg Sue ee > Prime, Gt) ane ONE em te on @) ANE: Qos oties ror c:4B>¢, CA Cont So —— a — e fea .n} Ry) ~ Bene RCMBCRE) Chan - - whee YR. ~ Bem F{ AB—3c, B39, Doe BNE ae aye Ka loang See eee Ext RCABCDE) che LAA BBL Enc} OME ene Bene RG in one Bt, 0-9 A ANF Ane CQ ex: ep Gy Ine @) : slag & or voy Re oe ol ey D ave se, 2-2 A, Boe SNe G) ABE y cK dec -oK G) ane e pr= Apps Ry fone = Nossey dlerompesiion, ApBe Y Rage © anv : A C B® 28,0020, 436 one Gonna = @), owe G) ger-(gen 3% v7 ARS FR anc D bose oat RCABCDEFGHu ) fs Aap—s oxeKohn Ram E 1 FB-H MBC AdKER FRC ave } A®> ABLHE OE — 2 he PG Fes SEH G x HBch = HBCEGADE — hey FRC. FBC ADEGH — Keg, cH Eat , FB BuvE 3 Bnet CEQ)Ry awe? — aii ASCDEFH ct t owirral Cove) AB=CH F336 FR Gc fBc SADE : = - ) BES EE bee 9 ang BenF Rene CK: 4B, BB, eg = os —— Fpt % CEgy > Rs Scent : ACDE ¢ Garr oe Greetbe: Mee tose ABH lope fe AEE AR 3c} G1) Dems Work Book. Paocteny RCABCDEF G@HIT) SOE, BE, Fan, pear} ro “aa prD ane awe ibe Agt- LAC CDE EGM ts} re ory ‘ “rep - Re wm INE - Decompose to 2NF ch y BF ea CATT) a Br = ) IE ik Sto clecomimte into Ne 3wR ——____—_ Oho in Baw Ry. CADET I) R CAB) 7 Re CerG Hy” Recor). : RsCAeD) ) Ry CABC : 2) ReC Fan ol R, C BE) } Pes Boba 5 eee <3) RCS, 8. cme ec) Pf astece 38, ese} See es + GK = AB* = 4AB,C, 4,08} Ry in 2NF a mo Ar AAC DY RivgKe DP we { BEY RR ee {AB Y Rs gat 7S WE acs 4Ed} Ry cog RC3NeD R Cone) RCE) RCA Fe) Race). + Rac Be) LL Ra ceoD - Ry CAB) I Rs C AFC) os RCABCVE) Fr 4 Bree Pw A J CPD, APB . “Tp Pee oS 3 Rig nm ANF we i se At EAMETR, oe seu 6 ut Ke ch ARR Re ee “Ag? Rs FAST Ra pee R Cone) am Reswe) ers “RiCABE) RoCco) RECAC) RCA BCDE EGHI TZ) f.4 AB, Boer, A ROE e °F C = Ae {ABCTE Ry ee BOT A BDEES RiGee ; ia, Aot= {010 cud} Ry se 3 CAB EDADY = RBDY RGF G4) AST, ore ore Crk ABD TL ABC EL Cy HT TY RLD BUS athe) RCA hor} gener) 2S at KAT me Ze faegy Ry sane Be {ns} Ro Uewe je fap arn n, oe Racanty — 2, Ree ae Q Re C ABD) f CADGY) ReCH py Rs Cage = 085) Re CAE) nat aegy> 29 RAvcoe) kes: Aca EcD Rio ant BcO 30] ) RCarce) £20 7 APS RNE bak rot in gne “xe “Bone cw PR Pep Ro & in Ane bar notin on 2» BLOC. & use LRAT Re Ugoe {B54 2. ume Reaswweran) Ff: 1 AB CK Gh A>D F-3G Fe 2H NBC > aster ay FOC > whe 3 K AB HBC FBC. FIG crane FB—3H — Cormine HBC—AF Esene FBC 3E Bene $ Re MEO INE Horn INE i‘. o © ee er os “5G R, Uge Ss ie JR <— BT LAB CH IDI EG en G4 AG CH - peng MABCT= K HBG EA, on, AO aeran -secnnaere Ha, ore | Keay a} Pacrenvect cep ss AB—=e FQC3E RD E36 Egon Nor priewed cept See pee AB y HOC ar Oy Pe a Ve 76 Rvin Bnp bor vain ane uve soe OT ADAY Ree Ce . Ansnp-lmaneoion = [pec] eee Nee :P ABC p low @) AB Bm, Awe — TO CaN) Bre CKtA Rig In NE bar notin Beng 2 BNF ect= geo} Ry eee - Agcy Re a G) ABC, AB—2D , c-vA, D8 Giese Die eC Vee Bone Boat a5 oa ane ane > ae od Ruin ane ber not 1 GENE AD co ° ° « oS Now _d-P \ yd A lost E Dr< A 0B} Ra Gar — B20 {E04 8s. gF oe 79 RCABCDEFEa) ; ¥. & Bcf A Roe Weyl BCT KBE LO, MF, fn} AOE EG c—D PPG Fi heerBe Aric Ee Bec mes 2 eee Ris in Ane bur pot dy INE BSE em ae) a BC . Gwe) Sney 2B { A0B1610,6, Gy } ARE = KH ie AEH Creng) > SG ke => CD cme p32 Dea Teang EOF SF can) , % ang Que mt 1 Ar 4 AB OGY Re Gee iw! EX LEY PL Gene BO LaEY 3 Ry aor oe “ ———_—— om A, Dek’ sae Le AG BY RE =e QT Re RL ABEDG) ere “ Ace a, nS smelt ASS }Rs an a Gove rs RCABCDE) FLA ABS EDE > Ac, poe 4 ae BAS aa SHAG, Roisin ANF bur notin ONE ANE one Pe haghe ve 4 (ABDE) Ry ae {ABO Y Re ee Re demmposet mo RCAC) RgCDED Ra C ABD) Cea) fan BEI RABE) fF: (AB—wu ge, AC,c-r0 } ey a OBE Ch= AB, x = Ae (acoy Rae — BEA CY Reger ACY Resi Capps wane Rs dewmposed ie Re (OBED, RCGH, VACHS) od Meee dF. By