Edition 33 August 16, 2017

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Hospital Wright Loggers'

Foundation wins Jubilee
honors Queen parade
Bishop title results

The East County

Dedicated to serving East Lewis County since 1945
Aug. 16, 2017 75¢
Vol. 73 No. 33 • USPS 363-940

Forrest reclaims 'Bull of the Woods' title Mossyrock

speed limit
By Buddy Rose
The East County Journal

ossyrock City
council members
and city admin-
istration discussed reducing
the speed limit on Mossyrock
Road West from 35 mph to
25 mph at its regular council
meeting on
Thursday. If
the change
would apply
from Isbell
Road to Al-
drich Road
– the current
city limit go-
ing west. Mossyrock
M a y o r Tom Meade
Tom Meade
said the current 35 mph speed
limit along the section of Moss-
yrock Road West is a holdover
from when it was a county
road. The speed zone was not
changed after the area between
Isbell Road and Aldrich Road
Photo by Chris Johnson/The East County Journal was annexed into the city and
By Buddy Rose Mossyrock Road came under
The East County Journal city jurisdiction.

Meade said one of the pri-
orton's 75th annu-
mary purposes for reducing the
al Loggers’ Jubi-
speed limit is to make the area
lee logging show
safer for pedestrian traffic.
was – by any measure – a fun
According to Meade, the
and exciting event.
city is also proposing to con-
During two days of keen
struct a walking path along
competition, enthusiastic
Mossyrock Road West in the
crowds cheered as contestants
area. Currently, there is no
put on a great exhibition of
shoulder along the road and
old-time and modern logging
very little room for pedestrians
to walk between the pavement
When the sawdust settled
and the ditches on either side,
on Sunday afternoon, Mike
making it dangerous for pedes-
Forrester of Idleyld Park,
trians, particularly at night.
Ore., came away with the
Council members echoed
coveted “Bull of the Woods”
Meade’s concern, especially as
title, signifying the over-
it applies to children walking
all champion of the annual
to and from school and for the
“Granddaddy of all Logging
elderly or handicapped.
Meade said the proposed
Forrester, a long-time com-
walking path would parallel
petitor at Morton and former
Mossyrock Road on the north
Bull of the Woods champion
side. There is a ditch along that
in 2000 and 2001, said he was
side of the road. The city’s en-
surprised he was able to come
gineer indicated it serves no
out on top.
drainage purpose and could be
“I didn’t think I would be
Photo by Buddy Rose/The East County Journal filled in to provide a walking
able to do this after I passed
Mike Forrester of Idleyld Park, Ore., was crowned Bull of the Woods, as the overall champion surface away from the pave-
50 (years of age),” said For-
of the 75th annual Loggers’ Jubilee logging show. Pictured presenting the award on Sunday af- ment. Meade said the county
rester. “But it was a great thrill
and, as always, I enjoyed and ternoon (left to right): Morton Loggers’ Jubilee princesses Belen Salguero and Maddy Brigham,
Queen Crystal Wright, 2017 Bull of the Woods Mike Forrester and Jubilee princesses Elexcious
See Mossy Page 4
See Logging Page 4
Hampton and Jacie Dunlap.
Remains found
Brandy Clark's Jubilee homecoming a hit in Mineral Lake
ewis County Sheriff’s
detectives have identi-
fied a body found Aug.
9 in Mineral Lake as a missing
Mineral man. According to sher-
iff’s officials, two individuals
were fishing in Mineral Lake
when they observed something
floating in the water and dis-
covered it was human remains.
Sheriff’s deputies responded and
with the help of boaters brought
the remains ashore at a boat
launch. The body was taken to
the Lewis County Coroner’s of-
fice for identification and to de-
termine the cause of death are
being investigated.
Sheriff’s deputies said the
coroner’s office has identified
the remains as Gerald L. Har-
ris, a 54-year-old Mineral man
who has been missing since July
5. Acording to deputies, Har-
ris’s girlfriend was found adrift
in a boat on the evening of July
5 by boaters. She said she and
Harris were on the lake when
he disappeared into the water.
Sheriff’s deputies and local boat-
ers spent several hours search-
ing for Harris. Members of the
Photo by Chris Johnson/The East County Journal Pierce County Sheriff’s officer
were also brought in and search
By Rosemary Browning concert to a crowd of more key to the city from Morton took photos for her “Big the lake for Harris using sonar

The East County Journal than 3,500 fans in the Jubi- Mayor Dan Mortensen. Day In a Small Town” al- equipment, but were unable to
large Jubilee crowd lee arena. It was Clark’s first Also during the show, bum. locate his body.
welcomed native performance in the arena and Clark dedicated the song See page 8 in this week’s Anyone with information on
daughter Brandy fans lined up three hours be- “Blue Bayou” to her mom edition for more photos and the case is asked to contact the
Clark home on Saturday fore the show to see her per- and longtime friend Chris a story by Johnson on her re-
night. Clark performed a Lewis County Sheriff’s office at
formance. Clark received a Johnson of Morton, who turn concert. (360) 740-1105.
2 ― August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal

Another Gray Hair
Jubilee draws to end "What is left on your
Jubilee activities
have drawn to a close.
What a weekend.
Yes, it was a bit
warm for a couple of
to sell a few shirts when
members of the bank
took a
summer bucket list?"
days…then Saturday needed
night the rains came. break.
The Jubilee activities And
kicked off on Thursday it was
night with the tradition- great
al Queen’s coronation when
with five very talented 2012 Rosemary
and poised young ladies Jubilee Browning
competed for the title. Queen Editor
At evening’s end, Krys- Jesseeka
tal Wright of Randle Hughes stopped by. We
captured the crown. had a nice visit and it “Before summer ends, I “Achieve a mini vacation “Straighten up my house,” “Get more yard
The evening was filled was good to hear about want to do the track. I do with my husband,” Marie Johnson work done,”
Special Olympics,” Jan Damschen Morton Flo Crim
with talent – along her adventures since
Shyanne McKenzie Castle Rock Morton
with the contestants graduating from high Morton
there were great musi- school.
cal performances by It is hard to believe
brothers Chris and Nick it has been five years
Martin and 2017 Miss since Jesseeka was
Lewis County Kennedy crowned queen. East County Skies

Forest Road 23 repairs underway

Woods. In addition to sell-
On Friday night, the ing t-shirts and spend-
Jubilee stands were ing time with the bank
packed with folks want- crew, it was fun to just
ing to cheer on their watch the crowd and Conway Construc- the Cispus River changed December 2015 floods. Huckleberries
favorite lawnmower see both new and famil- tion of Ridgefield started course and washed out Many of them are sched- A cursory inspection of
race competitors. iar faces. work on repairs of Forest about 100 yards of road- uled for repairs this sum- a couple of areas contain-
There were chills, Friends and fans Road 23 and associated way. In order to minimize mer and fall. However, ing huckleberries last
thrills and a few spills – truly enjoyed the show. flood damage sites in the impacts to migrating most of the popular rec- week indicated they are
luckily no one sustained I don’t know who was Cowlitz Valley Ranger salmon in the Cispus Riv- reation not ripe yet. They ap-
serious injuries. more excited and proud, District (CVRD) southeast er, work to repair that site sites are peared to need a couple
of Randle last week. The that takes place within the accessi- more weeks of warm
The Jubilee lawn- Brandy returning to per-
road was severely dam- river must be completed ble. All weather before being
mower races – while a form before her home- aged during a flooding by the end of September. the main ready to pick. That may
unique and interesting town or her hometown event in December 2015. not be the case every-
Other repairs outside camp-
event – are always fun welcoming her back Repairs to Road 23 of the river channel at grounds, where, though.
to watch and cheer. with open arms and and other related sites that site are required to be except Commercial permits
Folks who attended rounds of applause. It are being funded by a complete by Nov. 15. Blue and commercial picking of
the logging shows on was truly a “Big Day in government program Repairs to several other Lake Buddy Rose huckleberries began Mon-
Saturday and Sunday a Small Town.” administered by Federal damage sites located far- Creek, day. That means that some
watched some fantastic I confess I made a Highways Administration ther south along Road 23 are accessible by either of the more popular areas
competition this year. couple trips through the (FHWA) known as Emer- are expected to be mostly primary routes or alter- for berry picking will
Longtime Jubilee Jubilee concessions at gency Relief for Federally complete by November as nate routes. The High likely be very crowded
competitor Mike For- the high school – the Owned roads (ERFO). well with any follow-up Lakes area near Mount with commercial pickers
rester of Idleyld Park, “Phatty” Philly Chees- Conway Construction was work done next spring and Adams, for example, can starting this week.
Ore., came away with esteak sandwich was so the successful low bidder summer. be accessed via Roads 21 This year, for the first
the coveted “Bull of the good, I had to try it both on the FWHA contract Road 23 is expected to and 2329. time, a permit is being
Woods” title. Friday and Saturday. that was prepared for the be drivable through the Note that trailer traffic issued for personal use
Forrester, a two-time And, Friday night’s repairs and will be ad- damaged sections before is not recommended on picking of huckleberries
champion in 2000 and cheesesteak sandwich ministered by that agency, winter. Road 2329 and it is not by the Gifford Pinchot
2001 noted it was nice dinner date with Tom- rather than the Forest maintained for regular National Forest. The
to win again, adding he mie ended with ice Service. Recreation passenger car travel, permit is only available
always appreciates the cream cones – a regular The most severely Several other roads although most cars can online using a computer.
fantastic crowd here in vanilla cone for me, damaged site is about 12 within CVRD were also negotiate it if driven care- For more information, go
miles from Randle where damaged during the fully. to the website at.
Morton. but a chocolate dipped
I had a great op- double cone for Tom-
portunity this year to mie.
sell t-shirts with the Brandy Clark’s
Security State Bank homecoming concert Letters to the Editor
team on Saturday night for this year’s 75th an-
during the Brandy Clark nual Jubilee is certainly
concert. a reminder that Jubi-
The East County Journal welcomes letters to the editor Deadline for letters
It was actually a lee it is not just about is Monday at 10 a.m.
great time – I mainly wonderful shows. It is
stayed out of the way also about gathering
and folded and refolded with family and friends Please sign your name and include a street or mailing address and daytime
t-shirts. to enjoy the events telephone number for verification purposes only.
I think I did manage together.

You Deserve A Vacation Letters are subject to editing and should be limited to 300 words or less.
Everyone deserves a break from their daily work
or studies, and every so often a little vacation may be Longer letters may be used at the editorial department’s discretion.
in order. Of course, we all know that we have to take
care of ourselves by healthy eating and exercising, but
sometimes we may neglect to take time off for a well- We regret we cannot return unpublished letters.
deserved break.
God is in favor of us taking a little leave from our
normal schedule; that is why He deemed that the seventh
Views expressed do not reflect those of
day of the week should be a day of rest. He doesn’t want The Journal or DeVaul Publishing Inc.
us laboring all of the time, and He knows that some

Where to write your officials

rest is required for us to stay physically, mentally, and
spiritually healthy.
Although we may not be able to get away for two Do you want to express U.S. Senator Patty Email: ed.orcutt@leg.
Governor Jay Inslee
weeks, or afford a vacation at some luxury resort, perhaps your opinion to your county, Murray wa.gov Office of the Governor
just visiting some friends for a few days may be all that state and federal elected of- 2988 Jackson Federal Bldg. 416 14th Ave. SW Ste. 200
ficials? 915 Second Ave. State Rep. Richard DeBolt PO Box 40002
we need to revitalize ourselves. In fact, sometimes it may Seattle, WA 98174
be better if we can take several short vacations each year, 1-888-648-7328 P. O. Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504-0002
Morton Mayor Dan Email: murray.senate.gov 425A Legislative Bldg Phone: (360) 902-4111
rather than use up two or three weeks all at once. The Mortensen Olympia, WA 98504-0600 Email: http://www.gover-
Lord wants us to take care of ourselves 250 Main Ave U.S. Senator Maria (360) 786-7896 nor.wa.gov/contact/default.
and we all have to recognize when we PO Box 1089 Cantwell Email: richard.debolt@leg. asp
need a rest from our daily routine. Morton, WA 98356 915 Second Ave. Suite 3206 wa.gov
(360) 496-6881 Seattle, WA 98174
For whoever receives that rest (206) 220-6400 President Donald Trump
which God promised will rest from his Mossyrock Mayor Tom Email: cantwell.senate.gov State Senator John E. The White House
Braun 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
own work, just as God rested from His. Meade State Rep. Ed Orcutt P.O. Box 40420
231 E. State Street N.W
Good News Bible, Hebrews 4:10 408 John L. O'Brien Bldg. Olympia, WA 98504-0420 Washington, DC 20500
PO Box 96 PO Box 40600
Mossyrock, WA 98564 (360) 786-7638 (202)456-1111
Olympia, WA 98504-0600 Email: john.braun@leg.
(360) 983-3300 (360) 786-7990 Email: president@white-

Donated by DeVaul Publishing Inc. wa.gov house.gov

The East County Frank DeVaul, Publisher

Rosemary Browning, Editor
Judy DeVaul, Advertising Manager
Gary Cichowski, Advertising Sales
Chris Johnson, Sports Editor Carrie Spratt, Advertising Sales
Correspondents: Jeremy Fink, Production
Buddy Rose Chris Saline, Circulation
Susan DeLaire Tammy Armstrong, Office Manager
Dedicated to Serving East Lewis County since 1945; A
proud partner of the DeVaul Publishing, Inc. family
278 Main Avenue • PO Box 1166 • Morton, WA EAST COUNTY Subscription Rates: DEADLINES
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August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal ― 3


Krystal Wright wins 2017 Jubilee crown
By Rosemary Browning
The East County Journal
Krystal Wright was
named 2017 Loggers’
Jubilee Queen during
the 62nd annual Queen
coronation on Thursday
night at the Morton High
School gym.
Wright was crowned
by 2016 Jubilee Queen
Julianna Draper. Both are
students at White Pass
High School.
Wright was one of five
local high school stu-
dents seeking the title.
First runner up was El-
excious Hampton, also
from White Pass. Prin-
cesses for the 2017 roy-
alty court include Maddy
Hampton of White Pass
and Jacie Dunlap and
Belen Salguero from
Morton High School.
Draper led all five
contestants in an opening
performance of a country
dance routine she coor-
dinated for the evening.
Draper also asked a ques-
tion of each candidate
during the public speak-
ing phase of the event.
Judges for the evening
were Peter Abbarno, an
attorney and partner with
Althauser Rayan and Ab-
barno LLC and Centra-
lia city council; Lewis
County Assessor Diane
Dorey; Cindy Godsey
with Althauser Rayan
Abbarno, LLC and exec-
utive director of the MCL
scholarship program,
Bailey Peters, Miss Lew-
is County 2016; and Sa-
mantha Styger, director
of North American fran-
chise operations at Line
X Protective Coatings.
Mike Fairhart was
the master of ceremo-
nies during the evening.
Fairhart introduced each
candidate during the eve-
ning gown competition
and had a brief inter-
view with Draper about
her reign as 2016 queen.
Fairhart talked with 2017
Miss Lewis County Ken-
nedy Woods prior to her
vocal performance dur-
ing the evening. Fairhart

the SWW Fair

also introduced other
members of the visiting
royalty and past Jubilee Come see
queens who attended the
annual event. us at
One week only FAIR SPECIALS
Also performing three
songs during the corona-
tion were brothers Chris
and Nick Martin.
Jubilee Royalty Pro-
gram Coordinate Deb-
bie Elizaga recognized
longtime Jubilee royalty
supporter Myrna Norris
with a special award for
hosting Jubilee royalty FREE cooler
for several years.
“Myrna has opened
with purchase FREE bagger
of a Cub Cadet with purchase of
her house for 30 to 35 Challenger 4X4 Cub Cadet XT2 LX46
years to us,” Elizaga said.
“She opens her doors $
370 value $
400 value
and allows us to use her Only 4 left Only 6 left
backyard and to rest and
enjoy coronation.”
Following the corona-
tion, 2016 Queen Annie Make Your First Stop The Power Shop
Brown and 2015 Queen 3820 Harrison Ave., Centralia • (360) 736-6340 • www.powershopcentralia.com
Colby Armstrong hosted Tues–Fri 8:00 AM–5:00PM, Sat. 9:00AM–3:00 PM
a reception in the gym.

