What Is An Adenovirus Infection

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What is an Adenovirus Infection?

By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD

Adenoviruses are a family of viruses. These may cause infections in humans as well as animals. The most
common infections caused by adenoviruses are respiratory tract infections.

What are the symptoms of adenovirus infection?

Adenovirus often infects the airways and the intestinal tract. An infection usually manifests with
symptoms similar to a common cold. There is a sore throat, runny nose and eyes, sneezing, headaches,
cough and fever.

In some persons infection with adenovirus may also cause croup or bronchitis. Some infections may also
lead to conjunctivitis (pink-eye), skin rash, diarrhea and bladder infections.

Incubation period

For an airway infection it takes around 2 to 14 days for the symptoms to appear after exposure to the
virus. This is called the incubation period. For intestinal infections the incubation period is 3 to10 days.

How long does adenovirus infection last?

The illness commonly does not last beyond three to five days and may last a week. Serious infections
may debilitate a person for a couple of weeks.

Complications of adenovirus infection

Some persons with a poor immunity are prone to develop complications due to adenovirus infection.

Common but serious complications include lung infection or pneumonia, middle ear infection or otitis
media and brain infections or meningitis.

Who can be affected with adenovirus?

Adenovirus may affect any person. In a healthy person the infection is usually mild and resolves on its
own within a week.

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Those with an immature or weak immune system are more at risk of severe complications. This includes
young children and infants, elderly, pregnant women and those with a suppressed immunity (HIV AIDS
patients, those on cancer chemotherapy drugs or immunosuppressant drugs after organ transplants

Outbreaks are common among those living in closed quarters like prisons, schools, hostels etc.

How does adenovirus spread?

Spread may occur in two manners. The virus can be carried in airborne droplets that are released when
an infected person coughs or sneezes.

This virus may also survive for long durations on objects. This spread is also possible if the objects used
by an infected person are touched or an infected person handles food or other items used by un-
infected persons.

Infection can also spread by touching the eyes, nose, or mouth with contaminated hands that have not
been washed well. Drinking from contaminated water sources may also spread the infection.

Diagnosis and treatment of adenovirus infection

Usually symptoms are used to diagnose adenovirus infections. There are however laboratory serological
tests that help in the diagnosis of adenovirus infections. These tests are useful during outbreaks of this

There is no adenovirus-specific therapy and the infection usually resolves by itself. Complications
however may be treated with specific antibiotic therapy.

Patients with uncomplicated infections are usually advised bed rest, isolation, good hygiene (to prevent
spread), over-the-counter fever relieving medicine (e.g. Acetaminophen/Paracetamol) and plenty of

In case of a severely blocked or runny nose cool-mist humidifiers and an airway dilator medication may
be advised.

Reviewed by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab)


1. http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/epidemiology/factsheets/pdf/adenovirus.pdf
2. biommed.lsu.edu/.../LECT-5-SLIDES-B&W-ADENOVIRUS.pdf

3. medicine.med.nyu.edu/.../adenovirus-infection

4. www.clinicalguidelines.scot.nhs.uk/.../...0Adenovirus%20Jan%202013.pdf

Further Reading

 Adenovirus Infection Epidemiology

 Adenovirus Infection Diagnosis

 Adenovirus Infection Treatment and Prevention

Last Updated: Apr 17, 2013

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