RCABCOLT) 8\ cn: Aw ope COR, A Do SF = ck: AB cB ie ase Us A DEY R, vase KEN R es ey ene, ch CARED) @ ae Se Ch AGA Ry ame Ag>CD a oR bs) CBD) Ry EH 39 R-Cacmy fx =e BQ) Ra GA “ee BSE ecSeoy o : OH AGGby A aceeg yy emt S cBgy QB) Rs eae Val Ke] Rew) fF SAB yo , ssh oS , ck + Ag EL me eg, ch = COMM Pgs 74 pubes}, Stacreneet Queny Law C820) 32 Dass Langone SQ Cmmples = Data Deficit langues CDpLy:- " Stachae "-— Cree te ctr Data weripulotes largrese, CDMILD* * paig ts jnsew, delet Uedele olate, Beste queatey 7 Coaate lake Stuolet (Rr numa 9, nema choco) ), Sas > Wien Gore Stadowe Nal Ca, Raw") j ? Updlah studat ser Nove 2! Rabat? shone Rage 4; Y elev student whine nwo 4y Query Volusion Process Solvation _Otess Brom e Gomivion precluck OF all ables’) A 3 Pe v3 1g BE : 7@ 2) Wg, (selects tea teplepecnonting, te Ha hay t+ te conclivien a Stiga = LW ha 3 Greap by C Dike the toes sole groups 5 seu| Cm 0 Howry, C silecs he. gpoeip_) 2) Ere ctonsle Seesekeaaclanie? cin. selas” <1n0 from — Steacheny > 7 Selecy MO, ame fam Siders ; ? Selece from Steadent¢ es sSel ot cry reanke+5 fom Stodlent ; ie distin branch Grom Stele a > Sele +, Select sprrhang, - * aod Eee as not 00h 2 ab Re ae = eee + nor in » between .. ang} a Nor‘ bercoeen’.. and! is pay YS wot wut i + Wee +7, ii, = SY Stadent (00, name, haonds; €mail , rocks, Clty, Foupeh) D Find Studenks of. cst \wieg in Hgclenabast. @ HND) + Select * Grom student whinr beoreh = "ese" amy Cig Kya Cor) 7 Select * Sm Sttaclent : whue foonch = ‘CSE! onal City =" Hyal! 5 Me Wed: ON Studens ce ee ont 37 % select x Faom Staatee when bsanen = ‘tse’ on boanch = ‘7! b ) ) Sind all, stactenis oh excepy of cse 2 Select hk faom Skitclent Wwra not leyanch = 'Cse’,, (2) tistese' Yancn | oe ee) baancn <> "se! 5 7 Fined all> Stealen's who ans. Igy i Hua’ Gao! £ ‘cannot? SS > Select Fyrom stuctent when. city EN C Hyd, "Ban’, Chennai’) ; Garata3 52 - Stale ude cs Dis-adv 2 gon Gy * long Lest we : sy IN openaion is wse® 40 compen , a Vole 7 colar voKO AOE Of -Valuuy | 5) Fook all sudtents —wno* sored Ares fEreen 16. to 20 7 Selecr * Faor student Whur reanks between 10 AND 20 pes exclusive {patois Game as)2- SI = ' = > mds < 10 anc marks < 20; nee Y% usecl de Compan, 2 Cole usitt ‘Spek gl siudents wok have Mo gexspoot BS ” Rleoy . f — . t90rM) = Stuclenk NULL % et swe Foxspoar is null: vot 3e10 Valur doe nor Onisty Natur § Unkeo.0ry Even it koto, beat Nate nor spectteeul, R- 10 tuples Select + fom R wrest 154; s \ Te -xoHs aectuaneel, m selecr From & wring pull & null He seler & Srom whee Q & null Wo sOUe§ “retord reef - o =f - ° y BG sdeer Faom fehana 152 5 Cetng) @vis) > 7 Updlole — student Neem gaan, tras \ Sek manks = wenhs 15; f Ave poe Saleor & from Stuctost ; 3¢9 ec ) BT %& God al) stuclents whose, una Stents willis *s! Seleu Soom Stestenk woh pame fike ‘gx, ! + ’ ————* Stans its S$ RG + ems cats A wlallesps SS scomaing I ees AM 8- Bengt name length 3 € semis ith g \ ‘ s8--*% + Stems with B and minimum lergtn 3 we “Wa Like conditian & tsed fo specify, Contain serch corto fey Patlew, Oa. column. A pencentile CV) Sgn can be treat fo deta wikletendly Comissing oon ¢ a boty befoae Oras Gbte the pattern. Ov Sign Con be eagh uwedl to epee an ortotonsyy numben of eno ancl mone choreterg, Unelenscove C- vepaces a Single Chaneste. Onde. ley . Oreker- by awe tg Used Ye Somr tha ows. Company Crome, inveitero) Doglay it tng compeny clprabetical anole OF druh Haney 1 > selecr ge from Company grade by OMe asc} ee Dsplay. lk the company Yo oeverse alphoberiec® onder of thet names. 