Morton Sawmill & Planer
302 State Route 7
Morton, WA
(360) 496-5115 Fax: (360) 496-6260

Napavine Reload
400 S.E. 2nd Avenue
Napavine, WA
(360) 262-3418 Fax: (360) 262-9330

Randle Sawmill & Planer

10166 U.S. Highway 12
P.O. Box 189
Randle, WA
GLOBAL LUMBER • FAMILY ROOTS (360) 497-5030 Fax: (360) 497-2266
4 ― August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal

Aug. 7
could be rented, but had
Mossyrock: Blueberry festival a success
Deanna G. Gange, 39, not rented it. The golf cart Continued from page 1 the walking path addition. percent last year. He said ployees because the grant
of Salkum was arrested was returned to the owner. has excess fill material there are various reasons previously acquired for
by Lewis County Sher- Charges are being referred. stockpiled on the Larson 2017 Blueberry Festival for the reduction, includ- those repairs was insuf-
iff’s deputies at 12:59 a.m. Road and would be will- City Treasurer Angie ing installation of newer, ficient to hire a contrac-
on suspicion of DUI after Aug. 14 ing to haul and dump it in Hartmann reported the more accurate meters, tor. He said about 20 of
deputies conducted a traf- Lewis County Sheriff’s the ditch. 2017 Blueberry Festival better accounting for fire the repair sites will need
fic stop on a vehicle driven deputies responded at 3 According to Meade, beer garden at the park department water use and to be completed prior to
by Gange that had a defec- p.m. to an attempted bur- the city right of way in was very successful with repairing leaks as they the county overlay. A
tive headlight in the 700 glary in the 600 block of that area extends well be- roughly $1,400 in sales. are found pavement cutter is being
block of Highway 12. Skinner Road in Randle. yond the pavement – 30 Hartmann said having Council member Dar- rented by the city to prop-
Gange was transported According to deputies, feet or more – so there is unpaid volunteers helped rell Peoples said the city erly complete the pothole
and booked into the Lewis the owner of the property, ample room for a path. increase revenue at the wastewater treatment is repairs.
County jail. who lives out of the area, Lawns and landscaping beer garden. in good shape, partly due
was contacted on Aug. features of adjacent prop- Meade said law en- to ongoing assistance City Park projects
Aug. 12 9 by a neighbor who re- erty owners often extend forcement and security from Evergreen Rural Hartmann and Council
Lewis County Sheriff’s ported several individuals well into the city right services during the fes- Water, a non-profit or- member Teresa Quinlan
deputies responded to a were on the property. The of way and Meade said tival were well covered ganization that provides reported on park depart-
theft of a golf cart in the neighbor was able to have there is no intent to dis- by Morton Police Chief free assistance to rural ment activities. They
500 block of State Route the individuals leave the turb them. Driveways to Roger Morningstar and areas. Peoples said the said the new park am-
122 in Salkum. According property. When the owner properties would remain other police officers. quarterly state wastewa- phitheater was very re-
to deputies, two juvenile arrived on Aug. 14, he dis- unchanged and cross- Meade said Veterans of ter report is due soon and ceived by the bands who
suspects – age 14 and 15 covered three Master locks ing them would become Foreign Wars volunteers is being prepared. entertained during the
– took a golf cart without had been damaged and a part of the walking path. also helped with city park Meade said county re- Blueberry Festival. Addi-
the owner’s permission. game camera was missing. Meade noted the ditch security. surfacing of several city tional park signs will be
According to the teens, The value of the items was is currently considered streets will begin soon. installed soon to include
they thought the golf carts listed at $150. somewhat of a nuisance City utilities, services According to Meade, park information, rules
to the city because mow- Council member Ran- there will be some traf- for dog use and park and
dall Sasser reported the fic disruptions but the area history. Meade said
Fireline ers can’t get in and out of
it and vegetation must be city’s water loss percent- county will work to con- a county-wide burn ban is
Lewis County District 14 YTD Total Calls: 145 cut by hand. age (water pumped from trol traffic with flaggers now in effect, restricting
Randle Total Calls 2016: 240 Council members city wells but not billed) and detours to minimize the use of park barbecue
July 2017 agreed to wait for public is decreasing. According impacts. Other street re- units. A suggestion was
Lewis County District 18 comments and input be- to Sasser, loss percentage pairs and filling potholes made to put temporary
Medical: 17 Glenoma fore deciding on either the this year are 40 percent is being planned to be ac- burn ban signage on the
Transports: 12 June 2017 speed limit reduction or or less compared to 46 complished by city em- barbecue units.
Non-Transports: 5
Aid Calls: 2
Motor Vehicle accidents: 2 Transports: 1
Logging: Mauhl celebrates with wins
Continued from page 1 in the springboard chop leyld Park, in choker ton, won the $300 prize;
Transports: 1 Non-Transports: 1 appreciated the fantastic and took home fifth setting; Xander Waibel, and Nico Collette of
Non-Transports: 1 crowd here at Morton.” place prizes in single from West Linn, Ore., Randle won $100.
Mutual Aid calls: 3 According to Forrest- bucking, stock saw, hot in obstacle pole and Rob Cowlitz Valley Off-
Fire: 8 Transports:1 er, he will do two more saw and double bucking Waibel, also from West Road-Vehicle Club also
Structure: 1 Non-Transports: 2 shows this year – the with partner Gabe For- Linn, in birling (log roll- announced winners from
Vehicle: 1 Logger’s Playday at Ho- rester. ing). its annual raffle: Jenine
Brush: 3 Fire Calls: 4 quiam and Lumberjack Lentz captured first In the women’s com- Broshears from Bremer-
Illegal: 0 Structure: 0 Days in Orofino, Idaho place in horizontal chop, petition, Erin Cramsey ton won a Fiskars split-
Other: 3 Brush: 1 – then put away his axes stock saw and double from Vaneta, Ore., won ting maul; Jim Simons
Vehicle: 0 and saws for the season. bucking with David the single buck event from Adna won a cord of
Assists: 2 Mutual Aid Calls:0 Placing second in the Cramsey. He added and partnered with San- firewood; Dwayne Kelly
Fire: 0 Mutual Aid vehicle: 0 Bull of the Woods com- fourth place money in dra Forrester to take of Morton, won a half of
Motor Vehicle Aid: 0 Mutual Aid structure fire: 2 petition was another single bucking, fifth home first place in Jill N a pig, cut and wrapped;
Fire: 0 Mutual Aid brush: 0 Loggers’ Jubilee veter- place in vertical chop Jill double bucking. and Larry Smith from
Medical: 0 Illegal burns: 0 an, Mel Lentz, from Di- and a sixth in axe throw. Crowd favorite Gordy Mossyrock, won a Stihl
Transport: 0 Service call: 1 ana, W. Va. Lentz was Other winners were Mauhl of Carnation, cel- MS250 chainsaw.
Other agency: 2 an eight-time winner of Eric Hoberg of Clin- ebrated his 75th birthday Logging show organiz-
Public: 0 Motor vehicle accidents 0 the Morton title in the ton, Mont., in the speed by winning all four se- ers Sonny and Linda Met-
Glenoma: 0 1980s and 1990s. climbing and tree top- nior events: single buck, tler expressed thanks to
Mutual Aid: 0 Mutual Aid: 0 Forrester piled up ping events; David vertical chop, horizontal everyone who once again
Fire: 0 points and money win- Green of Bend, Ore., chop and springboard helped make the event a
Motor Vehicle Accident: 0 EMS calls for the month: 5 nings with first-place in single bucking; T.J. chop. safe and entertaining spec-
Medical transport: 0 EMS calls Year to Date: 69 finishes in the vertical Bexten from Aberdeen, Winner of the Bing tacle.
Other: 0 Transports Year to Date: 36 chop and axe throw and in springboard chop; award for sportsman- They especially want
False Alarms: 0 Fire calls Year to Date: 10 Jack N Jill bucking with Jeff Skirvin of Clats- ship went to Mauhl. The to thank Brian Dalton and
Total calls Year to Date: partner, Sandra Forrest- kanie, Ore., in hot saw; annual award is named the infield crew for their
YTD Transports: 83 80 er. He finished second Jake Forrester, from Id- after the late Eugene hard work, Mike Fairhart
“Bing” Bingham, who and Rick Stockdale for

Like us on
commanded Jubilee are- announcing along with
na activities for nearly show sponsors King Bev-
30 years. erage, Budweiser and Port

Oliver Creek The annual Jubilee

raffle was also a great
And finally, they send

success with more than out a big thank you to
Custom Embroidery $7,600 in tickets sold.
Marvin Coleman of
Brandy Clark, whose re-
turn to Morton really did
Randle, was the raffle make this year’s Jubilee
drawing winner of $500; a “Big Day in a Small
Kim Kerrigan of Mor- Town.”

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Your Partners For ALL your tire needs!

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August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal ― 5

Tinney, Shannon
adult and teen crafters are
Supporting their community Local programs
for area seniors
invited to bring knitting
move on to primary or crochet projects and
Officials from the Lew- Thanks to everyone who
meet with fellow crafters stopped by the Center dur-
is County Elections De- to share tips and project
partment have announced ing Jubilee and enjoyed our
ideas. Library materials salad bar lunch and our pie
candidates Scott Tinney will be available for knit-
and Carla Shannon will and bake sale. Your support
ting and craft projects. All is appreciated.
move forward to the fall skill levels are welcome.
primary race for Lewis Join us on Tuesday as
The Salkum library is we celebrate August birth-
County Clerk. Following at 2480 Hwy. 12 in Sal-
the official vote certifica- days for Lennis Allen, Dale
kum. For more informa- Beerbower, Melody But-
tion on Tuesday, Tinney tion on Salkum library
and Shannon were the terton, Donna Carter, Verna
programs, call (360) 985- Coleman, Violet Glaspey,
top two candidates in the 2148.
primary election on Aug. Isabelle Edwards, Ellen
1. Tinney received 3,268 Forrest, Marsha George,
votes or 37.85 percent
Edward Jones Nyla Rich and Louise
with Shannon earning hosting school drive Small.
3,114 votes for 36.07 per- The Morton Senior Cen-
The Morton office of ter lunch menus for the
cent. The third candidate, Edward Jones Financial
Linda Williams, received week of Aug 21:
is hosting its annual Back Monday: Sweet treats
2,251 votes for 26.07 per- to School supplies drive.
cent. The top two candi- and coffee, 10 a.m.
Area residents are invited Tuesday: Hamburger
dates move on to the fall to bring school supplies
General Election on Nov. gravy, mashed potatoes,
which will be distributed peas and onions, green sal-
7. to students in need in Mor- ad, banana pudding.
ton, Mossyrock and White Wednesday: Call for
‘Big Foot’ program Pass. A list of school sup- menu.
plies for both Morton El-
at Packwood gym ementary School and Mor-
Thursday: Barbecue
The White Pass Coun- ribs, scalloped potatoes,
ton Junior/Senior High are NW vegetables, apricots,
try Museum will host a available at the Morton
special program on "Big biscuit.
post office. Items can be Friday: Baked potato bar
Foot" on Thursday at 7 left at the office Monday
p.m. The free program by lunch. Cost: $6 per person.
through Thursday from
Scott Taylor is open to the 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and
community. Packwood
Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to It’s birthday week at the
The presentation will be 1 p.m. until Aug. 25. For
in the Packwood Elemen- Packwood Senior Center.
additional information, Join us today as we cel-
tary gym adjacent to the contact Mandy Johnson at
museum at 12990 Hwy. 12 ebrate August birthdays for
(360) 496-3290. Photos by Rosemary Browning/The East County Journal Vivian Goble, Joyce Lager-
in downtown Packwood. Employees at Security State branches have donated $5,600 to local charities and
For additional informa- quist and Ron Ferch. Cake
tion on the program, call
Entries sought for organizations through the bank’s Employees Caring for our Communities (ECC) and ice cream will follow
fund. The funds are raised by collector coin and honor box sales along with em-
the museum at (360) 494- local car show ployees who take part in designated “Jean Day” events. Locally, the ECC program
our Nutritional lunch at
4422. noon.
Entries are still being donated $200 NW Backpack Snack program to help fill backpacks with food to lo- The Packwood Senior
accepted for the Heritage cal children during the weekends. Pictured, At Top (left to right): Security State Center lunch menus for the
East County Auto House Assisted Living’s Bank Customer Service Representative Tiffany Coleman, NW Backpack Snack week of Aug. 14:
10th annual Vintage Car founder Pat Saldana and Security State Bank Customer Service Representative
hosting car show show on Aug. 25. There Rikki Mead. The ECC also donated $200 to the Morton Senior Center. Pictured
Monday: Cauliflower
East County Auto Cen- quiche, tomato salad.
is no entry fee. above (left to right): Coleman, Morton Senior Center Site Director Sally Allen and Tuesday: Hamburger
ter will celebrate its 39th The free community Mead.
anniversary on Saturday gravy, mashed potatoes,
event will include the car
County revises building code chapter
with an open house and peas and onions, green sal-
show with awards, raf- ad, banana pudding.
car show. The locally fles, live music, food and
owned family business Wednesday: Sweet treats
other special events. This By Susan DeLaire pier and Doyle Sanford, was great and the folks in and coffee, 9 a.m., cinna-
opened in 1978 and has year’s show will have a The East County Journal Community Development Morton did a great job on
been serving custom- mon rolls, $2 each.
Hawaiian theme. Car en- A proclamation honor- Department, addressed the the event. Commissioner Thursday: Barbecue
ers in the east end for tries will begin at 5:30 ing the 2017 Southwest proposed amendment to Gary Stamper expressed
39 years. The Show and ribs, scalloped potatoes,
p.m., with the first 15 en- Washington Fair Little the Lewis County Build- disappointment he was not NW vegetables, apricots,
Shine car show from 9 tries receiving a t-shirt. Miss Friendly program ing Code, Chapter 15.05. able to attend, following
a.m. to 2 p.m. will include biscuit.
Heritage House Assisted started Monday’s meeting The amendment replaced a death in his immediate Friday: Sweet treats and
hot rods and antique cars. Living and Memory Care of the Lewis County Board action taken in 2010 when family.
The event will also in- coffee at 10 a.m.
is at 860 W. Main Ave. in of County Commissioners the BOCC adopted the
clude food, free drawings

Morton. (BOCC). Fair Manager 2009 International Build-
and special sale prices on To enter or for addi- Tamara Hayes thanked ing Code. Sanford said the
merchandise. East County tional information, con- all of the contestants for change allows people to
Auto is at 8072 Hwy. 12 tact Joie at (360) 496- participating and recog- use new products and af-
in Glenoma. 6699 or email joie@ nized Mossyrock resident fords some leniency with

