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CHAPTER 1 3 And if indeed I have sinned, with
1 The copy of the words of Zebu - chastening chastise me, my brethren,
lun, which he enjoined on his sons but lay not upon me your hand, for
before he died in the hundred and the sake of Jacob our father.
fourteenth year of his life, two years 4 And as he spoke these words,
after the death of Joseph. wailing as he did so, I was unable to
2 And he said to them : Hearken to bear his lamentatioms, and began to
me, ye sons of Zebulun, attend to weep, and my liver was poured out,
the words of your father. and all the substance of my bowels
3 I, Zebulun, was born a good gift was loosened.
to my parents. For when I was born 5 And I wept with Joseph, and my
my father was increased very ex - heart sounded, and the joints of my
ceedingly, both in flocks and herds, body trembled, and I was not able to
when with the straked rods he had stand.
his portion. 6 And when Joseph saw me weep-
4 I am not conscious that I have ing with him, and them coming
sinned all my days, save in thought. against him to slay him, he fled be -
5 Nor yet do I remember that I have hind me, beseeching them.
done any iniquity, except the sin of 7 But meanwhile Reuben rose and
ignorance which I committed against said: Come, my brethren, let us not
Joseph ; for I covenanted with my slay him, but let us cast him into
brethren not to tell my father what one of these dry pits, which our
had been done. fathers digged and found no water.
6 But I wept in secret many days on 8 For for this cause the Lord for -
account of Joseph, for I feared my bade that water should rise up in
brethren, because they had all them, in order that Joseph should be
agreed, that if any one should de - preserved.
clare the secret, he should be slain. 9 And they did so, until they sold
7 But when they wished to kill him, him to the Ishmaelites.
I adjured them much with tears not
to be guilty of this sin. CHAPTER 3
1 For in his price I had no share,
CHAPTER 2 my children.
1 For Simeon and Gad came against 2 But Simeon and Gad and six other
Joseph to kill him, and he said unto of our brethren took the price of
them with tears: Joseph, and bought sandals for
2 Pity me, my brethren, have mercy themselves, and their wives, and
upon the bowels of Jacob our father: their children, saying:
lay not upon me your hands to shed 3 We will not eat of it, for it is the
innocent blood, for I have not price of our brother's blood, but we
sinned against you. will assuredly tread it under foot,


because he said that he would be to find them he returned grieving.

king over us, and so let us see what But the merchants had left the broad
will become of his dreams. road and marched through the Trog -
4 Therefore it is written in the writ - lodytes by a short cut.
ing of the law of Moses, that whoso - 7 But Reuben was grieved, and ate
ever will not raise up seed to his no food that day. Dan therefore
brother, his sandal should be un - came to him and said:
loosed, and they should spit into his 8 Weep not, neither grieve; for we
face. have found what we can say to our
5 And the brethren of Joseph father Jacob.
wished not that their brother should 9 Let us slay a kid of the goats, and
live, and the Lord loosed from them dip in it the coat of Joseph; and let
the sandal which they wore against us send it to Jacob, saying : Know,
joseph their brother. is this the coat of thy son? And they
6 For when they came into Egypt did so.
they were unloosed by the servants 10 For they stripped off from
of Joseph outside the gate, and so Joseph his coat when they were
they made obeisance to Joseph after selling him, and put upon him the
the fashion of King Pharaoh. garment of a slave.
7 And not only did they make 11 Now Simeon took the coat, and
obeisance to him, but were spit upon would not give it up, for he wished
also, falling down before him forth - to rend it with his sword, as he was
with, and so they were put to shame angry that Joseph lived and that he
before the Egyptians. had not slain him.
8 For after this the Egyptians heard 12 Then we all rose up and said
all the evils that they had done to unto him: If thou givest not up the
Joseph. coat, we will say to our father that
thou alone didst this evil thing in Is -
CHAPTER 4 rael.
1 And after he was sold my brothers 13 And so he gave it unto them, and
sat down to eat and drink. they did even as Dan had said.
2 But I, through pity for Joseph,
did not eat, but watched the pit, CHAPTER 5
since Judah feared lest Simeon, Dan, 1 And now, my children, I bid you
and Gad should rush off and slay to keep the commands of the Lord,
him. and to show mercy to your neigh -
3 But when they saw that I did not bours, and to have compassion to -
eat, they set me to watch him, till he wards all, not towards men only, but
was sold to the Ishmaelites. also towards beasts.
5 And when Reuben came and heard 2 For, for this thing's sake the Lord
that while he was away (Joseph) had blessed me, and when all my
been sold, he rent his garments, brethren were sick, I escaped
(and) mourning, said: How shall I without sickness, for the Lord
look on the face of my father Jacob? knoweth the purposes of each.
6 And he took the money and ran 3 Have, therefore, compassion in
after the merchants, but as he failed your hearts, my children, because