2 Select *& fsor Compras Oceten by wom clese ; > pp pe all the companys in severe alpmbeital ancien OF tru nang Amol numenical orden of andr inwxe no- %p ome, inva _ne aty As a a nl 8 + 101 A < woo 103 * 2 wa Ss ee 2 Seleer oo & thor comping Order bey nome desc, inveice ne ase: - ° - - % Hawk. Wwotte-no Ug c q 109 B AT 101 A 2; tos a a loo Aa 10 102 Notes, See hen Rast onctes bcp Aon, foal it sons He oes vay Rd ovden by clause whan I fhily it Som ta oe by 34 onlay dy dase, and ontinue. (Fa over by Clowe Cote it sping 3g > Seleck scm marks.) , Oug Crrenks) Grom sain, %e Sa Croanks), sl H 'o aug Cranks ) Bo A | fe Coa) nen ay 2 Seiecs ae SamC wants) on Total , arg (ments) ar average from srulent: Sp. Total Average 30 to - ° = a Grek 9 gusty J Gini AFL Between — max. anol min saarks of aha Shisha > Select ( toacmanks)— mioemarks) ) as ebiterance Paar Stuctent % Dilfenenee | 1 oO Be Oot: ee No-Oh Sttislens in oy class. 4 > Select Count CH) ay Sheng Geran Stuclent fp Sergi 3 > Belek max C name) fro Stuclera > : pF —s. : Nore: min and mox Suncrions can be eset oven bert, ) neumbeas , siaings, datey Sele aug Gramt) Crom Student se Eanes Noe 2 Avg ard sum fanctors cay Only beesed col Numbeng rsetar Cour C#) [erom ‘Stuctemk, Fo! jet no- of TOWS i table, 6 == 8 > Select coum CMD Cover stuolent; fp. 5 <—- setwins no. OF non- Pal val uss P Seleck COON C4) from Stactent ; 6 > Cook Constant )5_ vetunng no. of Sous 7 Seley coum C* Ramesh!) Cron Stuclent J Ga Br GetOe 12 Mem) Grom stuctent ; 4 7 Steer ceoeraet ¢ ? Slee EC Set Gem stent 3 - eee HS oI Notes- esit count funcion we ton we any Ktoek of data, P Select Sune mist) for Stucent sy > Evra 7 select Sum mam, fom. stolat ; 7 p34 G2 > Select nave F Grom sttioloat : Noter- Aggeace Rurctions On ~1o0% VORB, Mh = MARC ma!) » : be aseck to eonane ctowese. Pe Eywow 7 Salers Pawe, MaxXCm,) g Grom Student Watery = Enver Dane HOT Ch 2) Lame vier & Violgtes ANF : ) ? Select nenne : ie - Neer ~ - Orden by- expects a column name only by emancins) oa Ennov ‘ ” Selecr — pane e {aon Stuctont ode by m2, ‘ ustene ma>= 47 —= ovate ey Erion ‘Shesutt be one At~ Consider 2 table, T colt Blocoing ses eS T = — TH folesomgy sepamce of oat ve Pranks ls ra Starewarty wong SUCCOELlley, aie - = 3 HCE Elly, axceuteot on table “T, 5 20 3 30 a nul - Update T Sek. mants = anks-16 ! ’ Select om Corks) Fier reeks Wott the outer tha select Groton T 7 > ee 4) 18-75 ao 545 a) Gao Gsvmap by 2 clos. anol Having « clause Group bey dye 8 vsed 40 Compute —yonegate Lancitorg on @ grate: > Select Count Ca) 4 > select cont CF) , branch fron Stuckent™ fiom Stadeus - whet brane) ‘ese | 5 Group lor, ibaands ) a m p 7. Nore3- we an aelace, er buslen on tha Quoruy Cx eceuttOy : engine. by taing- qresphy. insieol of 4, by 2 gu Gs write @ queny 1 Grol numba of Studous in each brands. 9 ? seeer Boanch, Coane Crd Soom Steuer PAP by Grane Wp? Boanch counr Ce) CSE 3 ae 2 ME 1 - = = s Finck te ne of Stentea in Sch brane onol yeas 9 7 Select Soares, ean , cgant ce) Saom Stuctent lp [Seance Yeon cane Ce) yore by Baaneh, Year ; 4 @ Fe “yeoo™ & wer Inducted Yo tha qnoup by claw OS © Geer 4 Baanen ; oO, lp Branch Yen coo ck) toca) woke ane, Enno. Nore AN ayo. olumms ther oppean in tna selecr clausg, reat apptin ty are our ky clause & 0. of Rey Sr Yerale — Stuclenk th each baends. 7 % Select — Qaandy 7 fount CH) «+> - @ “[erecurten onsiey Grom Stactent Pe © Wohunt Genden= § oo. ete © Group by Boones ; oe = : oe : os °- “Ip Bran cont be) ooo Coe a 2 2 ME 4 Qt fired no. of Cemale studemts to each branch ork Siping ane aeute i tree ang mote trary ong Stuslent fo ine brenda. a) eREMHIOA oacley 96 . 