CCEast hosting
acaringplace.net. Campbell Senter, Little
Miss Friendly 2016.
respect to permitting.
“It’s actually making YOUR HOME,
third paint night Grove receives state “Campbell’s done an it easier to do business,”
Community residents finance office award incredible job this year,”
Hayes said. Senter thanked
Sanford said, noting the
department was helping
are invited to a paint night Lewis County Auditor the commissioners for sup- people with new paper-
on Aug. 23 at 6 p.m. at Larry porting her and said she work and engineers, build-
Centralia College East Grove enjoyed the fair and be- ers and architects were al-
(CCEast). The event will h a s ing part of the Miss Lewis ready using the new codes. with our
be in room 101 at the b e e n County pageant. “We just need to catch
Morton campus. recog- up to them,” he said. • Cutting edge surveillance
The cost is $35 per per- nized Airport Advisory “Anything we can do to
son, which will cover the by the Board appointments make this process easier equipment
cost of all supplies and Lewis
refreshments. The theme County
John Roe, John Beck
and John Mathews were
for the people in Lewis
County, we need to do so,”
• Driveway alerts
for the upcoming paint B o a r d Lewis County appointed to the Lewis County Commissioner • Spy Equipment
night is “Underwater Sea o f Auditor Larry County Airport Advisory Bobby Jackson said. The
Turtles.” For questions on County Grove Board. Roe, a resident of amended ordinance passed • Stun guns
the program, contact Kim Com- Onalaska, was present at and will take effect on
Wilson at (360) 496-5022 missioners (BOCC) for a the meeting. Community Sept. 5. • Pepper spray
or email kimberly.wil- state finance office award. Development Director Lee
son@centralia.edu. Grove has earned the Pro- Napier thanked Roe for his Kudos to Morton
Proceeds from the
event benefit the Friends
fessional Finance Officer
award from the Washing- participation at the Pack- Loggers’ Jubilee
Commissioner Edna
Fusion security
of CCEast scholarship ton Finance Officer Asso- wood Airport rededication 360-736-3348 • 810 W. Main St., Centralia
ciation. Chief Accountant ceremony in July. Fund and Bobby Jackson
fund. “He was a huge part of attended the Morton Log- Mon. – Fri. 9 AM – 5 PM
Suzette Smith said the as-
sociation has been closed the success there,” Napier gers’ Jubilee. After hours or Saturdays by appointment
Knitters to meet to new members for sev- said. Roe said he looked “Morton rolled out
at Salkum library eral years and as time goes forward to serving on the the red carpet for us this 250-A Westlake Ave. Morton
on, fewer will receive rec- board. weekend,” Fund said, add- 496-5900 • Fax: 496-5950
The Salkum Library ognition. ing attendance records for Office Hours: M - F 8am - 5pm
will host its weekly Knit- Smith congratulated Building code revised the Brandy Clark concert Sat. 9am - 3pm
ting Circle group on Grove for his 27 years of In a public hearing fol- surpassed expectations. www.century21lundmorton.com
Thursday at 4 p.m. Both continuing education. lowing the meeting, Na- Jackson said the parade Realtors®/Morton Branch


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page 6 - East County Journal - August 16, 2017

Kuschel and Olstad win lawnmower racing titles

Three lawnmowers take off at the start of a race in Jubilee Arena on Friday night.
photos by Chris Johnson
Four mowers, with Chad Kuschel in front, maneuver around the first corner during
the 15-lap, A-Main final.
by Chris Johnson and Morton’s Ryan Schaf- couver) and Courtney
East County Journal fer in the 15-lap, A-Main Nicholson (Yacolt) won
final event. the two women’s tro-
The Amboy duo of Olstad won her sixth phy dashes, and Randy
Chad Kuschel and Brenda overall title in the Paris (La Center), Brian
Olstad each won the an- 11-mower field. Her first Vaughn (Puyallup), Gary
nual lawnmower races championship came 14 Shilly (Morton), Billy
in front of the traditional years ago in 2003. She Claycamp (Kelso), Curtis
capacity crowd at the 75th also won titles in 2004, Bruun (Eatonville) and
Loggers’ Jubilee. 2008, 2011, and 2013. Kuschel all won trophy
Kuschel won for the Morton’s Skyler Riggs dashes for the men.
second consecutive year was second overall in The top three finish-
outlasting 36 other mow- the women’s final with ers in the men’s C-Main
ers in the 41st running Sarah Howard from Battle were Paris, Vaughn, and
of the lawnmowers at Ground taking third. Darren Brewer (Morton),
Jubilee Arena. This was The evening began with with Richard Thompson
Kuschel’s fourth title the 2017 Jubilee Royalty (Longview), Baily Fox
overall after winning in selecting the mower of (Sumner), and David
2012, 2013, and in 2016. Chehalis’ Colton Netzer Newton (Battle Ground) Women’s lawnmower champion Brenda Olstad poses with the 2017 Jubilee Roy-
Kuschel bested Battle as the prettiest mower. placing first through third alty (from left to right) Jacie Dunlap, Julianna Draper, Belen Salguero, Maddy
Ground’s Martin Ebert Emily Hoffman (Van- in the B-Main. Brigham, Krystal Wright, and Elexcious Hampton.

Lawnmower champion Chad Kuschel poses with the 2017 Jubilee Royalty (from
A lone mower speeds around the track during the time trials at the lawnmower races left to right) Jacie Dunlap, Julianna Draper, Elexcious Hampton, Belen Salguero,
on Friday night at Jubilee Arena. Krystal Wright, and Maddy Brigham.

Get a back to High Valley Golf (Packwood) 1st LG: Svea McCarty (42)
2nd LG: Mary Edlund (43)
Here are the results from 1st Place: Bob Conklin / 3rd LG (tie): Lizzie Stobie
school eye exam High Valley golf: Svea McCarty (37)
Men’s League / July 24, 2nd Place (tie): Larry Car- (46)
(46) / Roberta Provonost

We carry Mens, Womens & children. 2017 / 11 Players penter & Karen Carpenter 1st LN Karen Carpenter (29)
1st Place: Al Byers (25.5) (38) // Gary McCarty & 2nd LN Betty Klattenoff
We offer Sunglasses and great package deals. 2nd Place: Mike Ellis (28.1) Eileen Meyer (38) (31)
3rd Place: Gary McLaugh- Games: KP#6 Eileen 3rd LN Shirley Botsford
• GX • Emozioni lin (28.3) Meyer / Gary McCarty (34)
by Gwen Stefani • TitanFLEX 4th Place: Jack Foster (30.6) KP#7 Eileen Meyer / Birdie #9 Mary Edlund
• L.A.M.B. Games: KP#4 Al Byers Gary McCarty Chip In #9 Mary Edlund
• Carrera KP#7 Larry Carpenter Men’s League / August 7, Chip In #8 Svea McCarty
by Gwen Stefani • Safilo Ladies’ League / July 25, 2017 / 14 Players Chip In #9 Leslie Llapitan
• BEBE • Joseph 2017 / 12 Players 1st Place: Gary McCarty SCOTCH BALL / August
• Cole Haan 1st LG: Svea McCarty (40) (29.9) 10, 2017 / 12 Players
Abboud 2nd LG: Mary Anderson (42) 2nd Place: Mike Anderson 1st Place Svea McCarty /
• Sunlights • Altair 3rd LG: Jan Parcher (45) (30.3) Duane Mills (34)
• Kilter 1st LN: Irene Morris (28) 3rd Place: Tim Miller (30.8) 2nd Place Sandy Conklin /
• Genesis 2nd LN: Karen Carpenter (30) 4th Place: Gary McLaugh- Gary McCarty (42)
• Anne Klein 3rd LN Betty Klattenhoff (31) lin (31.1) 3rd Place Lois Enz / Bob
Medical Vision Center Game: Longest Drive #5 Games: KP#4 Gary Mc- Conklin (43)
Jan Parcher Carty / KP#8 Tim Miller Games: KP#4 Svea Mc-
Dr. Donald A Carroll Birdie #7 Mary Anderson Ladies’ League / August Carty / Duane Mills
Hours Monday through Thursday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Birdie #9 Jan Parcher 8, 2017 / 17 Players KP#7 Bob Conklin /
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August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal ― 7

Hospital dedicates bench Passages from the bible
The Righteousness of God
Wednesday, Aug. 16
in memory of Don Bishop The purpose of the
preaching of the gospel of
and peace,” Romans 8:1-6
“Now we have received,
Morton TOPS, 9:30 Christ is to ‘turn many to not spirit of the world, but
a.m., Morton United Meth- righteousness;” to turn the the spirit which is of God;
odist Church, Fourth Street hearts of believers to the that we
and Main Avenue. For more righteousness which is of might
information call (360) 492- God by faith that is in Christ.  know
5610. “Even as Abraham be- t h e
Mind, Body, Spirit Self- lieved God (believed the things
Care group, 10 a.m. Mor- voice of His Word) and it that are
was accounted to him for freely
ton General Hospital, 521 righteousness,” Gal.3:6 given to
Adam Ave. Of John the Baptist it is us of Ella Mae Carbaugh
Randle Senior Potluck written: “and many of the G o d  .
Luncheon, noon, Randle children of Israel shall he Which things also we speak,
Nazarene Church, 215 Sil- turn to the Lord their God.  not in the words which
verbrook Rd. For more in- And he shall go before Him man’s wisdom teacheth,
formation, contact Carol in the spirit and power of but which the Holy Ghost
Reed at (360) 497-7110. Elias, to turn the hearts of teacheth, comparing spiritu-
the fathers to the children, al things with spiritual. But
Thursday, Aug. 17 and the disobedient to the the natural man receiveth
Mineral Seniors lunch, wisdom of the just, to make not the things of the spirit
noon, Mineral Fire Hall, ready a people prepared for of God, for they are fool-
104 Front St. Photos by Rosemary Browning/The East County Journal the Lord,” Luke 1:17 ishness unto him: neither
Pat Zandecki providing Paul was made a minister can he know them, for they
By Rosemary Browning to the Gentiles: “...To open are spiritually discerned,” I
assistance to veterans from The East County Journal
2 to 4 p.m. at the Mountain their eyes, and to turn them Cor. 2:12-14.
View Timberland Library, Between 40 and 50 fam- from the power of darkness “Who hath stood in the
210 Silverbrook Rd., Ran- ily members and friends to light, and from the power counsel of the Lord, and per-
dle. joined East Lewis County of Satan unto God, that they ceived and heard His word?
Mind, Body, Spirit Hospital Foundation rep- may receive forgiveness of Who hath marked His word
Self-Care group, 2:30 p.m. resentatives on Friday to sins, and inheritance among and heard it?  For if they
dedicate a bench at Morton them that are sanctified by had stood in My counsel,
Mossyrock Outreach Cen- faith that is in Me,” Acts and had caused My people
ter, (360) 496-3591. General Hospital in memo-
ry of Don Bishop, a long- 26:13-18 to hear My words, then they
Mineral Lake Lions, 7 “There is therefore now no should have turned them
p.m., Mineral Fire Hall. time Foundation member
and volunteer. condemnation to them which from their evil ways, and
Mossyrock AA Book are in Christ Jesus, who walk from the evil of their do-
study, 7 p.m., Mossyrock Bishop died on April 1
not after the flesh, but after ings,” Jer. 23:18,22
Grange Hall. following a brief illness. the spirit.  For the law of the “But their minds were
Bishop moved to Mor- spirit of life in Christ Jesus blinded; for until this day
Friday, Aug. 18 ton in the early 1960s and hath made me free from the remaineth the same veil un-
AL-ANON Adult meet- owned and operated Mor- law of sin and death. taken away in the reading
ing, 10 a.m., The Rivers ton Supply and Equipment “For what the law could of the old testament; which
Coffeehouse, 212 Main for many years. He was not do, in that it was weak veil is done away in Christ.
Ave., Morton active in numerous com- security blanket, making through the flesh, God But even unto this day, when
"Big Foot" by Scott munity groups and organi- Linus rethink his outlook sending His own son in the Moses is read, the veil is
Taylor, free program at 7 zations including the East and surroundings. Don likeness of sinful flesh, and upon the heart. Nevertheless,
p.m. White Pass Country Lewis County Hospital was like that too, he liked for sin, condemned in the when it [the heart] shall turn
Museum, 12990 Hwy. 12 Foundation, Morton Cham- to swoop in and challenge flesh: that the righteousness to the Lord, the veil shall be
in Packwood. For more in- ber of Commerce, Morton us to think bigger and do of the law might be fulfilled taken away,” II Cor 3:14-16
formation, call (360) 494- Loggers’ Jubilee and was more,” Schoenborn said. in us, who walk not after “Hear counsel, and re-
4411. instrumental in the creation Also reading poems to the flesh, but after the spirit. ceive instruction, that thou
of the Morton Teen Center. honor Bishop were Hospi- Pictured, Top: Members For they that are after the mayest be wise in thy latter
The white stone bench tal Board Chairman Judy of Don Bishop’s family at flesh do mind the things of end.” Prov.9:20
Saturday, Aug. 19 the flesh; but they that are “Turn ye at my reproof,
Narcotics Anonymous is inscribed with a picture Ramsey and Foundation the bench dedication cer-
of the Snoopy character – a member Debbie Brehmeyer. emony on Friday outside after the spirit, the things of behold, I will pour out My
Reflections group, 7 p.m., the spirit.  For to be carnally spirit unto you; I will make
Salkum Library, 2480 Hwy. popular nickname for Bish- Hospital Foundation Morton General Hospi-
op, who gained his nick- Director Diane Markham tal. Pictured, front row minded is death; but to be known My words unto
12. 1-866-922-8800. spiritually minded is life you,”  Prov.1:23.
name after he and Lynn de- described Bishop as a dedi- (left to right): grandchil-
signed a Snoopy costume cated member of the foun- dren Tor, Brooks, Miles,