even as a man doeth to his neigh -

bour, even so also will the Lord do CHAPTER 7
to him. 1 Now I will declare unto you what
4 For the sons of my brethren were I did. I saw a man in distress
sickening and were dying on ac - through nakedness in wintertime,
count of Joseph, because they and had compassion upon him, and
showed not mercy in their hearts; stole away a garment secretly from
but my sons were preserved without my father's house, and gave it to
sickness, as ye know. him who was in distress.
5 And when I was in the land of 2 Do ye, therefore, my children,
Canaan, by the sea-coast, I made a from that which God bestoweth upon
catch of fish for Jacob my father; you, show compassion and mercy
and when many were choked in the without hesitation to all men, and
sea, I continued unhurt. give to every man with a good heart.
3 And if ye have not the wherewith -
CHAPTER 6 al to give to him that needeth, have
1 I was the first to make a boat to compassion for him in bowels of
sail upon the sea, for the Lord gave mercy.
me understanding and wisdom 4 I know that my hand found not
therein. the wherewithal to give to him that
2 And I let down a rudder behind it, needed, and I walked with him
and I stretched a sail upon another weeping for seven furlongs, and my
upright piece of wood in the midst. bowels yearned towards him in com -
3 And I sailed therein along the passion.
shores, catching fish for the house
of my father until we came to Egypt. CHAPTER 8
4 And through compassion I shared 1 Have, therefore, yourselves also,
my catch with every stranger. my children, compassion towards
5 And if a man were a stranger, or every man with mercy, that the Lord
sick, or aged, I boiled the fish, and also may have compassion and
dressed them well, and offered them mercy upon you.
to all men, as every man had need, 2 Because also in the last days God
grieving with and having compas - will send His compassion on the
sion upon them. earth, and wheresoever He findeth
6 Wherefore also the Lord satisfied bowels of mercy He dwelleth in
me with abundance of fish when him.
catching fish; for he that shareth 3 For in the degree in which a man
with his neighbour receiveth mani - hath compassion upon his neigh -
fold more from the Lord. bours, in the same degree hath the
7 For five years I caught fish, and Lord also upon him.
gave thereof to every man whom I 4 And when we went down into
saw, and sufficed for all the house Egypt, Joseph bore no malice
of my father. against us.
8 And in the summer I caught fish, 5 To whom taking heed, do ye also,
and in the winter I kept sheep with my children, approve yourselves
my brethren. without malice, and love one anoth -


er; and do not set down in account, name's sake.

each one of you, evil against his 9 And again through the wickedness
brother. of your works shall ye provoke Him
6 For this breaketh unity and di - to anger, And ye shall be cast away
videth all kindred, and troubleth the by Him unto the time of consumma -
soul, and weareth away the counten - tion.
CHAPTER 9 11 And now, my children, grieve
1 Observe, therefore, the waters, not that I am dying, nor be cast
and know when they flow together, down in that I am coming to my end.
they sweep along stones, trees, 12 For I shall rise again in the
earth, and other things. midst of you, as a ruler in the midst
2 But if they are divided into many of his sons; and I shall rejoice in the
streams, the earth swalloweth them midst of my tribe, as many as shall
up, and they become of no account. keep the law of the Lord, and the
3 So shall ye also be if ye be di - commandments of Zebulun their
vided. father.
4 Be not ye, therefore, divided into 13 But upon the ungodly shall the
two heads, for everything which the Lord bring eternal fire, and destroy
Lord made hath but one head, and them throughout all generations.
two shoulders, two hands, two feet, 14 But I am now hastening away to
but all the remaining members. my rest, as did also my fathers.
5 For I have learnt in the writing of 15 But do ye fear the Lord rour
my fathers, that Ye shall be divided God with all your strength all the
in Israel, And ye shall follow two days of your life.
kings, And shall work every abomin - 16 And when he had said these
ation. things he fell asleep, at a good old
6 And your enemies shall lead you age. And his sons laid him in a
captive, And ye shall be evil en - wooden coffin.
treated among the Gentiles, With 17 And afterwards they carried him
many infirmities and tribulations. up and buried him in Hebron, with
7 And after these things ye shall re - his fathers.
member the Lord and repent, And
He shall have mercy upon you, for
He is merciful and compassionate.
And He setteth not down in account
evil against the sons of men, Be -
cause they are flesh, and are de -
ceived through their own wicked
8 And after these things shall there
arise unto you the Lord Himself, the
light of righteousness, And ye shall
return unto your own land. And ye
shall see Him in Jerusalem, for His

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