2 Select Branch, CoamCK) sf -- =. ® From — Satrctent .. oO Whee gence =“pt @ grog by Boany + 5 -@ Roving, CONE) P41 gio ele. @ Yp Branch | Cont x) TT 2 oe Yoving Clauge, is wel Yo wie cpoup torctivens Mefiegote Gancrions can be used having class Wr ang u ho. of | Seeders by gach lonane except of CSE A> Select enesaa Brands, cont ao) © Fron) Student @ > whine, - = - - aan <> lege? ® Groep. Sy bean, ms @ : ree na oo IT 2 > Me 4 : > Gelocr Baande, Conk CD = = @ 97 Sworn sade”. “op grap by wsanh -- -@ having Wovanen <>*ese! 2 -® Te Geamen Count 8) z 4 Q_ GB more efycient than Qy Tra column's “hoa @ppean in having, cloeze mut be an aggregee fanerien — oy mast be pank of gree by clown. te, Tne colurn Oppeoningy in ovingy clawge must be a Single Value. pen ‘ine opoup: . <= - ee 4 Where V5 Hosing wy “tohen. 5 used fo Wer the Yous — eawnas “fowng ' & Useal do Select tye qoup “7 Aggregate. Ranctigns Canrror be. ascot b> usu clowe, bar ae be “seal ta Wnausing, Canee, 4S Qn ubice of the MMoroiny Stalerents Gat tug. about on Sau ape. wes AP SQL ayeny tan Contain a having Clouse even § % dows ner have a group by clause, Qs An sar fay fan Conan a having, cleus e onty if has a qpoup by doug, Rot AN tna odiaibutes — useol ib the cpoup by dove muse Appean Ww Ane Select clauge. “BS Not alt othibatey eset CP ID the group © Clay, muah APpPean in tre Selecr clause a) Por R EYP erat § SD & omaR 4) Q@ ams = oo pi - fos 7 Select Coant C+) Ye Foor Stactent a Vawing, Count Ce) >2 Nerel Wh Ine absence, of qpoup by cane , ae whole relakécsy will be comielereal 0g ona gpoap- BE Bet “vaniprlaken Upsariens sO a ‘e intenseer - Compatible —> Same no- al Columns Contes pentingy Gees ruse have same clom Smee AMA angwen to a queuy & — multi sek of yous tk to Consictey, ‘the Set opeations Mokena bekweer foo compatibte selation ie@, bein muse ave. eperespending @lumns taken rruar ave same ctemain + Same ser of columns. anol Ww onder from ie to Tigre SQL often, set manipulation uncla the - - - x , Trkensect’’ ancl “exept”. ‘ Sees Ui Ext Depesiw» Coc Mo, Cour_nane) Rontowen C lean-no, cxhwnane) a write gq quart, to finch name of the CUstomars who awe an atcount os (oan on bor ar tne bank.? Cselect cost name rom Deposton)) A arbre} union > C Select O8r- name Crom Bosrower’) 4-44 fon ss a euul - - > = y “Tha, Joto opmosion 4 Usel to combing velttcct dupes — Fron hoa 5 ay rdotions into a srale tee. tase: : Eneploaee, Cene, ename » City, depno) 7 Dest ¢ dao,” nama) ; 2 > . > Gnd nama of the emplogee's working te neserch depeatmont. Q (em) . D, > Selecr ename From Employee, Dept Whore porno = dno and dame =k! ofp: Rname ~ se opt Employee % Dept hes oe RE ee WO 8 R - ses R Ss x c Join -- a 2 Selea arama Srora emplogce oto Dept on depino= dino woh Ancame = 4Q! 5 2P eran o te - - € Nosuml Join oho we have a CantitiGo product with ony tonditien ay columns, Yeviney ve Same ngme bins whee conditi®y it & Callecl natural Join. ol Exnplogeet eno, ena? » Cig , dno) : Deg C dna, choome ); Seleo came Tropic fro Emplyec. motu) Jom Depp ae [ Emiplegyee Joi cterr 0 ij ee whine dramo = Resenc’, Erielegee-chro = Poa] ep we coat. a c Reaged= S cap) R nosenat jor 5 Ryn son Ra = SAand Rg =sB Quies Tein o > - Facany Geeases Fa Fant SA_Oare Fel 2 - TEMS 4 : a A Wo cp 4 : Q g Wl fee g Fst Coe lot lo+ cps Shame + Camerereae Seen at 1238 TEES? sat @ » pams A = Devs cp A ee) oD ; . toc c S raf *s OM cps nul Toc Outer join | cs Goin wed when we want fo wutpur all ows fron ont fable even if it doe, not have a Konnespomting oud 19 aroma table ~ Lett outer Goin = Righ cuter jap fall ouken jin Let outen Joo: Reraans att stows hem ne fier table Qve0 I thane Can, no-maiches in tre Seconab table 2 Os Sind Yang of alll Geaney And