Concept Realty
Sunday, Aug. 20
Elk County Chapter that he wore on a float dation. Annika, Magnus and
ABATE of Washington so- during Jubilee parades. According to Markham, Ben Bishop; Back row:
cial, 1 p.m. For questions, He also wore the costume Bishop was a key player Andy Bishop, Deanna
contact Brian Lange at while racing at the Jubilee in helping the foundation Bishop, Carolyn Gilman,
Serving & Supporting East Lewis County Since 1985!
(253) 209-2439. lawn mower races. raise “a lot of funds” for Ted Bishop, Lynn Bish-
GriefShare Recovery, 2 Speaking at the gather- hospital equipment and op, David and Jinyi Bish-
p.m., Morton Community ing, Foundation member scholarships during the op; Above: East Lewis
Bible Church, 150 Division Tom Schoenborn likened past 11 years that Markham County Foundation Di-
St., Morton. For informa- the Snoopy character with has been the foundation’s rector Diane Markham
tion, contact Lisa Hargrove similar attributes of Bish- executive director. (center) speaks during A Haven on Edge of Forest!
op. “He was a full-time the dedication ceremo- 252 Snyder Road, Packwood. A feeling, a glance and know you are
at (360) 497-0565.
Packwood AA meeting, “Snoopy was sociable player. Even when it was ny; Inset: A bench has in a true haven of peace. This 1½ story chalet offers 2bd 1½ bath
7 p.m., Packwood Commu- and flew planes,” Schoen- a fundraising project he been installed near the in over 1300sf enhanced by owner features throughout. Woodstove
on brick, oak flooring, bears on the newell post plus new windows
nity Hall. born said. “Don also got his didn’t want to do, he would entrance to Morton Gen- & more. Huge man cave can hold 4 vehicles plus, all on 1.65 acres.
Morton AA open meet- pilot’s license at a young still do it,” Markham said. eral Hospital in memory Seller offers Home Warranty! Call to Tour......................... $227,500.
ing, 7 p.m., Sacred Heart age and like Snoopy, loved “Whatever we decided to of longtime Hospital 'Your Key to personal service and a new home ~ just call!'
Catholic Church. to fly. Don, as we know do, Don was a part of it. I Foundation member Don Kathy Heimbigner, Broker
was also social.” am a great admirer of him.” Bishop. Our web site: Look for Concept Realty in the Business Directory at “lewiscounty.com”
360-497-7400 • Fax: 360-497-7403 • 9494 Hwy 12, Randle
Monday, Aug. 21 According to Schoen- Fellow foundation
Weight Watchers, weigh- born, the pair also were big member and longtime
dreamers and were always friend Bob Maupin also
Your Local Church Directory
in at 5:30 p.m., meeting at 6
p.m. First Church of God, planning something on a had strong words of praise
1251 Main Ave., Morton. large scale. for Bishop.
Mountain High Commu- “In the cartoon, “He was always there
nity Choir, 6 p.m., Morton Snoopy’s house was small whenever we needed him,”
United Methodist Church, and simple, but on the in- Maupin said. “Don was MORTON —
First Church of God — 1251 Main Ave. • Sunday School 9:30 a.m. • Sun. Worship Service 10:45 a.m.
Fourth Street and Main Av- side, it was bigger than all the best of the best. There
enue, (360) 496-5003. get-out,” he said. “Don also are few who measure up to Central Lutheran Church — Pastor Greg Wightman — Sun. Worship 11 a.m. Monday night Bible study 6 p.m. and: Potluck 3rd Sunday
• Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
Morton School Board has those big dreams – for him.”
meeting, 6 p.m., Morton himself, his family and his Don’s wife, Lynn said Seventh Day Adventist — Morton — Corner of Kosmos and Hwy 508 • (360) 496-5401 • (If no answer call (253) 381-0781 or (360)
High School lecture room, community.” her husband was proud to
• Sabbath School 10 a.m.• Worship Service Sat. 11 a.m.
152 Westlake Ave. He noted both Snoopy be a part of the community.
and Bishop were competi- “Don loved being a part Morton Community Bible Church -150 Division Morton (360) 496-6887. Pastor Ken Schmidt (360) 496-3266. Sun. Service 11 a.m.
Mineral Cemetery followed by refreshments and fellowship. Thurs. Awana 5 p.m.. Wed. Bible Study 7 p.m.. A non-denominational Bible Believing Church.
District 10, 7 p.m., Min- tive and they lived to push of this,” she said about the
others. gathering of the hospital Sacred Heart Catholic Church — 7th W. Adams • Morton. Sunday Mass 10:45 a.m., Father Roger Smith. (360) 496-5456
eral Fire Hall, 104 Front
St., mineralcemeterydis- “Snoopy was known to foundation. “Thank you on Morton United Methodist Church — corner of Fourth and Main • Pastor Steve Johnson • Bible Study 9:50, Worship 11:00 • phone
swoop in and take Linus’s behalf of our family.” (360) 496-5438
Morton Reconciled Christian Fellowship — 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Sunday mornings at the Morton elementary school. Pastor Tim Walker.
Mossyrock School (360) 497-2061
Board meeting, 7 p.m.,
Mossyrock Junior High Work Smarter Not Harder
School library, 545 Wil- RANDLE —
liams St. Family Worship Center, Assembly of God — Sunday School 9:30 a.m. • Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.
White Pass School • Wed. Family Night 6:30 p.m. (Bible Study)
board, 7 p.m., White Church Of The Nazarene — Sunday School @ 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship at 10:45 a.m.; Evening service & Teens at 6 p.m.; Wednesday
Pass High School student Prayer & Discipleship @ 7 p.m.
lounge, 516 Silverbrook United Methodist — Sunday School 10:45 a.m. • Sun. Worship 9:30 a.m. • New location: 116 Kindle Road, located behind Randle
Rd., Randle, (360) 497- Clinic• Call for Bible Study Groups: (360) 497-7552
3791. Reconciled Christian Fellowship –130 Morris Rd., Randle – Services, 10 – 11:30 a.m. Pastor Tim Walker (360)497-2061

Tuesday, Aug. 22
Mayfield Lake Quilters, MOSSYROCK —
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mossyrock Mossyrock Assembly of God, 101 Mossyrock Ave. Mossyrock WA 98564 • (360) 983-3342 Email mag@lewiscounty.com or contact us on
Assembly of God Church, Facebook • Senior Pastor Bryan Tienhaara, Youth Pastor Bryan Brannon • Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Worship
101 Mossyrock Ave. Service • Sunday Evening Services 6 p.m. Sr. High “One Way Student Ministries,” Boys & Girls Ministry, and Adult Bible Study • Tuesday
Coffee and Coloring, 10 Evening 6 p.m. Jr. High “One Way Youth Ministries” • Wednesday Evening 6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study.
a.m., Rivers Coffeehouse St. Yves Catholic Church — 381 St. Rt. 122 • Mossyrock. Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m. Father Roger Smith. (360) 496-5456.
and Bistro, 212 E. Main
Ave., Morton.
Packwood AA group, 5 MINERAL —
p.m., Packwood Commu- Neighborhood Christian Center Assembly of God— Pastor Josh Austin • (360) 492-3491 • Sunday
nity Presbyterian Church, Worship 10:30 a.m. • Holy Communion 2nd Sunday of the Month
13096 Hwy. 12, Packwood. Your location for
Project Linus, quilting Everything
group, 10 a.m., Central Lu- PACKWOOD —
theran Church, 400 S. Sec- Packwood Foursquare Church • Pastor: Angus Low • (360) 494-2231 • 112 Lewis Rd., Packwood, Sunday
ond St., Morton. Worship 10 a.m., 6 p.m. prayer, 6:30 p.m. youth service • Tue. & Thur. 3-6 p.m. youth center, Wednesday
Lewis County Planning 6:30 Marriage & family kids club • 1st Friday of month, 6 p.m. dinner & movie. • Fri. & Sat. 7 p.m. adult
Commission, 6 p.m., Lewis game nights. “…that time of refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:19) • the Bahá’í Faith •
“Firesides” (casual informative meetings) Tuesday evenings. For time and location call (360) 494-4767
County Historical court- or (360) 494-4774.
house, Commissioner hear-
ing room (second floor) 351 Sales • Service • Parts Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Packwood Presbyterian Church — Saturdays 4 p.m. Nov.-Feb. & 5 p.m.
NW North St., Chehalis. Count On Us For: Free Set-Up • Reliable Advice Packwood Community Presbyterian Church — 13096 U.S. Hwy. 12 • Packwood. Pastor Steve Klump,
Mossyrock AA Book
study 7 p.m., open meeting, • In-Store Parts • Trained Service Technicians Sun. 10:30 a.m. Worship Service. (360) 494-6680. One Lord, One Church, One Service.

8 p.m., Mossyrock Grange 1320 NW State Ave. • Chehalis • 360-748-8238

Hall. www.servicesaw.com
8 ― August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal

Strong competition at 75th annual logging show

Photo by Chris Johnson and Buddy Rose/The East County Journal

Horizontal Chop 14.85 James Hartley 54.08 Carsen Monaghan 20.43 Mel Lentz 9.93 Jake Lind 32.63
Mel Lentz 24.48 E. Hoberg/J. Hartley Gordy Mauhl 01:00.9 Brian Sheridan 10.22 Tristan VanBeck 49.97
Cody Labahn 27.19 15.53 Single Bucking David Moses Jr. 10.94
Jeff Skirvin 27.69 Springboard Chop David Green 20.72 TJ Bexten 12.13 Senior Events
David Green 31.38 Choker Setting TJ Bexten 58.02 James Hartley 20.90 Mike Forrester 12.46 Single Buck
James Hartley 31.75 Jake Forrester 15.41 Mike Forrester 1:02.09 Cody Labahn 21.85 Jeff Skirvin 12.79 Gordy Mauhl 52.32
Rob Waibel 32.75 Gabe Forrester 16.28 Jeff Skirvin 1:04. Mel Lentz 22.8
Brian Sheridan 41.35 Cody Labahn 17.88 David Moses Jr. 1:05.80 Mike Forrester 25.81 Tree Topping Vertical Chop
David Moses Jr. 50.05 Xander Waibel 18.44 James Hartley 1:08.80 Jeff Skirvin 27.65 Eric Hoberg 01:16.6 Gordy Mauhl 01:00.87
Jake Forrester 1:07.00 Carsen Monaghan 24.84 Rob Waibel 1:11/58 David Moses Jr. 28.22 Carsen Monaghan 3:11.78
Gordy Mauhl 1:33.19 Mel Lentz 1:17.50 Gabe Forrester 31.69 Springboard
Gabe Forrester 1:36.12 Jill N Jill David Green 1:28.60 Mike Johnson 33.72 Birling Gordy Mauhl 5:51.09
Terrence Thomas 2:00.38 E. Cramsey/S. Forrester Cody Labahn 3:28.71 Dave Cramsey 34.28 Rob Waibel
12.75 Gordy Mauhl 5:51.09 Gordy Mauhl 52.32 Xander Waibel Horizontal Chop
Axe Throw M. Vandehay/A. Che- Mike Johnson Gordy Mauhl 01:33.2
Mike Forrester nowith 24.96 Hot Saw Jack N Jill Carsen Monaghan
Rob Waibel Jeff Skirvin 7.43 M. Forrester/S. Forrester Cody Labahn Bull Of Woods
Gabe Forrester Women’s Single Buck TJ Bexten 7.53 9.32 Eric Hoberg Mike Forrester
Mike Johnson Erin Cramsey 29.27 David Moses Jr. 8.31 D. Cramsey/E. Cramsey Met Lentz
David Moses Jr. Amanda Chenowith James Hartley 9.69 9.84 Speed Climbing
Mel Lentz 33.37 Mike Forrester 11.4 A. Chenowith/J. Hartley Eric Hoberg 28.09 Bing Award
David Cramsey 14.69 11.25 Carsen Monaghan 29.2 Gordy Mauhl
Double Bucking Vertical Chop L. Wait/D. Moses Jr. 12.2
D. Cramsey/M.Lentz Mike Forrester 20.39 Obstacle pole A. McNeill/J. Skirvin
12.91 David Moses Jr. 22.1 Xander Waibel 15.83 14.81
J. Skirvin/R. Waibel
Cody Labahn 23.12
Jeff Skirvin 24
Gabe Forrester 16.72
Mike Johnson 17.65
C. Labahn/M. Vandehey
Van Cleve Ford
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D. Green/D. Moses Jr. Brian Sheridan 27.37
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G. Forrester/M. Forrester Gabe Forrester 44.27 temp. A/C, rear climate control, cruise/
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powerfold 3rd row seat, Sony audio,

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August 16, 2017 - East County Journal - page 9

Brandy Clark returns home in front of huge Jubilee crowds

photos by Chris Johnson

Clark plays guitar with band member Miles Aubrey during her concert at Jubilee
Clark waves to the crowd as she makes her way through the Jubilee parade on Satur- Arena on Saturday night in her first concert in Morton.
day afternoon in downtown Morton.
by Chris Johnson I’ve liked, and I don’t ever
East County Journal want to do that to some-
The much anticipated body. I think it’s because I
return of country music star had nice parents, I’ve been
Brandy Clark to her home- really lucky and people
town turned out better than have been nice to me, so
expected to the thousands there is no reason not to be
of friends and neighbors nice back. That’s just me
that were a part of her visit being me.”
to Morton for the 75th An- Clark’s homecoming be-
nual Loggers’ Jubilee last gan on Saturday with a ride
weekend. through the parade on a ‘44
With her appearances at Ford truck as the Jubilee
the parade, logging show, Grand Marshal.
and concert she lived up to “I remember when Kathi
or exceeded everyone’s ex- Goertzen and Dan Lewis
pectations. Clark, as many from KOMO were the
will attest after seeing or grand marshals,” she said.
meeting her this weekend, “I remember as a kid being
is genuinely nice. And excited to see them and
as simple a thing as that thinking what a big deal
sounds, it is increasingly that was, and then thinking
rare. She signed every that there were kids at this
autograph and posed for parade that think the same
every picture with people way about me. So it was
Clark rode in the parade on the top of a ‘44 Ford truck
who having just met her very surreal. It was also as the grand marshal of the Jubilee parade.
think of her as a friend. very fun.”
After the parade, Clark Fairhart then introduced focused on the next thing.
“A long time ago when Clark played songs from her new album Big Day in a
was asked to raise the flag Clark who was presented a People always introduce
I was trying to figure out Small Town in addition to songs from her first album
to begin the logging show key to the city by Morton me as a six-time Grammy
how to be a performer, Twelve Stories.
at Jubilee Arena before Mayor Dan Mortensen. nominee, but I’d rather
somebody said to me, ‘Just
preparing for her concert “I don’t think anybody’s have them introduce me as Clark played 15 songs it’s the same in that people
be yourself,’” Clark said.
later that evening in the life feels big to them,” a Grammy winner. So you in just under an hour and really care and pay atten-
“And I think that really
same venue. Clark said. “We know can get lost in that. I’ve then signed autographs and tion, and I can’t say enough
works. My worst nightmare
The concert, in front of about all of the practices, never won a Grammy, but posed for pictures as a light about what a great place
would be for somebody to
about 3,700 fans, began but most people are just I’ve been nominated six rain fell at the conclusion it is.”
meet me and have a bad
with Ten Cent Judy play- seeing the highlight reel times and that’s a really big of the concert. As she reflected back on
experience. I’ve had that
ing a half-hour set. Mike of our lives. We’re always deal.” “I was really happy with the weekend you could tell
happen with people that
the number of people there, she was sincerely touched
and I felt like everyone with the kindness of all the
getting the stage and arena people.
set up – I know Doug Cole- “I didn’t sleep much this
man was real involved with weekend,” Clark said. “I
that – did a great job with was really overwhelmed
with the whole weekend,
everything,” Clark said.
honestly. I tried to keep
“It was really easy for me,
it light so I wouldn’t get
and for everybody that I too emotional. Had I let
worked with it was easy for myself, I would have had
them too. We all felt really a great big cry over it
taken care of. The main because it was overwhelm-
thing for me was seeing ing – everything from the
all the people there and parade, to the show, and
people singing along and getting to raise the flag.
people standing up or in It was really nice. They
the bleachers or in the beer really rolled the red carpet
garden. And when it rained out for me. I love Morton,
everyone stayed out there, and I think it’s a special
and that was really nice.” place. I was reminded of
Some of Clark’s friends this by the people who
from Nashville made the I’ve met in Nashville and
trip to support her in her those who came who aren’t
return concert to her home- from Morton. My manager
town. is from Los Angeles. She
“I was excited that all of said, ‘You’re from some-
them got to take Morton place. Most people who
in,” she said. “They were live in LA are anonymous.
all just saying, ‘It’s so It doesn’t matter who or
beautiful.’ I’ve said this what you do, no one is go-
since I left Morton, but I ing to give you the key to
can’t imagine a better place the city. And you’re from
to grow up. There are small someplace that is proud to
towns like this all over the say that you’re from there.’
country, where the accents That is really true, and
Clark played 15 songs in her hour-long performance in her return to Morton on Saturday night at Jubilee Arena. are a little different, but that’s a great feeling.”
10 ― August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal
East County Skies
Total eclipse a rarity for viewers Biggest Basket winners announced
Around mid-morning relatively the same size as Officials from the
on Monday, excited view- viewed from earth, which Morton Chamber of
ers across the nation will means that the moon can Commerce have an-
be treated to an astro- totally cover the sun, so nounced the winners
nomical event that occurs we can have total eclips- of the 2017 Cham-
about once in a lifetime es of ber Biggest Basket
for a person residing in a the sun. contest. According
particular area. Naturally However, to chamber officials,
I am talking about a total the moon there were 10 bas-
solar eclipse. is mov- kets entered in this
With that statement, ing away year’s contest. Pic-
it sounds like total solar from the Les Hastings tured, (left to right):
eclipses are rare, but no earth at NASA/JPL First place winners
they are not. On aver- a rate of Solar Systems Joanne and Fred Av-
age, a total solar eclipse about 3.8 Ambassador ery and Chichi won
occurs somewhere on the cm per $100; third place
earth about once every 18 year, so as the years go by winner Pat Siesser
months. we will have fewer total received $25; and
If something occurs eclipses until finally no second place winner
every 18 months, we usu- total eclipses at all. But Tammy Armstrong
ally don’t consider it rare. that is so far into the fu- earned $75.
We have presidential elec- ture, we really don’t need
tions every 48 months and to worry about it.
we don’t think that presi- Gravitational tidal
Photo by Rosemary
dential elections are rare. pull from the earth on the Browning/The East County
During the same year moon causes the moon to Journal
that we have presidential increase its speed in orbit,
elections, we also have the and therefore it seeks a
summer Olympics and we higher orbit and its rela-
certainly don’t think they
are rare, but what is rare
tive size decreases com-
pared to the relative size
Residents gather for annual Kosmos reunion
is having a city host an of the sun. You know it By Buddy Rose
Olympics more than once. would really be a bummer The East County Journal
Since 1896, 23 cities not to be able to experi- More than 50 former
have hosted 29 summer ence total solar eclipses. residents and their friends
Olympic games. So the For Southwest Wash- and relatives met at the
times for a particular city ington and Northwest Glenoma Firehall for the
to host a summer Olympics Oregon on Monday, the 28th annual Kosmos Com-
are few and far between, sun eclipse starts around munity Picnic on Sunday.
just like a person having 9:07 a.m. and reaches The event commemorates
a total solar eclipse occur- maximum about 10:20 the former town of Kos-
ring in his particular area a.m. That time will vary mos.
is few and far between. slightly depending on The Kosmos townsite
Seven years from now where you are located. and considerable sur-
in 2024, another total solar You can get more accu- rounding area was inun-
eclipse path will cross the rate times for the eclipse dated by the rising waters
continental United States, by going to NASA’s of Riffe Lake behind Ta-
but this time it will cross website at eclipse2017. coma Power’s Mossyrock
more north to south rather nasa.gov/eclipse-maps dam on the Cowlitz River
than west to east meaning and click on the Eclipse in 1968. Prior to their be-
that the two totality paths Interactive Map button. ing forced to leave, there
will intersect. If you are in South- were about 150 permanent
So the residents in a west Washington, you residents in Kosmos plus
tiny little area in southeast won’t be able to view additional workers at the
Nebraska and northeast a total eclipse, but it big U.S. Plywood mill that
Kansas will experience will come close. Just were housed at times in Photo by Buddy Rose/The East County Journal
totality in both 2017 and remember to use the company cabins. Those attending the 28th annual Kosmos Community Picnic on Sunday had
2024. I am not positive, eclipse shades designed Ray Hill, former resi- their picture taken in front of the Glenoma Elementary School Monument near
but I would expect that for solar eclipses and dent and Honorary Kos- the Glenoma firehall. After three years of efforts and substantial donations of
area would be packed don’t take off the eclipse mos Mayor for 2017, time and money, the school monument is nearing completion.
with people who want to shades when viewing the welcomed everyone to the Camp 2 was in exis- fall of art and other items She encouraged anyone
say they experienced so- eclipse. You can only celebration, which fea- tence between about 1947 donated to the museum with corrections or addi-
lar eclipse totality in the view the eclipse without tured displays of Kosmos and the mid-1950s during from the household estate tions to the lists to contact
same place from two dif- eclipse shades during the pictures and other memo- the time Kosmos Timber of Russ Gibbs, a waterfowl Linda Mettler at (360) 748-
ferent eclipses in a period time the sun is in totality, rabilia brought by those Company was logging For- scientist and artist. 4294.
of only seven years, which which won’t be the case attending along with many est Service timber sales in Grose also discussed In a related matter, Ray
would be quite an oddity. in Southwest Washing- books and other items the Iron Creek area. It was several ongoing museum- Hill and Kay Armstrong
Another oddity is the ton. from the White Pass Coun- first accessed by railroad, sponsored restoration proj- presented a certificate of
sun and the moon are Happy viewing! try Historical Museum in which was later converted ects, including La Wis Wis appreciation to Dave Car-
Packwood. to a truck road, much of Guard Station, the 1930 nahan for all the time and
New windows are Hill brought several pic-
tures and his written narra-
tive outlining the history
which is now Forest Road Ford Model AA Randle money he has contributed
25. Hill said he worked at school bus and High Rock toward the monument.

