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To Whom It May Concern:

It is with sincere pleasure that I write this recommendation for Anna Sweet to support her
application. As an educator, I have had the chance to witness several types of students, and
what I have come to realize is that each student is passionate about something. Some students
pursue academic greatness while others prioritize extracurricular activities. Anna is special in
that she is able to do both. She possesses an unparalleled sense of determination, leadership,
character, and compassion for others. She has continuously demonstrated the coveted charac-
teristics needed to be thrive as the person whom you select for this honor.
Academically, she is very impressive. With a daunting load of AP courses, Anna is able
to maintain a superb GPA while juggling her extracurricular responsibilities of completing com-
munity service hours for clubs, such as BETA Club. She consistently exhibits dedication and in-
dustriousness in all that she approaches. There is no doubt in my mind that Anna will do what-
ever is necessary to be prepared for the rigorous nature of academia and vocational pressures
that life typically manifests. She has a brilliant mind and a desire to learn that is a rarity in to-
day’s time. She is one of the most talented and dedicated students that I have ever taught, and
she continues to impress each day.
Outside of the classroom, Anna has the opportunity to illustrate her greatest, in my opin-
ion, strength. While I have had a few students in my career to stand out as intelligent and dedi-
cated, very few of them have the heart for people that possesses. I have personally witnessed
Anna go out of her way to assist her classmates with various issues. For example, Anna, being
a leader in the yearbook staff, regularly volunteers to help other students complete their dead-
lines. This selfless nature exemplifies the characteristics of someone who will make an impact in
any place of business, college campus, and organizational role.
There is no doubt in my mind that Anna will not only succeed but excel in whatever she
pursues. Her intelligence, athleticism, service, and character describe someone who has the po-
tential to do anything she puts her mind to, and as someone who has witnessed her in various
settings (classes, various clubs, sporting events), I could not be prouder of her. It is without res-
ervation that I fully recommend her for your selection. If I was the one making this decision, I
would consider it a mistake not to choose her. She is a special student, and I could write several
pages about how she is deserving of this honor. Please feel free to contact me with any ques-


Justin McNellage
Teacher at Saraland High School

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