coonses ate Jearlos Ce oe). - - = 7 » > Sele Frome, Cname from Soxcenty Notwral lett cater join Goveg + (©) Frama enon a dems a cD B - nut! 3 © TOC . poy Retunng all dhe aows fiona the Seconef fovle cen if rene 002 no- eaten, ID the fiyst abe. GB Gad alk cores gest reme of the facudey iF teacher “the coomrce, % Select Counse nan, feutiy rama fxom Facully Nota ighr Oulo Join Counces: &) cS nul Fall cates. joto t- Relurns atl ime sows Por bets the ES even if Jan & no - Maldhipa, iow appeanings ip . onotren lable. tables = Fors {207 Jy {Ror} > Select cranes, Crome From focsuutey Matera Fall eaten JOD Consses ; i SRE 2 ves A i co A Toc Cc eps null __ mutt @- Selh TOW JOS: we Ba Gon Io cohich’ | table can be Golned by ise. Employee. a “ens. Grane —Soileng —pinngneno 1 nen 9000 2 qohn 6662 3 fajeh Goco | Mahesh 4000 2 Qed emname. Grek his roanager. 9 (% > Sdect e.ename enama, En.ename mronegen “erent manoga Srom Erapleyee e, Eropkgee wm obo sree Rajesh kK Voheaa o. nagsieng = 1 +@n0 : Re a Mahe gehn QW write a Quaney te Aird no. ce employees Serking, uncer bir. 7 - - = < P Select erenaree Count CK) . fron Employee 2, Employee oo NOMAL Mm EPO = @. MATEO aK m. name ='Keivan! > &p) Coun C4) es Note s- Tale, aliase ano, wondatony in Self joing 106 Need Gums x ay Insete q yar & collect norect qn Supplion C Stal, Sname , city, Funnoven) Seipply © sid, pontia, ig) CaralenC Poti, Prame, colon’) BD Mod nore Of va suppkey = Who SapPSYiney, pont 99 2 Selecr Seams faem — Supgiven, Sapsiy Soha Ss Serppleen - std = S4ppg- Std awed Bonesd. Supply. P2klel = 99 5 as Sugolten = SA sear - = 1 A Baas % Stars A is mu (xD carton prcdlier y gonmratect. Po mammary & uniligel moe. Bo we rave. 10 go fev ‘wewted quel ? Select. SHAR Jo7 fxom supphien when sick In (soled sid from Seipply whee powiti= aq’) . oo Spee bein cue Constdsseat shi. fy yang, few consicerel esitig GRD D oF previa . prs Too nested quits ane ionen Apsny § eoaluarest figr ancl the wercue op Sapphecl 40 Ys eoaen quitis. Whey, When queay & indiperdant- act doxen quay ctepends on — aos. of. Seren quany % o x Ye Ware @ ae Ye God name of he Sipping Usho supplies bbe toley Ponts. " P Selest Shaye , Crom supplcen VON Sergiy Sich 1 C potecr sid = : Eyam supply, ) wht porrid 1n (Selecr pont} Ror coun whut pe color = se) o Viesrecl “ qumiyg ane eddliiateal From bolton to top- GS Erock name of cha siggticn cabe-supphey 4° SHPKED Gilet A? % O / > sdeck Pravat from @ialeg, hand PARE | a ‘ € Select ganiid fevers Seppe whine sit Geter si From suepplien shee. Some = yy tk Fin name of ane. Supolten oho ha maximum tann over. > Select arom S4om supplien WOPRRE Tus ove Godlee mart Aunoves) From — saggien ’) 2 conyolen ne aRllowiny SQL aptmyy 2a Sete Snare from ‘Supplies, Whee sid notin ( select sid from Suprly whe Goth MOF ( Select Ooty} from Cateleg when Color <>" Bie Ds Rohion of “ne tollorwing GM tonwech Tntenpretarforg ot tha Gbove Qiuny. ; / 14 ©. Find Ane roms of ail suppliers whe have Supple = nen Bus gem 3) Cl Me names of all soppleas vohe have Not sopplicl a noM- Lue por. ©) paws of all Sagpliog whe Have Sippel only Ue poor ar Finck the, WOW of atl Supplees who have, Nok suppteat emt, Use part ‘Seow Suony catetey Se pakid “Rail Glos Row fo 246 73 Rep erat 99 Bhs et ae ie ne Oy ' 9 d B a € B 2-6-90 ~ toe 6~9-00 - pend - ~ - = ie Correlates Senquiny, (Oce qn SS SC ter wm) ) an co-nelated Sabquruy both cate, and inne qty OR Awluatecl —Stmultoneowsly , le, Tow each cow of Outer Guanes All The daws of one query ore evaluated) , besecd on tho reste Awe dupie of “the, cede quauy 4 Selented for ing Oartpet. ‘The comelotect Sub-quaily aw erecutect from