the clear choice

Camp 2 during the summer Lookout. She said the goal Without his efforts, the
of Kosmos Timber Com- of 1952 as a fire watch be- for the guard station is to monument would not have
pany’s Camp 2 (its name tween his junior and senior have it open and livable been completed. Also dis-
All PlyGem Windows Are prior to purchase by U.S. years of high school. within three years. The played was a similar certif-
Custom Manufactured to Fit Plywood), a seasonal log- White Pass Country school bus is nearly fin- icate from the museum that
ging camp located in the Historical Museum Presi- ished and was driven in will be presented to Fire
• High Performance Gifford Pinchot National dent Janice (Boren) Grose Saturday’s Loggers’ Jubi- District 18, thanking them
Glass System Forest near Iron Creek and Packwood, gave an update lee parade in Morton. for allowing the monument
• Double Glazed its confluence with Big on the museum. Grose said At the top of museum to be placed on their prop-
Construction Creek. a new display coming this projects was the Glenoma erty in a prominent loca-
• Customizable Glass
Elementary School Monu- tion easily accessible from
Configuration Rated PG-13
ment located near the fire- Highway 12.
• Incredible R Values
hall. The monument proj- Armstrong announced
• Low “E” Energy
ect began three years ago her retirement as event
with donated financing organizer for the Kosmos
• Allergy Insulation
collected and distributed to picnic after 17 years. She
the museum. The project was presented with a cac-
• Air-Tight & Watertight
• Secure Locking System
is nearing completion. tus planter in appreciation
• Lifetime Guarantee
Grose said school his- of her service and dedica-
• Meets PUD
tory panels have been in- tion to keeping the Kosmos
stalled at the monument event going.
efficiency programs with the two side panels Kathy (Cooper) Curry
listing the names of former and her daughter, Alicia,
PlyGem Windows offers state-of-the-art design teachers, school principals will serve as Honorary
Friday @ 7 pm, Saturday @ 7 pm and school board mem- Kosmos co-mayors for
and engineering with an outstanding range of and Monday @ 7 pm bers at Glenoma with the 2018.
style. names of individuals and Those attending the pic-
Movie Tickets: Adults $9.00 Children/Seniors $8.00
Monday: $1 off (Movies are subject to change) others who donated money nic gathered in front of the
or time for monument con- monument for the annual
505 W. Main • Centralia • 736-3314 • 1-800-746-3314 233 W. Main Ave. • Morton • 496-0541 • www.mortonroxy.org struction are temporary. group picture.

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August 16, 2017 - East County Journal - page 11

Wedam and Cruzan win Jubilee 10k races

Men’s winner Andy Wedam cools off with a cup of cold

water as he nears the halfway point of the Jubilee 10k.

Former Morton resident Annie (Simonis) Frederick

runs up the grade school hill during the Jubilee 10k.
photos by Chris Johnson
Morton/White Pass junior Kaylen Collette finishes the
Jubilee 10k in Morton on Saturday morning.

Andy Wedam (left) and Amber Cruzan won the men’s Former Morton resident Andy Bishop runs with neph- Glenoma’s 15-year old Tristen Stuart (left) races to the
and women’s 10k races at the Jubilee 10k on Saturday. ew Miles Bishop during the Jubilee 10k on Saturday. finish against Puyallup’s 81-year old Larry Wright.
was the premier event when Zach O’Neill (43:52) 28-Quedessa King (Randle 59:44), 53-Karl Vonbar- seeka Hughes (Glenoma
by Chris Johnson I was a kid. I guess I never rounded out the top 10. / 50:42), 29-Ashley Os- gen (Chehalis / 1:00:18), / 1:07:16), 68-Magnus
East County Journal lost that feeling. It’s always The 10-year old Bishop trander (Puyallup / 51:45), 54-Jennifer Deering (Both- Bishop (Helotes, TX /
The 40th annual assem- nice to win this race. It was twins (Brooks and Miles) 30-Kaylen Collette (Randle ell / 1:00:28) 55-Shelby 1:07:27), 69-Ted Bishop
bling of the Jubilee Run great weather to run, and were the youngest 10k / 52:00), 31-Morganne Sigi- Davidson (Portland / (Seattle / 1:07:29), 70-Pat
brought out the biggest we couldn’t have asked for finishers with Puyallup’s monti (San Diego / 52:08), 1:00:38), 56-Scott Vanne- Chertude (Sherwood, OR
gathering of runners since a better day.” 81-year old Larry Wright 32-Pat Brown (Rosalia / son (Spanaway / 1:01:28), / 1:08:02), 71-Scott Rader
the beginning of the 1978 Wedam was trailed by being the oldest. Glenoma’s 52:17), 33-Loren McNeil 57-Sarah Meyer (Toledo / (Sherwood, OR / 1:08:04),
run at the high school in Chris Cruzan of Chehalis, Larry Mays completed his (Chehalis / 52:18), 34-Da- 1:01:35), 58-Julie Pavlick 72-Jennifer Schinnell
Morton. (40:12), Scott Forrest from 26th consecutive race. vid Bishop (Seattle / 52:22), (Covington, WA / 1:01:44), (Bend, OR / 1:08:05), 73-
There were 80 partici- Portland (41:32), Tacoma’s The rest of the 10k 35-Kevin Orr (Onalaska, 59-Tristen Stuart (Glenoma Lynn Schinnell / Morton /
pants in the 10k and about Mikhael Tran (42:04), 14- finishers: 11-Chad Hopkins / 52:30), 36-Larry Mays / 1:01:47), 60-Larry Wright 1:09:07), 74-Sami Schin-
25 more runners for the year old Koen Ross from (Seattle / 44:25), 12-Sean (Glenoma / 52:40), 37-Re- (Puyallup / 1:01:49), nell (Winthrop / 1:09:08),
two-mile circling of the Castle Rock (42:18), Miles Johnson (Mossyrock / nee Harding (Lake Bay / 61-Miles Bishop (Seattle / 75-Alissa Hughes (Gle-
town. Johnson (Chehalis / 42:40) 44:51), 13-Jonathon Van- 53:03), 38-Rachel Stites 1:02:05), 62-Andy Bishop noma / 1:10:32), 76-Jessica
Battle Ground’s Andy and Morton sophomore vleck (Winlock / 44:51), (Allen / 53:15), 39-Brian (Helotes, TX / 1:02:06), Thoennes (Gig Harbor /
Wedam, formerly of Manuel Martinez (42:44). 14-Hayden Vonbargen Donner (Newcastle / 53:27), 63-Janell Bowen (Tacoma 1:10:37), 77-Anastasia
Mossyrock, won the 10k Chehalis’ Amber Cruzan (Chehalis / 45:39), 15- 40-Deanna Armstrong / 1:02:29), 64-Stephanie Cooper (Aurora, CO /
race in 39:29. He has been finished eighth overall in Jim Johnston (Chehalis / (Seattle / 53:44), 41-Savan- Andrews (Port Orchard 1:13:01), 78-Alex Peterson
running at Jubilee since 42:57 and was the first 46:32), 16-CJ Agusen (Se- nah Johnston (Chehalis / / 1:04:55), 65-Brooks (Bellingham / 1:32:01),
before he turned 10-years women to cross the line. attle / 47:47), 17-Jonathan 53:46), 42-Riley Johnston Bishop (Seattle / 1:06:17), 79-Jordan Purvis (Napavine
old, and his first victory Cruzan also won last year Hopkins (Seattle / 47:47), (Chehalis / 53:46), 43-An- 66-Aynicka Hughes (Gle- / 1:32:02), 80-Mollie Olson
came in 1998 spurring on in 43:49. 18-Ben Bishop (Seattle, / nie Frederick (Newport / noma / 1:07:16), 67-Jes- (Winlock / 1:32:02).
a string of four wins in five “The weather really co- 48:07), 19-Sarah Blackmon 54:11), 44-Michael La-
years (1998-99, 2001-02). operated and made it easier (Portland / 48:30), 20-John combe (Puyallup / 54:13)
He also won in 2005 and to breathe,” Cruzan said Nielsen (Copenhagen, Den- 45-Mattea Dibble (Seattle
2006 before an 11-year gap of the cooler weather and mark / 48:40), 21-Nathan / 54:59), 46-Kaileen Peters
and his victory this year. smokeless skies. “We’ve Ross (Castle Rock / 48:52), (Sherwood, OR / 55:01),
“I first started running the come up to run this race the 22-Jennifer Quick (Lynn- 47-Abigail Eisenheiss
two-mile run and I’ve run last few years. It’s a great wood / 48:57), 23-Hugo (Sherwood, OR / 55:01),
at Jubilee about 30 times,” course.” Wedam (Battle Ground / 48-Greg Easton (Seattle /
Wedam said. “I’ve missed a Alexandra Rudd from 49:09), 24-Steve Husko 55:25), 49-Kevin Culpepper
couple of years. It was the Portland placed ninth (Elma / 49:15), 25-Gaylene (Hayden, WA / 57:34), 50-
first race I ever did, and it (43:24) and Glenoma’s Donner (Newcastle / 49:28),
26-Brennen Kaemingk
Sean Cooper (Aurora, CO /
58:13), 51-Sheila Dashtes- (formerly re:Design)
Fall Sports (Ferndale / 49:43), 27-Jesse
Cantin (Redmond / 50:36),
tani (Redmond / 58:52),
52-Terry Cliett (Selah /

Morton/White Pass and Mossyrock will begin their
fall sports’ seasons over the next week. High school
football practices begin today. High school and junior
high volleyball and cross country practices along with
junior high football will start on Monday, August 21.
The first fall event will be the Morton/White Pass
football game at Mossyrock on September 1.
Summit to Swamp Mud Run
The Morton/ White Pass cross country team is helping
Summer Sale!
to host a local mud run on Saturday, August 26 at 156
Peters Road in Randle. The four-mile run will begin at 9
a.m. with the kids’ run to begin at 10:30 a.m.
This run will have 13 natural and man-made obstacles
over a scenic four-mile course in the foothills of the Big
Bottom Valley in Randle. The hill climb gains 300 feet
20–60% Off
of elevation in less than a 1/4 mile. The flat land is full
of fun (and dirty) obstacles,
This run is designed to be a test of grit for those who
want it, yet fun for the whole family. Most obstacles can
be bypassed in some way for those who are not ready to SELECTED LAMPS & SHADES $1.00
meet that challenge.

The kids course is just a mile long and will include the
Creek Run and the Mud Pit. 10th Annual Women’s Fashions
Handbags • Scarves
A large portion of the proceeds will be donated to the
Jewelry • Wallets
Vintage Car Show
MWP Cross Country Team. Come enjoy the day and
support a great group of young athletes at the same time.
Info and registration is at summit-to-swamp.event-
brite.com or the facebook page @SummitToSwamp.
You can also email summittoswamp@gmail.com for
August 25th, 2017
more information.
Prices are $30 for adults, $15 for those under 18, and Entries start at 5:30 pm
40% TO 60% OFF
$10 for the kids’ run. On site registration is $5 more. Sofas • Tables • Chairs • Accent Tables
Event t-shirts will be $15. at Heritage House
Seahawks Items 30% Off Art & Wall Décor 30% Off
Please see our website www.mountainvalleyre.com to Car Awards, Raffles,
Giftware 20% off Garden Items 40% off
Live Music,
view our listings, rentals, and obtain application information
Candles 50% off Camille Beckman 50%
Good Food
(Application required. No fee)
Lighting - 20% to 60% off Mirrors 10–50% off
Heritage House Baby Department 20% off
Rental Properties! Landlords rewarded by qualified tenants!