YOR-_Botrom ~ TOP ww nis owen, Bs Cyd name of He Supplions —usho suppites porma= 29 Ora Sey Sho Sram. Sno Poaktel er - 3 ° - 2 Ww > Select $.Srame Som Sapplien.s op ea i ———_S Rotem OC select. pu painad ~ Foo “Supely Sp whats Sno= Sp-Sno ") ; Rare rooks I) A leo a B 806 . B00 iG 300 ee p 450 € 200 — 2008 Sh meres <= $2. marks ’ > select 51. Nama From — stuctene 5) whee 3 = C select count C Asitor manks’) ee Seno A(TIE dene ty a Whew B81. ments <= 52: Manis *) <— From Student 62, ) QW considen he eater Book C The, Paice) contains he Hes ana pricer of Atfeun- bocks — esuumingy “thak —NO~ two books ve tie. same price. ) whar does tha, [oxsingy SAL quay Lar? d Sdler le - = oe from Bork B whine C select Com Ce) > fron Book T ) wohint T pie S Bepriee ES} A) Tes of fous, roo8 expensive beoks 3 Do Tie “ot” Sige) mosc expense “boek bw pho ) DTiRe of Gift most mex penstue books Titles of ve mst expemiier locoks pe» oo ten my SHE Tne oF eat ct Sen tom te’ Gaia. ore, Sa to be Gowetated. — [V2 plows 5 “Tle, Pace fw A 5 A 100 a B aco Be 2. Bn Ais < goo = ae Bee D480 & ~ 3 \mve So & 300 dp -2 Fes Fe ee FA ese BE -1t\ue ® @ @@ S ee BS FE F most expensive. © D P. © _ emi books dapleyol. 5 F pt 8 D e e Exists Openrtor Exists & i a ge Q = is Opgabr crcl fr rearing, —— Yd Set & enpig. oF nor, On Exists Opmenaioey 8n empty set oeronng alge, while en noo- empty. Ser Fetvans dyus. QRGts C Tesue >= drug Gusts C > = fate. Os Be Cis aR OF “IRE” Supplien oho. Supplier, pomicl 99. Cerro) > Select Same ) ES: From. Supaten 8 whint exisis C getear : fron Supdy SP woke §.3n0 = Sp'Sm and Sp-peaticl= 09) + Wi SSmame _ A A 8 bas Per ots i ae PST Ce ‘eS 2 ener os8 eves A Sasi coer Conside, the above table of clerg anol sesuttof the Bttscaing SQL > Sele & from B whee S-'Al and exis C select * - FrenmeA ~~ : Whine R>65 and BP > avy: = re O-x 4 baw s a -* ee a ane vw \ Set _ comparison Operators ue ext- XX any C5, 10115) s20"C BK16) oF Grewy op ange op al CoD - ext x< all C 5710) 15) CARB) ana Cx! Ryd! ang tus Samer any Goateet Aun oven foro Sap piiey whan chy = "ya! ) « 2 * Qe 1 Find mame of a, Suppliers wehox, tap-oven & better ‘thaw whe tunove of z all sapplrers of “Hyd ' > Seles — srame, Fem Stppiren whine cy <>) Hyd! and — fuanover > all C Select tunn.ove fiom Suppiren . & whee ett =! Hyd!) 2 Sma —, . = - - - , & corset, the, Fallousing. cables ee _Tabde2, ) ita, __ Tees T2A 128 T2¢ ; 4 2a me b bo * a4 ee ace b a nut Po ee aes ae find te novot pass seuaneet oy Hee each OF the Gllewingy sal Arey. oe (p79) D Seles. * Fvorn “Tablet pes whee Ts all C seer Teg From Tees, . RE whee Tg >=!) 2 er Rest crows es D Sdecp & Sven Table whee T4189 C Sele Tha From “ates whem Tc & oul); AYS 0 - yous setaned Selecr & from Table wha THA h CSekee TC & from Tallea’) 5 Ax 4 — qous rokaurad <= i i i« 2 » Select & ther Tables Wohnen eis C setecr Count Ci) faor Sable 2 volta Tape 'x!); Age g-cows retuned uy &G » ©) seleer & 7 Sroro Tabled whew nor fsb C sep Grom Tables / whe qecr tal and T2¢ <> TAD: 7 Bs 4 fray Tekennedt aaa §) sete & fom ‘ables who THA = all C Seles Tac From Tabeo wohee T2¢ Ss! x!); 10m) wekunnedt Select S.srame Bree y from Saulons. Ss wohune nor Geass ¢ (Seter B bed fiom Basis B) Kove ented y - - ag - - Cseleer Rrra {row Reewe RJ whee Pst sil Sat Sey snare) Re owe C Sey oid ) Boats (Bid breame ) , pA 2S wo we io = 4 200 a es > 2S 2 308 a erekuning —__ zee >. The Qkove — Quanuy a) names of gailovs who bare raewed ang boat, or &) noms of Sots who have Creenved omy boat ) 0 vanes of soltors whe have, spewed, cll boats yy) DB none. whee ane Paimeny bers om Sheen, uncterlored corsiion “Tho following elation schams He * tf Studer Caoline, name ,ocldvey) =. -~ — - 120 Encoll Cline 1 Coonsene, Coomename) ~~~ “Whe no-of duptes I the Student anol ernelted fables ane. 20 arf 8 Tepeanels. what ant the meximura bol minimum. no. of. je thar : fn te praer tb Creston ratonak join enrol ) ® o60, & 4) 960, ton c) 1a g BS Notes errot whoo jose Aetoles cae, (errat Crotenal joo’) weap primers hey AA Konetan ety. Ane no- of daples present 2 tho, “esulting, y relation & ahiou, equals 4o Auplea th. fonetan hey netetion, = Covside, twa {tisening, folie mA B = - — Pos to Qe 5 ea Sey Ag 8 ws fs as £5 RS 37 7 Stlese — Count CH) from € 2 Cselet APB Fae Tabet) & x Nokona jem C select Bec Prom “hbies) a YD d; The cesatt of tea olor query Y —_ 19 a's bye O6 D2 grate C SratENo, Mare, dept, Skill Cecte ) Skil C Sualiorke cleseripren chenge Curate) Paajecs C Seggotios Btontfate, emt Date, badger, yet manager Stator) Booking, C, SiafPivo, PIRI date, Wonkedon 5 Amatoodadon ) + Select > By ot from — suils WUE Orang eoursate > G6 Onicler by Chesceiptien: > Selece Srom stage = shine depr"® "Speual prajeris'Panc sui code — ™ fe Select — Shill cece from Skills wane, cleseaipon = ppaoynaieisies)) a pm ~ © opm Tor 6pm ~F:¢0 DEY Jo- 23) ® }20 > Sleck Stname , B-prgjectbs B. daeWotkaan, g-tinelWoaked on faora State} Booting 8 wheat B. paaiect no in Gores gprajeano Lior pngiects wwhint — BlauBeh d= ol- July ~ 1995 Qnq eraDate >= Bl- My wo) Ord 5: SAFE = 8. stateno Ove by gnaw, B Pagject No, 8. date worl on + 2 Selec cone C4) ) Groen Stare ee Silleadetn Cees skitLeede $yone : Bloom gH} whine, Pecnoten$ “Reyammen" 9); ‘ B) Selet > - - - - ; ‘wns pngjecttlo WGrelect gagject No Sor Booking » Gaoug be Paaject No E Powing, Cour CHIBR) 5 . oy) ® Sdecr * ’ foo pagjents P worn «Co sedleer our CR) From Goths 8 Wohi Pepatiedt = B- Mgjeane !) >= 2)> @S) Select Avg C chengeoat Rate) * i 3] from stall 5 Selecr * Grom stare runt skill Gole, ee ©” (Seecy Shill Goce from skid ‘wenn due Gegete > Ceetene? cay Cchargeeusate) {rom sx) 2») ib p22 Relational Alyebna Reforiernl alestna & a paocedtuml Danepage » Quaies In Relations fpebrg Gre conipasel WY Gllecsion of cpmatoy cal each Woy heseaiber & Step bay Step frocedens for computing. sine, dlesina answer, ¥ Rectiond algetna expansion PIO —g quony Alas? plan, Qermions in Relation) Algebra HF sedecton CoD - Rous” D Pagpeion CTD — * Glamns " Stoclent (sno, nane, age’) > ® Goa att stucters of og. above “6! 2 a ey ® Dsflay the names of all students 7 Steen Q ram + ® Find names of all Stuclous of age. above ‘6! ae Zeon ) Contin the Rilovoingy Selalyme. Siatemont ).23 Ge m= ¢ 3a I, ¢C “ge toclont) 82: Seleek name Faom stecloxt whee 0% > 6} Wwhidr of the Blocoing, & true about 2 ge aeseins of 3, £32 lua D Sou Uy. Sh esy Pilon es ee DE Seas AM 6B our Up BS _f 20 a A ae 8 B A > Nowe: Relottonni Alaslaa, assemes plate elimination & impliers a - a - - - » Be omidn of he Glowing tree aboot an Se Quan) Select Q from R vahew C: 9 TCee 9 oReEE OD omg) LAT, CozR) Ste Options. ——— elo — eagles 4 { s Reker digbna supers “sppedll’s ca! a Sheniey LO) GD ser Intewsection (9 Gi) Ser clitterenee CD between the, eseatts of pt Pebtiacdl e&ebaq erprensiey TF thoy ene compatible Deposiion C Cost name 1 =o) Borrower (, Corr nae» Lean-n0) Loon C Sean no, brandrnaue, Cty, arooent) Fir nme SF the cosiomen who have an ateoun OF loan 01 bole ot tne dante (TT Depo ) Uk Tt Borraven - Cet nae ny Ge -< une Se oes cna —— + _ othe bove an arccont bar nn - loa, £ D Soass_Preaet Ce) RXS - vetwny g veloton Trstarnce — wahere Shame conan al tre Redsot RK Silwed by all tte fetds of S. “The resux SF Res tonas a tuple €RS Lor ew