Morton * Willow Tree not on sale

3 bed 1 bath w/d hookup ............................................................... $675 Assisted Living &
Barbershop, Main Ave .................................................................... $600 Memory Care
Studio apartment ................................................................................. $
1 bedroom, carport ........................................................................ $650 860 W. Main Ave. - Morton Coming soon!
Randle 360-496-6699
2 bedroom, 1 bath ........................................................................ $700 For more information
See our website for application and full color photos contact joie.nyman@caringplaces.com
Maree Lerchen - Designated Broker
Sally van Boheemen • Briston Meidinger
Amber Brown • Janet Simons • Joan Dean
Cindy Sax • Jolene Bradley • Maria Andrews
13068 US Highway 12, Packwood 425 N. Market Blvd., Chehalis
www.mountainvalleyre.com • (360) 494-2323
For rental information, e-mail us at: admin@mountainvalleyre.com 360-740-5400
12 ― August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal

Auctions Services The East County Notices Notices

AUCTION! 263 Gershick KNEE REPLACE- View Library’s “Used at Rivers Coffee House
Road Silver Creek, WA. MENT surgery & suf- Dedicated to Serving East Lewis County Bookstore” open library and Bistro, 212 Main Ave-
Saturday August 19th, fered an infection between hours. Proceeds go to nue, Morton. For more in-
2017 Preview 10AM/Auc-
tion 12 Noon Tote-Goat,
2010-present, you may be
entitled to compensation. Subscribe Today! children’s activities and
adult programs at the
formation, 360-492-7032.
hay conveyor, Craftsman Call Attorney Charles H. Randle library.
chipper, electric fenc- Johnson, 1-800-535-5727. LIS Emblem Club #163,
East County Journal Subscription ATTENTION REIKI I, meets at 7:30 p.m. First
ing stakes, large platform
scale, Ford diesel tractor NEW PSYCHIATRIC Name __________________________ II & III’s and others who Tuesday of each month
with loader. Tractor at- VIRTUAL CLINIC ac- want to learn and prac- at the Centralia-Chehalis
cepting new patients in
Address_________________________ tice hands-on-healing. Elks Lodge #2436. 2501
tachments: plow, blade, City, State, Zip____________________
brush hog-more. Air com- Washington. Appoint- Monday evening 7-9pm, N.W. Kresky Ave. Cheha-
ments are provided via Phone __________________________ 2 times a month. We use lis. For more info call Bet-
pressor, numerous power
and hand tools, welder, secure videoconferencing the Divine energy to heal sey Volk at 360-736-5439.
drill press, large tool box- platform. Call us at 813- $25/Year in Lewis County the body, mind and spirit.
955-2827 or visit us at It heals pain, both physical ATTENTION 12 YRS.
es, table saw, large table $35/Year in Other Counties in WA. AND UP -- Civil Air Pa-
http://amoma.clinic/ & emotional. For more in-
vise. Yard tools. Police $47/Year Outside of Washington formation, call Taylore at trol meets every Sat. 9am-
call box (cast iron), out- GOT AN OLDER CAR, noon at First Christian
door furniture, baker’s Please mail this form with payment to: 360-748-4426 in Chehalis.
BOAT OR RV? Do the Church, 1215 W. Main St.,
rack, wood lathe, two no- humane thing. Donate it to P.O. 1166, Morton, WA 98356 THE CHEMICAL DE- Centralia. We are involved
plumb hot tubs, household the Humane Society. Call 360-496-5993 FAX 360-496-5110 P E N D E N C Y- M e n t a l in teaching leadership,
furniture…much more. 1-855-706-7910 Health-Therapeutic Court aerospace, education and
‘GOOD STUFF’ FOOD Sales Tax Advisory Com- emergency services/disas-
WAGON ON SITE! Pho- WASHINGTON DI- mittee Meets the first ter relief. For more info.
tos online at www.garri- VORCE-SEPARATION, The East County Journal and East End Extra Tuesday of each month at Call 360-556-6455.
sonauctioneers.com #2332 $155. $175 with children. are a proud part of DeVaul Publishing Inc. 2:30pm, conference room,
360-748-3398 NO COURT APPEAR- Lewis County Public EARN $$$ HELPING
ANCES. Includes proper- Health & Social Services MD’S! Process medical
Estate Sale ty, bills, custody, support.
Complete preparation of THE CLASSIFIEDS Building. claims from home. Call
the Federal trade Commis-
documents. Legal Alter- THE RETIRED PUBLIC sion to find out how to spot
Run 2 Weeks, get
Huge Estate Tool Sale &
misc. items. Sat., Aug. 19 natives, 503-772-5295. EMPLOYEES Council medical billing scams.
and Fri., Sat., Sun., Sept. www.paralegalalterna- of Washington: Meets 1st 877-FTC-HELP. A mes-

the 3rd FREE!

1, 2, 3; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 156 tives.com Wednesday of each month, sage from the East County
Aldrich Rd., Mossyrock. Sunbirds Restaurant, back Journal, the Guide and the
A PLACE FOR MOM. room at 11:45 am. First FTC.
Garage Sales The nation’s largest se- First 20 Words $10.00 per week. visit-free lunch, “Our
nior living referral service. Additional words 20¢ per word. Strength is our Security. FREE PAIN RELEASE!
Labor Day Weekend Ga- Contact our trusted, local Border = $2.00 additional per week.
Come to a free energy
rage Sale! Fri., 1st, Sat., experts today! Our service Clean and Serene (narcot- healing clinic from 1-4
Bolding = $2.00 additional per week
2nd; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sun., is FREE/no obligation. ics anonymous) meeting p.m. the 2nc Sunday each
3rd; 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. 8372 CALL 1-866-916-7507. Ads run in The East County Journal, The East End every Sunday at the Mor- month at the Reiki Ranch.
US Hwy. 12, Glenoma. Extra and The Guide & Classified. Add Thurston ton Methodist Church. Near Hwy 6 and Adna.
Household goods, clothes, Tires County coverage for additional $10.00 per week. 5:30 p.m. in the annex Call Dean 360-266-0280
tools and furniture. Drop by our offices or send your ad to: room 11. For more infor- for directions/information.
Call or stop by ROD’S The East County Journal, mation call 360-324-8625.
Coming Events TIRE SOURCE - 360-497- Turn in unused or expired
PO 1166, Morton, WA 98356 AMERICAN LEGION medications for safe dis-
6120 - for your free tire Name __________________________________
PROMOTE YOUR RE- safety check before you POST 215 hold their posal. Collection site:
Address_________________________________ monthly meetings on Morton City Hall during
GIONAL EVENT for only start those final weeks of
pennies. Reach 2.7 mil- summer road trips. Travel Phone__________________________________ the first Tuesday of each business hours - No ques-
lion readers in newspapers with confidence that “IF” Bold q $2/wk Border q $2/wk month at the new Lewis tions asked.
statewide for $275 clas- something goes wrong... It County PUD building in
sified or $1,350 display won’t be your tires. Morton @ 7pm. 360-496- Local residents are invited
6311. to take part in “Mountain
ad. Call this newspaper or High” community choir.
(360) 515-0974 for details. Employ. Pub. SALKUM TOPS #1311: All ages are welcome along
We meet every Monday with singers from begin-
$10.00 morning at the Salkum ners to those with singing
ADS listed under this clas-
FREE AD! RUN your sification typically are for Library at 9:30a.m. Every- experience. Pianists and
$11.00 one welcome! For more instrumentalists are also
free/give-away item in referral to and/or publica-
The East County Journal, tions of companies that $12.00 information call 360-985- wanted. Rehearsal is Mon-
and East End Extra! (One employ specified types of 7009. day from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at
I’ve enclosed $_____ for all 3 weeks! the Morton United Meth-
week only.) Call 496-5993 workers. Ads of this nature BURNING DESIRES odist Church. The choir is
or 748-6848 to place your may or may not include
ad today! job openings.
Real Estate Notices NA meetings, Fri., 7 p.m., directed by Ruth Martin.
Randle Fire Hall Annex; For additional information
ALL REAL ESTATE ad- E/Z STORAGE MOR- Sun. , 7 p.m., Packwood on the choir, contact Mar-
Lost & Found Help Wanted vertised herein is subject TON, 24/7 security camer- Community Center. for tin at (360) 496-5003.
to the Federal Fair Hous- as, various sized units, low more information call 360-
LOST BLIND DOG - One The City of Mossyrock 304-3096. NARCOTICS ANONY-
eye missing, other eye currently has an opening ing Act, which makes it rates. Call 360-496-5260
illegal to advertise any MOUS open meeting, Re-
blind. Cannot see to find for a Public Works Chief. Al-ANON Fridays 10 a.m. flections Group, Saturday
way home in Mossyrock. Experience & Water/Sew- preference limitation, or Notices at Rivers Coffee House 7 p.m. at Salkum Library,
BLACK MINI-DACHS- er Certifications Required. discrimination based on and Bistro, 212 Main Ave- 2580 Hwy 12 in Salkum.
race, color, religion, sex, Interdenominational
HUND. We are desperate Salary Depends on Experi- Christian Men’s Group nue, Morton. For more in- For information on meet-
to find him. Call anytime.ence. Applications avail- handicap, families status, formation, 360-492-7032. ings call 1-866-922-8800.
or national origin, or in- meeting on the second
REWARD. 360-983-3990. able at Mossyrock City and fourth Saturday of
Hall 231 E State St Moss- tention to make any such GOVERMENT WILD- THE OAKVILLE CHAM-
FREE AD! RUN your lost yrock, Wa. 360-983-3300 preference, limitations, the month at 7:30am at LIFE JOBS! GREAT PAY BER of Commerce meets
or found item in The East or discrimination. We the Pioneer Tavern in AND BENEFITS, NO EX- 1st Tuesday each month
County and Journal East Vehicles for Sale will not knowingly ac- Mossyrock. All men in- PERIENCE NECESSARY! at 6:45p.m. at the Oakville
End Extra! (One week cept any advertising for terested are welcome to The ticket to a dream job United Methodist Church,
only.) Call 496-5993 or 2006 Ford 500, Excellent real estate, which is in attend. For more informa- might really be a scam. To 273-2702. The Second
748-6848 to place your ad shape. $3,400 or best offer. violation of the law. All tion, call 360-983-8004. protect yourself, call the Growth Committee meets
today! 360-498-5131. persons are hereby in- HIGH-PAYING POST- Federal trade Commis- at 7:45 following the cham-
formed that all dwellings sion toll-free 1-877-FTC- ber of commerce meeting.
Parting out 1996 Isuzu Ro- AL JOBS! NO EXPE-
Services deo. Runs and drives, has
advertised are available
HELP,or visit www.ftc.gov.
on an equal opportunity A public service message TOPS (take off pounds
STOP OVERPAYING for electrical problems. 360- basis. * Don’t pay for informa- from DEVAUL PUBLISH- sensibly). United Meth-
your prescriptions! SAVE! 496-6375. tion about jobs with the ING and the FTC. odist Church in Winlock
Call our licensed Canadian Storage Rentals Postal Service or federal every Wednesday morn-
and International phar- Mowers-Tillers goverment. Call the Fed- LOOKING FOR A NEW ing. Metting at 10:00 a.m.
ABC STORAGE UNITS,  eral Trade Commission PET? Check with Pet Min- weigh in at 9 a.m.
macy, compare prices and WANTED: YOUR UN- istries in Randle. 360-496-
one mile west of Morton toll-free 1-877-FTC-
get $25 OFF your first pre- WANTED riding lawn HELP, or visit www.ftc. 1382. MORTON AA. Thurs-
scription! CALL 1-855- mowers and tractors. Dead on Hwy. 508. Secured
543-2095, Promo Code or alive. Will pay for some.
storage. RV Storage. (360) gov to learn more. A pub- PACKWOOD AA: Sunday day night open meet-
CDC201725. 360-985-2045
496-1812. lic service message from 7PM @ Packwood Com- ing, 7:00p.m. Methodist
DeVaul Publishing and munity Hall. Randle Big Church Annex. Sunday
STORAGE, located in Bottom Group AA, Wed. night open meeting, 7:00
7PM @ the Randle Fire p.m., Sacred Heart Catho-
Reporter/Editor Morton. variety of sizes. INHERIT THE EARTH
www.wethepeople3d.com Department. lic Church.
Experienced reporter/newspaper editor needed for award- Call 496-5676
winning weekly newspaper in Morton. If you understand
the importance of quality journalism, strong local coverage,
ethical values, and connecting with the community, we’d
like to talk with you about joining our team. This position
involves extensive reporting and hands-on editing in
beautiful east Lewis County. We offer Health, Dental,
Vision and retirement benefits in a growing company with
opportunities for advancement. Send cover letter, resume
and clips to: Frank DeVaul, DeVaul Publishing, Inc., 429 N.
Market Blvd., Chehalis, WA 98532, or respond by e-mail to
Advertising Sales
If you’re outgoing, goal-driven, creative, organized and love
helping businesses reach their market potential we have
the opportunity you’re looking for. Vibrant, community-
minded, family-owned newspaper publishing company is
looking to add an advertising sales person eager to make
the most of a great opportunity. DeVaul Publishing, Inc.
publishes weekly, monthly and quarterly newspapers and
publications that love and serve their communities. If you
are ready to join a dedicated and driven team, either full-
time or part-time, send a cover letter and resume. We offer
base plus commission, mileage, benefits that include health,
prescription, dental and vision insurance, a retirement
program, and a great work environment. Must have reliable
transportation and a desire to succeed. Send Cover Letter
and Resume to Frank DeVaul, % Ad Sales Position, 429 N.
Market Blvd., Chehalis, WA 98532 or email to fdevaul@
The East County Journal
The East End Extra
The Tenino Independent
The Rochester Sun News
Business To Business
DeVaul Senior Dynamics
Publishing, Inc. Skamania County Pioneer
August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal ― 13