TER, SES, >) fin! name of ta cotton wie ove a lean fo ABIDS torana {@ AL OG = Picton 2.0 rnin = "Abies! a Lean re= Leap, tan Bomour x Leen) ) ext RA coe Hocer tae A) ; ae 8 rane Rename operator ¥ set to represent @,geationd daeiaa, PF prenion elt 9 Showten name. ) i - » Tones a Pelicans = Tow Sdefmet os a cross preter Cllowed by Seiectien “then prajervion 4s Vosionis of Jetns > Cerettoral deo C ba, 7) Condiitenal Jeia Ba Jolo Wp eohidy “the “woo aeleHons exe Gointal Yoel on some condition >» Tie) Goreme Dd Leon a aaa Bomoue *Lew2.08 = Loe: Leone 2 1% Equi om (a_) Equi goin & a pin Emusbrch tw join cenditien rust be Gin eeptivatty EF ho “La a REIS Ras He RPS Tae eae * ( Mneagiean PD ss =e ¥ Brey equi Jota & catlesl a condittendl “join ,but sevewe & Por he aluneys. 2 3 Nase join C i) Natural join 8 ajein in which tng join condiiten i> npc an a eeulig. 8p all lems ee stra, Same. name. ©) = - - ¢ RS Ss ASG Apa 3 es ae ————— Ceres) ) “Aue AYP a Asee SS Sp pryersstont Xie (Boros bd Loan i] Pi Be bron nant maby 2 s Ceara, Taber ‘Tablee T2, — ABC Pap 6 “Tee iss © Bee 1% & 9 be 26a 7 - Consinla, the tables shown hove . TR Given algebraix Expressions What % the ne of teples in the, saree 0, IT sat > Nove tyler = 3 Tete ba i) eae > Nook tupia = 9 > TQ =eB ni) DT, > No-ck tape = @ 4 CT peG-A ana Teetic) 3 md NOT Te > No-ok tupies = q Note tap tho @ ho column in Common, Tatenal Win “sets in a coms prent ss - Qe CSnsicton ‘he Glee. tobe A 3 8B ¢ BD Nama age Bip ivre GIES fA phone m2 A 60 te Si Dee Qt 2200 5 3 24 ABs 200) aq 2100 99 8 ee: 5 Seas GR) (ave) By Cc Ald DaaV Cradig Be find tue, no ck ames dete by tte abive aelatiora aooume, that Ane Sowma of AUB G Same os thare A. algbe enprertes, at in 128 De : 96 a4 » Le RC ARC) anct ReCDE) be two ehatienship Schuna’s Wena the Primenyheys car Snoy Cuncter neck ond let C-be a Rrsigh he a Ry feni: fering, Re - Sippase thee %& no- Violation of — refenanticl meying forsrashe in the frmesporting, relaXion Vastoness “1, % HIN 86 ane fotoesing Mweledtonal atgebay expresions voctiol vecersanity Produce, an emery sone? 2 2) x, Co) ~ Th tw) ~ Them) Lend gond agg S Cb ) D meng Lao) 2em- 530 Moc ou > a 129 Divison Operon C+) ‘ Fired fra rama of Stacter’s sho have seysiexes) Gy all Connsg, 7 Stactont Gensg oo, pare Cro Mame ae 4 ag, bs 2G oo RC ne [ Studer Bc} [sm Cr a Coase pt mame | a bes CONTR Toso. welts dagivaieeise, a nop BS chit’ A' Hay deo Ek sy Oo, thos jour om Bett Y with tbe Sone domai Bin & we detey ana cliiSIGN Operator =A Bo the Se of at XK Valu Sach toot Kev evency Y value io B Trew pq ue x, Wea.” % 1 A A EBX ACY) BOD BERD SRO! ATER 2 Xe % ¥4 % Xa Yo Yates 0) XY X X% X3 oo rN 8,00 2h ‘ Qe /%° Booneseen Boel. (round SOIR tn tohe haw: i f some ave alee in all boards of Eyed. Boron C cut Yame, “lean-ho} Loan ( franre, beandr-remey Cie, are -) fos COtt naw, bovebrana, Bronte_rama TT Gapgome Borne) tons) «|Z TT (oxpuql200) =) | & ™ Bod mane of tha peibhsren voho publigad all Gtagn of Rooks 2 >. Boots TSBN, Ue y Gorgon, Pare, Pubta) } Pablshan fab-B, Pram, ernaiit.’) ; ie ) a - - - : jenna) (IC praane Cobagory Gonsa eea ees Nh. tone ee eee Oe agers Find. notn and reaimum’. Sows Ry eacn of the Eltsiotogy ep epricai 13I Be gapreties rato ox > Be D Ni >» dE Re My tN 2... es No Maa 9 RNR: . \ d oO a 6 >) Ry DAR, ° NiNo & : : er Consider Ave Glowing Relations Rade) Ss Choe 5) nitty he Etosing ferenonal depen’? =» Asc BoA the elation R centaisy 960 fags ond 5 contains to tuples eohar’s the - = > - roammaim wiovot juples potible m Reds ? be ce Lee RY bea aelation ington: of Sema RCABCH) we cletne ! 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