Notices Legals Legals Legals Legals Legals

FREE! FREE! FREE! and non-probate assets. The described real estate is described at the bottom of page 2. or specification changes shall be representative’s attorney, at the
Run your meeting infor- Date of First Publication: August conveyed “AS/IS, WHERE/IS” 151 Deer Haven Drive, Winlock, accomplished through official address stated below, a copy of the
mation or notices for your 16, 2017 and without any representations or WA 98596 project addendums. claim and filing the original of the
Personal Representative: LISA L. warranties made as to the condition The sale of the above described The following is applicable to claim with the Court. The claim
club or organization here! STANLEY of the property or its intended fitness property is to take place: Federal-Aid projects. The Lewis must be presented within the later
Let everyone know what Attorney for the Personal for use or occupation, and Grantee Time: 10:00 a.m. County Public Works Department in of: (1) Thirty (30) days after the
you’re doing, whats going Representative:JAMES M.B. has waived the right to received a Date: Friday, September 8, 2017 accordance with Title VI of the Civil personal representative served or
on or what’s coming up! BUZZARD, WSBA #33555 completed disclosure in writing. Place: Main Entrance Lobby, Old Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 mailed the notice to the creditor as
(35 word limit; subject to Address for Mailing or Service: c/o The sale will be approved and Lewis County Courthouse, U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title provided under RCW 11.40.020(3);
Buzzard O’Rourke, PS confirmed by the Court on, and any 351 NW North St., Chehalis, WA
space availability). Send 314 Harrison Avenue other offers and/or bids must be The judgment debtor can avoid
49, Code of Federal Regulations, or (2) four (4) months after the
information to The East Department of Transportation, date of first publication of the
P.O. Box 59 made in writing and received at the the sale by paying the combined subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, notice. If the claim is not presented
Count Journal, PO Box Centralia, WA 98531 address listed below before August judgment amount of $141,242.38, Part 21, nondiscrimination in within this time frame, the claim is
1166, Morton, WA 98356 Published in The East County 25, 2017. together with interest of 5.0600% Federally assisted programs of forever barred, except as otherwise
or email ecjeditor@ Journal This notice will be published once per annum from June 9, 2017 to the Department of Transportation provided in RCW 11.40.051 and
devaulpublishing.com. August 16, August 23, August 30, a week for two consecutive weeks date of sale, with costs, and fees, issued pursuant to such Act, hereby 11.40.060. This bar is effective as
2017 with the date of first publication before the sale date. For the exact notifies all bidders that it will to claims against both the decedent’s
MORTON TOPS WA728  No hearing has been set. occurring on August 9, 2017. amount, contact the Sheriff at the affirmatively insure that in any probate and nonprobate assets of
Morton: We meet every  EXPEDITE (if filing within 5 3 Graces Guardianship, LLC, address stated below: contract entered into pursuant to the decedent.
Guardian of the Estate Dated this 21st day of July, 2017.
Wednesday morning at court days of hearing) /s/ ROBERT R. SNAZA, Sheriff,
this advertisement, disadvantaged DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION:
the Morton Methodist  Hearing is set: business enterprises will be afforded August 9, 2017.
VANDER STOEP, REMUND, L E W I S C O U N T Y, full opportunity to submit bids in PATRICIA W. SHARKEY
Church at 9:30 a.m. Ev- Date: ________________ BLINKS & JONES WASHINGTON response to this invitation and will Personal Representative
eryone is welcome! For Time: _______________ By: Scott E. Blinks, Attorneys for By not be discriminated against on the ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL
Judge/Calendar: _________
more information call S U P E R I O R C O U R T O F Guardian Dustin G. Breen, Chief Deputy grounds of race, color, or national REPRESENTATIVE:
Pam at 360-492-5610. 345 N.W. Pacific Avenue / P.O. 345 W. Main St. origin, or sex in consideration for LARRY W. FAGERNESS
Box 867 Chehalis, Washington 98532 an award. ADDRESS FOR MAILING AND
Chehalis, WA 98532, (360) 748- Phone (360) 748-9286 The BOCC reserves the right to SERVICE OF CLAIMS:
Legals In re the Parenting and Support of:
9281 Parcel number: 014964-001-014 reject any or all bids and to waive all Fagerness Law Office
Urijah Peters, Child,
Published in The East County Legal Description: informalities in the bidding. P. O. Box 88
Journal LOT 2 OF SHORT PLAT NO. DATED this 14th day of August, 3508 Galvin Road
THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Petitioner, August 9, August 16, 2017 96-152, RECORDED OCTOBER
IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF A n d A L L E N D . P E T E R S , 2017. Centralia, WA 98531
19, 1998, UNDER AUDITOR’S Clerk of the Board of County (360) 736-7400
FILE NO. 3052120, BEING Commissioners C O U R T O F P R O B AT E
MARGARET KAREN GOBER, An Summons Served by Publication FOR LEWIS COUNTY Lewis County, Washington PROCEEDINGS AND CAUSE
SEGREGATION SURVEY AS Published in The East County NUMBER:
Incapacitated Person. (SMPB) IN MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF
RECORDED IN VOLUME 12 OF Journal Lewis County Superior Court
NO. 15-4-00127-8 Summons Served by Publication DENNIS R. DAHLSTROM,
SURVEYS, PAGE 226, BEING August 16, 2017 #17-4-0023621
NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF (Note to Publisher: publish Deceased.
LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST Published in The East County
REAL PROPERTY everything but the headings in the Case No.: 17-4-0024121 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
(RCW 11.56.080) table below and the text following P R O B AT E N O T I C E T O THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
TOWNSHIP 12 NORTH, RANGE August 9, August 16, August 23,
DEPARTMENT, as Guardian of the To KIMBERLY R. IVERSON – The RCW 11.40.030 2017
Estate of Margaret Karen Gober, other party has asked the court to The Personal Representative EGRESS AND UTILITIES AS In the Matter of the Estate of AFTER RECORDING RETURN
has participated in and approved change a Parenting Plan, Residential named below has been appointed DELINEATED ON THE FACE GEORGE STARKIN, Deceased. TO:
the private sale of the following Schedule, or custody order. as Personal Representative of this
OF SAID SHORT PLAT AND NO. 17-4-0022921 Mr. Mark C. Scheibmeir
described real property located You must respond in writing if you estate. Any person having a claim SURVEY, LEWIS COUNTY, P R O B AT E N O T I C E T O Hillier, Scheibmeir & Kelly, P.S.
at 156 W. Main Street, Chehalis, want the court to consider your side. against the decedent must, before WASHINGTON. CREDITORS P. O. Box 939
Washington for Forty Three Deadline! Your Response must be the time the claim would be barred Published in The East County (RCW 11.40.030) Chehalis, WA 98532
Thousand Dollars ($43,000.00), filed and served within 60 days of by any otherwise applicable statute Journal The personal representative named NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE
subject to court approval: the date this summons is published. of limitations, present the claim in below has been appointed and has PURSUANT TO THE REVISED
July 26, August 2, August 9, August
Lots 7 and 8, Block “B” Eliza If you do not file and serve your the manner as provided in RCW 16, 2017 qualified as Personal Representative CODE OF WASHINGTON
Barrette Main St. Addition to the Response or a Notice of Appearance 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing of this estate. Any person having a CHAPTER 61.24, ET SEQ.
City of by the deadline: to the Personal Representative CALL FOR BIDS claim against the decedent must, REFERENCE NUMBERS:
Chehalis, as per plat recorded  No one has to notify you about or the Personal Representative’s NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that before the time the claim would be 3445925; 3454051; 3463646
in Volume 2 of Plats, page 63, other hearings in this case, and attorney at the address stated below the Board of County Commissioners barred by any otherwise applicable GRANTOR: Reifsnyder, Shahn P.
records of  The court may approve the a copy of the claim and filing the of Lewis County or designee, will statute of limitations, present the and Leigh, Kayci J.
Lewis County, Washington. requests in the Petition without original of the claim with the Court open sealed proposals and publicly claim in the manner as provided SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE:
Together with and subject to hearing your side (called a default in which the probate proceedings read them aloud on or after 11:00 in RCW 11.40.070 by serving Scheibmeir, Mark C.
covenants, conditions, restrictions judgment). were commenced. The claim must a.m. on Tuesday, August 29, 2017, on or mailing to the personal BENEFICIARY/GRANTEE:
and easements of record, including Follow these steps: be presented within the later of: at the Lewis County Courthouse, representative, or the personal Arndt, Donna M.
those referenced or appearing on 1. Read the Petition and any (1) thirty days after the Personal Chehalis, Washington, for the 2017- representative’s attorney, at the LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PTN
any recorded plat or survey. other documents that were filed at Representative served or mailed the 2019 Debris Removal Project, address stated below, a copy of the OF THE SE4 OF SEC. 8, T13N,
The described real estate will be court with this Summons. Those notice to the creditor as provided County Project No. SW-CTS 17- claim and filing the original of the R2E, W.M., LCW
conveyed ‘AS/ IS, WHERE/IS” documents explain what the other under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) 19. This contract provides for claim with the Court. The claim Complete legal description on
and without any representations or party is asking for. four months after the date of first the improvement of *** Lewis must be presented within the later Page 2
warranties made as to the condition 2. Fill out a Response on this form: publication of the notice. If the County Solid Waste site, in Lewis of: (1) Thirty (30) days after the ASSESSOR’S TAX PARCEL
of the property or its intended fitness FL Modify 602, Response to claim is not presented within this County by grinding and or chipping personal representative served or NUMBER(S): 033050001008
for use or occupation, and Grantee Petition to Change Parenting Plan, time frame, the claim is forever woody debris and load into Lewis mailed the notice to the creditor as TO: Shahn P. Reifsnyder
has waived the right to receive a Residential Schedule or Custody barred, except as otherwise provided County Agency-provided hauling provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); c/o Terry Leigh
completed disclosure in writing. Order in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. vehicles, *** and other work, all in or (2) four (4) months after the 35602 68th Avenue E.
This sale will be presented for You can get the Response form and This bar is effective as to claims accordance with the Contract Plans date of first publication of the Eatonville, WA 98328
approval and confirmation on other forms you need at: against both the decedent’s probate and Contract Provisions. notice. If the claim is not presented Kayci J. Leigh
August 25, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. in The Washington State Courts’ and nonprobate assets. SEALED BIDS MUST BE within this time frame, the claim is c/o Terry Leigh
the Presiding Department of the website: www.courts.wa.gov/forms DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: DELIVERED BY OR BEFORE forever barred, except as otherwise 35602 68th Avenue E.
Lewis County Superior Court, The Administrative Office of the August 16, 2017 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, August provided in RCW 11.40.051 and Eatonville, WA 98328
Fourth Floor, 345 W. Main Street, Courts – call: (360) 705-5328 /s/ 29, 2017 11.40.060. This bar is effective as Shahn P. Reifsnyder
Chehalis, WA 98532, unless any Washington LawHelp: www. Mary L. Dahlstrom, Personal (Lewis County official time is to claims against both the decedent’s 1310 NW State Avenue, PMB 21
other cash offers (bids) which washingtonlawhelp.org, or Representative displayed on Axxess Intertel probate and nonprobate assets of Chehalis, WA 98532
exceed $43,000.00 are made in The Superior Court Clerk’s office c/o VANDER STOEP, REMUND, phones in the office of the Board the decedent. Kayci J. Leigh
writing with the same terms of or county law library (for a fee). BLINKS & JONES of County Commissioners. Bids DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 1310 NW State Avenue, PMB 21
sale, and received at the following 3. Serve (give) a copy of your A t t o r n e y s f o r P e r s o n a l submitted after 11:00 AM will not August 2, 2017. Chehalis, WA 98532
address by not later than August 24, Response to the to the person who Representative be considered for this project.) DONALD STARKIN Occupant
2017 at 4:00 p.m.: filed this Summons at the address 345 N. W. Pacific Ave. P. O. Box Sealed proposals must be delivered Personal Representative 392 August Road
S e c u r i t y S t a t e B a n k Tr u s t below, and to any other parties. 867 to the Clerk of the Board of Lewis ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL Onalaska, Washington 98570
Department You may use certified mail with Chehalis, WA 98532 County Commissioners (351 N.W. REPRESENTATIVE: LARRY W. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
1930 S. Gold Street return receipt requested. For more Telephone: (360) 748 9281 North Street, Room 210, CMS-01, FAGERNESS that the undersigned Trustee will,
Centralia, WA 98531 information on how to serve, read Published in The East County Chehalis, Washington 98532), by ADDRESS FOR MAILING AND on the 25th day of August, 2017,
Any other offers (bids) submitted Superior Court Civil Rule 5. Journal or before 11:00 A.M. on the date SERVICE OF CLAIMS: Fagerness at the hour of 10:00 o’clock, A.M.,
pursuant to this notice shall be 4. File your original Response with August 16, August 23, August 30, specified for opening, and in an Law Office at Lewis County Courthouse, 351
sealed and in writing, signed by the court clerk at this address: 2017 envelope clearly marked: “SEALED P. O. Box 88 N.W. North Street, in the city of
the intended buyer, acknowledging Superior Court Clerk, Lewis County BID FOR THE 2017-2019 DEBRIS 3508 Galvin Road Chehalis, state of Washington, sell
that their/its offer is also subject to Physical Address: REMOVAL PROJECT, COUNTY Centralia, WA 98531 at public auction to the highest and
court approval, and that the above- Clerk of the Court PROJECT NO. SW-CTS 17-19, TO (360) 736-7400 best bidder, payable at the time of
described property is being conveyed 345 W. Main Street, 2nd Floor BE OPENED ON OR AFTER 11:00 C O U R T O F P R O B AT E sale, the following described real
Reverse Mortgage Funding, LLC,
“AS-IS, WHERE-IS”, without any Chehalis, WA 98532 A.M. ON AUGUST 29, 2017.” PROCEEDINGS AND CAUSE property, situated in the county of
warranties or representations made Mailing Address: All bid proposals shall be NUMBER: Lewis, state of Washington, to-wit:
vs. Unknown Heirs, Spouse,
as to the condition of the property Clerk of the Court accompanied by a bid proposal Lewis County Superior Court Lot 1 of Boundary Line Adjustment
Legatees, and Devisees of Elaine
or its intended fitness for use or Lewis County Superior Court deposit in cash, certified check, #17-4-0022921 No. 00-0043, recorded September 1,
R. Fousha, Deceased; Heidi Kurtz;
occupation and that the property 360 NW North St, MS: CLK01 cashier’s check or surety bond in Published in The East County 2000 under Recording No. 3099067,
Kathleen Diane Souder; Wendy
is being sold absent a completed Chehalis, WA 98532 an amount equal to five percent Journal in Volume 1 of Boundary Line
Ruthann Diamond; Mitchell L.
real estate disclosure form from 5. Lawyer not required: It is a good (5%) of the amount of such bid August 2, August 9, August 16, Adjustment, page 28, being located
Foshay; Secretary of Housing and
the Seller. idea to talk to a lawyer, but you proposal. Should the successful 2017 within the West half of the Northeast
Urban Development; Occupants
This Notice will be published once may file and serve your Response bidder fail to enter into such Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
of the Subject Real Property; All IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
a week for two consecutive weeks without one. contract and furnish satisfactory of Section 8, Township 13 North,
other Unknown Persons or Parties THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
with the date of first publication Person filing this Summons or his/ performance bond within the time Range 2 East, W.M. TOGETHER
claiming any right, title, estate, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF
occurring on August 9, 2017. her lawyer fills out below: stated in the specifications, the bid WITH an easement for ingress,
lien, or Interest in the Real Estate LEWIS
SECURITY STATE BANK TRUST Sydney R. Guenther, WSBA proposal deposit shall be forfeited egress and utilities described as
described in the complaint herein; In the Matter of the Estate of
DEPARTMENT, #45958 Date to the Lewis County Public Works follows:
Defendants. EDWARD J. SHARKEY,
Guardian of the Estate of Margaret I agree to accept legal papers for this Department. BEGINNING at the Northeast
Cause No. 16-2-00189-21 Deceased.
Karen Gober case at Lawyer’s address: Informational copies of maps, corner of said subdivision; thence
By JBJ LAW GROUP plans and specifications are on South 88°09’18” East 15.00 feet
LARRY W. FAGERNESS, Attorney 106 W. Pine Street, Ste. 9 file for inspection in the office of along the North line of the Southeast
Judgment Rendered: 06-09-17 CREDITORS
for Centralia, WA 98531 the County Engineer of Lewis Quarter of said Section 8; thence
Writ Issued: 06-29-17 (RCW 11.40.030)
Guardian of Estate (If this address changes before the County in Chehalis, Washington. South 00°43’57” West 378.03 feet;
Writ Received: 07-13-17 The personal representative named
3508 Galvin Road/P. O. Box 88 case ends, you must notify all parties The contract documents may be thence North 88°15’19” West 30.00
Levy Date: 07-18-17 below has been appointed and has
Centralia, WA 98531 and the court in writing. You may viewed and downloaded from feet; thence North 00°43’57” East
TO Unknown Heirs, Spouse, qualified as Personal Representative
(360) 736-7400 use the Notice of Address Change Lewis County’s Web Site @ www. 319.35 feet; thence North 68°50’00”
Legatees, and Devisees of Elaine of this estate. Any person having a
Published in The East County form (DRPSCU 01-325). You lewiscountywa.gov/ or you may call West 124.05 feet to the Southerly
R. Fousha, Deceased, In Rem. claim against the decedent must,
Journal must also update your Confidential the Lewis County Engineer’s office boundary of the August County
(Judgment Debtor) before the time the claim would be
August 9, August 16, 2017 Information Form (DRPSCU 09- at 360-740-2612 and request a copy Road; thence Easterly along said
The Superior Court of Lewis barred by any otherwise applicable
200) if this case involves parentage be mailed to you. All Contractor Southerly boundary to a point that
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF or child support.) County has directed the undersigned statute of limitations, present the
questions and Lewis County’s is North 68°50’00” West from the
THE STATE OF WASHINGTON This Summons is issued according to Sheriff of Lewis County to sell the clarifying answers will be posted claim in the manner as provided
FOR LEWIS COUNTY properties described below to satisfy point of beginning; thence South
Rule 4.1 of the Superior Court Civil on our website and emailed to all in RCW 11.40.070 by serving
In the Matter of the Estate of a judgment in the above-entitled 68°50’00” East 47.75 feet to the
Rules of the State of Washington. Contractors registered on Lewis on or mailing to the personal
LOIS J. PETERSON, Deceased. action. The property to be sold is point of beginning. Lewis County,
Published in The East County County’s Planholder List. Plan representative, or the personal
No. 17-4-00247-21 Journal
P R O B AT E N O T I C E T O August 9, August 16, August 23,
CREDITORS August 30, September 6, September
The Personal Representative
named below has been appointed IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
as Personal Representative of this THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
estate. Any person having a claim IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF
against the decedent must, before LEWIS
the time the claim would be barred IN THE GUARDIANSHIP OF:
by any otherwise applicable statute HARRY T. ARGETES and
of limitations, present the claim in RUSTINE E. ARGETES,
the manner as provided in RCW Incapacitated Persons.
11.40.070 by serving on or mailing NO. 16-4-00119-21
to the Personal Representative A M E N D E D - N O T I C E O F
or the Personal Representative’s NEGOTIATED
attorney at the address stated below SALE OF REAL PROPERTY
a copy of the claim and filing the 3 Graces Guardianship, LLC, as
original of the claim with the court Guardian of the Estate for Harry
in which the probate proceedings T. Argetes and Rustine E. Argetes,
were commenced. The claim must has participated in and approved
be presented within the later of: the negotiated sale of the following
(1) Thirty days after the Personal described real property (8018
Representative served or mailed the Lakeridge Drive SE, Olympia, WA)
notice to the creditor as provided for $269,000, all cash at closing:
under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) P a r c e l A o f B o u n d a r y L i n e
four months after the date of first Adjustment No. BLA-020365TC,
publication of this notice. If the as recorded May 31, 2002 under
claim is not presented within this Auditor’s File No. 3438144.
time frame, the claim is forever Together with and subject to
barred, except as otherwise provided covenants, conditions, restrictions
in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. and easements of record, including
This bar is effective as to claims those referenced or appearing on
against both the decedent’s probate any recorded plat or survey.
page 14 - East County Journal - August 16, 2017

Morton/WP fastpitch team wins bed racing title

The Morton/White Pass fastpitch with Emmalee Hazen, Jaiden Linder, Kylie Da-
vis, Shaylee Peters with Hunter Hazen (back) riding won the 2017 bed racing title.

photos by Chris Johnson

The Morton/White Pass fastpitch won all three of their heats to win the 2017 bed
racing championship on Saturday morning in downtown Morton.

The Morton/White Pass basketball team took second place in the annual bed races.

The Morton/White Pass cheerleaders sprint down the street during the bed races.
by Chris Johnson members Jaiden Linder, Aubree Grose) was runner-
East County Journal Shaylee Peters, Kylie up. The Morton/White Pass
The Morton/White Pass Davis, and Emmalee Hazen cheerleaders and Mossy-
fastpitch team outlasted with Hunter Hazen on rock’s basketball team tied
eight other beds in the board won all three of their for third place. The other
34th annual bed races in heats on Saturday morning. five beds were Bucksnort
downtown Morton during The Morton/White Pass Pub, Bio-Bunnies (Stericy-
the 75th Annual Loggers’ basketball team (Carly cle), Morton Hears a Who,
Jubilee. King, Delanie Hannah, Morton Country Market,
The fastpitch team with Hannah Smathers, and and Reconciled Rollers.

to all the
The Reconciled Rollers (left) race against the Bucksnort Tavern in the 2017 bed
races on Saturday morning in downtown Morton.


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August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal ― 15

Legals Legals Legals Legals Legals Legals

Washington. TOGETHER WITH and as are provided by statute. has possession of proof of such as are provided in the Washington LA BARRE; TERESA L. BANGS; August 2, August 9, August 16,
AND SUBJECT TO: Easements, V The above described real property service or posting. Deed of Trust Act, Chapter 61.24 1ST SECURITY STATE BANK August 23
reservations and restrictions of will be sold to satisfy the expense VII The Trustee whose name RCW, any action brought to enforce OF WASHINGTON; STATE OF
record; of sale and the obligation secured and address are set forth below a guaranty must be commenced WASHINGTON; OCCUPANTS
(commonly known as 392 August by the Deed of Trust as provided will provide in writing to anyone within one year after the trustee’s OF THE PREMISES, Defendants.
Road, Onalaska, Washington, by statute. The sale will be made requesting it, a statement of all sale, or the last trustee’s sale under Cause No. 15-2-00749-21
In the Matter of the Estate of
98570) which is subject to that without warranty, express or costs and fees due at any time prior any deed of trust granted to secure SHERIFF’S PUBLIC NOTICE OF
M A RY L O U S E Y M O U R ,
certain Deed of Trust dated April 6, implied, regarding title, possession, to the sale. the same debt; and SALE OF REAL PROPERTY
2016, recorded April 8, 2016, under or encumbrances on the 25th day VIII The effect of the sale will be e. In any action for a deficiency, Judgment Rendered: 01-23-17
No. 17-4-00246-21
Auditor’s File No. 3445925, records of August, 2017. The default(s) to deprive the Grantor and all those the guarantor will have the right Writ Issued: 06-29-17
of Lewis County, Washington, from referred to in Paragraph III must be who hold by, through, or under the to establish the fair value of the Writ Received: 07-17-17
Shahn P. Reifsnyder and Kayci J. cured by the 14th day of August, Grantor of all their interest in the property as of the date of the Levy Date: 07-19-17
Leigh, husband and wife, to Lewis 2017 (11 days before the sale date) above described property. trustee’s sale, less prior liens and TO Unknown Heirs and Devisees of
The Personal Representative
County Title Company, as Trustee, to cause a discontinuance of the IX Anyone having any objection to encumbrances, and to limit its Corlee G. La Barre; and Unknown
named below has been appointed
to secure an obligation in favor of sale. The sale will be discontinued the sale on any grounds whatsoever liability for a deficiency to the Heirs and Devisees of Robert L. La
as Personal Representative of this
Donna M. Arndt, as Beneficiary. and terminated if at any time on or will be afforded an opportunity to difference between the debt and the Barre, In Rem. (Judgment Debtors)
estate. Any person having a claim
Said Deed of Trust was re-recorded before the 14th day of August, 2017 be heard as to those objections if greater of such fair value or the sale The Superior Court of Lewis
against the decedent must, before
on September 20, 2016, under Lewis (11 days before the sale date), the they bring a lawsuit to restrain the price paid at the trustee’s sale, plus County has directed the undersigned
the time the claim would be barred
County Auditor’s File No. 3454051. default(s) as set forth in Paragraph sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. interest and costs. Sheriff of Lewis County to sell the
by any otherwise applicable statute
II No action commenced by the III is/are cured and the Trustee’s Failure to bring such a lawsuit The failure of the beneficiary to properties described below to satisfy
of limitations, present the claim in
Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is fees and costs are paid. The sale may result in a waiver of any provide any guarantor the notice a judgment in the above-entitled
the manner as provided in RCW
now pending to seek satisfaction may be terminated any time after proper grounds for invalidating the referred to in RCW 61.24.042 does action. The property to be sold is
11.40.070 by serving on or mailing
of the obligation in any Court the 14th day of August, 2017 (11 Trustee’s sale. not invalidate either the notices described at the bottom of page 2.
to the Personal Representative
by reason of the Borrower’s or days before the sale date) and before X NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR given to the borrower or the grantor, 509 B Street, Vader, WA 98593
or the Personal Representative’s
Grantor’s default on the obligation the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, TENANTS or the trustee’s sale. The sale of the above described
attorney at the address stated below
secured by the Deed of Trust. any Guarantor, or the holder of any The purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale DATED this 15th day of May, 2017. property is to take place:
a copy of the claim and filing the
III The default(s) for which this recorded junior lien or encumbrance is entitled to possession of the Mark C. Scheibmeir, Successor Time: 10:00 a.m.
original of the claim with the court
foreclosure is made is/are as paying the entire principal and property on the 20th day following Trustee Date:Friday, September 8, 2017
in which the probate proceedings
follows: interest secured by the Deed of the sale, as against the Grantor under ADDRESS: Place:Main Entrance Lobby, Old
were commenced. The claim must
(If default is for other than payment Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, the Deed of Trust (the owner) and 299 N. W. Center Street/P. O. Box Lewis County Courthouse,
be presented within the later of:
of money, set forth the particulars.) if any, made pursuant to the terms of anyone having an interest junior 939 351 NW North St., Chehalis, WA
(1) Thirty days after the Personal
Failure to pay real property taxes the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, to the Deed of Trust, including Chehalis, WA 98532 The judgment debtor can avoid
Representative served or mailed the
(last half) for 2016 totaling $329.14 and curing all other defaults. occupants who are not tenants. Phone: (360) 748-3386 the sale by paying the combined
notice to the creditor as provided
plus accrued interest and penalties. VI A written notice of default was After the 20th day following the Published in The East County judgment amount of $122,943.34,
under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2)
Failure to pay real property taxes transmitted by the Beneficiary or sale the purchaser has the right to Journal together with interest of 5.7500%
four months after the date of first
(first half) for 2017 totaling $338.88 Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor evict occupants who are not tenants July 26, August 16, 2017 per annum from January 23, 2017
publication of this notice. If the
plus accrued interest and penalties. at the following addresses: by summary proceedings under to date of sale, with costs, and fees,
NOTICE OF CANCELATION claim is not presented within this
Failure to pay when due the Shahn P. Reifsnyder and Kayci J. Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant- before the sale date. For the exact
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN time frame, the claim is forever
following amounts which are now Leigh occupied property, the purchaser amount, contact the Sheriff at the
that Public Utility District No. barred, except as otherwise provided
in arrears: c/o Terry Leigh shall provide a tenant with written address stated below:
1 of Lewis County Board of in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060.
D ec e mber 1, 2016 P ay m e n t Address notice in accordance with RCW Dated this 20th day of July, 2017.
Commissioners have canceled the This bar is effective as to claims
(balance): $200.00 35602 68th Avenue E. 61.24.060. ROBERT R. SNAZA, Sheriff,
regularly scheduled meeting and against both the decedent’s probate
January 1, 2017 Payment: 400.00 Eatonville, Washington 98328 XI NOTICE TO GUARANTOR L E W I S C O U N T Y,
workshop at the District’s Chehalis and non-probate assets.
February 1, 2017 Payment: 400.00 Name Shahn P. Reifsnyder and Pursuant to the provisions of RCW WASHINGTON
Auditorium on Tuesday, August Date of First Publication: August
March 1, 2017 Payment: 400.00 Kayci J. Leigh 61.24.042: By
29, 2017. 16, 2017
April 1, 2017 Payment: 400.00 Address a. The guarantor may be liable Dustin G. Breen, Chief Deputy
Published in The East County Personal Representative: TRACY
May 1, 2017 Payment: 400.00 1310 NW State Avenue, PMB 21 for a deficiency judgment to the 345 W. Main St.
Late Chares ($20.00 per month): Chehalis, Washington 98532 extent the sale price obtained at the Chehalis, Washington 98532
August 16, August 23, 2017 Attorney for the Personal
120.00 by both first class and certified mail trustee’s sale is less than the debt Phone (360) 748-9286
Representative: JAMES M.B.
TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS on the 6th day of April, 2017, proof secured by the deed of trust; IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Parcel number: 007190-003-000
AND LATE CHARGES: $2,320.00 of which is in the possession of b. The guarantor has the same THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Legal Description:
Address for Mailing or Service: c/o
IV The sum owing on the obligation the Trustee; and the Borrower and rights to reinstate the debt, cure the FOR LEWIS COUNTY LOT 4, 5 AND 6, BLOCK 40,
Buzzard O’Rourke, PS
secured by the Deed of Trust is: Grantor were personally served on default, or repay the debt as is given OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LITTLE FALLS, NOW VADER
314 Harrison Avenue
Principal of $62,314.69, together the 6th day of April, 2017, with to the grantor in order to avoid the LLC, Plaintiff, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME
P.O. Box 59
with interest as provided in the note said written notice of default, or trustee’s sale; vs. 3 OF PLATS, PAGES 68-72.
Centralia, WA 98531
or other instrument secured from the written notice of default was c. The Guarantor will have no right UNKNOWN HEIRS AND RECORDS OF LEWIS COUNTY,
Published in The East County
the 6th day of April, 2016, and such posted in a conspicuous place to redeem the property after the DEVISEES OF CORLEE G. LA WASHINGTON
other costs and fees as are due under on the real property described in trustee’s sale; BARRE; UNKNOWN HEIRS Published in The East County
August 16, August 23, August 30,
the note or other instrument secured, Paragraph I above, and the Trustee d. Subject to such longer periods AND DEVISEES OF ROBERT L. Journal

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16 ― August 16, 2017 ― The East County Journal


Jubilee 2017
Parade Results

Jubilee Award: Brown

Shack Tavern
Judges Award: Recycled
Spirits and Iron
Sweepstakes Award: Lo-
gistics Truck Hampton #69

Civic, Fraternal,
First Place: Lewis Coun-
ty Volunteers/Search and
Second Place: White Pass
Country Museum
Third place: Elk Country
Third place: Mineral
Neighborhood Church

Division B. Visiting
Communities over 5,000
First Place: Hoquiam
Loggers Playday
Second Place: King Agri-
Third Place: Mobil Fleet

Division C:
Visiting Communities
under 5,000
First Place: Brown Shack
Second Place: Winlock
Egg Day
Third Place: Hampton
Lumber Mills

F. Marching units
First Place: Gunslingers

G: Marching Units, Jr.

First Place: Gunslingers

Division I: Comic and

First Place: ALTA Forest
Second Place: Brown
Shack Tavern

Division L: Custom Cars

First Place: ALTA Forest
Second Place: American

Division M: Custom
First Place: Jerry Hobbs
Second Place: Theresa

Division N: Antique and

Classic Cars
First Place: Ron McKen-
Second Place: Roger and
Pam Cool

First Place: Jerry Hobbs
Second Place: Frank Wood

First Place: Peewee Clev-

Antique and Classic

First Place: Jerry Hobbs
Second Place: Frank Wood
Division Q: Second Place: Hollister Division T: Best Show First Place: Brintech #84 1970-1979
Jeeps and Military Best Display New of Working Truck Second Place: Grose Con- First Place: Baldwin #77
First Place: OKelley, #47 Commercial and/or Division S: 2018: struction Second Place: Cook #87
Second Place: OKelly, #48 Logging Equipment Best Load of Logs First Place: Logistrics
Third Place: OKelly, #49 First Place: Cascade Trad- First Place: Baldwin Second Place: Darren 1990-1999 Older Trucks 1969
er #78 Baldwin #77B Baker, #76 First Place: Hollister, #79 and older
Division P: Best Display Second Place: Brintech First Place: Don Boehme Third Place: Parsons Second Place: Walruth, First Place: Foglio #85A
of Antique Logging Third Place: Walrath #82 and Sons #82 Second Place: Foglio
Equipment Third Place: Grose Con- Second Place: Darren 2016-2017 Third Place: Hollister #80 #85
First Place: Frank Wood struction Baker First Place: Hollister #81
Second Place: White Pass Second Place: Baldwin Second Place: Lynch 1980-1989 Best of Fleet
Country Museum Division R: Best #77A Creek First Place: D. Boehme & First Place: Hollister
Third Place: Crane Com- Load of Lumber Third Place: Brintech Son, #90 Second Place: Walruth
pany First Place: Hampton Logging 2010-2015 Second Place: Severson Third Place: Brintech

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